English version
Viração’s Educomunicação _ Annual Report 2019
Cristina Paloschi Uchôa de Oliveira
Jéssica Rezende
Bahia (Stephanie Oliveira), Distrito
Rafael Silva
André Amaral, Carolina Nascimento,
Federal (Webert da Cruz), Pará (Diego
Daniel Fagundes, Ellen de Paula,
Teofilo), Rio de Janeiro (Mariana Assis),
Elisangela Nunes, Juliane Cruz and Sylvio Ayala
Rio Grande do Sul (Araciele Ketzer),
São Paulo (André Romani, Ana Barreto,
Gabriela Barbosa, Dandara Felippe,
André Araújo, Luiza Gianesella, Thaís Santos,
Evelyn Geovanna, Felipe Bonifácio,
Marilda dos Santos
Tulio Bucchioni and Viviane Delgado
Giovanna Feliciano, Jefferson Rozeno, Jenny Nicassio, Jéssica Rezende, Joyce
Rodrigo Bandeira Vanessa Vieira Camargo
Serafim, Julia Barbosa, Júlia Vaccari,
Andressa Nascimento and Kalline Lima
Juliane Cruz, Karen Santos, Kariny Rocha, Kauanne Santos, Kauanny Souza,
Luciana Cardoso, Lucio Ayala, Maria
Cleide Agostinho
Carolina Cabral, Maria Soares, Nelson Simplício, Paulo Sousa, Pedro Santana,
Raissa Santos, Rapphael de Taranto, Taís
Gutierrez de Jesus Silva
Ilhéu, Thaíssa dos Santos, Vitória Soares, Wanessa Ferro and Wesley Matos) and
Vania Correia (volunteer)
Manuela Ribeiro
Sergipe (Vitor Alves).
Letter from the president, 4
About Viração Educomunicação, 5
ECA – Escola de cidadania para adolescentes (Citizenship school for adolescents), 31
Vira in numbers, 8
Geração que transforma – Chama na solução (Generation unlimited’s youth challenge), 32
Consulta Brasil (Query Brazil), 34
Programs, 10
Programa competências para a vida (Skills for life program), 36
Youth Press Agency, 11
Specific activities, 38
7. Institutional communication, 59 8.
Fundraising, 61
Partnerships, 63
AJN Educommunicative Coverages, 13 Viração Magazine, 16
Projects and Activities, 19 Young Communicators (Youth Press Agency Branch), 20
5. International Vira, 46 6.
Events, 50 Promoted by Vira, 51
U-Report Brasil, 22
Joined by Vira, 52
É Pra Brilhar (To Shine), 25
Institutional Representation, 55
Participation inspecific activities, 30
10. Balance Sheet, 65 11. 2019 Prizes, 67
Letter from the president
New moments ask for new turning points Hello to you, who is now accessing our 2019
It was in that same year of 2019 that new and
report, thank you for reaching out to us, come
old plants bloomed, while others dried and
closer. You may be our partner from old times
wilted. During that year, which was intense
or might just now be arriving at our “Virança” .
in social failures, the wealth of ideas, hope
The important thing is to keep on turning.
and willingness to invest in what really can be
In 2019, it seems as though the world has taken more turns, our crises were more dramatic, and authorities’ attitudes, more risky and erratic for collectives and for collectivity in general. The Amazon was on fire and in conflicts of high concern, taking the alert for global warming and the future of the planet to the highest level. Poverty has increased again in Brazil and in the world, as a result of an
the Consulta Brasil project, Chama na Solução, U-Report Brasil or Competências para a Vida became part of the trajectories of adolescents and youth who are building a new way of seeing the world and living in it. Inspired by our educommunicative coexistence with them, we turn our gaze to the greatness of the potential to a new future to come while not failing to notice the enormity of the challenges that arise.
And we didn’t even know that a new pandemic
We invite you to accompany us throughout the
was just ahead of us.
memory of these 2019 turning points.
1 “Virança” and “Viração” have the same root in portuguese, and relate to the verb “to turn”, that also means something like “to make happen”, “to use one’s resources in a creative way in order to get things done”; thus, the use of “turning points” in the title and throughout the text, in reference to our name. “Viração” can also mean a “fresh, gentle breeze or wind that usually blows in the afternoon from the sea to the land; sea breeze.”
Good reading!
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
inequality agenda that has grown even faster.
different grew. At Viração, beautiful flowers like
About Viração
About Viração Viração is a non-profit organization that, since 2003, has been working with educommunication and social mobilization projects. The proposed activities encourage adolescents and youth to participate in human rights discussion spaces through processes, interventions and communication products Viração’s activities are structured in three distinct and complementary axes:
Content production
Social mobilization
The axis of education, or training of
Through a unique methodology, Viração
adolescents, youth and educators, aims
has already had an impact on the lives of
both to teach production techniques used
more than 5 million adolescents and youth.
in communication, as to create awareness
Prioritizing youth interests, the organization
and increase the social-cultural repertoire on
addresses themes such as the environment,
human rights, politics and citizen participation.
health, politics, diversity, gender equality
The axis of content production by and for
and sexuality.
adolescents and youth is an important dimension of Viração’s methodology, since the production of communication products
enables them to put the lessons learned during
To inspire and connect adolescents
the training into practice and to deliberately
and youth to build a just, participative
exercise the human right to communication
and multi-faceted society.
and freedom of expression. Through the social mobilization axis, we aim to value action among peers in carrying out
Vision To guarantee the rights of adolescents and
youth. These youths increase their awareness
youth and have them actively participate in the
of social issues and are encouraged to take
world’s transformation.
part in public policy debates, as well as to carry out educommunicative coverages of strategic events.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
activities to mobilize other adolescents and
Vira in numbers
Vira in numbers 82.337 participating adolescents and youth in Brazil
674.826 people reached on Facebook 64.971 likes on the Facebook page 61.153 engagements on Facebook posts Page’s average engagement rate:
12 email marketing campaigns sent to 4.621 leads – 21,7% average email
12 Brazilian states and DF:
CE, BA, DF, ES, MA, PA, PR, RJ, RN, RS, SP e SE.
2.114 Instagram followers – counting Viração’s and Youth Press Agency’s profiles.
34.445 people reached through Instagram posts – counting Viração’s and Youth Press Agency’s profiles.
+ creation of institutional Twitter account (@viracaoeducom), with 44 followers.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
open rate
Virajovens from
Programs Youth Press Agency Youth Press Agency is a multimedia platform idealized, managed and executed by adolescents and youth, mediated by educommunicators from Viração and international partners. It has centers of activity and correspondents in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Italy and Portugal. It aims to promote the active citizenship of adolescents and young people through processes, actions and products of communication and social mobilization. The program started in 2005 with the educommunicative coverage of the World Social Forum, in Porto Alegre, and consolidated itself as a permanent activity of the organization. With the guidance of our communication and education team, young people produce news for the Agency’s online portal, covering current topics from their points of view and experiences.
In addition to the virtual space, the Agency also has a face-to-face training cycle. The meetings articulate training activities on communication and human rights, gathering teenagers and young people from different parts of the city.
What’s new: New visual identity
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
New website X In numbers:
17.285 followers on Facebook 442 followers on Instagram
AJN Educommunicative Coverages Educommunicative coverages are one of Youth Press Agency’s main strategies, using techniques of journalism, but reinventing them through collaborative processes that favor
5.846 followers on Twitter
an educational experience for participants. It
20 articles published on the website
the publicization and appreciation of the
enables the exercise of the right to expression, adolescent’s perspective in relation to different themes, as well as the expansion of the sociocultural repertoire, through access to different locations, themes and actors. In the educommunicative coverage, adolescents and young people act as reporters, copywriters, photographers and interviewers. The productions resulting from the educational Agency’s website, by our partners, in Viração Magazine, on the Youtube channel and on Facebook and Instagram pages. In 2019, several coverages were carried out, including:
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
coverage are published in the Youth Press
Luz, Câmera, Viração! (Lights, Camera, “Viraction”!) The youth of the project Jovens Comunicadores (Youth Communicators), from AJN (Agência Jovem de Notícias, brazilian branch of the Youth Press Agency), invited the psychotherapist Marcela Rezende for a conversation about mental health and issues of the young body. This coverage was part of the study phase for the elaboration of the 115th edition of Viração Magazine. Youtube Video: https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=svH2kwxcaXE
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
Café de Quebra (Hood Café) In February, the Jovens Comunicadores (Youth Communicators) team, from Youth Press Agency, went to the Fábrica de Cultura of Jardim São Luis (South Zone of São Paulo) and covered the event that celebrated 2 years of Café de Quebra. There, the collective promoted the first edition of “FeirArte” – an exhibition of art, fashion, books and gastronomy – and held a meeting between creative and entrepreneurial powers from the periphery. Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=0mwSvFwcODo
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
Viração Magazine Viração Magazine was born in 2003 from an uncomfortable perception: the lack of a publication aimed at teenagers and young people that involved them in the production process. Since its emergence, Viração Magazine has had several periodicities, being at first published monthly. In 2015, it became semiannual, thematic and with free distribution, in order to enhance the production of online content through the Youth Press Agency. Today, through the production of content from youth to youth, Viração Magazine promotes the defense and guarantee of the rights of Brazilian adolescents and young people, in addition to enabling a social mobilization network. The publications address topics such as human rights, communication, youth, culture, behavior and the environment.
In 2018, Viração magazine continued carrying out its collaborative methodology for the production of local content. In total, 37 adolescents and young people from six states of Brazil (Bahia, Federal District, Pará, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo) were involved in the production. The digital version of the magazine is available online for free access on the Issuu Platform. Access: www.issuu.com/viracao
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
Edition 115: Body_ The group of adolescents participating
Edition 116: Literature and Human Rights
in the Jovens Comunicadores (Youth
Youth, educators and other members of the project
Communicators), Youth Press Agency’s
“Literatura e Direitos Humanos: para ler, ver e
project, started the production of the 115th
contar” (“Literature and Human Rights: to read, see
edition of the magazine at the beginning of
and tell”), an initiative of Ibeac – Instituto Brasileiro
2019. From the themes that emerged during
de Estudos e Apoio Comunitário (Brazilian Institute
discussions that took part during training
of Studies and Community Support), were the
meetings, the group chose the body as the
ones who developed the second edition of the
theme to guide the production of the content,
Magazine in 2019. They brought to the edition
thinking about giving voice and visibility to the
issues discussed in the project’s activities. The texts
different ways a young body occupies spaces
bring different voices and perceptions about the
in contemporary society.
relationship between literature and human rights.
X In numbers
1.318 free magazines distributed throughout Brazil Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
477 people asked to send copies
Projects and Activities
Projects and Activities Young Communicators (Youth Press Agency Branch) Sponsor: FUMCAD – Fundo Municipal da Criança e do Adolescente (Municipal Fund for the Rights of Children and Adolescents) of São Paulo As previously presented, Youth Press Agency has an online portal powered by collaboration and young correspondents throughout Brazil, as well as training centers focused on communication and human rights. In 2018 and 2019, the implementation of face-toface groups was funded by FUMCAD, within the scope of the Young Communicators project. Four centers were mobilized throughout the project, two each year. One branch took place at the Viração headquarters (center of São Paulo) and the others at local partners, such as UNAS Heliópolis
Organization (South Zone), at the Ocupação Cultural (Cultural Occupation) Mateus Santos (East Zone) and at CEU Parelheiros (South Zone). Adolescents took part in a training process that articulates training activities on human rights and production techniques of different kinds of media, with practical processes of citizen participation, educational communication coverages, cartographic exploration of the city, creation of communication pieces and campaigns.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
U-Report Brasil Sponsor: UNICEF U-Report is a tool for online dialogue and
In 2019, U-Report went from 74,394 to 79,603
consultation with adolescents and youth,
in order to promote political participation, access and knowledge of rights and social transformation in its broadest sense. Viração
X In numbers:
has been implementing it since 2017.
79.603 subscribers
Throughout the year, it surveys relevant topics
36.308 followers on Facebook page
for the promotion of public youth policies and promotes content of interest to adolescents.
570.170 people reached by Facebook posts
The poll results are used as as tools for conducting training and debates among other activities with the youth. The U-Report Project aims to achieve scale, promote engagement and bring changes to the with with the goal of becoming a legitimate and representative platform for Brazilian youth.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
lives of young people based on their actions,
Educommunicative products Collaborative map of free psychotherapeutic assistance: As a product of the Yellow September
Animated video #JuventudeSemArmários (#YouthWithoutClosets) – Challenges and Achievements
campaign entitled “Tá tudo bem?” (“Are you
A story narrated by two U-Reporters from Grajaú,
all right?”), we created a collaborative map of
South Zone of São Paulo, about the history of the
public and private places that offer different
LGBTQ+ movement (achievements, challenges,
forms of therapy at no charge throughout the
important milestones, struggles and conquered
country. Access at:
rights). Access this content here.
LGBTQ+ rights quiz Held in partnership with the http://bit.ly/lgbtqidireitos
We conducted a live broadcast on Facebook with Aline Ramos (journalist and former editor of Buzzfeed Brasil) and psychologist Eloiza Rodrigues (specialist in prevention and promotion of health in adolescence). Access it here.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
organization All Out Brasil:
LIVE “Se cuida! – Um papo reto sobre saúde mental” (Take care! – A straight talk about mental health)”
E-book: Manual to combat religious intolerance
Spotify Playlists: Bailando no Brejo (Dancing in the Swamp)
A small manual with tips to combat religious
Lesbian Visibility Day Special:
intolerance. Access it here.
#JuventudeSemArmários (#YouthWithoutClosets) LGBTQ+ Pride Month Special: http://bit.ly/juventude100armarios
#FazerODiaBom (#MakeTheGoodDay) campaign: http://bit.ly/SeCuidaUR
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
Special on self-care and mental health
É Pra Brilhar (To Shine)
group of the project. In the second semester
Sponsor: Prefeitura de São Paulo – Programa
people via social networks, among which 30
Municipal de DST – Aids
were selected to form the second group of
(2018.2), we mobilized more than 200 young
the project. In the third semester (2019.1), Funded by the Municipal STD/AIDS Program
we mobilized more than 200 young people
of the City of São Paulo, the Pra Brilhar project
via social networks, among which 30 were
aims to contribute to health promotion,
selected to participate in the third group of
reducing the worsening of the incidence and
the project. Finally, in the fourth semester
transmission of HIV/AIDS and other STIs
(2019.2), we mobilized, via social networks,
among the young LGBTQ+ population and men
more than 50 young people, among which
who have sex with men (MSM) aged between
40 were selected to participate in the fourth
16 and 29 years old. It seeks to raise awareness
group of the project. During these years,
about HIV/AIDS and about combined prevention
around 570 young people were mobilized via
among the young LGBTQ+ population and
social networks, of which 120 were selected to
MSM through sexual education under the
participate in the training cycles.
intersections between gender, sexuality and In addition to the partnership with the PMDST-
actions, through digital media, to disseminate
SP, throughout 2019 the project connected
information on these topics.
with other civil society organizations and artistic collectives in the city of São Paulo,
In the first semester (2018.1), we carried out
such as CRD – Centro de Referencia e Defesa
outreach activities via social networks and
da Diversidade (Center for Reference and
120 young people signed up, among which
Defense of Diversity), Grupo Pela Vidda,
20 were selected to take part in the first
Coletivo Arouchianos, Coletivo Amem and
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
public health, carrying out communication
Coletivo Contágio – important CSOs and groups participating in the HIV/AIDS Movement in São
Recording of the educational video
Paulo. These partnerships were essential for
“Make PositHIVa” (“PositHIV Makeup”)
carrying out project activities and collective
on HIV/AIDS and combined prevention
interventions in Largo do Arouche, that took place at the end of each training cycle. During project execution, participants produced educational and communication materials in various formats, aiming to build spaces for dialogues on HIV/AIDS issues among youth.
Sarau Viral (Viral Soirée) – Collective Intervention at Largo do Arouche
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
Educomunicative productions
Pra Brilhar Poster (To Shine):
72 hours Postal (PEP)
“Na língua ou no dedo” (“On the tongue or finger”) Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
postal (HIV Autotest)
Educomunicative sticker “Sponge Bob”
sticker (prevention):
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
“Gretchen” educomunicative
“Jovens gays e prevenção combinada ao HIV/AIDS” (“Gay youth and HIV/ AIDS prevention”) educomunicative video: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=AtExAeNaCFk “Circuito de formação para homens gays e HSH” (“Training circuit for gay men and MSM”) educomunicative video: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=l1qHavwp4Ak “Onda diferente (Parody) – Anitta, Ludmilla & Snoop Dogg feat. Papatinho” educomunicative video: https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=hqvVlxamSw4
X In numbers:
70 young people selected 22 assiduous 2 classes formed
“Sarau Viral no Largo do Arouche” (“Viral Soirée at Largo do Arouche”) youtube.com/watch?v=gOg5gAForC8 “Make PositHIVa” (“PositHIV Makeup”) educomunicative video: https://youtu.be/ xL110IN1spY
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
educomunicative video: https://www.
Participation in specific activities Participation in the “O que você pensa quando
Zine workshop for I Encontro Estadual Juventudes e HIV/AIDS (First State Meeting Youth and HIV/AIDS)
falamos de HIV/Aids e outras infecções
The State Coordination of the IST/AIDS (Sexually
sexualmente transmissíveis?”, (“What do
Transmitted Infections) Program of São Paulo held the
you think when we talk about HIV/AIDS and
First State Youth and HIV / AIDS Meeting on September
other sexually transmitted infections?”) live
1 and 2, with the objective of discussing the guarantee
broadcast, promoted by the Quebra das Ideias
of the right to health, the end of prejudice and the
program of the organization Periferia em
promotion of youth participation and humanization in
Movimento, held on December 4, 2019.
health services as important elements for prevention.
Access it here: https://www.facebook.
The event was held at the Hotel Dan Inn Palace,
located at Avenida Casper Líbero, 115, downtown. The
objective was to address aspects of positive prevention for youth living with HIV and combined prevention for serodifferent couples. The program consisted of panels, conversations, theater sketches, a soirée and other activities.
(Communication and Sexuality) NGO and Viração took part in the Communication piece.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
The ECOS – Comunicação e Sexualidade
ECA – Escola de cidadania para adolescentes (Citizenship school for adolescents)
It consists in a journey of mobilization and
Sponsor: Província Autônoma de Trento
The proposed trajectory includes face-to-
ECA – Escola de Cidadania Ativa para Adolescentes is a project that had its initial phase in 2018, through an international cooperation between Viração Educommunication, Viração & Jangada and the Autonomous Province of Trento, in Italy. In Brazil, it had the technical partnership of Unipop – Instituto Universidade Popular (Popular
training of 30 adolescents in the cities of São Paulo, Belém and Recife, with a focus on themes related to democracy and citizenship. face and distance training, composed by the following thematic axes: participatory democracy; human rights; youth condition; youth activism; educommunication; environment and climate change. Social markers of difference such as class, race, gender and sexuality are treated transversally in all axes of the project.
University Institute) and Auçuba Comunicação
In 2019, the implementation stage in the
e Educação (Auçuba Communication and
city of Belém was concluded by the partner
Education), for implementation in the cities of
Unipop, with the mobilization and training of
Belém and Recife.
30 adolescents and young people, in addition
The project aims to contribute to the and the promotion of human rights by encouraging and supporting the engagement of adolescents and youth in identifying challenges and creating interventions, considering local complexities and pluralities.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
strengthening of participatory democracy
to community intervention activities.
Geração que transforma – Chama na solução (Generation unlimited’s youth challenge)
the support of volunteer mentors to develop
Sponsor: UNICEF
selected in this edition were: A de Ajuda (SP),
“Geração que Transforma” is the Brazilian version of Generation Unlimited, UNICEF’s global initiative that was implemented in Brazil by Viração in 2018 and 2019. The
their initiatives. Five were selected by a panel to receive a seed-capital of R$ 4,000 for the initial implementation of the actions. The five teams CIJoga (RJ), Cia. EmQuadro (SP), Produção PRETA (SP) and TODAS Fridas (MA-RJ-SP), which since December have been accompanied by Viração’s team in periodic meetings.
project is part of a global partnership and
In 2019, two of them (CIJoga and Produção
works towards the goal of having every young
PRETA) were selected to compete in the global
person with access to studies and preparation
phase, with initiatives from 15 other countries, for
for work by 2030.
a capital of U$ 20.000. In addition, we continued
In 2018, Viração implemented “Chama na Solução” (Youth Challenge), an action that aims to support entrepreneurial projects of Brazilian youths, from 14 to 24 years old, that proposed solutions to problems related to
the five teams, holding periodic meetings with each one and also supporting their projects through the establishment of partnerships in order to offer scholarships for courses and trainings that were relevant to their initiatives.
school to employment and empowerment.
Finally, in November, we began the preparation of
Ten initiatives were selected to participate
a new cycle of Geração que Transforma, which will
in a cycle of workshops on design thinking
select, in the beginning of 2020, another ten teams
and entrepreneurship, in addition to having
to participate in the process. Registration opened on December 20.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
three themes: high school, transition from
to monitor the implementation of the initiatives of
CIJoga (RJ), team selected for X In numbers:
the global selection phase
5 teams supported during the mentoship period
2 Selected for the global selection process Registration for new cycle opened
Produção PRETA (SP), team selected
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
Photos: UNICEF / BRZ / Fernando Martinho
on december 20
for the global selection stage
Consulta Brasil (Query Brazil)
The Consulta Brasil project is developed by Viração
Sponsor: CONANDA – Conselho Nacional
in partnership with Rede de Conhecimento Social
dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (National
(Social Knowledge Network).
Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents) The project consists on conducting participatory research with children and adolescents regarding the use of Information and Communication Technologies, as a strategy for training, mobilization and awareness on the subject. It provides for the creation of communication products and teaching materials with guidelines and methodologies to work on the safe and civic use of ICTs, aimed at operators of the Rights Guarantee System, and also at children and adolescents. It aims to contribute so that millions of children and adolescents using the Internet are able to analyze and reflect on the content they are impacted by; adopt critical rights and their rights based on ECA – Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Statute of the Child and the Adolescent); strengthen themselves regarding the hate
regions, namely: North Region: Belém (PA) – 1 school in the urban center Macapá (AP) – 1 school in the rural area Northeast Region: Recife (PE) – 1 school in the urban center Seabra (BA) – 1 school in the countryside Mid West region: Brasília (DF) – 1 school in the urban center Caarapó (MS) – indigenous school Southeast Region: São Paulo (SP) – 1 school in the urban center Lavras (MG) – 1 school in the countryside
and intolerance speeches disseminated on the web and
South Region:
know how to make a more conscious and powerful use
Porto Alegre (RS) – 1 school in the urban center
of technological communicational devices.
Itapejara (PR) – 1 school in the countryside.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
and safe behavior in virtual interactions; know human
The project was implemented in Brazil’s five
Formation meetings of the Brazil Query Project in Caarapó (MS), In the first stage of the project, 3.000 children
Tey Kuê Indigenous Village
and adolescents participated in training meetings based on the PerguntAção (“QuestionAction”) methodology, developed by the Social Knowledge Network, which promotes the collective
Research instruments were built
construction of participatory opinion surveys as
collectively with children and
a strategy to generate engagement and social
adolescents and the field phase
mobilization. It is a collaborative process that
(application of the survey) was carried
unites people of different profiles to conceive and
out by children and adolescents with
develop, in groups, an opinion poll on the context
their peers. The poll was also made
in which they are inserted. In practice, the group
available online through a link posted
goes through a formative process composed by
on social networks and emailed to
the different steps of research building.
partners and other media outlets.
Formation meetings of the Brazil Queryl Project in DF
Formation meetings of the Brazil Query Project in Macapá (AP), Campina de São Benedito do Pacui Community, rural area
Programa competências para a vida (Skills for life program) Sponsor: United Way Brasil The Skills for life program is an initiative of United Way Brasil, implemented by Viração since 2018, with the implementation of the second edition of the program taking place in two regions of the State of São Paulo in the first half of 2019: Francisco Morato and Sumaré. The program aims to develop cognitive, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, based on dialogues about life projects with adolescents and youth. Each group went through a day of workshop composed of the following modules: discovery; purpose life and professional ethics, in addition to mentoring with volunteer professionals from the companies that co-authored and financed the program, namely: Lilly, Morgan Stanley, PWC and the 3M institute.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
mobilization of opportunities; productive
Issues such as study, the world of work and a healthy, sustainable and ethical lifestyle were transversal to all developed activities. In 2019, the program assisted 100 young people divided into 3 groups. They were comprised by teenagers and young people who participate in activities of Pró-Morato Educacional Rebouças organizations.
Fotos: United Way Brasil, 2019, Programa Competências para a Vida.
– Associação Pró Morato and CER- Centro
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
Specific activities Workshop on the 2030 Agenda for the Pesquisadores Sociais (Social Researchers) course Viração, through U-Report Brasil, carried out awareness activities on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UN Brazil) with young people from Jardim Ângela, a neighborhood located on the outskirts of the south zone of the city of São Paulo. The activities were part of the Pesquisadores Sociais (Social Researchers) course, a project by the Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Relações Comunitárias (Dean of Culture and Community Relations) at PUC-SP. In it, adolescents and youth participated in a training day on the their communities.
during the workshops on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Viração co-created a questionnaire with the adolescents and youth participating in the course. It was broadcasted through U-Report, disseminated by local community media outlets and by the youth themselves. The questionnaire mapped data and opinions of adolescents and youth living in the M’Boi Mirim and Campo Limpo regions on access to higher education. The results were shared with the community at the VIII Fórum Social Sul (VIII South Social Forum), an event that opens a space for the exchange of ideas and experiences between residents, collectives and social movements from the city’s outskirts. Check the research details here.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
importance of research for the development of
Considering the territorial demands raised
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
“Educommunication for Educators” course
X Principles and practices of Educommunication: where we presented and discussed
On April 17 and 18, Viração facilitated
educommunicative principles and
the “Educommunication for Educators”
practices and their application
course, with a total workload of 8 hours,
in different educational contexts
at CPF – Centro de Pesquisa e Formação
(formal, non-formal, institutional
do Sesc São Paulo (Sesc São Paulo’s
education, etc.);
Research and Training Center). A series of educommunicative activities was developed on the following themes: X New communicational scenario, education and youth: about possible interfaces between education and communication in
X Experiencing: a purely experiential moment where participants were able to plan educational and communication projects and test them with each others, later debating the achieved results.
the current context, considering
These results, as well as the demand for
youth discussions as a transversal
this activity, which drew in participants
axis of analysis;
from other states in search of a
and interfaces: discussing the concept of Educommunication from the conceptual and historical points of view;
specific training on Educommunication, strengthen our perception that there is a great demand from educators regarding such themes and contents, reaffirming the importance of offering courses like this to interested publics
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
X Educommunication: fundamentals
Training cycle “Educomunicação Para Pensar a Alimentação” (“Educommunication to Think About Food”)
The themes were addressed with the
In May 2019, we facilitated the training cycle
Plants). The activities resulted in a practical
“Educomunicação Para Pensar a Alimentação”
guide with the purpose of offering educators,
(“Educommunication To Think About Food”), offered
teachers and other education professionals
by Sesc do Carmo through the Mesa Brasil (“Brazil
possible guidelines for holding similar
Table”) program, for a class of 30 adolescentes at CCA
workshops with their students.
participants through educative, dynamic and dialogic activities, including interviews with the community and field trips to identify and photograph PANCs (Non-Conventional Food
(Center For Children and Adolescents) Vista Alegre, in the Brasilândia district. Five meetings of three hours
In addition, the cycle gave rise to educational
each were carried out, covering topics such as:
communication products created by the participating adolescents, such as Ozem Cast,
X Food and culture
a podcast on healthy eating, and the video “Juventude Saudável – Programa Piloto:
X Food and nutritional security
ViraChef” (“Healthy Youth – Pilot Program:
X Food waste
ViraChef”). A Mural Journal (Jornal Mural) was also created at the CCA, containing texts and workshop.
io Ayala Photo: Sylv
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
images on the subjects covered during the
Photo: Luiza Gianesella
30 anos da Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança: O que você vai fazer? (30 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child: What are you going to do?) – An invitation to reflect on the advances and challenges in São Paulo and Brazil On November 27, we took part in this UNICEF event, which was held at the Paulo Kobayashi auditorium, in São Paulo’s Legislative Assembly. It celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the most widely ratified human rights document in human history. On that occasion, a summary of the progress achieved in the state of São Paulo was presented and the challenges that still persist were identified, in order to renew the
of the State Government; Berenice Giannella, municipal secretary of Assistance and Social Development and municipal secretary of Human Rights and Citizenship; Marina Helou, state deputy, president of São Paulo’s Committee for the Prevention of Homicide in Adolescence and coordinator of the
development of each child and each adolescent.
Parliamentary Front for Early Childhood;
The event was attended by representatives of
the Commission for the Defense of Children,
civil society and the private sector, as well as
Adolescents and Youth; and Florence Bauer,
adolescents from different regions of the city:
UNICEF representative in Brazil.
Soninha Francine, councilor and president of
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
commitments to the well-being and integral
Célia Parnes, Secretary of Social Development
Volunteer Engagement Design Workshop (UNICEF Brasília) We were invited to join the team of mobilizers who participated, together with the UNICEF team and invited adolescents and youth, in an international workshop to co-create their volunteer program in Brazil. The event took place at UNICEF headquarters in Brasilia, on July 30-31. The concept chosen to be developed was initially proposed by Viração’s representative, with the objective of engaging teenagers and young volunteers in combating the spread of fake news.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
Photo: Eleanor Zeitlin
III Public School Teachers Seminar at USP’s Chemistry Institute – Discussing gender and sexuality with adolescents and youth
Right to the City – with an eye on LGBTphobia
Viração participated in the III Public School
Viração and the LGBT Pride Parade of
Teachers Seminar at USP’s Chemistry
São Paulo – APOGLBT held the Right to
Institute, facilitating a lambe-lambe (“lick-
the City: Keeping an eye on LGBTphobia
lick”, a technique that consists on gluing
paper posters directly onto walls using glue and a paintbrush) workshop using the special insert of issue 115 of Viração Magazine, whose theme was the body. The workshop, facilitated by Viração’s
On the international day of fight against homophobia, May 17, Instituto Pólis,
The meeting was attended by people who work in different ways in the collective construction of cities that are democratic and without any form of discrimination.
educommunicators Elis Lua and André Araújo, opened spaces for dialogues on how to have a sensitive and attentive gaze regarding situations in which prejudices, discrimination, violence and privileges may was to reflect on themes related to gender and sexuality in the context of adolescence and youth.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
be expressed. The objective of the seminar
The seminar was part of a series of actions to fight LGBTphobia and reflect on the rights of the LGBTI+ population and the role of cities in ensuring equality for all. The action was part of Pólis’ project “Direito À Cidade de Todas As Cores” (Right to the City of All Colors) and connected several projects of Viração and APOLGBT, among other invited organizations and collectives. The event was free of charge and was broadcasted live on Facebook through the pages of the institutions that organized it.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
International Vira
International Vira Europe Since 2016, Viração started to operate with its own legal configuration in Italy, the Viração & Jangada, resulting from the merge between Viração and Jangada Association, which existed for more than 20 years. The organization acts as the international partner of the Brazilian organization. In 2018, Viração & Jangada promoted nine projects in the Trentino-Alto Adige region and in 3 other regions of Italy, especially in the South. The Climate Watch project, with the participation of 20 youth and researchers from high schools and the University of Trento, is one of them. It consists in a planetary citizenship education Project, started in 2018. In 2019, it promoted training courses for 14 high school and university students.
One of the project’s most important activities was the educommunicative coverage of the UN Climate Conference in Madrid (Spain), COP25, held by 33 young people from 8 countries (Italy, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Armenia, Argentina, Colombia and Costa Rica).
Part of the team during the educommunicative coverage of COP25, in Madrid (Spain)
that portrays the theme of climate emergence and migration
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
Theater show “Sabbia” (“sand”)
In addition, since 2010, Viração & Jangada coordinates in Italy the European project “Let’s Take Care of the Planet”, carried out in partnership with the National Research Center of Bologna (CNR). It is a participatory process that invites students to discuss sustainable development, take on individual and collective responsibilities, and carry out local actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. In 2019, around 1400 students and 60 teachers from 9 schools in 3 cities and 3 regions of Italy (Trentino, Puglia, and Sicily) participated in the project. In partnership with the European Research Center Jean Monnet, Viração & Jangada carried out the artistic project “Em Clima de Poesia” (“In the Mood for Poetry” 1), a series of four postcards created by the artist thousand copies were distributed at cultural and social events to raise awareness of the population on issues related to climate emergence and migration. 1 In portuguese, the word “clima” means both “mood” and “climate”.
Activities in schools in southern Italy under the European project “Let’s Take Care of the Planet”
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
Andrea Massarelli and selected youth. Two
Events Promoted by Vira: Screening of the documentary “Eleições” (“Elections”) followed by a debate with Alice Riff (director), Vanessa Fort (screenwriter) and adolescents from the movie’s cast On April 11, in partnership with Videocamp, Viração held a free screening of the documentary directed by Alice Riff – Eleições. (“Elections”). At the end of the event, there was also a debate with adolescents from Colégio Alarico (SP) who participated in the film. We were also joined by Vanessa Fort (screenwriter) and Alice (director) herself.
Joined by Vira: II Encontro Nacional de Comunicação Colaborativa (National Meeting of Collaborative Communication) Between the 29th and 31st of July, the II National Meeting of Collaborative Communication took place at Abong’s headquarters in São Paulo. The event was promoted by Abong and Rede Cardume: Comunicação em Defesa de Direitos (Communication in Defense of Rights) – a network of organizations, collectives and civil society movements with the objective of articulating and implementing communication actions that enhance the promotion and
During the 3 days of the meeting,
defense of common rights and assets.
communicators representing the organizations that make up Abong’s national of the field of communication for resistance and its challenges – considering the current political context. The group also developed a collaborative communication plan for Abong. Viração was also present.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
network debated on the current panorama
Ato de Luta e Enfrentamento Contra a Aids – São Paulo (Coping and Fight Against AIDS Act) On December 1st, 2019, Viração participated in the Coping and Fight Against AIDS Act, promoted by Grupo Pela Vidda and the Grupo in front of the Municipal Theater of São Paulo “in memory of the people who left us as a result of HIV/AIDS and in a demonstration of our rejection of the invisibility that we have experienced”.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
de Incentivo à Vida (GIV). Activists gathered
Comunicathon “Disseminando as realidades das juventudes brasileiras” (“Disseminating the realities of Brazilian youth” comunicathon) Viração was invited by Em Movimento, an alliance of organizations that work for youth, to participate, on the weekend of november 2 and 3, 2019, in the Comunicathon “Disseminating the realities of Brazilian youth”, a meeting that brought together collectives and experts in communication, youth, data and activism to develop communication solutions based on data from Altas das Juventudes1, one of the largest researches on Brazilian youth. The meeting sought to foster a network among those present to provide access to the necessary support so that the solutions developed could be released to the world. Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
1 is a research created by Em Movimento in partnership with the Pacto das Juventudes pelos ODS (Youth Pact by the SDGs), two large networks of organizations that work to mobilize stakeholders in order to empower youths. The research was created from the perception that there is little systematized, deepened and consolidated data gathered in one place on the situation of Brazilian youth. Thus, Atlas’ proposal is to compile, translate and organize all this information in a more complete survey on the situation of young people in Brazil, on a single platform with open and completely free data. For this event, we accessed data from the first quantitative stage of the research, carried out in partnership with Fundação Getúlio Vargas’ (Getúlio Vargas Foundation) Social Policy Department.
Training session of Projeto
Institutional Representation
Construindo o Futuro
Participation in Rede Construindo o Futuro (Building the Future Network) Created by Instituto Espírita de Educação (Spiritist Education Institute), Projeto Construindo o Futuro (Building the Future Project) is a training and acceleration program for civil society organizations address the theme of education, and its objective is to help participating organizations to be more sustainable and more strategic in the implementation of their projects, fostering rapid evolution both in its organizational structure and in its productivity. During 2019, Viração took part in training training and consultancy in strategic areas for the management of social projects, such as strategic planning, communication and fundraising.
IEE technical visit at Viração headquarters
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
sessions provided by the project, receiving
Launch Event of Edition 115 of Viração Magazine and the book “Flor(e)cimento: poesias de um homem aprendendo a amar” (“Flower(and)cement2: poems of a man learning how to love”), written by Daniel Fagundes at Casa Plana
The meeting included a lambe-lambe
Viração, together with the filmmaker, poet and singer,
body”, with the participation of Maria
Daniel Fagundes, realized a meeting to talk, reflect and make art about this organic system that, by integrating in different contexts, assumes a social and political role. The event took place on August 8, at Casa Plana, multiple and independent space that receives activities aimed at the editorial environment and self-publishing.
(“lick-lick”) workshop – an artistic poster that can be glued in public spaces, media that posts messages through the streets, poetry that intervenes in the city’s concrete, and debate on the theme: “Building narratives about the Francisca, a youngster who participated in the production of the 115th edition of Viração Magazine whose theme was the body, the author of Flor(e)cimento, Daniel Fagundes, and guests.
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
2 In portuguese, “florescimento”, that can be broken into “flor e cimento” (“flower and cement”), means “blossom”.
Viração and UNICEF promote an event in celebration of the 10th anniversary of PCU – Plataforma dos Centros Urbanos (Urban Centers Platform) in São Paulo In celebration of the 10th anniversary of Plataforma dos Centros Urbanos (PCU), the UNICEF São Paulo headquarters held on July 13, 2019, a meeting with youth who participated in the initiative since its early years and younger people who are engaged in the current edition of the initiative. The meeting was held in the auditorium of Viração’s headquarters, in the República neighbourhood in the center of São Paulo, and had organization’s support for the event’s production and on the articulation of adolescents and youth from São Paulo – considering that Viração had been an articulating partner in the implementation of PCU in City. Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
It was a vibrant meeting, in which the youth were able to tell their stories and narrate their actions aimed at guaranteeing the rights of children and adolescents living in the city’s most vulnerable territories. They also talked about how they are now working with Viva Melhor Sabendo Jovem (“Live Better Knowing Youth”), and how Geração Que Transforma (Generation
Latin America Leadership Academy (LALA) Bootcamp
Unlimited) is bringing an opportunity for their
On July 18, 2019, the founder and executive
ideas to transform their realities.
director of Viração, Paulo Lima, represented the organization on the Youth Leadership Panel at Instituto Amani. The event was promoted by the Latin America Leadership Academy (LALA) and brought together about 30 adolescents and youth community leaders from different states in the country. LALA works with the development of youth leaders across Latin America and in July held people selected for this edition. Along with Paulo Lima, other social entrepreneurs also participated in the panel, such as Wellington Nogueira (Doutores da Alegria) and Claudia Pires (founder of SOMA).
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
a 7-day bootcamp full of activities with young
Institutional communication
Institutional communication Viração in the media X Carta Capital: Responsabilizar estudantes por danos nas escolas é um caminho? (“Is blaming students for school damage the best path to follow?”)
Conducted by Viração, in partnership with Rede Conhecimento Social (Social Knowledge Network) and with support from CONANDA – Conselho Nacional dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents), the Consulta Brasil project prepared an online survey aimed at the public between 9 and 17 years of age – with the objective of understanding how this age group uses
After a case of disagreement in the classroom,
the internet and other technologies. The
in April 2019, nine students from a school in
ABPEducom portal was one of the vehicles
Carapicuíba (SP) were referred to a court hearing
that disseminated the survey.
– which determined the apprehension of three teenagers to comply with socio-educational measures. CartaCapital invited Vira’s coordination
X ABPEducom: Projeto Consulta Brasil
disseminated on platforms of other organizations – such as Campanha Nacional pelo Direito à Educação (National Campaign for the Right to Education), Instituto
realiza pesquisa para entender como
Singularidades (Singularidades Institute),
jovens fazem uso das TICs (“Consulta
Caio Dib and ICEP – Instituto Chapada de
Brasil Project conducts research to
Educação e Pesquisa (Chapada Institute of
understand how youths use ICTs)
Education and Research).
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
to answer some questions on this case.
In addition, the research was also
Fundraising In 2019, Viração had the support of its
We had positive responses in calls for
team of collaborators and Vania Correia –
projects that started in 2019 – Mesa
acting as a volunteer – for the application
Brasil (SESC), Selo Municipal de Direitos
of projects in new notices. It took part on
Humanos (SMDHC), Revista Viração
several seals and notices, spanning over
Edição 116 (IBEAC) – and projects that
the most diverse fields of action within the
will start in 2020, such as Geração que
rights of youth.
Move (UNICEF), Fundação Municipal de Educação de Niterói and Pra Brilhar (PMDST-AIDS).
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
Unicef • Unesco • Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo (São Paulo City Hall) – PMDST Aids • United Way Brasil • Instituto Alana • SESC • CONANDA • IBEAC • FUMCAD
Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet Resources* Government agencies, 55,53% R$ 533.698,14 Foundations and Organizations Abroad, 38,23% R$ 367.470,93 National Foundations and Institutes, 2,21% R$ 21.270,50 Private companies, 0,38% R$ 3.670,40 Donations from individuals, 0,37% R$ 3.559,90
Incentive laws, 0,00% R$ 0,00
Total resources: R$ 961.176,91
*The full version of the Financial Statement is available for public consultation on the website of Viração
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
Collection with services, 3,28% R$ 31.507,04
2019 Prizes
2019 Prizes Homage Ceremony to Civil Society Organizations HIV/AIDS (PMDST/Aids – SP) Thirteen non-governmental organizations (NGOs) addressing the theme of HIV/AIDS in the city of São Paulo, among them Viração’s Pra Brilhar, were honored by the Municipal STD/AIDS Program (PMDST/AIDS), an organ of São Paulo’s Municipal Health Secretariat (SMS), on November 27, 2019, for the work developed during the last two years. These organizations participated in the funding notice for community projects of the PMDST/AIDS
Selo Municipal de Direitos Humanos e Diversidade 2019-2020 (Municipal Seal of Human Rights and Diversity) In 2019, Viração, through the Escola de
Inclusion and Management of Diversity;
Cidadania para Adolescentes (School of
such as hiring, promotion and people
Citizenship for Adolescents) project, was
managing policies aligned with diversity
awarded the 2nd edition of the Selo de
and protection of human rights;
Direitos Humanos e Diversidade (Seal of Human Rights and Diversity), in the Infância e Adolescência (Childhood and Adolescence) category.
Social Responsibility; such as projects aimed at the community and society;
Image and Positioning; such as initiatives aimed at communication,
The seal recognizes good practices in
marketing and development of products
managing diversity and promoting human
and services aimed at the inclusion and
rights in companies, public agencies and third
promotion of citizenship.
sector organizations, using as criteria the practices that benefit the municipality without the use of municipal resources. The seal is
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s
divided into 10 categories and 3 dimensions:
The program is part of the projects of Programa de Metas da Cidade de São Paulo 2017-2020 (São Paulo City Goals Program 2017-2020) and the awarded initiatives were invited to form a network of organizations of the seal, that will have periodic meetings throughout 2020. The award ceremony took place on December 10, 2019, the day on which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is celebrated, with the presence of Viração’s Cleide Agostinho (General Services) and Elaine Souza (Executive Coordinator).
Annual Report _ 2019 Viração’s