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27 July 2012

You can contact us on : 082 8100 808 082 945 7314 Email : rolene@axxess.co.za pongolanuus@xsinet.co.za

Fax : 0866 160 979 Shop no 7, Senekal Centre, Martin Street, Pongola, 3170


SPILLS OF RAW SEWAGE What you flush down the toilet isn't supposed to come back up - but when it does, the disgusting mess creates an unhealthy and expensive disaster. Raw sewage spills from a manhole in front of the offices of Dr Van Aardt and Dr Schoombee for more than a week now. Shall we wait until there is an epidemic of cholera, dysentery and several other death-causing diseases before the Zululand District Municipality built larger sewer lines to accommodate the ever-increasing amount of sewage? It is wholly unacceptable in this day and age to have raw untreated human sewage floating on the surface of the town's road. Apart from the obvious serious health and safety risk that this must pose, it is utterly shameful that the Zululand District Municipality should let this happen. It looks and smells disgusting. What they are effectively telling people is that they have no regard whatsoever for our town, our people or those who visit here.

The Photographers www.thephotographers.co.za

Contact RolĂŠne on

082 810 0808

Shop 19, Plaza Centre, Pongola Tel: 034 413 2153


it is bloot menslik om van sekere dinge meer te hou as van ander. As die keuse ons s’n was sou ons seker net gedoen het wat vir ons lekker is. Tog is die realiteit van die lewe dat daar ’n verskeidenheid van dinge is wat ons moet doen, en dit sluit ook in om dinge te doen wat nie so lekker is nie. Die hartseer is egter net dat baie van ons spandeer ’n groot deel van ons lewens om dinge te doen wat ons nie noodwendig haat nie, maar wat nie regtig vir ons plesier en energie gee nie!

NG Kerk Pongola: 09:00 Elke Sondag Pongola: 15:00 Elke Donderdag—Zulu Erediens

Dit is ook sekerlik waar dat baie van ons miskien nooit ons drome sal kan laat waar word nie, bloot net oor finansiële redes, maar dit beteken nie dat daar nie ander dinge is wat vir ons plesier in die lewe gee nie.

Volg voete (Graad 4-7): Woensdae. Sien Kalender vir datums

Die hartseer is dat ons dikwels so min tyd hieraan spandeer. Ons lewens is soms ’n gejaag na wind en ons vergeet om tyd te spandeer aan dinge wat vir ons lekker is, en dinge wat ons, ons gesinne en ons families insluit. Miskien kan dit ietsie klein wees soos om koffie te gaan drink by ‘n vriend of vriendin. ‘n Fliek te gaan kyk saam met jou kind of sommer net ‘n lekker gesinsuitstappie. Het jy daarby uitgekom? Tyd wat in die verlede is, kan nooit weer teruggekoop word nie, maar die tyd wat in die toekoms is, kan ons wel meer sinvol gebruik! Daar is nooit ’n beter tyd as nou om iets te doen, of te begin beplan vir iets wat jy graag wil doen nie! - Roléne

Kalender / calendar 2012 July 2012 28 Julie 2012 August 2012 7 Augustus 2012 8 Augustus 2012 9 Augustus 2012 24 Augustus 2012 29 Augustus - 1 September

KONTAK SANTA BY 082 324 0244 OF STEFAN BY 083 625 8908


31 Augustus 2012 September 2012 1 September 2012 20-23 September 2012 Oktober 2012 5 Oktober 2012 6 Oktober 2012 13 Oktober 2012 November 2012 2 November 2012

Jeug Kinderkerk: Sondae 09:00 in die Kerksaal Kategese: Sondae 10:00

Taksie (Tienier AKSIE - Graad 8-12): Donderdae 18:30 in die Kerksaal Nederduits Hervormde Kerk Pongola: 10:30 1ste en indien 5de Sondag Geen: 2de Sondag 08:00 3de en 4de Sondag Gereformeerde Kerk Pongola: Winter & somer: 09:00 AGS Kerk Pongola: Sondagoggend: 09:00 Sondagaand: 18:00 Pongola Christian Centre Pongola Tuesday: Ladies Prayer Meeting: 14:00 Wednesday: Home Cells: 19:00 Friday: Youth Meeting: 19:00 151 Gezina Kruger Street Saturday: Prayer Meeing 05:00 Suday: Celebration Service 05:00 Children’s Church 09:00 Contact Details: Pastors Schalk & June van der Merwe Home: 034 413 1764 Cell: 082 923 5844 ( Pastor Schalk) Cell: 082 923 5844 (June)

Gereformeerde Kerk se Vleisfees Pongola’s Got Talent by Pongola Akademie Entrepreneurs dag by Pongola Akademie en Beesloop 2012 Nationale Vroue Dag Pongola Akademie Matriekafskeid Pionier Wilds– en Lentefees 2012. Kustenaars: Ray Dylan & Fredi Nest Vir meer inligting besoek: www.pionier.co.za ABSA Inniriet ABSA Inniriet Tiervis Kompetisie Karlien van Jaarsveld (Pongola Country Lodge) AGS Basaar Vendusie. Verkoping van verversings, veiling van alles en nog wat! Kontak Gerhard: 072 852 3986 of Hennie: 028 893 5355 NG Kerk basaar AGS padwedloop

Dagboek nou reeds 7 & 8 Augustus 2012 vir hope pret by Pongola Akademie !!

Nelson Mandela has spent 67 years making the world a better place. The celebration of Mandela Day aims to serve as a global call to action for people to recognise their individual power to make an imprint and help change the world around them for the better. Now, the Mandela Day campaign is calling on people around the world to commit 67 minutes of their time to make an imprint and help change the world around them. What have you done with your 67 minutes?

JJ ERLANK GENERAL DEALERS (Pty) LTD PONGOLA, CARES FOR THE COMMUNITY: On the 18th July 2012, together with millions of people throughout South Africa, JJ Erlank General Dealers, trading as Junkshop, Junk Hardware and OK Groceries, celebrated the birthday of our beloved Madiba. The morning started with 302 staff from all three businesses, gathering together and opening the event with Prayer, singing of the National Anthem, singing Happy Birthday to Madiba and holding a Madiba look-alike competition as well as the Best Traditionally dressed couples. The atmosphere was electric and spiritual and ended with the owner Mr JJ Erlank, telling his staff, that even though Madiba’s birthday is celebrated once a year, we must continue being more like him, by caring for others and making a difference in each others’ lives. Mr Erlank, together with staff members went to Ncotshane and Mandanyeni area, where they visited Vukuzame Creche, KwaNdlangamandla crèche, Esibusisweni Creche and Buhlebemvelo crèche. Two hundred children were donated groceries, toys, plastic balls and sweets. Esibusisweni Creche which has 29 children staying in a very dilapidated room, will be assisted through sponsoring of suppliers of Junk Hardware to improve their conditions. JJ Erlank General Dealers’ (Junkshop’s), assistance to the community of uPhongolo area, is not just limited to this special day, but occurs on a regular basis, where communities are assisted either through donation of funds or through donation of groceries and other necessities, especially needy and poor families, and orphans. Boxing and soccer tournaments have also been sponsored, where the youth are assisted in developing their sporting skills. Through SETA programme, 30 youth are being trained in retail business skills in both Junkshop and OK Groceries.

REPORT ON 67 MINUTES ON MANDELA DAY On 18 July 2012 Pongola SAPS Women’s Network, Men for change, Magudu SAPS, Onverwacht Port of Entry and Pongola Municipality Local Traffic Police worked jointly to clean the town by picking up papers and litter. We further cleaned the Pongola market. We then went to Ncotshane B Section where there is a non profit organisation orphanage of about 23 children where we cleaned the garden, washed the children’s clothes, cooked and fed them. We then left some clothes, washing baskets, washing basins and some snacks. REPORT BY MAJOR GJ THANGO

Donasies wat ingesamel is, is deur Ronél van Pongola Toyota oorhandig aan Pastoor Ockert van die AGS Kerk.

Maybe (Ria Lourens)

Here are some beautiful thoughts on life. "Maybe" they will help you in certain areas of your life :) Maybe God wanted us to meet the wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift. Maybe when the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us. Maybe the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had. Maybe it is true that we don't know what we have got until we lose it, but it is also true that we don't know what we have been missing until it arrives. Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they will love you back. Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart; but if it does not, be content it grew in yours. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile. There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy. Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you are the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

Nasionale Hokkie Toernooi o/16 Meisies – KZN Country Distrik

As ouers van Zandri Render en Kylah Cawood wil ons ons grootste dank betuig aan elke donateur wat nie geskroom het om te help nie. Sonder julle hulp sou dit nie moontlik gewees het om die dogters aan die Nasionale Toernooi in Bloemfontein te laat deelneem nie.

MEDIA STATEMENT FROM THE KWAZULU NATAL MEDIA CENTRE CORPORATE COMMUNICATION SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE DATE: 19 July 2012 SUBJECT: BEWARE OF ADVANCE FEE SCAMS In these days of economic slump when a number of countries are battling to recover from the recent global recession, individual households within our communities are experiencing immense financial strain and out of desperation, are falling victims to get-rich-quick scams. Despite repeated alerts from the police for people to be careful not to lose their hard earned money by investing with unregistered fly-by-night financial institutions or participating in pyramid schemes, illegal lotteries or other advance fee fraudulent scams like the so-called 419 scam, people still allow themselves to be scammed. There are many variations of the 419 scam. The common ones being an e-mail or cell phone text messages stating that a person has won a substantial amount of cash in a competition. The victim is then required to furnish bank account details for the prize-money to be deposited, but alas, all the money in the victim’s bank account is siphoned out. People often receive e-mails or text messages informing them that they have been bequeathed a substantial inheritance by a distant relative who has passed away or that they have won money in the United Kingdom (UK) lottery. Requests are then made for the person to forward various amounts of money from time to time to cover attorney’s fees, transfer costs, administrative and transport costs in order for the inheritance or prize-money to be released. Some scammers also ask the victim to purchase airtime vouchers and to forward the voucher numbers to them. These are all ways that the scammers use to siphon money from their victims. We once again caution member of the public not to divulge bank account or other personal details through e-mails, text messages or internet sites that are not guaranteed secure. They should also beware of these scams and take note that nobody wins prize-money without having entered a competition or that, although probable, it is highly unlikely that an inheritance would be left to them by anyone other than a very close family member or relative. In the most recent cases being investigated by the KZN Hawks Commercial Crimes Unit, a woman lost two hundred thousand rands while a pensioner lost seven hundred thousand rands, almost all his pension money. An appeal is made for anyone who may have fallen victim to a similar scam, to contact the Durban Commercial Crimes Unit on 031 – 325 4716, their nearest police station or Crime Stop on 08600 10 111. For further information contact: Colonel Jay Naicker 082 556 7865

Dankie aan Pongola Akademie vir die gebruik van die bussie vir al die oefensessies in Pietermaritzburg. Aan Dennis Collet, ‘n spesiale woord van dank. Die dogters het pragtig en professioneel gelyk in die mooi klere wat jy aan hulle verskaf het. Dankie vir al jou privaat tyd wat jy prysgegee het om die dogters oor naweke te vervoer en af te rig. Ons waardeer al die moeite wat jy vir hulle gedoen het. Daar was 12 spanne wat in die toernooi deelgeneem het, en die KZN Country District het in die 8ste plek geëindig. Zandri en Kylah, ons as ouers is trots op julle! Braham, Zelda en Wendy

NATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY – 9 AUGUST 2012 On 9 August 1956 approximately 20 000 women, from all walks of life, participated in a march outside the Union Buildings in Pretoria. It was probably the single most famous protest by women to have taken place in the history of South Africa. The Union Building site was chosen because of its historical significance in the development of the apartheid struggle. Women were opposing the law which forced the black population to carry a pass (or document) with them at all times to permit them entering a 'white area'. "You strike the women, you strike the rock", was chanted during the protest and this gave strength to South African women who suffered from exploitation and discrimination during the apartheid era. Programmes such as Violence against Women and others have been established as a result of this march and the determination of women countrywide. On National Women's Day 2000, the Women's Monument at the Union Buildings was unveiled to recognise women's contribution towards gender equity and human rights for all. In many parts of South Africa, women still bear the brunt of extreme poverty, abuse, over-exploitation, oppression and great suffering, yet they are still the "rock" upon which family life and our society depends. On National Women's Day all women are affirmed, their courage and sacrifices over the ages acknowledged, and their aspirations and achievements applauded.

WEES GEWAARSKU Daar is vervalste R100 note in omloop in Pongola. Indien daar nie 'n bakenmerk daarop is nie, is dit vervals en moet dit verkieslik by die polisie aangemeld word. Wat egter die note besonders maak is dat dit sonder die hulp van ‘n ultravioletlig uiters moeilik is om met die blote oog vas te stel of die noot vervals is. Daar word sterk aanbeveel dat kleinhandelaars ‘n ultravioletlig aanskaf om toekomstige verliese te voorkom. ‘n Verdere aanbeveling is dat verbruikers altyd ‘n gewoonte daarvan moet maak om die veiligheidskenmerke van note na te gaan. ‘n Ware noot maak ‘n kenmerkende kraakgeluid as dit hanteer word weens die spesiale katoenbasis van die papier waarop dit gedruk word. ‘n Egte noot sal ook ophelder as dit onder ‘n ultravioletlig gehou word.

VODACOM no service ! When last have you, as a Vodacom customer, tried to make a call between midnight and 5am from your cell phone? Most likely you will find that you won’t be able to make any calls since their network is overloaded. In a case of emergency this can have a devastating outcome ! The reason for the no service might be the following VODACOM promotion :

Due to popular DEMAND, the Vodacom Night Shift Recharge Promotion has been extended to 31 July 2012. This promotion is available to all Prepaid and Top Up customers. What is it? Make FREE Vodacom-to-Vodacom calls from midnight to 5am. All you have to do is recharge with a R12 voucher or more and you will get 60 FREE minutes to chat to your Vodacom family and friends.




The message that you receive on you phone when you recharge is as follows: “Thank you for recharging. As part of the Night Shift Promotion you get 60 min FREE Vodacom to Vodacom calls from 12am to 5am everyday until 31/7/2012” Please lodge all complaints at hellopeter.com. Alterna tively visit www.hellopeter.com

t heir



ESTATE NOTICE THE FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ERHARD WEBER, IDENTITY NUMBER 520218 5296 081, AND ULRIKE BRIGITTE INGE EVA WEBER, IDENTITY NUMBER C23TGF0X2, TO WHOM THE DECEASED WAS MARRIED IN COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY OF 151 GEZINA KRUGER STREET, PONGOLA, KZN, WHO DIED ON 8 APRIL 2011. MASTER'S REFERENCE NO. 5273/2011/PMB ----------------------------------------------------------------Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account will lie open for inspection by all interested persons at the Offices of the Master of the KwaZulu Natal High Court, PIETERMARITZBURG and the Magistrate at PONGOLA for a period of 21 (TWENTY ONE) days from date of publication hereof. If no objection is lodged with the Master of the High Court within the period, the Executor will distribute accordingly. COX & PARTNERS Attorneys for Executor Standard Bank Building Cor. Mark- and High Streets VRYHEID 3100 (REF: 07W001411/S S JORDAAN)


ROLBAL NUUS Wat veronderstel was om ‘n wintersdag te wees, is toe ‘n heerlike sonnige dag toe 14 spanne meegeding het in Pongola vir die Jaarlikse Rolbal Winter toernooi. Spanne het gekom van Vryheid, Ncando, Piet Retief, Dundee, St. Lucia en Ntonga.

After the many cleaning operations undertaken by the uPhongolo Municipality over the last couple of weeks Pongola has almost regain it’s lost glory. Recently, business people in the town had complained of increased disposal of garbage along the N2 highway and streets. The council was urged to take measures and curb the trend which could convert the town into a convenient dumping site for everyone. It is not only the job of the municipality to keep our town clean. Residents must stop littering the streets. They can develop a way of getting rid of the garbage collected instead of creating open dumpsites everywhere.

In Liefdevolle Herinnering aan Chris van Reenen 1945-05-03 - 2012-07-16 Dankie vir die 45 jaar wat ons saam die lief en leed in ons huwelik kon deel. Dankie dat jy my altyd laat lag het, en vir jou skerpsinnigheid wat die humor in alles gesien het. Dankie vir die Pa wat jy vir ons kinders was, en dankie vir die Oupa wat jy vir ons kleinkinders was. Dankie vir die Vriend wat jy vir al ons vriende was, en dankie vir die sielsmaat wat jy vir my was. Ek weet ons gaan jou oneindig mis, maar dankie vir al die mooi herinneringe wat jy vir ons nagelaat het vir 67 jaar. Dit was vir my ‘n voorreg om deel van jou lewe te kon wees. Rina

St. Lucia het omtrent skoonskip gemaak met al wat ‘n prys is. Die wenners het die prys gewen van Impala Watergebruikersvereniging vir 2 aande by Bivane Dam. 1ste: St. Lucia (C) Jan Lombard, Dave Lawson, John Araujo en Shannon Nel 2de: St. Lucia (B) Fred, Riana, Frikkie, Henman en Less 3de: Ntonga (A) Danie, Martie, Alwyn en Ronel Baie dankie Tony’s Tool Hire vir die tafels en stoele. Ons het kontant donasies ontvang van Build It Mkuze, Cold Storage Pongola, Mavelane Wholesalers, Pollol Nel, Pongola Tyres en Glassfit. Baie dankie daarvoor. Baie dankie aan al ons klublede en spesiale dank aan ons Verversings kommitee vir hulle harde werk en die heerlike etes. D a n k i e a a n a lm a l w a t deelgeneem het en ons ondersteun het. Dit was Foto verskaf deur Bella Gouws voorwaar ‘n wonderlike dag. Bella Gouws - 083 320 2211


Ons bied ‘n geleentheid om deel te wees van ‘n wenspan. Moet oor die volgende beskik :

      

Bewese ondervinding van skakeling met publiek Vermoë om met verskaffers te onderhandel Vermoë om funksies te reel Sterk interpersoonlike en kommunikasie vaardighede Bewese ondervinding van uitstekende organisasievermoë en samewerking in spanverband Basiese kennis van grafiese ontwerp Rekenaarvaardig

As jy entoesiasties en energiek is, is hierdie die werk vir jou ! Kontak: Fatima by 0832345390

It would be rude of us not to write a short thank you to the people of Pongola. We have been nothing short of amazed at the sense of community at work here in this lovely town. Our father, Frank du Toit, is very ill and is in the Pongola Hospital. We arrived here from Melbourne, Australia, to find this whole community in full flight with love and support. We were amazed to find that the doctor lives over the road and the matron lives next to the hospital. We were even amused to find the doctor has his own ambulance in the garage. All the nurses are so gentle and compassionate. All the nurses regard nursing as more than a job, they are all truly following a calling. With such care and compassion to display we are sure dad is receiving the best care available anywhere in the world. Everyone has treated us like extended family. Susan and Leon van Aardt from Kwa Lala B&B have welcomed us like we are staying in their home … a lovely five star home. For anyone who hasn’t eaten at Kwa Lala, I can promise you a five star culinary experience … and as a bonus, Dr Leon van Aardt is also dad’s doctor. We have had rusks delivered by Lindie, the minister’s wife, to eat with a cup of tea when we wake up at 4 am in the morning due to our jet lag. We have enjoyed regular visits from minister Ockert Coleske offering prayers and support. But mostly we would love to acknowledge our step mom, Miems du Toit, who has shown the most unbelievable devotion to my dad, the love and adoration she has shown should be a lesson to us all. With many thanks Norma Mc Conville & Meryl Burger (both formerly du Toit)



Call us TODAY to book your appointment ... Martelie: 082 945 7314 Nikita: 082 803 2942


Linda Botha was onderweg vanaf Pretoria na Empageni toe sy stop om foto’s te neem van ‘n veldbrand naby Mmeleli Lodge net buite Pongola. Terwyl sy nog staan en foto’s neem het die grasdak van die lodge aan die brand geslaan. Die vlamme was aangejaag deur ‘n sterk wind en was by tye omtrent vyf meter hoog. Linda het die kontaknommer op die advertensiebord van Mmeleli Lodge geskakel maar geen antwoord gekry nie. Motors het gestop en almal het verlae staan en toekyk hoe die lodge afbrand. Alles is in puin gelê en soos die wind weer sterker begin waai het, het die vlamme versprei en het die chalets ook afgebrand. Dit was ‘n skrikwekkende gesig. Die eienaar van die lodge, Ben, het daar aangekom en Linda meegedeel dat hy nie weet van ‘n brandweer in Pongola nie. Linda sê dat ongeveer ‘n driekwart uur later, toe alles reeds in as gelê het, het die “disaster control” of brandweer rustig daar aangery gekom maar nie begin water spuit of in die perseel ingegaan het nie. Sy is nie seker of die rede daarvoor was dat dit te laat was of dat hulle nie water gehad het nie. Van die vlamme het nog gesmeul en soos die wind waai het die vlamme weer groter gebrand. Die foto’s hierby is geneem deur Linda Botha.

André van Zijl is ‘n 62 jarige HIV/VIGS aktivis wat fondse genereer vir verskeie liefdadigheidsorganisasies deur fiets te ry deur Suidelike Afrika en sodoende ook die woord te versprei by skole oor hoe dit is om te lewe met HIV/VIGS. André behoort te weet waarvan hy praat want hy lewe al met HIV/VIGS sedert hy gediagnoseer is in Februarie 1984. André noem aan my dat die eerste fase ‘n fase van ontkenning was. Dan kom die fase waar jy alles en almal wil blameer vir jou siekte en laastens die fase waarin jy begin aanvaar. André het die keuse gemaak om ‘n “cause” te vind – nie ‘n “coffin” nie! Dit is nie ‘n maklike pad om te stap nie en in ‘n sekere stadium was hy selfs verslaaf aan pille om die innerlike pyn te verdoof. Dit was egter sy moeder wat die keerpunt in sy lewe gebring het toe sy eendag aan hom sê dat sy nie langer kan toekyk hoe hy homself stadigaan doodmaak nie en dat as hy so graag wil doodgaan moet hy maar eerder van Tafelberg gaan spring – sy sal selfs vir die kaartjie betaal. André het na sy diagnose alles verloor – sy werk, sy vrou en amper sy menswees. Gedurende hierdie tyd het hy tot bekering gekom en het sy lewe ingrypend verander. Hy het op Wêreld VIGS dag op 1 Desember 2010 vanaf Kaapstad weggespring op die eerste been van sy tweejaar lange fietsreis deur Suid-Afrika asook lande wat grens aan Suid-Afrika. Hy het ‘n jaar later in Kaapstad gearriveer nadat hy ongeveer R2,5 miljoen bymekaar gemaak het vir behoeftige kinders asook kinders wat deur HIV/VIGS wees gelaat is. Hy is nou besig met sy tweede jaar en was onlangs in Namibië waar hy meer as 65 000 skoliere toegespreek het by die verskeie skole. Hy het ook die ereburgerskap van Namibië gekry hiervoor. André hoop om hierdie jaar dubbel soveel geld in te samel. Hy is tans op pad na Maputo en gaan dan weer weswaarts tot by Pretoria en wil uiteindelik op 16 Desember in Kaapstad arriveer waar hy deur die stad se burgemeester, Patria de Lille, begroet sal word. André het geen bystandsvoertuig nie. Dit is slegs God en hy op die lang pad. Voor op sy fiets sit Eddie die Teddie. Hy sê dit help vir padwoede. Hy kan teen Eddie stoom afblaas en dié praat nooit terug nie … ry net rustig saam. Met slegs ‘n rugsak op sy rug sê André dat hy in niks kortkom nie. Die Here voorsien elke dag vir hom – mildelik. Sy motto is : “Live out of need – not greed”. In Pongola het Susan van Aardt van Kwa-lala vir hom verblyf aangebied – tydens ons onderhoud het hy my vertel watter wonderlike mens sy is en dat toe hy haar geskakel het vir verblyf sy nie geskroom het om hom te help nie. André was ook Sondag by die NG Kerk Pongola waar hy na die erediens met van die jeugklasse gepraat het. Maandagoggend het Ds Petrus gereël dat hy sy storie deel met die hoërskoolleerders van Pongola Akademie.

Dit is ‘n storie van hoop. André vertel aan die leerders dat die lewe gaan oor keuses. Hy het eens losbandig gelewe – dit was ‘n keuse en die uiteinde was ‘n lewe met HIV/VIGS. Nou is sy keuse die keuse van lewe en om hoop te bring aan ander wat dit nodig het! Besoek sy webtuiste by www.andrevanzijl.tk (Berig : Roléne)


12 years ago Herman and Candelaria embarked on a 6 month journey from their home country of Argentina intending to finish up in Alaska. They met as children, and now, in their mid-forties with four children, they are still on the road. Their trusty 1928 Graham-Paige car has taken them across 4 continents where they have been hosted by over 2,500 families. They were in Pongola on the 22nd of July at Dweba Lapa where they spent some time with the Vryheid Vintage Motor Club and Arthur Duvenage, well-known for his vintage car restoration. www.sparkyourdream.net

PONGOLIET WEN CROWN NATIONAL PRYS Frikkie Combrink het ingeskryf vir ’n nasionale kompetisie van Crown National by ‘n uitstalling in Johannesburg. Hy is onlangs aangewys as een van die wenners en ontvang hiermee saam ‘n koopbewys van R500 by ‘n slaghuis van sy keuse. Frikkie het Pongola Vleis gekies as die slaghuis van sy keuse en kan eersdaags sy prys kom afhaal. Baie geluk Frikkie !

Graag wil ons almal bedank vir al die liefde en bystand gedurende die moeilike tyd met die afsterwe van ons geliefde man en pa, Klyn. Ons bedank familie en vriende, die hele Golela gemeenskap, Pongola, die Kaap, Lavumisa, Richardsbaai, Vryheid, Johannesburg en St. Lucia. Julle het ons gedra deur die tyd. Ons kan nie genoeg dankie sê nie. Baie liefde Ada, Magda, Ciska en Hendrik.

Pongola Toyota sê … Dankie vir Eddie Alberts met die aankoop van hulle nuwe vloot Toyota bakkies. Dit is die grootste vloot voertuie wat nog op een slag verkoop is by Pongola Toyota en ons wens hulle sorgvrye kilometers toe. Dankie ook aan elke kliënt van Pongola Toyota vir hulle ondersteuning die afgelope 7 jaar !

QUICK FINDER / SNELBEL MAAK SEKER MENSE WEET WAAR OM JOU IN DIE HANDE TE KRY The Pongola News gaan in die uitgawe van 10 Augustus 2012 weer 'n "snelbel" uitgee getiteld "Quick Finder". Om in die “Quick Finder” te adverteer kos slegs R250 per jaar. Die "Quick Finder" gaan 4 maal per jaar in kleur gedruk word en as ‘n bylaag tot die Pongola News uitgegee word. Om u naam of besigheid te adverteer benodig ons die volgende : Naam wat gelys moet word Aard van besigheid (sodat ons dit onder die korrekte kategorie kan plaas) Telefoonnommer Faksnommer Epos adres Epos asseblief hierdie besonderhede na : Rolene: 082 810 0808 - rolene@axxess.co.za Martelie: 082 945 7314 - pongolanuus@xsinet.co.za

KOM ONS MAAK ‘N VERSKIL Die Malvern en Môrester Kinderhuise se deure gaan gesluit word as daar nie dringend geldelike bystand ontvang word nie.

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‘n Bron bevestig dat die Malvern Kinderhuis oor slegs genoeg fondse beskik om die deure vir ‘n verdere vier maande oop te hou. Kinderhuise is afhanklik van die staat vir fondse sowel as Lotto-geld wat aan hul uitbetaal word. Hierdie jaar het hul slegs ‘n klein bedrag van die staat ontvang. Die NG Kerk in Pongola dra finansieël by tot hierdie kinderhuise maar dit is nie genoeg om in hul behoeftes te voorsien nie. Almal van ons weet wat dit kos om ‘n huishouding aan die gang te hou—wat nog te sê ‘n kinderhuis. As elkeen van ons ‘n bydrae maak, gaan dit ‘n verskil maak ! Skakel gerus met Heleen Botha van die CMD as u ‘n bydrae wil maak of meer wil uitvind. Haar nommer is : 082 735 0510.

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