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10 August 2012

You may also contact us on: Tel: 082 8100 808 082 945 7314


Fax: 0866 160 979

034 413 2699

Physical Adress Shop no 7, Senekal Centre, Martin Street, Pongola, 3170


KRY JOU SNELBEL GRATIS BINNE !! MUNICIPAL BY-ELECTION IN WARD 8 After the resignation of Councillor B A Masuku of the National Freedom Party a by-election took place on the 1st of August 2012. Mbhekiseni Cyprian Nkumane of the Inkatha Freedom Party won the by-election in Ward 8. The Council’s Exco Committee as well as the portfolio committees must now be reconstituted. Previously the committee was made up of two ANC members, two NFP members and one IFP member. Now it will change to two ANC members, 1 NFP member and two IFP members. One NFP member will have to step down. It will either by B J Ngema (Honourable Deputy Mayor) or Councillor M J Dlamini. This decision will be made by the NFP’s. Ward 8 has got 8 voting stations with 3 364 registered voters. A total number of 1 745 people voted. The IFP received 628 votes, the NFP 610 votes and the ANC 487 votes. There were 20 spoiled votes. A number of 1 745 votes were casted.

The Photographers

Contact Roléne on

082 810 0808

Shop 19, Plaza Centre, Pongola Tel: 034 413 2153


oe ek ‘n kind was, het ek dit gehaat as my ma die foto albums uitpluk wanneer vriende kom kuier. Ek was skaam oor die foto’s, veral die foto’s van my babajare. Vandag is hierdie fotos al wat ek oor het van die “memories” van my verlede … Foto’s vertel stories - stories van waar ons was, dinge wat ons gedoen het, vakansies wat ons gehou het, wie ons ken en mense wat ons lief het of lief gehad het. Ek kyk partykeer na die mense rondom my en ek wonder hoe lyk hul foto albums? Watter verhale vertel hul foto’s ? As daar een foto sou wees wat elkeen van hierdie mense se lewens beskryf, hoe sou daardie foto lyk ? Hoe jy oor jouself dink gaan moontlik bepaal hoe daardie foto van jouself lyk. As jy ongelukkig is met die foto van jouself moet jy jouself afvra : Hoe wil ek hê moet daardie foto van my lyk, en wat moet in my lewe verander dat daardie foto kan lyk soos die prentjie in my geestesoog?

Dienstye NG Kerk Pongola: 09:00 Elke Sondag Pongola: 15:00 Elke Donderdag—Zulu Erediens Jeug Kinderkerk: Sondae 09:00 in die Kerksaal Kategese: Sondae 10:00 Volg voete (Graad 4-7): Woensdae. Sien Kalender vir datums Taksie (Tienier AKSIE - Graad 8-12): Donderdae 18:30 in die Kerksaal Nederduits Hervormde Kerk Pongola: 10:30 1ste en indien 5de Sondag Geen: 2de Sondag 08:00 3de en 4de Sondag Gereformeerde Kerk Pongola: Winter & somer: 09:00

Miskien moet ons ons denke nie net oor ander dinge vernuwe nie, maar ook oor die wyse waarop ons oor onsself dink.

AGS Kerk Pongola: Sondagoggend: 09:00 Sondagaand: 18:00

Maak dan ook moeite om ‘n kamera saam te neem waarheen jy ookal gaan. Neem eerder te veel as te min foto’s. Maak tyd om albums saam met vriende en familie deur te kyk. Lag saam, huil saam en droom saam, en help mekaar om te droom oor die mooi foto’s wat julle nog gaan neem.

Pongola Christian Centre Pongola Tuesday: Ladies Prayer Meeting: 14:00 Wednesday: Home Cells: 19:00 Friday: Youth Meeting: 19:00 151 Gezina Kruger Street Saturday: Prayer Meeing 05:00 Suday: Celebration Service 05:00 Children’s Church 09:00 Contact Details: Pastors Schalk & June van der Merwe Home: 034 413 1764 Cell: 082 923 5844 ( Pastor Schalk) Cell: 082 923 5844 (June)

Kalender / calendar 2012 August 2012 24 Augustus 2012 29 Augustus - 1 September 31 Augustus 2012

Pongola Akademie Matriekafskeid Pionier Wilds– en Lentefees 2012. Kustenaars: Ray Dylan & Fredi Nest Vir meer inligting besoek: ABSA Inniriet

September 2012 1 September 2012 20-23 September 2012

ABSA Inniriet Tiervis Kompetisie

Oktober 2012 5 Oktober 2012 6 Oktober 2012

KONTAK SANTA BY 082 324 0244 OF STEFAN BY 083 625 8908

13 Oktober 2012

Karlien van Jaarsveld (Pongola Country Lodge) AGS Basaar Vendusie. Verkoping van verversings, veiling van alles en nog wat! Kontak Gerhard: 072 852 3986 of Hennie: 028 893 5355 NG Kerk bazaar

November 2012 2 November 2012

AGS padwedloop

Toegang per dag: R150 per persoon


MUNICIPAL FINANCE MANAGEMENT INTERSHIP PROGRAMME (X4 INTERNS) REMUNERATION: R100 000.00 (All inclusive and dependent on year of internship) 2 Years employment contract and performance based. Requirements: The applicant must be in possession of a THREE YEAR Bachelors Degree or National Diploma or experiential training certificate from University of technology with majors in Accounting, Economics or Finance including risk management and/or Auditing, among others. The interns will sign an internship agreement which is in addition to the employment contract. The effect of the agreement is to ensure commitment to the program which requires full participation in the educational and workplace assignments and observance of policies and procedures. The candidates must have excellent prioritizing and ability to manage a variety of tasks simultaneously. Ability to work in a pressurized environment. Internship overview: The internship program is a structured professional training and work experience program with the goal of providing high quality training and practical exposure in all aspects of a Municipal Budget and Treasury Office which is govern by the Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2003 and the underlying reforms. The program has a logical training sequence that builds on the skills and competencies acquired during university training. It ends where appropriate, with the credits or a qualification in Municipal Finance Management in line with the Municipal Minimum Competency Regulations, Gazette 29967 of June 2007.

Further particulars and application forms can be obtained from Mr J K Zondo, Human Resource Officer: Corporate Services, Telephone: (034) 4131223 or e-mail: No Application Forms will be faxed to Applicants. Applications and CV’s INCLUDING CERTIFIED COPIES OF ALL QUALIFICATIONS must be directed to: The Municipal Manager – uPhongolo Municipality, P O Box 191, Pongola, 3170. CLOSING DATE 10th August 2012 at 12h00. NOTE: Canvassing with Councilors or any members of the Appointment Committee is not permitted and will result in immediate disqualification. NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED. If no communication has been received from us within 2 months (60 days) of the closing date, please regard your application as being unsuccessful. The Municipality subscribes to an Affirmative Action Program, which is non-sexist, non-racist, and non-discriminatory and based solely on merit. Appointment will be done as per Employment Equity Plan requirements.


In my capacity as the President of the National Freedom Party (NFP) and as the Mayor of the Zululand District Municipality, I take this opportunity to wish His Majesty, King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu, all the best on the occasion of his 64th birthday. As the NFP we recognise and respect His Majesty as the Constitutional Monarch of KwaZulu-Natal. To demonstrate our respect to the King, shortly after the establishment of the NFP, we ensured that we introduced our party to His Majesty, the King, and thereafter to the entire Traditional Leadership of the Province of KwaZulu-Natal. In our policies as the party, we also proposes that the centuries-old African Traditional Leadership system, should be integrated with the modern system of governance in order to create harmony between these two systems of governance. In our Municipality of Zululand we always make it a point that Amakhosi and other Traditional Leaders are not only consulted before we deliver development and services to their areas, but are made part and parcel of service delivery and development.

Photo :

Teboga Letsie

Since the Headquarters of the Zulu Kingdom falls under our Municipality, we applaud the co-operation we get from the King whenever we consult him on issues of governance. We also wishes to pass our gratitude to our King for his role in encouraging Amakhosi to be in the forefront of bringing development to their communities. Sithi unwele olude kuwe Hlanga loMhlabathi and may you see many more years to come.

TRAINING HEALTH & SAFETY * LEGAL COMPLIANCE* RISK MANAGEMENT The following training is offered during August / September 2012 Safety Health Environment and Quality representative (SHEQ Rep) Candidates must be English literate 4 days Dates: 3-6 September 2012 Cost: R2 600 p/p + VAT Specialist Incident Investigation Techniques (Level 5) Candidates must be English literate and Numerate and hold a matric certificate. 5 days Dates: 10-14 September 2012 Cost: R 3 350 p/p + VAT Basic / Proto Team Fire Fighting 3days (Basic) Cost: R 1 000 p/p +VAT 2 days (additional for Proto Team) Cost: R1 600 p/p + VAT (for the 5 days) Dates (Basic): 17-19 September 2012 Dates (Proto): 20-21September 2012 First Aid (Basic) Please confirm if not English literate and we can provide an interpreter. 2 days Dates: 30-31 August 2012 Cost: R 800 p/p + VAT Venue to be confirmed. Enquiries: LESH office - 034 9800 933 079 8922 182 Colleen: 082 825 2835 e-mail: Website: Courses can be arranged on site if there are sufficient numbers of delegates. All courses are unit standard aligned. SETA Accredited: FIETA Accreditation no: FOR 00033

BE SAFE!!! Quantum Taxi’s Hiace

R4685.00 R4685.00

Also available for Hilux, Fortuner & Land Cruiser PLEASE CONTACT FLIP or JAN AT 034 413 1333

MTSC Financial’s Focus on Individuals SARS has a new Procedure on Administrative Penalties. SARS now only issue Penalty Assessment Notices when the Penalty is initially imposed or if the penalty is being adjusted or reviewed or cancelled. I.e if it was changed in some way from the initial assessment notice. According to SARS they issue these notices via Registered Mail, via e-filing for registered Users or SMS, which automatically acts as a Final Notice before debt collection steps are implemented. The penalty reminder letters are to be replaced by SMS’ – something which does not seem to be happening in the majority of cases. We are finding that a major problem is being experienced when Debt collection measures have been instituted either against the taxpayers salary or bank account, and the compliance has been corrected (Returns submitted) which have now resulted in a refund which has been kept by SARS against the outstanding Administrative Penalty. To obtain the cancellation of the Garnishee orders are problematic due to the fact that the Statement Of Accounts are not updated to reflect that the Taxpayer has paid the penalties in full. Even if one goes to the SARS offices. Penalties are also being imposed in cases where one was not liable to file in the first place. MTSC Financial’s Advice: We strongly urge you to ensure that you are tax compliant and to verify that you are in fact liable for any administrative penalties if they are levied before paying them. If you are under any misgivings, apply for a remission immediately. MTSC Financial’s Focus on Businesses Few of us could have imagined severity of the economic crises. Many of us thought we were immune, our strategies bulletproof and our products and services unfailing. We thought we are doing well because of a few reasons:1) our own brilliance 2) we thought we were market and product leaders 3) our service exceptional and 4) our customers loyal. Now the game is really grabbing our attention -whether we want it to or not-. It has changed. Those of us that have survived so far need new inspiration (which is different from motivation), focus and determined action to ensure that we continue to survive. At the moment we are hovering between hope and fear. Fear of an uncertain future and because humans are by their own nature hopeful – we still cling to the belief that we are exempt to the disastrous possible outcomes we could face if it all goes wrong. There is no getting away from the fact that these are exceptional times. No one knows when the world will go back to normal – if it ever will. Normal has to be redefined in the context of world changing considerations. The obvious thing would be to prepare better for these uncertain times. MTSC Financial’s Strategy Plan -

How you can use this changed set of circumstances as a tactical strategy in your Business The first thing to do is to pay more attention to the future. Consider different futures. Talk to different people and look for new patterns emerging. Consider what it all means for you in the context of your situation and your business Then focus on two things specifically: 1. 2. 3.

SOAP SHOP As jy wil skoonmaak en was is hierdie die plek vir jou ! Hier is alles van produkte wat die reuk van sigaretrook verwyder uit jou kar en huis tot ‘n “descaler” wat jou badkamer van hoek tot kant gaan poets. Dan is daar die Intello Laundry Liquid – ‘n moet om alle hardnekkige vuilheid en vlekke te verwyder. Dit maak ook jou wit wasgoed weer skitterwit. Van die ander produkte is :  Porta-T vir put toilette;  Supreme Wash poeier (teen ‘n baie goeie prys);  Tile cleaner in verskeie geure en  die immer gewilde PINE GEL. Die volgende produkte word ook in 25 liter houers aangehou :  Car wash and wax  Dish washing liquid  Mop Maxx vir sement vloere  Bleach  Handy Clean  Thick Bleach en  Pine Gel. Hier sal jy letterlik alles kry om mee skoon te maak of dit nou jou kar of huis is. Skakel ook gerus vir Lyn Swart by 082 325 9068 as jy nie seker is watter produkte jy moet gebruik nie.


Build and conserve critical strengths: Decide exactly where you want to focus and understand what capabilities, competencies and assets you will require to compete. Invest only in what will make you stronger, get rid of the rest.(No matter how hard to would be) Build in more flexibility, resilience and agility: This will help you to ride the waves, focus on the activities you can control, and outsource the rest. Break down silo’s, re-think your suppliers, partnerships and alliances and make sure that none of these locks you in specific thinking or reduce your mobility.

We are living in interesting times. However, we have done so for some time already. There have always been risks, uncertainties and challenges, and this time it is no different. It is just so senseless to be fearful when you can do something about it. The future will be here tomorrow – just be prepared to embrace it In the next issue, we will tackle the essentials of putting your strategy together into a workable plan, so keep with us. Your Financial Experts at Work

Foto’s verskaf

ILLEGAL DUMPING OF SEWAGE The suction truck of the Zululand District Municipality has illegally been dumping sewage into a manhole on the corner of Edmund Hess and Hans Strydom streets. This is only a few meters away from the golf course and residential houses. On the day that The Pongola News visited the manhole the manhole’s cover was open and we fear that the children who walk or play there will fall inside and sustain irreversible injuries. The area is also at risk because of the smell coming from there. The waste should be dumped in the main sewer line on the Ncotshane road — not so near to where people live and work. The illegal sewage dumping may also be the reason why Susan Labuschagne’s garden and swimming pool as well as our local golf course were flooded with raw sewage water two weeks ago (see pictures below).

Open manhole on the corner of Edmund Hess and Hans Strydom Streets.

Susan Labuschagne’s yard and swimming pool flooded with raw sewage water

Main sewer line on the road to Ncotshane






Call us TODAY to book your appointment ... Martelie: 082 945 7314 Nikita: 082 803 2942

uPhongolo Municipality Public Notice

Notice is given in terms of Section 25(4) of the Municipal Systems Act No 32 of 2000, that in its meeting of 29th June 2012, Council resolved to adopt the Integrated Development Plan 2012/13-2016/17.

Is jou waterrekening ‘n skok ? The Pongola News het verneem van baie verbruikers wat buitengewone hoë waterrekeninge ontvang het. Ons het gaan aanklop vir raad en het die volgende riglyne ontvang :

The document is available for inspection at the Municipal offices of uPhongolo Municipality, 61 Martin Street, uPhongolo.

 

Alternative document can be vied on the Municipal website of uPhongolo Municipality at

Tel: 034 413 1223 Fax: 034 413 1706 P O Box 191 Pongola 3170

 

Mr M E Zondo Acting Municipal Manager uPhongolo Municipality

 

Kry al jou rekenings en betalingsbewyse bymekaar; Stel jou probleem op skrif; Maak seker dat jou kontakbesonderhede duidelik daarop verskyn; Maak ‘n duplikaat van alles; Kontak vir Khanye op 071 879 1331 vir ‘n afspraak; Sorg dat jy die duplikaat laat teken as bewys dat die ZDM (Zululand Distrik Munisipaliteit) dit ontvang het; Volg daarna gereeld op om te hoor wat die vordering is.

FANCY DRESS BY ABSA Inniriet 2012 As jy belangstel of meer wil weet gaan loer gerus by Daar is die nodige inligting sowel as inskrywingsvorms. Mamma’s—begin so lank beplan. Dit gaan lekker pret wees vir die kleingoed !

Pongola Cold Storage Soccer Day We had a very successful soccer day on Sunday the 5th of August at Thokoza Club. We would like to thank everyone that participated as well as all the sponsors for making this day possible! Sponsors included Ma Baker & Refresh. The companies that participated were Pongola Cold Storage, SM Breakdown Services, Junk Hardware, Junk Shop, OK & Pongola Tyres and the scores were as follow: First Round: Pongola Cold Storage Team A 3-1 Junk Hardware Arsenal Junk Superstars 2-0 Pongola Cold Storage Team B JR Tyres National 2-1 Ok Tiger Boys Ok Tsunami 9-1 N2 Football Club (SM Breakdown) Semi Finals: Pongola Tyres National 2-2 Pongola Cold Storage Team A They went into penalty shoot out and Pongola Tyres took that round. Junk Superstars 4-1 OK Tiger Boys The final: Junk Superstars 3-0 Pongola Tyres National OK Tsunami 5-1 Pongola Cold Storage Team A So in conclusion Gold - Junk Superstars Silver - Pongola Tyres National Bronze - OK Tsunami

Photos supplied

In all it was a fun day and we look forward to hosting it again next year!

WENNERS Ons land se mees onlangse wenners: Cameron van der Burgh, Chad le Clos, Oscar Pistorius (die ysterlem-man van Suid Afrika), die Suid Afrikaanse roeispan en 'n man met die naam Ryan Sandes. 'n Ultra maraton atleet, klein van postuur, wat al vier die Four Deserts Races gehardloop het en verder 'n lys van oorwinnings het wat 'n mens nie kan glo enige mens in 29 jaar kon inpas nie. Op Internet kry mens verstommende feite en inligting en om net al die Suid Afrikaners te noem sal bladsye beslaan. EN dan les bes, my Engelse onderwyseres op hoërskool, (1950) Miss Terblanche. In haar klas mag jy nie Afrikaans gepraat het nie, dit het sy ons goed laat verstaan van dag een af. Ek bewonder haar vandag nog en skryf my uitspraak van die taal aan haar en my ousus toe. Hulle het my behoorlik gedril. Wenners. Wat maak van 'n wenner 'n wenner? In die eerste plek moet jy self besluit of jy 'n wenner of verloorder in die lewe gaan wees. Jy moet dus 'n KOPSKUIF maak. Nie een van bogenoemde sportsterre sou kon bereik het wat hul wel bereik het as dit nie vir daardie KOPSKUIF was nie. Ons sien nou tydens die Olimpiese Spele die resultaat hiervan. Ek is nie 'n ‘TV fan’ nie maar hierdie tegnologiese wonder is ook 'n wenner op sigself. Dit bring 'n mens tot by die hart en siel van die mens uit. Jy sien die kragtige hale van die swemmers en roeiers in die water, die ongelooflike spoed waarmee Oscar Pistorius nael. Jy kan die emosie op die deelnemers se gesigte waarneem en sit dan verstom en toekyk, veral as dit mense van jou eie land is, 'n land wat eers misken is deur die wêreld en harde bene moes kou om bo uit te kom – ook 'n wenner. Dan dink 'n mens met weemoed en hartseer aan mense soos Zola Budd en andere wat die roem van 'n Suid Afrikaanse atleet wat onder die vaandel van die Suid Afrikaanse vlag kon deelneem, nie beskore was nie. Wanneer mens artikels lees oor hierdie mense kom jy tot die gevolgtrekking dat almal dit eens is dat daar geweldig baie opofferinge gepaard gaan om prestasie te bereik. Op 'n jong ouderdom offer menige wenner hul jeugjare op om te oefen en nogmaals te oefen. Dit geld nie net vir sportmanne en –vroue nie. Musiek, wetenskap, kunste en vele meer rigtings lewer sy kwota aan wenners op. Finansieël word daar ook baie opofferinge gemaak, veral deur ouers wat kinders kilometers ver heen moet vervoer en ten duurste moet betaal vir afrigting. Ouers se belangstelling en aanmoediging is dus van kardinale belang. Die wenner se kop moet reg wees. Selfmotivering, 'n liefde en passie vir dit wat jy doen moet hoog op jou prioriteitslys wees. Wanneer vriende kuier is dit gewoonlik die wenner se oefentyd of rustyd vir die volgende dag se deelname of oefensessie. Dit is uitmergelende, sieldodende sessies en kan net suksesvol wees wanneer jou denke in harmonie met jou liggaam is. Hier dink ek aan die Tour de France wenner, Bradley Wiggins, wat 'n verhaal van sy eie het om te vertel en tog ten spyte van sy probleme, bo uit gekom het. Welliswaar nie 'n Suid Afrikaner nie maar 'n wenner. Ook Suid Afrika se eerste Master Chef, Deena Naidoo, wat alles moes ingooi om te wen. Nog wenners is iemand soos Pippie wat weens brandwonde oneindig moes ly. Wat 'n wenner is die klein mensie nie, maar ook haar ouers en dan veral haar ma wat nie moed wou opgee nie en op haar eie die internet beklim het. Fenominaal – 'n wenner. Onder hierdie wenners skaar ek ook die dokters, en so alle medici wat alles insit om hul medemens te hulp te kom. Kanker pasiënte, mense wat gestremde persone versorg – wenners. Terapeute op alle gebiede, sielkundiges wat mense op die regte weg help – wenners. Sheri Brynard, Suid Afrika se bekendste Down-sindroom vrou, wat vereer is met Shoprite Checkers se kategorie Dinamiese Jong Mense. Sy het in haar bedanking gesê sy kan die Here opreg bedank “vir presies dit wat Hy van my gemaak het: 'n meisie met Downsindroom”. En tog laat Hy haar drome die een na die ander waar word. Wat 'n wenner! Het u as leser al ooit so daaraan gedink? Aan alles wat u vermag het in die lewe – dan is u ook mos 'n wenner. Ek verwys weer na onderwysers en dan my Engelse onderwyseres soos bo genoem. 'n Onderwyser kan 'n leerder maak of breek. Miss Terblanche se aanslag was van so 'n aard dat sy my belangstelling vir die rooi taal geprikkel het en ek vandag nog lief is om Engelse literatuur te lees, somtyds met die woordeboek byderhand soos destyds, maar dit werk. Net jammer dat mens in 'n groef verval omdat die taal nie dikwels gebruik word in jou alledaagse lewe nie – jy verroes. As alle leerlinge vandag maar so gedril kan word soos ons destyds sal daar nie 'n tweede taal probleem wees nie. Ek kry seer as ek somtyds hoor hoe mense veral die ‘th’ klank uitspreek, sjoe! As ons maar net ons oë en ore oophou en om ons rondkyk sal ons baie wenners teëkom. Wenners se name hoef nie noodwendig op die voorblaaie van tydskrifte en koerante te verskyn om geklassifiseer te word as 'n wenner nie. Dink maar aan elke ouer wat 'n kind grootmaak in 'n wêreld waar allerlei booshede hoogty vier en hulle die lewe instuur net met hul opvoeding as agtergrond. Elke ouer is 'n wenner. Ons is op die ou end almal wenners in eie reg as ons ons lewe so lei dat ons poog om die lewensreis se wenstreep oor te steek. Life is not a destination, it is a journey. Leef voluit en behou jou drome tot in jou gryse ouderdom – niks verkeerd daarmee. RIA LOURENS 4/8/2012

SAPS NEWS Dealing in Dagga - Pongola Case 77/08/2012 On 4 August 2012 at 18h20 rifleman Wandile Mntwapi, was posted at Mshololo, together with other troopers. They stopped two males. Rifleman Mntwapi searched Agrippa Ncaphalala and found dagga wrapped in a plastic paper weighing 1, 762 kilogram. He was arrested and charged. The dagga was handed in as an exhibit. The other suspects managed to escape. The suspect will appear at Simdlangentsha court at Ncotshane Pongola. Reported by Lieut SWC Mthembu Cell No. 082 875 0579 Murder - Pongola Case 93/08/2012 On 4 August 2012 at about 17h20 an African male, Thulani Ntshangase, of Ncotshane (24 years old) was stabbed with a knife three times. The stabbing occurred at Lindelani Squatter camp. He was rushed to the local clinic but died at about 18h00. Guzu Richard Nkosi, the suspect, was traced and arrested at Ncotshane and charged with the murder of Thulani Ntshangase. The motive is yet unknown. The knife (exhibit) was handed in at the police station. The suspect will appear at the Ncotshane Simdlangetsha court. Reported by Lieut SWC Mthembu Cell No. 082 875 0579

Ermelo Hoërskool Nuus TIENERTONEEL ATKV Tienertoneel se doelstellings is om ‘n liefde vir Afrikaanse toneelspel by hoërskoolleerders te kweek sodat leerders hulle eie kreatiwiteit en talente daardeur kan ontgin en ontwikkel. Met Tienertoneel word elke regisseur aangemoedig om die leerders geleenthede te gee om by regie , kostuums, dekor, grimering, beligting, klank ens betrokke te raak. Dit is ‘n landswye kompetisie met meer as nege streke en ‘n paneel van 12 beoordelaars, almal hoogs gekwalifiseerd. Die Mapumalanga streeksfinaal is by Ermelo Hoërskool in die Ouditorium gehou vanaf 2 tot 4 Augustus. Agt toneelgroepe het aan hierdie finaal deelgeneem en Ermelo Hoërskool se “Per Pos”, ‘n hoogs geslaagde komedie, het algeheel tweede geëindig. Ses toneelspelers, waaronder Lyn-Marié Smit van Pongola, het elk ‘n brons sertifikaat ontvang vir goeie pretasie in spel. “Per Pos“ ontvang ook brons sertifikate vir stel, dekor, kostuums en verhoogbestuur en silwer vir klank en beligting. Aan die einde van Augustus word die die tien beste toneelstukke in die land aangewys, wat dan aan die finale rondte by Aardklop gaan deelneem. Baie geluk Hoërskool Ermelo en Lyn-Marié, julle is puik! Ons hou styf duimvas en hoop om julle by Aardklop te sien! RUGBY Die Erries het 9 provinsiale Puma spelers in hul 1ste rugbyspan. Dit is `n bul van `n span, met baie goeie spelers en afrigters. Die span is vanjaar die Mpumalanga streekwenners vir groot skole, nadat hulle Hoërskool Standerton in die finaal 38-13 gewen het. Daarmee verdien die spanlede erekleure van hul skool. Hul was tot dusver onoorwonne in al hul wedstryde in diè sterk Mpumalanga liga vir groot skole, met `n gemiddeld van 39 VIR en 12 punte TEEN hulle. As Mpumalanga wenners ding hul mee in die Beeld trofee liga, waarin alle wenners van Limpopo, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Valke, Noordwes, Bulle en Leeus teen mekaar te staan kom. Dit wil sê alle bonde noord van die Vaalrivier. Daar is 250 skole in die liga en Ermelo lê tans 4de in die groep. Die afgelope naweek het hul in die kwarteindrondte van die Beeld trofee Ben Voster van Tzaneen gewen met `n telling van 36-12. Nou wag die semi-finaal, wat teen Hugenote Hoërskool gespeel sal word op 25 Augustus by Hoërskool Ermelo. Die Pongola seuns in die span is Dick Barnard, NJ Robberts en Impi Visser. Ons wens hierdie uitsonderlike Errie Eerstes die beste toe vir die kragmetings wat voorlê. Voorspoed! HOKKIE Baie geluk aan Hoërskool Ermelo se 0/14 en 0/16 hokkiespanne wat die MPUMALANGA LIGA-WENNERS is! Die 0/14-hokkiespan se trofee word gedeel met HTS Witbank. Voorwaar ‘n puik prestasie!! Hiermee verdien die spelers in die spanne die skool se erekleure. Die onderskeie hokkiespanne gaan deur na die Noordvaal Toernooi vir groot en makro skole wat Noord-Gauteng, Suid-Gauteng, Limpopo, Noordwes en Mpumalanga insluit. Met ander woorde skole noord van die Vaalrivier. Hier word dan meegeding om die Noordvaal trofee. Die Pongola dogters in die 0/16 span is Karla Delport, en in die 0/14 span is Emma Visser, Carla Combrinck, Lize Erasmus, Marieta Barnard en Annika de Jager. Ons is trots op die dogters wat heel jaar doelgerig en met oorgawe oefen tesame met hul puik afrigters, en hul bes doen vir hul Errie hokkie spanne. Voorspoed vir die Noordvaal toernooi!

Het jy geweet?? As jy jou munisipale rekening betaal kan jy die volgende gratis by die kassiere kry :   

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GOEIE NUUS... Pongola Wimpy gaan nie meer in 2012 toemaak vir opknappingswerk nie.

Het jy dit misgeloop?? QUICK FINDER / SNELBEL MAAK SEKER MENSE WEET WAAR OM JOU IN DIE HANDE TE KRY The Pongola News gaan weer in die uitgawe van 2 November 2012 die volgende Snelbel /Quick Finder uitgee. Om te adverteer kos slegs R250 per jaar. Die Snelbel / Quick Finder gaan 4 maal per jaar as ‘n bylaag tot die Pongola News gedruk word. Om u naam of besigheid te adverteer benodig ons die volgende : Naam wat gelys moet word Aard van besigheid (sodat ons dit onder die korrekte kategorie kan plaas) Telefoonnommer Faksnommer Epos adres Epos asseblief hierdie besonderhede na : Rolene: 082 810 0808 - Martelie: 082 945 7314 -

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