post recipe creamy orange vanilla square

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CREAMYORANGEVANI LLASQUARES PREP: 225mi n. MAKES: 16ser vi ngs ( 1squar eperser vi ng)

I NGREDI ENTS: •2cupsCRANBERRYVANI LLATRAI LMI XCRUNCHCEREAL •Di vi ded1/ 4cup( 1/ 2st i ck)mar gar i ne •Mel t ed1pkg.( 8oz. )Neuf chat elcheese,sof t ened •1cupsugar •2eggs •2Tbsp.f l our •1/ 4t sp.baki ngpowder • at edor angepeel •1/ 4cupf r eshor angej ui ce

DI RECTI ONS: PREHEATovent o350º F. SPRAY8i nchsquar ebaki ngpanwi t hcooki ngspr ay; setasi de. PLACE13/ 4cupsoft hecer eali nf oodpr ocessor ;pr ocess unt i lf i nel ycr ushed.Mi xwi t hmar gar i ne;pr essont obot t om of pr epar edpan.Setasi de. BEATNeuf chat elcheeseandsugarwi t hel ect r i cmi xerunt i l wel lbl ended.Addeggs,oneatat i me,mi xi ngwel l af t ereachaddi t i on. BLENDi nf l our ,baki ngpowder ,or angepeelandj ui ce;pour overcr ust .Bake25t o30mi n.orunt i lcent eri sset . SPRI NKLEwi t hr emai ni ng1/ 4cupcer eal ;pr essgent l yi nt o t opofdesser tt osecur e. COOLcompl et el y .Coverandr ef r i ger at esever alhour sor unt i lchi l l ed.Cuti nt osquar est oser ve. STOREl ef t over si nr ef r i ger at or .

TI PS&SUGGESTI ONS: SUBSTI TUTE: SPECI ALEXTRA: Spr i nkl ewi t h2t sp.powder edsugarj ustbef or eser vi ng. VARI ATI ON: Foraddedcr unch,bakecr ust8mi n.bef or et oppi ngwi t ht he cr eam cheesebat t er . Bake25t o30mi n.orunt i lcent eroff i l l i ngi sset .Spr i nkl ewi t h r emai ni ng1/ 4cupcer eal .Cont i nueasdi r ect ed. NUTRI TI ONBONUS: Thef or t i f i edcer ealmakest hesecr eamysquar esagood sour ceofi r on.

Nut r i t i onI nf or mat i on PerSer vi ng: 150cal or i es,7gt ot alf at ,2. 5gsat ur at edf at ,1g t r ansf at35mgchol est or el ,130mgsodi um,20g car bohydr at e,14gsugar s,3gpr ot ei n,6% DV Vi t ami nA,4% DVVi t ami nC,10% DVi r on 11/ 2st ar ch,1f atdi etexchange.

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