The inner/outer beauty connection is real. It is a psychologically proven fact that when you look good,
you feel good, and perform at your best. The women featured in the summer issue of P.O.W.E.R.
Magazine have mastered the art of this mind/body phenomenon and use their confidence and self-
esteem to achieve their own success and help others do the same.
Cover girl Christie Brinkley uses her influence to inspire others to look and feel their best. Houston’s top
plastic surgeon, Dr. Camille Cash; Certified Mastectomy Fitter Christine A. Guarino; celebrity
aesthetician Katherine Sempecos and Pelaton instructor Kristin McGee all promote self-care and use
their specialized skills to help women become their best selves. Power Magazine’s Editor-in-Chief, Tonia
DeCosimo, acknowledges that a woman’s job is never done, but if you don’t make yourself a priority,
you will never operate at your full potential. She encourages readers to treat themselves to some well-
deserved pampering!
This issue also includes ...