Pogo y Aguante Nº 8 (English Version)

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Pogo and Stamina 8 Hold IF MEN

In this edition of Pogo and Stamina we include an interview exclusive with singer and guitarist of Apocrypha, plus the 6th The History of Heavy Metal, Metal Calendar and 2 Gift CDs. More information, lyrics, CDs and more bullshit.

Ideas and Realization: Matias Rosembach Special appearance: Adrian Poblete Facebook: Veins Steel South Fm Blog: Veins of Steel E-Mail: matiasmetal.rosembach @ gmail.com Phone: 2942-583579

All bury past, I just want to Pogo and Stamina

January 2013 - Piedra del Aguila-NeuquĂŠnArgentina Patagonia Rebelde Not for sale to masks

Not to Yield Although you hope to roll an abyss of bitterness, if your confidence sinks in sea of bad taste, you see your dreams flooded stifle pain. Do not give in to the destination of your walk the way you born. Any input is the output, there is only one life. While you sleep disrupts the dagger of betrayal of those curves that lie killed your illusion I agonize soul and do not rain a favor Do not give in to the destination of your walk the way you born. Any input is the output, there is only one life ... To avoid bleeding wounds to not surrender to the downturn not spend your life telling the way to the drawer To reset forces Invoking only one song. To not give in! To not give in! Apocrypha (2002), the album "Metal Heads"

Remember Everything built yesterday collapses around and fear of not being able to follow your heart seizes. If you want an answer and only you have more questions. If your dreams fade and doubts grow. Do not give in to fate. Find your destination, you will find him! Remember ... the world turns and nothing is forever. Remember ... you are short on time to grieve. Remember ... the world turns and nothing is forever. Remember ... it is better to go and not look back. Leave behind the dark, allowing the sun to enter. There is a colorful without fear or pain world, you just proponĂŠrtelo .... Do not give in to fate. Find your destination, you will find him ... he will be found! Remember ... the world turns and nothing is forever. Remember ... you are short on time to grieve. Remember ... the world turns and nothing is forever. Remember ... it is better to go and not look back. Helker (2010), the album "A.D.N."

A Metal motors Rising early in the morning, take the bondi laburar. Liquidated day, a demo to try. Cooked interview the band Neuquen It hung in the blog screenshots recital yesterday. Reconciling numbers and pray that no advertising loosen; that the salary can stretch and space to achieve pay. I salute the engines of Metal. Without their steady march safe today could not sing. Heartfelt tribute to Metal engines. Firm always ahead, unconditional endurance. It is able to give his soul as a sign of the place where will take place the planned festival. Dethroning the folly of that fails to understand it's a lifestyle choice; no money, it is for pleasure. The entire design is ready, not to get publicity. The changa can stretch and printing achieved afford. I salute the engines of Metal. Without their steady march here I could not touch. Heartfelt tribute to Metal engines. Do not drop your sword, your steel is real. I know you will never forget Apocrypha endurance provided by you. A programs, fanzines and radio this hug in song. I salute the engines of Metal. Without their steady march there would be a riff for poguear. Heartfelt tribute to Metal engines. I offer my stamina so that I will never die .... Never! Apocrypha (2012), from the album "A Metal Engines"

Book the printed version of "Pogo and Stamina" at 2942-583579. Includes 2 CDs

News Had Mike Scaccia The Ministry of violero died on stage on Saturday 22 December at age 47, while playing a solo guitar on Rail Club Fort Woths Texas, as part of the Birthday Party # 50 of Bruce Corbitt (singer Rigor Mortis). Apparently, it would have been for attack heart. Scaccia was born in Babylon, New York in '65. 1983 formed the thrash band Rigor Mortis. In '89, invited by Al Jourgensen, joined Ministry. He also recorded albums in the band Revolting Cocks, Lard, Satan and The 666 Buckk Shooters.

Metal Calendar Dates to remember metaleras (February)


February 17, 1981 - Judas Priest launches her album "Point of Entry" February 27, 2006 - Wizard of Oz launches the single "Today we have to be happy"

Recommended Albums Apocrypha-A metal engines Third Cordoba Disco band, best of all. It is the result of the contest "Rock of Argentina "that won in 2010. A mixture of the best things about the two discs above. To listen from end to end. A subject better than the other. It shows the presence of new guitarist and excellent lyrics.

Nepal-Original Demos + Unpublished A disc for fans and collectors this great band in the history of Metal Argento. 12 tracks, including demos are included, unreleased tracks and live recordings.

Pantheon-Advancement I downloaded four themes of his first advances disc and the band really liked it. Metal Classic was needed. We must get entire disk. Highly recommended.

Vos you can also comment on the disks you want. Send your review to

matiasmetal.rosembach @ gmail.com

Fighting for the Metal by Adrian Poblete A segment dedicated to bands well below the fight and they deserve to be recognized by the laburo they do. No matter which style do, if thrash, power, bizarre, or black folk, go towards the same goal: Strive for Metal!

Javier Bagalá: One of the best guitarists in the National Metal returns to the scene after 10 years, and comes with the presentation of his first solo: "Dhacma". Bagalá was the original guitarist Nepal, Band with that recorded three albums. He also participated in the first job Beto Vazquez Infinity andLarry Zabala, both former partners in Nepal. In addition, he also was in the band Tribute to Ozzy Osbourne Ozzmosis and in the Tribute to Nepal with Larry Zabala and Eddie Walker. But this time he decided to show his music alone, where most of the songs are instrumental, only two themes are sung by Gustavo Santini (ex Elmer), who was a guest. For the future, Bagalá plans to start a band to perform live and to present more material.

Cairn: By the name they think is a pretty boluda side, no. The lyrics and the music are the best. With the name you have are one of the bands have a great future, as others or speak. Band formed in late '90 by the "Yankee" Ortiz then the layoff of Lethal. At first it was "Mr. Cairn "(name removed the "South Park) range and singer had Lethal, Tito García.

At that time they recorded a demo CD and never commercialized. In 2007 Tito Garcia left the band to pursue Lethal, so that their bassist, Benton Granata, be responsible for the voice, and so recorded their first official work to the solvent entitled "Light" in 2008. In early 2010, Facundo "The Cure" Gomez would cago voice and the band would become "Cairn" and in 2011 removed the EP called "Distortion", the same free download on your page. Today the band is recording a new job and performing in various concerts. __________________________________________________________________

The similarities of Heavy Metal

"Wizards, Swords and Roses" Rata Blanca (1990)

"Slaves and Masters" Deep Purple (1990)

Any resemblance is purely coincidental. Clearly Deep Purple is a of the main influences of the band led by Walter Giardino. In addition to the similarity in the lid, also matches the year they came to Information and names ("Wizards, Swords and Roses" and "Masters and Slaves") Send your resemblance to the Metal:

matiasmetal.rosembach @ gmail.com

On the afternoon of December 24, 2012 had a long chat with Javier Oliva, singer and guitarist native of the province of C贸rdoba. -How are you, Javier? Is everything okay? 'Well, everything in order. Content with this new news we have a new album. So we're doing outreach and making them participate at all that we can. -To tell some people who do not know apocrypha, how did the band come about? We know it is Villa Giardino, Cordoba province. In '95? In '95, started the idea of the band. At first it was between me and the bass player still playing in the band. At that time we had the idea to put together the band and we went looking people. We are here in tiny town where today yes, but at that time there were not many musicians and unless they were heavys Then, they were few months playing until we found a kid who was learning to play the robe and took off the three together to learn to play. And there began to emerge Apocrypha, and in September of '96 We could play for the first time. Hence we started, we did a demo to record some what we had in '99. In 2000 we made a lineup change we got into the Hannibal guitar Sand-GTX-integral today, he went in 2000 until 2001, and that did another demo. Then he went around the side and the three recorded the first album that was "Metal Heads" in 2002. -What was the repertoire of the band in those early days? -At the first start was a lot of covers. The band started playing the topics showed up. The first issues we were 2 minutes. After we started dating Hermetic and are already hard to give Hermetic. Then we started with A.N.I.M.A.L., Sepultura. That is, we we started listening to music while almost we started playing. Then, we were discovering a band and went on playing band, we were doing covers of the band. Gradually we were getting our ideas, and issues and when we made our first album was only when we said "good, ready crazy, we do more covers. " We started doing cover songs and do stockings

own. And from there began to be the repertoire of our issues and a cover or two show. -And there goes the theme "Life is a Dream" in '99, which is a poem. Sure. It was because we were in the school when we formed the band and was a work we were sent to do in the course of "Life It is a dream. " That part we found pretty cool, you put music and put together the first issue. After what went changing until it was in '99, but that started in '95. In '99 we placed Return and leave as they continue playing in the today. We had made a lot of things that were useless and that was the first thing said "this issue goes" -The first issue of the band would be. -Yes. The first issue ended and said "this item is ok". Then we made many things that were left on the road because, as we were going a little, we saw that the subjects did not serve. Then, there are issues and began to throw again. So, until he left "Metal Heads", "Life is a Dream" was our classic. Whenever we played "Life is a Dream" was the classic theme of the band. After replaced "Metal Heads" and from there began to be "Metal Heads" classic. -And in "Metal Heads", how history was recording the first album?, How was the feeling? And it was nice. We already had a number of topics x, we said, "Well, to make a scram record. " And I was the one who broke the patience so that the disc was something completely. Because in actually had 7 or 8 tracks, and eighth was "Metal Heads" and then said "let us do two more topics and make a disc with a cornered x amount of issues. " He left us to make 13 and did 13 songs, we recorded at a local studio he had here; did everything to lung; thereof way we did the demos, but since a little more experience. Then we did around us, then we handle the lids and the whole story, and began to shoot the street. And it was great because many times one cares about things

surface as saying "we send the disk to the radio" "but so's send and whatnot." Well, we did not have a handle. So did we put them back and seal with disc name and we sent in an envelope that had printed the front cover. Would send to everyone, you'll be sent all radios and we knew impact was lovely, because everywhere we called and passed the subjects, published in fanzines, published reviews of the discs. That for us was very amazing so colliding with such dissemination. That's when I discovered all the action under independent and all the people of the radios and all that makes history. So, that was an amazing find. We engage some issues put them in compiled. Then, some issues came to our Peru, Bolivia, is a major flash. -Those things when you're not planning on making the record. - No, he was making the record, show it, in principle, to people following us. Until that time we had not left the province C贸rdoba. So we wanted to get the issues the people here. We are inside the province C贸rdoba then either had too Cordoba access to capital. There we noted either that, we pointed to the people who follow us. I remember that the time spent on MTV documentary "Behind the music" where Metallica had initially the kids are distributed cassettes. They recorded the shows and divided between them. Well, I freaked out a thing like that. They had the discs, the copied and the pass so they could follow the themes and all that move. Never think the impact of that album was spend in Santiago del Estero, which came to south, which were to Bolivia. Like I say, was re crazy for us. While so many pirate, because we did not have so many copies to sell that. We do not sold those albums. I was "Pass it to friends, copy and hacele Pass it". People copaba distinct sides to make 10 copies and give it to friends who knew them liked. That's roughly because you spend that money out of your pocket, that was in 2002, 2003, 2004, and at that time there was any one computer to copy CD's. You had to go to the house of someone to copy a disc. It was a move, but there was not much to do for one band, and that was good. -On this album "Metal Heads" is where they recorded a cover of the Mona Gimenez "The Marginal "sign are Cordoba.

- Yes, even the eggs. I started playing around 2000 and was controversial medium. Which the studs are wore and were good with all that heavy to move balls as not liked or dung. But we were a little more in the intermediate move. Not of studs and leather jacket, we got dressed in black, we are not so orthodox. So do "Marginal" was something that the kids liked and disliked the most big. And that story be Middle rebels, said "no," Marginal "va". And when he came in of Cordoba there are many pica with cuarteteros, saying "hey, crazy, how they will meter "Marginal"? "," but we are Cordoba, What's wrong? ". So that was the idea put a cover, not a band, but an Argentine, a representative thing C贸rdoba. -Six years later, in 2008, just take the "Wild Conviction" album. More worked a little more elaborate and more experienced. - Sure, because there we had a change of formation. The drummer left and which is now joined Paul Canales, who is from Neuqu茅n and he is smaller than us and was hooked on newer bands, locked in many more things, more batteries we enjoyed it. Then, we had armed topics that, laburarlos with him, got more double pedal, more cuts, more things and was a disc entirely. It was to make a whole other story that we were not doing. It is a rare disc, pretty gross. That album was hung directly internet, we did not make copies. A year later we did the first print, internet went out. Strange, because I heard "Heads Metal " and the disc were dropped a week without saying a word, because no understand anything. It was very different from what you heard in "Metal Heads" but we saw that everyone liked. That is, input cost them but later came to everyone and sound was better, had achieved quite a change, I was much more audible and we still like it a lot. There are many people who prefer, there is a history between the one with "Metal Heads" that is a little more classic and the one with "Conviction Wild " that is wild haha. There we also came up with the idea of respecting some structures we had in "Metal Heads." While we made no instruments, no some things on the order of the topics and some stories that are repeated "Heads Metal " and also has 13 songs.

-The cover also. - The cover also, there popped Horacio Guarani. The colorado also called Horace, the bassist, is a fan of Guarani. So he was the chest to get a theme and Guarani versionamos the kicking and liked how it came out. We worked a bit and that version was we really like a lot and that people also appreciates. -And the topic "The pain of your absence" ... - "The pain of your absence" haha. The friend Fernando, the inevitable companion in all concerts, barbecues and even an ice cream has to be with Fernet (laughs) must fernet be everywhere. We made a song that fell fernet well, there's some who have it as a hymn. Over there I see on facebook that sometimes I get the letter and pictures of Fernet and is as re poem that worked out, re Guarani too (laughs) -The Cordoba Guarani - Yes, he sings to us to wine and Fernet. It's like the controversy of the band; above scenario has to be a fernet for me. The boys take anything, they are more wine and that I am the Fernet. There must be a fernet onstage. It helps me sing better or, at least, I think cuter than singing (laughs) -The competition "Rock of Argentina" program "La Viola" in TN, how come? - And there was half crazy. We never got signed in any competition. Never given to us, we never found. Contests Heavy normally no, there is always prerock festivals, pre-something. As is always rock and Heavy is always a little out of rock history. Then, the story of walking with jurors and you different look ugly because you yell at us never rafter hitting us on a competition. At that time we got into a contest that asked the producer "do not pay music" tribute to Dio and we put all batteries that. At the same time it came out of TN. A friend of a band of La Pampa said "che, we we we scored. Record any ". Well, I had to put a video on the page and TN we put it, mostly because that had a number of visits was to fuck people, to be seen. In the programs of "The Viola" they were selecting bits of videos and were putting the. Moreover, the video came out in our propaganda. So that was the misconduct. Contest We did not care because we believed we were to look at or they were to give ball. And among the first selection stage we were warned that we had re left and it was something crazy, because it was not Heavy, was general and had rock bands

very commercial, another stick anything to do with us. And among the 10 finalist bands we were the only band Heavy, the only band of C贸rdoba. And we went cunt to the end, very pleased to try to sound as best we could. You had to bring it up that hung in the contest we hang "Wild Conviction" was the first video we did that was piola. We put because the video is good and if it is passed Good. Then, the subject had to play and had to take another subject prepared by the doubts. We carry "Metal Heads" prepared to patadon just, do not too rehearsed. We went and we did live, they said there would be a jury and not know what the jury was. And we find that the jury were O'Connor, Barilari, the Monkey Kapanga, the crazy Tipitos, Moura Virus and I do not remember who else, but all known people, guys, even if they are not one bat are important people and types they know. Then, it was like an extra pressure, but as we were not with the idea of win, but to play well, that whatever came on TV after that is good and that Heavy hear see and say "ah, look Heavy band, is good." So that was the intention. We played the best we could and had to win another stage and that was totally unexpected. Fell many bands, they had bands Buenos Aires, Entre Rios, all sides. Everyone a retinue of people wearing, we went without one. Fell with relatives of Heavy guitar player that had no idea nor did they know the issues ours, but were there to hang the flag Apocrypha and it was amazing because we play for people who did not know us and we do pogo. It was all a very strange experience and that we won was one thing we were a long time to fall was reality. After coming out everywhere, by all means we'd won. I saw some blogs that said "hey, how you can win that band with the noise they make, for me they put money, "if they knew that we have a party magician to the medium. There he could see competition that was completely transparent, because none of the three bands that were in the final match had a medium weight, none had any pressure from anyone, it was the people the jury that chose the ones they wanted. Nobody pressed. We were so least commercial of all that was there. That is, if they had signed up to a point commercial discs that are sold after they had chosen any other band, least to us. So there laburar start we already had some armed topics laburar start with new material. We did not want to repeat subjects, we repeated a single theme in this record as a matter that was the topic that came out, went all over the "Metal Heads" that touched on that end, then we said "Metal Heads" we have that record back, because it sounds different, now we are four. Add Arreglito and things, did a recording and as a bonus got to last.


And after I won the contest also called the CosquĂ­n. Yes, we were summoned to the CosquĂ­n Rock 2011 was also good. It is a thing that any band wants to have on your resume. As the folklore ever have to play in a CosquĂ­n scenario, we had to be an ever Cosquin Rock. And we played the opening of 2011 which was good, because in many no one starts, the band begins to play and just open the door. We were some little minutes before, so there were people, people we were summoned early. Met playing two or three songs on the way to enough people. So we shot it, we took things to do, get the original audio console and made a DVD. You we get enough fruit, was pretty good. -An important reminder. Yes, we were served separately. We were in the shake with the competition, then it was tease out important things. Go out doing things from that disk, refresh people head. So we did the DVD, a compilation album of covers that we recorded some Once we made another video clip over "Wild Conviction". So, constantly doing things so that the thread is not cut, while waiting for the whole story is completed album, which hits the streets, it mastericen, print it, it took a long time, was an unexpected pregnancy. Finally now we have the new album in the street, the new job and trying to convey to everyone that. We put that stuff in everything had. "Now we are going to be produced by a stamp, we do everything we have, laburemos a full "and locked ourselves laburar like never before and made this new material. -What's different about this album to others? -From our review, because people still have not heard much. That is, many of our friends and heard recordings mixtures. I think it has fairly musical and melodic progress. That Melodic not mean it is more soft doll but we got more with laburar history of having two violas, to do otherwise. We did not put the other rapes repeat what guitar was mine, he's doing other things all times. In that we have a little history

laburo over. Being bigger, changed the way of composing; Popped over obstacles, more things, more influences, now hear each other music and each brings its granite. At some point we cut and say "wait a sec, let's put things because this will be a roll of notes. " The lyrics are different, I think they are the best of everything we've done, we gave too much importance. We sat down to write and to give turns, to add stuff. The lyrics are very representative of many things that only deal with what we wrote before (the bard to politics, the bard police), it is now a little more personal issues, points to things that happen to us all in points and we always have a share of positivism, always takes the idea to out of trouble. There are letters living pulling shit, but they have a positive note in letter and try to follow that idea in rescuing these lyrics. -Why the idea of the name of the album "engines of Metal"? We know it's the name of the first song ... Sure. Actually the topic was called "the engines of Metal" was the first song did all this move. Even before the contest, the theme in 2009 and we had fixed half. And the idea was to pay tribute to all the people who came broadcasts. We were always recognize those things, because we're away and it's like have contact with the very particular people. Thanks to all those people who keeps whole story, we were in 2008 and 2009 playing almost two or three times per year, not painted date, things did not go and still alive thanks to that, thanks to there were people who continued to spread issues, still and moving our things that we kept this in people. And when one of those dates were going to play a city x, we found people who knew us and then left. Then we got the idea of arming that letter and I was the one who put me in contact with many people and programs that make those things that have me stories and then I put together, I wanted to be as that may be representative of what it means for someone to do a radio show, that It is also like a similar feeling to the music we do. I wanted to try to represent that love what you do and when he came all the competition that's all the same hand. So for us this is the album that culminate our work, to the point that wanted, we owe it to the people, not only those who do a radio show. Therefore, in a moment the letter speaks of organizing a date because there are people organizing concerts and loses twine like crazy to keep that move that people do not lose support bands, the bands are not left with nowhere to play; those zine, which have blog, people that comes and takes pictures and distributes them to the wings. All these people are Metal engines. Often there are musicians who forget that's what made stand at the point where they stand now and sometimes we see people forrean media, it's still like your boss. You have to get off the horse and a little

pay a little attention, stamina. We wanted to try this culminating point not get on the horse and say that it is addressed to all of you. So we put the disk "A Metal motors " and the issue was as "Engines of Metal" as the definition of what Motors that is Metal. -A terrific issue as the entire disk. I was listening to the truth and that is by far the best of the three discs. Contains what were the two discs. -Yes, it is a summary of the best things about both. It has many riffs, things we had written and discarded from previous albums. In "On foot" for example, the main riff It is a very old riff, '96, '97 was a topic tontĂ­simo repeating riff that all the time. The riff it was silly because we shot and now we rescued and we put all the rest. There Tiru incorporated things which is the other guitar player, the new, which was always a fan of band. So he has the things that we lost the freshness we had a beginning. He likes long "Metal Heads" and that whole idea. Then, "Ticks" is an issue that did most of it and has a lot of the first album. When we had an issue saw that it was like we were losing a little of what we were, "we try to be faithful to what we always did. " So try not to go out on a limb and give it a shape is assimilated to what we always did. This album was the first time we made music one little, unconditioned, but trying not to get out of certain parameters. Trying to say "Sounds to us? Yes, then it will. " Before it was the other way around, we made music, we like the subject, ready, and is; no matter how similar or not similar, if on. We never mind the style, on this try not zarparnos in some things, find the thread to disk. Treat to do the whole work, that the listener can find an order to the issues and engages. We were always very partakers of this idea that you you have to hear a band on a disk, not a subject. Let there be a good topic and 12 topics complete the work, but a disc. For ourselves, when we go to the radio tell us, "hey, What topic you want me to put it? "And" do not know "because we like both all subjects we do not know which one to choose and go to a radio we say to put one and go to another radio put another say. We wonder what the cut and ended up choosing "Metal Gears" because it is the one that gives name to the album, but in really do not know what the cut. -The composition in the band, is made in set? Or is there one that include letters and others for the music? The music is almost entirely mine. Now I will I ordered this disk Tiru "hacete one you, man.

Because I want you to put things in it before. " I always grab and wrote the music and Letter'm fucked, I had trouble making letters. Had virtually all topics armed and had no letter, to "Metal Motors" nothing. In previous albums got together when we were about to go to record, write. The Colo is very good for write letters, he just locked a bunch of times to write a letter, and was brought as pineapple with music. There are some letters we get together and write together, but usually did so. This album has a little more laburo of all, because I did the main ideas of almost every issue and then put them on the shelf and started getting touch and say "no, here missing a change." While the music after all did, say I ended up doing all the music, I ordered much more help than others. I went, I wrote it, we sat down and said "here, this would have to have a change, do so," then I sat down to write something else and spin. And there are many letters are my own and in other all have a stake, we sat down to write, we had several meetings where we together for a drink and write and rave and seek around. And each laburar its account and sent a text message, an email or facebook "hey, crazy, here you can get it." Among all So we ended up putting together all the letters. -With regard to the recitals in which they have been, what bands they happen to Sharing stage? -We have played with many bands, we much not we get into the story of go crazy for strip holder, is a walking mess that putting silver do not have and that ticket sales are far and all that move. The bands we've shared the stage they were rather being in a festival or something circumstantial. The biggest thing is that we played with in the Quality Tarja had 3,000-odd people, then we were in the Cosquin Rock with a lot of people I say that with the only big band that shared the stage that night was Logos, because they They were talking to us, listening to the sound and they did share. The others were on the same stage as us, but we were not welcome. With Hammer which is a large band of Cordoba we also share. One of the bands we most influenced us and that was one of the most important things for us was to play with a band called Judgement, a large band of Cordoba and from them was born the idea to start making a band seriously and stop playing covers and doing stupid things. So for us it was very important that band, so now at this point we recorded a cover of them. We play with Pitchforks twice. Crazy Train played with a mace. We played with them several times and it is a people that counts. They have come here to Villa Giardino, stopped at the home of my family, we ate roasted. Those people are a mace. And I'm probably forgetting wing, but I named most of the bands

"Share" scenario, because not only played in the same place as us, but talk to them, share things. -And what do they have now prepared after the release of this album? -Now we are engaged in a project put together by Hammer, GTX and Eternal Agony are all bands Córdoba. We put together a project called the Bifor is Cordoba a little way of saying the Big Four U.S. We are four bands Córdoba material and we are doing things and we got together for cool and said, "let's get together to play the four." We were putting together this project, we date from Bolivia, last Saturday we present here in Córdoba to the public and we will Bolivia in March next (2013) year and we talked to go out and do this tour everywhere. We were also hoping that the album comes out to present it. So to face next year, we will try to grab everything we can to go out and present the disc all over the country. There are many places that we are indebted. Us demand far south, who have gone further than is La Pampa and look forward to going up where we can. In the north also got to Bolivia in 2007 but right. Up it is higher than we Santiago del Estero. We also want to reach Jujuy, Salta, where you can. Our idea is to present the disk inside, people always was great, otherwise you get, so always aim inside. We are interior and understand the response that people have and we do not do enough to make a River, moves the to go play Neuquén. -Well, see if they come. The hope. -Hopefully we can go there to visit every corner of the planet lol. -Is there anything else you want to tell people? Space is all yours. -I always say the same. Which support all the scene girl is impressive what you discover in babes scenarios, sounding bands that you crush his head. Must under him the endurance to both the people who spread it as to who does. There taken over many bands that recorded a demo of two songs and you say "what's up this band? "and what you hear and it sounds terrible. There are a lot of music and that keeps everything alive. If the people will listen, you have to bring bands bands elsewhere, to have one in your city side which is 200 km So keep alive that whole scene. Today is with this deflating that you see a concert by internet that looks almost as if you were Live plays, but not the same. Then continue doing that endurance need. -Greetings to everyone Vein Steel Stone Eagle, Neuquén. Hopefully we are soon over there visiting them and we get them up there, "A Metal Engines" and they like that is made with all my heart.

We thank Javier Oliva Apocrypha and all for the support provided.

LtoHistory of Heavy Metal Part VI: Year 1985 V8-A step in the Battle The second disc of the pioneer band Metal Argentino, and with its classic entrenched training more entrenched than the first disc. Nine topics become Metal National anthems, as "I Devising the Fugue", "Captives of a system "," Released to the World " "Wishing Kill and Destroy ", etc.. Changes in band then produce output this album. Civile left the band and came two new guitarists Miguel Roldรกn (From Rigel) and Walter Giardino (band Red Dot) who soon would leave the band, following the departure of Rowek together can form Rata Blanca. Adrian Cenci would be the replacement of the battery Rowek V8.

V8/Riff/Bloke/Thor- Alloy This It is a compilation of the four most significant bands in that moment in the national metal scene and first compiled in Metal Argentino history. This album included two songs from each band.

Rata Blanca-Demo Then its output V8, Giardino meets Rowek to form one of the bands emblematic of Heavy Metal Argentino, with Yulie Ruth on bass (from Hellion) and Rodolfo Cava in his voice. This first recording of the band included four tracks, three of which ("Chico Map "," People of the South "and" Break the Spell ") to be included in their first LP, plus

the topic "The White Witch" never recorded again. After recording this demo, Yulie Ruth left the band to form Alakran by Mario Ian, his replacement in the Guillermo Sanchez would be low coming from the 6L6 band.


Patrulha 85-The Riff

No longer Michel and Boff, Riff released his 7th album with JAF on guitar and Oscar Moro battery. That year a Brazilian band Carpo joined to record the album "The Riff" that contained Portuguese versions of classic tracks like Riff "Animal Eye" and "God Devourer "

Alakran-Loitering / Someone we Divide The band formed by Yulie Ruth (low), Mario Ian (voice), Marcelo Pe帽a (drums) and Gady Pampill贸n (guitar) recorded this demo which included two subjects with which presented in the local metal scene.

Cerberus-The Black Mass (Demo) First recording of the band formed by the Tano Romano (guitar), Willie Knight (Drums and vocals) and Beto Ceriotti (low). Included 4 subjects.

Demonic Apocalypse (Demo) The Crazy Train predecessor band was then formed by Gustavo Zabala (Low), the "Stripped" Dischiavo (drums), the "Turkish" Atala (guitar) and singer Horacio Gimenez Aguero. (Ex Madam) as a singer. They had also gone through this band Gabriel Marian who later became the singer Rata Blanca and Daniel Parodi, bassist Bloke. This demo contains 7 songs.


Accept-Metal Heart

Dio-Sacred Heart

Destruction-Infernal Overkill Exodus-Bonded by Blood

Kreator-Endless Pain

Megadeth-Killing is my Business

AC/DC- Flo on the Wall

Iron Maiden-Live after Death

Helloween Helloween-

Anthrax-Spreading the Disease

Overkill-Feel the Fire

Motรถrhead-The Birthday Party

Helloween-Walls of Jericho

Stryper-Soldiers under Command

Slayer-Hell Awaits

Metal is an inexhaustible source of inspiration ... if you're inspired, you can write whatever you want, publish in "Pogo and Stamina." Reflections, reviews, opinions, information, letters, whatever you occurs. matiasmetal.rosembach @ gmail.com

Sepultura-Bestial Devastation

Pantera-I am the night

Translated Songs The show must go on Empty spaces, what are we living for Abandoned places - I guess we know the score on and on, does anybody know what we are looking for ... Another hero, another mindless crime hero Behind the curtains, in the pantomime. Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore.

The show must go on ... inside my heart is breaking my make - up may be flaking, but my smile still stays on whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance another heartache, another failed romance on and on, does anybody know what we are living for?

I guess I'm learning (I'm learning, learning, learning) I must be warmer now I'll soon be turning (turning turning, turning) round the corner now outside the dawn is breaking but inside in the dark I'm aching to be free

my soul is painted like the wings of butterflies fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die I can fly - my friends

The show must go on, the show must go on I'll face it with a grin, I'm never giving in on - with the show

ooh, I'll top the bill, I'll overkill, I have to find the will to carry on On With The Show, On With The Show the show - the show must go on

The Show must go on Empty spaces - what do we live? Abandoned places - I think we know what happens goes on and on, does anybody know what we are looking for? ... Another hero, another mindless crime behind the curtain, in the pantomime hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore? The show must go on the show must go on, yeah within me my heart is breaking My makeup may be flaking but my smile still stays on

whatever happens, I'll leave it to the destination another headache, another failed romance goes on and on, does anybody know what we are living? I think I'm learning (I have learning, learning, learning) I must be warmer now soon wring (wring, wring, wring) the corner, now outside dawn is breaking up but in the darkness of the interior, I suffer to be free

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies Fairies of yesterday will grow but never die I can fly - my friends

The show must go on the show must go I face it with a smile I never give up On - with the show

ooh, top the bill, I'll be ahead I have to find a way to continue On with the show, on with the show the show - the show must go


Metal Calendar 1 - Running Free (Iron Maiden) 2 - Final Bloody (Serpentor) 3 - Metal Health (Quiet Riot) 4 - Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (Metallica) 5 - The Rockers go to Hell (Red Baron) The History of Metal 6 - Mechanix (Megadeth) 7 - Kill by Death (Motรถrhead) August - Ride the Sky (Helloween) 9 - Necrophiliac (Slayer) 10 - Soldiers Under Command (Stryper) 11 - Today began the Revolution (Revelation) 12 - Ex-Terminator (Riff) 13 - Time to Fight (V8)

2013 - Steel Veins Records-2013 Steel Veins RecordsT reservedtll llFree-willI ll rightsreserved Prohiibiitheir gives venttto a carettaceProh b gives his see as a Care

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