“ It’s a tribute to Pennsylvania Masons that they recognized the need to preserve their heritage.” As both a Freemason and a retired librarian, Brother Carl Doan is very aware of the benefits of the Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania. “It’s important to preserve Masonic history, with Freemasonry being the oldest fraternal organization in the world,” he said. “We have such a great and long history, it’s both natural and necessary for Masonry to have a museum to store and display artifacts, as well as a library to hold our written legacy. We celebrate our past and should do everything we can to preserve it.” 4
Carl lives in New Jersey now, but he grew up in Pennsylvania. While a student at Elizabethtown College in the 1970s, Carl catalogued historic homes and buildings in Marietta, PA, for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. Last year, Carl was contacted by a professor at Elizabethtown College who was teaching a course where students worked with Marietta officials to recognize historic structures and promote the town. The students found some of Carl’s earlier work and reached out to him.