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II. Research state of art
proclaims video games as one of the most dominant art forms in the digital era. They include a dream
world, artworks, a narrative, dialogue, and social space. Actually, the primarly role of game designers is
to design and sculpt artistic, creative, and interactive spaces. Hence, video game designers are at the
frontline of space research. Space in video games is a navigable three-dimensional virtual space
experienced visually, either by looking around 360 degrees, navigating to experience and discover space,
or using mental abilities to interact and manipulate it based on the creative idea conceptualized in
storytelling. In video games, the human obsession of possessing, exploring, and manipulating space, has
become possible through the virtual environment and challenges offered. Furthermore, video games
have a significant impact on re-modelling communication patterns, social structures, and cultural
practices in space. Space is the intersection of digital technology and creativity. As a result, the study of
spatially in the video game world in relation to storytelling and gameplay can point out structural
patterns and conceptual models of interaction forms, navigation principles of movement within the
space which can trigger creative processes of space conception and design in new video games, in
cinema, art and most importantly in virtual architecture.
II. Research state of art
The research state of the art is based on two fundamental statements tackling the relationship between
architecture, virtual reality, and video games. The first assertion is that architecture is getting more
virtual, and the second is that architecture is becoming more like a video game. Architecture, by
definition, has always produced fantasy realms and various sorts of utopia, avoiding even the direct
confrontation with reality. In this regard, architecture has a long history of designing virtual worlds and
exploring new forms of virtuality. Thus, the concept of architecture is not necessarily tied to the real and
material but related to immaterial or virtual or to what Emanuel Kant identifies as the phenomena of an "impossibility of architecture" in his “Critique of Pure Reason”1. In addition, architecture practices today
are getting similar to video games considering the potential that offer the architectonics of game space,
the playful character, and the possibility to play with data models and information, to manipulate and
manage them, and to create social networks as multi-player’s games.
In the last decades, architecture, VR, and video games share similar design traits on spatiality, visual
representation, storytelling, and interaction. They are all based on advanced computer technology that
1Kant, Immanuel (1999). Critique of Pure Reason (The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant). Cambridge University Press.