Swimwear & Other Issue 9

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Swimwear &

Other Issue 9

Photography by Laurence J. Power

When I wrote about the restrictions and lockdown last month I confess that I was assuming that it would ll be over very soon, not that companies would be going under, we would have to queue to get into a supermarket to buy basic essentials, and people would be suggesting that life as we know it was about to end, but here we are. Unfortunately 2 people who I knew have both died and in the village where I live, 5 people have died. I still see advertisements for swimwear and fashion in general, but wonder when people will be able to wear it again, certainly those clothes designed to show off the physical attractiveness of the wearer and encourage closer interaction are somewhat superfluous, since at least initially after the lockdown ends, my understanding is that we we going to be encouraged to restrict any close meeting to a limited number of friends. Dating organisations are going to have it really tough, that initial meeting will be quiet chats from each end of the bar. One good thing, possibly tables at restaurants will be a decent size – to keep 2 metres between the diners and with fewer tables since for a waiter to get between a table, there must be 4 metres between them, dining out is going to be interesting. So with all the “other” stuff going on not much has happened re organising my next shoot. I do have a few people who have applied to video the shoot, but I have not chosen the models or sorted out the crew. Locations are always a problem, you book a hotel room with a pool and the cost is under £100.00 per night, try and tell them that you want to shoot for a day, not use the bed or towels or anything and the cost goes up to £500.00, can someone please explain the logic to me? So to this issue, I did think that this issue had been prepared weeks ago and that all I had to do was upload, unfortunately I was wrong hence the text above reflects the position today 02/05/2020.



Laurence J. Power Photographer specialising in swimwear, based in Esher in Surrey. He has been shooting swimwear for many years initially on film now digital.

This magazine is issue 9, issues 1 to 8 are also available on line.

Commissions are welcome, but only those with a suitable fee.

Contact details : laurence@powerimage.co.uk

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