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technology allowed more detailed representations. However abstract style continued to be used as an

artistic choice instead of mere technical default (Wolf, 2004.


In the recent history of games, as graphics have significantly improved, abstract video games are not

being commonly produced any more, as narrative aspects are becoming more and more important at

the equal to ludic aspects. Players need to move and explore a familiar environment, recognize objects,

characters, and environment, through which game narration is materialized. Today there are very few

purely abstract games.

Rez (PS2 and Dreamcast, Sega 2001 is an example of an abstract musical rail shooter game. The game

was inspired by abstract painting of Kandinsky and is built on abstract lines and shapes. Its gameplay is

based on a hacker who navigate in virtual space inside the computer, shooting enemies and computer

viruses. Virtual space is made of lines, shapes, neon colors, vibration, beats, rhythm, etc. which create a

multi-sensory experience. Game world is represented with wireframe forms, but many effects and

explosions of particels, colors and light appear when enemies come close together with sound effects.

Abstract representation of Rez (2001 video game

Rezis based on traditional shooting game, which take place in an abstract digital landscape. Moreover, it

presents n responsive audio which creates an innovative soundscape that fully immerse the player in a

unitary sensation. For example, when you shoot enemies they produce a sound, which becomes more

complex when you shoot multiple enemies.

Herein, Rez video game does not aim to reproduce real architectural space, but to create a dramatic

sensation of space in virtual reality.


Visual elements in game space depend on the type and purpose of the game and in many

casesrepresentationneeds to be accurate in order to have the power to immerse the viewer.

Accuracyrefer to the degree of fidelity compared to absolute and in video games is related to texture,

objects or characters proportions, motility of characters or physics dynamic, as well as natural

phenomena such as time, day-night, light, weather, etc. Accuracy means usually a detailed


Accuracy is particularly important in historical and educational games. They include both historical

characters and setting. The Assassins Creed Series is a classic example of accuracy representation in video

game. In this game, players are taken to significant historical periods and locations worldwide, recreating

the historical political, familiar and social atmosphere. In the game world are described also historical

characters, ordinary people with their characteristic and role in society, historical buildings, artefacts

such as weapons, costumes, crafts, vintage objects, raw materials etc., Moreover, the game offers a

large database of information which can be useful to educate the player on the historic period he is

experiencing. However, for the sake of gameplay and game narrative not everything in this videogame is

historically accurate and entirely faithful to the historical period. Many fictional and imaginative

elements (like magical, monsters, mythological creatures etc. are introduced in order to make the game

more appetizing and attractive.

Figure 119 Snapshot from The Assassins Creed Series, accuracy in historical representations of historical buildings, characters, costumes and other artefacts

Figure 120 Cut-scene from “Valiant Hearts: The Great War” (2014), stylized representation of historical soldier and gods used during the war; Snapshot from “Valiant Hearts: The Great War” (2014) facts section, which show details about war dogs.

Another video game which have a high degree of historical accuracy is “Valiant Hearts: The Great

War” (2014) puzzle adventure game. Its aim is to teach players about the First war world history through

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