Neinfocus PPANE 2018 May/June

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Nikon Legend Behind the Lens in New England

GETTING SOCIAL WITH STYLE The Double Edged Sword Why Use It & Why it can Cut You to Ribbons

Brought to You by:

IMAGE COMPETITION Beyond the Basics to Excel May/June 2018


Full day classes are $35 for PPANE members | $69 for non-members Half day classes are Free for PPANE members | $69 for non-members For more information and to register, go to









M aris a B alle tti Lav oi e 1 1 am – 2:30 pm 7 7 P ark Ave nue Marisa Balletti-Lavoie M e ride n , C T

Ri ck Hydr e n 9:3 0am – 4 : 3 0pm 2 1 Rick Ki t t erHydren y A v e nu e Rowley, M A

J a m e s F l a c h sba r t 2 pm – 9pm 15 H o l l y S t. , S u ite 2 01B S c a r bo r o u gh , M E

L isa C u ch a ra 10a m – 5 : 3 0 p m 2 911 D i xw el l A ven u e H a m d en , C T






Sand r a Mi ner 10am – 3p m 1 5 Holly St ., Sui t e 2 01B Scar b or oug h, ME

E l l a Pu tne y Ca r l so n & A l iso n M inite r 10a m – 4pm Ipsw ic h , M A

L a u r e n D e l V e c c h io L o c a tio n & T im e TB D



CONTENTS 03. Hands On Workshop Series Save the Dates!

08-09. Tony Sweet Seminar & Bonus Day See the World Thru His Eyes

10-11. Quick Picks

Best Website Options for Photographers

12. Call for Applications & Annual Meeting

13-17. Keep It In Perspective

Don’t Let Social Media Kill Your Confidence

20-23. Why Use Instagram? Givin’ it to You Straight

24-28. NEIPP Wrap Up & 2019 Alumni Scholarship Winners

29-34. Shine

100 Women of Long Branch

35-37. On the Cover & Member Loan Images Be Inspired!

38-41. Image Competition Beyond the Basics

42. Rich Newell Answers Competition Questions Facebook Note Information

43-45. IPC Awards

Congratulations PPANE Winners!

53-55. PPANE Book Nook Books by PPANE Members

IN EVERY ISSUE 06. Editor’s Notes

07. President’s Message 18-19. Renew/Join/New Members PPANE Membership Benefits

47-51. Affiliate Information

Convention Wrap Ups & Future Happenings

52. Member Ads NEinFocus Magazine is a publication of the Professional Photographers of New England (PPANE. Look for new issues in August and October. Article or content idea? Contact PPANE Publications Editor, Jean Wozniak.

© Tony Sweet - Seminar Instructor At left and right, the work of Nikon Legend Behind the Lens, Tony Sweet. See Page 8 &8 9 for more information Learn more about his program and bonus day on Pg.

Professional Photographers of New England

PPANE BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Trish Logan, Cr.Photog. PRESIDENT ELECT Patricia Takacs, M.Photog. VICE PRESIDENT of PROGRAMS Patricia Walsh Slaven, CPP VICE PRESIDENT of COMMUNICATIONS Ella Carlson, M.Photog.M. Artist.Cr., CPP, EA-ASP, C.Ph. VICE PRESIDENT of FINANCE Raymond Peeples, Jr., Cr.Photog., CPP, A.C.Ph. PAST PRESIDENT Madonna Lovett Repeta, M.Photog.Cr., C.Ph. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Jim Walker

STATE DIRECTORS CT - Lisa Cuchara, Ph.D., Cr.Photog., HonNEC ME - Crystal Reynolds, CPP MA - Lisa King, CPP NH - Lauri West, A.C.Ph. RI - Bailey Fox VT - OPEN

STATE REPRESENTATIVES CT - Marisa Balletti-Lavoie ME - Sandra Miner MA - Jen Clark, CPP NH - Pat Corlin, CPP RI - OPEN VT - OPEN



Editor’s Notes Publications Editor

Jean Wozniak, M.Photog., CPP, D.C.Ph.

Have no regrets. Three little words to live by. make sure you keep your social media experience

Have you ever pondered the power of this phrase? positive on Page 13, and Patricia Takacs tells us on Perhaps it takes a major event to really make you Page 20 how Instagram can help boost business realize just how powerful it is. Why wait? Act now. with the right tools of knowledge. Think of what this phrase means for you. There is no shortage of programs being offered by Are you living the life you want? Is your business PPANE alone to help inspire and get those creative where you want it to be? Are you doing the things and motivational juices flowing. Check out the you want? Do you come up with ideas but then don’t remaining workshops listed on Page 3, some of act on them? Did you say “I should go to NEIPP this which are PPA Continuing Education workshops year... and didn’t?” How many times do you see a that earn merits towards your PPA degrees. seminar or class and say “I should do that” but then And the October full-day seminar is going to don’t? Well, no more! be Sweet - with Nikon Legend Behind the Lens We are the facilitators of our own happiness. But if landscape and nature photographer Tony Sweet, that is! Not only can you hear his inspiration at the we don’t act, we won’t achieve. seminar described on Page 8, but check out Page 9 Take PPANE member Ella Carlson, for example. for info on a bonus day in the field with Tony. Her 2017 IPC accomplishments are celebrated in this issue on Page 43. She didn’t become both And what about NEIPP 2018? Pages 24-26 shows a Diamond Photographer and Gold Medalist by just a handful of images sharing the fun had by all saying “I’ll work on those images later” or “I’ll enter who attended. Plans are already shaping up for a next time.” She is recognized time and time again fantastic 2019. Stay tuned to the PPANE and NEIPP because she acts on her thoughts. Way to go, Ella! facebook pages and websites for details. She also helps keep us informed with her article on Page 38 on the details of image competition, I can tell you from a recent experience that while it is human nature to always find regrets, when beyond the basics. you realize you acted and spoke important words Andrea Phox shares her inspiring project, Shine: to those who needed to hear them, it is a calming 100 Women of Long Branch with us on Page 29. and comforting feeling that can help you through Read how what started as a way to help celebrate challenging times. Never give yourself the chance the area’s centennial anniversary ended up a to regret the thoughts you didn’t act on or the personal challenge that brought awareness, words you didn’t say. Live with no regrets! envoked confidence, bridged gaps, and celebrated diversities. Can you imagine if she just had the idea and never made it happen? While we’re busting out and following through, don’t forget to keep it social. Trish Logan shares how to 6

LOOK what’s coming NEXT. Branding - It’s about more than just your logo!

President’s Message changed since PPANE was formed in 1860. We remain dedicated to our members and want to keep moving PPANE and NEIPP solidly into the future.

Wow, it’s hard to believe that it’s June already. My time as PPANE President is flying by. I hope that you are all in your busy season and enjoying all that summer in New England brings. I’d love for you to take a moment from your busy schedule so I can catch you up on exciting things the PPANE Board has been working on during the first half of 2018. I hope you are registered for our October 28th event featuring the legendary Tony Sweet. This program is free to PPANE members. If you want to be part of a smaller group photographing with Tony, I encourage you to take advantage of his bonus day on the 29th. Register online now. Space is limited. October 28th has a full day of events too! In addition to Tony Sweet, we have our annual meeting at lunch and annual awards banquet that evening. Get your banquet ticket online now and attend to see who takes away the District image awards. At lunch, we will introduce the proposed slate of officers and be voting on updates to our bylaws. We have worked hard as a Board to bring our 158 year old association more in line with current times. A lot has

help tell everyone how much you love NEIPP. If you want to have your work featured in our blog, send some of your work and info about how what you learned at NEIPP is helping you in other ways beyond NEIPP. I hope you are enjoying the Send to many programs held in our New England states. We It takes a full year to plan NEIPP have scheduled all types of from start to finish and as you programs to keep you up can see, everyone is hard at to date and learning. These work planning wonderful, new workshops are primarily and exciting things just for hands-on and cover you! NEIPP is one of PPANE’s everything from Drones to greatest assets and our entire Best Business Practices. Take a board is dedicated to helping look at Page 3 for a complete our school grow and flourish. list of upcoming events. If you are working toward your Mark your calendars for April PPA degrees, many of these 7-11th, you won’t want to classes will help you to earn miss our Freaky Tiki theme, merits. If you would like to new location in Devens, teach a class to earn merits, Massachusetts or any of the please contact Patty Takacs fun we have planned. I know or Jim Walker at exsec@ you will love our new hotel with modern amenities and fully updated rooms. In fact, we If you were there, you know have chosen a hotel where that NEIPP this year was each room is a suite to make by far one of our best. The it easier and more convenient energy the trustees, instructors to share with friends and enjoy and students brought was a spacious place to relax and incredible! rejuvenate in your down time. Thank you to Diane Miller for heading up NEIPP 2018. Your amazing energy and truly caring connection with the students is always fun to watch and be a part of! Thank you to Charleen Larkin for the fun logo design and Patty Takacs for her design skills with our booklets and more. It takes an amazing team with great vision to see the future and act. The trustees have worked together in the true spirit of teamwork to bring about the many ideas and branding changes you saw at NEIPP this year. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them over the last year! And I KNOW with this team, that NEIPP 2019 will be over the top! Please share your experiences and testimonials with Charleen to

We will be doing more sneak peaks as NEIPP gets closer. We can’t wait to welcome you to our Tiki Lounge and unveil tons of GREAT SURPRISES! If you are not following us on social media, jump into our NEIPP Community, our PPANE/NEIPP Facebook page and find us on Instagram at #neippschool. Don’t forget to take advantage of the scholarship opportunities at PPANE. com and at your local state affiliates! See you all soon!

Trish Logan

Cr.Photog. President 2017 - 2018 7


Workshop Don’t Miss the Annual Meeting at Lunch & Awards Banquet After!

Oct. 29!

Space Limited

After successful careers as a jazz musician/educator, and professional magician, Tony settled on photography as his chosen means for personal expression. Beginning as a film photographer, Tony has become accomplished in image editing software and plugins and is an in-demand speaker throughout the US and Canada on creativity in the digital age. He conducts location workshops in the US, Canada, and Iceland. Tony’s photography is published worldwide and is represented by Getty Images. His iPhone photography is represented by Aurora Photos. Tony’s images are also used by Nikon, MacPhun, Singh Ray, Alien Skin, Topaz, Lensbaby and others for national ad campaigns. He has authored five books on the art of photography; coproduced four photography DVDs as well as an iPhone instructional video series. The first book in his Fine Art Nature Photography eBook series, “Creative Techniques and the Art of Self Expression,” was just released.


Program 9:00AM-4:00PM Annual Meeting During Lunch Cocktail Hour 4:00-6:00PM Awards Banquet 6:00-9:00PM Derryfield Country Club, 625 Mammoth Road, Manchester, NH Free to PPANE Members. Not a PPANE member? $150 in Oct. 2018 gets you a PPANE membership thru Oct. 31, 2019.

Bonus Workshop October 29th




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SmugMug Photos are a reflection of your experiences—what drives you, where you’ve been, where you’re going, who you love. SmugMug is a safe, beautiful home for all of it—your journey and your photos. Protect your photos and memories with a SmugMug site and give them a place to shine. We know that creating a successful photo business requires a seriously broad toolset. We give you the support and software you need to take your client interactions to the next level— making it easy for them to view, select, purchase, download, and print your images—and opportunities to build and market your brand.

LiveBooks liveBooks powers the web presence of thousands of creative professionals and businesses worldwide and is the leading provider of award-winning custom and easy website builder templates. liveBooks provides easy-to-use, functionally rich, award-winning photography website templates for photographers, designers, and other creative professionals that make it easy for you to create a website, engage your market, attract prospects, and get customers.

Zenfolio Your all-in-one e-commerce platform to showcase & sell your photography. Loved by photographers everywhere, build a website in just minutes!

PhotoShelter PhotoShelter members sold $3.7 million of their photos through their accounts last year! Created exclusively for photographers, our built-in shopping cart lets you easily sell prints and products -and even includes a platform for licensing. Pricing, payment and fulfillment options meet just about every need.


Proposed Slate of PPANE Officers 2018/2019

This is the recommendation of the PPANE nominating committee for the proposed slate of officers: President Patty Takacs PPANE members will vote to accept the new President Elect Ella Carlson slate of officers at our Annual Meeting to be VP of Programs Patricial Walsh Slaven held this October at the Tony Sweet Seminar. VP of Communications Naomi Waters VP of Finance Ray Peeples The Nominating Committee would like Immediate Past President Trish Logan to thank these exceptional members for Director from NH Lauri West volunteering their services to this association. Director from CT Lisa Cuchara With their support and continuous Director from ME Crystal Reynolds commitment, PPANE will continue to grow Director from MA Lisa King and be successful in the years to come. Director from RI Bailey Fox Director from VT Open See you at the Annual Meeting during lunch, October 28, 2018. Madonna Lovett Repeta, M.Phog., Cr., C.Ph. Nominating Comittee Chair

Call for Applications

In accordance with the PPANE Bylaws, compensated Applications for the following positions will be reviewed positions are reviewed and applications accepted on and recommendations made to the PPANE Board for discussion by the end of September, 2018. a yearly basis. Application deadline for all three positions is August 15, 2018. Article VIII, Section 2. The duties, performances and compensation of the PPANE Executive Secretary paid staff will be evaluated and approved by the PPANE Webmaster Board on an annual basis. PPANE Publications (Newsletter) Editor ALSO, looking for a CONNECTICUT NEIPP TRUSTEE. To be eligible, you must be able to attend PPANE Board Meetings, attend regular Skype meetings with the Trustees, arrive a day prior to the start of NEIPP 2019, April 7 - 11, and capable of working during the school event. Duties include taking pictures, taking some video, helping students, helping with set up and break down, making announcements and preferably someone who

has attended NEIPP in the past. If you feel you have a special talent you can contribute to the team, consider applying. Non-PPANE members welcome to apply, but a PPANE membership is required if accepted. Applications deadline is July 8, 2018 and will be reviewed and recommendations made to the PPANE Board for discussion by the end of July.

If you are interested in applying for any of these positions other than executive secretary, please send applications and resumes to Executive Secretary, Jim Walker, who will distribute them to the appropriate committees. If applying for the executive secretary position, please submit to Trish Logan, President, Email: PPANE Executive Secretary P.O. Box 1436 Auburn, ME 04211 Call: (978) 419-1585 Email: 12


with Trish Logan




16 16


PPANE is all about our members! Getting to know other creatives is a great way to share ideas and learn new skills. It helps you photographically and professionally.

Get the most for your money! Members Get the BEST Benefits: FREE Access to Conferences Enjoy our news magazine FREE classified ads for members Get published in our magazine Members SAVE $125 on NEIPP Tuition Bump your SEO when you get listed on our website PPANE's board is member run Apply for member only scholarships FREE image critiques by mentors Live image judging Win New England only awards Earn PPA Merits by speaking or taking classes Find help with speaking and judging opportunities 18

Connect with industry peers & national speakers

live photography laugh always love PPA VENDOR OF THE YEAR


New & Renewing PPANE Members

Our Tribe is Growing

Tom Cuchara

Laurie Lizotte

Andrew Hird

Susan Schale

Erin McNamara

Betty Wiley

Hamden, CT Moosup, CT

Rehoboth, MA Beverly, MA

East Hampton, CT

Yarmouthport, MA

Cheshire, CT

Westport Island, ME

Colleen Reilly

Emily Small

Barbara Vietzke

Matthew Stagliano

Laraine Weschler

Sara Wilmot

Bonnie Baker

Wendy Marie Wiley

Lauren Clough

Carmen Noradunghian

Branford, CT

Naugatuck, CT Concord, MA

Osterville, MA

Udi Endi

Dover, MA

Bethel, ME

Turner, ME

Cranston, RI

South Pomfred, VT



Why Use Instagram?

By: Patricia Takacs, M.Photog.

I am going to give it to you straight… you should only use Instagram if you are serious and committed. It is an excellent marketing tool but requires work and dedication. It is a great place to build a tribe or a following of your ideal clients, but that will only come with time and strategy. In this article I am going to give you some concrete ideas and ways to use Instagram for business, but it is not


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foolproof and it takes hustle. First thing to do is to start an account if you do not have one. If you do have one, check your profile and make the switch to a “business” profile. This will allow you to get your statistics like you do on Facebook about which posts are the most popular. This is called Instagram insights. Your profile should have a way to contact you, your URL, an address, a description that tells what you will post about and what you do, and your picture.


MARKETING PLAN STEPS Decide what types of content you want to post Having 5-10 things that relate to you and your brand is a great way to make content. It allows you to always know what content you should post. Your followers will always know what to expect, and you can curate it to match your brand. For example, you could do a behind the scenes post, a meet the client or review post, a post about a hobby, and a post about your pet every week.

Style guidelines (what your captions are like, what hashtags you use) Creating your own Style Guidelines will really help you with consistency. Not only will it offer a structure for what you post each day, but it will also allow people who work for you to understand your brand and how it interacts with potential clients on Instagram. The areas you should include in your style guide are content topics, how your captions are written, what hashtags you use, and how you interact with influences and potential clients on the platform.

Choose a branded hashtag and the look and feel you want

Choosing a branded hashtag is a great way for you to encourage your clients to interact with your brand. It is also a way you can feature their images and create a dialogue around your products or services. When you choose a hashtag, try to choose one that isn’t already in use, that relates to your brand, that people can spell easily, and that isn’t too long. Be sure to use your hashtag in your posts when applicable and encourage others to use it as well.



CURATE This is a visual platform! The number one thing that will attract people to want to follow your feed is beautiful and captivating imagery. Think of Instagram as your social portfolio and I don’t mean social as in who you hung out with last night, I mean this is the place where people are beginning to go even before websites and Facebook to see your images. This is the front line for portfolios these days. If it isn’t curated, likely your viewers will move along. Now, that is not to say you cannot include your personal life (social life) but if and when you do it needs to be of the caliber that your professional images are. Instagram is no longer a "post as it happens" platform where only iPhone photos are acceptable. Instagram is the place everyone is going to see dream lives and perfect images. Even the images that are user generated are carefully selected to represent the brands posting them best. Take Nike for example, they will post images from their clients, but they are only choosing the ones that best represent their brand and match their feed. (Feed: your Instagram portfolio—called a feed because every time you post an image the algorithm will take it and show it in other people’s feeds.) So make sure the content is interesting, the lighting is appealing, and the editing is your style. Also take into consideration things like how do the colors on your feed interact, is the toning constant, am I mixing it up visually but does everything flow together offering a beautifully curated feed.




CAPTIONS Captions are a way you can really show off your brand and business personality. You want your captions to have a consistent and appealing voice for your target market. Ideal captions will be interesting, informative, and inspiring. It is also important that you are giving your potential clients a way to interact with you. You do not want it to always be a call to action, you want it to be a dialogue. Ask them a question, or give them a direction to like the image and tag a friend. Interaction is key for the Instagram algorithm. Again, going back to your goals for your Instagram account, you have to know what your intentions for your captions should be. These should be in line with your business strategies as these captions are the way in which you are speaking to your potential clients. Things to consider when writing engaging Instagram captions are: why would my ideal client like or find this caption engaging, is it helping my ideal clients in anyway, does it explain who you are or what you do, and is it inspiring? If you ask yourself these questions before you write a post, you are way more likely to get engagement, and with more engagement you are more likely to be in front of your target audience.


BE SOCIAL Instagram has the highest engagement of all of the social platforms, it is the fastest growing, and it is the best place to invest your time if your target audience is there. Hundreds of people can make magic for you if you know how to create trust and bring them on a journey with you. Instagram is really about community. It is a place where you have to interact with people in order to grow your following. You need to be out there talking to them, commenting on their feeds, showing up in places they are looking, and starting conversations with them. You have to comment back when they comment to you, you have to go out and visit their profiles when they like yours and make comments on it, you have to show them that you are here for them and that you care! Know who you are targeting, what they want to see and how you are going to convey that to your ideal clients.





STORIES Snapchat but in Instagram. This feature is HUGE for businesses. It is a place where you can let loose a little and really show off your true personality. It is a way in which you do not have to be completely curated because it isn’t permanently in your portfolio. That said, you now can use your favorite branded stories and keep them on your portfolio under “story highlights.” Instagram has approximately 200 million people using stories every day! What is much more powerful is that one in five stories will get a direct message from the views and 70% of them are watched with the sound on which is a much higher number than Facebook. So what are some ideas for Instagram stories? Show off a new product you just got into your studio, show off the restaurant or city you are visiting, create a short nugget that would help your clients solve a problem or answer a question they have, show off your personality by talking about and taking pics of your favorite things, use it to do some behind the scenes or a quick video when you arrive onto your shooting site for the day, create a call to action, demo a how-to, do a shout out.


CONSISTENCY Users not only want to follow accounts that are active and post regularly, but they want to know what to expect when they follow people. So don’t edit the image dark and moody one day and then bright and airy the next, because the user following those types of images might be completely different. Also, stick to a content schedule and post about those things consistently. For example, if you were a florist maybe twice a week you posted a piece you designed, but then you also featured what is growing locally that season on another day, your coffee one day, and finally the store cat a different day. People will begin to expect you to post the store cat once a week, your new favorite coffee spot, and gorgeous floral arrangements. Tell them what to expect and deliver consistently appealing imagery for them to consume. As mentioned before you have to also be providing them enticing captions because in this day and age just getting a like isn’t enough…interaction is king.




Where else can you have...

this much fun? 25

PPANE Image Competition Winners:

1st Place: Ella Carlson from MA 2nd Place: Jen Hargrove from WY 3rd Place Sandra Miner from ME CPP Award Ella Carlson from MA

Congratulations! Images Featured at a later date after IPC & GIAs.

Thank You our Jury Panel! We appreciate your time, dedication and committment to image competition.

Precon Fun!


NEIPP 2018 Everyone IS A WINNER!

Alumni News

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the NEIPP Alumni scholarships by purchasing tickets and taking a chance on being a winner. The NEIPP Alumni collects money at school each year and the vast majority of it goes right back to current NEIPP students in scholarships. Many of us got our start with the help of those who came before. We all have gained so much from our time at NEIPP; lifetime friendships and the chance to meet and study with some of the best most talented and creative individuals in the world of photography. Now it’s time to go out in the world and put to use what we have learned. Scholarship winners MUST sign up for NEIPP 2019 as soon as possible. Courses and instructors will be announced soon. Watch for magazine, eblast and Facebook posts!

NEIPP 2019 Scholarships Winners: Rita Paul Mark Powers Lauren Clough

Alternates: Lisa Fischer Emily Small Lauri West Erin MacNamara Felicia Murray Crystal Reynolds

Be well and take some wonderful photos! Mark Haskell

Alumni Treasurer 51 Pearl Street Camden, Maine 04843 cell 207-557-0452 27

NEIPP is Moving... To Devens Commons in Devens, MA Where every room is a suite.

Long Branch is a small city on New Jersey’s iconic Jersey Shore. It’s a microcosm of any big city. You’ll find pockets of urban development, beautiful beaches, a growing arts community, subsidized housing, beachfront Victorian mansions, lots of shopping and dining opportunities, and a variety of colorful cultures and ethnicities. When the Long Branch Public Library planned its centennial anniversary, local photographer, Andrea Phox was called in to celebrate the event. She created the exhibition “Shine: 100 Women of Long Branch” and organized a demanding photographic challenge to make one hundred unique portraits of 100 women who live or work in Long Branch. As she progressed, the exhibition took on a life of its own inciting passion in her town and ultimately brought over 400 people to the opening and over 1,700 people who viewed Shine:100 Women during its three month run. Master Photographer, Certified Professional Photographer, and maker of several PPA Loan images, Phox, began her career in the 1980’s as a union camera assistant, specializing in assisting the Steadicam system in the New York Motion Picture Industry. After 25 years in New York City, she set her sights on a smaller metropolis and has spent the last 16 years photographing families, 29

Images & Story by: Andrea Phox, M.Photog., CPP

landscapes, businesses and commercial imagery in and around her hometown of Long Branch. Her experience and roots here have given her a unique perspective of the rich mosaic that defines this pretty city on the beach. Brought up Jewish, Phox embraces the traditions of her heritage as well as those of her African American husband of 18 years. Inequities and injustices driven by cultural differences began troubling Phox at a young age. In her New York City public elementary school in the 1960’s Phox’s teacher announced that black kids would be coming in from Harlem. Each child in the classroom was told to pick one of the newcomers and spy on them for any suspicious behavior. Phox found the teacher’s instructions offensive. She ran home and announced that she would be defying the order. She and her mother marched into school the next day to make their case. Ultimately, the teacher was transferred.


Controversy over race and socioeconomic differences is more intense than ever due to the explosive political climate. Phox’s experience with diversity finds her rejecting the melting pot theory of blending and homogenizing cultures. Rather she prefers the salad bowl effect - each ethnicity keeps their flavor while embracing that of the others’. In Shine:100 Women

of Long Branch, Phox saw an opportunity; in fact, felt an obligation to enlighten and bridge the divide in her own surroundings. Having seen all walks of life in Long Branch through an artist’s eyes, she recognized extraordinary beauty in each distinct culture. However, being a portrait photographer, Phox was all too familiar with the self-effacing nature of her subjects, particularly women.

“of who we are, and I see it all the time: ‘can you smooth my wrinkles, tighten my arms, slim my hips,’ we are limited in our ability to see the beauty in others.”

sessions, I work with women to help them see themselves the way I do: beautiful in their human, natural unassuming state.”

Phox takes women from all walks of life and unites them in their female form. Shine 100’s participants include black belts and ballerinas, funeral directors and dulas, Reverends and the LGBTQ community while representing every race in Long Branch. “As long as we are fearful of “The world needs exactly more The photographs embody the our own image,” says Phox, of that” Phox says. “During my delicate balance of embracing She set out to evoke enough confidence in the women she photographed so they would become secure and willing to fully appreciate and embrace those different from themselves.


her subjects’ uniqueness while celebrating their similarity. “Art is the great equalizer” says Phox. “Shine’s 100 portraits capture a moment in the lives of women from age 18-96, rich and poor, fancy and plain, from all over the world. The project is about the feminine light within that ultimately, equally unites us all.”

the show and instrumental in raising the money needed for Shine’s completion. Phox committed any additional money raised beyond Shine’s cost was to be contributed to the Long Branch Library and a local charity dedicated to protect battered women and families, 180 Turning lives Around. Shine ultimately raised $15,000 and was able As “Shine” reached the to give generously. threshold of 35 completed portraits, Phox gained the During the 16 month project, support of a few women Phox learned that her she photographed for the subjects had more in common project. These women were than she anticipated. Most committed to the success of felt unattractive, disliked

some aspect of their bodies and became self conscious at the prospect of being photographed. The consistent self effacement spoke volumes to her regarding the pressures women felt, across cultures, to stay young, beautiful, thin, sexy and just plain desireable. In reaction to that pervasive negativity, Phox photographed each woman in a manner that would allow her to see her unique beauty, while simultaneously linking the women together - In terms of the community they live in, yes. But more significantly in the knowing that they were

each vulnerable and beautiful regardless of age, race, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status.

brochure of short bios served as a map to accompany the viewer’s journey through the photographs.

The next step was to engage the community in breaking down their own barriers so they too could appreciate the diversity in Long Branch. Each woman was assigned a number that was displayed next to her image. This action, as well as the black and white medium Phox chose, was intended to minimize the women’s individuality and homogenize them in this historic context. A

To learn more about the intriguing images as they milled about, attendees matched the photo number to the bio and read about the woman. Instead of merely observing the photographs in the usual passive gallery experience, Phox’s intention was that the viewer would participate in the show in a manner that mirrored the experience of breaking down

barriers. Guests of the show were challenged to examine their initial assumptions by making the effort to learn about what they saw and then compare them to any first impressions. Breaking down barriers through the feminine form in her own small city is only the beginning in Phox’s bigger picture. “Art gives the gift of a new way of seeing. An enlightened perspective that permits us to fully appreciate the lifestyle, color and nuance of other’s worlds.” 33

In a country sorely divided by race, economics and gender, Phox recognizes that what started in her small city on the beach is a microcosm of what will ultimately change the world. A bit of a dreamer, perhaps. The principle is simple: love yourself, be courageous enough to see outside yourself. Using feminine imagery as the medium, Phox shares her belief that individuality is to be embraced, differences are to be celebrated. When we let go of preconceived notions, we find strength in the common ground. Empowering and liberating. Game. Changer.

SHINE:100 Women of Long Branch opened November 3rd to great success with over 400 people attending the opening reception. It was originally scheduled to be up for two months but due to popular demand, the Long Branch Public Library requested the show be open for an additional month. Towards the end of the exhibition, January 28, 2017, Phox initiated an event “After Shine: the panel discussion” which explored the impact of the project on the community at large, 50 people attended that day. In addition Phox and two of Shine’s 100, #001, Tara Sullivan, Writer and Librarian

and myself, #096 Sandra Benedict, have begun “After Shine: the podcast” and are recording our introductory podcast at time of this writing. Some of the other 100 participants are forming an an auxiliary group called “Shine On” to perform community service like beach cleanup and collecting for scholarships for our graduating High School seniors. Andrea’s book on this project can be found by clicking here. You can also see more of Andrea’s work at

© Alan Kirby

“Whoo’s Got the Key” was entered and Loaned in the artist category in PPA’s IPC. This went through State and District competition as a more abstract image of just the face area with wings on it. It merited but not high enough to be eligible for Loan consideration. I decided to rework it. There were two areas that look like they might be a good place to put eyes, so I created eyes (it’s not as hard as you might think) and started there. The fur just took a lot of hand-painting with the brush tool and mixer brush tool in Photoshop. I made just the face originally and then decided to add the body to make it more interesting (higher degree of difficulty for the artist category). The key and the string were then photographed, put in to give the owl-like creature something to hold on to and friend, Nylora Bruleigh, gave me the title for this one. I have a movie the progression of this image at: http://www.ellaprints. com/movies/WGTK.mp4

On the Cover “Whoo’s Got the Key” Maker Ella Carlson, M.Photog.M.Artist, CPP, EA-ASP, C.Ph. Dunstable, Massachusetts

Tools & Technique

It started with a photograph of a tea pot. Handpainting in Photoshop using the brush and mixer brush tools. 35

“Somewhere in the Woods”

© Nancy Green

The title came to me when


someone asked where I took it. Nancy Green, M.Photog., Cr., CPP I replied, “oh, somewhere in the Carver, Massachusetts woods.” Hey, that’s a great title!

Tools & Technique It was taken with a Nikon D800 camera and 24-70 mm Nikon lens. Exposure was 1/60 second, f11 at ISO 400. Post production was all through Photoshop, no actions applied. It’s simple and beautiful.

LOAN IMAGES The images featured on the cover and the next few pages represent images from PPANE members that were accepted into the prestigious Loan Collection in PPA’s 2017 International Photographic Competition. These are just a sampling of images. More PPANE member Loan images will be featured in future issues. Would you like to see yours featured. Be sure to send them to Loan images are considered the “best of the best.” To learn more about this competition, go to


“Bright Eyed Future”

This image is from a studio session of a seven month old baby girl. This Maker child’s eyes were so amazing that I Ed Pedi, M.Photog., Cr., CPP wanted to focus (no pun intended) on North Andover, Massachusetts them. I cropped the image pretty tight to her face to avoid distractions and to have her eyes be the most prominent aspect of the image; hence the title: Bright Eyed Future. Camera & Lens: Canon 5D Mark III, 70-200mm 2.8 lens Exposure: 1/125 second at f/6.3, ISO 100 Lighting: Main light - Photogenic 2500 in a 3’x4’ Larson Soffbox at f/6.3; Accent light – Photogenic in a 4’x6’ Larson Soffbox at f/5.0; Background light (overhead) Photogenic in a Larson Strip 1’x4’ at f/6.3; 4’x6’ reflector used for fill. Background: Shot in studio with Maheu Pastel Forest background. Post-Capture: Image converted to Black & White with NIK Silver Efex. Various Photoshop adjustments were used for creative enhancement to lose detail in background and enhance the subject. This image was accepted into the PPAs 2017 Loan Collection.


© Ella Carlson

Image Competition Beyond the Basics

Image & Story by: Ella Carlson, M.Photog.M.Artist.Cr., CPP, EA-ASP, C.Ph.

Y 38

ou all know you can enter four images per year in each of the two Professional Photographers of America’s IPC competition: Photographic Open and Artist. There have been a large number of changes lately that may still be confusing to many of us. Even the composition of the judging panel has changed. Last year, PPA started using five judges per pane plus a jury chair rather than 6. This speeds up the judging process a bit because there aren’t as many judges to express an opinion during a challenge. It also cuts down costs for competition as well, since there is one less judge to house and feed.

First of all, many people start by entering competition in their state. Most states strive to pick wellqualified juries that will give entrants a fair idea of what they might expect in further competitions, but it doesn’t always work out that way. This is not mathematics. Judging is a subjective sport and results may vary...widely. I personally have had an image score 100 at the state level and not even merit in either District or IPC competition. I know another maker who scored a 98 with an album at state level, entered it and it did not merit at IPC one year. She entered the same exact album the next year and it Loaned and was nominated for a GIA. So again, results may, and often do, vary. Districts just finished up a couple few ago. In case you don’t know, there are five districts in North America which divide the United States and Canada somewhat equally. We, here in New England, are in the Northeast District, which includes the US as far away as Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Northeast Canada. We enter one or both of the NE District categories to get a sense of how our images will do in the allencompassing IPC competition in August. If you entered our District competition and scored over 80 on any image, you have what is called a “seal.” This means you can and must send the image on to IPC by the deadline this summer in order to convert the seal to a print (or exhibition) merit. Once you earn 13 exhibition merits and 12 merits of any other kind (service, speaking or more exhibition) then you qualify for your Master Photographer degree. It works the same for the artist degree. You need 13 artist exhibition merits and 12 other merits to get the Master Artist degree. You don’t have to enter Districts. You have the option of entering just IPC, but it’s often very valuable to have the feedback from the district competitions to know how to edit your images to receive higher scores. Any images that aren’t entered into Districts first will be judged for a score at IPC before going on for any further judging. 39

There are three levels of IPC: Scoring

(Your image will skip this step if you seal and you don’t “break the seal.”)

Loan Judging

(Only for images scoring 85-94. Imaging scoring 95 or above automatically Loan)

Grand Imaging Award (GIA) (Judges are only needed to break ties in the case of the highest scoring images)

Breaking a Seal

Breaking a seal happens when you take an image that has scored 80 or above and you make changes. You can edit the image and reenter it, or you may decide to replace it completely with a new image. It doesn’t matter how much editing you do, even if you just change the name of the image, you’ve broken the seal and are no longer guaranteed a merit at IPC.

Recent Changes

There are a couple of new twists in competition. One is that any image that scores 80-84 will not be judged for Loan status. Loan status is a higher award than a simple merit and Loan images earn two image/exhibition merits rather than one. Images that earn a score of 85-94 will go before a Loan panel and the panel decides whether or not the image is worthy of Loan status. Loan images are published in a book called the Loan Collection (shown at right). Each of the IPC judges have a number of tokens in their pockets while they judge. If an image does not reach Loan status, every judge can use one of his/her tokens to put the image into the Showcase Book (also shown at right). The image doesn’t get an extra merit, but it will also be published in that book. Any image that scores 95 or above will automatically reach Loan status, but remember - if you scored that 95+ at Districts, you still must enter it in IPC to complete the process. There is another level to IPC past the Loan or merit judging and it’s been developed over the past seven or eight years. It’s called the Grand Imaging Awards (GIA). The images that score at the very top end of their categories can qualify for a GIA 40

(both Published by Marathon Press)

nomination. Right now GIA’s are determined by the score they receive at the IPC. If there are two images that score 100, for instance, then the judges will make the decision about the winner. Another change this year is that the use of any trademarked or copyrighted materials in a competition image is an issue. For instance, if you enter an image of a four year old in a Wonder Woman custome, you have used trademarked material in your image. The same goes for a football with the brand name on it, etc. Your image will still be judged as before, but it cannot be published or appear in any PPA or IPC publications or online material. In other words, you will never see your image in the Loan Book. If you have questions about competition, there are videos and more details on the website and you can always ask an affiliate juror (judge) or a juror in training.

IPC - International Photographic Competition Ready For Some Real Photo Competition? Deadlines for IPC are: Judging Dates: August 5-8, 2018 Entries Open: May 23, 2018 Early Deadline (without late fee): June 27, 2018 Late Deadline (late fee required): July 11, 2018


The manager of the IPC and District competitions, Rich Newell, receives a lot of questions about the program, and recently he published a helpful Facebook post on the International Photographic Competition page filled with answers. Now, we’re making it a Facebook Note, so you can reference it in future and find it easily! Take it away, Rich... Backgrounds: All photographic elements are to be made by the entrant. Painted digital backgrounds, traditionally printed backgrounds, printed floors are allowed. Most brushes are allowed, unless they were created from a photograph. Photographic elements not captured by the Our top ten GIA awards are entrant are not allowed in the determined by the highest score. Photographic Open Category. Ties are broken by a panel of judges at IPC. Top ten finalists In the Artist category, the entrant will be announced following IPC is not required to be the maker and are encouraged to share this of all or any of the photographic achievement with their friends, elements. They must have family, and clients. Top 3 winners permission to use the elements if will be announced at the GIA they are not the copyright holder. award Ceremony at Imaging USA. Entry Fees: For the 2nd year in a row, entries are $125 for District World Photographic Cup (WPC) and $50 for IPC, if you entered your entrants are determined by the district competition. Previously WPC Team Captains and a panel Case fees were $95 for each. of photographers selected by the team captains. The panel chooses Website updates: PPA has the images most likely to score updated the registration and well in the WPC. Team USA has upload page to allow for a better won the World Photographic Cup member experience. You will two out of four years. In the latest notice larger thumbnails and the WPC Team, the USA put 11 of its 18 ability to zoom up on the images. images in the Top 10. Also in the My PPA/My Events/My Competition area, you will see the Rule Change: Images that, in Competitions, Critiques, Merited the good faith of the IPCC, are Images, and Past Competitions. deemed to infringe on copyright or trademarked shall be judged Broken Seals: In 2017 at IPC, there for merit and Loan if appropriate. were 229 broken seals. Entries deemed to infringe will not Higher score at IPC: 108 be disqualified, but may not be Lower score: 89 displayed or be published in the Same: 32 Loan Collection Book. This rule will Average # of points the score be in effect for all districts as well changed 2 as IPC. As you can imagine, we get a lot of questions about IPC. So to help bridge the communication gap, I have put together the following information. If you have any questions please email me at (PLEASE NOTE THE UPDATE RULE CHANGE)

Judge’s Workshop Class: If you are interested in becoming a PPA Approved juror, the Juror Review Committee has made some adjustments to the process. You will need your Master of Photography Degree at the start of the Judge’s Workshop Class for the class to count as one of your requirements. You will also need 25 exhibition merit at the time you apply to become a juror. Members that have already taken the class and are in the process of becoming a juror will be grandfathered in under the previous guidelines. General Information: The IPC committee meets at least twice a year to discuss results, rules, and to select jurors for the upcoming judging season. The committee looks at the previous year’s data and makes adjustments as needed. Their goal is to have a fair process for all members while maintaining the integrity of the Master of Photography Degree. The information listed above is part of the current rules and processes. They are subject to change, and PPA members will be informed as quickly as possible. Questions or feedback: If you have questions or constructive input, please send those to Rich Newell, IPC manager at rnewell@

For more information or to be a part of the International Photographic Competition Facebook page, go to: 42

Congratulations Ella Putney Carlson 2018 PPA Diamond Photographer of the Year Master Artist Category 2018 marks the third year Ella was named Diamond Photographer of the Year by PPA. This is no small feat. Diamond status is achieved when all four images entered in IPC are accepted into the Loan Collection, which was the case with Ella’s Master Artist entries. For her Photographic Open entries, Ella received Gold status, which is achieved when two entries are entered into the General Collection and the other two are accepted into the Loan Collection. We are fortunate to have Ella as a PPANE member and our current VP of Communications.

2018 PPA Gold Medalist Photographic Open


Congratulations Ed Pedi 2018 Recipient of the Helen K. Yancy Award The Helen K. Yancy Award is be presented to individuals for distinguished service to photography. The Award is a token of high esteem to an individual who by their ability, ingenuity and gracious sharing of talents has bequeathed to photography an achievement of service of far reaching value. The award is not necessarily conferred each year, and a maximum of 25 may be given. Ed was presented with this prestigious award at Imaging USA 2018.

Grand Imaging Award 3rd Place Also at Imaging USA 2018, Ed received this Grand Imaging Award (GIA) in the High School Senior catergory for “The Finale.” For GIAs, IPC Jurors selected the top images in ten categories from PPA’s 2017 Loan Collection.


Congratulations Lauren DelVecchio Her image “Blow” represents Team USA in the 2018 World Cup Competition in the Portrait category. Lauren appears in the above image, back row, second in from the left. Watch PPA’s video featuring Team USA here. And the 2018 WPC winner is... Team USA! This is Team USA’s 3rd win. Congratulations to all. 45

MPPA Convention Wrap Up The Maine Photographic Exposition & Convention was held in Portland, Maine on March 16th18th with speakers from around the US including Linda Long, Bryan Welsh, Jim LaSala, and Brooke Shaden. It was our best convention to date! It included a bonus day after the convention with more from Brooke Shaden. The MPPA convention included a packed trade show floor with our amazing event sponsors from Hunts Photo & Video, H&H, ACI, Sony, MOAB, PPA, NEIPP and many more who came to support the trade show event. We are looking forward to next years convention already! Mark your calendars for March 15-17, 2019!


PPAM Convention Wrap Up Photographic Excellence Award Cathy Broderick Courts of Honor Portrait - “Librarian’s Day Off” by Cathy Broderick Wedding - “Almost Time” by Dan Doke Illustrative/Unclassified - “Elegant Egret” by Karen McCall Landscape - “Superstitions” by Michael Petrizzo Conceptual Imaging - "Altered Trees" by Nancy Green Out of State – “Drip” by Erich Caparas Highest Scoring Image by CPP “Librarian’s Day Off” by Cathy Broderick Highest Scoring Image by ASP Member “Snow White” by Ed Pedi Highest Scoring image by First Time Entrant “On Point” by Patti Driscoll Highest Scoring Print, Sponsored by ACI “Librarian’s Day Off” by Cathy Broderick WOW Award sponsored by WHCC “Librarian’s Day Off” Cathy Broderick Nikon Capture the Light Award “Shades and Shadows” by Keith Berry Creative Theme “Dreaming"- Karen McCall Specialty Award “Lunch on the Fly” by Yedi Koeshendi Master’s Choice “Beach Chair” by Michael Petrizzo 48

NHPPA Convention Wrap Up NEW HAMPSHIRE: At the 59th Annual Conference, April 20-23, 2018, the new board was sworn in and will begin to assume their roles beginning on June 1st. NHPPA welcomes Jim Carlen, M.Photog., CPP. A.C.Ph. (shown to the right) as our incoming president.

Photographer of the Year was awarded to Mark Stevens, M.Photog.Cr., A.C.Ph. (shown to the left). Congratulations to Mark for his outstanding body of work that included a Masters Court of Honor-Illustrative, two Judge’s Choice Awards, a Top 5 Case Award, a 5 for 5 Award, and ACI Album of the Year!

The National Award was presented to Jean Wozniak, M.Photog., CPP, D.C.Ph. (shown to the left) for her dedication to the industry. Congratulations Jean!

Top 5 Case Awards went to: Mark Stevens, M.Photog.Cr., A.C.Ph.; Scott Snyder, M.Photog.; John Malboeuf, A.C.Ph.; Samantha Deschamps; and Jean Wozniak, M.Photog., CPP, D.C.Ph. 5 for 5 Awards went to: Mark Stevens, M.Photog.Cr., A.C.Ph. ; Scott Snyder, M.Photog.; Ella Carlson, M.Photog.M.Artist. Cr., CPP, EA-ASP, C.Ph.; and Robert Smith Other awards were awarded as follows: Masters Court of Honor-Portrait: Yedi Koeshendi, M.Photog., Masters Court of Honor-Illustrative: Mark Stevens, M.Photog.Cr., A.C.Ph., Richmond Pro Lab First-Time Entrant: Shawn Pierce, Court of Honor-Portrait: Samantha Deschamps, Court of HonorCommercial: Shawn Pierce, Court of Honor-Illustrative: Carin D’Abrosca, C.Ph., Court of Honor-Out of State: Doug Bennett, M.Photog.Cr., CPP Award & ASP Elite Award: Jean Wozniak, M.Photog., CPP, D.C.Ph., ACI Creative Challenge Award: Kris Dobbins, CPP, Miller’s Peoples’ Choice Award: Samantha Deschamps, ACI Album of the Year: Mark Stevens, M.Photog.Cr., A.C.Ph., Lenzart Best of Show Award: John Malboeuf, A.C.Ph., Judge’s Choice Awards went to: Mark Stevens, M.Photog.Cr., A.C.Ph. (2), Carin D’Abrosca, C.Ph., Shawn Pierce, John Malboeuf, A.C.Ph., and Jean Wozniak, M.Photog., CPP, D.C.Ph. Congratulations to all of you for all of your hard work and your amazing images!! 49

PPARI Convention Wrap-up Our 65th annual convention was held March 2nd - 4th in Warwick, RI and the theme was “Putting Yourself on the Our 65th annual convention was held March 2nd – 4th in Warwick, RI and the theme was “Putting yourself on the Map.” We We heard great business strategies from Trish Logan, helpful real estate photography advice from Rick Hydren, map”. heard great business strategies from Trish Logan, helpful Real Estate Photography advice from Rick and our Sunday full-day program with Melanie Anderson was all about business management, pricing, and finding Hydran, and our Sunday full-day program with Melony Anderson was all about Business Management, Pricing, your inspiration. And, your as always, we enjoyed ourhanging photographer friends! and Finding inspiration. And, ashanging always,out we with enjoyed out with our photographer friends! To learn PPARI, please or find us Facebook! on FaceBook! To learn moremore aboutabout PPARI, please visitvisit or find us on

Below few winners our image competition some party photos! Below are aare fewa winners fromfrom our image competition andand thenthen some party photos!

Windswept by Paul Vacario Masters Court of Honor: Portrait

Seasons Change by Gary Thibeault Masters Court of Honor: Best of Show, Illustrative, and CPP Award

Bob Gallo is given the PPA National Award!


Twisted Ring by Phil Frink Non Masters Court of Honor: Commercial

NE Affiliate Happenings

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events June 21, 2018 Old Orchard Beach, ME

Fireworks & Friends Walkabout

Fall Seminar November 4, 2018

Body Beautiful Lindsay Adler

September 5, 2018

Storytelling Portraits How to Document the Lives of Children & Families

July 12, 2018 Scarborough, ME

Upcoming Events September 24, 2018 Mansfield, MA

Personal Projects: Why, How & How to Make Money Doing Them Bob Coates

Landscapes Charlie Widdis

Click Here For a full list of upcoming programs

Paula Swift

Click Here For a full list of monthly meeting speakers

Upcoming Events June 25, 2018 Southington, CT

How to Make Your Photos POP with Adobe Camera Raw (ACR)

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

June 23, 2018 Warwick, RI

Introduction to Creating for Print Competition Judy Reinford

Lisa Cuchara


Posing Chair - $25 Bellow Shade for Medium Format with Tallon Soft Focus Filters - $20 Contact: Joe Dunn (978)-866-5181

More Big News Coming Stay Connected to Find Out!


PPANE Member Ads Have a workshop or Class You’re Teaching? Offer an Industry Related Product or Service? Promote Them in an Ad Here. Workshops or classes cannot conflict with NEIPP and will be approved by the Board. Contact Jean Wozniak, PPANE Publications Editor for details and specs.

PPANE Book Nook Books published by PPANE Members Award-winning photographer and accomplished instructor Ella Putney Carlson provides a comprehensive guide to using photographs to make art using the Photoshop software. Readers will learn the creative process of making art that can be used with most raster graphics editing software. Readers will learn how to transform initial image captures into a series of art work— in addition to specific transformative techniques and constructive concepts that help build unique images. Carlson reveals and details the inspiration for image series, how new Ella Carlson images are assembled from original captures, layer mode techniques, M.Photog.M.Artist.Cr., and painting-layers-in methods. In addition, she covers piecing image CPP, EA-ASP, C.Ph. selections, maintaining lighting consistency, delight and worth of artistic series, and much more.

Lisa and Tom Cuchara see the beauty in decay and abandonment. In this book, they take you on a guided journey of historic, grand, dramatic, and unique locations and provide tips to help you capture creative fine-art photographs of rusty, dusty subjects and locations. In this book, you’ll find a plethora of urban exploration images and discover the processes used to create each one. You’ll learn how to capture HDR images, create long-exposure photos, Lisa Cuchara and paint with light. You’ll also learn how to approach challenging locations, deal with high contrast scenes, create stitched HDR Ph.D., Cr.Photog., HonNEC Tom Cuchara panoramics, and produce light and shadow effects. The authors share the gear that was used, the camera settings, the story behind the scene, and how they pre-visualized their images and looked for light (or created it) in each location. This book will inspire you to visit new “old” places and to get to know them well enough to tell their story.

Biomedical sciences professor Lisa Cuchara fell head-overheels in love with frogs the first time she and her photographer husband Tom were invited to photograph a red-eyed tree frog. Before long, the couple was clearing out their space in their home for terrariums full of well-loved amphibians! As it turned out, Lisa’s uncanny ability to put frogs at ease set the couple on a new creative path: producing whimsical frog portraits. Through Lisa Cuchara patience, care―and plenty of snacks!―they have been able to achieve incredible images while keeping their animal friends Ph.D., Cr.Photog., HonNEC Tom Cuchara totally content. In fact, some of their frogs now know that they will fed after being taken out of their terrarium―so they sign to Lisa and Tom or smush their faces up to the glass, wanting to be photographed! Whether sitting quietly on a flower or humorously interacting with a carefully selected prop, these frogs are sure to bring a smile to the face of any animal lover.


PPANE Book Nook Books published by PPANE Members Though children’s portraiture is a sub genre of portraiture and relies upon many of the same techniques used to photograph adults and families, working with children and fine-tuning your approach to bring out the best in your young subjects requires a somewhat different methodology. You must ensure that your subjects are engaged in the session, receptive, and simultaneously must respect and capture the essence of their brimming personalities in each frame. In this book, seasoned pro Ed Pedi teaches you simple techniques for producing timeless children’s portraiture. He presents step-by-step techniques for creating effective, flattering lighting in the studio and on location and shares detailed lighting diagrams that make replicating this Ed Pedi setups a snap. He also outlines kid-friendly poses suitable to traditional M.Photog.Cr., CPP portraits of children of all ages and offers tips on connecting with children to elicit must-capture expressions parents are sure to love.

Acclaimed photographer Ed Pedi shows you how to design family portraits that will be treasured across the decades. Beginning with location selection, Pedi shows you how to find backgrounds that suit the family’s character, whether the image is planned for outdoors, in the studio, or at the client’s home. Then, he shows how to pose the family (including the extended family, in many cases) to flatter each subject and show the relationships between the individuals. The final addition to the mix is lighting—a real challenge when larger groups are involved. Pedi demonstrates how you can handle this deftly with sunlight, interior lights, or studio lights, as well as in mixed-light situations. Packed with timeless images and practical approaches, this book is a handy reference for photographers who want to create images that will stand the test of time.

Ed Pedi

M.Photog.Cr., CPP

Have a book we don’t know about? Let us know! Contact PPANE Publications Editor: Jean Wozniak


PPANE Book Nook Books published by PPANE Members Mind Blown is the perfect book for anyone brand new to school photography or just thinking about jumping in. In fact it’s the MUST-have book for “when you don’t know, what you don’t know.” In Mind Blown, Trish takes you through the school photography process from finding schools, to getting contracts. You’ll also learn what products to offer and when. She’ll tell you what you need for gear and much, much more. You’ll be learning how to stay organized and work with staff, students and even special kids too. Her simple explanations, clear text and fun graphics are exactly what you need to demystify the volume business.

Trish Logan

Cr.Photog. Not sure what’s inside? Check out the table of contents, and get a sneak peek of just a few of the book’s pages. (To save you shipping, handling and any wait time, you will recieve everything in PDF form so you can dig in and start to enjoy immediately!)

We know you’ll also enjoy the mini two book bonus as well! Nowhere to Go But Up, is a forward to Mind Blown. In this mini you’ll get the inside scoop on how Trish got started and learn more about how she entered the world of volume photography. 10 Bold Tips is a great mini read that has been downloaded by thousands of photographers and entrepreneurs. We know it will inspire you and get you started on the road to “Minding Your Own Business.” Take these fun BOLD tips and incorporate them into the way you work every day! Trish’s “Mind Blown: Unleashing Volume In Your Business” gives a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know to start expanding into volume sales. You won’t regret making this educational investment that includes all of the little details that give you a solid foundation for the things you don’t know that you need to know. ~ Carl C., New York PROMO CODE: SAVE$20NOW

Have a book we don’t know about? Let us know! Contact PPANE Publications Editor: Jean Wozniak


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