Chips May/June 2017

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Vol 31 No 3 Mei • Junie 2017


Die enigste tydskrif vir die aartappelbedryf • The only magazine for the potato industry


Understanding ridging to improve potato production


Vooruitsigte vir die komende seisoene


ASD kondig Top Tien Moerkwekers vir 2017 aan CHIPS • May/June 2017

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CHIPS CHIPS is die amptelike tydskrif van Aartappels Suid-Afrika. CHIPS is the official magazine of Potatoes South Africa. Redakteur/Editor Gawie Geyer Advertensies/Advertisements Gawie Geyer Sel/Cell: 082 388 0524 E-faks/E-fax: 086 685 6524


Aartappels Suid-Afrika, De Havillandsingel 6, Persequor Technopark, Persequor Park, Pretoria, 0020. Tel: 012 349 1906. Faks: 012 349 2641 Potatoes South Africa, 6 De Havilland Crescent, Persequor Technopark, Persequor Park, Pretoria, 0020. Tel: 012 349 1906. Fax: 012 349 2641 Ontwerp en uitleg: Henco Schoeman (HJ Ontwerp) Gedruk deur BusinessPrint vir die eienaar en uitgewer: Aartappels Suid-Afrika, Privaatsak X135, Pretoria, 0001. Design and layout: Henco Schoeman (HJ Design) Printed by BusinessPrint for the owner and publisher: Potatoes South Africa, Private Bag X135, Pretoria, 0001. Die menings wat uitgespreek word is die menings van die skrywers en verteenwoordig nie noodwendig die mening van die redaksie van CHIPS of die mening van Aartappels Suid-Afrika nie. Aartappels Suid-Afrika aanvaar geen verantwoordelikheid vir aansprake wat in advertensies en artikels gemaak word nie. The opinions expressed are the opinions of the writers and do not necessarily portray the opinion of the editorial staff of CHIPS or that of Potatoes South Africa. Potatoes South Africa does not accept any responsibility for claims made in advertisements and articles. Alle regte voorbehou. Geen gedeelte van hierdie publikasie mag op enige wyse gereproduseer word nie. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form.


Understanding ridging to improve potato production


Vooruitsigte vir die komende seisoene


ASD kondig Top Tien Moerkwekers vir 2017 aan CHIPS • May/June 2017

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INHOUD | CONTENT ARTIKELS | ARTICLES • MAY | JUNE 2017 Gesprek | Conversation 6

Transformasie | Transformation

A tour of the potato industry: Bursary students’ induction 58 International news 8 Enterprise development famers visit the Nampo Plaaslike nuus / Local news 10 Harvest Day 61 O.R. Tambo Municipality Farmers’ Day 62 Bemarking | Marketing Daar word geboer op Genadendal 63 The cornerstone of every meal occasion … #hearthealth 14 Bedryfsdienste | Industry Services The Buffalo City Fresh Produce Market is on the up 18 Suidwes-Vrystaat kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Petrusburg in 2016/2017 64 Tegniese Nuus | Technical News KwaZulu-Natal kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Identification of the fall armyworm in relation to Weenen in 2016 74 other common catepillars on potato 22 Understanding ridging to improve potato production 28 Kontreinuus | Regional news SAKO Algemene Jaarvergadering 84

Nuus | News

Ekonomiese Nuus | Economic News

Modelling the financial vulnerability of potato farming in selected case study areas to climate change 34 Vooruitsigte vir die komende seisoene: Onbestendige ekonomiese omstandighede sal deursigtige besluitneming vereis 42 Goeie kwaliteit aartappels realiseer altyd ‘n pryspremie 50 Watter kultivars het die Suid-Afrikaanse aartappelbedryf in 2016 gedomineer? 54

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CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2017

Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens | Potato Certification Service ASD kondig Top Tien Moerkwekers vir 2017 aan Overview of the plant improvement bill ASD groet Yolanda Louw Varieties and propagating material: when is it open?

90 93 94 95

Prokon Aartappellewerings aan varsproduktemarkte – Maart / April 2017






Algemeen | General Waarom is 'n dissiplinêre verhoor noodsaaklik? NAMPO Oesdag – Groter, beter, beste

100 102

Binneblad - voor

Uniekum 11 ANSA


Top Crop


RSA Saad Beurs


Uit die argiewe | From the archives 105



Skyfie sê | Skyfie says 105

Wesgrow 20

Dagboek | Diary 105


Aartappelresep | Potato recipe Hoender Cacciatore met aartappels


APAC Markagente – Market agents



Syngenta 26 Africa Transport Solutions


Ivanhoe 41 Buckle Packaging


Moerhandelaarsforum 49 SA Exporters Forum




CHIPS (Advertensietariewe)




CHIPS • May/June 2017

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with the intent to understand

In the previous issue of CHIPS I argued that Unity is now more important than ever. Events since then in the socio, economic and political spheres of our economy re-emphasise this point. This brings me to the quote by Ramana Pemmaraju – “Uncertainty is the only certainty in life”. One only must listen and read comments by various political and economic commentators to realise that uncertainty about the future of our country is widespread across different economic sectors and society at large. It is this uncertainty that forms the foundation for unity. We must, however, accept that we might have different points of departure, which is founded in our traditions, social and economic culture, religion, upbringing, philosophical orientations, institutional and business values, and principles, etc. It is these differences that necessitates in-depth dialogue and debate to reach a level of understanding of each other that will empower us to listen to each other. The problem we have is articulated classically by Stephen R. Covey, i.e. “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply”. This is by no means a new phenomenon, and I am not trying to suggest that I am suitably qualified to give expert advice on this matter, but what I have come to realise is that this mistake can be very costly in terms of relations between stakeholders, whether these relations are business-to-business, business-to-government/ regulators, business-to-consumers/clients, institution-tomembers, institution-to-institution, etc. Note that I referred to this as a problem and not a challenge. Jandri Duvenhage, recently at an event organised by the Directorate International Trade of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, eloquently explained the difference between a problem and a challenge. He said a problem can

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be solved, but a challenge must be managed. The opportunity we have is to solve the problem, i.e. start listening with the intent to understand, and only then will we be able to solve other problems and manage challenges we face. This we can achieve by, amongst others, being respectful, sincere in our discussions, focus on the issue at hand and not the person or entity (in rugby/soccer terms – play the ball and not the man) and by being solution orientated. The reality in South Africa, from an institutional point of view, and more specifically in the case of an organisation such as Potatoes South Africa, is that its activities is mandated by its constituency with the following mission - To provide strategic industry support services towards a dynamic industry, thereby enhancing the sustainability of potato producers in South Africa. It is in this context that it is imperative that the principle of value chain sustainability is embraced, since the days are long gone where single stakeholders can act independently from each other and remain sustainable. To build a strong potato value chain, we must listen to each other. This does not mean we should agree with each other on everything, but by listening with the intent to understand we can agree on those fundamental issues required to achieve unity. In short, given our current socio, economic and political situation, it will be to our own detriment if we choose to focus on those issues that divide us, than rather focussing on those mutual beneficial issues that will unite us. Hence the vision of Potatoes South Africa - Together towards excellence in the potato industry. Potato regards Dr André Jooste Chief Executive Officer

Gesprek • Conversation


met die voorneme om te verstaan

In die vorige uitgawe van CHIPS het ek aangevoer dat Eenheid is nou belangriker as ooit. Gebeure sedertdien in die sosio-, ekonomiese- en politieke sfeer van die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie herbeklemtoon hierdie standpunt. Dit bring my by die aanhaling van Ramana Pemmaraju – “Uncertainty is the only certainty in life”. 'n Mens kan maar net luister na, en kommentare deur verskeie politieke- en ekonomiese kommentators lees om te besef dat onsekerheid oor die toekoms van ons land tot 'n groot mate algemeen is in die verskillende ekonomiese sektore en die gemeenskap. Dit is hierdie onsekerheid wat as basis moet dien vir eenheid. Ons moet egter aanvaar dat ons verskillende vertrekpunte mag hê wat gesetel is in aspekte soos ons tradisies, sosiale- en ekonomiese kultuur, godsdiens, opvoeding, filosofiese oriëntasies, institusionele- en besigheidswaardes en beginsels. Dit is hierdie verskille wat diepgaande dialoog en debat noodsaak om 'n wedersydse begripsvlak te vestig wat ons sal bemagtig om werklik na mekaar te luister. Ons probleem word klassiek verwoord deur Stephen R. Covey: “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand: they listen with the intent to reply”. Dit is geensins 'n nuwe verskynsel nie, en ek probeer nie suggereer dat ek paslik gekwalifiseer is om kundige advies oor hierdie aspek te gee nie, maar ek het tot die besef gekom dat dit 'n baie duur fout kan wees in terme van verhoudinge tussen belanghebbendes, hetsy hierdie verhoudings gesetel is in besigheidtot-besigheid, besigheid-tot-regering/reguleerders, besigheid tot verbruikers/kliënte, organisasie-tot- lede, instansie-tot-instansie, ens. Neem kennis dat ek hierin verwys as 'n probleem en nie 'n uitdaging nie. Tydens 'n onlangse geleentheid van die Direktoraat: Internasionale Handel van die Departement van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye het Jandri Duvenhage die verskil tussen 'n probleem en 'n uitdaging uitstekend verduidelik. Hy het gesê dat 'n probleem opgelos kan word, maar dat 'n uitdaging

bestuur moet word. Ons het die geleentheid om die probleem op te los, d.i. begin om te luister met die voorneme om te verstaan, en slegs dan sal ons in staat wees om ander probleme op te los en die uitdagings te bestuur wat ons in die gesig staar. Ons kan dit bereik deur, onder andere, beleefd op te tree, opreg te wees in besprekings, slegs te fokus op die kwessie ter sprake en nie op die persoon of entiteit nie (in rugby-/sokkerterme – speel die bal en nie die man nie) en deur oplossing-georiënteerd te wees. Die realiteit in Suid-Afrika, uit 'n institusionele oogpunt, en meer spesifiek in die geval van 'n organisasie soos Aartappels Suid-Afrika, is dat sy aktiwiteite deur sy lede gemagtig word gebaseer op die volgende missie – Om strategiese ondersteuningsdienste aan 'n dinamiese bedryf te verskaf en daardeur die volhoubaarheid van aartappelprodusente in Suid-Afrika te bevorder. Dit is binne hierdie konteks noodsaaklik dat die beginsels van waardekettingvolhoubaarheid aangegryp word, veral aangesien die tyd lankal verby is waar rolspelers onafhanklik van mekaar kan optree en steeds volhoubaar bly. Ten einde 'n sterk aartappelwaardeketting te bou, moet ons na mekaar luister. Dit beteken nie dat ons oor alles met mekaar moet saamstem nie, maar deur te luister met die voorneme om te verstaan kan ons saamstem oor daardie fundamentele aspekte wat nodig is om eenheid te bereik. In kort, gegewe die huidige sosio, ekonomiese en politieke situasie, sal dit ons tot nadeel strek as ons sou besluit om op daardie aspekte te fokus wat ons verdeel, eerder as om op daardie gemeenskaplik-voordelige aspekte te fokus wat ons sal verenig. Derhalwe die visie van Aartappels Suid-Afrika – Saam na uitnemendheid in die aartappelbedryf. Aartappelgroete Dr. André Jooste Hoofuitvoerende Beampte

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Simplot cancels plans to grow commercial GMO potatoes in Canada this year Simplot Plant Sciences, the company that developed the Innate potato, indicated that there will be no commercially grown GMO potatoes on Prince Edward Island this year until there's a proven market for it. Innate potatoes bruise less and have less black spots than conventional potatoes. "There is strong interest from the grower community and retailers are also interested. Because we are the only branded bio-tech item in the produce aisle it is an involved decision, and so they don't want to

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take it without a lot of advisement and we certainly understand that and we’ll be patient. When there is s a market we'll be there,." said Doug Cole, director of marketing and communication. He said there are about five acres of test plots on P.E.I. this year. That potato will require 50% less pesticides, which he thinks both farmers and consumers will be interested in. Cole added that over the past three years, the acreage in the United States has grown to 6 000 acres, and the potatoes are sold in about 4 000 supermarkets across 40 states. source:

Nuus • News

UK approves GM blight resistant potato field trial George Eustice, the United Kingdom farming minister, has approved a four year trial of genetically modified (GM) potatoes at The Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich between 2017 and 2021. The trial site must meet various restrictions, including maintaining a width of 20 metres around the GM plants, and not exceed 1,000 sq/m in size. The field trials are part of TSL’s Potato Partnership Project to develop a Maris Piper potato that is blight and nematode resistant, bruises less and produces less acrylamide when cooked at high temperatures. “We anticipate that the combination of resistance genes we will test this time will be even more difficult for late blight to overcome than the single gene we previously field tested, but the proof of the pudding is in the planting,” Professor Jonathan Jones, a member of the field trial, said. Anti-GM campaigners have criticised the decision, saying that field trials will be conducted without the usual preceding glasshouse experiments. source:

Zimbabwe potato producers seek import permit amid shortage Zimbabwe has run out of potatoes for making potato crisps, prompting Hanawa Super Foods to approach the government seeking an urgent import permit to purchase potatoes from South Africa since the importation of foreign produced potato crisps are banned. The company’s managing director, Simbarashe Zhou, told NewsDay that they had invested about $3 million into their business and as such desperately needed to import potatoes to get a return on investment.

“Due to the above normal rainfall that we had, our potato farming shifted people to start planting potatoes beginning of March, so what was in the country was completely exhausted. There are no potatoes currently in the country.” Zhou said they needed assistance in the facilitation of the nostro fund allocation from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe to enable them to get foreign currency to import potatoes. source:

Hundreds of tons of potatoes go to waste after Australian trade restrictions The repercussions of the tomato potato psyllid outbreak are taking shape in Western Australia (WA), with seed potato growers starting to feed hundreds of tonnes of perfectly good produce to their cattle. With exports of WA potatoes and tomatoes still ground to a halt, and a fully supplied local market, seed potato producers have no home for their produce. It has forced many growers, such as Albany's Trevor Barker, to dump their product. Mr Barker has already fed 50 tonnes of his crop to the cows. "If the border doesn't open we'll probably end up feeding out about 300 tonnes," he said. Perhaps the biggest worry for the industry at the moment is whether to plant for next year. The consequences had also begun to extend further, into the table potato industry. Potato Growers Association President Simon Moltoni said waste of table potatoes could this year more than double, from 10 to 15% up to 50%. source: /


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Nuus • News

plaaslike nuus


Syngenta remains Syngenta

Mr Antonie Delport, managing director of Syngenta SA, has announced that the company’s shareholders have accepted the offer from ChemChina and that the transaction will close towards the latter part of May 2017. “I want to take this opportunity to re-emphasize that this will not change anything for our customers, business partners and employees. Syngenta remains Syngenta. Our operational independence will be preserved and the company will continue to be headquartered in Switzerland.” He added that in ChemChina Syngenta has a long term stable owner who shares the latter’s strategic and long-term vision, as well as their commitment to agriculture and farmers worldwide. “ChemChina is committed to supporting Syngenta's growth, product offering and reach. With their backing we will build on our leading capabilities by investing more in innovation and in collaborations to complement our base business.” “The announcement ensures continued choice and competition within a sector which is currently undergoing major consolidation. ChemChina is committed to maintaining a high level of R&D investment and to the continuation of The Good Growth Plan, which contains our commitments to improving agricultural sustainability”, Mr Delport said in conclusion. Page 10 |

CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2017

Deon van Zyl aangestel as trustee van die PIDT Mnr. Deon van Zyl, die RSA Group se verkoopsdirekteur, is tydens die onlangse vergadering van die Aartappelbedryfsforum verkies as trustee van die Potato Industry Development Trust (PIDT). Die verkiesing van mnr. Van Zyl volg op die bedanking van me. Lillibeth Moolman wat aan die einde van 2016 bedank het as PIDT trustee.

McCain South Africa named one of the top 20 Kasi Star Brands

McCain South Africa was recently named as one of the top 20 Kasi Star Brands in the Ask Africa survey for 2017. This list reflects the 20 biggest brands in South African townships. to page 12

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The Ask Afrika survey compares brand usage across 144 product categories by ranking 2 996 brands. The survey defines Kasi Star Brands as those used most loyally by South African township consumers. All nine provinces were included in the sample of 4 403 Kasi consumers interviewed, representing the view of 9.3 million township-based consumers across South Africa.

Wesgrow Potatoes versus the Competition Commission

“We are incredibly proud to be on this list and are excited that consumers within this sample relate to McCain as a brand and are loyally using our products,” says Deolinda Da Costa, marketing manager at McCain South Africa. There has been a significant shift in the brand over the past two years with McCain focusing on giving consumers the products that they both want and need. This includes products that have a local flavour like McCain Slap Chips and McCain Stew Mix.

The Competition Commission has decided to refer HZPC Holland BV and Wesgrow Potatoes (Pty) Ltd (Wesgrow) to the Competition Tribunal for prosecution in respect of what they termed the abuse of dominance in relation to the exclusive supply of Mondial seed potatoes in South Africa.

“It is a great honour to be on this list especially considering that most of these consumers choose to buy brands that reflect both the heritage of South African as well as products that have a strong link to being local. This shows that what we are doing as a brand is resonating with consumers in this segment and we couldn’t be happier,” says Da Costa.

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Mr Gerhard Posthumus, Wesgrow’s managing director has indicated that the matter is still lis pendens and that no ruling and /or verdict have been given. This means that the status quo is maintained in respect of all contracts in place and practices followed by Wesgrow. “We have also appointed legal advisors to oppose and dispute the decision by the Competition Commission. We shall comment on the matter as soon as the Tribunal has returned a verdict”, Mr Posthumus said. C

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The cornerstone of every meal occasion…#hearthealth Article: Immaculate Zinde Contributors: Nicola Walters (Registered Dietician), Anna Montali (Chef & Foodie), Roelene Prinsloo (Food Photographer)

Grounded. Strong. Humble. Loveable. The heart and soul of every household. Sounds a lot like mom, doesn’t it? Well in celebrating of Mother’s day on 14 May, we found potatoes to resemble just about all the qualities that mothers embody. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa, in South Africa one in four women will have some form of heart condition before the age of 60. The research shows that once women reach menopause the risk of heart disease increases three-fold. For more information on heart health visit “Go Red For Women” (https://www. Page 14 |

CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2017 ) an initiative that empowers women to become aware and take charge of their heart health, whilst taking action to fight women’s heart disease. What better way to celebrate Mother’s Day this year than to empower your Mum to take charge of her health! See five of our healthy recipes uniquely developed for Mother’s Day by Potatoes South Africa's health professionals and foodies. May is also a month where on the 28th day the world remembered those who persistently and continuously

Bemarking • Marketing

Potato Roses Nutritional Information per serving: 465kJ Energy 15.9g Carbohydrate 1.9g Protein 3.7g Fat 1.5g Fibre 197mg Sodium

Homemade Potato Gnocchi Nutritional Information per serving: 644kJ Energy 30g Carbohydrate 4g Protein 1.1g Fat 1.7g Fibre 337mg Sodium

ask themselves the world’s most pressing issue: Anything to eat? Reports reveal that hunger kills more people than AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis combined. In South Africa where the triple threat issues of poverty, unemployment and inequality continue to tarnish the dignity of many people’s lives, the observance of World Hunger Day is of paramount importance. According to Stats SA “South Africans are less hungry than they were 13 years ago, General Household Survey report; the percentage of the population vulnerable to hunger fell from 29,3% in 2002 to 13,1% in 2015. Most of the decline occurred from 2002 to 2007. After a brief resurgence of hunger during the 2008/09 recession, its prevalence has remained somewhat steady since 2011.” This is great news. It does not however, negate that food security is still one of the pressing issues facing the global and local agricultural communities. For Potato Nation the theme is #hungermustfall. Potatoes South Africa placed an advertisement in You/Drum on May 28 addressing this issue. With all the above significant events, it was only befitting that potatoes get the honour and glory too. We honour potatoes for the role they play in the global food system. With May being Africa month, South Africa honours the farmers and farm workers who diligently and tirelessly work hard to ensure that South Africans enjoy fresh quality potatoes all year round. We honour potatoes for being food secure, healthy and nutritious and the cornerstone of every Proudly South African meal. Here are our top five tips to manage heart disease risk:

Rustic Potato Mini Flatbreads Nutritional Information per serving: 722kJ Energy 19.6g Carbohydrate 1g Protein 7.8g Fat 2.7g Fibre 365mg Sodium

Fill up on high fibre foods such as wholegrain cereals; potatoes (with their skin on to up the fibre content); seeds; nuts; fresh fruit and vegetables. Soluble dietary fibre especially slows down the movement of food through the gut and traps cholesterol molecules, which are then excreted and this helps to lower total cholesterol. Lower total cholesterol is associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Foods high in soluble fibres are papaya, strawberries, oat bran, potato flesh and legumes. Pile on the potassium by increasing varied sources of fresh fruit and vegetables. Higher dietary intakes of potassium are associated with lower blood pressure levels, a risk factor for CVD. CHIPS • May/June 2017

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Bemarking • Marketing

Crispy Potato Roast Nutritional Information per serving: 765kJ Energy 17.1g Carbohydrate 2.5g Protein 10.4g Fat 2.6g Fibre 303mg Sodium

Mashed Potato Puffs Nutritional Information per serving: 517kJ Energy 9.3g Carbohydrate 6.6g Protein

Fabulous fats in the diet are the monounsaturated fats such as avo, nuts, olives, olive oil and nut butters. Inclusion of these fats can actively improve cholesterol which can reduce risk of heart disease. The monounsaturated fats should be given preference over saturated fats such as butter, fat on meat, coconut oil and fat from dairy and cream etc. Enjoy the Rustic Potato Flatbreads which uses olives, a healthy monounsaturated fat. Fill your plate with phytonutrients in the form of colourful fruit and vegetables. Phytonutrients are bioactive compounds in food that promote health. Resveratrol, quercetin and curcumin are all compounds that form part of the phytonutrient group that have been shown to have a notably beneficial effect against most CVDs. The best advice is to try to eat 2-3 cups of vegetables every daily and to eat the colours of the rainbow on your plate every day! Why not try out these dishes? They are heartfriendly, fibre-rich and potassium-packed options that showcase the potato in new ways to wow your guests. Remember to always keep the skin on the potato to get the full benefit of the fibre and nutrient content. Managing the correct portions ensures that potatoes can be included in a heart-healthy diet. Get busy in the kitchen and friends, family and loved ones proud! C

5.8g Fat 1.8g Fibre 442mg Sodium

References: Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Interventions for the Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2016;116:129-147.

According to Potato SA a serving of cooked potato with the skin (150g) provides 710mg of Potassium, and when compared to other high potassium containing fruits and vegetables such as banana, tomato and spinach, the potassium content of the potato exceeds them all. Weight watching will reduce your CVD as a huge amount of evidence shows that carrying excess body weight increases risk of heart disease. Make sure to bulk up meals with foods that are more filling such as vegetables like butternut and squash or good quality starches such as potatoes with skin which can help you feel fuller for longer and therefore help with weight loss.

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Mozaffarian, D., Benjamin, EJ., Go, AS., Arnett, DK., Blaha, MJ., Cushman, M., de Ferranti, S., et al. 2015. Executive Summary: Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2015 Update. Circulation. 131:434-441. The American Heart Association's Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations. Updated:Jan 20,2016. Schumacher, T. L., Burrows, T. L., Neubeck, L., Redfern, J., Callister, R., & Collins, C. E. (2017). How dietary evidence for the prevention and treatment of CVD is translated into practice in those with or at high risk of CVD: a systematic review. Public Health Nutrition, 1-16 Stats South Africa,, accessed [17 May 2017] World Hunger Day,, accessed [17 May 2017]

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CHIPS • May/June 2017

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The Buffalo City Fresh Produce Market is on the up Francois Knowles (Tshwane Fresh Produce Market)

The Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality is situated on the east coast of the Eastern Cape Province and includes the towns of East London, Bhisho, and King William’s Town. The municipality is named after the Buffalo River at whose mouth lies the only river port in South Africa.

The Buffalo City Fresh Produce Market is situated in the industrial area of Wilsonia in East London and is a department of the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BCMM). The latter was established as a local municipality in 2000 after South Africa’s reorganisation of municipal areas. The market is headed-up by a general manager, Mr Gonza Mati, who assumes responsibility for its overall strategic mandate.

a year between 1978 and 1979 and has now grown to record in excess of R375 million worth of sales in the 2016/2017 financial year.

A municipal market for East London was established as early as 1873 with the first recorded sale took place on 30 September of that year. The present market started operations on 23 September 1978. The market took off with a turnover of about R4 million

The market prides itself with being the first market to trade on a computerised system (Freshmark Systems) which is now used by other national markets countrywide. The current market supplies produce to the whole of the BCMM area and beyond as far as

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Bemarking • Marketing

Port St Johns, Aliwal North, Port Alfred and Port Elizabeth. An average of 80 000 tons of fresh produce is received annually from farmers all over the country. Over the years the market remained a pillar of strength in the fresh produce industry, but was sadly neglected due to financial constraints and much needed maintenance that could not be done. In 2015 the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries published the Codes of Best Practice (COBP) for national fresh produce markets as it pertained to market managers, market agents, producers, labour and service providers. (This project, known as Project Rebirth, ultimately aims to ensure that markets are assisted, equipped and empowered as platforms of excellence to provide and supply quality fresh produce to the fresh produce value chain as a whole.) Project Rebirth for the Buffalo City Fresh Produce Market was initiated during 2016 with a mutual decision that the Tshwane Fresh Produce Market would assist through mentorship and coaching to restore the market to its former glory. Messrs Francois Knowles and Gerhard Geyer, both senior officials at the Tshwane Market, are in the process of providing such assistance to the Buffalo City Fresh Produce Market on an ongoing consultative basis.

Gonza Mati (left) and Francois Knowles (right) o

The upgrading of market office facilities and the construction of a new cashiers complex are in progress.

The uncompromised commitment of the Buffalo City Fresh Produce Market management to project rebirth is evident. This exciting initiative will be monitored with keen interest. C

The market takes pride in reporting the following successes thus far: • A new draft by-law was developed for the market. This by-law will be subjected to public participation soon with promulgation into law to follow, • A draft user requirement specifications for a facility master plan was provided to enable the market to appoint service providers who will assist the market to roll out the plan. • Enhancement of the consignment control system through amongst others the implementation of point of origin control at the entrance gate. • The involvement of the Buffalo City Health Department to enhance the reduction and proper management of organic waste. • Positive infrastructure development such as: o New barriers for sales areas. o A brand new electrified perimeter fence. o A ride on washer/sweeper was procured to improve market floor hygiene. CHIPS • May/June 2017

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Nuus • News

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Fall armyworm feeding on a potato leaf in the laboratory. The light band on the lower side is clearly visible.

Identification of the fall armyworm in relation to other common caterpillars on potato Diedrich Visser, ARC-VOP, Roodeplaat The fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda, was first reported to occur in South Africa in January 2017. The caterpillars of this night flying moth initially caused isolated, but serious damage to young maize plantings in the four northern provinces, but later spread to the surrounding provinces as well. Currently (May 2017), it has not been reported from the Cape Province.

Valley in February. It is known that FAW moths prefer and select maize and related crops to lay its eggs on, but it is currently uncertain what will happen when the maize season has come to an end and when the moths have no choice but to lay their eggs on alternative crops. It is therefore important for all potato farmers to be aware of this potential pest and to be on the lookout for the caterpillars on the potato crop.

Although the main host of the FAW is maize, it occasionally attacks other crops as well; one such incidence was confirmed on potato in the Loskop

Initial observations in the Loskop Valley indicated that, under low infestation levels, the caterpillars acted like cutworms rather than foliage-feeding caterpillars. They

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Tegniese Nuus • Technical News

seldom seen because of their small size, as well as their mostly greenish colour, which disguise them on foliage. The older caterpillars reach maximum lengths of approximately 36 mm just before pupation. Most caterpillars encountered, however, will be between 20 and 30 mm in length. Pupation takes place in the soil and a complete life cycle in summer is approximately four weeks.

Mature fall armyworm caterpillar. The red circles indicate the upside down "Y" marking in the head area, and the four distinct dots (in a near square arrangement), on the second last abdominal segment.

were mostly encountered just below soil level and in areas where the haulms entered the soil. Although not yet verified, it is possible that the FAW caterpillars may move to above-ground parts under high infestation levels. It is therefore important for potato farmers to be familiar with the differences between the FAW and other common caterpillars that are frequently encountered feeding on the potato plant. Many caterpillars are known to attack potato; four are commonly encountered in all production regions. They are the African bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera), the lesser armyworm (Spodoptera exigua), the semiloopers (two species) and cutworms (several species). The cutworms are always found at soil level or in the soil, while the other caterpillars feed on above-ground foliage. Just like the FAW they are all the immature stages of night flying moths, and are all wide feeders attacking many crops. Other caterpillars that may be found on potato occasionally, but which are not discussed here, include the tomato moth, death's head moth, the citrus looper and a few other generalist feeder caterpillars.

Larger caterpillars (20 to 30 mm) vary in colour; mostly variations of brown, but greenish, greyish, and darker individuals may also be encountered, and sometimes a pinkish tint may be noticeable on some caterpillars. The most distinctive characteristic of the FAW are the spots on the body when viewed from the top. Although unrelated caterpillars may also have spots, the spots of the FAW are larger and clearer and are usually more visible compared to other caterpillars. It is especially the four spots on the second last segment that are most noticeable. These spots are arranged in a near square and are usually larger than the spots on the rest of the body, which are arranged in a trapeze pattern on each segment. Other markings that are sometimes used to identify FAW caterpillars include an upside down Y pattern in the head region. These marks, however, are not always easy to see, are similar to marks on other caterpillars, and are less distinctive on individuals with light coloured head capsules. African bollworm The African bollworm may be confused with the FAW, especially in the early stages when the spots and bumps on the body are more prominent. The spots on the older individuals are also similar between the species, but the clarity of the spots may be masked by the colour of the body - in the FAW these spots are much more visible because of the

Fall armyworm Fall armyworms reach crops by means of the moth that can be carried by the wind over very long distances, as well as by the first instars using the phenomenon known as "ballooning" to spread by air movements to nearby plants over shorter distances. Eggs are laid on leaves in batches of up to approximately 250 eggs each; the egg batches being covered by hairs and scales of the female moth. The young caterpillars are

A fall armyworm on a maize leaf, showing the light and darker bands on the side of the body.

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Cutworms are mostly grayish in colour, and are usually found on or near the soil surface.

The lesser armyworm. The pink markings are visible on the side of the body.

mostly uniform brown colour of the body. Both the African bollworm and the FAW also show a distinct broad band or stripe running the length of the body on both sides. These bands, however, vary in colour between individuals (white, beige, light brown), and may be masked by the colour of the body. The FAW usually has another darker band running just above the lighter band and a lighter coloured dorsal area. One of the surest ways to verify the identity of the African bollworm is to look for the defensive stance (see photographs) of the caterpillar when disturbed (poked) - the FAW never displays this posture, not even when threatened. The African bollworm feed openly on the upper leaves during the day and night, and do not attempt to hide between leaves or in the soil like the FAW.

not possible. The caterpillars of both these semiloopers look similar, and both feed during the day and night. The tomato-semi looper tends to hide on the underside of leaves and in the inside canopy of plants, while the plusia semi-looper mostly feeds in the upper canopy.

Lesser armyworm Although the lesser armyworm is closely related to the FAW (same genus), it is not easy to confuse the two. The lesser armyworm is rarely brown in colour; they are olive-green with irregular pink marks mostly on the sides. These pink areas are sometimes lighter in colour and may then form a broad lateral band, similar to that in the FAW and African bollworm. The characteristic olive-green colour and pink markings, however, distinguishes the lesser armworm from other caterpillars. The larger caterpillars only feed at night and mostly hide at soil level during the day. Semi-loopers Two semi-loopers are commonly found on potato, i.e. the plusia semi-looper (Thysanoplusia orichalcea) and the tomato semi-looper (Chrysodeixis acuta). As the name indicates, these caterpillars always walk with a looping action. This phenomenon, as well as their constant apple green colour, makes for easy identification and confusion with the FAW is therefore Page 24 |

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Cutworms The most noticeable cutworm species that damage potato are found in the Agrotis genus. They include the common cutworm (grey in colour), the brown cutworm (usually brown in colour) and the black cutworm (brown to dark-brown in colour). All these cutworms have one thing in common - the very young individuals may feed on foliage during the day, but as the caterpillars grow, they become light-sensitive and hide in the soil or under leaves during the day. During the night they emerge to feed, mostly at soil level or on plant parts just below soil level. When burrowing into soils they may reach shallow-bearing tubers where they may stay feeding for several days. When FAW caterpillars occur in potato fields at soil level, or just below soil level (as was found in the Loskop Valley), they may be confused for cutworms. Some cutworms may contain similar spots than those found on the FAW, but the cutworms usually lack the distinctive lighter and darker bands on the sides of the body; they are mostly uniformly grey or brown in colour (exceptions do occur). Cutworms are usually fatter, or more plump in appearance, and tend to curl up in a much tighter fashion than the FAW when disturbed. When no hiding places are available on plants, both the FAW and cutworms tend to burrow into loose soils during daytime, or when threatened. Cutworms do this as a rule, while the FAW usually stay in secluded places on plants or hide in debris beneath plants during the day. On maize, FAW hide and feed between leaf sheaths and in whorls or inside cobs

Tegniese Nuus • Technical News

where they remain until they are mature. Most then leave the plant to pupate in the soil. Conclusion The FAW has invaded most agricultural areas in South Africa, effecting mostly young maize plantings in the northern parts of the country. Limited damage to potatoes has been reported in one field in the

The African bollworm in a distinctive defensive posture.


Semi-loopers always walk with a distinct loop of the body; this phenomenon can be used to identify them.


Met Kynoch se innoverende en pasmaakprodukte kan jy bemesting toedien volgens jou aartappelplant se behoeftes en groeistadiums. So verseker Kynoch dat jou aartappels kry wat hul nodig het, wanneer hul dit die nodigste het. Boonop het jy gemoedsrus, omdat jy weet, met Kynoch op jou plaas van meet af aan, haal jy net die beste uit jou aartappels en is jy verseker van verbeterde doeltreffendheid in kwaliteit en opbrengspotensiaal.

Kynoch – verbeterde doeltreffendheid deur innovasie. KynoPop™: Vir ‘n vinnige wegspring en groeikragtigheid.

KynoPlus™-NPKSplantermengsels soos SuperSpud™, Ruby of Topaz™: Plantermengsels met verhoogde doeltreffendheid om veral in die vroeë behoeftes, maar ook in die latere voedingbehoeftes van die aartappelplant te voorsien.

KynoPlus™, GreenGold™, Achillis™, Seniphos, Nitrabor, Foli-Grande™ en Foli-Plus™: Gebruik in kombinasie as topbemesting om knolinisiasie en opbrengs te bevorder.

Veggie Oemff® Starter: ’n Blaarvoeding vir wortelontwikkeling en vestiging van die jong plant.

Veggie Oemff® Grow, Bortrac 150, Stopit en Caltrac BZ:

Gebruik in kombinasie na knolinisiasie vir opbrengs en aanleg tot beter kwaliteit.

KynoPlus™, GreenGold™, Achillis™, Foli-Grande™, Foli-Plus™. Bortrac 150, Stopit, Caltrac BZ: Gebruik in kombinasie as topbemesting om opbrengs en kwaliteit te bevorder.

Veggie Oemff® Fruit: Gebruik gedurende knolgroei vir verbeterde werkverrigting wat lei tot beter opbrengs en kwaliteit.

Farmisco (Edms) Bpk. h/a Kynoch Fertilizer Reg. Nr. 2009/0092541/07

011 317 2000 | Nie handeldrywend in die Wes-Kaap nie.

KynoPop™ Reg. No: K9101, KynoPlus™ is geregistreer as kunsmis groep 1 – Reg. No: K8024, SuperSpud™ Reg. No: In proses, Ruby Reg. No: K8047, Topaz™ Reg. No: K8032, Veggie OEMFF® Starter Reg. No: K9088, GreenGold™ Reg. No: K8034, Achillis™ Reg. No: K8967, Foli-Grande™ Reg. No: K8045, Foli-Plus™ Reg. No: In proses, Seniphos Reg. No: K7682, Nitrabor Reg. No: K6395, Veggie OEMFF® Grow Reg. No: K9090, Bortrac 150 Reg. No: B3626, Stopit Reg. No: B3625, Caltrac BZ Reg. No: B3715, Veggie OEMFF® Fruit Reg. No: K9091. (Alle produkte is geregistreer onder Wet 36 van 1947)

CHIPS • May/June 2017

uppe marketing A12789



Loskop Valley potato production region, and a few unconfirmed incidences were reported on other crops. It is therefore important for potato farmers to be aware of this potential pest and to report any suspicious caterpillars to the authorities. For more information on the potential of the FAW as a potato pest, or for information about contact persons at the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, contact Diedrich Visser at C

Page 25


wins in jou sak

Tien jaar, meer as 40 proewe en gemiddeld 600 sakkies per hektaar meer. POTATOPACK™. Die slim keuse.

Syngenta Suid-Afrika (Edms) Beperk, Privaatsak X60, Halfway House, 1685. Tel. (011) 541 4000. Š Syngenta Ag, 2000. Kopiereg van die dokument is voorbehou. Alle ongemagtigde vermeerdering word verbied.



Understanding ridging to improve potato production Flip Steyn: Agricultural Research Council - VOP

Introduction The most important aspect in any crop production is the soil planted in. The soil is where all production takes place and it is a dynamic resource that supports life. Soil provides several essential services: • Soil supports plant growth. • Soil regulates the distribution of water. • Soil stores and manages nutrients. • Soil acts as filter to protect resources. • Soil supports structure. Page 28 |

CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2017

This article gives guidance to assist the farmer to understand and adapt ridge structure to achieve optimal potato quality and yield. Ridging of potatoes The optimal soil water content should be around 50-60% of field water capacity when working soils to form a decent seed bed and ridge. Figure 1 shows the basic single ridge shape but this

Tegniese Nuus • Technical News

will differ with different environmental conditions and the variety planted. The formation of the ridge will also depend on the conditions the crop is planted in. There is no single solution. Aspects to remember with ridging • Row spacing (RS) depends on equipment settings with mechanization, especially the wheelbase of the tractors which are used in production. The yield of the tubers and its quality depend on the volume-ratio of the ridges as a result of RS (Table 1). • Wider RS provide more soil to perform a good ridging operation than a narrow RS. As the RS decrease ridging operations must be deeper to provide adequate soil to achieve the same ridge height and cross-sectional area as with wider RS. • The extent of the ridge surface, the ridge cross sectional area and soil temperature where the seed potato is planted with RS at 66, 75 and 90 cm play an important role regarding yield and quality of tubers produced. Table 1 gives the ratio between surface area and cross-sectional area. As this ratio increase the quality and marketable yield of the potatoes also increases. • Soil temperature at the seed influence the quality of the tubers. There is a significant difference in soil temperature between different row spacings. These differences are the highest during hot, summer days and can differ with up to 1.7°C between row spacings of 66 and 90 cm. In the morning, the smallest ridges (66 cm) cool down very fast, but during the day they warm up faster as well. Larger ridges (90 cm) warm up very slow during the day and cool down easily at night. • At 100% soil cover the marketable yield of the 90 cm RS is higher than at the 75 cm RS. The yield

Figure 1. The basic structure of a potato ridge after planting and ridging.

Figure 2. Ridge structure for single and double ridges.

of green tubers is lower at the 90 cm RS than at the 75 cm RS, due to a larger cross-sectional area of the ridge. Thus, the soil covering of tubers in the ridge was better. Hollow heart and internal brown spot disorders affecting tubers depend more on the susceptibility of a particular cultivar, the population/stem density and the weather conditions during growing period than the RS used. The susceptibility to hollow heart disorder with susceptible cultivars can

Table 1. Potato ridge dimensions and ratios.

66 75 90

35 35 35

96 103 114

1 1 2

12.0 12.8 13.8

23 26 32

104 110 121

1 505 14.5 1 715 15.6 2 048 16.9

86 98 117

23 26 32

170 185 211

Ridge ratio

Cross-sectional area

Surface area


Ridge ratio

Cross-sectional area

Surface area


Top 20 23 27


Double Hill Flat

Flat Ridge ratio

Cross-sectional area

Surface area

Height of ridge

Row spacing (RS)

Single Hill Sharp

3 815 22.5 4 340 23.4 5 198 24.6

CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 29

in one operation in warm soils and climates. Variation between this will depend on the prevailing conditions and also production practices on the farm.

be more prominent in years with a higher yield an/or lower planting populations. • Inter-row subsoiling in the growing season can significantly increase the marketable potato tuber yield with up to 9.0 t/ha and reduce the occurrence of malformed potatoes. Three factors may modify the effects of subsoiling: Soil water status in the growing season, precipitation immediately before and after the subsoiling operation, and crop growth stage at the time of sub-soiling. Current practices in South Africa The shape of the ridge is used to achieve good yields and quality on the one hand but also meeting environmental conditions/challenges on the other hand. Potatoes are planted in all seasons and times in South Africa and with regard to the soil temperature, huge variations are found. Optimal sprout growth is at 15o and placement of the seed piece should be at this temperature to ensure good and fast emergence. This will influence timing of ridging practices with plant, pre-emergence or post-emergence. The general rule can be planting shallow in cold soils with ridging post emergence to planting and ridging Page 30 |

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The following ridging practices are recommended: Ridging under wet growing conditions During wet conditions the top of the ridges should be small to allow run off of water. The ratio as described in Table 1 should be smaller for these conditions to allow faster drying of the ridge. This will allow run off and less water conserved in the ridge. Final placement of the seed piece should be in such a manner to ensure that the seed piece is above the through line between the two ridges. This is to ensure that the seed tuber placement and the area where tubers are being initiated do not lay in a drenched area for prolonged periods of time. These long wet conditions will ensure anaerobic conditions leading to the rotting of seed pieces. Ridging under dry growing conditions In dry climates it is important to conserve water and for this wider beds with flat tops is recommended. Wider rows with larger ratios (Table 1) improve water conservation in the ridge. Double rows is also more advantageous under these conditions. The ratio as described in Table 1 should be higher for these conditions. In very dry areas with irrigation the beds can be wide enough to accommodate a double row. By forming a small furrow/compaction layer (Figure 2 bottom) in the middle of the bed run off


2017 TIPE

Titel Handleiding vir Aartappelproduksie in Suid-Afrika @ R300


Beskrywing van 16 aartappelplae in Suid-Afrika

(BTW ingesluit en posgeld uitgesluit)

Junie 2017

Beskrywing van 16 aartappelpeste in Suid-Afrika (2017)

Beste praktyke-reeks

Bundel CHIPS-artikels

Beste praktyke vir die hantering van moere (2015) Verantwoordelike gebruik van gewasbeskermingsprodukte (2016) Na-oesverrotting van aartappels / Post harvest decay of potatoes (2015).


Opslagaartappels / Volunteer potatoes (2017). Plakkaat

Intene kwaliteit (2016)

Saamgestel en gepubliseer deur Aartappels Suid-Afrika (Departement: Navorsing en Ontwikkeling) September 2016 Kopiereg. Die inligting vervat in hierdie publikasie mag slegs vir eie gebruik, navorsing of studie gebruik word. Die kopiereg (geheel of gedeeltelik) van hierdie publikasie mag nie vir enige kommersiĂŤle of ander doelwit gekopieer, gereproduseer, oorgedra of gewysig word, sonder die uitdruklike geskrewe toestemming van Aartappels Suid-Afrika nie en dit mag slegs gedoen word onderhewig aan die voorwaardes ingevolge waarvan sodanige toestemming verleen word. Voorgestelde verwysing: Aartappels Suid-Afrika. 2016. Feiteblad: Alternaria-siektes. Vrywaring ten opsigte van publikasies.

Aartappelblaarmyner (2015) Aartappelmot (2015) Alternaria siektes (2017) Bakteriese verwelk (2015) Bruinskurf (2015) Feiteblaaie

Fisiologiese knolafwykings (2016) Na-oesverlies (2017) Interne kwaliteit (2016)

Verantwoordelike gebruik van gewasbeskermingsprodukte Junie 2016

Poeierskurf (2016) Sagtevrot-swartstam (2015) Silwerskurf en swartspikkel (2015) Virussiektes en plantluise (2016) Beskikbaar by kantore van Aartappels Suid-Afrika. Met die uitsondering van die Handleiding vir Aartappelproduksie in Suid-Afrika, is al die publikasies elektronies beskikbaar op Opslagaartappels Volunteer potatoes

2017 CHIPS

water will gather in this furrow improving the water content in the ridge profile and limiting water run off. Ridging of double rows can only done with planting. Ridging in areas with slopes and contours Areas with slopes and contours are normally in areas with higher rainfall in South Africa. Contours are made to manage water and reduce erosion. These bends and width of the contours normally lead to difficult operations and under these conditions it is best to ridge with planting in a single operation. Ridging later will lead to plants not emerging from the centre of the ridge. The shaping of the landscape with contours leads to long areas with poor runoff. For these conditions it is recommended that the rows are broken at regular intervals to ensure the run off of the water is guided out between the rows and also the contour. Often re-ridging on slopes is done to increase the depth of the furrow to ensure the seed piece and the initiated tubers are well above the trough between the ridges. The angle of the rows in relation to the slope is important. It should ensure run off but prevent erosion. In a dry year this practice will lead to run off of water with less water retained in the ridge. Depth of potato tuber initiation for different varieties Potatoes vary in the depth of initiation with some cultivars initiating very shallow. This leads to quality problems like increased greening, tuber moth damage and damage by birds and other animals. A good rule of thumb is to insure seed placement depth is between 20-25 cm from the top of the ridge. Planting at about 5-8 cm below natural soil surface leads to good seed placement after ridging. Always remember that if you are following a practice that does well under your conditions, stick with it. Conclusion Potato ridges form an integral part of your potato production on the farm and the equipment used. If you are happy with the way things are running then stick to the trial and tested methods on your farm. If not sure always try on a smaller scale like 0.5 ha for one to three seasons before changing systems and equipment. The main intent of irrigation/rain is to capture and retain as much of the applied water in the potato ridge but the ridge design should also allow the shedding of access water during heavy rain away from the ridge and into the furrow running out Page 32 |

CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2017

of the field without causing soil erosion. Ridges can be classed in three basic ridge variations: standard (sharp-topped) ridge, flat-topped ridge (width of ridge altered) and double-planted wide-bed. There are so many variables coming into play that it is not always easy to follow the best practice for the area if the year is very dry or very wet. The general conditions in the growing season will determine the type of ridge used: • Yield and quality of potatoes improve as the ridge ratio increase but common sense is crucial and seasonal conditions will determine the best practice to follow. • Dry land prefer broad flat ridges to conserve water and maintain temperature at the seed placement and tuber initiation area. • Alter the ridge by placing a furrow in the middle of the bed to limit run off of water and to improve conservation of water in the ridge. • Wet conditions require sharper ridges to ensure run off of water. • In hot conditions plant deeper and ridge to protect potato seed from high temperatures. Sprouting is optimal at 15oC • In colder condition plant without ridging. Only ridge with emergence or after emergence. • Always ensure seed placement is above the trough between the ridges to avoid rotting of seed and tubers. • Contours and slopes pose challenges in wet years due to retention and run off of water. Contours are designed to limit runoff and to limit erosion and in its nature will cause problems in very wet years due to the accumulation of water on these big flat areas. C


2017 Type



Guide to potato production in South Africa (2012) @ R300 (VAT included and postage excluded)

Descriptions of 16 potato pests in South Africa June 2017

Description of 16 potato pests in South Africa (2017)

Best practices series

Bundle of Chips articles Poster

Best practices for the handling of seed potatoes (2015) Responsible use of crop protection products (2016) Post-harvest decay of potatoes / Na-oesverrotting van aartappels (2015)


Volunteer potatoes / Opslagaartappels (2017). Internal quality (2016)

Compiled and published by Potatoes South Africa (Department: Research and Development) September 2016 Copyright. You may use the information in this publication only for your own information, research or study. You may not copy, reproduce, transmit, adapt or otherwise exercise the copyright (in whole or in part) of this publication for any commercial or other purpose without the express written consent of Potatoes South Africa, and may only do so subject to the conditions on which such consent is given. Proposed reference: Potatoes South Africa. 2016. Fact sheet: Alternaria diseases. Indemnity with regard to publications:

Alternaria diseases (2017) Bacterial wilt (2015) Common scab (2015) Internal quality (2016) Post-harvest loss (2017) Factsheet

Potato leaf miner (2015) Potato tuber moth (2015) Powdery scab (2016)

Responsible use of crop protection products June 2016

Physiological tuber disorders (2016) Silver scurf and black dot (2015) Soft rot-black leg (2015) Virus diseases and aphids (2016) Available from Potatoes South Africa offices. All publications except Guide to potato production in South Africa, is electronically available on: Opslagaartappels Volunteer potatoes

2017 CHIPS

Modelling the financial vulnerability of potato farming in selected case study areas to climate change Dr Hamman Oosthuizen (OABS) and Dr Pieter van Heerden (PICWAT) In a previous series of articles in CHIPS (May/June 2014, July/August 2014 and September/October 2014) Dr Linus Franke, Prof Martin Steyn and Prof Anton Haverkort used a potato crop model (LINTUL) to estimate the effect that climate change will have on land and water use efficiency. They concluded that the possible negative effects of future raising temperatures and reduced availability of water, will be more than compensated for by the positive effects of increased CO2 on potential water use efficiency and crop productivity. The expected change in actual crop water Page 34 |

CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2017

requirements is not included in their articles. This article will therefore: • Indicate expected changes in crop water requirement as a result of climate change. • Increase/decrease of cultivation areas as a result of changes in crop water requirements, assuming that irrigation water availability remains the same. • Link the Lintul simulated yield changes (as per Haverkort et al, 2013) to a financial model to determine the impact of climate change on the financial vulnerability of potato farming systems in three production regions, i.e. Sandveld, Eastern Free State and Limpopo.

Ekonomiese Nuus • Economic News

• Simulate the effects of climate change third order impacts, viz. increased pest and disease control costs.

water requirement calculation, based on part of the soil water balance equation (see Figure 1). CWR = N1 + ER – SW

Climate change models and output data Detailed simulations of present day and future climate over southern Africa applied in the Haverkort study (2013) were obtained by downscaling the output of six different coupled climate models (CGCMs), which contributed to Assessment Report Four of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to high spatial resolution over southern Africa. The downscaling was performed using a variable-resolution global circulation model, the conformal-cubic atmospheric model (CCAM) of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. The same data were applied in calculating the influence of expected climate change on irrigation requirements of potatoes. Influence of expected climate change on the irrigation requirements of potatoes The irrigation water requirement planning tool, SAPWAT4, was used to estimate irrigation water requirements for potatoes. SAPWAT4 results show monthly irrigation water requirements as well as net water balance elements needed for doing the crop



Crop water requirement


Net irrigation


Effective rain


Change in soil water content

Figure 1: SAPWAT results - elements

For illustration purposes, the results of the irrigation water requirement estimates by SAPWAT4 for Dendron is shown in Figure 2, while the net crop water requirement is shown in Table 1. Irrigation results as such is not a good indication of net crop water requirement, since irrigation system efficiency (or inefficiency) is part and parcel of the irrigation requirement approach. Irrigation requirement calculation takes into consideration the amount of water added by rainfall, but it is not shown in the accompanying figures - only irrigating requirement is shown.

Figure 2: Irrigation requirements for potatoes planted at Dendron for different climate periods

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Page 35

A more correct way would be to look at the net water requirement which can be calculated with the given equation. The net elements of water requirements by the crop is shown by SAPWAT4 on a separate page than that of Figure 2. These can be used to manually calculate crop water requirements. The approach is that the net irrigation amount and effective rainfall are elements of the water budget used by the crop and any imbalance will be reflected in the change in soil water content during the growing season. Such an imbalance is then taken into consideration in the equation. Crop water requirement reflected in Table 1 was calculated using this approach. Crop water requirement increase, due to climate change, varied from 1.6% up from the 1961 group for Dendron, to 11.4% up for the Reitz-Bethlehem group.

The results indicated that crop water requirement for potatoes is expected to rise. This rise differs for each of the different climate areas, it also differs for different planting dates. The 11.4% arrived at in this case is neutralized by an 11% increase in water use efficiency, which implies that in the shorter term expected climate change, either no more irrigation water would be needed to maintain present production levels, or that more irrigation water would be required. This will be offset by a higher yield. Projected yields for different climate sets Table 2 displays the ten year average yield per climate model for different periods for the Sandveld September planting model. The average yield for all models shows a steady increase in yield over time.

Growing season rain (mm)

Net irrigation (mm)

Effec-tive rain (mm)

Change in soil water (mm)

Crop water require-ment (mm)

Area Dendron





















































Sandberg (Sandveld)



























Sandberg (Sandveld)



























Page 36 |

CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2017

Change from 1961 planting (%)

Gross irrigation (mm)


Start date

SAPWAT grow days

Table 1: The net crop water requirement for potatoes planted in three climate areas for 10 year periods starting in 1961, 2001 and 2030

Ekonomiese Nuus • Economic News

This is mainly due to the positive impact of increased CO2 levels on potato production. Figure 3 displays the standard deviation of ten year average yield projections per climate model for September planting in the Sandveld region (see also Table 2). The standard deviation is the quantity expressing by how much the members of a group differ from the mean value for the group. The increase in standard deviation of the models, especially from 2000 onwards, points to increased yield variances between years.

Financial vulnerability assessment model Case study results from Potatoes SA were applied in the excel-based financial assessment model. To determine the financial vulnerability of the three farming systems in the three production regions, a set of criteria provided for in the financial model are applied, i.e.: production cost ratio, cash flow ratio, highest debt ratio and end bank balance. The results for each case study include: case study description, projected yields for three different climate periods, projected cultivated areas subject to availability

Table 2: ten year average yield (ton/ha) per model (normalised) – Sandveld September planting CSIRO GFDL20 GFDL21 miroc mpi ukmo

September planting September planting September planting September planting September planting September planting

CSIRO GFDL20 GFDL21 miroc mpi ukmo

September planting September planting September planting September planting September planting September planting

Avg all models % change from '61 - '70 Standard deviation

Avg all models % change from '61 - '70

1961 - 1970 1971 - 1980 1981 - 1990 1991 - 2000 2001 - 2010 2011 - 2020 2021 - 2030 2031 - 2040 2041 - 2049 48 50 48 50 46 47

52 47 47 49 48 46

48 50 47 51 49 48

48 48 50 52 47 49

49 48 52 51 51 50

47 50 49 47 50 51

52 50 51 51 52 52

54 53 53 49 50 53

52 54 54 50 56 54

3.24 4.22 3.50 2.89 3.64 5.57

4.86 2.21 4.41 3.69 2.69 3.88

2.91 2.87 3.72 3.88 3.32 4.55

2.50 3.05 5.27 2.20 2.37 3.96

2.17 5.40 4.02 4.46 3.47 4.15

2.74 5.01 3.81 5.22 3.98 3.41

3.83 5.15 4.14 5.05 3.70 3.93

3.79 4.94 3.93 3.71 4.81 4.98

5.87 4.56 4.63 5.68 3.75 4.21


48 49 49 50 49 51 52 54 100% 101% 101% 104% 101% 106% 108% 111% 1961 - 1970 1971 - 1980 1981 - 1990 1991 - 2000 2001 - 2010 2011 - 2020 2021 - 2030 2031 - 2040 2041 - 2049


3.62 94%

3.54 92%

3.23 84%

3.95 103%

4.03 105%

4.30 112%

4.36 113%

4.78 124%

Figure 3: Climate models – standard deviation – Sandveld Sept planting CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 37

of irrigation water but including changes in crop irrigation requirements and impact of third order climate change impacts, i.e. the costs to control pests and diseases. Tables 3 to 5 display a summary of financial modelling results for different scenarios in different production regions. Constant prices were applied in all scenarios. Scenarios 1, 2 and 3 are the base case scenarios for 20-year production periods starting in 1961, 2001 and 2041 respectively. Assumptions for base case scenarios include: • Lintul projected yields as per Haverkort, et al (2013) normalized to match current yield/ha, i.e. 50t/ha – Sandveld, 55t/ha – Limpopo and 28t/ha – Eastern Free State (dryland) • Random yield variance – 35% (1961 & 2001 scenarios) – 45% (2041 scenario) • Starting debt ratio – 40% • Standard pest and disease control costs

increase, scenario 5 – 100% increase)

The positive impact of increased CO2 levels on potato yields is also reflected in the financial assessment of the Sandveld case study. The production cost ratio is an indicator of direct production cost as a percentage of total production income. The cash flow ratio is a measure of how well cash flow out is covered by cash flow in. Average cash flow ratio increase from 103% (1961) to 106% (2001) and 111% (2041), even with less hectares cultivated (218 ha in 1961 and 200 ha in 2041) due to increased irrigation water requirements. The upward trend of the cash flow ratio indicates increased profitability. The impact of third order impacts, e.g. increased pests and disease control costs, however have the potential to eliminate the positive financial yields gained as a result of increased yields (scenario 4, cash flow ratio = 105% and scenario 5, cash flow ratio = 100%). The analysis showed that although the increase in CO2 levels may have a positive impact on yields, the impact of third order impacts and their associated costs may eliminate the potential financial gains of improved yield. In the analysis the only variable is

Scenario 4 and 5 simulate the 2041 base case scenario (scenario 3) but include: • Third order impacts, i.e. increased pests and disease control costs (scenario 4 - 50%

Table 3: Financial modelling results – Sandveld case study on “typical” farm

Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5

Ha plant

Total yield


218 214 200 200 200

10 512 10 733 10 735 10 735 10 735

48 50 54 54 54

Production cost ratio Nett c/f per ha Cash flow ratio

86% 84% 83% 87% 91%

6 153 10 812 19 337 12 130 4 922

103% 106% 111% 105% 100%

Highest debt ratio

End bank balance

40% 40% 60% 64% 69%

13 660 314 35 831 088 68 859 744 35 635 181 -3 300 064

Scenario 1: 1961 Plant starting date - Lintul Yield projections - Random yield variance: 0.35 - Starting debt ratio: 0.4 - Third order impacts: 0 Scenario 2: 2001 Plant starting date - Lintul Yield projections - Random yield variance: 0.35 - Starting debt ratio: 0.4 - Third order impacts: 0 Scenario 3: 2041 Plant starting date - Lintul Yield projections - Random yield variance: 0.45 - Starting debt ratio: 0.4 - Third order impacts: 0 Scenario 4: 2041 Plant starting date - Lintul Yield projections - Random yield variance: 0.45 - Starting debt ratio: 0.4 - Third order impacts: 0.5 Scenario 5: 2041 Plant starting date - Lintul Yield projections - Random yield variance: 0.45 - Starting debt ratio: 0.4 - Third order impacts: 1

Table 4: Financial modelling results – Limpopo case study on “typical” farm

Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5

Ha plant

Total yield


170 160 164 164 164

8 956 8 331 9 835 9 835 9 835

53 52 60 60 60

Production cost ratio Nett c/f per ha Cash flow ratio

82% 83% 78% 82% 85%

17 894 15 948 35 920 28 358 20 795

110% 109% 119% 114% 109%

Highest debt ratio

End bank balance

40% 40% 51% 55% 58%

48 312 285 37 403 277 110 678 416 82 906 889 54 878 874

Scenario 1: 1961 Plant starting date - Lintul Yield projections - Random yield variance: 0.35 - Starting debt ratio: 0.4 - Third order impacts: 0 Scenario 2: 2001 Plant starting date - Lintul Yield projections - Random yield variance: 0.35 - Starting debt ratio: 0.4 - Third order impacts: 0 Scenario 3: 2041 Plant starting date - Lintul Yield projections - Random yield variance: 0.45 - Starting debt ratio: 0.4 - Third order impacts: 0 Scenario 4: 2041 Plant starting date - Lintul Yield projections - Random yield variance: 0.45 - Starting debt ratio: 0.4 - Third order impacts: 0.5 Scenario 5: 2041 Plant starting date - Lintul Yield projections - Random yield variance: 0.45 - Starting debt ratio: 0.4 - Third order impacts: 1

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yield as a result of projected climate change – all other elements, e.g. technology, etc. were treated as constants.

that the associated costs of third order impacts may eliminate the potential financial gains of improved yield.

The Limpopo case study financial assessment also reflects the positive impact of increased CO2 levels on potato yields from 53t/ha in 1961 to 60t/ha in 2041. Average cash flow ratio increase from 110% (1961) to 109% (2001) and 119% (2041), even with less hectares cultivated (170 ha in 1961 and 164 ha in 2041) due to increased irrigation water requirements. The impact of third order impacts, e.g. increased pests and disease control costs, however have a negative impact on profitability (scenario 4, cash flow ratio = 114% and scenario 5, cash flow ratio = 109%). Similar to the Sandveld case study, it seems likely

Similar to the other two case studies, the Eastern Free State dryland case study financial assessment also reflects the positive impact of increased CO2 levels on potato yields. Average cash flow ratio increase from 119% (1961) to 124% (2001) and 133% (2041). The impact of third order impacts, e.g. increased pests and disease control costs, however have a negative impact on profitability (if scenario 4 (128%) and scenario 5 (123%) are compared to scenario 3). The net result is that profitability compares well to the current scenario (scenario 2). C

Table 5: Financial modelling results – Eastern Free State case study on “typical” farm

Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5

Ha plant

Total yield


160 160 160 160 160

4 159 4 373 4 973 4 973 4 973

26 27 31 31 31

Production cost ratio Nett c/f per ha Cash flow ratio

68% 67% 64% 67% 70%

15 291 18 380 27 026 24 237 21 449

119% 124% 133% 128% 123%

Highest debt ratio

End bank balance

40% 40% 43% 45% 46%

30 662 245 42 273 454 72 736 282 62 591 897 52 378 328

Scenario 1: 1961 Plant starting date - Lintul Yield projections - Random yield variance: 0.35 - Starting debt ratio: 0.4 - Third order impacts: 0 Scenario 2: 2001 Plant starting date - Lintul Yield projections - Random yield variance: 0.35 - Starting debt ratio: 0.4 - Third order impacts: 0 Scenario 3: 2041 Plant starting date - Lintul Yield projections - Random yield variance: 0.45 - Starting debt ratio: 0.4 - Third order impacts: 0 Scenario 4: 2041 Plant starting date - Lintul Yield projections - Random yield variance: 0.45 - Starting debt ratio: 0.4 - Third order impacts: 0.5 Scenario 5: 2041 Plant starting date - Lintul Yield projections - Random yield variance: 0.45 - Starting debt ratio: 0.4 - Third order impacts: 1

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The climate change impact modelling results show that: • The potential impact of climate change on yield differs between the three regions modelled, i.e. Sandveld, Limpopo and Eastern Free State. For Sandveld the average yield/ha increases from 48t/ha (1961) to 50t/ha (2001) to 54t/ha (2041). Average yields for Limpopo region are calculated as: 53t/ha (1961), 52t/ha (2001) and 60t/ha (2041). Eastern Free State average yields are calculated as: 26t/ha 1961), 27t/ ha (2001) and 31t/ha (2041). • The potential impact of climate change on irrigation requirements and cultivation area differs between the regions and between different planting dates. Irrigation requirements increases between 1961 and 2041 as follows: Sandveld region (4.6%), Limpopo region (1.6%) and Eastern Free State (11.4%). • The standard deviation in projected yield increases over time, some regions more than others. The increased standard deviation suggests that yield volatility will increase. • The impact of climate change on third order impacts (increased pest and disease control) will increase the cost of production and subsequently decrease profitability. • The analysis shows that the financial benefits of yield gains as a result of increased carbon dioxide levels may be eliminated by the impacts of third order impacts and associated costs. • The study focused on the potential impact of climate change on the financial vulnerability of potato farming systems in different production regions. Potential yield variances as a result of projected climate change were therefor the only variable while all other elements, e.g. technology were treated as constants.

Die klimaatveranderingsimpak-modelleringsresultate wys dat: • Die potensiële impak van klimaatverandering op opbrengs verskil tussen die three produksiestreke wat gemodelleer is, nl. Sandveld, Limpopo en Oos Vrystaat. Die gemiddelde opbrengs/ha vir die Sandveld-streek neem toe vanaf 48t/ha (1961) na 50t/ha (2001) na 54t/ha (2041). Gemiddelde opbrengs variasies vir Limpopo is bereken as: 53t/ha (1961), 52t/ha (2001) en 60t/ha (2041). Oos Vrystaat se gemiddelde opbrengs variasies is bereken as: 26t/ha 1961), 27t/ha (2001) en 31t/ha (2041). • Die potensiële impak van klimaatverandering op besproeiingbehoeftes en gevolglik oppervlakte wat verbou kan word met ’n gegewe beskikbaarheid van besproeiingswater, verskil tussen die streke en ook tussen planttye. Besproeiingsbehoeftes verhoog tussen 1961 en 2041 as volg: Sandveld streek (4.6%), Limpopo streek (1.6%) en Oos-Vrystaat streek (11.4%). • Die standaard afwyking in geprojekteerde opbrengs oor tyd neem toe, en alhoewel dit verskil tussen die streke, dui dit op ’n toename in onbestendigheid. • Die impak van klimaatverandering op derde orde impakte (pes- en plaagbeheer) verhoog produksiekoste wat negatief inwerk op winsgewendheid. • Die ontledings toon dat die finansiële voordele van verhoogde aartappelopbrengste as gevolg van hoër koolstofdioksiedvlakke uitgekanselleer kan word deur die verhoogde kostes verbonde aan pes- en plaagbeheer. • Die studie fokus op die potensiële impak van klimaatverandering op die finansiële kwesbaarheid van aartappelboerderystelsels vir verskillende produksiestreke. Potensiële veranderde opbrengste as gevolg van klimaatverandering is dus die enigste veranderlike in die studie, terwyl ander elemente, bv. tegnologie, ens. as konstantes hanteer is.

In order to understand the potential impact of climate change on the potato industry in South Africa, it is recommended that this study be expanded to include all the potato production regions in order to get a holistic picture.

Om die potensiële impak van klimaatverandering op die Suid-Afrikaanse aartappelbedryf te verstaan, word aanbeveel dat die studie uitgebrei word om al die aartappelproduksiestreke in te sluit om sodoende ’n holistiese beeld te kan kry.

The Authors


H.J. Oosthuizen 1, P.S. van Heerden 2 1) OABS Development, PO Box 3426, Paarl, Western Cape, 7622, South Africa. 2) PICWAT, PO Box 11632, Universitas, 9321, South Africa.

Haverkort, A.J., Franke, A.C., Engelbrecht, F.A. and Steyn, J.M. (2013). Climate Change and Potato Production in Contrasting South African Agro-ecosystems 1. Effects on Land and Water Use Efficiencies. European Association for Potato Research. Potato Research 56:31–50.

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Vooruitsigte vir die komende seisoene: Onbestendige ekonomiese omstandighede sal deursigtige besluitneming vereis Divan van der Westhuizen (BFAP) en Marion Delport (BFAP) Die droogte en relatief hoë temperature van 2016 het tot gevolg gehad dat verskeie kommoditeitspryse retalief hoë vlakke gerealiseer het, veral die van aartappels en mielies wat beide rekordpryse behaal het. Soos die nuwe seisoen inbeweeg is en gunstiger weerpatrone gerealiseer het oor die grootste deel van die somerreëngebied, het die verwagte produksie van verskeie gewasse aansienlik gestyg met die gevolg dat Page 42 |

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markpryse in baie gevalle sterk afwaartse druk ervaar het. Terselfdertyd het verskeie faktore die makroekonomiese- en politieke omgewing uiters onbestendig gemaak met die implikasie dat besluitneming meer kompleks geraak het. Hierdie faktore beïnvloed veral besluitneming rakende bemarking en die aankoop van insette. Die doel van hierdie artikel is om ’n paar van die onmiddellike realiteite te identifiseer, dit

Ekonomiese Nuus • Economic News

te interpreteer in die konteks van markvooruitsigte en laastens die effek te illustreer op plaasvlak winsgewendheid en besluitneming.

relatief groot oes (5% van die totale oes) verwag word in 2017 weens ’n 33% toename in aanplantings. Vir 2017 word verwag dat die Limpopo, OosVrystaat, Wes-Vrystaat en Sandveld produksiegebiede onderskeidelik 21%, 15%, 15% en 14% van die totale aartappeloes sal bydra.

Vooruitsigte vir aartappelhektare, produksie, verbruik en markpryse Die totale oppervlakte waarop aartappels in SuidAfrika verbou word fluktueer die afgelope 20 jaar tussen 50 000 en 55 000 hektaar, alhoewel produksie sedert 1997 met meer as 43% toegeneem het. Die projeksies wat deur die Buro vir Voedsel en Landboubeleid (BFAP) se aartappelbedryfsmodel gegenereer word, dui aan dat die hektare geplant die volgende tien jaar effens kan toeneem (Figuur 1). Die droogte van 2016 het veroorsaak dat produksie met 344 000 ton of 14% afgeneem het teenoor 2015 se hoë vlakke van byna 2.5 miljoen ton. Die projeksie vir 2017 is sowat 8% meer teenoor die 2016-vlakke. Soos reeds voorheen in artikels verwys, is die projeksies gebaseer op ’n sekere stel aannames. Vir ’n ander stel aannames word ander projeksies verkry.

BFAP se nuutste basislynprojeksie toon dat aartappelproduksie oor die volgende tien jaar geleidelik sal styg tot net meer as 2.7 miljoen ton in 2026 (Figuur 1). Die styging word hoofsaaklik deur hoër opbrengste gedryf. Oor die langer termyn is die aanname dat faktore soos navorsing, kultivarontwikkeling, beter produksiepraktyke en beter plantbeskermingsmiddels ’n gemiddelde styging in opbrengs van 2% per jaar sal meebring.

Die Oos-Vrystaat dra sowat 10 000 hektaar droëlandaartappelaanplantings by tot die nasionale hektare geplant. Gedurende 2016 het produksie in die OosVrystaat met 34% afgeneem teenoor die 2015-vlakke. ’n Totaal van 23 miljoen sakkies (10 kilogram) is op 11 500 hektaar geproduseer. Die 2017 projeksie is beraam op ’n area van 10 600 hektaar met ’n verwagte oes van 32 miljoen sakkies (10 kilogram). Dit impliseer ’n jaar-op-jaar styging van 38%. Die Noord-Kaap is ook ’n streek om uit te lig waar ’n

Oor die korttermyn is die gemiddelde opbrengsverwagting in 2017 sowat 44 ton per hektaar (teenoor die gemiddeld van 40 ton per hektaar in 2016). In die droëlandgebiede het die droogte in 2016 groter opbrengsdalings veroorsaak as in die besproeiingsgebiede (tot 37% opbrengsafnames in die Oos-Vrystaat). Die afname in die 2016-produksievlakke het ’n 63% styging in die nasionale gemiddelde nominale markprys te weeg gebring na ’n gemiddeld vlak van R47.80 per 10 kg. Met weersomstandighede terug na normaal in 2017, en ’n 8% toename in die totale oes, kan die nominale markprys maklik met meer as 20% in 2017 daal (Figuur 2).


3 000


Duisend ton

2 000

45 1 500 40 1 000



Verbruik (ton)

Produksie (ton)

Area geplant (ha)

































Duisend hektaar / Ton per hektaar


2 500


Opbrengs (t/ha)

Figuur 1: Projeksie tot 2026 - vraag, produksie, hektare geplant en gemiddelde opbrengs per hektaar CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 43



Rand per 10kg







Reële Markprys (Des 2012 = 100)

Nominale Markprys

Figuur 2: Nominale en reële markpryse

Die reële gemiddelde markprys (deflator = ‘’CPI all products’’, Desember 2012 = 100) sedert 2002 beweeg sywaarts rondom ’n vlak van sowat R30 per 10 kg tot en met 2020 waarna dit dan saam met die nominale markprys effens styg, aldus Figuur 2. ’n Reële markprys wat oor tyd sywaarts beweeg, impliseer dat markpryse nie inflasie klop nie. Wat nie getoon word nie is dat produksiekoste vir aartappelverbouing oor tyd weer vinniger styg as inflasie (reële produksiekoste styg dus). Aartappelprodusente is dus ook in ’n kosteknyptang vasgevang. In Figuur 3 word aartappelmarkpryse, mieliemeel en witbrood se kleinhandelspryse in reële terme as ’n indeks aangetoon. Pryse is afkomstig vanuit die onderskeie BFAP aartappel-, mielie- en koringbedryfsmodelle. Statistiese analises toon dat aartappelmarkpryse en mieliemeelkleinhandelspryse nie betekenisvol positief of negatief gekorreleerd is nie. Daar is dus nie oortuigende bewyse in die prysreekse teenwoordig dat die mieliemeelkleinhandelsprys en die aartappelmarkprys in dieselfde rigting of in die teenoorgestelde rigting beweeg nie. Die gevolgtrekking dat wanneer mieliemeelpryse styg of daal, aartappelpryse ook sal styg of daal kan nie gemaak word nie, al blyk dit in Figuur 3 in die jare 2015 en 2016 die geval te wees. Die teenoorgestelde is ook waar dat wanneer die een prys daal, styg die ander een nie noodwendig nie. Page 44 |

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Deurlopende stygings in die minimum loon vir plaaswerkers knel arbeidsintensiewe bedrywe Die styging van meer as 50% in die minimum loon in 2013 het primêre landboubesighede, veral arbeidsintensiewe bedrywe, erg geraak. Hierdie styging volg op 'n tydperk van uitsonderlike prysstygings in ander insetkostes soos kunsmis, brandstof en elektrisiteit. Sedertdien het die koste van die vernaamste insette vir aartappelprodusente bly styg en meer onlangs is aangekondig dat die minimum loon vir plaaswerkers tot 17% kan styg in 2018. Hierdie kom na die aankondiging van ’n nasionale minimum loon (NML) van R20 per uur per werker wat op 1 Mei 2018 in werking sal tree. Die voorstel is dat die landbousektor 'n vergunning in 2018 sal kry deur slegs 90% van die nuwe nasionale minimum loon (dus R18 per uur) te betaal. Figuur 4 wys hoe die minimum loon (Rand per uur) styg oor tyd. In 2018 en 2019 styg die minimum loon vir plaaswerkers dus met onderskeidelik 17% en 11%. Dit impliseer dat die landbousektor in 2019 ook R20 per uur sal betaal. Volgens opname-inligting in vier aartappelproduksiestreke in Suid-Afrika was arbeid se bydrae tot die totale produksiekoste in 2012 tussen 4% en 8%. In 2016 het hierdie bydrae gestyg tot 11% gemiddeld vir die vier streke. Hierdie styging in arbeidskoste, saam met ander stygings in insette, kan produsente onder

Ekonomiese Nuus • Economic News

150 140

Des 2012 Indeks Waardes

130 120 110

100 90 80

70 60 50

Witbrood Indeks (kleinhandel prys)

Mieliemeel Indeks (kleinhandel prys)

Aartappel Indeks (markprys)

Figuur 3: Enkele styselprodukte se reële prysindekse (Des 2012 = 100)

geweldige finansiële druk plaas, veral in ’n omgewing waar markpryse laer neig soos in 2017. Figure 5 en 6 dui die finansiële implikasie van die nuwe minimum loon aan op prototipe plase (of ‘’tipiese’’ plase) in Limpopo (besproeiing), Sandveld (besproeiing), KwaZulu-Natal (moerproduksie) en die Oos-Vrystaat (droëland). Die gemiddelde addisionele besteding op arbeid vanaf 2016 na 2017 is byna

R150 000 per plaas, waar Limpopo se onmiddellike styging R225 000 is. Vanaf 2017 na 2018 is die verwagting dat arbeidskostes met ’n gemiddeld van R360 000 per plaas vir die streke kan styg, gegewe die 17% styging in die minimum loon. Vir Limpopo beteken dit ’n styging van R540 000, tussen R300 000 en R350 000 vir die Sandveld en KwaZuluNatal en R241 000 vir die Oos-Vrystaat. Die gevolg is dat arbeidskoste sedert 2012 met tussen R760 000 en

20,00 18,00

Rand per uur



2017: Verhoog met 8%

14,25 13,37

14,00 2013: Verhoog met 51%





2019: Verhoog met 11%

8,00 6,00


20,00 18,00

2018: Verhoog met 17%











Figuur 4: Nominale minimum loon vir plaaswerkers CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 45

R1.8 miljoen per plaas gestyg het. Die aanname word gemaak dat produsente geen arbeid aflê in 2016, 2017 en 2018 nie. Wat egter in die praktyk gebeur is dat aartappelprodusente sedert 2013 geweldig baie gemeganiseer het in die plant- en uithaalaksie, maar ook in die pakstoor (sien ook ‘’A national minimum wage and the potato industry”, CHIPS Januarie/ Februarie 2017, bladsy 34). Die styging in arbeidskoste kan nie in isolasie gesien word nie en dit bly belangrik om ook ander insette se prysstygings in ag te neem ten einde die totale implikasie op die boerdery se kostestruktuur te

kan evalueer. Figuur 7 wys die tendense vir sekere kunsmistipes se pryse oor tyd vanaf Januarie 2012. Volgens die grafiek het die koste van MAP sterk toegeneem sedert die middel van 2014, terwyl die ander kunsmistipes sywaarts beweeg het. Die huidige projeksie is dat die pryse van kunsmis tot 2018 met ’n gemiddeld van 13% kan styg. Hierdie styging is hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die aanname dat die Rand teenoor die VSA dollar kan verswak en dat die koste van Brent ru-olie marginaal hoër kan verhandel. Wat die prys van brandstof betref, is die huidige projeksie dat dit sowat 7% hoër sal wees in 2018. Die makro-omgewing wat huidig die Rand

R4 000 000 R3 500 000

Totale arbeidskoste

R3 000 000 R2 500 000

R2 000 000 R1 500 000 R1 000 000

R500 000 R0


Limpopo besproeiing


Sandveld besproeiing


KZN moerproduksie

Figuur 5: Totale arbeidskostes per prototipe plaas vir 4 streke (2012-2018)

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Oos-Vrystaat droëland

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se prestasie teenoor ander geldeenhede bepaal, is geweldig onbestendig. Dit is dus belangrik om hierdie bewegings op ’n gereelde basis te evalueer, veral wanneer insetaankope beplan word. Die styging in insetkostes se effek op die bruto marge (inkomste minus direk toewysbare uitgawes) vir die Oos-Vrystaat prototipe plaas word geïllustreer in Figuur 8 en Figuur 9. Die projeksies vir 2017 en 2018 is waarskynlike scenario’s wat kan afspeel R2 000 000 R1 800 000

(gegewe ’n sekere stel aannames), aldus die BFAP aartappelbedryfsmodel. Dit is duidelik in Figuur 8 dat die hoër kostestruktuur in 2017 en 2018, tesame met laer geprojekteerde markpryse, ’n groot impak het op die winsgewendheid van die aartappelprodusent (sien die ooreenstemmende daling in die bruto marge in 2017 en 2018 in Figuur 9). Dus, ongeag die geprojekteerde opbrengste wat beter kan wees in 2017 en 2018 (Figuur 8), daal die bruto marge in 2017 en 2018 (Figuur 9).

1 793 835

R1 600 000 R1 400 000

1 225 296


R1 200 000 R1 000 000

852 460

756 461

R800 000 R600 000

R400 000 R200 000 R0

Limpopo besproeiing

Sandveld besproeiing

KZN moerproduksie

Oos-Vrystaat droëland

Figuur 6: Verskil in arbeidskoste tussen 2012 en 2018 per plaas vir die onderskeie streke (geen arbeid word afgelê nie)

R10 000

R9 000

Rand per ton

R8 000

R7 000

R6 000

R4 000

2012 Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei June Julie Aug Sep Okt Nov Des 2013 Jan Feb Mrt April Mei Junie Julie Aug Sep Okt Nov Des 2014 Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Junie Julie Aug Sep Okt Nov Des 2015 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2016 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2017 Jan Feb Mar 2017 Average 2018 Average

R5 000


KAN / LAN (28)

Ureum /Urea (46)

Kaliumchloried / Potassium Chloride

Figuur 7: Kunsmis prystendense en 2017 & 2018 gemiddelde prys projeksie Bron: Graan SA & BFAP, 2017 CHIPS • May/June 2017

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Indeks: Basisjaar 2015 = 100












Koste: Basislyn tendens 2016


Koste: Basislyn tendens 2017 (nuwe minimum loon)

Figuur 8: Koste en inkomste drywers - Oos-Vrystaat prototipe plaas (2015-2018)

Indeks: 2015 = 100

160% 140% 120% 100%

80% 60% 40% 20% 0%




Oos-Vrystaat bruto marge (basislyn projeksie in 2016)


Oos-Vrystaat bruto marge met loon skok

Figuur 9: Gekombineerde effek op bruto marge - Oos-Vrystaat prototipe plaas

Slotgedagte Die verwagte styging in arbeids- en ander insetkostes in ’n omgewing waar markpryse laer kan neig kan die kontantvloei en die finansiële weerbaarheid van veral arbeidsintensiewe bedrywe negatief beïnvloed word. Dit alles vind plaas in ’n tydperk van aansienlike onsekerhede in die ekonomie, beide plaaslik en internasionaal. Die verwagting vir die mediumtermynbeskouing vir plaaslike ekonomiese groei reflekteer beter teenoor 2016 vlakke, maar is nog steeds aansienliker stadiger teenoor groei gedurende die laaste dekade. Die lae verwagte ekonomiese Page 48 |

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groeikoers kan verbruikersbesteding en privaatsektor investering negatief beïnvloed. Die verdere styging in die minimum loon kan negatiewe implikasies inhou vir groei in indiensneming, veral gegewe swakker ekonomiese vooruitsigte. Boerderybesighede sal dus kyk na die ekonomiese vatbaarheid van investering in meganisasie en ander tegnologieë wat agronomieseen arbeidsproduktiwiteit bevorder. Die onbestendige vooruitsigte beklemtoon die belangrikheid vir deursigtige besluitneming op plaasvlak, veral wat bemarking, insetaankope en die investering in tegnologie betref. C

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Goeie kwaliteit aartappels realiseer altyd ’n pryspremie Pieter van Zyl en Laryssa van der Merwe (Aartappels Suid-Afrika) Markagente sal jou meedeel dat dit altyd dieselfde produsente is wat seisoen na seisoen ’n goeie kwaliteit aartappel lewer, selfs in streke wat tradisioneel nie ’n goeie kwaliteit produk het nie. Hoekom kry hulle dit reg? Ook sal markagente jou meedeel dat daar altyd, selfs in ’n oorvol mark, ’n pryspremie vir goeie kwaliteit aartappels is. In die meegaande figure word verskillende varsproduktemarkte se prysgegewens weergegee. In Figure 1 tot 2 word Kaapstad- en Tshwane Mark se prysdata vir die 2016-kalenderjaar weergegee. In Figure 3 tot 6 word 4 markte se prysdata vanaf Januarie 2017 weergegee. Page 50 |

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In Figure 1 en 2 word die gemiddelde daaglikse markpryse vir Kaapstad- en Tshwane Mark vir 2016 weergegee. Baie hoë markpryse is aan die begin van die jaar behaal, aldus die figure. Die gemiddelde prys vir die hoogste 25% van alle transaksies, die gemiddelde prys vir Klas 1 Medium en die gemiddelde prys vir alle klasse en groottes word aangedui. Dit wil voorkom asof daar maklik ’n R10 per sakkie en meer prysverskil is tussen die boonste en onderste gemiddelde pryse, soos aangedui. In Figure 3 tot 6 word verskillende varsproduktemarkte se gegewens sedert Januarie vanjaar weergegee. Die daaglikse gemiddelde prys vir Klas 1 Medium se

Ekonomiese Nuus • Economic News

Figuur 1: Gemiddelde daaglikse markpryse vir Kaapstad mark vir die 2016 kalenderjaar


Rand per 10kg sakkie

90 80 70 60

50 40 30


Top 25% Alle Aartappels

Klas 1 Medium

Alle grade & alle groottes

Figuur 2: Gemiddelde daaglikse markpryse vir Tshwane mark vir die 2016 kalenderjaar


Rand per 10kg sakkie


55 45 35 25 15 5


Gem Klas 1 Medium

Laagste 10% Klas 1 Medium

Figuur 3: Gemiddelde daaglikse markpryse vir Klas 1 Medium - Johannesburg mark sedert Januarie 2017 CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 51

hoogste 10% van alle transaksies (‘’pre-packs’’), die algehele gemiddelde prys vir Klas 1 Medium, asook die gemiddelde prys vir Klas 1 Medium se laagste 10% van alle transaksies word aangedui. Die tydperk is vanaf Januarie tot middel-Mei vanjaar. Joburg Mark is die grootste varsproduktemark en hier het die top 10% pryse van Klas 1 Medium tot middelMaart vanjaar rondom R55 per sakkie sywaarts beweeg, aldus Figuur 3. Vir die laaste sowat twee maande beweeg dit sywaarts rondom R45 per sakkie. Daar is maklik ’n R15 tot R25 per sakkie prysverskil tussen die top 10% pryse en die laagste 10% pryse vir Klas 1 Medium. Let ook op die groot prysverskille gedurende Maart, April en Mei waartydens rekordverkope op markte plaasgevind het. Nog nooit is so baie aartappels op markte verkoop as toe nie.

Figuur 4 dui die daaglikse gemiddelde pryse vir Klas 1 Medium aan vir Tshwane Mark. Let ook op die R20 tot R30 per sakkie prysverskil gedurende Maart tot Mei, ’n periode van rekord verkoopsvolumes. Dit is opvallend dat Kaapstad Mark (Figuur 5) se daaglikse pryse nie so onbestendig is soos die ander markte se pryse nie. Let ook op Durban Mark se prysonbestendigheid (Figuur 6). ’n Rede vir Kaapstad Mark se lae onbestendigheid in pryse is hoofsaaklik omdat die Sandveld se aartappels hier verkoop word en kan ons aanvaar dat daar nie baie variasie in kwaliteit is nie, teenoor meer streke wat altyd gelyktydig op die noordelike markte bemark. Kwaliteitsvariasies kom op hierdie markte tussen streke voor. Kaapstad Mark is dan ook ver verwyderd van die noordelike markte en streke. C

Opsomming Die kwaliteit van aartappels wat markte toe gestuur word varieer uiteraard aansienlik, so ook die pryse wat gerealiseer word (sien figure). Kopers is dan ook bereid om vir goeie kwaliteit aartappels ’n aansienlike premie te betaal. Daar is goeie redes hoekom kwaliteitsverskille voorkom en baie hiervan is buite die beheer van die produsent. Hoekom is markagente egter van mening dat dit altyd dieselfde produsente is wat goeie kwaliteit aartappels lewer?

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80 70

Rand per 10kg sakkie

60 50 40

30 20 10 0


Gem Klas 1 Medium

Laagste 10% Klas 1 Medium

Figuur 4: Gemiddelde daaglikse markpryse vir Klas 1 Medium - Tshwane Mark sedert Januarie 2017

Figuur 5: Gemiddelde daaglikse markpryse vir Klas 1 Medium -Kaapstad Mark sedert Januarie 2017 85


Rand per 10kg bag

65 55 45 35

25 15 5















Top 10% Klas 1 Medium

Gem Klas 1 Medium

Laagste 10% Klas 1 Medium

Figuur 6: Gemiddelde daaglikse markpryse vir Klas 1 Medium - Durban Mark sedert Januarie 2017 CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 53

Watter kultivars het die Suid-Afrikaanse aartappelbedryf in 2016 gedomineer? Laryssa van der Merwe en Pieter van Zyl (Aartappels Suid-Afrika) Mondial is dié kultivar wat vir reeds vir etlike jare die meeste in Suid-Afrika aangeplant word. Hoe het Mondial met die ander kultivars in 2016 vergelyk? In Figuur 1 was 42% van alle hektare (tafel- en moerproduksie en ook verwerkingsaanplantings) in 2016 Mondial-aanplantings gevolg deur Sifra (18%). In die derde plek is Valor en Lanorma tesame met elk ’n 5% aandeel. Let ook op die aandeel van die top verwerkingskultivars Fianna, Markies en FL2108 met ’n gesamentlike markaandeel van 9%. Sifra se markaandeel het van 2015 na 2016 vanaf 14% na 18% toegeneem terwyl Mondial se markaandeel konstant op 42% gebly het van alle hektare geplant. In 2007 het die prentjie heeltemal anders gelyk. Mondial was ook die meeste aangeplant (33% van alle hektare), maar gevolg deur BP1 (21%) en Up-to-Date (10%), aldus Figuur 2. Die vyf primêre verwerkingskultivars in Figuur 2 se markaandeel was 19% van alle aanplantings. Vergelyk met Figuur 1 hierbo en dit word duidelik dat Pentland Dell en Lady Rosetta nie meer onder die vernaamste kultivars tel nie. Laasgenoemde twee kultivars word waarskynlik uitgefaseer, want baie min hektare is in 2016 aangeplant. Page 54 |

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Sien ook Figuur 3 wat die hektare geplant vir die vernaamste kultivars aandui. Mondial se aanplantings het gestyg tot en met sowat 2011. Vanaf 2012 tot 2014/2015 beweeg hektare geplant sywaarts, maar daal effens tot sowat 22 000 hektare in 2016. Let ook op in Figuur 4 dat die totale plaaslike hektare geplant in 2016 daal, maar dat Mondial se markaandeel konstant op 42% gebly het. Gedurende 2009 is nie meer hektare onder Mondial aangeplant nie, maar die totale plaaslike aanplantings het met sowat 5 000 hektaar gedaal. Mondial se markaandeel het dus gestyg, ongeag ’n sywaartse beweging in totale aanplantings (sien ook Figuur 4). Vanaf 2009 tot 2011 het Mondial se hektare gegroei (Figuur 3), en was sy markaandeel vir beide 2009 en 2010, 43% van alle hektare. Mondial se hektare het egter in 2012 met 1 167 hektaar gedaal. Sifra se styging in hektare het egter meer as vergoed hiervoor - 4 637 hektaar is in 2012 geplant teenoor 9 476 hektare in 2016. Let op Sifra se styging in hektare geplant sedert 2010 toe byna niks kommersieel aangeplant is nie. BP1 se aanplantings het aansienlik gedaal, vanaf 11 472 hektare in 2007 tot 1 053 hektare in 2016

Ekonomiese Nuus • Economic News

FL2108 4% UTD 4%

Valor 5%

Avalanche Fianna Markies 2% 3% 3% BP1 2% Ander 12%

Lanorma 5%

Sifra 18%

Mondial 42%

Figuur 1: RSA - Vernaamste kultivars geplant 2016 oesjaar

BP13 3% Fabula Fianna Darius 3% 2% Hermes 4%

L/Roset 5% P/Dell 5%

2% Ander 12%

UTD 10% Mondial 33%

BP1 21%

Figuur 2: RSA - Vernaamste kultivars geplant 2007 oesjaar

(’n daling van 91%). Up-to-Date se aanplantings het verminder vanaf 5 529 hektare in 2007 tot 2 219 hektare in 2016 (’n daling van 57%). Fianna egter het gestyg vanaf 1 608 hektare in 2007 tot 4 627

hektare in 2012, maar toe weer gedaal tot 1 651 hektaar in 2016. Tydens dieselfde tydperk het Sifra die meeste groei getoon, vanaf geen aanplantings in 2007 tot onderskeidelik 7 625 hektaar in 2015 en CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 55

9 476 in 2016. Lanorma se hektare het toegeneem vanaf bykans geen aanplantings in 2012 en 2013 na 2 826 hektaar in 2016. Dit is feitlik dieselfde as Valor se aanplantings vir 2016.

Sifra (18%) die twee vernaamste kultivars, gevolg deur Valor en Lanorma, elk met 'n 5% markaandeel.

In Figuur 6 verskyn die vernaamste kultivars op die varsproduktemarkte vir 2009 met Mondial (65%), BP1 (14%) en Up-to-Date (5%) die vernaamste kultivars. In 2016 (Figuur 5) was Mondial (42%) en

Huidig domineer Mondial steeds die Suid-Afrikaanse aartappelbedryf, alhoewel Sifra al hoe meer ’n gesogte kultivar, gevolg deur Lanorma en Valor. C


24 000

totale hektaar geplant

22 000 20 000 18 000 16 000 14 000 12 000

10 000 8 000 6 000 4 000 2 000 0





















Figuur 3: Vernaamste kultivars se hektare geplant (2007 - 2016)

56 000

totale hektaar geplant

54 000

54 037

53 933

53 594

52 722

52 568

52 000

51 435

50 771

50 393

49 952

50 000 48 000 46 000

44 974

44 000 42 000 40 000





Figuur 4: Totale hektare geplant oor tyd (alle streke) Page 56 |

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Lanorma 5%

Valor 5%

UTD 4%

Fianna 3% FL2108 3%

Markies 3%

Avalanche 2% BP1 2%

Ander 12%

Sifra 18%

Mondial 42%

Figuur 5: Kultivars op VPMe 2016 kalenderjaar

BP1 14%

Buffelspoort Up-To-Date 4% 5%

Vanderplank 2% Darius 2%

Fabula 2% Avalanche 1% Valor 1% Other 3%

Mondial 65%

Figuur 6: Kultivars op VPMe 2009 kalenderjaar CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 57

A Tour of the Potato Industry: Bursary Students Induction Nomvula Xaba and Rotondwa Rathogwa (Potatoes South Africa) Every year the Potato Industry Development Trust (PIDT) offers bursaries to undergraduate and postgraduate students who are studying towards agricultural related qualifications offered at most tertiary institutions in South Africa. As a way of introduction and exposure to the potato industry, the students were hosted by Potatoes South Africa in and around Pretoria for a two day induction programme on 3 and 4 April 2017. For the 2017 academic year, the PIDT approved seven undergraduate and eight postgraduate bursaries. This year’s induction programme was, attended by Page 58 |

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eleven students in total, seven undergraduate and four postgraduate students, excluding students who had previously attended the induction programme. The induction kicked-off on a chilly morning visit to the Joburg Market where Ms Lesego Pooe, Potato Hall Manager, took the students on a full tour of the Joburg Market. She shared some information on how the market functions and also emphasised the fact that the Joburg Market is the biggest fresh produce market in Africa. The students were amazed at the daily turnover of the market. It was clear from the fascination and the questions raised that most of the students were not

Transformasie • Transformation aware of the big role played by the market in terms of determining a price, this was truly a learning curve for them. The visit to the market does not end without a stop at the Prokon inspection table. Interestingly, this year, the Prokon talk was given by one of our previous bursary holders and intern, Mr Jim Bapela, who is now employed by Prokon on a full-time basis. This on its own was motivation enough for the students to keep going! Mr Bapela informed students that Prokon’s role at the market is to render a comprehensive quality assurance, product management and grading service to the South African fresh produce industry. The Prokon talk included a demonstration of the whole inspection process of potatoes which the students thoroughly enjoyed. From Joburg Market, the students were whisked back to Potato House where they were treated to a hot breakfast. The day at the office was fully packed with presentations by the core business managers of Potatoes South Africa as well by Ms Sanette Thiart, Managing Director of Potato Certification Service. Dr André Jooste, Potatoes South Africa’s Chief Executive Officer, welcomed the students and congratulated them on being selected from thousands of bursary applications. The presentation at Potato

Ms Nokuthula showing students the eyes of a potato (a stem bud from which a new plant can sprout)

Mr Mogau Bapela (Left) with Bursary students at Joburg Fresh Produce Market

House covered the services which are provided by the industry and also how and where to access more information. Considering the fact that the students had been freezing at the Joburg Market, it was interesting to see the level of engagement and the enthusiasm shown in knowing more. The PIDT Bursary Committee can be lauded for a job well done in the selection process. The day continued with a visit to Plantovita. Plantovita is one of the testing laboratories in the potato industry and specializes in the detection of viruses and bacteria in planting material. Students were briefly shown some of the techniques used to detect the plant pathogens. It was explained that the tests are used to determine whether the submitted planting material complies with the disease tolerances as prescribed in the South African Seed Potato Certification Scheme. The last stop for the day was at the Agricultural Research Council, Roodeplaat (ARC) where Ms Nokuthula Myeza, manager in charge of the gene bank, explained their role in the potato industry. She demonstrated how plant material multiplication can be done through plant tissue cultures. Although

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Below is what some of the students had to say about the induction programme: “Visiting the farm was exciting, watching the washing, grading, and packing process of potatoes, but more exciting was to watch the ongoing harvesting of potatoes”, said Ms Jabulile Nxumalo, a second year student at the University of Zululand.

Ms Ronel Marx with bursary student Thato Taele at Potato Pride packhouse

highly exhausted, the students thoroughly enjoyed and learned from the activities of day one. Exposure to the potato industry would not be enough without a visit to a potato farm. This was where the students headed to on the second day. This year’s students were lucky to be hosted by Stephan Fourie of Potato Pride in the Free State, who is the current National Potato Farmer of the Year. It was therefore interesting for the students to visit a farm of such calibre. Students were shown the process from the beginning to the end when the potatoes are ready to be marketed. The students finally had the opportunity to touch potatoes straight from the soil...a first experience for some.

“The entire induction was very useful because I now have an idea of what is happening in the potato industry”, said Ms Thato Friedah Somo, a second year student at Potchefstroom College. “The ARC and Plantovita trips were outstanding for me as I had no idea that so much control is needed to ensure that we have healthy crops”, said Ms Nikki Miguel, a first year Masters student at the University of Pretoria. “This was a great experience and one I will carry with me for a long time. Thank you for the opportunity and I believe it makes a difference to all the students to pursue a career in the industry”, said Mr Alessandro Rino Gricia, a first year Masters student at University of Pretoria. C

From the perspective of Potatoes South Africa, this was another fruitful and informative induction with the students. They learned much and from the two days spent on the programme, many are eager to work in the potato industry. This is exactly what Potatoes South Africa is trying to achieve... to generate interest and later provide benefit to the potato industry from their services.

Mr Emile de Klerk showing students how many potatoes each plant can produce Page 60 |

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Transformasie • Transformation

Enterprise development farmers visit the Nampo show Nomvula Xaba (Potatoes South Africa) Photos Kleinboet Van Zyl (mentor)

A group of the enterprise development farmers listening attentively

The farmers were very grateful for the opportunity and indicated that they gained much insight at NAMPO. Their enthusiasm was demonstrated by the number of questions they asked the sales people at different exhibition stands. The farmers were generally interested in different tractors available for various purposes as well as their capacity, cost and how they can benefit as start-up farmers. The trip and the engagement with different exhibitors clearly indicated that our new farmers are certainly thinking big and truly want to be important role players in the potato industry. This kind of thinking is in line with the transformation strategy of assisting farmers to achieve a commercial status producing potatoes. C

One of the activities under the enterprise development programme is to expose new farmers to the agricultural industry so that they have a better understanding of the magnitude of this industry and also become aware of the available opportunities. This is the reason why Potatoes South Africa took nine farmers participating in its enterprise development programme to the 2017 Nampo Harvest Day as a way of exposing them to the agricultural industry. The farmers who attended were from Limpopo, KwaZuluNatal, Eastern Cape and the Free State. NAMPO is an annual event organized by Grain SA in Bothaville and attracts approximately 80 000 farmers. It provides an opportunity for farmers to engage with distributors of agricultural machinery, manufactures and also to gain access to products and services. Enterprise development farmers at NAMPO

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O.R. Tambo Municipality Farmers’ Day Nomvula Xaba and Louis Pretorius (Potatoes South Africa) mentors who were to guide these projects on a daily basis to ensure that the projects are successful.

Potatoes South Africa, through its transformation division, supports and establish new emerging potato farmers through its Enterprise Development Programme and also ensures that the different rural communities are food secured by teaching them best practices of potato production through demonstration trials.

20 April 2017 saw the launch of the seven cooperatives and served as a farmer’s day which was attended by over 200 farmers. The event started off with a visit to one cooperative to observe harvesting where after the potatoes were taken to Kei Fresh Produce Market for processing. All farmers attending observed the full processed, from washing through to packing.

The formal proceedings included a keynote address from Mayoral representative, Councillor Jackson Sabona, as well as speeches and messages of support from the following institutions: Potatoes South Africa, ECDC, Eastern Cape Department The greatest of Agriculture, Kei Fresh investment into develProduce Market as well oping farmers is knowledge as beneficiaries from the and experience to equip them projects.

As the cost of potato production is high and sometimes serves as a barrier to entry to new farmers, Potatoes South Africa is continuously seeking partners who will come on board to ensure that development for the future to join the main The highlight of the does take place. The Eastern Cape stream of potato production event was the success of Development Cooperation (ECDC) willingly the seven cooperatives. partnered with Potatoes South Africa to in South Africa. It was clear that success support seven cooperatives in the O.R Tambo could not be achieved District Municipality in the Eastern Cape. The without collaboration from all funding of over R3.2 million made available to the the role players. Partnerships with cooperatives assisted them in each planting 4 ha of other institutions will ensure that the objectives of potatoes. This funding was inclusive of all the input increasing the number of black potato producers are costs which was most welcomed by the farmers. achieved. There are lessons that can be learnt from these partnerships as it also came with challenges and The seven cooperatives were selected after Potatoes some projects turning out less successful than others. South Africa conducted pre-feasibility studies and compiled comprehensive business plans for the Potatoes South Africa would like to thank all the role cooperatives which assisted the ECDC to make players who made this event a success and especially informed decisions in their selection process of the cooperatives. Potatoes South Africa provided technical the ECDC for making the funding available for this good course. C support to these projects and allocated experienced

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Transformasie • Transformation

Daar word geboer op Genadendal Terence Brown (Aartappels Suid-Afrika) al die mense. Dit voel sommer of daar vrede in die dorp heers. Die landbougrond bestaan uit 2 200 ha hoë potensiaal landbougrond met genoegsame water uit die Theewaterskloofdam. In 1952 is waterregte bekom om water uit die rivier te pomp. Daar is vier landbou-areas naamlik Genadendal, Voorstekraal, Berea en Boschmanskloof. Daar word reeds vir 22 jaar met aartappels hier geboer en gegewe die jongste opbrengste gaan hier nie sommer gou opgehou word nie. Mnr. Bantom hou trots die mooi aartappels vas wat sy oes opgelewer het

Genadendal is ’n historiese sendingstasie wat in 1806 sy naam gekry het en is die oudste sendingstasie in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie is ’n Wet 9 gebied wat direk onder die Minister van Grondhervorming en Landelike Ontwikkeling val. Daar is geen titelaktes op die grond nie en dit is dus gemeenskapsgrond wat in trust deur die betrokke departement gehou word. Transformasieprosesse is aan die orde van die dag waar die gemeenskap self besluit oor hul besigheid en beplanning. Die streek het ’n geskiedenis van groenteverbouing, maar boer ook met beeste. Die Genadendalomgewing verskaf voedsel aan die plaaslike bevolking asook aan nabye dorpe soos Caledon en Greyton. In Genadendal is werkskepping en voedselsekuriteit van kardinale belang. Daar is ook 'n groot fokus om van die plaaslike jongmense landbouers te maak. Van kleins af moet hulle werk of die son nou skyn óf nie, en of hul natreën óf nie. Hul talente word ook ontdek en word hulle handvaardig gemaak in byvoorbeeld die maak van messe.

Die eerste Aartappels Suid-Afrika gemeenskapsaartappelprojek was uiters suksesvol en daar is net meer as die 300 x 10 kg sakkies kwaliteit aartappels afgehaal wat ’n gemiddelde opbrengs van meer as 53 ton per hektaar verteenwoordig. My besoek aan die gebied het ook 'n besoek aan mnr. Joseph Bantom ingesluit wie deelneem aan Aartappels Suid-Afrika se transformasiebesigheidsontwikkelingsprogram. Mnr. Bantom het sy opgewondenheid uitgespreek oor sy aartappeloes wat 'n gemiddelde opbrengs van ongeveer 55 ton per hektaar opgelewer het en 'n hoë persentasie Klas 1 aartappels uitgepak het. Hy is dan ook self verantwoordelik vir die oesproses. Wat sortering en verpakking van die aartappels betref word dit met die hand gedoen wat beteken dat dit 'n uiters tydsame proses is. Hy is van mening dat 'n klein sorteermasjien baie sal help om die proses te vergemaklik wat die lewering van 'n kwaliteitproduk streng volgens die groottegroepgradering verder sal verbeter. Mnr. Bantom Joseph is uiters positief oor die area se landboutoekoms, onder andere ook gegewe die vrugbare grond en genoegsame water. Hy het en slotte genoeg dat die per capita verbruik van aartappels in die gebied deurlopend toeneem wat sal bydra tot die verhoogde verbouing van aartappels. C

Opvallend as jy deur die dorp en gemeenskap beweeg is die vriendelikheid en samehorigheid tussen

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Suidwes-Vrystaat kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Petrusburg in 2016/2017 Johan Odendaal (Produsent), Jano Hugo (Suidwes-Vrystaat Aartappelwerkgroep), Chantel du Raan en Herman Haak (Aartappels Suid-Afrika) Die Suidwes-Vrystaat aartappelproduksiegebied, waar aartappelproduksie hoofsaaklik onder besproeiing plaasvind, produseer sowat 3% van die totale aartappelproduksie in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie streek plant hoofsaaklik vir die tafelmark en lewer voorafverpakte gehalte aartappels. Verwerkingsmaatskappye koop aartappels in hierdie streek aan as daar 'n tekort Page 64 |

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aan aartappels vir verwerking in die land bestaan. Die standaardkultivars vir die tafelmark is Mondial en Sifra. Die Suidwes-Vrystaat produksiegebied het ’n droë kontinentale klimaat en ontvang ’n baie lae gemiddelde reënval van tussen 318 en 432mm/ jaar wat meestal gedurende die somer voorkom. Baie warm somers kom voor, terwyl die winters weer

Bedryfsdienste • Industry Services

baie koud is met strawwe ryp (Junie-Augustus). Die proef is onder besproeiing in 'n sandgrond met kleipersentasie van 12% geplant op die plaas van mnr. Johan Odendaal op Petrusburg. Die proefperseel was 'n ewekansige blokontwerp met drie herhalings. Verdere tegniese inligting rakende die proefperseel en uitleg is opgesom in Tabel 1.

Figuur 1: Ligging van Petrusburg in die Suidwes-Vrystaat produksiegebied

Tabel 1: Opsomming van tegniese inligting rakende proef area en uitleg. Plaas:



Mnr. Johan Odendaal


25 Augustus 2016


19 Januarie 2017

Besproeiing / Droëland:


Dubbel- of enkelrye:





0.9 m


0.30 m

Proefperseel per eenheid:

18 m2


37 037plante / hektaar


250-telling (gemiddeld 100 g) Bemestingsprogram: Voedingswaarde: N (kg/ha)

P (kg/ha)

K (kg/ha)

Tydens plant




Knolinisiasie (topbemesting)








Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat groeiperiodes die oesopbrengs van kultivars kan beïnvloed. Groeiperiodes word gedefinieer as die aantal dae vanaf opkoms tot natuurlike loofafsterwe, afhangend van die seisoen. Die presiese tydsberekening van die vyf groeifases (spruitontwikkeling, vegetatiewe groei, knolinisiasie, knolvulling en volwassenheid) hang af van die omgewing en die bestuurspraktyke wat wissel tussen lokaliteite, kultivars en groeiperiodes. Die kultivars betrokke in die werkgroepproef gedurende 2016/2017, word in Tabel 2 weergegee. Oesopbrengs en knolgrootte word ook beïnvloed deur die aantal halms per area, dus die aantal moere geplant asook die aantal halms per moer. Die aantal halms per moer is afhanklik van die aantal ogies per knol, die aantal spruite per ogie en die aantal stamme per spruit. Die aantal ogies CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 65

Tabel 2: Karaktereienskappe rakende groeiperiode, plantgereedheid, stand (%) en halmtellings vir elke kultivar in 2016/2017. Kultivar

Groeiperiode (Dae)1


Stand (%)

Halms per plant

Halms per hektaar







91 133







201 122







123 681

El Mundo

Kort tot medium





150 842


Kort tot medium





202 020


Medium tot lank





185 185


Medium tot lank





92 929







111 335


Kort tot medium





215 488







114 927







193 939







111 111







122 110







116 274


Kort tot medium





89 787


Kort tot medium





146 128







195 286







139 169


Kort tot medium





118 294







79 012

Algemene riglyne en kategorieë (dae van opkoms tot natuurlike loofafsterwe, afhangend van die seisoen): Kort = 70-90 dae; Kort tot Medium = 80-100 dae; Medium = 90-110 dae; Medium tot Lank = 90-120; Lank = 90-140 dae. 2 Plantgereedheid van moere 1 – Vars; 2 – Effens vars; 3 – Plantgereed; 4 – Effens oud; 5 – Oud. 1

per knol is kultivar-afhanklik, terwyl die aantal halms per knol beïnvloed word deur die moergrootte en die plantgereedheid van die moere. Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat hierdie eienskappe tussen kultivars varieer. Die plantgereedheid, stand (%) en halmtelling van kultivars wat in die 2016/2017-proef geplant is, word aangedui in Tabel 2. Temperatuur, dagliglengte en water is die belangrikste abiotiese faktore wat die groeipatroon, opbrengs en kwaliteit van aartappels beïnvloed. Om te bepaal wat die aanpassingsvermoë van nuwe kultivars in

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die Petrusburg-omgewing is, is dit belangrik om hierdie faktore in aanmerking te neem wanneer die prestasie van verskillende kultivars geëvalueer word. Dit is ook belangrik dat die kultivars vir 'n aantal seisoene geëvalueer word omdat klimaat van seisoen tot seisoen verskil. Die daaglikse en langtermynweerdata is verkry vanaf die LNR se Petrusburg-stasie (-29.12421, 25.51239). Die kumulatiewe reënval gedurende die 2016/2017-groeiseisoen was deurentyd effens onder die normale (langtermyn gemiddelde).

Bedryfsdienste • Industry Services

Totale reënval per maand 2016/2017

Langtermyn gemiddelde reënval

Kumulatiewe reënval 2016/2017

Langtermyn kumulatiewe reënval

300.0 250.0

Reënval (mm)

200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 Augustus









Datum Figuur 2: Reënval gedurende die groeiseisoen (2016/2017) asook die langtermyn gemiddelde reënval.

Maksimum temperatuur 2016/2017

Minimum temperatuur 2016/2017

Langtermyn gemiddelde maksimum temperatuur

Langtermyn gemiddelde minimum temperatuur


Temperatuur (°C)

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 -5

15-Aug-16 20-Aug-16 25-Aug-16 30-Aug-16 04-Sep-16 09-Sep-16 14-Sep-16 19-Sep-16 24-Sep-16 29-Sep-16 04-Oct-16 09-Oct-16 14-Oct-16 19-Oct-16 24-Oct-16 29-Oct-16 03-Nov-16 08-Nov-16 13-Nov-16 18-Nov-16 23-Nov-16 28-Nov-16 03-Dec-16 08-Dec-16 13-Dec-16 18-Dec-16 23-Dec-16 28-Dec-16 02-Jan-17 07-Jan-17 12-Jan-17 17-Jan-17 22-Jan-17



Plant 2016/2017


Figuur 3: Minimum- en maksimumtemperatuur (°C) gedurende die groeiseisoen (2016/2017) asook langtermyn. CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 67

Volgens die gemete reënval gedurende die 2016/2017-groeiseisoen het dit meer as gewoonlik gedurende Januarie gereën tydens (skilset) in vergelyking met die langtermyn-weerdata (Figuur 2). Ongeag die hoër reënval gedurende Januarie was die kumulatiewe reënval vir 2016/2017 aan die einde van die groeiseisoen steeds laer as die langtermyn kumulatiewe reënval.

Hitte-eenhede is ook 'n belangrike faktor om in ag te neem aangesien die ontwikkeling van die plant hoofsaaklik gebaseer is op die versameling van hitte-eenhede. Daar word dus aanvaar dat die plant 'n sekere aantal hitte-eenhede moet versamel om 'n ontwikkelingsfase te voltooi. Die hitte-eenhede van die 2016/2017-groeiseisoen het regdeur die seisoen min of meer dieselfde patroon gevolg. Gedurende Desember 2016 was die hitte-eenhede 12.2% teenoor die langtermyn data terwyl Januarie 2017 'n 11.4% verskil getoon het (Figuur 4). Moontlike effekte as gevolg van ongunstige temperature (=hoë hitteeenhede) sluit in die verlenging van die tyd wat nodig is vir ontwikkelingfases om te voltooi wat opbrengs asook kwaliteit negatief kan beïnvloed. Ongeag die feit dat die hitte-eenhede hoër as normaal was deur die seisoen, was die opbrengs slegs effens laer as die gemiddelde opbrengs van die vorige twee jaar.

Die minimum- en maksimumtemperature (Figuur 3) vir die 2016/2017-groeiseisoen het dieselfde patroon as vorige jare gevolg, met die uitsondering dat vanaf einde Oktober tot einde Desember tydens (vullingstadium) hoër minimum- asook maksimumtemperature geheers het. Verder was die maksimumtemperature egter laer tydens Januarie (vulling- en skilset-stadium) in vergelyking met die langtermyn gemiddelde. Gedurende Oktober tot Desember het die maksimumtemperatuur gedurig tussen 30-38°C gewissel. Wanneer die temperatuur bo 29°C styg, sal min of selfs geen knolgroei voorkom nie as gevolg van die feit dat die koolhidrate vir respirasie gebruik word. Hierdie uitermatige weersomstandighede kon die opbrengs asook kwaliteit van kultivars negatief beïnvloed het. Geen rypskade het gedurende die groeiseisoen voorgekom nie.

Die opbrengsdata is statisties verwerk met behulp van die GenStat® program en die gemiddelde was geskei deur gebruik te maak van die Tukey KBV-toets. Die kultivareffek gedurende die 2016/2017-proewe (Figuur 5) was statisties hoogsbeduidend (p<0. 01) ten opsigte van opbrengs terwyl die koëffisiënt van variasie laag (16.5%) was. Dit dui dus aan dat die proewe goed uitgevoer en die resultate betroubaar

Totale hitte-eenhede 2016/2017

Langtermyn gemiddelde hitte-eenhede

Kumulatiewe hitte-eenhede 2016/2017

Langtermyn kumulatiewe hitte-eenhede

2000 1800 11.4%


1600 1400 17.2%

1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Augustus






Figuur 4: Hitte-eenhede gedurende die groeiseisoen (2016/2017) asook langtermyn. Page 68 |

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Bedryfsdienste • Industry Services

Opbrengs (%)

120.8 a 119.0 ab 117.8 a-c 117.1 a-d 113.5 a-e 111.7 a-f 106.7 a-g 105.9 a-h 105.7 a-i 103.1 a-j 101.1 a-k 97.6 a-l 97.2 a-m 96.6 a-n Proefgemiddeld 91.7 a-o = 58.2 t/ha 89.1 a-p

Opbrengs van kultivars verskil nie statisties nie


Opbrengs van kultivars verskil nie statisties nie

Panamera Fandango Laperla El Mundo Sifra Lanorma Farida Georgina Electra Labadia Valor Bonnata Libertie Mondial Mondeo Casino Markies Savanna Rumba Almera

Bemarkingsindeks (%)




88.8 a-p 88.0 a-p

p < 0.01 KBV = 36.6 KV% = 16.5

74.3 g-p 54.6 p





Opbrengs- en bemarkingsindeks as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld (%) vir 2016/2017


*Waardes gevolg deur dieselfde letter is nie beduidend verskillend van mekaar nie.

Figuur 5: Totale opbrengs en bemarkingsindeks per kultivar vir 2016/2017 as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld.

X Klein




Klein medium


Groot medium


Proefgemiddeld van vorige 3 jaar = 62.2 t/ha


Grootteverspreiding (t/ha) in 2015


2016 = 58.2 t/ha

60 50 40 30 20 10 0


Figuur 6: Groottegroepverspreiding van elke kultivar tydens die 2016/2017-finale oes. CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 69

is. Die proefgemiddeld van al die kultivars word as 100% geneem. Die opbrengs van die individuele kultivars word dan deur die proefgemiddeld gedeel en elke kultivar se opbrengsprestasie word as 'n persentasie van die proefgemiddeld uitgedruk (opbrengsindeks). Die gemiddelde opbrengs (58.2 t/ha) vir die 2016/2017-seisoen was effens laer in vergelyking met die proefgemiddelde van die vorige twee jaar (62.2 t/ha). Ten opsigte van die 2016/2017-proef (Figuur 5) het die kultivar Panamera, wat statisties verskil het van Rumba en Almera, die hoogste opbrengs behaal. Almera wat nie statisties verskil het van Rumba, Savanna, Markies, en Casino nie, het die swakste opbrengste gelewer. Hoër opbrengste as die proefgemiddeld (58.2 t/ha) was behaal deur die kultivars Panamera, Fandango, Laperla, El Mundo, Sifra, Lanorma, Farida, Georgina, Electra, Labadia en Valor. Ten einde die prestasie van die kultivars in terme van opbrengs en kwaliteit te bepaal, is die opbrengs, groottegroepverspreiding en klas gebruik om teen die gemiddelde markpryse vir die betrokke dag 'n bemarkingsindeks te bereken. Die opbrengs, vermenigvuldig met die heersende prys wat bepaal word deur die groottegroepverspreiding en gradering,



Klas 3

gee die bemarkingsindeks (Figuur 5). Ongeag die feit dat Laperla nie die hoogste opbrengs getoon het nie het die kultivar oor die algemeen die hoogste bemarkingsindeks behaal, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van 'n kombinasie van 'n hoë persentasie Groot en Klas 1 aartappels. Farida het die tweede hoogste bemarkingsindeks behaal met Sifra kort op sy hakke wat toegeskryf kan word aan 'n hoë persentasie Klas 1 gradering (Figuur 7) wat die kultivars gelewer het. Almera het die laagste bemarkingsindeks getoon. Groottegroepverspreiding en gradering is derhalwe ook van die faktore wat gebruik word om aartappels te klas, daarom is dit belangrike faktore om in ag te neem om optimale ekonomiese bemarkbare opbrengs te verseker. In Figuur 6 word die groottegroepverspreiding weergegee en in Figuur 7 die gradering van die opbrengs. Dit is ook belangrik om te let op die kultivars se vermoë om konsekwent te presteer, ongeag fluktuasies in die klimaat oor tyd. In Figuur 8 word die driejaar data aangetoon vir die kultivarproewe in die Petrusburg-produksie-area. Dit blyk dat kultivars Sifra, Mondial, Panamera en Savanna die minste variasie toon vir die Petrusburg area. Belangrike kwaliteiteienskappe soos die kook- en prosesseringseienskappe, soortlike gewig (SG)

Klas 2

Klas 1


Proefgemiddeld van vorige 3 jaar = 62.2 t/ha 2016/2017 = 58.2 t/ha

Gradering (t/ha) vir 2016

60 50 40 30 20 10 0


Figuur 7: Gradering van elke kultivar tydens die 2016/2017-finale oes. Page 70 |


CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2017

Bedryfsdienste • Industry Services




Opbrengs as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld (%)








0 Almera






El Mundo




Figuur 8. Prestasie van kultivars oor drie jaar uitgedruk as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld. CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 71

Bedryfsdienste • Industry Services

asook inwendige eienskappe (holhart, bruinvlek en vaatbundelverkleuring) word opgesom in Tabel 3. Gedurende die 2016/2017-groeiseisoen het al die kultivars, behalwe Almera, El Mundo, Georgina, Laperla, Liberty, Sifra en Valor, aan die skyfiekleurnorm van >50 voldoen. Wat die soortlike

gewig (SG), betref het al die kultivars, behalwe Almera, Electra, Fandango, Georgina, Laperla en Valor, aan die norm van ≥1.075 voldoen. Geen holhart- of bruinvlekvoorkoms is egter by enige van die kultivars aangeteken nie. C

Tabel 3. Kook- en prosesseringseienskappe en interne kwaliteit van opbrengs vir 2016/2017 (Uitgevoer deur LNR-Roodeplaat). Kultivar




Verkleur na kook



Holhart (%)

Bruinvlek (%)




























El Mundo





































Donker geel




















































































































BM – Baie melerige tot losse tekstuur; M – Melerig, krummelrige tot los aartappel; EM – Effens melerige, vry ferm aartappel met fyn tot taamlike fyn tekstuur; NM – Nie melerige, ferm aartappel met ʼn fyn tekstuur. 2 Skyfiekleur met waarde >50 en sonder defekte is aanvaarbaar vir die droëskyfiebedryf. 3 Soortlike gewig van >1.075 is aanvaarbaar vir die prosesseringsbedryf. 1

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≥ Norm (Aanvaarbaar vir prosessering) < Norm (Onaanvaarbaar vir prosessering)


OR TAMBO 73 Gladiator St, Rhodesfield

Enquiries for all three events: Monica vd Merwe

Book the Dates! Seed Traders’ Forum

Book the Date! 28 SEPT 2017

Potatoes South Africa


“Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production” - Adam Smith (1789) It is imperative that stakeholders in the food value chain produce that what will satisfy consumers’ tastes and preferences at affordable prices. Their tastes and preferences are constantly changing due to a number of factors that include, but are not limited to changes in per capita income, societal influences and lifestyle changes. The stakeholders in the food value chain must listen to consumers to understand and pre-empt how their tastes and preferences will change over time, and to re-engineer itself in order to remain relevant. This applies likewise to the potato industry. During this Congress experts in different potato value chains will discuss what is required of the potato industry to remain relevant and grow the demand for potatoes and potato products.

Do value chains really matter... and if so, where is the value?

26 Sept 2017

Seed Growers’ Forum

27 Sept 2017

Registrations open

02 May 2017 H Design March 2017 |

KwaZulu-Natal kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Weenen 2016 Mnre. Johan en Roland Buys (Produsente), Chantel du Raan en Attie van den Berg (Aartappels Suid-Afrika) Die KwaZulu-Natal produksiegebied produseer sowat 7% van die totale aartappelproduksie in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie streek plant vir die gebruik van moere, tafel en verwerking onder besproeiing. KwaZulu-Natal het twee seisoene wat 'n winter- en 'n someraanplanting insluit. Tafelaartappels word hoofsaaklik geplant gedurende Junie en Julie terwyl moere geproduseer word gedurende Augustus tot November. Die Page 74 |

CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2017

hoofkultivars vir tafelaartappelaanplantings sluit in Valor, Mondial en Up-to-Date. Die kultivarproef is op Weenen uitgevoer wat aan die oewer van die Boesmansrivier geleë is. Weenen is 'n gematigde somerreënval gebied met 'n gemiddelde reënval van 659-688 mm/jaar (Figuur 1) waarvan die meeste gedurende Januarie en die minste gedurende Junie ontvang word. Matig tot warm somers kom voor,

Bedryfsdienste • Industry Services

terwyl die winters weer koud is. Die proef is geplant in kleigrond in 'n ewekansige blokontwerp met drie herhalings. Verdere tegniese inligting rakende die proefperseel en uitleg is opgesom in Tabel 1.

Figuur 1: Ligging van Weenen in die KwaZulu-Natal produksiegebied

Tabel 1: Opsomming van tegniese inligting rakende proefperseel en uitleg. Plaas:

Ngwenya Farming


Mnr. Johan Buys


10 Augustus 2016


22 Desember 2016

Besproeiing / Droëland:


Dubbel of enkel rye:





0.8 m


0.30 m


16 m2


41 666 plante / hektaar Bemestingsprogram: Voedingswaarde: N (kg/ha)

P (kg/ha)

K (kg/ha)

Met plant












Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat groeiperiodes die oesopbrengs van kultivars kan beïnvloed. Groeiperiodes word gedefinieer as die aantal dae van opkoms tot natuurlike loofafsterwe, afhangend van die seisoen. Die presiese tydsberekening van die vyf groeifases (spruitontwikkeling, vegetatiewe groei, knolinisiasie, knolvulling en volwassenheid) hang af van die omgewing en die bestuurspraktyke wat wissel tussen lokaliteite asook kultivars, onder andere as gevolg van verskillende groeiperiodes (Tabel 2). Oesopbrengs en knolgrootte word beïnvloed deur die aantal hoofstamme per area en dus deur die aantal moere geplant asook die aantal halms per moer. Die aantal halms per moer is andersyds afhanklik van die aantal ogies, die aantal spruite per ogie en die aantal stamme per spruit. Die aantal ogies per knol is kultivar-afhanklik, terwyl die aantal spruite per ogie en die aantal stamme per spruit beïnvloed word deur die plantgereedheid CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 75

Tabel 2: Karaktereienskappe rakende groeiperiode, plantgereedheid, stand (%) en halmtellings vir elke kultivar. Kultivar

Groeiperiode (Dae)1


Stand (%)

Halms per plant

Halms per hektaar







73 624


Kort tot medium





134 748







183 330







71 999

El Mundo

Kort tot medium





207 997







199 997







122 498







87 749


Medium tot lank





98 165







183 330


Kort tot medium





141 664







51 666


Medium tot lank





189 955







166 747







164 997







97 498


Medium tot lank





159 997







143 373







110 248


Kort tot medium





86 165

Algemene riglyne en kategorieë (dae van opkoms tot natuurlike loofafsterwe, afhangend van die seisoen): Kort = 70-90 dae; Kort tot Medium = 80-100 dae; Medium = 90-110 dae; Medium tot Lank = 90-120; Lank = 90-140 dae. 2 Plantgereedheid van moere 1 – Vars; 2 – Effens vars; 3 – Plantgereed; 4 – Effens oud; 5 – Oud. 1

van die moere. Dit is egter belangrik om daarop te let dat die ogies tussen kultivars varieer. Die kultivars, plantgereedheid van moere, stand (%) en halmtelling van hierdie proef word aangedui in Tabel 2. Die moere was oor die algemeen vars en/of effens vars. Temperatuur, dagliglengte en water is die belangrikste abiotiese faktore wat die groeipatroon, opbrengs en kwaliteit van aartappels beïnvloed. Om te bepaal wat die aanpassingsvermoë van nuwe kultivars in die Weenen-omgewing is, is dit belangrik om hierdie faktore in aanmerking te neem wanneer die prestasie Page 76 |

CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2017

van verskillende kultivars geëvalueer word. Dit is ook belangrik dat die kultivars vir 'n aantal seisoene geëvalueer word omdat klimaat van seisoen tot seisoen verskil. Beide die daaglikse- en langtermynweerdata is verkry vanaf die LNR se Weenen: Sun Valley Estate-stasie (-28.78301, 30.08891), wat 13.8 km van die proefperseel geleë is. Die kumulatiewe reënval gedurende die 2016-groeiseisoen het deurentyd dieselfde patroon as die langtermyngemiddelde reënval van vorige jare gevolg. Die gemete reënval gedurende die

Bedryfsdienste • Industry Services

2016-groeiseisoen het 'n normale reënval patroon getoon in vergelyking met vorige jare se data. Slegs 'n bietjie meer reën as gewoonlik is ontvang gedurende November terwyl Desember minder reën ontvang het in vergelyking met die langtermyndata (Figuur 2). Die minimum- en maksimum temperature (Figuur 3) vir die 2016-groeiseisoen het dieselfde patroon as vorige jare gevolg met die uitsondering dat Oktober laer minimum temperature ondervind het terwyl September en Desember hoër minimum temperature getoon het. Rakende die maksimum temperature was die temperature uiters wisselvallig vanaf September tot die einde van die groeiseisoen. Aan die einde (laaste 2½ maande) van die groeiseisoen het die maksimum temperatuur gewissel tussen 35-43°C. Wanneer die temperatuur bokant 29°C styg, sal min of selfs geen knolgroei voorkom nie as gevolg van die feit dat die koolhidrate vir respirasie gebruik word. Hitte-eenhede is 'n belangrike faktor om in ag te neem aangesien die ontwikkeling van die plant hoofsaaklik gebaseer is op die versameling van hitte-eenhede. Daar word dus aanvaar dat die plant 'n sekere aantal hitte-eenhede moet versamel om 'n ontwikkelingsfase te voltooi. Die hitte-eenhede van die 2016-groeiseisoen was regdeur die seisoen

aansienlik hoër (tot en met 37.1% hoër) as die langtermyn gemiddelde hitte-eenhede en word aangedui in Figuur 4. Moontlike effekte as gevolg van ongunstige temperature (=hoë hitte-eenhede) sluit in die verlenging van die tyd wat nodig is vir ontwikkelingsfases om te voltooi wat opbrengs asook kwaliteit negatief kan beïnvloed. Ongeag die feit dat die hitte-eenhede hoër as normaal was deur die seisoen, was die opbrengs effens (6.9 t/ha) hoër as die gemiddelde opbrengs van die vorige twee jaar. Die opbrengsdata is statisties verwerk met behulp van die GenStat® program en die gemiddelde was geskei deur gebruik te maak van die Tukey KBV-toets. Die kultivareffek gedurende die 2016-proewe (Figuur 5) was statisties hoogs beduidendend (p<0.01) ten opsigte van opbrengs terwyl die koëffisiënt van variasie laag was(12.3%). Dit dui dus aan dat die proef goed uitgevoer is en die resultate betroubaar is. Die proefgemiddeld van al die kultivars word as 100% geneem. Die opbrengs van die individuele kultivars word dan deur die proefgemiddeld gedeel en elke kultivar se opbrengsprestasie word as 'n persentasie van die proefgemiddeld uitgedruk (opbrengsindeks). Die gemiddelde opbrengs (51.6 t/ha) vir die

Totale reënval per maand 2016

Langtermyn gemiddelde reënval

Kumulatiewe reënval 2016

Langtermyn kumulatiewe reënval

350 300

Reënval (mm)

250 200 150 100 50 0 Augustus








Datum Figuur 2: Reënval gedurende die groeiseisoen (2016) asook die langtermyn gemiddelde reënval. CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 77

2016-seisoen was effens hoër as die proefgemiddelde van die vorige twee jaar (44.7 t/ha). Die kultivars Electra, Panamera, Labada, Mondial, Mondeo, Sifra en Markies het die hoogste opbrengste gelewer (Figuur 5). Almera wat slegs 'n stand van 57% gehad het, en nie statisties verskil het van Fianna, Lanorma, Casino, Navigator en Rumba nie, het die swakste opbrengs gelewer. Hoër opbrengste as die proefgemiddeld (51.6 t/ha) was behaal deur die kultivars Electra, Panamera, Labada, Mondial, Mondeo, Sifra, Markies, Fandango, El Mundo, Bonnata en Savanna. Let op dat die kultivars wat in die groep met die laagste opbrengs geval het, oor die algemeen vars was.

van 'n hoë persentasie Groot en Klas 1 aartappels. Electra (wat losskil en poeierskurf getoon het) was egter kort op hulle hakke. Almera het die laagste bemarkingsindeks getoon hoofsaaklik omdat die kultivar 'n lae persentasie Klas 1 aartappels geproduseer as gevolg afgraderings as weens sandspleet en poeierskurf. Groottegroepverspreiding en gradering is ook van die faktore wat gebruik word om aartappels te klas, daarom is dit belangrike faktore om in ag te neem om optimale ekonomiese bemarkbare opbrengs te verseker. In Figuur 6 word die groottegroepverspreiding, in Figuur 7 die gradering van die opbrengs en in Tabel 3 die hoofredes vir afgradering van die onderskeie kultivars aangetoon. Rakende die gradering is dit ooglopend dat meeste kultivars losskil getoon het. Die rede hiervoor is dat baie reën (200 mm) gedurende die laaste twee maande van die groeiseisoen ontvang is. Dit het veroorsaak dat die loof nie afgesterf het nie en sekere kultivars weer gespruit het. Dit het die rypwordingsproses verhinder en die skil het nie behoorlik geset nie.

Ten einde die prestasie van die kultivars in terme van opbrengs en kwaliteit te bepaal, is die opbrengs, groottegroepverspreiding en klas gebruik om teen die gemiddelde markpryse vir die betrokke dag 'n bemarkingsindeks te bereken. Die opbrengs, vermenigvuldig met die heersende prys wat bepaal word deur die groottegroepverspreiding en gradering, gee die bemarkingsindeks (Figuur 5). Ongeag die feit dat Mondial en Mondeo nie die hoogste opbrengs gelewer het nie het die kultivars oor die algemeen die hoogste bemarkingsindeks behaal, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van 'n kombinasie

Dit is ook belangrik om te let op die kultivars se vermoë om konsekwent te presteer, ongeag fluktuasies in die klimaat oor tyd. In Figuur 8 word die drie-jaar data aangetoon vir die kultivarproef op Weenen

Maksimum temperatuur 2016

Minimum temperatuur 2016

Langtermyn gemiddelde maksimum temperatuur

Langtermyn gemiddelde minimum temperatuur


Temperatuur (°C)

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5


01-Aug-16 06-Aug-16 11-Aug-16 16-Aug-16 21-Aug-16 26-Aug-16 31-Aug-16 05-Sep-16 10-Sep-16 15-Sep-16 20-Sep-16 25-Sep-16 30-Sep-16 05-Oct-16 10-Oct-16 15-Oct-16 20-Oct-16 25-Oct-16 30-Oct-16 04-Nov-16 09-Nov-16 14-Nov-16 19-Nov-16 24-Nov-16 29-Nov-16 04-Dec-16 09-Dec-16 14-Dec-16 19-Dec-16 24-Dec-16 29-Dec-16






Figuur 3: Minimum- en maksimum temperatuur (°C) gedurende die groeiseisoen (2016) asook langtermyn. Page 78 |

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Totale hitte-eenhede 2016

Langtermyn gemiddelde hitte-eenhede

Kumulatiewe hitte-eenhede 2016

Langtermyn kumulatiewe hitte-eenhede



2500 37.1%

2000 37.1%

1500 38.1%

1000 500 0 Augustus






*Totale hitte-eenhede spesifiek bepaal vir aartappels (drumpel temperatuur = 5°C) as gewas [bereken vanaf uurlikse data].

Figuur 4: Hitte-eenhede gedurende die groeiseisoen (2016) asook langtermyngemiddeld.

Opbrengs verskil nie statisties nie

Opbrengs verskil nie statisties nie


Opbrengsindeks (%) Electra Panamera Labadia Mondial Mondeo Sifra Markies Fandango El Mundo Bonnata Savanna Georgina Arizona Farida Rumba Navigator Casino Lanorma Fianna Almera


Bemarkingsindeks (%) 142.7 a 135.1 ab 126.0 a-c 119.8 a-d 117.3 a-e 116.4 a-f 116.1 a-g 114.6 b-h 114.4 b-i 113.1 b-j 102.1 c-k 99.4 c-l 90.4 e-m 84.1 k-n Proefgemiddeld 77.2 k-o = 51.6 t/ha 75.6 k-o 74.5 l-o 67.6 m-o p < 0.01 57.8 no KBV = 27.2 KV% = 12.3 55.9 o

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Opbrengs- en bemarkingsindeks as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld (%) vir 2016

*Waardes gevolg deur dieselfde letter is nie beduidend verskillend van mekaar nie.

Figuur 5. Totale opbrengs en bemarkingsindeks per kultivar as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld. CHIPS • May/June 2017

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Klein medium


Groot medium




Grootteverspreiding (t/ha) in 2016

70 60

2016 = 51.6 t/ha


Proefgemiddeld van vorige 3 jaar = 44.7 t/ha

40 30 20 10 0


Figuur 6. Groottegroepverspreiding van elke kultivar tydens finale oes. Page 80 |

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Klas 3

Klas 2

Klas 1



Gradering (t/ha) vir 2016


2016 = 51.6 t/ha


Proefgemiddeld van vorige 3 jaar = 44.7 t/ha

40 30 20 10 0


Figuur 7. Gradering van elke kultivar tydens finale oes.




Opbrengs as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld (%)








0.0 Lanorma

El Mundo





Figuur 8. Prestasie van kultivars oor drie jaar uitgedruk as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld. CHIPS • May/June 2017

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produksie-area. Dit blyk dat kultivars El Mundo en Markies die minste variasie toon vir die Weenenarea.

vaatbundelverkleuring) wat opgesom word in Tabel 4. Gedurende die 2016-groeiseisoen het die kultivars Bonnata, Lanorma, Markies, Navigator, Panamera en Rumba aan die skyfiekleurnorm van >50 vir prosessering voldoen. Wat soortlike gewig (SG) betref, het slegs die kultivars Fianna en Rumba aan die norm van ≼1.075 vir prosessering voldoen. Tydens die laaste groeifase van aartappels (volwassenheid van knolle), hou die knol op groei,

Dit is verder belangrik om op die interne kwaliteit van die produk te fokus om ekonomiese optimale bemarkbare opbrengs en dus winsgewendheid te verseker. Dit sluit belangrike faktore in soos die kook- en prosesseringseienskappe, soortlike gewig (SG) asook inwendige defekte (holhart, bruinvlek en



Arizona Bonnata

































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NTN-Virus X



Mot skade

Insek skade




Page 82 |

Poeierskurf X

El Mundo






Stingelent vrot


Sagte vrot


Lentisel vergroting


Los skil


Meganiese beskadiging


Tabel 3: Hoofredes vir afgradering tydens die 2016-oes.

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die skil verdik en droëmassa in die knolle bereik hul maksimumvlakke. Daar is dus ’n korrelasie tussen knolle se volwassenheid en skilset tydens oes en die SG van die knolle. Die SG in volwasse knolle van ’n spesifieke aanplanting is hoër as in die onvolwasse knolle. Hierdie proef is ’n goeie voorbeeld van hoe

volwassenheid deur aanhoudende reën teen die einde van die seisoen vertraag word en gevolglik skilset en opbou van SG beïnvloed. In die geval van inwendige defekte het Bonnata 10% bruinvlek en El Mundo 10% holhart getoon. C

Tabel 4. Kook- en prosesseringseienskappe en interne kwaliteit van opbrengs vir 2016 (Uitgevoer deur LNR-Roodeplaat). Kultivar




Verkleur na kook



Holhart (%)

Bruinvlek (%)





































El Mundo














































Donker geel


































































































BM – Baie melerige tot losse tekstuur; M – Melerig, krummelrige tot los aartappel; EM – Effens melerige, vry ferm aartappel met fyn tot taamlike fyn tekstuur; NM – Nie melerige, ferm aartappel met ‘n fyn tekstuur. 2 Skyfiekleur met waarde >50 en sonder defekte is aanvaarbaar vir die droëskyfiebedryf. 3 Soortlike gewig van >1.075 is aanvaarbaar vir die prosesseringsbedryf. 1

≥ Norm (Aanvaarbaar vir prosessering) < Norm (Onaanvaarbaar vir prosessering)

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SAKO Algemene Jaarvergadering Gawie Geyer (CHIPS)

Die 2017 SAKO algemene jaarvergadering is op 10 Mei 2017 op Lambertsbaai gehou en is deur 63 produsente uit 76 bygewoon, iets besonders vir 'n produsentevergadering. Die sentrale boodskap wat deur sprekers oorgedra is, is een van selfbeskikking en dat as gevolg van die Sandveld se verskeie mikroklimate die gebied geweldige potensiaal het om 'n kernrol te speel in voedselverskaffing aan die SuidAfrikaanse verbruikers. Page 84 |

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Voorsittersrede – mnr. Jan van Zyl Mnr. Jan van Zyl, voorsitter van SAKO, het in sy voorsittersrede gesê dat ongeag die moeilike omstandighede waaronder aartappels in die Sandveld verbou word, die produsente steeds daarin geslaag het om heeljaar 'n hoë kwaliteit produk te lewer. Daar is vanjaar 7 205 hektare aartappels in die Sandveld aangeplant wat meer as 33 miljoen

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10 kg sakkies opgelewer het, waarvan die meerderheid aan die Kaapse markte gelewer is. 20% van die produksie gaan vir verwerking, iets wat drasties toegeneem het in die afgelope paar jaar. “Sukses in die Sandveld kom egter nie maklik nie en is vol uitdagings waarvan aartappelvirusse en hoë insetkoste van die grootste struikelblokke is. Die afgelope twaalf maande was gekenmerk deur 'n hoë insidensie van virusse wat in die toekoms streng bestuur moet word aangesien dit 'n sleutelrol sal speel in suksesvolle verbouing van aartappels in die Sandveld. Wat die komende seisoen betref dui vooruitskouings daarop dat ten opsigte van aanplantings 'n normale jaar verwag word en is dit ook verblydend dat grondwatervlakke positief blyk te wees.” Wat moerproduksie betref het hy gesê dat die bestuur daarvan van kardinale belang is en dat weeklikse bespuiting teen virusinfestasie 'n noodsaaklikheid geword het om optimale produksie te verseker. Hy verder genoem dat weens die hoë virusdruk moeraanplantings al hoe minder word, iets wat slegs deur die Sandveldse produsente self verander sal kan word. Ongeag die probleme word daar steeds hoë kwaliteit moere in die Sandveld geproduseer. Mnr. Van Zyl het afgesluit deur te sê dat die uniekheid van die Sandveld aan die aartappelprodusente heelwat voordele en geleenthede bied, maar ten einde dit te benut is dit noodsaaklik dat produsente mekaar as vennote sien en nie as vyande nie. “As verhoudinge op vennootskappe gebou word sal dit moontlik wees om saam te werk tot almal se voordeel. Dit sal onder andere verseker dat markvoorrade tot maksimale voordeel van alle produsente bestuur kan word. Voorts is dit noodsaaklik dat daar na volhoubaarheid vir die streek as geheel gestreef word gebaseer op gesonde kompetisie wat onder andere lei tot innovasie om beter te kan boer.” Omgewingsdruk en politieke onsekerheid: Hoe belangrik is samewerking onder aartappelprodusente in die Wes-Kaap Prof. Johan Kirsten van die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Buro vir Ekonomiese Ondersoek het verwys na die elemente van die nuwe wêreldorde en die SuidAfrikaanse realiteite wat tot heelwat wye onsekerheid lei en gesê dat die aartappelprodusente in die Wes-

Kaap verder gekonfronteer word deur die voortslepende droogtetoestande in die gebied, die druk op waterhulpbronne, omgewingsdruk met spesiale verwysing na biodiversiteit in die Sandveld en daarmee saam die strenger vereistes rondom omgewingsimpakstudies en waterlisensies wat uiteraard lei tot minder uitbreidingsgeleenthede. Hy het ook gewys op die belangrikheid dat produsente sal moet aanpas by veranderde omstandighede met inagneming van die endogene faktore in die boerdery waaroor die boer beheer het en andersyds die eksogene faktore wat buite sy beheer is. Volgens hom is dit veral belangrik dat die produsent maniere moet vind om die eksogene faktore te bestuur of daarby aan te pas in die lig van die risiko’s en onsekerhede wat dit inhou. Hy het veral daardie beleidsgedrewe eksogene faktore wat groei en uitbreiding beïnvloed uitgelig, d.i. grondhervorming, omgewingsregulasies, watertoekennings en minimumlone aangesien investeringsbesluite in landbou primêr daarop geskoei word. Prof. Kirsten het verder gesê dat die binnelandse beperkings en krisisse onsekerheid meebring en dus ekonomiese groei strem en het in besonder verwys na die negatiewe impak van Eskom verwante aangeleenthede, die swak wisselkoers, korrupsie en arbeidsonrus. Die nadeel hiervan is die drastiese afname in investering asook die druk wat dit op verbruikerspandering en dus kleinhandelverkope het. In die geval van ekonomiese groei is hy van mening dat geen noemenswaardige groei in die nabye toekoms verwag kan word nie. Wat die winsgewendheid van die aartappelprodusente betref het hy genoem dat hulle gebuk gaan onder die kosteknyptang-effek wat winste wesentlik onderdruk. Ten opsigte van die huidige seisoen is die verwagting dat markpryse ietwat sal afplat weens die verwagte groter oes. Dit is ongelukkig so dat insetkoste vinniger as die produsenteprys styg wat onder andere toegeskryf kan word aan die swak wisselkoers wat kunsmis- en brandstofpryse buitengewoon laat styg. Prof. Kirsten het ook gemeld dat van onderlinge samewerking deur Sandveldse aartappelprodusente

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van kardinale belang is ter wille van die omgewing asook volhoubaarheid en finansiële oorlewing. Hy het in besonder verwys na die hulpbron-uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig staar soos ontbossing en gronduitbreiding asook waterverifikasie en gesê dat produsente sal moet saamstaan om sinvolle voorleggings te maak ten einde gepaste skikkings te bereik. “Dit is noodsaaklik dat produsente die natuur beskerm en die uitputting van skaars hulpbronne vermy moet word aangesien dit tot nadeel van die gebied en mede-produsente sal strek ”, het hy gesê.

einde krisisse wat ons nou in die gesig staar te oorbrug en 'n toekoms te bepaal en klem gelê op die feit dat daar nie plek is vir rugryers nie.

Voorts is dit ook belangrik dat deur samewerking en koördinasie die waarde wat die aartappelvoorsieningsketting bied ontsluit word, onder andere deur gesamentlike pakstore en vervoer, kollektiewe bemarking en beter prysonderhandelinge. “In die geval van 'n gebrek aan samewerking oorheers korttermyn- en individuele doelwitte en kom die voortbestaan van hulpbronne, boerdery-besighede, maatskappye en die gemeenskap in gedrang wat lei tot finansiële en ekologiese verwoesting asook sosiale ineenstorting. Andersyds bring samewerking langtermyn-volhoubaarheid, maar dit vereis leierskap, geduld en verbintenis tot die einddoel”, het prof. Kirsten ten slotte gesê.

Hoe ervaar ons die Sandveld

Bepaal jou eie toekoms – ons is nie slagoffers nie “Boere is nie slagoffers van hul omstandighede nie en moet derhalwe hul eie toekoms bepaal. Ongeag die veelvuldige struikelblokke wat die Suid-Afrikaanse landbouer in die gesig staar, is dit hulle wat die uitdagings in geleenthede omskep wat sukses sal behaal”, het mnr. Carl Opperman, hoofuitvoerende beampte van Agri Wes-Kaap, ter inleiding gesê. Volgens hom is dit belangrik om nou reeds die grondslag te lê ten opsigte van die toekomstige langtermyndoelwitte wat boere stel en dat hulle konsekwent moet wees in besluitneming en dat vordering gemoniteer word om, indien nodig, hul denke en rigting te verander. “Dit is voorts ook belangrik dat die regte keuses gemaak word en dan ook wie my vennote gaan wees met wie ek gaan saamwerk om hierdie doelwitte te bereik.” Hy het gewys op die belangrikheid van samewerking en deelname binne georganiseerde landbou ten

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‘Die huidige politieke klimaat gaan 'n groot rol speel in ons besluitneming, maar dit is belangrik dat produsente eensgesind moet wees oor die besluite wat geneem moet word om die probleme op te los anders gaan ander dit vir ons neem wat nie noodwendig die belange van landbou op die hart dra nie”, het hy ten slotte gesê.

Mnr. Rossouw Cilliers van die plaas Laastedrif in die Ceresproduksiegebied het gemeld dat aanpassing by verandering die sleutel tot sukses vir groei en ontwikkeling in die Sandveld is aangesien dit 'n verskeidenheid van geleenthede met geweldige potensiaal bied. Hy het verwys na die verskillende mikro-klimate wat in gebiede en selfs op plase in die Sandveld heers en gesê dat dit verseker dat produkverbouing nie beperk is tot 'n enkele produksieseisoen nie. Daarmee saam maak die tipe grond waarin verbouing plaasvind dit moontlik om 'n uitstekende produk te lewer. Hy het egter die volhoubaarheid van aartappelverbouing as enkelgewas bevraagteken in die lig van onder andere hoë produksiekoste, siekte- en virusdruk en die bekostigbaarheid om eie plantmateriaal te kweek. “Indien die produsent egter sou besluit om hom slegs op aartappelverbouing toe te spits is dit belangrik dat die twaalf maande produksie-geleentheid optimaal benut word. Daarmee saam is dit van kardinale belang dat waarde tot die produk gevoeg word wat aspekte soos verpakking en verwerking insluit. Dit is verder noodsaaklik dat aanplantings voorafgegaan moet word deur die daarstelling van behoorlike produksie- en bemarkingsprogramme om 'n optimale rendement te verseker. Wat laasgenoemde betref is dit belangrik dat ons saam beheer oor ons produk behou met spesiale verwysing na die prysvormingsmeganisme. Dit is veral die deurlopende geweldige prysfluktuasies op die markvloer wat my bekommer”, het hy gesê. Mnr. Cilliers het ook gesê dat daar gewaak moet word om vas te haak by die bestaande produkmandjie in die lig van die geleenthede wat die

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klimaat bied vir heeljaar verbouing- en voorsiening, veral wat permanente gewasse betref. “Die Sandveld met sy unieke mikro-klimate bied ons die geleentheid om in die Paradys te kan boer – twaalf maande van die jaar met 'n verskeidenheid van winter- en somergewasse op grond wat miskien nie van hoë kwaliteit is nie, maar wat goed reageer op die regte toedienings en ook implement-vriendelik is. Dit is veral die voordele wat die vestiging van permanente gewasse bied wat nog onderskat word, en dit is belangrik dat navorsing in die verband gedoen word, iets wat die bedryf self sal moet befonds. Die vestiging van permanente gewasse sal ook die druk op die uitbreiding van aartappellande beperk wat weer die noodsaaklikheid van ontbossing sal teenwerk. Dit is egter uiters belangrik dat ons die hulpbronne tot ons beskikking beskerm. Beskerm die grond met onder andere rotasiestelsels en die waterbronne deur gereelde monitering, ontleding en meting.” Hy het vervolgens verwys na veranderinge op landbougebied in Suid-Afrika en die belangrikheid beklemtoon dat die produsente positief bly en die geleenthede wat dit bied raaksien. Hy het onder andere verwys na swart ekonomiese bemagtiging en gewys op die besigheidsgeleenthede wat dit bied, maar gesê dat verseker moet word dat verbintenisse finansieel sin maak en met die regte mense aangegaan moet word, en dat sogenaamde “window-dressing” ten alle koste vermy moet word. “Die Sandveld is die spens van die toekoms wat voedselproduksie betref”, het mnr. Cilliers ten slotte gesê. Aartappels Suid-Afrika se heffingstermyn – 2019/23 Dr. André Jooste, hoofuitvoerende beampte van Aartappels Suid-Afrika, het aangedui dat daar tydens Kongres goedkeuring verleen sal moet word, al dan nie, dat aansoek by die Minister van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye gedoen mag word vir die daarstelling van statutêre maatreëls, wat die heffing insluit, vir die periode 2019 – 2023. Dit is noodsaaklik dat Kongresgoedkeuring nou reeds verkry moet word aangesien die huidige statutêre periode in 2019 ten einde loop wat saamval met die volgende Kongres.

Hy het ter inleiding verduidelik dat besluite ten opsigte van die aanwending van statutêre fondse nie deur die administrasie van Aartappels Suid-Afrika geneem word nie, maar deur die direksie van die organisasie na aanleiding van aanbevelings deur die onderskeie kernbesighede-komitees en komitees wat verantwoordelik is vir die lewering van die nodige ondersteunende dienste. Hy het dit benadruk dat die komitees uit produsente en bedryfsverteenwoordigers bestaan en dat die besluite wat geneem word suiwer daarop gemik is om die behoeftes wat op grondvlak geïdentifiseer is aan te spreek. Hy het verder verduidelik dat die direksiebesluite na die Potato Industry Development Trust deurgegee word vir oorweging en finale besluitneming. “Aartappels SuidAfrika is deur die Trust aangestel as administrateur vir die uitvoering van besluite asook die invordering van die statutêre heffing en finansiële bestuur. Aangesien die gevorderde heffings in 'n trustrekening gestort word kan Aartappels Suid-Afrika dit slegs met die nodige goedkeuring van die Trust aanwend.” Hy het vervolgens 'n oorsig verskaf van die statutêrbefondsde aktiwiteite wat ingevolge bedryfsgoedgekeurde prioriteite, strategieë en fokusareas deur die kernbesighede-afdelings, d.i. Transformasie, Markontwikkeling en Generiese Produkbevordering, Navorsing en Ontwikkeling, Bedryfsinligting en Bedryfsdienste, uitgevoer word en die voortvloeiende uitkomste asook van die ondersteunende dienste wat deur die Afdeling: Kommunikasie gelewer word. Wat die aansoek betref het hy gesê dat dit geskoei is op die daarstelling van 'n bekostigbare finansiële plan, en waar moontlik, kostebesparings ten einde heffings op 'n volhoubare vlak vas kan te pen. “ In die opstel van die plan moes ons ag slaan op die ministeriële voorskrifte dat nie meer as 10% van die geïnde statutêre fondse vir die administrasie van die heffing aangewend mag word nie en minstens 20% daarvan vir transformasie aangewend moet word. Verder moes ons verseker dat 'n 60:40 verhouding tussen operasionele koste en projekte gehandhaaf word, die toekenning van fondse aan markontwikkeling en generiese produkbevordering versus navorsing en ontwikkeling sinvol geskied, dat 'n positiewe kontantvloei gehandhaaf word om 'n oorbruggingskapitaal van sowat R7 miljoen aan die einde van 'n statutêre periode te verseker, en die bereiking van begrotingsdoelwitte. Ons sal egter ministeriële goedkeuring moet verkry vir die oordrag van statutêre fondse gesien die feit dat die fondse eers twee maande later in die Potato Industry Development Trust se rekening inbetaal word. Tans bepaal

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wetgewing dat onaangewende fondse slegs vir transformasie aangewend mag word. Dit is ook belangrik om kennis te neem dat indien daar in 'n jaar meer fondse geïn word as waarvoor begroot is, die komitees en direksie van Aartappels SuidAfrika besluit hoe daar in die daaropvolgende jaar met die betrokke fondse gehandel sal word.” Hy het verder verduidelik dat die heffing per kilogram aartappels gelewer gehef word en nie op die sakkie nie. Die Minister van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye het egter goedkeuring verleen dat die heffing by die sakvervaardigers gehef mag word om die invordering van die statutêre heffing te vereenvoudig en die invorderingbasis te verbreed. “Die voorstel wat aan Kongres voorgelê sal word, is dat die aanvangsheffing 20.50 sent per 10 kg beloop waarna dit jaarliks met 3.9% sal styg wat heelwat later is die inflasiekoers”, het hy ter afsluiting gesê. C

Die lede van SAKO teenwoordig by die algemene jaarvergadering het na afloop van die bespreking eenparig besluit om die voorgestelde statutêre heffing vir die periode 2019 – 2023 te steun.

Verkiesing van Voorsitter Mnr. Jan van Zyl is tydens die algemene jaarvergadering van SAKO verkies as voorsitter van die organisasie vir 'n verder twee jaartermyn.

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ASD kondig die Top Tien Moerkwekers vir 2017 aan! Sanette Thiart (Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens) Die Moerkweker van die Jaar-toekenning is vir die heel eerste keer in 2005 toegeken. Kwekers is vanuit die streekskantore genomineer volgens vooropgestelde kriteria vir die toekenning. Die siektestatus van die genomineerde kwekers se moeraanplantings is bepaal volgens gewigte om 'n prestasiepunt per genomineerde te verkry. Die genomineerde wat die hoogste prestasiepunt na

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verwerking gekry het, is as Moerkweker van die Jaar aangewys. In 2008 is die kriteria hersien om voorsiening te maak dat 50 % van alle geregistreerde moerkwekers vir die toekenning in aanmerking kon kom. Nominasies vanuit die streekskantore is dus nie meer ontvang nie, en alle moerkwekers wat meer as 30 hektaar geregistreer


het vir die betrokke verslagjaar, het outomaties in aanmerking gekom vir die toekenning. 'n Prestasiepunt word bereken ten opsigte van die voorkoms van siektes en afwykings wat van toepassing is op registrasies gedurende die laaste volledige jaar. Inspeksies en uitslae in ag geneem vir die verwerking van 'n prestasiepunt, sluit in landinspeksies, land-, stoor-, en blaarmonster-virusuitslae, knolinspeksies en na-kontrole virus en variëteitsegtheid. Die gewig per siekte of afwyking vir elke tipe toets of uitslag is volgens die impak wat die siekte kan hê, bereken. Verlede jaar is besluit dat kwekers vir drie jaar moet presteer, alvorens hulle in aanmerking kan kom. Daar was vanjaar 54 moerkwekers wat oor die afgelope drie jaar gekwalifiseer het. Deurlopende produksie van gesertifiseerde moere is belangrik en daarom word drie jaar se data nou saam bereken om die punt vir elke moerkweker te bepaal. Indien ‘n kweker dus nog nie vir drie jaar moere kweek nie, gaan hy nie in aanmerking kom nie. Die Moerkweker van die Jaar moet die toekenning in alle opsigte waardig wees en daarom is dit ook moontlik dat ‘n kweker weens bepaalde redes gediskwalifiseer kan word. Indien ‘n kweker gediskwalifiseer was, moet hy daarna eers weer vir drie jaar presteer voor hy in aanmerking kom. Punte vir elke toets word per generasie bereken en die gemiddeld word dan bepaal, wat beteken dat ongeag die generasie aangeplant, of selfs die hoeveelheid generasies aangeplant, elke kweker die potensiaal het om presies dieselfde hoeveelheid maksimum punte per tipe toets te ontvang. Indien 'n kweker dus geen voorkoms van enige siekte en/ of afwyking gehad het nie, kan die maksimum punte per toets (in totaal 3 000 vir die volle berekening) ontvang word. Vir Generasie 0 waar toleransies van 0% op sekere siektes of afwykings van toepassing is, word die punt slegs in berekening gebring indien daar swakker presteer is, m.a.w. indien daar wel voorkoms van die siekte of afwyking was en daar dus nie aan die 0% toleransie voldoen is nie. Glyskale word gebruik om 'n punt toe te ken vir aspekte soos persentasie hektaar nie aangebied vir sertifisering nie. Die prestasiepunt ten opsigte van die siektestatus van die moere word saam met die punte toegeken volgens die glyskale bereken om vir elke kweker 'n finale punt toe te ken.

Die finaliste word tydens 'n besoek aan hulle plase op ander kriteria beoordeel en kan ‘n verskil maak waar kwekers se punte baie na aan mekaar lê. Die addisionele punte word by die finale prestasiepunt gevoeg, waarna die kweker met die hoogste punte, die toekenning as Moerkweker van die Jaar ontvang. Die volgende moerkwekers het vanjaar tops presteer wat hulle moerproduksie betref. Die moerkwekers is in alfabetiese volgorde van kwekerkode gelys. G 006 – R & JA Barnard – Ruben Barnard Ruben was in 2009 en 2015 in die Top Tien Moerkwekers en vanjaar weer. Hy kweek sedert 1995 aartappelmoere en plant verskeie variëteite, onder andere vir Simba en RSA Aartappel Saadbeurs.

L 002 – Firna (Edms.) Bpk – Frans ngelbrecht en sy seun Michiel

Frans was in 2013 die Wenner van die Moerkweker van die Jaar, 2014 en 2016 ‘n finalis en in 2011, 2015, sowel as vanjaar onder die Top Tien Moerkwekers. Frans plant vir Wesgrow aartappelmoere. L 017 – JP van den Berg en sy pa, Koos van den Berg

JP was die Moerkweker van die Jaar in 2014 en 2016, ‘n finalis in 2015 en vanjaar onder die Top Tien vir 2017. JP Kweek sedert 2011 aartappelmoere net vir Wesgrow.

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L 024 – Molopo Moerkwekers – Lardus van Zyl (Moerkweker) en Gert Cilliers (Aandeelhouer) Lardus van Molopo Moerkwekers is vanjaar vir die tweede jaar in ‘n ry (2016 en 2017) onder die Top Tien Moerkwekers. Hulle kweek sedert 2012 moere vir verskeie organisasies, waarvan GWK die grootste is.

N 127 – Loch Buighe Farms – Craig MacFarlane Craig was the Seed Grower of the Year in 2015 and Top Ten in 2010 and 2017. He plants seed potatoes since 1995 without skipping a year. He plants a number of varieties, amongst other for Simba, RSA Seed Potato Exchange and GWK. W 004 – De Hoek Trust – Conrad de Beer

N 058 – Pidelta (Pty) Ltd – Dean Brown Dean Brown from Pidelta is this year for the first time amongst the Top Ten seed growers. Since it is their first time, a short background of the company is given. Pidelta was established in 1973 primarily as a maize seed growing company in Greytown, KZN, and is a member of the Plennegy group of companies. Their seed productions include numerous vegetables, maize, dry beans and soya. Taking on seed potato production was thus natural progression for them. They pride themselves on their attention to detail and on doing things right, which is a pre-requisite in any successful seed production. They have been growing seed potatoes since 2011 for Simba and Zylem CC.

Conrad was in 2014, 2015 en 2017 onder die Top Tien Moerkwekers. Conrad kweek ook aartappelmoere sedert 1995 sonder uitsondering. Hy plant moere vir Wesgrow. W 025 – W & K Boerdery - Willie Goosen en Kiewiet Möll

They have a diverse cropping program spread around the country including Komatipoort, Winterton and Greytown and includes seed maize, commercial maize, soya, dry beans, livestock, sugar cane, timber and sawmilling, vegetables and Pecan nuts.

Willie en Kiewiet was verlede jaar, 2016, een van die finaliste en in 2015 en vanjaar onder die Top Tien. Hulle het dus drie jaar in ‘n ry uitstekend presteer. Hulle kweek sedert 2005 moere vir Wesgrow.

N 095 – Marcus Taylor

W 044 - Hannes Nel

Marcus Taylor is for the first time in 2017 amongst the Top Ten Seed Growers. He has been growing seed potatoes in the Underberg district, since the inception of the database in 1995. Marcus, congratulations on this great achievement. He mainly plants RSA Seed Potato Exchange varieties.

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Hannes is vanjaar vir die tweede keer onder die Top Tien Moerkwekers deurdat hy verlede jaar vir die eerste keer so goed presteer het. Hy kweek sedert 2000 aartappelmoere vir Wesgrow.



Overview of the plant improvement bill [B8B-2105] Article: Joan Sadie (Registrar: Plant Improvement Act, Directorate Plant Production, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) The Plant Improvement Act, 1976 (Act No. 53 of 1976) is existing legislation that had been subject to review during the past number of years, resulting in the proposed Plant Improvement Bill. The Bill is currently in the Parliamentary processes, specifically at the National Council of Provinces. The Provincial Legislatures are busy conducting public consultations on the Bill. A concise overview of the Bill is herewith presented, based on the presentation made at the NUMPRO meeting on 9 May 2017. What is the purpose of the legislation? Plant propagating material (hereafter referred to as seed) is the primary input that produces food and products to feed and clothe the nation. There are many factors that influence the harvest, but if the seed is bad, the harvest will be bad, if any at all. Therefore the starting point for the promise of a harvest is seed of an acceptable quality. And that is the purpose of the Plant Improvement legislation: to set a minimum standard for the different aspects/activities relating to seed. The purpose of plant improvement legislation is to regulate the quality of plants and propagating material intended for cultivation and sale by means of: a) Registration of business and premises involved in cultivation and sale of plants and propagation material.

Plant propagating material forms the core of the Plant Improvement legislation b) Registration of varieties (National listing of plant varieties). c) Quality standards and conditions of sale d) Import and export control of plants and propagation material e) Plant Improvement schemes Note that only varieties of certain agronomy, vegetable and fruit crops are regulated. Only the kinds of plants that will be published in the regulations as scope of the Act (those currently declared in terms of the Plant Improvement Act) will be subject to the requirements of the Act. If the kind of plant is not declared, it will not be regulated by this Act. What are the key changes from the current act? The following summarises the major amendments and new provisions: a) Alignment with Constitution and other related legislation b) New structure: divided into chapters, grouping related sections together NEW c) Improved and clarified definitions and administrative procedures, e.g. registers, application procedures for registration d) Expanded the types of business for registration e) Recognize the SADC Harmonised Seed CHIPS • May/June 2017

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Regulatory System relating to varietal listing and seed certification NEW f) Expand export requirements to all kinds of plants instead of only a few crops, all must comply with minimum standards g) In addition to certification schemes, also provides for other schemes, e.g. community production schemes NEW h) Provides for a Varietal List Journal NEW i) Provides for hearing of objections NEW j) Clarify procedures for appeal k) Provides for Advisory Committee to assist registrar NEW Summary of chapters and sections The Bill is available from the Parliamentary website or the Registrar of Plant Improvement, for those interested to look at the detail. In short, the Bill is divided into 17 chapters and 66 sections. All related sections are grouped together into chapters. Types of business and exemptions The types of business that require registration, are: a) Cleaning and conditioning of seed * b) Pre-packing of seed * c) Selling of seed * d) Nursery or other type of multiplication facility ** e) Laboratory f) Importation of plants or propagating material g) Export of plants or propagating material

Seed Potatoes are excluded from the reference to seed in a) Cleaning and conditioning of seed, b) Prepacking of seed and c) Selling of seed * - potato is regulated as vegetative crop, not seed ** - includes genebank, in vitro facility; will be required to register if involved with certification schemes, otherwise exempted (The legislation must provide for registration in order to prescribe standards.) The types of business and premises for exemption will be specified in the Regulations. Initially all types of business that are currently exempted (e.g. seedling nurseries) as well as those that are now provided for (genebank, etc.) will be exempted. Any other requests will have to be submitted for approval by Minister in terms of Section 19. Page 94 |

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The following are also exempted from the requirements of the Act: • Propagation material that is not intended for cultivation • Cleaning/conditioning of propagation material for own use (thus allowing farmers to retain seed for own use, but not to sell seed) – excluding potato • Producers of propagating material who sell to a registered type of business, is exempted from registration – excluding potato • Non-commercial varieties of the kinds of plants regulated by the Act (any non-hybrid variety not protected by PBR which is sold on small scale, including traditional varieties and land-races) – excluding potato Currently the Plant Improvement Act exempted seed potato producers and sellers of seed potatoes from registration as type of business, but test laboratories testing potatoes for diseases must register. The next phase will be to draft the Regulations for the Bill. The respective industries will be required to give input and participate in working groups in order to ensure that the Regulations will be in line with the spirit of the Bill. C

ASD groet Yolanda Louw Yolanda Louw, Dataadministrateur, het 1 Mei bedank na 20 jaar en vier maande se diens in Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens (ASD). Sy was onder andere verantwoordelik vir die berekening van die punte vir die toekenning van Moerkweker van die Jaar. Hiermee wil ek my dank en waardering uitspreek vir die noukeurigheid en toewyding waarmee sy geweldige groot spreiblaaie se data verwerk het om die Moerkweker van die Jaar te bepaal. Net iemand wat Excel goed ken, sal die hoeveelheid data en ingewikkeldheid van die verwerkings nodig, verstaan. Knapgedaan Yolanda, jy het jou uitstekend van jou taak gekwyt! Jy was instrumenteel om die vlak van die Moerkweker van die Jaar-toekenning te bring tot waar dit vandag is. Ek waardeer jou insette oor baie jare in ASD en wens jou namens die span by ASD, sowel as die moerkwekers, baie seën en alles van die beste toe vir jou loopbaan en pad as ma vorentoe.


Varieties and Propagating Material: when is it “open”? Article: Sanette Thiart (Potato Certification Service) and Joan Sadie (Registrar: Plant Improvement Act, Directorate Plant Production, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)

What is the difference between “ownership of a variety” and “ownership of plant propagating material”?

When dealing with plant propagating material, it is important to understand the difference between ownership of a variety and ownership of plant propagating material of a variety. At reading this, you will probably raise your eyebrow and ask the question: “What do you mean, there is a difference?”

maintenance of the source. Import of material is a costly exercise, including the maintenance of the source in the genebank, expenses which are carried by the importer.

Ownership of a variety mostly lies with the breeder and nowadays, also means protection by a plant breeder’s right on the variety, giving the holder of the right certain rights regarding the variety and the propagating material of that variety. Anybody who would like to perform certain activities with the variety as indicated in the Plant Breeders’ Rights Act, 1976 (Act No. 15 of 1976), must obtain a licence to do that, amongst others to multiply and sell propagating material (seed).

Irrespective whether a variety may be protected by PBR, the imported material for which the importer has paid, is the property of the importer. If the importer was appointed by the owner of the variety as agent in South Africa to manage the variety during the period of the PBR, he is the owner of the imported propagating material as well as the licenced holder of the PBR. When the PBR expires on that variety, that specific material relating to his import remains his property and does not become open to others to utilise. Expiry of the PBR means the variety is open, not the planting material (source in the genebank).

Ownership of the plant propagating material on the other hand refers to the actual material that was imported from the owner/breeder. When talking potatoes, this means the accession in a genebank and, if the original accession does not exist anymore, the subsequent accessions made from the original imported accession for purposes of renewal and

Anybody who wants to obtain propagating material from that source, must have the permission of the relevant importer or import his own source which will be his property. The owner of the planting material can be approached for propagating material, but he is under no obligation to supply other parties with material. C CHIPS • May/June 2017

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Prokon Nuus Gedurende Maart en April 2017 het 16 aartappelproduksiestreke asook nie-produserende verskaffers aartappels aan die varsproduktemarkte landswyd gelewer STREEK





Sifra (42.01%) Savana (10.23%) Panamera (9.40%)


Verbruining (61.78%) Bederf (7.71%) Meganiese beskadiging (7.05%)

Sifra (79.78%) Savana (9.22%) Lanorma (6.70%)


Aartappelmot (30.56%) Poeieragtige skurf (%) Binne bruinvlek (18.49%)



1 175 423



323 393



14 009

Lanorma (78.31%) Sifra (21.69%)




298 120

Sifra (85.46%) Taisya (5.68%) Mondial (4.23%)


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Verbruining (37.04%) Vergroening (36.91%) Nerf-af/los (13.98%) Aalwurm (46.15%) Bederf (16.25%) Insekbeskadiging (9.37%)










17 302

Mondial (76.89%) Fabula (23.11%)

Sandsplete (26.09%) 14.62% Verbruining (21.74%) Bruinskurf (21.74%)



Lanorma (53.52%) 23 437 Valor (26.42%) Sifra (11.09%)

4.27% Aartappelmot (100%)



Sifra (56.77%) 807 246 Mondial (36.87%) Electra (4.95%)



Sifra (60.88%) 2 680 110 Mondial (32.11%) Lanorma (2.80%)


Mondial (80.64%) 45.59% 8 079 054 Lanorma (9.10%) Sifra (5.53%)

Meganiese beskadiging (17.55%) 8.29% Insekbeskadiging (15.74%) Aalwurm (12.38%)


Sifra (76.64%) 5.77% 1 022 001 Mondial (19.35%) Savana (2.05%)

Bederf (45.12%) 6.82% Meganiese beskadiging (9.07%) Lentiselbeskadiging (7.43%)



Mondial (50.48%) 906 782 Valor (16.43%) Up-to-Date (13.38%)

Silwerskurf (22.40%) 5.95% Meganiese beskadiging (14.3%) Gemenge groottes (11.89%)



Mondial (73.86%) 415 363 Lanorma (16.83%) Up-to-Date (4.37%)

Vergroening (29.39%) 9.93% Meganiese beskadiging (23.49%) Aalwurm (15.02%)



Mondial (63.20%) 123 885 Lanorma (15.06%) Sifra (7.18%)

Aartappelmot (21.73%) 7.04% Vergroening (20.18%) Meganiese beskadiging (19.55%)



Sifra (59.29%) 451 327 Lanorma (33.82%) Mondial (5.09%)

Bederf (40.76%) 5.39% Aalwurm (16.89%) Meganiese beskadiging (13.11%)



Mondial (76.73%) 466 675 Sifa (10.80%) Lanorma (9.12%)



Nie-produserende verskaffers


63 698

Sifra (85.48%) Monial (14.52%)

Mondial (45.22%) 752 221 Sifra (34.33%) Lanorma (9.74%)

Insekbeskadiging (20.71%) 2.87% Vergroening (19.98%) Misvorm (13.11%) Bederf (15.78%) 7.17% Vergroening (13.03%) Meganiese beskadiging (8.03%)

Aalwurm (19.61%) 16.56% Bederf (16.14%) Vergroening (14.56%) 0.63% Aartappelmot (100%) Verbruining (23.48%) 13.27% Meganiese beskadiging (16.01%) Bederf (12.91%)

Relevante statistiek ten opsigte van lewering gedurende Maart tot April 2017 is soos volg: • 17 720 046 sakkies vanuit 16 streke, insluitend nie-produserende verskaffers, is aan die varsproduktemarkte landswyd gelewer. • 86 849 sakkies het nie aan die voorgeskrewe merkvereistes voldoen nie. Dit was 29 496 sakkies meer as gedurende Januarie / Februarie 2017 waartydens 57 353 sakkies nie voldoen het nie. • 8 650 sakkies het nie die nodige kultivar aangedui nie, wat 'n aansienlike verlaging toon van 29 853 sakkies teenoor die 38 233 sakkies gelewer in Januarie / Februarie 2017. • Die verslag toon 'n verlaging in die gemiddelde persentasie afmerkings van 7.76% teenoor die 11.57% vir Januarie / Februarie 2017. Totale aantal sakkies gelewer in Maart / April 2017 = 17 720 046

Gemiddelde persentasie afgemerk 7.76% CHIPS • May/June 2017

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Prokon Nuus










30,00% 20,00% 10,00% 0,00%



ANDER: CERES (1.83%),SUIDWES-KAAP (0.08%), NOORD-KAAP (1.68%), OOS-KAAP (0.10"%), SUID-KAAP (0.13%), LIMPOPO (0.70%), LOSKOPVALLEI (0.36%)



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Waarom is ’n dissiplinêre verhoor noodsaaklik? Morné Venter (LWO) Die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsmark word tereg as hoogs gereguleer beskou. Hierdie siening word bevestig deur die Wêreld Ekonomiese Forum se Globale Mededingendsheidverslag (WEFGM) vir 2016/17. Oor die algemeen dui die verslag daarop dat beperkende arbeidsregulasies een van die mees problematiese aspekte vir die bedryf van besigheid in Suid-Afrika is. Die verslag plaas Suid-Afrika 135ste uit 138 lande in terme van aanstellings- en ontslagpraktyke, 98ste ingevolge betaling teenoor produktiwiteit en 138ste in terme van samewerking in arbeid-werkgewerverhoudings. Dit is daarom noodsaaklik vir elke werkgewer om deurlopend aan arbeidswetgewing te voldoen. Die magdom wetgewing wat arbeidsverhoudinge in Suid-Afrika reguleer, beklemtoon hoe belangrik dit is dat werkgewers die regte prosedures volg, veral wanneer ’n werknemer ontslaan word, aangesien foute gedurende hierdie proses tot finansiële verliese kan lei. ’n Dissiplinêre kode is noodsaaklik om te verseker dat daar duidelike reëls en prosedures in die werkplek is vir werknemers om aan gehoor te gee. Wanneer hierdie reëls en prosedures nie nagekom word nie, kan die werkgewer progressiewe dissipline (waarskuwings) toepas, of in gevalle van ernstige wangedrag, direk met ’n dissiplinêre verhoor voortgaan. Hoekom moet ’n verhoor gehou word? ’n Dissiplinêre verhoor moet gehou word ten einde te verseker dat billike prosedures gevolg is en dat daar ’n substantiewe rede is waarom die werknemer afgedank moet word. Dit is ook baie belangrik dat ’n Page 100 |

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werknemer die geleentheid gegun word om sy/haar saak te stel en getuies te roep. Stappe om billike prosedure en substantiewe regverdigheid te verseker: 1. Reik ’n kennisgewing om die verhoor by te woon aan die werknemer uit. Die werkgewer moet die datum, tyd en plek waar die verhoor gaan plaasvind op die kennisgewing aandui. Die kennisgewing moet ook ’n volledige beskrywing van die klagtes wat teen die werknemer gebring word bevat, insluitende die datum, tyd en beskrywing van die insident(e). Werkgewers word aangeraai om die werknemer ten minste 48 uur kennis (uitsluitend naweke en publieke vakansiedae) van die verhoor te gee ten einde die werknemer genoegsame tyd te gee om vir die verhoor voor te berei. 2. Hou die verhoor op die voorgestelde datum en tyd. Selfs indien die werknemer nie die verhoor bywoon nie, behoort die werkgewer voort te gaan om bewyse aan die voorsittende beampte voor te lê. Die voorsittende beampte moet bepaal of die werknemer genoegsame kennis van die verhoor gehad het en of die werknemer ’n geldige rede vir sy/haar afwesigheid het. Na afloop van die verhoor sal die voorsittende beampte ’n aanbeveling maak rakende die afdanking van die werknemer, al dan nie. 3. Tydens die verhoor sal die voorsittende beampte die werknemer vra of hy/sy skuldig of onskuldig pleit op die klagtes wat teen hom/haar gebring word. Die werkgewer sal sy/haar saak stel deur bewyse voor te lê en getuies te roep. Die werknemer het

Algemeen • General

daarna die geleentheid om die werkgewer se getuies onder kruisverhoor te plaas, waarna die werknemer die geleentheid het om sy saak te stel en getuies te roep. Daarna het die werkgewer weer geleentheid om die werknemer se bewyse en getuies te kruisondervra. Aan die einde van die verhoor kan beide partye slotargumente lewer. 4. Die voorsittende beampte moet ’n bevinding van skuldig of onskuldig maak. Na die voorsittende beampte se bevinding gemaak is, sal die werkgewer gevra word om verswarende faktore voor te lê en die werknemer versagtende faktore. Die voorsittende beampte sal dan die sanksie wat aan die werknemer opgelê word, bepaal. Indien die voorsittende beampte bepaal dat ontslag die geskikte sanksie is, word die werknemer met onmiddellike effek afgedank.

’n Kommissaris van die Kommissie vir Versoening, Bemiddeling en Arbitrasie (KVBA) sal altyd die volgende vrae vra:

eerder aanbeveel, omdat die werkgewer kan verseker dat al die papierwerk in orde is, sou die saak na die KVBA verwys word. Die werkgewer-werknemer verhouding word gebaseer op wedersydse voordele en respek. Duidelike reëls en riglyne beperk wrywing en misverstande, wat produktiwiteit en ’n positiewe werksomgewing bevorder. Werkgewers word ten sterkste aangeraai om duidelike reëls in die werkplek te implementeer en deurlopend die korrekte prosedures te volg, veral rakende ontslag, afleggings en algemene dissipline in die werkplek. C

Morné Venter is ’n regsadviseur by die LWO Werkgewersorganisasie, wat geregistreer is by die Departement van Arbeid. Morné het ’n B.Com Honneurs-graad in Bedryfsielkunde en Arbeidsverhoudinge asook ’n nagraadse diploma in Arbeidsreg.

• Was daar ’n reël in die werkplek wat oortree is? • Is daar bewyse dat die werknemer bewus was van hierdie reël? • Het die werknemer volgens die reël opgetree? • Is progressiewe dissipline ingevolge die betrokke oortreding toegepas?

Wie kan die voorsittende beampte van ’n verhoor wees? Die voorsittende beampte van ’n verhoor moet ’n objektiewe en onpartydige derde party tot die saak wees, verkieslik met kennis van arbeidsregprosedures en -vereistes. Ons stel altyd voor dat werkgewers ’n regsverteenwoordiger van ’n werkgewersorganisasie gebruik. As die werkgewer nie ’n onpartydige persoon op die perseel beskikbaar het nie, kan hy/ sy ’n buurman vra of hy/sy voldoende kennis het van die prosedures wat gevolg moet word. Dit is belangrik om aan die KVBA te kan bewys dat die voorsittende beampte nie partydig was nie. Moet ’n verhoor formeel of informeel wees? ’n Verhoor kan formeel of informeel wees, maar dit is noodsaaklik dat die werkgewer moet kan bewys dat ’n verhoor wel gehou is. ’n Formele verhoor word dus CHIPS • May/June 2017

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NAMPO Oesdag – Groter, beter, beste Gawie Geyer (CHIPS) Die huidige uitstekende seisoen wat Suid-Afrika se produsente beleef na die vorige seisoen se laer produksie weens die landwye droogte en gepaardgaande versengende hitte, is een van die primêre aspekte wat bygedra het tot 'n nuwe rekordgetal van 78 648 besoekers wat die NAMPO Oesdag bygewoon het. Volgens die aartappelverwante uitstallers waarmee gesels is, het besoekers vanjaar meer gedoen het as net gekyk. Aartappels Suid-Afrika het vanjaar die NAMPO Oesdag gebruik om die swart produsente wat deelneem aan sy besigheidsontwikkelingsprogram 'n blik te gee van wat hulle te wagte is wanneer hulle hul doelwit om kommersieel te begin boer, bereik. Page 102 |

CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2017

“Laasjaar hierdie tyd het produsente midde-in die ergste droogte in dekades mekaar tydens die NAMPO Oesdag moed ingepraat en planne uitgeruil. Hierdie jaar deel ons in mekaar se vreugde met die belowende oes wat op hande is,” het Jannie de Villiers, uitvoerende hoofbestuurder van Graan SA, gesê. NAMPO se hoofdoel is om landbouers en verskaffers by mekaar uit te bring, maar die belangrikheid van netwerking en die vorming van vennootskappe en betrekkinge is 'n sleutelfaktor waarsonder die landboubedryf nie kan oorleef nie. Verskeie besoekersgroepe uit Afrika, buurlande asook plaaslike politici is tydens die Oesdag deur Graan SA ontvang

Algemeen • General

en te woord gestaan. Buitelandse besoekers wat op die uitkyk is vir plaaslike vennootskappe en verspreidingsgeleenthede is ook 'n algemene gesig by die Oesdag. Die doelwit om verstedelikte verbruikers nader aan landbou te bring, is aktief bevorder toe aanbieders van die besigheidskanale 702 en Power FM vanaf die Oesdag uitgesaai het. Dié uitsaaiers het hul by ander gewaardeerde radiostasies en gedrukte media aangesluit wat al behoorlik in die landbou-familie ingeburger is. Vanjaar se Nasie in Gesprek-paneelbesprekings het tot 'n belangrike slotsom gekom deur die titelaktes wat steeds in die hande van die staat is as knelpunt vir vordering met grondhervorming uit te wys. Na 'n afwesigheid van twee jaar, was die vroueprogram met mening terug by die Oesdag. Die nuwe ligging en formaat het vir 'n uitstekende opkoms gesorg. Gedurende die vier dae het 343 vliegtuie en 82 helikopters van die aanloopbaan gebruik gemaak. Groepe besoekers wat van huurvlugte gebruik maak, word al meer hier gesien. 'n Uitstaller wat lugvaart-instandhouding doen, was vir die eerste keer deel van die fasiliteit. “Die ontwikkeling van die oostekant van die terrein is betyds vir NAMPO 2017 afgehandel. Die skaalgrootte van die Oesdag is tans op 'n vlak waar sake soos verdere verbetering van infrastruktuur, mededingendheid van uitstallings en bykomende akkommodasie in die onmiddellike omgewing aandag sal geniet – eerder as om die skou groter te maak. Ons wil vir 'n landbouer wys uitbreiding is soms vertikaal en nie noodwendig horisontaal nie. Die Oesdag bied dus iets vir elkeen in landbou: vanaf 'n een haboer tot by 'n megaprodusent, met die klem op innovasie, nuwe tegnologie, waardetoevoeging en volhoubaarheid,” het Cobus van Coller, Oesdagvoorsitter, gesê. C

Volgende jaar se NAMPO Oesdag word beplan vir 15 tot 18 Mei. Besoek die webtuiste vir meer inligting by of of vind ons op sosiale media.

CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 103

Hoender Cacciatore met

aartappels Bedien 4 Neem 50 minute om voor te brei

Bestanddele 45ml (3 eetlepels) olyfolie 8 hoenderstukke 1 ui, in wiggies gesny 1 x 410g blikkie Italiaanse gekapte tamaties 125ml (½ koppie) water 500g aartappels, geskil, gekook en in kwarte gesny 30ml (2 eetlepels) vars platblaarpietersielie, gekap plus ekstra vir garnering 20ml (4 teelepels) vars tiemie, slegs blare 250g knopiesampioene, gesny 20 Kalamata olywe Sout en swartpeper na smaak

Metode van voorbereiding 1. Verhit die olie in 'n oondskottel en verbruin die hoender vir ongeveer 10 minute. Verwyder die hoender en hou warm. 2. Voeg die uie in dieselfde skottel en braai tot deurskynend. Voeg die Page 104 |

CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2017

tamaties en water by en kook bedek vir ongeveer 10 minute. 3. Plaas die hoender terug in die skottel saam met die aartappels en die kruie. Prut bedek totdat die hoender gaar is, vir ongeveer

10 – 15 minute. 4. Voeg die sampioene en olywe by en kook verder totdat die sampioene gaar is. Sprinkel met ekstra pietersielie en bedien.

Uit die argiewe / From the archives CHIPS, April/Mei 1987 Noord-Transvaalse aanplanting wek kommer Verskeie Noord-Transvaalse aartappelprodusente het tydens ’n bemarkingsvergadering op 25 Maart 1987 op Dendron hul ernstige kommer uitgespreek oor die beraamde aanplantings in Noord-Transvaal. Die Aartappelraad se fase-0 opname toon 'n totale aanplanting van 6 200 ha teenoor die 5 342 ha van 1986 – 'n toename van ongeveer 16%. Die vroeë

aanplanting wat 300 ha minder is as verlede jaar laat die situasie aansienlik verder verswak. Die produsente was dit eens dat indien daar wel 6 200 ha aartappels geplant sou word, daar 'n totale ooraanbod van aartappels tydens veral Oktober en November sal ontstaan. Dit kan 'n ineenstorting van pryse veroorsaak en 'n katastrofe, soos dié in 1984 toe ’n gemiddelde prys van slegs R2.62 per sakkie gerealiseer is, tot gevolg hê.

Skyfie sê / Skyfie says dat eerlikheid, opregtheid, lojaliteit, dissipline, gehoorsaamheid en hardwerkendheid die eise vir sukses is. En dan ook – ons moet bemark, nie bevark nie!

Jan van Zyl tydens die SAKO AJV – as jy 'n Sandveldse aartappelboer op 'n ander plek plaas sal dit vir hom hemel op aarde wees want die grond waarop ons boer is net goed genoeg om die plantjies regop te hou. Hy het ook filosofies opgemerk

Prof. Kirsten het in sy voorlegging tydens die SAKO AJV gewys op die belangrikheid van samewerking, maar gesê dat dit nie maklik is om te bereik nie aangesien dit amper teen ons aard en wese is. Het die volgende wysheid van Garreth Hardin aangehaal om sy stelling te ondersteun – “Ruin is the destination toward which all men rush, each pursuing his own best interest in a society that believes in the freedom of the commons. Freedom to the commons brings ruin to all.”

Dagboek / Diary - 2017 Aartappels Suid-Afrika / Potatoes South Africa Navorsingsimposium / Research Symposium: 25 & 26 Julie / July Kongres / Congress: 28 September Direksievergadering / Board Meeting: 21 & 22 November Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens / Potato Certification Service Moerkwekersforum / Seed Potato Growers’ Forum: 27 September

Moerhandelaarsforum / Seed Traders Forum Moerhandelaarsforum / Seed Traders Forum: 26 September Ander / Other EARP (Frankryk / France): 9 -14 Julie / July PMA: 16 & 17 Augustus / August Agri SA Kongres / Congress: 12 & 13 Oktober / October

CHIPS • May/June 2017

Page 105


REGISTERED FRESH PRODUCE AGENTS BLOEMFONTEIN FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Bloemfontein Market Agency Modise Market Agency RSA Bloemfontein Market Agency Subtropico Bloemfontein Market Agency Vrystaat Market Agency CAPE TOWN FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Boland Market Agency Fine Bros Market Agency Rhoda’s Market Agency RSA Cape Town Market Agency Subtropico/Spes Bona Market Agency DURBAN FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Delta Market Agency Hanly Market Agency Port Natal Market Agency RSA Durban Market Agency Wenpro Durban Market Agency EAST LONDON FRESH PRODUCE MARKET AA Market Agency Border Farmers Market Agency Martin & Scheepers Market Agency Subtropico East London Market Agency EPPING MUNICIPALITY Laeveld Somerset Market Agency GEORGE MUNICIPALITY Garden Route Fresh Express Market Agency Maverick Market Agency JOBURG FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Botha Roodt Johannesburg Market Agency C L de Villiers Market Agency Catu-Fresh Market Agency Citi Deep Waatlemoen Market Agency Citifresh Market Agency Dapper Market Agency DW Fresh Produce Johannesburg Market Agency Egoly Johannesburg Market Agency Exec-U-Fruit Market Agency

Nkosi Market Agency Peter & Co Market Agency Subtropico Pietermaritzburg Market Agency

Marco Market Agency Matla Market Agency Metro Market Agency Pula Nala Market Agency RSA Johannesburg Market Agency Subtropico Johannesburg Market Agency Swartberg Market Agency Target Market Agency Wenpro Johannesburg Market Agency

PORT ELIZABETH FRESH PRODUCE MARKET African Market Agency Algoabaai Market Agency Gouws & Co Market Agency Lansdell Market Agency W Finlayson & Co Market Agency

KEI FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Farmers Direct Market Agency KING WILLIAM’S TOWN FRESH PRODUCE MARKET King William’s Town Market Agency KIMBERLEY FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Kimberley Market Agency Squires & Sons Market Agency Subtropico Kimberly Market Agency KLERKSDORP FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Garfield Market Agency J Frances & Son Market Agency Matlosana Market Agency Subtropico Klerksdorp Market Agency W.L. Ochse & Kie Market Agency LIMPOPO PROVINCE RSA Limpopo Market Agency RSA Mooketsi Market Agency

SPRINGS FRESH PRODUCE MARKET AM Meyer Market Agency New Africa Market Agency Springs Market Agency (Fruit) Springs Market Agency (Vegetables) Subtropico Springs Market Agency TSHWANE FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Botha Roodt Pretoria Market Agency Du Plessis & Wolmarans Market Agency DW Fresh Produce Tshwane Market Agency Egoly Tshawane Market Agency Farmers Trust Market Agency Fresh Way Market Agency Noordvaal Market Agency Prinsloo & Venter Market Agency RSA Tshwane Market Agency Subtropico/Protea Market Agency Tshwane Green Market Agency VEREENIGING FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Impala Market Agency Subtropico Vereeniging Market Agency

NELSPRUIT MUNICIPALITY Laeveld Nelspruit Market Agency Nelspruit Market Agency NOORDEINDE FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Noordeinde Market Agency PIETERMARITZBURG FRESH PRODUCE MARKET G.W. Poole Market Agency Natalia Market Agency

WELKOM FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Botha & Roodt Welkom Market Agency Opkoms Market Agency Subtropico Market Agency WITBANK FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Subtropico Witbank Market Agency Witbank Market Agency

VISIT APAC’S WEBSITE REGULARLY Do you know if your fresh produce agent practise sound financial management? Did your agent received an audit qualification on his last audit report? Does your agent submit their monthly trust reconciliation timeously and has no trust account shortages? Ensure that you visit our website monthly as it is updated regularly with information on the financial status of agencies.

SUITE NUMBER 69, PRIVATE BAG X 9, EAST RAND, 1462 TEL: (011) 894-3680, 0870951335, FAX: (011) 894-3761,






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Die enigste tydskrif vir die aartappelbedryf • The only magazine for the

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Guidelines for the control of Tuta absoluta on potato


A national minimum wage and the potato industry


PCR-identifikasie goedgekeur vir bevestiging van R. solanacearum



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Editor: Gawie Geyer • Advertising: Gawie Geyer Contact Details: Mobile: 082 388 0524, E-fax: 086 218 3462, E-mail:

Saadaartappels wat wĂŠrk.

GWK Aartappels Ons kweek aartappelmoere wat bekend is vir uitstekende opbrengs en markgeleenthede. Kontak ons.

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