Swimwear &
Other Issue 8
Photography by Laurence J. Power
Well with the current restrictions both on travel and meeting, any shoots are out of the question, I am however making plans for at least one shoot as soon as the restrictions end. The next shoot is likely to have a much larger crew than normal because it will be filmed, I am hoping that they will cover everything from the choice of models through checking locations and the actual shoot to the choice of images for this magazine. Choosing models is always difficult, swimwear is different to fashion in that models do not need to be that thin, a size 8 matched with a height of 5ft 8-10 ins is great. If they are athletes that’s even better. The big difficulty that I have are tattoos and piercings, I don’t know any manufacturer who likes them and personally I hate them with avengence. I get models who contact me and say “I don’t mind if you edit the image to remove the tattoo”, well I’m sorry but firstly that costs and secondly, in order the really check the images one should really retouch every image. If I have taken 1000 images that is a whole load of work. Just before everything shut down I managed to complete a lingerie shoot down in Dorset. I confess that the model did have a tattoo and if I had realised I would not have used her, but fortunately the tattoo was on her foot so I could crop it out without too much difficulty. I may just include some of the shots in issue 9 if you are lucky. This issue is all about DaniD, I must admit that it was only when I started to put the images together that I realised how long ago they were shot.
Laurence J. Power Photographer specialising in swimwear, based in Esher in Surrey. He has been shooting swimwear for many years initially on film now digital.
This magazine is issue 8, issues 1 to 7 are also available on line.
Commissions are welcome, but only those with a suitable fee.
Contact details : laurence@powerimage.co.uk