2 minute read
III. Research Questions and Hypotheses
includes several technical components as part of the state of arts: 3D graphic adapters / Real-time rendering /Artificial intelligence AI / Networking technologies / Physics simulation/ Human Interaction
The covid-19 pandemic not only has drawn attention to the virtual environment but has accelerated the
virtualization of architecture, acting as a driver for increased use of virtual reality and game design
technologies in architectural practices. As result of covid-19, experiments in digital space are becoming
cultural practices of being digitally involved into virtual worlds. Virtual reality is gaining ground in
architecture and is being used to improve user experience and collaboration among professionals and
clients. Architects during the pandemic turned to virtual worlds not only for project design and
visualization, but also for collaborating, socializing, and actively participating in shaping their
environment. Furthermore, the lockdown period has led to the creation of resilient virtual space largely
available to public use, pushing a natural shift towards virtual environments that will never exist in the
actual world, such as VR art galleries, museums, collaborative design platforms, and so on. When the
pandemic will come to an end, experiences of virtual space will continue to thrive alongside the physical,
removing physical barriers to accessing certain spaces and bringing us closer together with different
forms of involvements, embodiment, interaction, and social collaboration. As a result, understanding the
design process of video games, with its dimension of virtual and playful space, may become an asset
value for architecture, historical heritage, and urbanism in the virtual world but also reflected in actual
III. Research Questions and Hypotheses
Considering the problem statement, the main research questions are formulated:
How do video game design aspects like storytelling, ludic, and spatial visualization work in video
games? Which are the game tools that can be applied to improve the architectural design
process, visualization, and experience in the virtual world? How might video games help
architects in improving their design skills?
When aiming to answer the main research question, it is necessary to comprehend how the play space
might be designed as well as to investigate the main features and key qualities of video game space,
including its morphology, narrative structure, rules, challenges, and the type of interactions offered to
the player. What makes the virtual space in video games interactive and what offers more freedom to
explore, manipulate and engage the player in the virtual world? Which are the elements that shape or 13