PGMAG 35th Edition April 2022

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APRIL 2022 # ISSUE 35

























Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw Powerhouse Global Brand Propagator

Spring has finally arrived and the change is everywhere despite the sudden downpour of snow. I am grateful for all the support of our global community, whose contribution has helped us to make #pgmag a contender in the publication industry. Today we launch the 35th edition of Powerhouse Global Magazine - 4 years ago we began our global journey as publication with a difference. What more can I say if not to salute the Powerhouse Global Team for their commitment and dedication to service. I want to use this opportunity to invite you to the Powerhouse Global Summit/Awards event taking place in May. This is an opportunity for global visibility - join us. The contents of this edition will inspire you to do, have and become more. Thank you for being part of our global community.

Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw


"The best time to reposition for change is today." – Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw


APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

Proudly African - Odafe Oweh in his African attire.





Outside Linebacker for Baltimore Ravens & President of DOFFA There is not a more impressive young man, on

toward life, his mindset and what he sees ahead

and off the American football field, than Odafe

for the future.

Oweh. A first-generation Nigerian-American, Odafe grew up in a household that embraced

(PG) Odafe, tell us a bit about your family and

opportunities available in the United States,

your younger years, which clearly shaped the

while making sure that Nigerian tradition and the

man you are today.

proud spirit of their African heritage remained an integral part of their family identity.

(OO) I grew up in a first-generation Nigerian household in New Jersey, USA. My father was

Distinguishing himself as a top athlete from

born in Nigeria and my mother was born in

a young age, first playing basketball before

London from Nigerian parents. We were raised

transitioning to football, Odafe was selected in

with a global perspective and our Nigerian

the first round of the 2021 National Football

heritage playing an important role in our lifestyle

League (NFL) draft by the Baltimore Ravens.

and traditions. My mother came from the Igbo

Recognizing that he has the visibility and

tribe and my father came from the Urhobo tribe.

responsibility as a role model for youth, Odafe is

According to Nigerian culture, my brothers and

committed to shaping the future for underserved

I are recognized as Urhobo-men, as our tribal

populations in the United States and Africa by

affiliation is tied to our father.

helping them have access to opportunity. Odafe Oweh is the standard-bearer for an empowered,

This was tough, at times, because I grew up

united and equitable future, where opportunity

in a largely Caucasian community. My parents

is accessible to everyone, regardless of race,

did very well and achieved the proverbial

gender, socioeconomics, ethnicity or geographic

American dream, which allowed me to live in a

local. He is the voice of ‘tomorrow’.

certain community and have advantages for my education, but to feel as though I belonged, I

Powerhouse Global recently had an opportunity

would have to go to the next community over

to sit down with Odafe to explore his philosophy

to play sports with the black kids, with whom I

APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35



I had a wonderful childhood, but at times it was tough, as we were raised in African tradition, with discipline, respect for elders and cultural tradition at the forefront. could better relate. New Jersey is a melting pot of cultures – probably one of the most diverse States in the USA, and I was fortunate to have access to the benefits of the more

Odafe Oweh's parents

privileged community where I

I knew I wanted to find some

and sports environment, I had

lived and could still be a part

way to bridge this gap.

another. I didn’t see this as an

of the black community where

issue as I was growing up - it

I had more camaraderie of

(PG) How did the challenges

was just who I was. My family

similarity. The advantage that

you faced as a child shape

shaped my morals and gave

came with having access to the

your strength as a person and

me a strong set of ethics, but

benefits that both communities

an athlete?

it was tough for me going to

offered me, was not lost on me.

school, having to tell the kids

From a young age, I recognized

(OO). It was crazy as a young

that my name was Odafe – not

that I was fortunate, however,

person, going back and forth

just Odafe, but Odafe Oweh.

for a lot of my friends on the

between the black community

I heard so many variations

basketball court, the access

and the predominantly

on the pronunciation of my

to the quality education

Caucasian community where

name – both my first and last

and opportunities that I had

I was living. In my Nigerian

name. At a young age, you’re

would be a challenge, if not an

household, I had to have one

very impressionable, and being

impossibility. From a young age,

personality, and in my school

the only big black guy in an


APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35


Garry Gilliam, Larisa Miller, Henry Oweh and Odafe Oweh. (Board of advisors for DOFFA, with Odafe as the president and chairman) environment where people

friends – having to find ways

pronounce my name, I guess

didn’t look like me was tough.

to fit in, so I had to learn how

they’ll just have to learn.

Eventually, I started to go by

to be a part of a new ‘team’

Jayson instead of Odafe, and

frequently, which has given me

(PG). Why is it so important

kids could suddenly pronounce

an advantage as an athlete.

to you to make your African heritage a priority in your life?

my name. Without a difficult African name, I assimilated

I learned how to be

easier. Because of my size,

comfortable in my skin and to

(OO) I had to learn how to

my height – the way I looked,

have pride in being different,

bridge both sides of my life –

even with a more American-

understanding that what makes

the African heritage which was

sounding name, I was still

you different is what makes

so important to my tradition,

always different than the other

you who you are. When I was

and my life in more mainstream

kids at school. As a child, we

selected in the NFL draft, I

American society. I am proud

moved a lot, so it meant new

proudly changed my name

to be a Nigerian-America,

communities, new schools, new

back to Odafe. If people can’t

and I am thankful that I had

APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35


to those less fortunate than


myself. This is what touches my heart and motivates me. Make yourself better, make your family better, and make your community better, are values instilled in me by my parents. As a professional athlete, I have the platform to make impact and potentially, to change lives. I believe that my calling and purpose is to empower individuals who live

Odafe Oweh, siblings and mother the upbringing I had from my

without much of which we a priority to you.

two amazing parents, because

take for granted. My nonprofit foundation, the Dafe

they shaped the man that I

(OO) My parents always held us

Oweh Family Fund for Africa

am today. I work very hard to

to a high standard because they

(DOFFA) will serve to help,

keep my culture and Nigerian

wanted my brothers and I to

propel, and ignite a generation

heritage a part of my life. I

have opportunities that would

of young students, athletes,

want to be a man who can say

lead us to success – in the

and entrepreneurs. There is

I have a culture, I have roots

classroom, in sports and in life.

so much potential in people

and I know where I’m from, and

But for other people around

around the world that is being

I want all young people – no

the world, and particularly in

wasted because these people

matter what their culture is, to

Africa, they don’t have access

lack the access to knowledge,

feel comfortable in their skin.

to the opportunities that I

resources and tools which can

was blessed to have. Sports

help them find their purpose

(PG) You play football in the

has been an important part

and pathway. Many young

NFL for the Baltimore Ravens,

of my life since I was young

people go to school – if they

selected in the first round of

and was certainly something I

can afford to go to school,

the 2021 Draft, which is an

had a natural aptitude for. By

without books, or a pencil and

extraordinary achievement.

the Grace of God, I have the

paper to write on. They have

But you also prioritize giving

opportunity to play football in

ingenuity that is born out of

back and empowering youth

the NFL, but I believe my life’s

necessity, but don’t know how

through DOFFA, your non-

calling is to be a force for good

to turn this into an opportunity

profit. Tell us why this is such

in people’s lives, giving back

to become an entrepreneur.


APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

They lack the access to start-up


capital to get their businesses off the ground. Young people everywhere need guidance and role models to help them make good decisions. They need people to look up to who can inspire them and give them courage and confidence. Through DOFFA, I want to be the person that is this voice of hope and opportunity for young people here in the USA, in Africa and across the globe.

Odafe Oweh in action

I want to look back on my life

(PG) As a role model –

and be able to say that I made

someone that people look up

a difference and changed lives,

to, what one piece of advice

and DOFFA will be my means

would you like to give to

to that end. DOFFA will award

young people?

scholarships, give young people the chance to pitch business

(OO) Be everything that God

ideas for seed capital, hold

wants you to be and reach your

hackathons that will allow us to

potential using your God-given

solve critical world problems in

talents. At the end of the day,

line with the SDGs. Partnering

we must answer to God, and

with The Bridge Eco-Village,

we want to be able to say

we will build eco-villages where

that we tapped into our full

people can work, eat, live,

potential instead of wasting

learn, and play in marginalized

it. Remember that humility,

neighborhoods here in the

empathy, and understanding

USA, in Nigeria and across

can change lives.

My parents always held us to a high standard because they wanted my brothers and I to have opportunities that would lead us to success – in the classroom, in sports and in life.

Africa. I believe that if we can change a little, we can change a lot, but our impact is much stronger if we do it together.

APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35





Thank you, it is my privilege and I feel honoured

PhD studies at the Faculty of Law of the

to be part of this interview and bring some

University of Geneva as a researcher for the

highlights and reflection for all the audience

project on “Climate Change and Human Rights,

in terms of the real global challenge as it is the

including challenges for women’s and migration

climate change.

as comparative approach between European and Africa union.


I am engaged as lecture conducting trainers and short courses online on women’s rights;

I am a keen, motivated and dynamic professional

climate change and human rights in cooperation

woman with a first grade University education in

with the Academy of Leadership and Science

Law and a Master in European and International

in Switzerland and the Academy of Consumer’s

Governance from the Faculty of Law/University

Rights in Albania.

of Geneva. Currently, I am enrolled to continue

10 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35


During the period from 2019-2021, I have been the co-founder and contributor for the Albanian Women’s Integration in Diaspora within the “Women Alb World International Association” with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Since 2017 up to now, I am engaged as an international consultant for different International Organizations, including the International Office for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Geneva Switzerland and as well a special rapporteur for the Sabin Centre for Climate Change Law with a focus on global climate litigation. During the period from 20192021, I have been the co-

in Geneva, Switzerland.

the world. I have participated as a key speaker in different

founder and contributor for the Albanian Women’s Integration

In 2021 I was nominated by the

webinars and recently I had

in Diaspora within the “Women

Power House Global Magazine

contributed as a moderator

Alb World International

for Women Empower among

for the panel on “Youth-led

Association” with headquarters

50 members from around

Climate Litigation” the annual

APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35



Climate change is a very real global phenomenon for the current century and for the future, which requires urgent solutions both at the international level and at the level of each domestic legal order.

conference on thematic climate

Current Challenges; Migration

As per the statistics from the

change organized by UNEP

challenges facing the world and

United Nations Office of the

and Sabin Center for Climate

how the UN can respond to

High Commissioner for Human

Change Law Columbia Law

them etc.

Rights, more than 17 million

School. I have participated in a number of TV Shows with educational,

people were forcibly displaced


motivating and innovative

in 2018, as a result of the effects of climate change and that these forced displacements carry particular risks for the

character and I am the author

Climate change is a very

effects of climate change.

and coauthor in a number of

real global phenomenon for

Furthermore, these forced

publications from University of

the current century and for

displacements carry particular

Geneva and other international

the future, which requires

risks for women, including the

and national magazines and

urgent solutions both at the

risk of sexual violence and

conferences including: Climate

international level and at the

trafficking in human beings.

Change and Human Rights

level of each domestic legal

To date, there are some legal

in International Law; Climate


instruments better suited to

Change and Women’s Rights:

12 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

fight climate change; however,


the will of public decisionmakers is rarely not to say never present. It would be advisable to reinforce the binding character of certain international legal instruments, in order to hope for positive results in terms of respect for the international commitments of the States of the globe, as well in the drastic reduction of the creative activities of greenhouse gases as in

coastal development to

are key actors on an equal

the funding of initiatives

infrastructure planning, through

footing with men.

contributing to this reduction.

the extraction of resources. In

Increasingly, climate litigation is emerging as an important element in efforts to promote climate change mitigation and adaptation.

short, it is about adopting a

Indeed, women are not only

legal approach to the multiple

victims, but also agents of

ways in which climate change

change and possess specific

affects ecosystems, societies

knowledge and skills to

and the rights and interests of

contribute effectively to


climate change adaptation and mitigation; and need more

One of the main reasons for

As Climate change is now

efforts from national level

this is the multiplication of

affecting every country on

and decision-making bodies

national and international

every continent and as a global

for more representatives of

legal rules directly related

challenge it does not respect

women and their contribution.

to climate change, which

national borders, in my opinion

constitute a solid foundation

another solution should be

In the end of this interview,

for applicants wishing to

the need to deepen the

I would like to citate Mother

recognize the responsibility

Interaction between Gender,

Teresa who said:

of governments and private

Sustainable Development and

actors with regard to the

Climate Change and effective

“I can do things you cannot

obligations of and adaptation.

consideration of the gender

do, you can do things I cannot,

In this generalization of climate

dimensions in addressing

together we can do great things”

disputes, several activities

climate change issues, with a

are concerned, ranging from

view to ensuring that women

APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35


Business & Leadership Column

14 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35


WOULD YOU CONSIDER JOY MONGERING? - By Cordelia Gaffar We are bombarded with messages of “fear mongering” everyday. For example, in the home kids are taught to be afraid of getting in trouble, in school children are afraid of consequences, in business adults are afraid to speak their mind for fear of backlash, and globally social media is full of fear mongering click bait. I believe that “joy mongering” can be a choice not just an emotion. It is a state of being. In that beingness, we feel peace, love and generosity towards others. In every moment we have a choice, we can choose to believe the fear messages or we can create a new belief. What if we took a stand for “joy mongering”? Imagine what could happen if we raised our children this way, we taught this in schools, and we created a “joy mongering” culture in business. Imagine a world where “joy mongering” was our GLOBAL CULTURE. Transmuting difficult emotions into what I call Joy Mongering is my life long practice. In July of 2001 I became Muslim. Which was two months before the historical event of “9/11” when the twin towers were attacked in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC allegedly by Muslim men. As a Senior Accountant and mother, in that

headcovering and long dress covering down

moment my life changed forever.

to my ankles. As the elevator doors opened, a woman said, “I don’t want to get in the elevator

I can remember being at the elevator at work,

with her, she has one of those blankets on her

dressed as Muslim woman wearing traditional

head”. I could feel the fear and confusion in her.

APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35



Then I noticed others stepped

4. Joy Mongering creates

away from me and began to

inner peace

look at me up and down. I felt shocked and confused. By the time I reached my floor I realized that everyone was reacting out of fear. I was mostly in shock yet grateful for the solo trip to the ninth floor to reflect. How could I change their fear? I began to see fear everywhere from the grocery store, to road rage, and restaurants on date nights. I began to ponder what is the solution to the “fear mongering”? I decided the solution is Joy Mongering because when we are in Joy we feel compassion and when we are in compassion we feel safe. Joy and gratitude for our existence and opportunity to express compassion to one another. Now as an Emotional wellness coach, podcast host of not one but two shows, author of eight books (on topics include grief, self-nurturing, nutrition and love) and mother of six, I have personally experienced the positive effects of “Joy Mongering” which is why I created my signature process 16 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

5. Joy Mongering creates

I can remember being at the elevator at work, dressed as Muslim woman wearing traditional headcovering and long dress covering down to my ankles. As the elevator doors opened, a woman said, “I don’t want to get in the elevator with her, she has one of those blankets on her head”. known as Replenish Me ™. Through Joy Mongering I am able to help female leaders create productive and successful teams and compassionate cohesive cultures in corporate. Through Joy Mongering families are able to create more connection and nurture more joy instead of a household of hustle and bustle and chaos.

world peace Curious minds want to know what Joy Mongering is. I love sharing the Replenish Me ™ Process of Release, Restructure, refresh and Rebirth through poetry. Joy Mongering Is… •

white to color. •

and mind • •

It can even cause extreme dizziness

Who knows what you will find

What you thought you craved

Is to be saved, for another time

Once your heart, feelings and soul align

Benevolently swinging, preening, while your greening your way through life

Turn off of the malevolency of your thoughts and

perceiving everything as an experiment

Minding your heart is joyful business

being 3. Joy Mongering is

That color being green which inspires the heart

1. Joy Mongering is a state of 2. Joy Mongering is a choice

It is going from Black and

deprogram strife •

Choose to use your

Podcast Host for her solo

powerful in this

show called Free to Be Show

And all the things you feel

and collaborates as a co-host

compelled or have been conditioned “to do” could make you miss •

That one opportunity to all your heart to sing and your inner child to wean from toxic waste

It’s all happening, while you be cappin in it coppin meth what you call your “to dos”

And all you DO is making a fool of you post haste

Joy mongering is the opposite of All of That!

If you choose to monger leave the hate squeeze out the fear

and be joyful, toyfully allow your true self to appear

Would you like to feel more joy and presence in your life? Consider joy mongering.

ABOUT CORDELIA GAFFAR Cordelia Gaffar is the World’s Best Joy Monger. That means

Through Joy Mongering I am able to help female leaders create productive and successful teams and compassionate cohesive cultures in corporate. that she holds space for you to reveal your joy within. Joy Mongering is a word she created after experiencing the brunt of people’s fear as a Muslim woman. In fact she has created a process she calls Replenish Me ™ to help you transmute fear, rage and anger into Joy. In one of her eight books, Detached Love: Transforming Your Heart Do That You Transform Your Mind, she breaks down the Replenish Me ™ process through her research, client stories and her personal vulnerable shares. She is also the host of two host podcasts. She won Best

on Unlearning Labels. The multidimensional genius she is, is further demonstrated as the mother of six children whom I homeschooled for 17 years. In summary, she has won multiple awards: Best Podcast Host of 2019, Top National Influencer, Sexy Brilliant Leader, and inducted into the Global Library of Female Authors in 2020; and in 2021 nominated for Author of the Year and Health and Wellness Coach of the Year. She has also won the Brainz Global 500 Award of Influencers and Entrepreneurs for 2021 and won BOOKS for PEACE 2022 award. She has been featured on America Meditating Radio, British Muslim TV, Spirituality Podcast, also featured on South African radio 786, and Fox News.

APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35



wisdom, presence is so



AUTHENTIC CONNECTION — BY MARY KUREK Pres, Frontrunners Development, Inc. In the last few weeks, as the conflict between Ukraine and Russia has escalated, I think the powerful presence of authentic connection has never been so impressively experienced worldwide. People who know people in Ukraine are banding together to bring support to needed areas. Former service members are joining up to help protect Ukraine. Charities are linking arms that never would have before, and celebrities around the globe are connecting to bring hope, food, and prayers. This is the stuff of miracles. When momentum drives motivation, it is easy to see authenticity come out in building instant relationships that likely never would have been possible before. But, what does authentic connection look like when you try to put that label on everyday business, governing, or nonprofit leadership? It can often look like

my network. I start with their backgrounds to

telemarketing, direct emails, and sales team

know why they came to be the person with

correspondence without even so much as

the mission they have today. The moment they

knowing the other person’s name...none of

start answering that question, I have begun

which is particularly human being centric.

my relationship with them. It’s personal...for both of us. And, it is the basis for everything

The simple answer to authentic connection is

moving forward - more connections - business

that it is a relationship, one that begins with

opportunities - sharing of resources - and

knowing who the other person is and what they

praises for good works. They become part

are about. In my work as a business developer,

of my partner community at that point and I

I utilize my media platform to interview people

literally count them. In fact, the experience of

from around the world that I want to have in

creating these relationships connects to my own

18 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

partnerships I’ve been able to

inspires me has to do more

“bridges of peace,” and thereby,

work on involve multi-million

with the potential impact on

causes me to keep track of the

dollar smart city developments,

human lives all of this activity

countries where I’ve been able

university campus locations,


to establish such. I’m up to 69

and innovation partners.

countries as of this writing.

The connections I’ve created

If we could all get past

on both sides came from

traditional methods of

Authentic connection is easy

developing those authentic

connecting with people

when you have a vehicle for

relationships to the point of

we don’t know and start

developing relationships,

being able to see the gaps

thinking about how to be of

such as a media platform, a

that needed to be filled.

service keeping in mind that

community or membership

Additionally, I’ve attracted

relationship is where you

organization, social group, or

partnerships and appointments

want to be, just imagine how

you are simply adept at working

for my own business: In Africa,

business would

social media. But, even more

the presiding Monarchy of

lives would change. And, if lives

important than having a vehicle

Madagascar appointed me

change, so do communities...

for connection is the reason

to serve as Counselor for

cities, countries, our world. It’s

for creating connections. Your

Commerce and Industry. The

not rocket science. It’s simply a

reason is directly tied to your

Federation of Int’l Gender and

way to change how we operate.

mission - what you wish to

Human Rights Ambassador,

accomplish in your life. Just

Ghazala Khan, representing

A couple of years ago, early

know that there’s no point to

Pakistan, has partnered

one morning, I noticed a string

building relationships in a silo;

with me and 2 partners in

of Linkedin messages from

diversity in your network is

my community to develop

the father of a 13 year-old

going to be key.

the Global Governance and

girl from Tanzania who I had

Diplomacy Course. HE Dr.

begun mentoring. The father

Authentic connection is

Osita Aniemeka of the Sub

was sending me personal bits

such an easy driver for goals.

Saharan Open University in

about his daughter so I’d know

Once you get good at it; you

Nigeria has appointed me to his

her better. The spontaneous

will fall over people trying

governing board to assist with

communication surprised me.

to connect with you. In my

global content development for

Two hours later, I received a

work, I’ve been blessed to

entrepreneurship. I have been

desperate message from my

create business development

added to the development

partner in Indiana telling me

connections for diplomats,

team of an enterprise company

that one of my community

university chancellors, royals,

in Malawi I helped to instigate.

members was in crisis. Turns

and innovators worldwide. The

And, that’s not all, but, what

out that the woman in crisis (who lived in Zambia) had met APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35



mission of impact for building


Authentic connection is such an easy driver for goals. Once you get good at it; you will fall over people trying to connect with you. In my work, I’ve been blessed to create business development connections for diplomats, university chancellors, royals, and innovators worldwide.

20 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

another member from Norway

and patient advocate. He

in our community Whatsapp

responded immediately to my

group. They befriended one

request for help; went to see

another and the woman in

her within the hour, and sent

Norway became worried when

me pictures of their meeting.

she sensed depression and

With a collective effort, we

unresponsiveness from the

were able to get her some food,

Zambian. My inability to get the

tests, and her medications

Zambian (who I knew suffered

straightened out. Authentic

badly from Lupus) on the

connection, I’m convinced,

phone prompted a call between

saved a life that day.

my partner in Indiana and the member in Norway. Not

I’m always looking to meet

thinking we knew anyone else

dynamic changemakers, charity

in Zambia who could help, we

and governing leaders in

were stuck...until I remembered

marginalized areas, problem

that my mentee’s father (who

solvers and innovators from

had been communicating with

around the world with solutions

me all morning) was not only

to big challenges and UN

in Zambia, but a pharmacist

Sustainable Development

business media platform aimed

Kurek, a Long Leaf Pine Award

serving as board members and

at social impact. Kurek has

Recipient for Outstanding


conducted 500+ international

Service to the Citizens of

interviews, developing

North Carolina, has co-founded

relationships to date in 66

two local nonprofits. She

countries, with the platform

sits on the boards of several

Mary is the Founder and

receiving views from 160

international organizations to

President of Frontrunners

countries annually.

include UNAccc, a leading think


Development Inc.

tank and research organization FDI enjoys partnerships with

headquartered in India focusing

The firm (FDI), which supports

worldwide organizations,

on climate and planet health.

all United Nations Sustainable

like the Sub Saharan Open

She was appointed in 2021

Development Goals, focuses

University (Nigeria), Living

as a Trade and Investment

work on Goal #17 (Partnerships

Learning & Working, Inc. (US/

Counselor for the presiding

for all Goals.) FDI conducts

Canada), World Youth Summit

Prince of Madagascar.

business development in

(Cyprus), The Next Generation

impact spaces by developing

Leaders (Saudi Arabia), Center

Website: www.

relationships through a curated

for Peace Advocacy and

community of innovators

Sustainable Development,

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.

and diplomats. The firm also

(Nigeria), and Books for Peace


publishes the first global


APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35



Goals advocates who are



THAT MATTERS MOST... — BY ANGELA KARANJA Leadership role that matters most... Have you ever felt that desire to change the world so deeply that you are willing to do whatever it takes to make this happen? yes? So, you boldly step out and acquire skills and strategies to make this happen! I’d say everyone reading this has that desire; otherwise you’d not be reading this – you are a leader at heart and that’s what leaders do, they deeply desire to make a difference. But did you know that most of us leaders have neglected the ONE leadership role that matters most? That was me about two years ago! Most people know that for over 20 years I’d been working to empower young people to live their fullest potential- I was making a big mark in this area. Then in our psychological research we began to notice that more and more parents were losing connection with their teenagers and subsequently their leadership role and influence. That’s when I pivoted to helping parents upscale specific leadership skills for parenting teenagers so parents could successfully raise mentally healthy and highly effective teenagers without

22 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

losing their own mind. Here’s the irony! At around the same time, I was losing my own mind because the relationship between my teenage daughter and I was in crisis – literally we were not seeing eye to eye. I was not only losing my mind, but I had also lost my influence and leadership in her life. Gosh, talk about feeling hopeless and helpless - it's a feeling that kills you silently as a parent.

come out of my mouth when

graciously helping parents of

the door flung open.

teenagers to solve, was now in my home. I can’t tell you the many nights I cried myself to sleep - wishing if only I could reclaim my relationship with my daughter. Scarier for me is knowing that when teens are disconnected with their parents they become prime targets for mental health problems, crime exploitation, drug exploitation and sex exploitation. What was I doing wrong? What had happened that I lost my leadership? One Monday summer evening, teen daughter was supposed to be going to her girl guides club. Usually, we’d leave the house at 6pm to arrive at 6.15pm. It’s 5.50pm now and no sign of a ready teen daughter downstairs. 5.52pm. I really should call out and find out if she’s ready. But I didn’t. I was afraid. 5.55pm. I’m now trembling.

At around the same time, I was losing my own mind because the relationship between my teenage daughter and I was in crisis – literally we were not seeing eye to eye. I was not only losing my mind, but I had also lost my influence and leadership in her life. But, I muster some courage, and I walk upstairs. Truth be told, I had come to a point where I was afraid of my own daughter’s reactions. 5.58pm. I stood outside her bedroom door. My knuckles are shuddering. I'm unable to knock - yet I know I must knock. The clock hits 6pm. I knock at her door. Double guessing myself I mutter some words, cautious and determined not to cause trouble or rock the boat “Do you remember it is guides…” The full sentence had hardly

A visibly irritated teen sweeps past me, nearly dropping me to the ground. Shouting “you do not tell me what to do” At that moment I felt as if she’d driven a sharp sword into my heart whilst I was kicking for breath. I knew something had to change! It was a do or die day for me! I followed her downstairs. I wore my running shoes and didn't say a word to her. I asked my partner to take her to her guides club. I jumped out of the house and ran! My mouth burst wide open. I was crying! Warm tears mixing with warm sweat - dignity out of the window. I ran and ran and ran. I would have still continued running had I not come to this stream and the thought came to wash my face. APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35



The problem I had been

I immediately stopped, pulled


closer and bent over.

I jabbed the water in the stream with my fist as if to beat that

I didn’t wash my face but

voice up!

instead watched as my tears

I shouted back at the voice “I

dripped & dropped in the river

love my family”

and got dragged along. The voice spoke again “then go

And for this, I was paying dearly. I had lost my impact, my influence as a leader - clearly she had no respect for me.

After a few moments later I

home and practise what you



What am I doing wrong?

Straight there was the

The very same question I’d

revelation - I had not been

heard from so many parents of

practising what I preached!

teenagers. And for this, I was paying A voice, firm and soft, answered

dearly. I had lost my impact, my

me straight away.

influence as a leader - clearly

“if you want to change the

she had no respect for me.

world, go home and love your

24 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

For some strange reason I had

relief, and the true joy of

thought I was invincible. That

regaining your relationship with

I didn’t need to implement the

your teen.

skills and strategies specific for parenting teenagers, the ones I had been teaching and encouraging parents to learn and take action on. Ridiculous right? Especially for me as an adolescent psychologist and parenting teenagers expert whom you’d think should know better having observed my colleagues and other “supposedly good families” lose their relationships with their teenagers to mental health problems and other forms of teenage problems. Surely I should have known better -

As I walked back home that night from that run, I made a definite decision to apply the specific skills and strategies for parenting teenagers into action, I was ready for my family’s transformation. was restored. She now actually seeks advice from me and wants to listen to me. We have wholesome discussions and I’m so grateful to be able to make that positive impact in my daughter’s life.

obviously not.

I can today confidently say that

As I walked back home that

effective teenager without

night from that run, I made a definite decision to apply the specific skills and strategies for parenting teenagers into action, I was ready for my family’s

I’m raising a mentally and highly losing my mind. Here’s what’s even better, when I work with parents, I have the double whammy


advantage of not only sharing

And this intentional decision

strategies and expertise, but

the practical psychological

changed everything!

even more importantly heart-

My relationship with teen

the pain, fear and frustration

daughter began to improve. In just a few months, respect

felt lived experience. I know

Mother Teresa's words are true unending wisdom “if you want to change the world, go home and love your family” So, If you are ready to change the world, (i.e.) to raise a mentally healthy and highly effective teenager, then it's time to acquire and upscale skills and strategies for undertaking this most important leadership role. My name is Angela Karanja, adolescent psychologist and world-renowned parenting teenagers expert and founder of Raising Remarkable Teenagers https://www. raisingremarkableteenagers. com/ Let’s normalise intentional parenting and leadership – that’s the only way we’ll raise mentally healthy and highly effective teenagers without losing our minds.

of disconnection. BUT even better, I know the hope, the

APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35




BUT OF THOSE AROUND YOU — BY ROSS SWAN If you in your own business or contemplating starting one, then its important to remember your business journey not only has to be enjoyable for you, but so does it have to be for your stakeholders. If you are currently revaluating where you are in your business or about to set up one, the first question you ask yourself is: “am I building a business for my own self-employment, or do I want to build a business that grows through the efforts of others?” The more enjoyable it is for them; the more likely things will happen for you. It is the goal of every business owner to make a profit and expand the business but defining how you plan to do that is crucial for not only you, but for your employees, suppliers, and customers. Creating a purpose statement for your business, should clarify to all involved that you want to serve others, not exploit them. It’s important then, what you create is something that both you and your employees can live every day. It’s not just a few words that you frame and hang on a wall. It should indicate the way you go about doing things. It defines your desirable organisational culture that above all, has fun. Your business is not a separate ‘being’ to you, it’s an extension of you. What I mean here is

26 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

that the soul of the business needs to align with your values, principles, and purpose, so that you will feel a sense of pride in the products and services that you offer to your customers. If there is no congruency, then you will be in conflict with it. Not a recipe for success. Conflict creates bad energy and leads to burnout while congruency fuels enthusiasm and positive energy which is needed in spades to drive any business forward. Determining your core values from your

tough sometimes because

step in providing clarity, and

we often talk things up using

a continual reminder, for both

many words fuelled by our

you and your employees. Whilst saying ‘for you’ might sound obvious but I have seen many entrepreneurs over the years get so caught up in what they are doing day to day that they lose sight of the obvious. Walk the talk with those values so your employees feel

The earlier you start living the values, the earlier you are establishing business habits that will take you forward. Whether you are a staff of one or many, you habits so be the influence to all.

enthusiasm. Stick to less words so people can clearly see the ‘wood from the trees.’ Being proud of your accomplishments, by operating the business based on purpose driven values and principles is one thing, but be equally proud

empowered to do so as well.

Whether you are a staff of one

of serving your customers’

Have your core values be the

or many, you habits so be the

needs. Having all stakeholders

catalyst for your daily conduct

influence to all.

equally congruent is paramount to the success and value of the

and performance, thus creating


your company culture from the

These values should form a

start. If you are already have

critical part of job interviews

a business operating, then it is

and onboarding, so people are

A business is not only valued by

never too late to readjust and

well aware of what’s expected

what it offers customers, but

move forward. Over the years

of them at the beginning. You

it’s also valued on the people

I have had people say to me,

want this to be a factor why

who are in it. Grow your people

“I will focus on my business

they join you or if they can’t

and you grow your business…

culture once I have enough

live them, why they stay way.

that’s where the value lies.

people to warrant the effort”.

So, remember, creating the

Well, you are only making it

desired culture when you start

Over the years I have seen

hard for yourself the longer

a business is so much easier to

quite a few business owners

you leave it. The key here is,

do, then when it has staff.

when trying to sell their

no matter what life stage your

Be conscious of being clear

business having to accept

business is in, it’s never too late

with the words you use.

a lower price (or can’t sell it all) because they allowed

to start. Providing clarity can often be

themselves to be the focal

The earlier you start living

achieved in fewer words and

point of the operational side

the values, the earlier you are

direct language but back it

of the business. Of course, the

establishing business habits

up with deep critical thought

fewer the staff you have the

that will take you forward.

and analysis. That can be

more ‘operational’ you need to be. Just be always looking for APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35



purpose statement is the next

ways that operational engine

overriding strategy.


On the other hand, it’s about

He works internationally with

those around you, your

his projects encompassing

If I had a large cheque to spend

stakeholders. Through them

many diverse cultural

on a business, I would choose

the business grows, from being


one that doesn’t require a

a job you created for yourself,

‘seven day a week’ operational

to a business of value, that you

Throughout the years, Ross

commitment. Why would

started but won’t finish.

has developed a growing desire

room motors along with out you being heavily involved.

I want to be signing up for

to put an ongoing emphasis

that size effort when I could

Regularly reflect on making

in bringing more soul into

just invest the money and

sure both these hands are

business and he believes that

lie under a palm tree in the

clapping together and build a

the most effective leaders stay

Maldives. To compound this,

legacy to be proud of.

true to their authenticity by

if the operational knowledge

being soul inspired and it starts

was centred around the former

And most importantly- have

business owner it will disappear

FUN! If you can’t have that,

once they leave, adding to the

then what’s the point.

problem I just purchased.

by being able to lead yourself. You can catch Ross at: www.soul-inspired-leadership.



Equally, if you want to leave

CEO Soul Inspired Leadership Pte Ltd

the business to your children,

CEO Orion Human Capital Pte Ltd


leave them a business that has

a thriving performance driven

Ross is a perceptive and

eco system not something that

responsive leadership

requires continual babysitting.

consultant, coach, and trainer,

Being the engine of your

with broad experience in

business doesn’t add the

varied industries worldwide

value. Being the visionary, and

continually helping leaders to

occasionally stepping in when

reduce their stress in managing

needed, does.


So, to summarise:

Ross is also a dynamic speaker

On one hand, the business is

and podcaster with outstanding

about you. That is, it must be

skills in communication,

congruent with your values

presentation, training, team-

and purpose, thus driving the

building, and interpersonal

28 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

Technology Column

APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35


Part 3 of 3


GENERATION PI Reswizzling of Business Brought to you by Artificial Intelligence and Millennials

MARK D. DEMERS SR. DIRECTOR, SAS (Continued from the previous

things that used to require


human minds: understanding speech, diagnosing disease,

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a transformational technology of our digital age.

Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will represent one of the most significant disruptions to your career.

checking the terms of a contract, designing a mechanical part from scratch, even coming up with new scientific hypotheses that are supported by subsequent research. As this new software

Beyond traditional industrial

AI is real and will not be

is embedded in hardware, we'll

automation and advanced

ignored. Leading businesses

get self-driving cars, trucks,

robots, new generations of

are using machine learning to

and combines; delivery and

more capable autonomous

deliver quantifiable business

inspection drones; and robots

systems appear in

value today. To succeed in a

of many kinds.

environments ranging from

new AI-empowered world,

autonomous vehicles on roads

businesses need more than

At the same time, these

to automated check-outs in

new technology. Companies

technologies will transform

grocery stores.

must focus on retraining the

the nature of work and the

workforce and designing ethical

workplace itself. Machines

uses of AI.

will be able to carry out more

Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will

of the tasks done by humans,

represent one of the most

Over the past few years, we've

complement the work that

significant disruptions to your

developed artificially intelligent

humans do, and even perform

career. Despite the hype,

machines that can do many

some tasks that go beyond

30 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

or planting the fields – without

result, some occupations will

a driver behind the seat. But

decline, others will grow, and

fully autonomous tractors have

many more will change. As intelligent machines and software are integrated more deeply into the workplace, workflows and workspaces will

More jobs than those lost or gained will be changed as machines complement human labor in the workplace.

together. More jobs than those lost or gained will be changed as machines complement human labor in the workplace. One of the BEST analyses conducted in the past several years on AI… has been done by McKinsey. They collated and analyzed more than 400 use cases across 19 industries and nine business functions. They provided insight into the areas within specific sectors where deep neural networks can potentially create the most value, the incremental lift that these neural networks can generate compared with traditional analytics (below), and the voracious data requirements—in terms of volume, variety, and velocity— that must be met for this potential to be realized.

become a reality for thousands of farmers worldwide. Today, organizations are experiencing change at a

continue to evolve to enable humans and machines to work

inspired vivid dreams and have

AI is automating and making its parent – Analytics smarter, better, faster, stronger, and making workers more productive. McKinsey found that in 69 percent of the use cases studied, deep neural networks can be used to improve performance beyond that provided by other analytic techniques.

AUTONOMOUS I grew up in a very small coal-mining town outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was also considered farm country. I worked some summers on a farm doing various manual labor things. Even though I have been in the technology industry for nearly 40 years, it's still a bit inconceivable to think of a large farm tractor plowing

pace like never before. If they weren't already on the path to digital transformation before 2020, they were forced into it rapidly due to COVID. Businesses need data and analytics – and they need to put them to work in new and different ways. Alarmists who think that every new technology will be the end of humanity are wrong. As life increases in complexity, convenience is the default setting for most people. As AI and automation benefit businesses and society, we will need to prepare and embrace for significant disruptions to work. About half of the activities (not jobs) carried out by workers could be automated.

APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35



what humans can do. As a


Many organizations start

driver of IoT adoption would be

We are piloted today by Rob

their AI Journey by creating

people's desire for convenience

Ott an autonomous Robot.”

efficiencies in existing business

and for goods and services

What if a supply chain saw

processes. However, the

facilitating a low-friction life in

what it needed to do before

real win for AI comes when

an environment of accelerating

you did? Without a doubt,

companies use AI to perform

complexity, information

proven out by the recent

tasks that were difficult

overload, and the apparent

debacles associated with

or impossible to do in the

shrinkage of time.

supply and demand shortages

past. For example, AI can be

and product containers

trained to recognize signs of

All of this does not mean we

sitting on ships in ports due

specific diseases in Xrays using

do not need humans. A great

to lack of workers to unload

ComputerVision and Neural

example of this is airplanes

them, smarter supply chains

Networks or quickly sort

which have been self-flying

are needed. More intelligent

through thousands of resumes

for a long time yet we still see

logistics are required in order

to find potential job applicants

when we get on an airplane a

to optimize drivers and trucks

without bias. Moreover,

pilot and co-pilot in the cockpit.

to transport them. What if

autonomous driving can only

Honestly, people would get off

the supply chain could sense,

happen with AI.

a plane if on the Public Address

anticipate, even preempt these

Many of those who are

system a flight attendant said,


optimistic about the IoT's

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank

future argued that a significant

you for flying with us today.

32 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

A product is suddenly recalled.

that drive profitable business

alert stores and even pull and


replace products on shelves with comparables. A service technician is dispatched to come to your home to repair a broken appliance. A smart service chain knows the calledin issue and diagnoses what repair parts to have on the van before it leaves the service center so that service can be guaranteed fixed right on the first call – one and done.


By making better, faster decisions, organizations can differentiate themselves in markets and stand out for their customers, improve lives, and have the potential even to change the world.

Companies are now faced with thousands of digital decisions every day. Traditional techniques to data discovery and insights won’t be good enough for what the “universe” has in store for us people. We will need more rapid data discovery. Hypothesizing and synthetic data generation

into relevant insights can

will be huge in helping

people harness it to become

organizations tackle massive

knowledge and decisions

rapid onslaughts of new issues,

The mere access to gazillions of petabytes of data enables an organization to make better decisions. By making better, faster decisions, organizations can differentiate themselves in markets and stand out for their customers, improve lives, and have the potential even to change the world. But it takes more than just data. Everyone now needs powerful analytics and artificial intelligence to turn data into actionable insight. Only when data is transformed

APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35



The intelligent supply chain can


be they fraud, healthcare-

AI will take over jobs that

related, public safety,

require copying, pasting,

sustainability, etc.

transcribing, and typing. At the

CLOSING – THE COMING “GREATEST” GENERATION – GEN PI Just like the human body has autonomic abilities that "act or occur involuntarily," we need AI to be embedded into and create whole new processes or

While machines can also be damaged or destroyed doing dangerous work, they are not nearly as fragile and are built to withstand enormous amounts of pressure, heat, airborne toxins, and other threats.

very least, a new AI co-worker might be there checking your work. AI-enabled Machines Can Perform Dangerous Tasks Jobs like mining, factory work, and machine assembly all expose workers to a certain amount of danger.

workflows that then not only

never need to sleep. No matter

Whether it's dangerous fumes,

operate autonomously they

what, their operational ability

falling objects, or extreme

also become self-learning and

is the same (unless the power

temperatures at work, there will


is out and then with Grids and

always be circumstances and


failover, redundancy, they can

situations where people can be

still work like nothing ever

seriously injured or killed.

happened). AI can be used in Similarly, repeating the same

manufacturing not only to make

Talk about “work from home”

motion and doing the same

processes more efficient, but to

Gen PI works from anywhere

thing every day gets dull for a

also keep human workers out

all the time. It’s always learning

human. That’s what machines

of harm's way. Opportunities

– in fact, it demands more data.

were made for.

to leverage AI and machine learning in manufacturing

Lack of rest, personal stress,

Computers are Less Error-

include product development,

boredom from repetitive tasks,

prone Than Humans

logistics optimization,

and even "hangovers" are

As humans, it's in our nature

predictive maintenance, and, of

particularly human problems

to make mistakes. Computers,

course, robotics.

(compared with machines).

on the other hand, are not susceptible to human error.

While machines can also be

For instance, staying up all

They receive instructions and

damaged or destroyed doing

night impacts your work

execute them exactly as spelled

dangerous work, they are not

performance the next day. On

out in the code.

nearly as fragile and are built to

the other hand, computers 34 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

withstand enormous amounts

toxins, and other threats.


Computers are Less Error-prone Than Humans As humans, it's in our nature to make mistakes. Computers, on the other hand, are not susceptible to human error.

While the upfront cost of building and training an AI machine is high, the overall cost of operation is much lower than paying a human to do the same job, according to the APA. Running a machine just takes electricity and occasional maintenance. To hire a human for a job, it takes resources to find and train them, not to mention the yearly salary and benefits that must be paid out. United States President Lyndon Johnson was prescient in this regard, writing a half a century ago: Automation is not our enemy. Our enemies are ignorance, indifference, and inertia. Automation can be the ally of our prosperity if we will just look ahead, if we will understand what is to come, and if we will set our course wisely after proper planning. Peter Drucker once said that trying to predict the future

country road at night with no lights while looking out the back window.” It’s also worth noting that it was also Drucker who said “The best way to predict the future is to create

In this column, you can find the simple truth that ultimately, we are in control of our lives by virtue of the choices we make and how we respond to events, even though at times it seems we have little or no control over what is happening to us. It's easy to lose sight of that truth when we are embroiled in events happening all around us, like losing a loved one or friend, health issues, career challenges, and financial setbacks. It's hard to see the


path we need to follow amidst

Firms that embrace the fact

give insights and hope through

that generations are leaving their workforces and that Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Internet of Things (IoT) can help them “rearrange

all the obscurities. My aim is to stories that just maybe can not only give you a more objective view of circumstances but also help guide us to the path on which we need to be.

or reorganize or restructure something in a useful, relevant way” – Reswizzle - will come out of a potentially bad situation in a place where competitors are left behind and profits grow. .

is “like trying to drive down a

APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35




of pressure, heat, airborne




SAS is the world leader in

at several public and private

analytics. It’s internationally

companies prior to SAS. Mark

recognized for providing

serves as Board member for an

an innovative, supportive

emerging innovative Company

workplace that blends different

– Visual Farms, audaciously

Mark Demers leads an expert

backgrounds, experiences,

inspired to help strike out world

global team of industry practice

perspectives and cultures from

hunger. He holds a Bachelor of

directors, industry marketing,

almost 60 countries around

Science degree in Mechanical

principal industry consultants

the world where all ideas are

Engineering from Penn State

and thought leaders that drive

encouraged, and everyone


vision and product direction,

is respected for their unique

messaging and support sales

contributions and abilities.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.

for Industry-centered SAS

SAS’ employees empower,


products and solutions. Mark

encourage and inspire women

and his team work closely with

to pursue excellence in STEM

SAS’ customers, sales, Partners,

and their careers and fulfillment

R&D, and technical staff

in their personal lives.

around the world, to position,

Employees are encouraged to

market and sell SAS solutions

expand professional networks,

for Government, Banking,

showcase thought leaders and

Insurance, Manufacturing,

attract women to careers in

Healthcare, Life Sciences,

science and technology.

Energy, and Education and Communications sectors using

Demers’ decades of


management experience include executive positions

36 36 APRIL APRIL 2022 2022 || ISSUE ISSUE ## 35 35







POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION SUPPORTING WOMEN AND CHILDREN GLOBALLY (03RD APRIL 2021) Powerful Global Women Foundation in collaboration Royalty Kids Montessori School present A one day easter retreat for children and teenagers. Theme of the program was: The Total Child. The program includes reason for the season, cinema, POP quiz, music, baking and losts more. Mrs. Josephine, Phillip Itsuokor (Proprietress, Royalty Kids) was present as host. Over 100 children were in attendance during the program.

38 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION CHILDREN RETREAT EVENT (12TH SEPTEMBER 2020) We had various workshops for them during the gathering. We also gave facemasks each child that was in attendance. Over one hundred children attended the event. They were all fed as part of our tradition to do. A massive thank you to Ross Swan for supporting our mission. This project was led by our amazing Vice-president (Mrs Josephine Itsuokor).

APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35


40 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION COVID-19 PROJECTS As part of PGWF mission to support more families during this challenged time, we have been able to hold two projects (one in April and the other on 13th July 2020). We distributed food supplies to several families and orphanage homes. Our team lead by Mrs Josephine Itsuokor (Vice-president of PGWF) made these projects a success. We will continue to reach out to more families through the support of our global partners.


APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35


Powerful Global Women Foundation (Powerhouse Charity) was founded in 20l6 in Nigeria, West Africa, by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw. The core objective of this organization is to transform the lives of women and children, through various projects centred around the need of the service group. In 20l6 Lady Anita single handedly fed over 400 children as part of “project feed l000 children globally”, and held an empowerment conference for the women. Through this project, so many women have gone to do great things with the knowledge they gained from the event. She recently held a life transforming event for women in Lagos, Nigeria as part of International women’s month celebration 20l8. The turnout was very encouraging. She is working towards supporting more families to keep their children and wards in school through” project back-to-school” starting in September 20l8. We are seeking for global support from individuals and organisations who would love to be a part of this service to humanity. To support us, please visit: or email or

42 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

CHARITY PROJECT: As part of our Global Annual commitment, we were able to successfully complete project feed the children 2019 mission. Over 150 children were fed at this year’s event. Powerful Women Global Foundation (PGWF ) is a charity set up by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw in 2016. The service users are women and children. To support PGWF, please email

APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35


44 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE # 35

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