Healing Sofa designed by atelier PRO architekten manufactured by Keijsers Interiors
Healing Sofa designed by atelier PRO architekten manufactured by Keijsers Interiors Sleeping in a hospital is not the same as sleeping at home. Especially after surgery or long term illness. To have someone around you whom you can trust is comforting to the patient. For this purpose atelier PRO designed a multifunctional Healing Sofa. This rooming-in piece of furniture is unique in the Netherlands and has been developed in collaboration with the Meander Medical Centre. It is one of the first multi-functional pieces of furniture for professional care institutions. The Healing Sofa has combined functions of a writing desk, guest bed, sofa and table. The manufacturer of the Healing Sofa is Keijsers Interiors.
Healing Sofa
During the day this piece of furniture functions as a sofa. It has been designed in such a way that it is easy to handle, easy to manufacture and can easily be combined with other furniture of the patient’s room.
The Healing Sofa is adjustable into four dimensions: L 2050 L 2075 L 2390 L 2535
x x x x
W 800 W 800 W 800 W 800
x x x x
H 778 mm H 778 mm H 778 mm H 778 mm
The Healing Sofa is playful, not static, you simply relax on it. The cushions can be used flexibly without blocking the view. The sofa is available in various colors. Meander Medical Centre selected a color scheme that matched its rooms. Other features are: mobile, light of weight and suitable for industrial cleaning.
Healing Sofa designed by atelier PRO architekten manufactured by Keijsers Interiors
Design sketch of a patients room in Meander Medical Centre with Healing sofa
In search of space saving solutions, the demand for additional functionalities in single hospital rooms and the hotel ‘rooming-in’ provision finally led atelier PRO to this design. The single rooms allow the patient to have close relatives nearby for a longer stay.
Healing Sofa designed by atelier PRO architekten manufactured by Keijsers Interiors
Custom made Keijsers Interiors is a manufacturer of custom made furniture. The Healing Sofa can be manufactured in different materials and fabrics. All fabrics and colors are available. The steel frame is available in any RAL color uni. We are happy to design a version that matches your home and identity.
Patient Room in Meander Medical Centre in Amersfoort, The Netherlands, 2013 designed by atelier PRO architects.
Offices in the new city hall in Deventer, NL 2016. Interior design by atelier PRO architects.
Healing Sofa designed by atelier PRO architekten manufactured by Keijsers Interiors
Atelier PRO is an architectural firm in The Hague with over forty years of experience. With a team of approximately fifty architects, urban designers and interior designers, we help our clients with customized solutions. Our international order portfolio covers a wide field, of both transformation and new construction. We work on healthy living and healthcare environments, educational buildings and sustainable environments. www.atelierpro.nl
Keijsers Interiors is one of the larger interior designers in the Netherlands. Our clients are leading architects, large retailers, office facility managers, museums, large utility providers, healthcare & hospitality. www.keijsersinteriors.com