Pricing for Improved Profits

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This programme is designed to help you achieve greater profits through effective pricing strategies and tactics. Pricing is a key business tool that is often set aside from strategy and performance management. Adding just 1% to top-line revenue can contribute 7-10% to operating profits.



In 3 days you will be given practical tools and frameworks for setting the right competitive price for products and services to optimise profits. Pricing principles are reinforced through case studies, requiring participants to solve numerical pricing challenges. You will learn to recognise pricing issues and develop successful pricing strategies for existing markets, or to incorporate pricing into the development of new products and services. Participants will work through practical examples in a wide range of industries on how pricing is integral to the performance and behaviours of the wider organisation. This will provide a strong basis for improving the way your organisation thinks about pricing in its approach to marketing, sales and innovation – and how these parts of the organisation can work together to achieve high performance.

• How to identify and use price elasticity in making sound pricing decisions • How to price proactively to achieve business goals • The importance of price in differentiation vs. commoditisation • “Price Leakage” and how “Pocket Pricing” can reveal true contributions • Marginal pricing and what this means for profitability • How to integrate pricing decisions into product development • Price promotions and how to manage them profitably • Managing price transparency, control and signals • Implementing commercial tools for Price and Revenue Optimisation (PRO) • How to manage dynamic pricing (for online businesses) • Transfer pricing within different organisation structures


Gavin Eccles Gavin Eccles is a Senior Business Consultant has over 10 years experience in marketing and strategic management. Gavin is responsible for ensuring the success of marketing, communication and business planning strategies for a range of international organisations. In particular, Gavin has extensive experience in developing effective business strategies, and works alongside Marketing and Strategy Managers to shape their corporate approach. This work has been conducted in international clients as diverse as American Airlines, Marks and Spencer, Syngenta, Shell, BBC, Guinness, Marriott Hotels, as well as a wide range of public sector organisations. Gavin has written numerous journal articles and book chapters on the changing role of marketing and management. Educated to Master’s level, Gavin’s on-going appointments include a Visiting Lecturer post at the University of Surrey, where he is the Marketing Tutor for their MBA. Gavin also holds numerous Professorial positions at Universities and Business Schools in Portugal where Gavin brings an international perspective to support individuals as well as corporate learning.


• Integrating pricing with strategy

On completion of this programme, you should be able to: • Compare and contrast the key principles of pricing strategy; • Identify and capture additional revenue growth through pricing execution strategies; • Receive practical tools for managing pricing, and gain an awareness of the more specialised approaches to pricing; • Learn a framework for incorporating pricing into the development of products and services from the outset; • Gain wider perspectives on pricing, the behaviours it drives, and its central importance to business performance; • Finally, to evaluate the effectiveness of your pricing strategy.

• Pricing and how it drives sales behaviours • Case studies and insights from practical experience

METODOLOGIA Built around three core elements “customer insights”, “competitive value strategies” and “tool and techniques”, the programme will be taught in executive education style, promoting an open atmosphere that encourages active participation, and “action learning”. Material will centre on price and revenue optimisation, with a strong emphasis on practical application in decision -making, including the use of case studies, exercises, and examples.

DESTINATÁRIOS This programme is aimed at personnel from marketing, finance, sales and planning, or executives of smaller companies, who analyse, recommend or approve pricing strategies. It is most beneficial to those individuals/ firms who are participating in product development, at the forefront of price competition, or being attacked by low-cost operators who are commoditizing price. Nível Recomendado Middle and upper executives





3 dias consecutivos [4.ª, 5ª e 6.ª feira] 9h00-18h00

Porto Business School

1500 euros [material de apoio às aulas, almoços e coffee-breaks incluídos] Os associados da Porto Business School e os antigos alunos beneficiam de condições especiais.

22 615 32 70 [para informações, reservas ou inscrições]

Carga horária total: 24 horas

Consulte as datas de realização deste programa no Calendário anexo. Faça o download da brochura em Políticas de cancelamento, pagamento, reservas e descontos na página 96 e em


Porto Business School

Porto Business School


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