1 minute read

Emergent narratives

power to determine when, where, and how players get information. Aside from the structured,

embedded and narrative that is provided to the player through level design, a structured narrative is also


explicitly conveyed to the player by the game designer, to explore game space and unlock the various


Emergent narratives

Emergent narratives are gaming environments that are intended to be enhanced with narrative

possibilities from the players. They aren't pre-structured or pre-programmed, but they aren't chaotic

either. They do have an introducing narrative. The sandbox video game "The Sim" by Will Wright is a

classic example of emergent narrative. Game space refers to a player's setting in which he can set his

own goals and write his own narrative. This game is not played on a white sheet. Wright has designed a

world, rich with narrative potential, with every design decision aimed at raising the chances of

interpersonal romance or conflict. The ability to construct players "skins" invites them to develop

emotional avatars, practice their own interactions with friends, family, and coworkers, and transplant

characters from other fictional worlds onto The Sims.Characters have their own wills and don't always

surrender to the player's control easily.Characters are given desires, urges, and needs, which might fight

with one another, resulting in dramatic interactions. The designers have decided what behaviors are and

are not allowed in this reality. The use of emerging narrative is incentivized by the presence of

interactive elements or other dominant special elements such as landmark, edges (see. K. Lynch 1960)

Figure 74 Elements of environmental storytelling in video game space

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