Nutrition Focus
Lorna Edgar – specialist equine nutritionist
Feeding those in winter work Firstly, I wish you all a very happy 2022 – let’s hope it is a good one with plenty of polo! Since the Christmas break, I have been asked a few questions about feeding over the winter months with some aimed at horses in work and playing arena polo whilst others relate to those turned out on their winter break. Q: When my ponies are playing arena during the winter months, do I still need to give them electrolytes? A: The simple answer is YES! They will still be sweating, and those electrolyte salts lost in the sweat will need to be replaced with an electrolyte supplement. As always, I would supplement only when the horses are sweating, probably not every day – such as days off, quiet days or possibly days on the exercise track when the weather is cold. Make sure you read the manufacturer’s recommended quantities of the supplement, whether it be powder, liquid or syringe to ensure you are feeding the correct quantities, and how to administer it – in the water, a sloppy feed or syringed. 42
Polo Times, February 2022
Dillon Bacon’s mare Pancetta, cared for by Holly Whitall at Emsworth
Photograph courtesy of Lorna Edgar
Winter Q & A
Tira & Bella enjoying some winter grazing