Pogo y Aguante Nº 26 (English Version)

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Ideas, Design, Production and Interviews

A.D. Burning N. Within Piedra del Aguila, NeuquĂŠn, Argentina Patagonia Rebelde


Interview with Nestor Garrido (prevails) ................ 5 Interview the Interviewer .................................... 10 The Pogo ................................................ .................... 16 Interview with Mario Ian ............................................ 18 The Stamina ................................................ ............... 24 Interview Monastery ......................................... 25

Contributors to this issue:

But there will always be a cry of victory, swore live crowned with glory. Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! ... written in blood in our history.

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Interview with Nestor Garrido, guitar and voice. -Tell us a little about your history in the metal and how you came to be prevalent. I started playing guitar at age 17 or so and I liked to go to trial any band and to concerts. Initially playing with my nephew, Mauricio Espinosa, the only family member who accompanied me on Metal. He currently plays in ruins Oblivion. We played a while with him, a guitar player friend joined. This particular project was never forever be incomplete, but It was a way to start a dream. Then we started to move in the Rubble Melodic Death Metal in the area, not much saw that and helped me to gain experience. That lasted a year and then I set up a project that was Esquicia own, where I could start with my compositions and learn of the sacrifice is to have a band. In all these years I will have gone through about 10 regional bands, which had a chance of opening for bands as Gallows and Crazy Train. I got to know many people in the room, I was very antisocial boy Prevails arises from wanting to put together something more serious, more professional and this share the music you love, the beer was a step in my life to go out and share what step. Always disarmed born of one. arming a band and another, and I got tired of that methodology. In the process of putting prevails I tried many musicians until I met the drummer Sebastian Lopez. Initially cost dock with and agree on the style you were going to do, but I realized that the drummer would be the ultimate. We seek musicians for a year and met so that Facundo plays guitar andtoEmanuel Rodriguez. - Whatbass was the premise build prevails and why the name?

The logo and the name of the band looks to be original and not want to look like other bands It is difficult to find a name that is not registered and the logo of the band also provided seek to do things our way to find the identity of the band. And the name is because I thought that this had to be my final project and I always tell the boys that if I leave this world I'd like them to continue the project prevail.

- What is the message of the band? What topics cover letters?

The message is to give people a choice, not your typical metalhead message argento. Do no we become ill or satanic to please the majority, rather write what I have to live and learn to convey what helped me to be better to continue forward and helped me can also help in their lives. In the case that no interests them the message that we, at least they can hear good music composed by heavys who grew up listening to the same bands as them. We try to show side of the coin that many do not know. We talk about abortion, family situations or how the system tries to get us to a world full of lies and blind us further through consumerism and media. We also talked about how a person can change radically his life, through faith, approaching a God who alone can bring peace and freedom to our lives. -Many believe that Christian bands that transmit messages should not get in "secular" places, which is almost impossible and unproductive. What do you think of that? We knew we could come up with that kind of reviews but I think, of doing things our way, no longer participate in the band, would not have a purpose. I see very difficult to move forward without being sincere. A one him as a musician born and in our case we identify with Metal. It is impossible that the letters do not reflect what think and live. We know it is not easy to follow this path, It is not easy nor popular. It helps that We are not religious people. We like what we do, enjoyed it and we have done well, we are grateful therefore. - And how the environment is metalhead? There is everything but generally people are not looked judging others. Share and over time have learned not away. In recitals is where we share more music or talk. It serves to make people realize that you have nothing weird or religious. Y side religious people, perhaps what we see as evil or satanic. You cross all, but it is best to be honest. You always listened to bands like Slayer with messages one that often goes unrecognized. Cannibal Corpse can talk about murders and one not identified, but rather follows the music. One wonders what to bancarse the satanic message. I think as people are not bothered by the aggressive message, it would why the different upset your message. Personally, if I say something about the music, I can differ; in terms of the message, take it or not. Our intention is to convey something good, so we're happy to share with anyone because we try help grow the move, so when we can collaborate with other bands are there. People get the batteries that you have for this.

- How do you see the metal moved in the region? Overall, I'm happy because they are able to bring international bands. That really helps to grow the scene. Years ago it was hard to think about having bands as Havok in the region. That encourages me to feel that you no longer have to think about traveling Buenos Aires. It's good to bring bands, the move grows. It is amazing how grows the level of bands that record is now easier than years ago. Before it was very difficult to have a demo or get to sound good. In other parts of the country, including outside begin to realize that there are level here so the bands have more ous possibilities. You also come across bands who speak ill of the scene, but they are a minority. You try to find people that aim forward and shoot for the same side for this to grow. Let's talk about the album "Spiritual Warfare". How was the writing process and Recorded? I had some bases and was testing people, the idea was find people to stay in the band. It was difficult but when I found the drummer we could narrow ideas and recorded all that was music of the 9 tracks on the disc. As for the sound, the work was very meticulous. Us were delayed a bit to have the material ready, but were happy because Marcos Vidal did a spectacular job, bassist and guitar player reached record tunes missing and we are very satisfied. - Why did you choose this name for the record? The name "Spiritual Warfare" is based on our beliefs, but it was basically something that we are to play live. Every time we play live feel that difference of ideas and know that this path is not the easiest, not looking liked around the world. So we feel we are in a war where no crumple, we will be like it or not because it's what we love. There is plenty of that around us, laburos with many people and there was some friction. It was a name that came ten. - What do they plan for this year? The closest is a date with Lethal. We like to have a chance to play with bands known. After trying to present the album here in NeuquĂŠn and if given the chance, present elsewhere. We released an EP by the end of the year, we have something ready, if only 4 songs to continue to maintain activity. We were not, we are continuously composing. You have family, laburo, is a sacrifice but when you Like something you're going to fight for it.

Thank you, Matthias. I have read the fanzine, is very good. I've heard some programs radio. Congratulations for the work you do, I know that you take your time to share what you do. The truth is that we know what that effort, always valued a brother Metal. A greeting and a huge hug from the band to everyone who supports us and continues. We have been asked CDs Ireland, Brazil. Hopefully at some point we can leave th country and distribute the disk where it can be more. Greetings to the people who are showin appreciation for the band and appreciates the effort.

3rd anniversary approaches Pogo and Stamina

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and on the next matiasmetal.rosembach @ gmail.com or

edition of the magazine. radiofanzinevenasdeacero@gmail.com

Editor Wanted for reviews magazine "Pogo and Stamina" If you want to join, send an e-mail to: matiasmetal.rosembach @ gmail.com or radiofanzinevenasdeacero@gma il.com In the battle to be the feeling always hold the National Metal

Interview with Matias Rosembach in the -Introductions. a fanzine Anarkista" readers and explains where does your story. fanzineMatias, "Gardel How do you hook in publishing this work?

Hello Roberto! Greetings to you and to all the people reading this fanzine made with both effort and dedication as many others in this country, to urge you to continue this I walk. Well, my name is Matias Rosembach and my story on the Metal starts very young. I was born on December 1, 1992 at Piedra del Aguila, NeuquĂŠn, where I live today. My house is not a lot of music listening and about when I was 12 my older brother falls with a burned CD of "Power Live" White Rat, 2004 more or less. I remember saying "screwed up with this" jajaj, until then had only heard from La Renga and A77aque, Rat hear that album changed my life. From there I started listening to a lot of metal, hundreds of bands, I was always worrying to find out the history of those who listened. In September 2010, when I was in 5th year of high school, I make a case radio to spend Heavy Metal, which had never before happened in the village. The idea came to see that the metal is never heard on local stations, so I decided to do it myself. So I booted with "Veins of Steel" in the South 90.7 FM and soon joined AdriĂĄn Poblete, a metal classmate to the proposal. He spent one year program until September 2011 I happen to make a magazine metalera with band information, albums and concerts. This also arises from the impossibility to get Heavy Metal magazines coming out at that time. The premise was always that, do it ourselves, always used a phrase from Logos: "The rebellion of load idiot, doing nothing, never served. " So in September 2011 the first edition goes "Pogo and Stamina" which had more 20 pages, although a very poor design. Were five editions until December 2011, when Adrian decided to leave the project Poblete and, for lack of technology, I could not continue. Still, in April 2012 I managed to get the 6th edition that was like a farewell. In December 2012 back to the radio and magazine and this month he met for the first Once someone was to throw Cordoba Apocrypha to the 8th edition that came out in January , 2013. Now with a new direction and a change in design that improved from issue No. 14 from January 2013 have gone through the program and magazine interviews Dogma, Mario Ian, Juan Soto, Malice, kaustos, Vorax, Vulcanor, Dementaria, Mauler, Black Glass, Morthifera, Killing Season, Plan 4, Demolition, Deserter, Gustavo Rowek, Pagans, Outcasts Truths, Dogma

(Again), Salem, Roaring Motor, Balrog, Metalepsia, JERIKO, Helker, Triddana, Electro_nomicon, Utopia, Survivor and now I'm editing the 22th edition with interviews with Crazy Train and Muttley and soon a special Vorax with interesting notes coming. - How the proposed definis POGO AND ENDURE: web zine? fanzine? magazine? or simply a channel to express and let express?

I think the last is the one that best fits you. As such, it is a magazine made by me with the aim of spreading the Metal Argentino. Broadcast on the Internet, through downloads or page "Issuu" which also now (at the request of some people) is published in English and is read in over 30 countries, something that had never imagined. Also, print the number of copies that I can, most are for people who are known or cope in purchasing (the latter not many lol) Vos sos-very young: you had a mentor or friend, being larger-te Metal has come to? As I said earlier, my brother who is three years older than I came with the Metal to the house, we discovered bands together; it may be that I have obsessed me a little more with it to learn more about the bands, but the beginning was send me to the gigs with him, since I was very young. At first you did Q & A with friends? happened that just stayed you?

Yes, it was my idea and then Adrian Poblete contributed many more ideas and took care of the compu embodiment. He decided not to go with this theme expenses (We printed copies of the fanzine and a CD would share with diffusion), none the two had a steady job and how little we collected used it for that. After he went to study in Cutral Co and I was with radio and magazine. I feel comfortable doing everything alone, I understand more about myself lol. What other fanzines knew when you started in this? were fanzines on the web or got to know any printed paper? The fact that yours is the first that I have on paper. I've seen some spinning in the web but I never got to read them. Many were surprised to see me and congratulated the fanzine because I do not look much. To be part of "Pogo and Stamina" send an e-mail to matiasmetal.rosembach @ gmail.com or Radiofanzinevenasdeacero@gmail.com

you live in a small town in the province of Neuquen, NeuquĂŠn capital attracts you? heavys have organized concerts in your city or not? there are active people over there or pass listening to music and drinking wine and beer? Hahaha, here are many people in the wine and beer. Of those who stay in the corner waiting someone to do something. They have come to play Dogma, Aonikenk, P.O.G.O. on occasion and had a while ago a band called Machake. But while not organized anything. I look forward to do it, but it's just very difficult, especially when no one wants to pay $ 10 entry. Regarding the first question, I do not like cities. Indeed, I only like my jajaj people. I spent my whole life here and it's hard to imagine elsewhere. Although I moved the metal itself attracts Valley, there are many bands and very good. Actually I think that after Bs.As be the biggest move of the country, relatively speaking. in your fanzine I've seen photos you take off with many musicians: they are your idols? you think idols? and if any of these characters leave the metal (as usual ...) that thinkactually of it? (Personally, I killed several years whom ago my idols haha) No, I have no idols. Only musicians I respect for his talent and path, some had the pleasure to know them a little more and others just for the photo. Eg. Eduardo Ezcurra, Damian Porro or Vorax people have behaved with me 10 when I saw them, we chatted and shared. I do not believe that having idols are people like anyone else. Mostly, I like your music and share some ways of thinking. And if you leave the Metal, not really I have idea, I would not change anything I guess haha. you back to the contents of P & A: because you make so much emphasis on BS.AS bands (mostly)? you find out what is going on in other provinces metal? not interested? as do with respondents bands: the want or you wait until you touch the door and ask for a interview? In fact, there is everything. In "Pogo and Stamina" have appeared several bands Buenos Aires for the simple reason that there are many bands that have not a preference for such a move. Interviews have appeared bands CĂłrdoba, Chubut, Black River, NeuquĂŠn, Misiones, I really do not Fixed a lot in their place of origin. As to the contact, is also varied the subject. At first, I started looking for notes, taking advantage of the coming of a band for the area. Lately I receive inquiries interviews of many bands, to which thank you very much for noticing the magazine and want to leave it, either by a interview or to discuss any material record.

VORAX when the recital was held here, you complained you justifiably = y = of the few people (30 people) was in the recital, but I DO NOT FUCKING SAW A POSTER stuck in the street, and is that the promotion of this concert was only through feisbuk shit: you think that this While this? bands and why organizers and do not go putting up posters?? perhaps believe that SALVATION feisbuk? Yes, I got very angry and is embarrassed; because it was the best concert of my life, was fucking. The truth, as I said at that time, there are many things that are missing. From fanzines to get used to having concerts every weekend and thus devalue; the fact of the posters fall into the same. I think the internet is a good tool for dissemination, but the physical should not be missed. And magazines must leave on paper disks must also be edited as usual and not only raise issues internet. But I think it's a result of the recent Metal is full of rats, and appear You rollingas dribbling entry (after entering and fertnet suck). Are becoming less the original discs we buy, no one buys a magazine or fanzine, as if was worth a fortune. They are not aware of what things cost. What it costs to make and print a fanzine, put out an album, buy strings, sticks, transportation, etc.. My contempt to them. you venis much recitals: venis only from alla or friends? miss them dearly? 're gone INTERNATIONAL recitals to BS. as:? which? I try to go when I can, most times I go alone or with my brother and me together beyond Patatr贸n to whom I send a greeting, a kid who lives beyond Stone. And it is an expense, nothing more than the passage. So many people do not understand there who just need to pay above the entrance and complain. I never went to an international recital. The truth I am struck not see Maiden or Metallica, I prefer to see Vorax. -And besides VORAX recital, in which you have taken another disappointed? a situation with which you have not agreed (which was drunk ... bands? terrible sound? ANY ROCK BAND ESTRELLITA +? lol) Recently the sound has improved greatly in the recitals. But I was surprised by the Ruca Hue which was made very famous. I was only the first day to see truths and Outcasts infrastructure was very poor, the field seemed there jineteadas here lol. The sound was very bad, any recital of the valley was really a luxury that sound. Although the bands were great, that I can not discuss. But they were 16 bands scheduled for Friday and played only 6 lol.

in the public fanzine, number to number, the history of metal in Argentina, but only bundles reference bands Bs.AS: it does not interest Neuquen investigate metal? do not hear of bands like ANUBIS / VIXEN / BATTLESHIP / Morbos / PROPHECY / LIST BLACK, etc etc?? which were the first groups to feel neuquinas name? and the first you saw live? Yes, it is a journey through the history of Metal. Only in the 21st edition (1998 Year History) Aonikenk the truth I never heard of you named appears. Aonikenk was the first. Now I know many of the valley, but not yet arrived at the age where they released albums. The were first Dogma Monastery Doctrine, Mitosis, bastard, Abbadon, Motor Roaring, Antenor, Redemption. Survivor, Utopia, Darkshine, etc.. also got a radio show: how the idea came? how they treat you on the radio? how solventas economically? (I wonder how I try, because I had many radio and some managers do not understand anything anything when we fell with metal discs or cassettes ... and we looked at or treated like freaks, clear they were other times (early 90)

As told before, the idea came on 50 year of high school when I was 17. Armando Rodriguez, the director of the South 90.7 FM gave me a chance and have passed over 3 years and I'm still there. They treat me pretty well, I've never had a problem with eithe the music happened or anything. I have tried to be responsible and caring place that is metalera the only broadcast locally. As for silver, I do not win anything or pay anything. I do not charge and neither space I have ads, so either win anything. you work, Matias? how is the situation of young people in your city? there migration to larger environments, such as NeuquĂŠn Capital? Yeah, apart from radio and magazine real job lol. The employment situation is the same as ever, jobs are scarce, thank God I have one. Emigration is something constant, almost everyone goes from here, I was left lol.

as you see in the future? think your "handle" will be forever? (Look at that many said the same thing ... jja) and in any case: you are trying to express to say? ENDURE

I have no idea, for now I will continue. Maybe one day I got tired and then send to all and to a the shit lol but not yet, I have to stay. "ENDURE" is an expression of resistance, is typical of metalheads and Metal. I can not imagine a hippie with endurance jajajaj. FINAL WORDS to readers of the fanzine. and how and where you can see your work? (Contacts)

Many thanks to you for giving me this space in your fanzine. I send greetings to everyone who reads it and asks you to support the move, not just in word and many who say they support the under, but to buy the discs, pay entry. I think we should use these spaces to convey something good readers. Although the world endeavor to destroy the dreams you have to keep fighting. Here on earth may have started your hell, does not have to follow. May God bless and I hope you find it!

Interview taken from the "Characters Under (Argentine) section the 12th edition of the fanzine "Gardel Anarkista" INTERVIEW BY ROBERT (EDITOR FANZINE) IN JANUARY 2014

Reviews Shows

"All for Diego" in Asbury (Buenos Aires) 06/22/2014 by Darius Kullock

Metal is synonymous unbreakable communion. Although each band to forge his own path and explore the most promising ways you can find, when the alarm sounds indicating a musician needs a hand, solidarity emerges pristine and brings together all those with the ability to provide support. This brotherly dynamic was experienced by Diego Conte last Sunday 22 June in Asbury. The guitar player Mastifal learned a few weeks ago that had a tumor in the left kidney, and expensive surgery that would be required to remove it. Almost $ 140,000 was the price to pay to preserve your kidney Diego. A stratospheric figure. A heavy situation. But he is also a heavy guy, and his friends are. One of them, Carlos Tortola, offered to organize a charity festival to raise money, and the bands came without hesitation 1 second answering the call to a colleague in trouble, as they did last year in a similar move to help Pablo Soler. The local rocker flowers was disfigured by 19 groups were present, and made a fervent audience endurance early and stayed up most of the 12 to conclude an exemplary night. The course of the afternoon was passing the first bands that came to put the chest, between the that Attachment, Arkadia, La Condesa, Crower and found Betrayer, who was dispatched with a set full of Groove Metal, closing with Spyclothymia blaring and the unmistakable voice of the famous Silvina Harris. Vorax, with brothers Walter and Adrian Martinez at the helm, took the opportunity to follow presenting issues of Metallization precisely Brutal Ira and Devouring Demons. For its part, Jeriko sounded razor sharp with Busted, No you, No Betting peers and lose. As the day progressed, it was Asbury filling and bands succeeded. Plan 4 appeared over time for supplement to The Old and Avernal (they had to get off because Sergio Conforti, guitar player of both, NeuquĂŠn was touring with The Ancients, "super-group" that way with "Duck" Larralde of Sauron, and others). Lethal, with the weight of his career, Eddie Walker and Tito Garcia proved once more aplomb that easily adapts to any environment.

Renacer fee provided invaluable Power Metal, with Amazed, Hex and Between the glory and treason, then make way for KZ4. The Kamikaze, more alive than ever, the spirit shone Victim hand rock, though my faith be broken chains. Without favor or preference poster, since the only goal of the night was to contribute to the cause of Diego, all sets had 15 minutes to show their work, and all stuck to split table. When night and copaba the scene, the historical Gustavo Rowek took his place behind the battery and was delirious audiences with Destruction and Fourth, classic V8 and Rata Blanca respectively. In conclusion, Liars and Shout, CD of his solo band, closed September 1 impeccable.

Attendees were already ecstatic and satisfied, but there was still the best. Gallows and "Tano" Romano removed the foundations of bowling, and left the ground conditions the highest moment of the night. Mastifal unleashed the fury of death metal with the ever claimed Ojos de Buey, which was followed by Beyond reason. The big surprise came with Male Pum new topic that will integrate its next CD, Rock Rotten's successor. The last issue was in the bowels of Revelation, and the thunderous applause filled the ears of Diego Conte and company. A the height at the end of the date was imminent, Serpentor strong hit the stage with the Thrash spearhead, sounding Murderers, Criminals Military and Raining Blood (Cover of the classic Slayer). Helker, one of the bands that's been growing in the Heavy National, delighted the audience with Redemption, nuclear Garbage Dreams & Resist, and one night The sense of unity that characterized the Argentine Heavy Metal materialize again unforgettable demonstratingexhausted their ships. that is not a projection or an abstract mantra but a platform and peel resistance tangible. A brilliant evening, a chain of upscale bands and concurrency impressive were the 3 legs of support on which he could rely to resolve Diego Conte much of the economic crossroads that put their health at risk.

Interview with one of the most representative voices of the Argentine Metal First of all, I want to tell you that we will be going to Bariloche on August 15, Neuquen the 16 and 17 Cutral-Co. We review the record "New Order" by Mario Ian

Governed by three robbers the devil gave them power. With me today to betray their decree minds, I am the devil in disguise angel of goodness.

The title "New Order" for the song and the album speaks of a new internal order; does not speak of any new by philosophies like the Illuminati or any of those nonsense. Talk of a new internal order that generates aMy servants in Congress, mockery and fraud preach new external order and is a vision through change I'll buy your soul for the price of anything and internal human. A new internal order for general you will sell as I have loved you sold your country to others the new external order we need in this chaos live at the political, social, moral level. Touch the City Litter spiritual part, roars the futility a new heaven and a new earth, policy; because whenever the spiritual was linked to a new order will come. politics. In fact, we have presidents who consult astrologers or Young Blood not despair, many They will cheat you step sorcerers. but before loving you prefer to kill In our case, the national government is closely linked to that's the motive lei witchcraft and of thing, and then I'm everything that is In living Itthis is asort continuation of what talking about. the the spiritual medium Stuck in the mud of adversity, Argentina They have already destroyed this reality,morally. I'm not going to bleed; because my the subject to generational disaster. Everything will be good to me in the middle of this reality. next four dependence And I desangraré me ... on my virtual world. generations with the damage they have done. is not a system or a government, not the man. It is a stronger higher spiritual dependence, which is No desangraré me ... and everything will fine me! Pursued by plague and cultural dependence on God, who is the creator; the setting have closed the destinies of freedom. and shows Everything will be fine ... I each day will bring its own evil. presidents, which shows the useless people who Everything will be fine ... and not me desangraré me! committed a Bible before saying "... God and the people I sue Desangraré die and peace! me." Do not have a stone to become bread, is not decent men know not dream I will not bleed in the middle of this reality of corruption, but I'll be walking above the water in the storm.

Man with all his cool, his wisdom and intelligence has a limit until life has a limit, which is death. But when we trust someone who is more than a man, there is a power greater than political, military, economic power. There is a power over all the power that is the name of God. This song speaks of Jesus Christ directly, which is more than a man.

From the belly your eyes see me, from that innocence you see me fall ... I am the soldier of paper that went to the Tower of Babel. My mind, my immortality was not enough to understand that power. He is more than a man ... He is above every name! The great humanist makes me see many arguments to defend. No vital signs until the metal each word between me alive. Name above all names ... There is more to Him! In eternity your immortality is sustained by its power From the belly your eyes see me, from that innocence I will rise ...

As you walk into the new dimension nothing limits where will this journey. I can require the end my inner and through the storms that invade me. I never leave the Heavy Metal and my faith. I have kept the faith and sing time. I will not let my children out of love, (never leave you) I will not let my brothers without words. I will not let my dead odorless, (never leave you) so will my battle trophies. In this crazy train will give you my heart, where my eyes can see is how far will arrive. When you are alone you will always have a place who lives near me. I never feel lonely when I surrender to that altar that lives within me and from there I tell you ... I have remained faithful and forever sing.

Talk about my position on the music do 35 years, the Heavy Metal. We know which is a very discriminated music, a submusical genre in the Argentine market. Need a lot of faith, a lot of confidence in what you do and you do it on purpose; not becaus you like it, or because it's your wave, or because you have anger, but by purpose. I for that purpose I can keep singing through the ages Heavy Metal is what I love.

Abaddon is taken from the book of Revelation, is the fifth of the seven angels. Abaddon means "Destroyer" in Hebrew. It is represented in a statue as a kind of idolatry that is the main problem in Latin America. We have gods everywhere; gods who do not speak, no hear and can not see, because they are statues, prayer cards, figurines or dolls that do not have life, but that is dedicated to our faith in the most of Latin America and is a great curse on our land. About this stuff will realize this angel to be unleashed and will deliver justice in a trial that will be against the ground.

"... But the rest of the people, who were not killed by these calamities not now ceased to do evil that made that they should not worship devils and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood, which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk ... " As legions up with thirst for battle like a tsunami sweeping leaving nothing into action the army of Abaddon Among snakes people get lost in your magic worshiping the stone image and scarlet and in every prison there is a heart on fire crying in her soul for salvation In Flames - drinking their diversion exalted - the cup of destruction the Angel of Destruction Seven trumpets announce the virtual plague two-thirds of the world decided not love and death which was followed in his vanity, rivalry continued in subjecting their children to the fire of their diversion Woe to those days! There will be another opportunity to love pour the offering of your heart and calls for a new direction No room for error burning angel exalts Vision of Destruction

Before the altar of dreams I give myself to a new horizon do not know what will be this time. They were signs of the sky my story written in the wind away more and more. As I walk in circles the sun goes down again while inside me dries I will dance on your rain Gone are the memories maybe you can go back As I handed the first love I stopped back Fall the fruits of this pain when you face yesterday Gone are the memories and that love of the past, maybe you can go back

It is a love song that speaks of when have a love and you let it go by circumstances emotional or bad decisions and when will you realize what you had. One does not know what you have until you let go, and to that again is all work and effort to bring back what you lost.

True victory is to put the eyes,Someone changed the mystical and popular history within the memory of the national culthope, trust and faith in thingsThe ritual was great live day tired of walking,

higher than they look. We greatly arruar dedicated to those plaster statues,

trust in money, in many gods Entering into communication with the top

are statues. For example, the other day I was in Province of San Juan and was all foundedGreat is the narrow gate when no solution if there is an uncertain fate quepresi贸nin the late Correa, who is the statue of a To break the attitud celebrate the victory ... flying high

the domain meteroposici贸n.de With your love I will open those prisons iron

person who is dead, his confidence is I'm that popular medicine,

dead one. All companies and banks are many wounds to heal

are devoted to this entity continuesI have

great answer to your condition,

to be the devil. They call it "the deceased belt"

Live muchosa帽os dying makes you ... I will walk ... walk among snakes

"Gaucho gil", "virgin mary", but it is It is a day of celebration and on top celebrate victory

being a powerful entity that is Satan. It is an explanation whom to roll higher, your eyes and who trust,ispower And "Victoria" is layof eyes on have something in God the creator and the true especially talking to who. It is seen from the eyes of God, who God is. power over all power. I am who lights the stars and makes your nights are the highest privacy I am like water in a desert who dwells between the ancestral redeeming your dreams. I'm the one who carries the weight, so you go into the trip with complete integrity I am who designs the color of the landscape while I embrace the disease I'm the one who stops the seas and wind humble before your being. Maybe when you face your image I remember walking distance you knew without falling. Perhaps the stories they tell They are legends who are dead and pretending freedom.

All hidden at the end is known, all at the end of the road is known nothing in the occult remain, I am the truth and through time I am your way to eternity ... I am your connection. I am the gentle sound of the wind I am what was and what will be, which charges the strengths rather than humiliate your skin. I am who holds a fist to hell which governs the immensity I am the truth and through time, I am your destiny forever. I am your connection, your highest privacy

This is what is achieved after a spiritual revolution. When true is achieved spiritual revolution, will come the international revolution. Everything will be based on the spiritual principles of God and there is no way that this whole world system this system of life in which we live can overcome; but it will be a system on another system. The system serves God and the principles of God are to financial, economic, social, moral, cultural, educational, family. What is being doing in this way of life, especially in Spain and Latin America, we take Power to the family. Dress the government propaganda? They are all against the family. Actually that cow cow can not raise a family, and bull bull either. If it were truth and everyone was bull, could not generate a family because they can not procreate.

When thunder guitars explode in the sky the great bronze ceiling condemning this city. By late and not leave the sad habit of dying ... Prayer watch your back (against the dark) in spiritual warfare. Weeds are consumed (on your love) releasing the international revolution.

Cassandras cursed creation. We are still in control, we make progress in every decision. Towards new international revolution. Raise my arms to the sky today so I will pull down ... When the sides will come together to rock the establishment rejecting disappointment, receiving restoration. Releasing the international revolution. In peace I leave here, my start is your purpose..

Abortion is legal ... as liberal, It is a position against abortion. I know a lot no sign of the fragility of life in your occult. The evening shows his power of women who have had at the end and did not exhibiting the tragic outcome of their murders. It will be a deformed man as god. repent, c onozco m any w om en q ue Nolot uvieron yalf Science ... even increase your knowledge not reach to address the shortage. inal is Queen ... Queen in the new order the testimony of faith who walked ... repented. So, where is the truth? Always which was reborn! really going to be on "what if we all?". World Nuclear Material ... Sodoma. What if everyone abort? If it were true, With so much selfishness, wanting love will be different. A bad huge, misshapen be is ... if you would all be successful. There we will decide Burn your justice burn ... eating from the tree of good and evil. what is the truth. If all result in miscarriage, what Queen ... Queen in the new order the offspring of that was and will be. would happen? If all matรกsemos, what would happen? If all Abortion is legal ... as liberal, I demand the right to kill me ... interfere. robรกsemos, Burn ... burn your rights What would happen? If all bless our neighbor, when you send the baby to the slaughter. What would happen? If we all help, what would Think ... no load so dense do not let conquer and grow. happen? If the government helps the opposition and opposition to the government, What would happen? What would we all is the truth. The abortion is a lie because if all we would, he would kill on earth did your hell Mountains into the sea is supernatural humans. need not follow stones when drinking is no more need wielding a revolver came out to confront their limitations, someone had to pay ... someone has to pay in the desert and for many years they will have to live bringing offerings to San La Muerte like hugging an end. when you say goodbye to me love you sink will open the floodgates of heaven your bones age, they dry so vital he who keeps silent emotional misery

the labyrinth has a door for our community out

when you say goodbye to me love you sink will open the floodgates of heaven how to say goodbye and to resist it will open the floodgates of heaven. No more, no more, there's always more, There is always more to give. in your land and your streets will open the floodgates of heaven when you say goodbye to survive there will be a fire that lights your dreams when you say goodbye to me love you hurt will open the floodgates of heaven

He says "when you say goodbye to me love you sink, the windows of heaven were opened." is for those things are bound to believe that without it they will not be able to live, they will not be able go ahead, we will is another. "Best known evil than good to know" what you know? Best release what no longer serves you, which enslaves you, release to follow an there are You're going be playing in the 15, 16 and 17 August. What is going to find people? I will open thetodoors of prosperity. They will find this disc, "In times of Redemption" and some songs from the album "Between Heaven and Hell" composed for Rata Blanca, we will touch these songs where I wrote the letter. I say that only White Rat singing my lyrics. And are to find a band that sounds great recontra powerful ('s José Velocet, Germán García, Leonardo Dobao and Diego Juarez)

-Let's talk about Hellion, how the idea came together again? I put together a Hellion, Becoming, Alakran, Rata Blanca and Ian to do a party my 30s in Heavy Metal; Hellion and the boys were so well musically and people who decided to do some shows and me invited us to form Hellion again. I told them I could do some shows to enjoy songs and relive a little Hellion was for people today, but it would not be my way or my purpose. So I did the Cosquin, the Roxy and is a show on July 25, but I will continue with Hellion because it is not what I need to do or what I do. My purpose is with Ian. - How do you see the national metal scene? The look good, paddling in cement; because if it is a genre that is taken by the media great music as a subgenre, but would Heavy Metal all the time, there are bands Rata Blanca as Almafuerte or who have managed to venture into the popular media Argentina. But other bands record labels and the media have us as a subgenus. Still, the bands are still fighting it, creating shows, major festivals continue to arm, still touring, still making inroads abroad. Ian is a band that is playing in Mexico, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay. Tren Loco also Rata Blanca ... bands are we keep fighting it with iron walls, but we destroying them, no matter what set before us. Greetings to the people of Piedra del Aguila, I send a big hug and hope to see in our shows. I wish you every success and blessing in all you are undertaking.


A Music Reviews

by Matias Rosembach The "Argentine Kreator" we again demonstrate their talent, Speed and aggressiveness in this great album. It was hard to match what achieved with "Epiphany" but did it again with accurate 10 new songs flying your skull. "Affliction Universal ", after an intro with some suspense, demolishes the double bass and rhythm that characterizes Crush these thrashers and also serves as a preamble to what, in my taste, is the best song on the album: "The Outcast". Lyrics powerful as the "Cola Straw", "Dominator" or "New Age", the album mixes prepared with fast and precise, as in "We're Dead" and also leaves room for instrumental "The Drunk" at halftime of "When Angels Sleeps" and shipped with rocker "I got tired." A drive to accurate, powerful and without respite.

by Emmanuel Arevalo First studio album published by this band formed by ex members of the legendary band Kamikaze. This disc features 11 songs, which depart in part to Kamikaze classic sound, to show a disk with a rawer sound and in tune with modern times. Among the eleven songs that are within the disk we can find some outstanding songs like "Lawless" "Even though my faith be broken," "Like a God of Metal", among others. a recommendable album from start to finish, with nothing wasted, totally recommended

by Matias Rosembach

In this world that is becoming more extreme, the band from Plottier still committed to the purest and Heavy Metal. With some Thrash touches, Cauttivos follows the line of good old V8, with letters ranging from irons and speed, as the rocker "Moto Metal and Joy "or" Next to the Metal Army ". Their thrashy side shows in "War" more "Omen" is a dark song and dense we reminds the ever present Black Sabbath. With "Between Cold and Pain" decibels down and remember the heroes of the Falklands. 6 Song Heavy Metal classic that takes both these lands.

Interview with Mauro Castillo -Contale people who do not know the band, what's Monastery? Monastery is a neuquina band formed 14 years ago. We published an EP 4 songs, a 10-song debut album "Earth Inferno" and now we are presenting "Self Destruction" which is the latest study material we took. Almost 5 years that not much was known of the band-ago, what happened in those years? Actually, we took the long composition. We had made the decision to stop finished composing the new album. The issue is that we all have our commitments family and work, this made the process more stretch. But do not despair and try to make the best of Monastery in these 5 years. -Tell us how was the process of composition and recording. This disc has a difference with "Earth Inferno" has Classic Heavy roots more and more thrashy too. The process is long because we made various types of compositions and choosing songs we had to discard some to keep the same line of disk. It was long because we composed practically in the room, guitarists did not have time for in our homes To get compose and material to the room. So that longer did, because sometimes we used two or three hours to compose test something. Always patiently, knowing that what we do is what we like to do and as we were going to make such an investment, it is best for the disk. - How would you describe this album? We are very happy with what we accomplished musically, we believe there is a growing of the band is reflected. It is much more thrashy, it's what we like to hear. The true that we are very happy and the rest will tell the people. - What points to the theme of the lyrics of "Self Destruction"? "Self Destruction" follows the same line of "Earth Inferno". Talk about life stories, too Criticism of the government system. Quite similar to the line of "Earth Inferno". INTERVIEW A MONASTERY

-As for the sound and musical style, was there any change? The band is more thrashera. As for the music, we see a lot more dedication, we dedicate more hours to the composition, we give more ball to the ropes, to every part of drums, bass and vocals. We have achieved something that is very positive for us. Formation Monastery is Mauro Castillo (guitar and vocals), Cristian Videla (guitar), Mark Nicotra (low) and Julio Liqui (drums), the same lineup for 12 years. The truth that's all an achievement to keep the same formation for so long. - What's next for this year?

The album was released a few weeks ago, so the idea is to play, play and play where you ca We are trying to see if we can also record a video to promote the band is essential. And to go further than we've come in terms of places, know other places to bring our music to metalheads across the country. - Where do you get the album? Our contact they can get it, we can send. We have points Information in NeuquĂŠn, Cipolletti, Undermine, Rock, Bariloche, Viedma. We want to reach the as many places as possible. We are also working with MTM which is a distributor and through them we are in various record stores in Buenos Aires, Santa Fe and other parts of the country. Greetings to everyone, I hope we have the chance to get there, to take the Monastery music all metalheads in the region.

Is a faithful saying: If we died with Him, also live with Him; If we suffer, also reign with Him If we deny him, He also will deny us. If we are faithless, He remains faithful. He can not deny himself. 2nd Timothy 2:11

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