The greatest crisis and opportunity of our lifetime has presented itself and the question to ask is, are we ready?
BORN TO WAKE UP THE WORLD HELEN ARGYROU We at YinAlithea WOMEN OF TRUTH are, mainly because we have realised two things. There is simply no other choice and many global female leaders feel they were born for this time. Born to Wake up the World. Global dialogues began during COVID-19 lockdown hitting crescendos of community thinking and unity consciousness unseen before. Clearly some incredible women are ready to lead in these epic times. Continuing in the old paradigms, born out of industrial revolution age thinking, or following on mythical ideas embedded in the fabric of our societies that delude and deceive us, is simply not that attractive any
more, to anyone. Change has begun and following through with it, these ‘Paradigm Shifters’, find that completing their ‘soul contract’ of reaching into their higher destinies, what they promised themselves they would pursue before they were born - is how they can finally fulfill the calling that tells them they are meant for more. The powerful surge of individuality, personal insight and self development work that swept our planet for the last generation has certainly shifted the paradigm already. All people are growing more self aware and conscious all round and leadership is advancing. Humanitarian work, the Sdg focus, social endeavours, scientific innovation advancing
healthcare and the boom of solo entrepreneurship show that our precious earth is already busy with her little, or large makeover. Dig a little deeper and you will find that the marriage between body and mind, science and spirituality has evidence based research slowly convincing us that mind effects matter and we can ultimately create a new reality. We are ready enough, it seems and where we are not, These female thought leaders will guide us to discerningly ‘ignore’ and refocus our future vision of what we wish to create. So instead of having our minds sucked into the vortex of concern, fear and negativity about the future, we learn from them to practice the ‘higher