positively newsworthy GOOD NEWS FROM AROUND THE GLOBE.
1 Carriers of Culture WORDS RESHAPE ATTITUDES. by Alison McEvoy
We all feel the power of words on a daily level, both in person and on the various screens we interact with daily. The whole of media is made up of people racking their brains into forming phrases that get us to feel something (then buy something). What if we all put a little bit more brainwracking effort in for the good of others? In the arena of motherhood and maternity, words used by professionals are particularly powerful. Especially when the journey is being undertaken for the first time and a parent struggles with the
lack of a manual on child-raising. In maternity, and/or motherhood, sometimes words are just not enough... such as in the statement ‘I love my son’. Other times, words are just too much and the historic baggage and weight they have accrued makes them unbearable to hear... such as in statements like ‘inhospitable womb’. These heavy duty words are being weeded out by a new generation of mothers who are ready to take a stand, rather than sit in an office hearing words
from a ‘professional’ that cut like a knife; “Words matter. Changing the harmful discourse that’s become so normalised as a way to describe women’s bodies is long overdue.” (Michelle Kennedy, CEO of Peanut app for women) To this end, a new campaign has made a complete ‘Renaming Revolution Glossary’ available for free online and printed copies are being circulated to clinics and related centres around the UK and the US. Can Ireland get in on this?
“... heavy duty words are being weeded out by a new generation of mothers who are ready to take a stand”