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24 August 2012

You may also contact us on: Tel: 082 8100 808 082 945 7314


Fax: 0866 160 979 Physical Adress Shop no 7, Senekal Centre, Martin Street, Pongola, 3170

GRATIS / FREE METCROC CROCODILE FARM CLEARED OF ALLEGATIONS In April 2012 single-pen crocodile farming came under fire after Coen Labuschagne, owner of Metcroc Boerdery in northern KwaZulu-Natal, was charged with animal cruelty by the National Council of Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA). The Office of the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Durban has since then issued a formal statement dated 10 August 2012 which is in the possession of the Pongola News and from which we wish to high light a few lines. The State vs C F Labuschagne – Magudu Case 98/04/2012 “After careful consideration of all the available evidence in the docket and subsequent consultation with the expert witnesses, I have decided to decline prosecution in this matter. My decision is inter alia based on the following :  The onus rests on the State to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused person’s action (the holding of crocodiles in “finishing pens”) constitutes a contravention of the provisions of the Animal Protection Act, No 71 of 1962.  The physiology, behaviour, biomechanics and the appropriate husbandry practices pertaining to crocodiles and crocodile farming falls within a specialised field of expertise and study. The State is therefore largely reliant on the opinions of experts in this field of practice.  All the experts who visited the farm and observed the crocodiles are of opinion that the animals are in excellent physical condition and displayed no signs of psychological stress or abnormality. Adv Waldo Smit” The Pongola News is further in possession of a report from Dr Angelo Lambiris (Chartered Biologist and Consultant Herpetologist). In his report he writes : “An inspection of MetCroc Boerdery, Pongola district, was carried out by Inspector Nazareth Appalsamy of the National SPCA’s Farm Animal Unit in Alberton and myself on Wednesday 18 January 2012, over a period of about three hours, during the middle of the day. The owner of the farm, Mr Coen Labuschagne, had not been informed in advance of the inspection. The primary purpose of the visit was to investigate an allegation that young crocodiles were being housed under unacceptable conditions of confinement and hygiene.” Continue on page 3


Shop 19, Plaza Centre, Pongola Tel: 034 413 2153

The Photographers

Contact Roléne on

082 810 0808


iskien het jy al die film “The Bucket list” gekyk… Dit is ‘n film van twee mans wat saam in ‘n hospitaalkamer opeindig, Edward Cole, ‘n biljoenêr, en Carter Chambers, wat ‘n motorwerktuigkundige is. Albei vind later uit dat hulle terminaal siek is. Carter maak ‘n lysie van die dinge wat hy graag sal wou doen voordat hy die “bucket kick”. Op ‘n stadium word daar vertel dat daar vir mense gevra is of hul sou wou weet wanneer hul lewe tot ‘n einde sou kom. 96% van die mense het NEE geantwoord, maar dan antwoord Carter: “I have always leaned towards the other 4%.” Dit is juis hy wat begin om hierdie lysie op te stel. Dit laat mens nogals dink aan ons eie lewens. Ons is sekerlik nie bedoel om aan die einde van ons lewens eers die beste tye daarvan te beleef nie! Wat is hierdie lewe in oorvloed dan? Is dit iets wat eers kom wanneer ons gesterf het? Of is dit iets wat nou reeds moet plaasvind? Miskien ‘n bietjie van beide? Ons kan soos Edward wees, met al die geld wat moontlik nodig kan wees, maar ‘n lewe van oorvloed mis! Ons kan ook soos Carter wees wat die lewe in oorvloed wil leef, maar te bang is om die eerste stap te neem, en so mis ons ook die lewe in oorvloed. Saam het die twee ontdek dat die keuses wat hulle maak van groot belang is om ‘n lewe in oorvloed te kan leef, selfs al is hul terminaal siek. Mag dit waar wees dat jy nie sal terughou vir die dinge wat jy graag in die lewe wil doen nie en dat jy jou lewe in oorvloed sal leef !

Kalender / calendar 2012 August 2012

24 Augustus 2012 29 Augustus - 1 September 31 Augustus 2012

September 2012 1 September 2012 20-23 September 2012

Oktober 2012 5 Oktober 2012 6 Oktober 2012


13 Oktober 2012

BY 082 324 0244

November 2012

OF STEFAN BY 083 625 8908

2 November 2012

Dienstye NG Kerk Pongola: 09:00 Elke Sondag Pongola: 15:00 Elke Donderdag—Zulu Erediens Jeug Kinderkerk: Sondae 09:00 in die Kerksaal Kategese: Sondae 10:00 Volg voete (Graad 4-7): Woensdae. Sien Kalender vir datums Taksie (Tienier AKSIE - Graad 8-12): Donderdae 18:30 in die Kerksaal Nederduits Hervormde Kerk Pongola: 10:30 1ste en indien 5de Sondag Geen: 2de Sondag 08:00 3de en 4de Sondag Gereformeerde Kerk Pongola: Winter & somer: 09:00 AGS Kerk Pongola: Sondagoggend: 09:00 Sondagaand: 18:00 Pongola Christian Centre Pongola Tuesday: Ladies Prayer Meeting: 14:00 Wednesday: Home Cells: 19:00 Friday: Youth Meeting: 19:00 151 Gezina Kruger Street Saturday: Prayer Meeting 05:00 Sunday: Celebration Service 09:00 Children’s Church 09:00 Contact Details: Pastors Schalk & June van der Merwe Home: 034 413 1764 Cell: 082 923 5844 ( Pastor Schalk) Cell: 082 923 5844 (June)

Pongola Akademie Matriekafskeid Pionier Wilds– en Lentefees 2012. Kustenaars: Ray Dylan & Fredi Nest Vir meer inligting besoek: ABSA Inniriet ABSA Inniriet Tiervis Kompetisie Karlien van Jaarsveld (Pongola Country Lodge) AGS Basaar Vendusie. Verkoping van verversings, veiling van alles en nog wat! Kontak Gerhard: 072 852 3986 of Hennie: 082 893 5355 NG Kerk bazaar AGS padwedloop


His report further concludes the following : “Office : The record sheets that Mr Labuschagne showed us appeared to be very comprehensive and detailed. The data is indicative of good husbandry practices.” “Incubation room : The room and its contents appeared to conform to a high standard of hygiene and cleanliness.” “Hatchling pens : I see no objective grounds for considering such pens inappropriate per se. It is my opinion that the pens are appropriate for holding crocodiles whose total length does not exceed 1.8 metres. The condition of the pens at time of inspection appeared of above average sta ndards. The crocodiles in these pens are in excellent physical condition.” “Finishing pens : All the crocodiles seen here were without exception, well nourished, alert, responsive, well orientated and relaxed.” “Growing-out ponds : The growing-out ponds are large, spaciously laid out and well designed. They are a model of everything, from the biological perspective, that could be wished for.” “Breeding pens : There is little to say of the breeding pens other than that they are about the best that I have seen.” “Skinning shed : The carcases we saw on our visit were expertly slaughtered and bled, and with no signs of trauma on either the skins or the carcasses. The freshly removed skins are the finest that I have ever seen from any southern African crocodile farm.” “This farm can serve as a model for what all crocodile farmers should strive to achieve.” I was invited to spend an afternoon at the Metcroc farm accompanied by Mr Coen Labuschagne. What strike me were the well maintained gardens and the cleanliness of the whole farm. Coen is a well respected commercial farmer in our community and exports all his crocodile skins to Europe for use in the best fashion houses. We are therefore happy to report the true facts of the matter after the witch-hunt that nearly caused Coen Labuschagne to lose face in the crocodile farming industry. We wish him well with his ventures! Report : Roléne van der Merwe -

Rhino poachers sentenced to 28 years Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal -

The prospect of making a substantial amount of money was what attracted two KwaZulu-Natal farmers to the illegal hunting of rhinos. Ewart Potgieter, 34, of Louwsberg, and Riaan Vermaak, 32, of Newcastle, pleaded guilty in the Vryheid Regional Court this week to charges of conspiracy to hunt rhino and attempting to hunt rhino and the possession of illegal firearms and ammunition. Potgieter was sentenced to 18 years’ imprisonment – six years for conspiracy to hunt rhino and attempting to hunt rhino, 10 years for possession of illegal firearms and two years for possession of illegal ammunition. Vermaak received 10 years and six months – six years for conspiracy to hunt rhino and attempting to hunt rhino, four years for possession of illegal firearms and six months for possession of illegal ammunition. They will serve an effective 11 years and seven-and-a-half years respectively. The pair, with their alleged accomplices, Philomon Mbatha, 42, and brothers Dumisane Sithole, 30, and Mduduzi Sithole, 32 – game rangers at the Mkuze Falls Private Game Reserve – were arrested five months ago during a sting operation. Undercover police agents led by Warrant Officer Jean-Pierre van Zyl-Roux, of the Durban Organised Crime Unit, were taken to the reserve, ostensibly to poach 10 rhinos. Charges against Mbatha were withdrawn because he had no knowledge of the hunt. The Sithole brothers are expected to appear in court for a trial date. In his guilty plea, Potgieter said he had met a Piet Harvey in January who told him there was money to be made from the illegal hunting of rhino. He said Harvey gave him the telephone number of a “Johan” – a police agent – with whom he made contact and started discussions on rhino poaching. Potgieter said he then met Dumisane Sithole, who also allegedly offered his help during a hunt for rhinos at Mkhuze Falls. The discussions about the hunt went on until March, when Potgieter said he met Vermaak and enlisted his help. He said it was agreed the hunt would take place at the game reserve. Sithole and Mduduzi allegedly agreed to take them to the farm and supply them with one of the farm’s two-way radios to keep track of the rangers. If the hunt was successful, Sithole would delay reporting it for as long as possible, Potgieter said. It was also agreed that “Johan” would do the hunting while Vermaak kept guard. On March 4, Potgieter went to Mkhuze Falls with “Johan”, Vermaak and Mbatha. Potgieter was arrested by “Johan” moments after he cut the fence to gain entry into the farm. Police recovered two rifles, a pistol and live ammunition at his home. In his guilty plea, Vermaak said he had agreed to help in the hunt because of financial problems. –

Photo Left: Riaan Vermaak supplied

Photo Right: Ewart Potgieter

Laat jou geldsake vlot (vir Vrouemaand – Augustus) Hoop jy nog steeds die ridder op die wit perd sal môre aan jou deur kom klop en jou wegvoer na ’n lewe van materiële voorspoed waar jy jou nooit weer oor die kos- of kragrekening of jou kinders se skoolgeld hoef te bekommer nie? Of het jy vrede gemaak met die feit dat jy as vrou waarskynlik ’n deurslaggewende rol in jou gesin se geldsake speel – of jy nou geseën is met ’n redelik gemaklike finansiële situasie, of die sente moet omdraai om elke maand uit te kom? Piet Swart, Sanlam Senior Finansiële Adviseur by Pongola sê vroue wat die verantwoordelikheid van finansiële beplanning op hul wederhelf afskuif, is dikwels heeltemal in die war wanneer hulle onverhoeds betrap word deur onverwagte gebeurlikhede soos egskeiding of die dood van ’n gade of aflegging. “Die risiko wat dit inhou om hierdie verantwoordelikheid hetsy bewustelik of onbewustelik af te skuif, is beduidend. Jy kan uiteindelik ontdek dat jy nie die nodige finansiële sekuriteit het om die onvoorsiene gebeurlikhede wat mense dikwels onkant betrap, die hoof te bied nie.” Gebeurlikhede soos egskeiding, spesiale onderrigbehoeftes vir kinders, ongeskikraking as gevolg van ’n ongeluk en die voortspruitende onvermoë om ’n inkomste te verdien, skep alles situasies wat nie een van ons voorsien nie en daarom word ons onverhoeds betrap – met rampspoedige finansiële gevolge, sê Piet. “Dis waarom ’n deeglike jaarlikse hersiening van jou finansiële beplanning uiters belangrik is om seker te maak dat jy konstruktief beplan vir soveel as wat jy kan, en te sorg dat jou gesin gemoedsrus het oor persoonlike dekking en spaarfondse en beleggings vir hul toekoms – ongeag of jy die enigste broodwinner is of nie.” Piet sê wat geldbestuur betref, het elke persoon ’n unieke verhouding met geld, wat op vorige ervaring, hul persoonlikheid en persoonlike doelwitte berus. Daarom is dit so belangrik om jou eie persoonlikheid te verstaan, sodat jy kan verstaan wat die dryfvere vir jou finansiële besluite is. Hy sê dit sal jou help om die weg na beter geldbestuurgewoontes te baan. Hier is haar top vyf finansiële gewoontes vir ’n beter finansiële toekoms vir vroue: 1. 2.



15 August 2012

Further to the recent announcement made by Gigaoba in connection with a railway line which is to be built from Lothair to Sidvokodvo in Swaziland relating to the export of coal through Richards bay. Should Gigaba have carried out a more in depth study, he would have discovered that in 1972 the previous government already expressed the necessity of such a railway line. The railway line from Piet Retief via Pongola to Candover and linking up with the railway line to Richards’s bay will provide the following benefits:1. 2.

The railway line from Piet Retief would provide a service relevant to various coalmines as well as timber being produced on a large scale in that area. Closer to Pongola where thousands of tons sugar is produced and the railway station has been in existence since 1972.

The proposed railway line which was to be constructed would have run on the RSA side along the Swaziland border fence. Documents of understanding are not worth the paper it’s written on as King Sobusa III does not see eye to eye with the ANC Government and its alliance Cosatu. Should the railway line be build, what tariffs would Transnet have to pay for the use thereof? Swaziland would then have a railway line from the West to the East of Swaziland “Mahala” Whereas, in the event of the railway line being constructed in RSA territory many people from the area who are currently unemployed would benefit as this construction project would lead to job creation which is so desperately needed. Rail transport of goods and items as mentioned above would no longer have to be transported by road. Long distance travelling passengers who have no alternative means of transport could also benefit from the service thereby curbing the carnage of taxi accidents. The Government is definitely not serious about job creation. Instead they stare in absolute amazement at the brilliant Gigaba who in my opinion has made an enormous error of judgement as there are thousands of jobless people in the rural areas who could have benefited from this opportunity.

4. 5.

Beplan jou finansiële toekoms. Dit sal jou help om werklike doelwitte te stel en werklike vordering te monitor. Bestee volgens ’n begroting, en betaal jouself eerste. Dit beteken jy moet eers vir jou eie finansiële sekuriteit sorg voordat jy geld aan enigiets anders bestee. As jy ’n enkelouer en broodwinner is, en jy het nie lewensversekering nie, hoe gaan jou kinders oorleef as iets met jou gebeur? Maak seker dat jy persoonlike dekking het om onvoorsiene gebeurlikhede te dek. Gebruik geld om selfrespek op te bou, nie te verloor nie. Dit beteken dat jy jou geld bestee aan dinge wat jou oor die lang termyn goed sal laat voel oor jouself. Raak betrokke by jou gesin se geldsake: Vind uit hoeveel bestee word waaraan, en raak finansieel ingelig, sodat jy ’n wesenlike bydrae kan lewer om jou gesin se welvaart te skep en te beskerm. Moenie toelaat dat vrees vir finansiële sake jou lewe oorheers nie: Gun jouself die kans om te leer en foute te maak, en daarvan te herstel. Jou vermoë om jou finansiële toekoms suksesvol te beplan, hang af van jou bereidheid om te leer en ou gewoontes deur ’n nuwe benadering te vervang.

Vir meer inligting, bel Piet Swart by 034 413 1714 of op 082 330 0094. Sy e-pos is

PONGOLA AKADEMIE BEHEERLIGGAAMPOS Fisiese Wetenskap Graad 10 – 12 Wiskundige Geletterheid Graad 10 – 11 Begin : Januarie 2013 Stuur C.V. na epos : Narvrae : Skakel Mnr Swanepoel by 034 413 1497

BEDANKING Hiermee wil ons graag die gemeenskap van Pongola bedank vir die besondere bystand en liefdevolle ondersteuning wat ons ontvang het met die afsterwe van ons geliefde eggenoot, Pa & Oupa – Chris van Reenen. Baie dankie vir oproepe, selfoonboodskappe, besoeke, blomme, kos en vele meer. Ons bedank in besonder vir Dr. Pieter & Hanelie Germishuys en Ds. Petrus Botha, die Bybelstudie groep asook Cules Haman en die rolbal vriende. Dankie vir almal in die gemeeskap se gebede wat ons in die tyd gedra het en steeds dra. ‘n Mens moet eers deur so ‘n beproewing gaan om weer te besef hoe ‘n wonderlike gemeenskap Pongola se mense is.

Gigaba please reconsider before it’s too late.

Ons eer ons Hemelse Vader vir Sy Liefde en Genade onbeskryflik groot.




CASE NUMBER: 885/2010



and GERT PETRUS AUCAMP (ID: 820407 5023 085) ESTER CATHARINA AUCAMP (ID: 801223 0148 089)



This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a Judgement obtained in the above court.


The Rules of this auction is available 24 hours before the auction at the offices of the Sheriff of Paulpietersburg, Piet Retief, Utrecht and Pongola at 35 Mauch Street, Paulpietersburg.


Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to conditions, inter alia; Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008. URL Reference Number: (URL


FICA—legislation i.r.o. Proof of identity and address particulars - List of other Fica requirements available at Sheriff’s office.


Payment of registration fee of R1000.00 in cash.


Special Conditions available for viewing at the Sheriff’s office.


The auction will be conducted by the Sheriff, CA Loedolff or his/her representative.


Advertising costs at current publication rates and sale costs according to court rules apply.


The property will be sold “voetstoots” and without any reserve to the highest bidder subject to the provisions of the Magistrate’s Court Act, 1944 as amended.


The full conditions of sale may be inspected during the office hours at THE SHERIFF OF THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT, PAULPIETERSBURG, PIET RETIEF, UTRECHT AND PONGOLA AT 35 MAUCH STREET, PAULPIETERSBURG and at the offices of the Attorneys for the Plaintiff.


Saterdag, 18 Augustus 2012, het lede van die Pongola Cane Riders vir Elizabeth Dudman verwelkom in Pongola. Sy vat tans die grootpad aan op haar Suzuki TL 1000 S en het op die 16de Junie 2012 vertrek vanuit Somerset Wes.


ESTATE NUMBER: Sy beskryf haar rit as ‘n “solo charity ride against woman and child abuse”. Alle fondse ESTATE LATE: wat sy genereer met die verkoop van bufferplakkers en T-hemde word geskenk aan ‘n IDENTITY NUMBER: “safe house” vir DATE OF DEATH: vroue en kinders in ADDRESS: die Kaap.

Sy beplan om 15 Se ptember 2012 weer terug te wees in Somerset Wes en sê dat sy volgende jaar dieselfde gaan doen. Lede van die plaaslike Cane Riders het haar vergesel op ‘n deel van haar rit na Richardsbaai om die pad vir haar hopelik minder eensaam te maak.

7111/2011/PMB Deon Johann Horn 4906065071080 28/06/2011 16 Ellispark, 50 Crane Bird Lane, Pongola


The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court PIETERMARITZBURG, and at the office of the Magistrate Pongola for a period of three weeks from the 24 August 2012. WEICH & KRIEL P O BOX 266 PONGOLA 3170 Tel: 034 413 2601 Fax: 034 413 2603

uPHONGOLO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY BID NOTICE: 314/04/12 BIDS ARE HEREBY INVITED FOR THE DOMESTIC AND GARDEN REFUSE REMOVAL FOR PONGOLA TOWN, TSB SUGAR MILL, PALMVILLA, BELGRADE, ITSHLEJUBA, MAGUDU, NCOTSHANE SECTION 1 – 6 A Non-Refundable Deposit of R150.00 Per Document, is payable in cash or bank guaranteed cheques made out in favour of the uPhongolo Municipality, is payable prior to the collection of the Bid Document. Bidders are requested to pay this amount at cashiers as from the 17th of August 2012. Bid Documents will only be available for collection immediately after the briefing session. Bidders are required to produce their proof of payment when collecting the Bid Documents. Duly completed Bid Documents, sealed in an envelope, marked with the relevant contract number, contract details and date of closing, are to be deposited into the Bid Box at the uPhongolo Local Municipality, Main Foyer, 61 Martins Street, Pongola, 3170, not later than 12h00 on the closing date, where they will be opened in public. No late, telegraphic, telefax or posted Bids will be acceptable. A Compulsory Briefing Session with the representatives of uPhongolo Municipality will be held on the 31st of August 2012 at 09h00 in the Main Boardroom at the Municipal Offices, uPhongolo Local Municipality, 61 Martins Street, Pongola. Bids must be in a sealed envelopes marked: “THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER” DOMESTIC & GARDEN REFUSE REMOVAL FOR PONGOLA TOWN, TSB SUGAR MILL, PALMVILLA, BELGRADE, ITSHLEJUBA, MAGUDU, NCOTSHANE SECTION 1 – 6 BID NO. 314/04/12 Closing Date: Friday 07 September 2012. Bids should be placed in the Bid box at the uPhongolo Local Municipality, at Pongola NOT later than Friday, the 07th of September 2012, at 12h00. Bid documents will be immediately thereafter opened in public. Interested Service Providers to meet at the main foyer of the uPhongolo Municipality where the Bid Box is situated. The evaluation of the Bid will be conducted in two stages: Firstly, the assessment of functionality will be done in terms of the evaluation criteria and the minimum threshold, thereafter the qualifying Bids are evaluated in terms of the 80/20 preference point system, where the 80 points are used for price and the 20 points are contributed in terms of B-BBEE. The uPhongolo Local Municipality reserves the right to accept any BID or part of any BID and is not bound to accept the lowest BID or any other BID. NO LATE, E-MAILED, POSTED, COURIERED OR FAXED BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED MR ME ZONDO ACTING MUNCIPAL MANAGER

Bush Rudolph 27/06/1940 - 13/08/2012 Dit is met hartseer dat ons van Bush, geliefde eggenoot, pa en oupa afskeid neem. Dankie dat jy altyd daar was vir ons en ons met liefde oorlaai het. Ons gaan jou baie mis, gelukkig is daar so baie mooi herinneringe wat jou lewendig sal hou in ons harte. Baie dankie vir die bystand, besoeke, gebede, kos en blomme gedurende Bush se siekte asook met sy afsterwe. Dit word opreg waardeer !! Jackie & familie

Herwinning / Recycling Deur: Marlene Pienaar

Ons doen ‘n beroep op almal om hul vullis tot die minimum te beperk wat ons in die swart sakke op straat sit. Gebruik die groen sak (is ook deurskynend) en plaas daarin al die herwinbare items en die onherwinbare items in swart sakke. Groen sakke is te koop by enige supermarkte. Die groen sakke kan dan Maandae op straat gesit word. Baie dankie vir die wat dit alreeds doen. Die groepe wat herwinbaar is: Glas:

Enige glas bottles bv. Bier, wyn, drank, speserye, konfyte of enige glas waarin kruideniersware verpak word, is herwinbaar.

Plastiek sakke:

Alle plastieksakke bv. Groente-, rys-, brood- en vleis verpakkings.


Enige blikke waarin kruideniersware verpak word. Koeldrank blikke ens.

Plastiek Bottels:

Alle koeldrank bottles, bv. Coke ens. Melk en ook kruideniersware soos tamatiesous. Alle plastiek bottles.

Papier: Wit Papier

Hier vra ons asseblief dat dit apart in ‘n sak gesit word of gaar op tot jy baie het en bring dan vir ons of bel en ons sal kom haal. Besighede veral kan ons skakel - u privaatheid word goed beskerm. Banke maak reeds van ons gebruik. (Kantoor papier moet asb sorteer word van pos en koeverte) Koerant papier en tydskrifte word ook gebruik.


Indien die kruideniersware opgebruik is, spoel net die blik of houer uit voordat dit gesorteer word.

Vir enige navrae, kontak Frans-Jospeh Pienaar by 082 945 7907

uPhongolo Municipality SAPS NEWS Public Notice No. 320/08/12

KZN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT NO 06 OF 2008 INVITATION TO COMMENT An application has been lodged with the uPhongolo Municipality in terms of the KZN Planning an Development Act No. 06 of 2008 for: 1.

Application for a land development area situated outside the area of a scheme, to develop a tourism business hub on the proposed portion 4 of the farm Isleworth no. 772, uPhongolo Local Municipality, Registration Division -HU.

The physical address of the proposed development is located 12km to the North of the Town of Mkuze and 45km to the South East of Pongola Town at the intersection of the N2 National Road and main road 522-1. A copy of the application document is available for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Town Planner Mr E Engelbrecht, office no. 5, Technical Department at the Municipal Building, 61 Martin Street, Pongola, for a period of 30 days from the 24th of August 2012 to the 25th of September 2012. Any person having interest in the matter must lodge written comment not later than 25th of September 2012 to the Town Planner, Mr E Engelbrecht, P.O Box 191, Pongola, 3170 or e-mail Any person who fail to respond to this notice by written comments, will be disqualified to participate further in the application process.

Rape - Pongola Cas 314/08/2012 On 2012/08/19 at approximately 01h00 at Kwa Shoba, Rhebokfontein Pongola, the 12 years old minor was asleep in the bedroom together with her younger sister. The suspect entered in their bedroom while they were sleeping and forced one of the girls to undress. The suspect then raped her. The victim managed to recognise him. The suspect left. Suspect was later arrested and charged. He will appear at Simdlangentsha court at Ncotshane Pongola today on 2012-0820. Reported by Lieut SWC Mthembu

SAPS VERSLAG Op 8 Augustus 2012 is 310kg dagga onderskep by Mvunyane Trust deur die SAPS. Adjudant-offisiere Manyama en Van der Merwe, konstabels Masuku, Ngxongo en Nkosi tesame met twee lede van die SAPS van Pongola het op informasie gereageer en sodoende daarin geslaag om hierdie dagga vanuit die handel te verwyder. Daar word vermoed dat die dwelmhandelaars vir vervoer gewag het toe die polisie opdaag. Geen arrestasies is gemaak nie aangesien die dwelmhandelaars gevlug het toe die eerste lede van die polisie opdaag.


A4 colour printing at only R5-00 per copy Contact The Pongola News at 082 810 0808 for more info

Bo: Verbrand die dagga wat gekonfiskeer is. Foto’s verskaf

Bo: Gekonfiskeerde dagga





HERE IS THE SOLUTION!!!! KOEBANA SPRAY TANNING!! Call us TODAY to book your appointment ... Martelie: 082 945 7314 Nikita: 082 803 2942

Hoërskool Pionier Tydens die afgelope KZN-Skyfskietkampioenskappe het Pionier se skuts getoon waarom die skool as top skyfskietskool in die provinsie beskou word. Pionier oorheers die kompetisie, waaraan 10 skole deelgeneem het, in bykans elke afdeling. Dit is so ʼn voorreg om oor die fasiliteite te beskik om sulke kompetisies aan te bied. ʼn Mens is nie altyd dankbaar genoeg daarvoor nie. Baie geluk aan almal wat so goed presteer het. Mnre. Smidt, Kritzinger en die afrigter, mnr. Louis Lötter bestee baie tyd en aandag aan hierdie sportsoort. Pionier slaag daarin om 14 van die 22 trofeë vir hoërskole in te palm! die Houghting-Skild vir die beste sporterklasskkool en die gesogte “Angel’-Skild vir die beste Veerklasskool word deur Pionier se skuts verower. Baie geluk aan die volgende skuts wat uitsonderlik goed gevaar het: Mari Myburg – Beste 0/16 Veerklasskut; Lize Claassen Beste 0/16 Sporterklasskut en Samantha Dippenaar vir die Beste 0/21 en algehele Sporterklasskut. Sy word ook aaangewys as die dogterskaptein van die KZN-span. Ai, ons is so trots op julle!! Nog is het einde niet! Die skuts verower 18 goue medaljes, 5 silwer en 10 brons. 18 uit ‘n totaal van 47 skuts wat die KZN-span verteenwoordif is van Pionier. Tiaan Hart, Stefan Duvenhage, Mari Myburg, Heinrich Harris, Morné le Roux, Berni Smith, Suzaan van Straaten, John-Wayne Seaton, Cleo Nel, Marochelle Rheeder. Jeandrie Lötter, Thomas Solms, Sunel Fourie, Louise Maartens, Lize Claassen, Twanette Duvenhage en Bianca Wagener.

THE GREEN THING Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the older woman that she should bring her own shopping bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment. The woman apologized and explained, "We didn't have this green thing back in my earlier days." The cashier responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations." She was right -- our generation didn't have the green thing in its day. Back then, we returned milk bottles, pop bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. But we didn't have the green thing back in our day. We walked up stairs, because we didn't have an escalator in every shop and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks. But she was right. We didn't have the green thing in our day. Back then, we washed the baby's nappies because we didn't have the throw-away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 220 volts -- wind and solar power really did dry our clothes back in our early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But that old lady is right. We didn't have the green thing back in our day. Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house -- not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the county of Yorkshire . In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the post, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then, we didn't fire up an engine and burn petrol just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. But she's right. We didn't have the green thing back then. We drank water from a fountain or a tap when we were thirsty instead of demanding a plastic bottle flown in from another country. We accepted that a lot of food was seasonal and didn’t expect that to be bucked by flying it thousands of air miles around the world. We actually cooked food that didn’t come out of a packet, tin or plastic wrap and we could even wash our own vegetables and chop our own salad. But we didn't have the green thing back then. Back then, people took the tram or a bus, and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their mothers into a 24-hour taxi service. We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest pizza joint. But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn't have the green thing back then? Please forward this on to another selfish old person who needs a lesson in conservation from a smart-ass young person. Remember: Don't make old people mad. We don't like being old in the first place, so it doesn't take much to make us mad. Ria Lourens

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IS JY SEKER JOU SEKURITEITSMAATSKAPPY EN SEKURITEITSWAG IS GEREGISTREER ? PSIRA (Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority) vereis dat elke persoon wat hom uitgee as ‘n sekuriteitswag geregistreer moet wees by hulle. Dit voorkom dat persone met kriminele rekords en wat nie Suid-Afrikaanse burgers is nie aangestel word om jou perseel of huis te beskerm. Voor jy dus weer ‘n sekuriteitsmaatskappy nader maak eers deeglik seker dat hulle wel geregistreer is. Jy kan PSIRA besoek op hul webtuiste by waar jy vinnig en maklik die identiteitsnommer van die sekuriteitswag kan inpons om te sien of sodanige wag wettig geregistreer is en dus gemagtig is om ‘n sekuriteitsdiens te lewer. Die sekuriteitsmaatskappy moet jou dus kan voorsien van hul PSIRA nommer sodat jy op die webtuiste kan kyk of hul huidiglik nog geregistreer is. Die spreekwoord lui: voorsorg is beter as nasorg. Moet nie sommer jou besittings aan enige persoon toevertrou nie. Deur eers die nodige bevestiging te kry dat jou sekuriteitsdiens wel wettig geregistreer is kan jy jouself baie probleme spaar.

NATIONAL ARBOR WEEK Saturday, September 1, 2012 - Friday, September 7, 2012 Arbor Week is a special week that has been set aside for the planting and caring of trees. Arbor Day originated in Switzerland during the 15th century to raise awareness amongst people about the importance of trees. In South Africa, Arbor Day started in 1983 and in 1997 it was extended to a National Arbor Week. In South Africa, Arbor Week falls in the first week of September. Every South African Arbor Week celebration highlights at least two specific trees - one common and one rare species. In 2012, the common tree is Syzygium cordatum (Water berry, Waterbessie); and the rare or uncommon trees are Protorhus longifolia (Red Beech, Rooiboekenhout) and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (Black Mangrove Swartwortelboom). People have depended on trees through the ages. They offer shelter and shade, are a source of food, fuel, medicine, timber, and also have numerous other uses. They are essential for replenishing our oxygen supply and taking in the atmosphere's carbon dioxide, a contributor to the greenhouse effect. They prevent soil erosion by binding the soil with their roots and add nutrients to the soil with their leaf litter. Arbor Week celebrations intend to promote a better understanding of trees, in particular indigenous trees; encourage the planting of trees and greening activities within communities; highlight the importance of trees for a sustainable future and the role trees play in the livelihoods of people and their environment; and raise awareness amongst South Africans about greening initiatives.


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