Post Recipe Yogurt Crunch

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YOGURTCRUNCH PREP: 5mi n. TOTAL: 5mi n. MAKES: 1ser vi ng I NGREDI ENTS: •1cont ai ner( 6oz. )st r awber r yl owf atyogur t •1/ 2cupHONEYBUNCHESOFOATSCEREAL WI THREALSTRAWBERRI ES

DI RECTI ONS: SPOONyogur ti nt osmal lbowl ;t opwi t hcer eal . SERVEi mmedi at el y .

TI PS&SUGGESTI ONS: VARI ATI ON:Pr epar easdi r ect ed,mi xi ngand mat chi ngyourf avor i t ef l avorofyogur tandHoney BunchesofOat sCer eal . NUTRI TI ONBONUS:Enj oy!Theyogur tpr ovi des cal ci um andt hef or t i f i edcer eali sanexcel l ent sour ceofi r on.

Nut r i t i onI nf or mat i on PerSer vi ng: 260cal or i es,3. 5gt ot alf at ,1gsat ur at edf at , 10mgchol est er ol ,230mgsodi um, 50g car bohydr at e,1gdi et ar yf i ber ,34gsugar s, 8gpr ot ei n,10%DVVi t ami nA,4%DV Vi t ami nC,35%DVi r on,3st ar ch1/ 2f atdi et exchange.

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