post recipe pina colada cereal

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DI RECTI ONS: COMBI NEi ngr edi ent si nsmal lmi cr owavabl ecuporbowl . MI CROWAVEonHI GH30sec.St i r .

TI PS&SUGGESTI ONS: TakeAl ong: Combi nei ngr edi ent si nacommut ermug,t akeal onga pl ast i cspoonandeati nt hecaront hewayt oschoolor wor k.

Nut r i t i onI nf or mat i on PerSer vi ng: 340cal or i es,7gt ot alf at ,3. 5gsat ur at edf at , 310mgsodi um,68gcar bohydr at e,8gdi et ar yf i ber , 38gsugar s,7gpr ot ei n,20% DVVi t ami nA, 20% DVVi t ami nC,35% DVI r on

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