Post Recipe Warm Pears in a Creamy Sauce

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WARM PEARSI NACREAMYSAUCE PREP: 10mi n. n. TOTAL: 14mi vi ngs MAKES: 4ser I NGREDI ENTS: •4f r eshpear s,chopped •1/ 4cupappl ej ui ce •1/ 4cupf i r ml ypackedbr ownsugar ,di vi ded •1/ 2cupf at f r eesourcr eam •1/ 2cupRAI SI N&ALMONDTRAI LMI XCRUNCHCEREAL

DI RECTI ONS: PLACEpear si nmedi um mi cr owaveabl ebowl . Addappl ej ui ceand2Tbsp.oft hebr ownsugar ; mi xl i ght l y . MI CROWAVEonHI GH2mi n. ;st i rgent l y .Mi cr owavean addi t i onal1t o2mi n.orunt i lpear sar et ender .St i ri n sourcr eam.Spoonevenl yi nt of oursmal lser vi ngbowl s. MI Xr emai ni ownsugarandcer eal ;spr i nkl e evenl yoverdesser t s.Ser vewar m.

TI PS&SUGGESTI ONS: Subst i t ut e: Pr epar easdi r ect ed,usi ngGr apeNut sCer eal . MakeAhead: Mi cr owavepear s,j ui ceandsugarasdi r ect ed;cool .Cover andst or ei nt i ght l ycover edcont ai neri nr ef r i ger at orupt o 3days.Whenr eadyt oser ve,r eheati nmi cr owave.St i ri n sourcr eam andcont i nueasdi r ect ed. Nut r i t i onBonus: Agr eatusef orf r eshpear s,t hi smi cr owaveddesser t coul dn' tbeeasi er !I naddi t i ont obei ngl owi nf at ,i t ' sl owi n bot hchol est er olandsodi um.Andt hecer ealpr ovi desa goodsour ceofi r on.

Nut r i t i onI nf or mat i on PerSer vi ng: 240cal or i es,1. 5gt ot alf at ,0gsat ur at edf at , 0gpol yunsat ur at edf at ,0gmonounsat ur at edf at , <5mgchol est er ol ,1 15mgsodi um,57g car bohydr at e,5gdi et ar yf i ber ,36gsugar s,4g pr ot ei n,8% DVVi t ami nA,10% DVVi t ami nC, 8% DVCal ci um,30% DVI r on 1st ar ch11/ 2f r ui t1car bohydr at edi etexchange

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