Fall is a time when we take stock of our lives after the carefree days of summer. The 2021 fall issue of P.O.W.E.R. Magazine is full of amazing women whose stories show that they have achieved their desired goals through passion and hard work. Gloria Estefan, Donatella Arpaia, Ilaria Borghese, and Martha Wash are true examples of tenacious women who do not take no for an answer and give everything they’ve got to overcome adversity and reach their goals. Hayley Dinerman knew something had to be done about triple negative breast cancer so she and friends got to together and founded the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation. Tonia DeCosimo, the founder and editor-in-chief of P.O.W.E.R. and P.O.W.E.R. Magazine is a passionate supporter of breast cancer awareness and has focused on this cause to honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This issue is proof that with hard work and dedication, we can all follow our passions and causes to achieve our career and philanthropic goals.