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New theories of reality and virtuality in Virilio and Baudrillard
Realisation Potentialization Actualisation Virtualisation MANIFESTATION (CONCRETE)
Table 3 Levy’s modes of existence and their transformation processes (Levy, 1999)
He distinguishes two types of virtual transformation: actualization and virtualization (Levy, 1999).
Actualization is the process of transforming the virtual (as an idea or abstract thing) into concrete form
and new quality. Virtualization is defined as the reverse journey from the actual to the virtual, which
transforms an entity by redefining the problem to design a new solution. It goes back to the elements
that inspire our acts. In this sense, virtualization was seen as a means of creation and is significant to this
study in the process of creating realities.
New theories of reality and virtuality in Virilio and Baudrillard
Virtual reality is “a digital environment generated by a computer that can be interactively
experienced as if this environment were real” (Jerald,J. 2015, p.9)
Before the advent of information technology, communication was direct and visceral. Hereafter,
communication became intermediate, rather than directly resulting in a change at the level of
perception, having on one side the illusion of non-intermediation, and on the other having the actual
feeling of the reality, as if they were truly present and immersed in that reality.
In this evolving reality perception, Paul Virilio develops a new theory of reality and virtuality in his book
"The Vision Machine." According to Virilio, technical advancement and the widespread use of computers
was a watershed moment that influenced a shift in how we view the world. The shift in perception
occurred when the reality or images we see and perceive as instant reality became not merely
reproducible, as in the invention of photography, but also displayed, reinvented, and simulated in real-
“The paradoxical logic emerges when the real-time image dominates the thing represented, real
time subsequently prevailing over real space, virtuality dominating actuality and turning the very
concept of reality on its head. Whence the crisis in traditional forms of representation (graphics,