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2 o lagos municipal museum (
museu municipal de lagos )
A deep dive into the History of Lagos from the collection of José Formosinho (1888-1960), notary and archaeologist, who carried out several studies and excavations in the Algarve. The finds were brought together to create the Lagos Museum in 1932, where vestiges of the civilisations that settled in the territory or fought over its lands can be found. You can access the 18th century Church of Santo António from the museum. This religious monument impresses with the richness of its baroque gilded woodcarving and blue and white tiles, which make it one of the Algarve’s artistic treasures and one of the most beautiful in the country. Um mergulho na História de Lagos a partir da coleção de José Formosinho (1888-1960), notário e arqueólogo, que realizou diversos estudos e escavações no Algarve. Os achados foram organizados para criar o Museu de Lagos, em 1932, onde se encontram vestígios das civilizações que se fixaram no território ou que disputaram as suas terras. É a partir do museu que se tem acesso à Igreja de Santo António, do século XVIII. O monumento religioso impressiona com a riqueza da sua talha dourada, barroca, e o conjunto de azulejos brancos e azuis, que fazem deste um tesouro artístico do Algarve e um dos mais belos do país.
The main towns in the Algarve all have their own market offering fresh daily produce from the mountains and the sea. Fruits, vegetables, fish, seafood and dried fruit are all attractions.
In the Faro Municipal Market you can enjoy “Filó da Praça”, which has become a symbol of the city. Is made with 100% vegetable products : filling is based on orange and almonds wrapped in a delicate crispy pastry.
The red bricks of Olhão Municipal Market stand out in the landscape.
On Saturday mornings, the openair market brings together the region’s farmers and producers who add even more colour to the riverside area of Olhão.
In Quarteira, the fresh fish attracts attention on the stalls and retains the spirit of local commerce, with its stone benches and variety of local and seasonal produce.
As principais localidades algarvias têm o seu próprio mercado e disponibilizam diariamente os frescos da serra e do mar. Frutas, hortícolas, pescado, marisco e frutos secos são uma atração.
No Mercado Municipal de Faro pode degustar a “Filó da Praça”, que se tornou um ex-líbris da cidade. É confecionado com produtos 100% vegetais : recheio é à base de laranja e amêndoa envolto numa delicada massa estaladiça.
O vermelho dos tijolos do Mercado Municipal de Olhão não passa despercebido na paisagem. Aos sábados de manhã, o mercado ao ar livre, junta agricultores e produtores da região que dão ainda mais colorido à zona ribeirinha de Olhão.
Em Quarteira, o peixe fresco arrebata as atenções nas bancadas e mantém o espírito do comércio local, as suas bancadas de pedra e a variedade de produtos endógenos e sazonais.
Algarve wine, like many of the region’s hidden corners, is a secret that is slowly becoming known and the awards it has won attest to its quality. Between Lagoa and Portimão, in the village of Estômbar, you can find Quinta dos Vales vineyards. Visitors are welcome, whether for solo tastings, workshops or a visit to the winery including a tasting with commentary. Enthusiasts can get involved in the production and even make their own wine, which is sure to keep you coming back to the Algarve.
Quinta do Francês, on the way to the Serra de Monchique offers views over the Silves hills and vineyards and showcases wines that in their terroir reflect the region’s warm, dry climate and the Atlantic Sea breeze. Visits to the vineyard, cellar and winery take place in the morning and afternoon and include tapas to accompany the wine tasting.