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Theme Article-Neev 2021

Theme: Project Management

The speakers of the session were Mr. K N Srikanta, Mr. Kartikeyan Ramamurthy and Mr. Bhaskar Jaganathan from Project management institute, Bangalore. The session started with the introduction of PMI-Project management Institute and the plethora of certification programs offered by PMI. The session also detailed about PMI-Bangalore chapter activities like PMP Primer, PMP Quest, PM Essence, PMPC.


Mr. Bhasker started the formal session by explaining the history of the project management. He pointed out that the world revolves around the economy. He briefed about the evolving economic trends and the role of digitization and the need to deal with uncertainty. Mr. K N Srikanta defined Project as a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. Project has 3 basic characteristics, temporariness, uniqueness of product or service and progressive elaboration. Project is temporary endeavour to achieve create unique and product and result. Mr. Bhaskar explained project management life cycle which involves starting the project, organizing and preparing, carrying out the work and ending the project. Process in project management can be a set of tasks where there is a set of inputs, take and outputs.

Guest Session

The speaker introduced Nestle on a global level, purpose of the company to the students. Students were also introduced about the research and development Centre of Nestle in India and across the globe. The speaker set the context for the session by iterating the importance of sustainability. He explained Nestle’s way of sustainability which is based on 4 pillars -Climate Change, Sustainable Packaging, Caring for water and Responsible Sourcing.

Students were introduced to basics of operations management and the gist of curriculum which will be covered in operations management. He briefed the students on manufacturing and services.

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