The Pennsylvania Freemason - Summer 1969

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R. W. Grand Master Calls for Renewal of Spirit of Charity

Dear Brethren:

One of the difficult tasks a Grand Master has to perform is to personally urge every Mason to make a contribution to the Guest Fund at the Masonic Homes.

For instance , it is my task to remind Pennsylvania Masons that we need $50 0 ,000.00 in the Guest Fund this year.

This figure- was not drawn out of a hat. It is money needed to make your Masonic Homes a "Home" anrl _ not just another institution.

Last year, 22 per cent of our members contribbuted $315 ,419.00 . If the other 78 per cent would make a special effort this year, we would reach the goal of $50 0 ,000.00.

I am sure we face the future with confidence. I am confident that Pennsylvania Masons will understand the problem and meet the need.

Let us recognize that we are faced with an inflationary economy at our Masonic Homes.

This calls fo r a renewal of the great spirit of charity

Let us face the challenge with determination and confidence, according to I Corinthians 13: 13: " And n ow abideth faith, hope, charity, these three ; but the greatest of these is charity."

In addition to the appeal in yo ur Lodge Notice , I am also sending a lett er direct to every Member of the Masonic F raternity in this Jurisdiction to be sure that every Mason ha s been contacted. I urge yo u to please respond to one of these appeals.

Sincerely and fraternally,

'Guest Fund' Goal Set



b ethtown, P e nnsylvan a

Vol. XVI August , 1969 No 3

3Jn jlflemort am


Bro. Cl arence C R e in eke, D istrict Deputy Grand M ast er for the 14t h Masonic Di strict, was killed in a h eadon a utomo bi le collisio n o n June 3

w hile on his way to _ the Qua rte rl y Communication of Gra nd ;;;;;; L odge a t the M aof the state pe ned. sonic H omes, Eli zab ethtow n His w ife was seriously inj ured i n the cr ash. Th ey were a sho rt d ista nc e from their home at L a keville, n ear H awley, in t he northeast section when th e accident h ap -

Bro. R ei n e k e was appoi nte d a Di strict D eputy G rand M aster on M ay 2 1, 1966, v ice Bro. Clyde M. Canou se, who had passed away

He was made a M ason in H awley Lodge , N o. 3 05 , in 1939 an d ser ved as Wors h ipful M aster of th e L odge in 1943. H e a lso was a member o f Anthony W ayn e Roy a l Arch Chapter, No 204, a nd S avo n a C omma ndery, N o. 89 Bro. R eine k e was born M ay 24 19 18 . H e was se lf- em ployed as a sonr y co ntrac tor .

From Our Grand Secretary's Office

Q ua r terly Commu nicatio n, June 4, 1969

! he spacio us a nd comfort able D eike Au dit orium at the M asonic Homes at fi ll ed to ca pacity by the l arge turn-out of Members for th1s Commumcatton.

All th e R. W . Past Grand Masters a n d most of the District Deputy Grand Masters were present.

T h e Landm arks Committee and Committee on F inan ce held their u sua l Qt_Jarte rl y meetings o n the pr ev ious day, while th e facilities available at the M asonic H om e s wer e discussed in detail a t the Dis tric t D e puties m eetin g on W, ed nesd ay morning; a lso the necess ity to obtain complete info rm ation relative to a ll app lica nts for a dto Homes, espec ia lly their specific physica l c ondition. A tour of the H omes was taken in the afternoon. Committee Re ports

Vari ous interestin g Committee and Trustee R ep?rt s were presented. M a ny L odges _co ntmu e t o up-date their ByLaws w1th the very capa ble assistance of the Co mmittee on By-Laws.

Th e Bud get Receipt s for the first six months of th e fiscal year exceeded the Expe nditur es by close to $150,000.

Upon the recommendation of the Committee o n Fi n a nc e, four re solution s were approv ed covering expenditures for n eeded equip ment and improvements , and a lso salary a djustments at the M ason ic Homes.

T h e Hos pita l a t the M aso nic H omes is now filled to ca p acity a nd as a result th e re is a waitin g list for admitta nc e of n ew Guest s w ho require Hosp ita l ca re

T we lve boys recently gra du a ted from the P a tto n School, a nd there are openin gs for a dditional students at t h e Applications s h o uld be filed as won as possible. throughout the JurISdictiOn contmu e to improve their L odge R ooms and associated facilities The Committee o n M asonic T emples, H a lls a nd Lodge Ro oms is a lways ava il a bl e for th ese proj ects.

A mendments to Ahlman R ezon

Two Am e ndm e nts were submitted and wi ll be acted upon at th e D ecember Qu arte rly.

It is proposed to amend Article XIII Section 3 4 , to lim it the t erm of newly elected members of t h e Commi ttee o n M asonic H omes to ten years This amendment woul d n o t a ffect th e present M embers of this Committee.

The pr oposed Amendment to Article X , Sec tio n 1 (Subsection 7), would permit .th e Lod ges, if they so desire, to remit the Gra nd L odge dues of M e mb er s w h o have b een i n good s t a ndin g for 50 year s or more.

Membership Statis tics

T he final M embers hip statistics for 1968 show a net loss of 2,057 While there were 5,3 16 ne w initiates, 6,203 deaths occurred a nd s u spension s continued h igh.

Th e meeting wa s co nducted by t he R. W G rand Master w ith dispatch, and as a result the ma ny Breth r e n present thorou g hly enjoyed the ens uing frat e rnizatio n and refreshment period that followed.

W e continue t o receive many thought-provoking lett ers from recipient s of F ifty Y ear E mblems . A recent one said in p art : "I think that n ext to being a n Am e rica n I am e qually proud that I am a M ason a nd w ill s urely en joy wear ing this Embl e m ."

Bro. William Brunton of George W Bartra m L odge, No 298, w ho received his F ifty Y ear Emb le m back in 1957 a nd is now 101, was happy to b e present when his son , Bro. Willia m E. Brunton, received h is Emblem r ecently in the sa me L odge.

Bro. and Dr. William B. Griggs, of J enkin town , who was made a M ason in H a rmo ny L odge, N o. 52 , back in 1905, was honored rec e ntly at H a hnemann M edical C o llege for h aving g radu ated from Hahn e m a nn 75 years ago Best of all, h e is s till active in h is profession.

Bro Earl H B esh in was m a de a M ason in No rt h Star L odge, N o. 24 1, in 1898 He r e cently celebrated his 99th birthday a nd still walks to his busy l aw offic e in W a rre n. H e was W ors hi p ful M aster i n 1902.

H ere's a noth e r rec o rd that is hard to match. Bro. H arr y H a rrison, a t age 101, was made a M ason on June 9, 1969 i n Risin g Star Lodge, No . 126.

As L awrence Welk says, "K eep a Song in yo ur H eart," a n d perhaps you can m atch some of the a bove f eat s

Fr atern a lly, Ashby B. P a u l R. W. Gra nd Secreta r y

'Guest Fund' Goal Set at $500,000

(Cont inued from Page 1)

devoted to the M asonic Homes at Eli zabethtown m an effort to show P ennsylva nia M ason s some of the many project s provided by contributi ons to the G uest Fund

Bro. Youn g pointed out tha t it would not b e possible to show p ict orially a ll t h e projects a n d programs provide d by this important Guest Fund. H e rela ted :

"Thi s is my last oppo rtunity as Grand Master to urge Penn sylva n ia Mas ons t o remember gene rously our G uests at the M asonic H omes

"It is our opportunit y t o practice one of the tenets of Free m aso nry - to be charitable."

Bro. Y o ung s p ecifica lly thanked P enn sylvani a M ason s for contributing $ 3 15,41 9.00 to the Gue st Fund l ast yea r .

H e s howed that approximately 22 per cent of the Membe r s contributed to th e fund last year - a n increase of $33,410.00 over the previous year.

The con tribution last yea r only equalled an average o f $1.27 a Member.

Bro Y o un g requested the 22 per cent of the membership who contributed last year to at least equ al t h eir la st year's gift.

H e made a special a ppe a l to the other 78 per cent of the membership w ho contributed nothing last year. H e urged :

" I rea l ize that we a ll cannot contribute equ a lly, but every M ason sh o uld make a special effort t o contribute something.

"In an e ffort to ke e p every M ason as fully informed as p ossibl e, you will note a se p arate story in this iss ue on the exp enditures of the Gue st Fund .

"You will also note th a t the total expenditures do not equal $ 500,000. This is understandable since this s um h as n ever been collected in on e year

"We need many things at the M asonic Homes, such as additiona l tr ans port ation facilities, increa se i n occupational and r e creational th e r a py, increase in t h e month l y spendin g allowances of Guests, physic a l therapy a nd many other projects

"It is not possible to m eet the need w ithout the a ddit iona l funds."


September Lodge Notices will include special, seHaddressed , postage-paid envelopes for convenience in parti ::ipating in the Guest Fund of the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown. Make your check payable to the Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, and mail as soon as possible in the envelope provided, or address your envelope to Guest Fund, Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022.

'Guest Fund' Makes Possible '... that extra something'

Gu est Fund expenditures at the Masonic H omes include :

• $ 88,000 for Guests' spe nding money Each Gues t at the Mason ic Home s is g iven $10 00 a month to use as he or sh e desire s This money prov ides small pleasures not nece s sari ly p rov ided by the Hom e s.

• $ 50,000 for t he Occupat ional Therapy Program This pro· gram provides instructors and mat e r ia ls for Guests to occupy th eir tim e with creative projects , such as leathe r and metal crafts , painting , jewelry, pottery crafts and m a ny o t hers This program includes Gu e sts p e rmanently confined to hosp ital b e ds

• $52 ,750 for Hol iday Gifts and Activities, such as Ch ri st· mas p resents and Ch ristmas p rograms, Easter treats , other holiday act iv it ies and holiday d a nces

• $25 ,000 to maintain Barber and Beauty Shops.

• $ 40,000 for Recrea t ion and Ente rtainm e nt, such a s movies , p icnics, bus ri des, ch ildren s music lessons school act iv i· t ies, including sum m er camp for the ch ildren

• $ 10 , 000 to Patton Ma sonic School a t Eli z abethtown to conduct its athletic program

• $ 28 ,500 for Audio-Visual Aids, in cl uding addit ional tele-

v1s 1on sets for the hospital with special inter-com ar· rangem e nts to b r oadcast church and other programs to those confined to the hosp ital.

• $ 6,000 for Rel igious Se rvice s, to compen s ate vis iting m in isters who conduct yea r-round re ligious services, such as Sunda y se rv ices in th e Se ll Chap e l w eekly praye r meet ings, visits with those confined to the hosp it al and burial service s. '

• $25 000 , to operate the Masonic Homes' s pecial bus , to operate t he Deike Aud itorium , th e Masonic Temple and Recreation Room ben e ath t he Deike Aud itorium , fo r spe· cia l cloth ing for Guests, including specia l d ress require· ments f o r tho se attending school at Elizabeth town.

T he n eed is great, for instance:

• Add itional tran s portation for Gues ts.

• Additional appropriat ion s to assist Patton School.

• Rep lacement of var ious canop ie s for special ou t-of-doors rest a reas for Gue sts .

• Increased mon t hly allowance s.

T he list is l ong, th e need is great. If the goa l of $500,0 00 can be reac h e d, many of the n ee d s can be provide d.

(Matth e w 6:21 )

A modern swimming pool for young and old alike, with life guards, instructors and necessary maintenance is provided out of Guest Fund.
Enjoying the solitude at the well-stocked fish pond with fishing t ackle furnished by the Guest Fund.
Guests helping themselves to a potted plant, from the new greenhouse, to take back to their rooms.
A comer of the Gift Shop where items made by the Guests in the Hobby-Craft Shop are for sale to visitors to the Homes.
The Guest Fund provides for barb er and facilities and that debona ir appearance.
The very popular beauty pa rlor and beauticians made possible by Guest Fund.
A fully-equipped ambulance, always ready and waiting t o accommodate the needs of the Guests, is just one of the several necessary items made possible by the Guest Fund.
Even wheelchair patients can enjoy an outing because of Guest Fund.
Guests, confined to hospital, also participate in the Hobby-Craft program made possible by the Guest Fund.
Guests lined up pape r bag in hand, and receiving sundry items provide d by the Guest Fund.
Recreational equipment, such as the popular sliding-board, shown above, are provided from funds in the Guest Fund.
The current magazine and book cart makes frequent stops at hospital rooms. Another Guest Fund extra.
Greeting card s and goodies brought right to the side of Guests c onfined to hospital, i s another Guest F und extra.

Four-month Itinerary of GRAND LODGE OFFICERS

Grand Lodge Offices have a busy schedule to the end of the year.

September 3- Grand Lodge Officers: Quarterly Communication, Masonic Temple Philadelphia.

September 6- Grand Master: lOOth Anniversary, Harford Lodge No. 445, Hop Bottom.

September 13-Grand Master: District Officers Meeting; Districts 23, 25 and 52, Franklin.

September 13-Grand Master: lOOth Anniv ersary, Harmony L odge, No. 429 , Zelien ople.

September 18-Grand Ma ster: lOOth Anniversary, Welcome Lodge , No. 453, Philadephia.

September 26-Grand Lodge Officers: Meeting, Committee on Masonic Homes, Elizabeth own.

September 27- Grand Master: lOOth Annive rsary , Mount Pickering Lodge No. 446, Upper Uwchlan

O ctober 3-Grand L o dge Officers: Public Ceremony, Lay Cornerstone Erie Unit, Shriners H o&pitals for Crippled Children.

October 4-Grand Master: District Officers Meeting; Districts 29, 31 and 43 , Washington.

October 4-Grand Master: lOOth Anniversary, Claysville Lodge, No. 447, Claysville.

October 11-Grand Mas ter: lOOth Anniversary, Z eredatha Lodge, No. 451, York.

October 1 8-Grand Master: District Officers Meeting, Districts 28, 35 and 51, Pittsburgh.

October 18-Grand M aster: lOOth Anniversary, Zar adatha L odge, No. 44 8, Sharpsburg.

October 2- Senior Grand W arden: 50th Anniversary, Euclid Loclge, No. 698, H a rris burg.

October 23-Grand Lodge Offi ce rs : oCnsultants Di nner, Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown.

October 24-Grand Lodge Officers: Meeting, Committee o n Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown.

October 25 - Grand Master: lOOth Ann ve rsary, Slatington Lodge, No. 440 , Slatington.

O ctober 3 1-Grand Master: lOOth Anniversa ry , Mary Commandary, No. 36, Philadelphia.

November 1-Gra nd Lodge Officers: Sp ecia Communication of Grand L odge; dedicate t he L odge Room of East McKeesport Lodge, No. 765, East McKee sport.

November 8-Grand Master: lSOt h Anniversary, E vergreen Lodge, No. 16 3, M onroeton.

November 10- Grand M aster: lOOth Anniversary, Landmark Lodge , No. 442, Wilkes-Barre.

N ovember 15-Grand Master: lOOth Anniversary, I van h o e Lod ge, No. 449, Philadelphia.

November 22-Grand Ma ster: lOOth An},iversary, Stephen Girard Lodge, No. 450, Philadelphia.

November 29-Grand Ma ster : Vi sita ti on , Williamsp o rt Scottish Rite Bodies.

Dece mber 3-Grand Lodge Officers: December Quarterly Communication, P hiladelphia.

D ecember 17-Grand L odge Officers: Grand Visitation; Grand Master's ast Visitation; Melita Lodge, No. 295, Philadelp hi a Dec e mber 27- Grand Lodge Officers: Annu a Communication, Syria M osqu e, Pittsburgh.

Bro. Wilmer E. King Has Been Appointed New

Are Maconnes Gudder Men Then Odhers?

Grand Steward

Designed for Giving

Bro. Wilmer E. King

Bro. Wilmer E. King, Past Master of Robert Burns Lodge, No. 464 , Harrisburg, h as been appointed a Gr a nd Steward of the Grand Lodge of Free and Acc ept ed Ma son s of Penn sylvani a, vice Br o. Willis R. Michael, deceased. Bro King was Postmaster of Harrisburg, retiring in 1965.

H e is Commander-in-Chief of the Harrisburg Consistory. He is a past president of the V estry of the Zion Lutheran Church and serves as a teacher and Super intendent of the Sunday School.

Bro. Robert F. Stark Appointed Member of The 1976 Committee

Bro. Robert F. Stark, Worshipful Mas ter of Lucius H. Scott Lodge, No. 35, Chester, has been appointed a m ember of Gr a nd Lodge's 1976 Committe e, vice Bro. Edwa rd J. Griffiths, deceased .

Bro. Stark is the official court reporter, Court of Common Pleas, First Judicia l District, Philadelphia. He is also Deputy for District 41 , Order of D e Molay.

The Committ ee, headed by Bro Theodore K . W arner, Jr., District Deputy Gr and Master for Masonic District "J," is planning for Masonic tio n in the Two Hundredth Anmversary of th e s ignin g of the D eclaratio n of Independence.

This thought-provoking question is found in an old English manuscript w hich claims to have been written by the hand of King Henry VI, and seems to be a transcript of an oral examination taken by a member of the Brotherhood of Masons, possibly in the presence of the King.

To what extent Henry was influenced by this examination we shall never know. However, in 1450, he was initiated into the mysteries of Masonry, and immediately put a stop to the persecution of the Craft , whose assemblies had been prohibited by Parliament since 1425.

"Are maconnes gudder men then odhers?"

There can be no denial of the fact that at first thought the question seems to be a fair one, especially if asked, whether five hundred years ago or in our own day, by one who is trying to make an honest appraisal of the Craft. Are Masons better men than others? Upon more mature delibe ration it becom es patent that it is a question which no thoughtful Mason would dare to answer by a mere "Yes" or "No." There h ave always been, and, no doubt, will always be many good men, and, alas, some evi l men, both in and out of the Fraternity. Our unknown Brother, w ho stood before the King and answered the questions put t<O him, was well aware of this fact. He dared not say that Masons are. better men than others. Wha t , then, w a s his reply?

"Some maconnes are not so virtuous as so m e odher menne; but, in the moste parte, they be more gude then thay woude be if thay wer not maconnes "

In other words, while he would not claim that Masons are better men than others, and a dmitted that some Masons are not as v irtuous as some other m e n, of one fact he could b e, indeed, was sure : That in the most part Masons are better men than they would b e if they were not Masons

In th is truth we find much of the glory of Freemasonry. Its influence throu g h the centuries h as been such that, in the most part, those who h ave followed its t eachings have become better men th a n they otherwise would ha ve been. If this were all that could b e said in its f avor , surel y this, and this a l one, would be a sufficient excuse for its being.

In an effort to assist those desiring to make bequests to the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown, the following suggested forms are provided as a matter of convenience. The forms are recommended to assure the tax free character of gifts in all states.


" I give a nd bequeath to The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Maso nic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, now located at One North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the sum of Dollars, free and clear of all estate, transfer succession, inh eritance or other similar tax or charge, it being my express inte ntion that said bequest be received by the named legatee in full without r e duction for taxes or contribution for taxes, to be used and applied in a nd about the upkeep, m a intenance a nd operation of the Masonic Homes owned by a nd under the control of the said Grand Lodge."

"I give and devise unto The Trustees of the Title to the Masonic Temple and Other Real E state of the Grand Lodge of Fr ee a nd Accepted Masons of P ennsyl vania a nd their successors, now located a t One North Broad Street, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, free and clear of all estate, transfer, succession, inheritance or other similar tax or charge, it being my express intention that said devise be received by the named devisee in full and without reduction for taxexs or contribution for taxes, ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the improvements thereon erected, described as follows: (here describe the real estate).

"I direct that the sa id real estate and the proceeds derived from the sale thereof, shall be used a nd applied in and abo ut the maintenance and operation of the Masonic Homes owned by and under the control of the said Grand Lod ge."


If the gift is of the balance or the residue of the estate, the following language is recommended:

NOTE 1: The Testator may, if desired, provide th at the gift be held perpetually, and the income use d for m a int enance by the following language:

If for the Ma sonic H omes, "I direct that this gift shall b e ad ded to and form a part of the Endowm ent Fund established by said Grand Lodge for the upkeep , maintenance and operation of the Ma sonic Homes owned by it and under its control."

If for the Patton School, "I direct that this gift shall be added to and form a part of the fun d h e ld by the

Trustees of the Thom as Ranken P atton M aso nic In stitution for Boys, the income ther eof to be used for the upkeep, maintena nce and operation of said Institution."

NOTE 2: Although subscribing witn esses fi r e no lon ger required und er Pennsyl vani a L aw on a Will containing a charitable g ift, such witnesses a r e r equired in m any other States and , since a Te st ator may die domiciled in another State or devise real estate situated outside o f P ennsyl van ia, it is recommended in a ll cases tha t th e Will 7

"All the res t, residue and remainder of my estate, real an d personal, of every nature and wheresoever s ituate, I give, devise and bequeath unto the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fra ternity of Free and Acc epted Masons of P ennsyl vania and Masonic Jurisdiction Th ereunto Belonging, now located a t On e North Broad Street, Philadelphia, P ennsylvania, to be used a n d applied in and about the upkeep, maintenance and operation of the M asonic Homes owned by a nd under the contro l of the said Grand Lodge " be signed in the presence of thre e credible witnesses w h e rev er possible, a nd that th ey s ubscribe th eir names and addresse s to the Will in the presence of the Te stator.

NOTE 3: The death of the T est a tor within thirty days a ft er executing his Will may, und er certain circumstances make the charitab le gift void. It i s therefore r ecommended that if a n olde r Will , containing a c haritab le g ift, b e in ex istenc e w h en the ne w Will i s executed, the o ld Will be preserved for a peri od of thirty days a fter the exec ution of the new Will.

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