Portfolio Housing

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Portfolio Housing





Atelier PRO and housing

9 13 17 19 21 25 29 33 37 41

APPARTMENTS Zuiderduinen, Den Haag Bastiaanpoort, Delft Housing Kop van het Dok, Vlissingen Apartments Gouda Waterlandplein, Amsterdam Urban villa’s Westeraam, Elst De Statie, Sas van Gent Housing Zeeheldenbuurt, Tilburg Nursing centre Willibrord Multifunctional building Nelson Mandela, Gouda

47 53 55

TRANSFORMATION Scheldehof Resi-dential Care Centre Koningin Sophiestraat, Den Haag Ludgerhof, Lichtenvoorde

61 67 71 75 77

HOUSING Housing Malburgen, Arnhem Housing Groeseind, Tilburg Houses and Marktgarage, Delft Achtmaal Seniors’ Residences Dealground Norwich

81 91 95 97 101

VILLA’S Buurschap Roosenhorst Parkwoningen Craeyenburch, Nootdorp Villa’s Vroondaal Villa Strating, Kijkduin Villa Ketteringham Lane, UK


Atelier PRO and housing We live in times of change. Climate change, the move to the city, robotisation, smart technologies, demographic upheaval and unoccupied buildings are having an ever greater impact on our living environment. Although the basic principles of a good housing plan have not changed significantly in recent decades, a changing demand for housing is emerging. People want more control over their living environment and have specific housing needs in different phases of their lives. Offering good homes that respond to this is a task for the entire construction chain. Atelier PRO has over 40 years of experience in residential construction. Since its establishment in 1976, the agency has realised innovative housing projects at home and abroad, which offer tailor-made answers to new housing demands. We have experience with housing construction at all scale levels, from small special villas to large-scale social housing projects, whether or not combined with public functions. Atelier PRO is particularly adept at special assignments where a high degree of complexity or difficulty from the context places special demands on the design. For example, how do you deal, when structuring working-class neighborhoods. with housing combined with social real estate and retail, in vulnerable, scenically valuable places, or in a socially sensitive context. Nowadays, such assignments require a great deal of knowledge and an innovative approach in order to achieve a high-quality end result. Our investigative design method has resulted in a portfolio that reflects a number of current social issues and themes. For atelier PRO, the combination of housing and care is a central theme. For instance, life cycle proof living in sturdy urban villas equipped with the latest gadgets in the field of domotics. Or ingenious interiors for residential units for geriatric patients that combine dignity, aesthetics and technology. Our affinity with more complex assignments has also resulted in a number of projects in which empty churches were transformed into residential buildings in different ways. This approach is exemplary of atelier PRO‘s inquisitive design attitude, which exposes unsuspected qualities of the context and makes maximum use of them.





Period 2015 - 2021 Client Schouten bouw Project architect Martijn de Visser, Alex Letteboer, Antony Laurijsen Project leader Marjon Main-Roetgerink Address Wijndaelerweg, Den Haag Gross floor area 13.125 m²





plattegrond begane grond ZuiderDuinen Den Haag

Ground floor

ground floor plan ZuiderDuinen The Hague



plattegrond eerste verdieping ZuiderDuinen Den Haag

First floor

first floor plan ZuiderDuinen The Hague


Zuiderduinen, Den Haag

maximum living comfort In a rich landscape context ZuiderDuinen consists of 61 owner-occupied and rental apartments of 90-120 m² with a parking garage with 63 places and a plinth with a nursery and after-school care. To maintain maximum openness in the area, the houses are clustered in three residential blocks. Living in the city and in the green are incorporated in a compact all-sided building that responds dynamically to the existing qualities.




Homogeneous block with corner accents Court for optimal sunlight


Introducing Grid in which all functions were projected

Diversification in housing typologies

Plinth functions

Corner Gasthuislaan, Bastiaanpoort


Bastiaanpoort, Delft Urban block for Delft city centre

Period 2016 - 2021 Client MN and Proactief Vastgoed, Pensioenfonds Metaal en Techniek Project architect Hans Kalkhoven, Alex Letteboer, Antony Laurijsen Address Bastiaanpoort, Delft Gross floor area 8,260 m²

2021 saw the completion of housing and retail complex Bastiaanpoort in Delft. The building occupies an important location on the edge of the historic city centre, previously home to department store V&D. After the bankruptcy of this retail chain, property developers MN and Proactief Vastgoed opted to redevelop the site on behalf of Pension Fund Metaal & Techniek. The result is a building block with rental housing and shops in the plinth, adding to the housing stock in Delft and the liveliness of the neighbourhood. The complex is designed as a recognisable, uniform building block, executed in warm-hued brick. Standing at a height of four floors, it provides a transition between the higher new constructions around the Bastiaansplein and the lower buildings of the historical city centre.

Bastiaansplein & Detail Franche balcony




Left: Detail Franch balconys plus Bellow: Cort and Gasthuislaan



Housing Kop van het Dok, Vlissingen living at the dock

The former shipyard of the Royal Society De Schelde in Vlissingen is being transformed into a new district; the Scheldt Quarter. After the renovation of the Metal sheet factory, atelier PRO now designs the adjacent Kop van het Dok.

Period 2018 - 2023 Client WVO Zorg Project architect Dorte Kristensen and Mira van Beek Project leader Marjon MainRoetgerink Address Jan Weugkade, Vlissingen Gross floor area 25.000 m²


The housing project consists of a plinth of three layers with dwellings and on top three residential towers. Plinth and towers form a whole but are not quite the same. The towers vary in height and house typology.

Period 2019 - 2023 Client Woonpartners Midden-Holland & Mozaïek Wonen Project architect Martijn de Visser Address Tesselschadestraat, Gouda Gross floor area 6.756 m²


Apartments Gouda wooncomplex met 63 appartementen

Atelier PRO designed a residential complex with 67 apartments in Gouda for housing corporations Mozaïek Wonen and Woonpartners Midden-Holland - 67 social housing units, which are in great demand. On all fronts, we opted for quality: the design is carefully detailed, the complex is situated on a prominent location, the houses are spacious, each apartment has its own winter garden, and biodiversity was an active factor in the design; in doing so, we managed to create social housing with the quality of an owner-occupied dwelling. The new building is clearly seen as an improvement for the neighbourhood, and as such was embraced by residents.


Period 2005 - 2012 Client CV Nieuw Waterlandplein (Ymere Ontwikkeling, AM Wonen) Architect atelier PRO (shops, car park, 1 residential tower, 14 maisonettes, roof gardens, health center and community center) with: DRO (public space), De Architecten CIE (5 residential towers) and Hans van Heeswijk Architectuur (3 renovation flats) Project architect Hans van Beek/Dorte Kristensen and Mira van Beek Project leader Jaco de Koning Address Waterlandplein, IJdoornlaan, Werengouw, Volendammerweg, Amsterdam Noord Gross floor area 34.000 m² (atelier PRO)


Waterlandplein, Amsterdam uniform plinth creates unity and coherence The old Waterlandplein in North Amsterdam was given a completely new look. Atelier PRO was asked to design the plinth course and one of the residential towers, as well as the community centre, the health care centre, the car parks and the green roofs, which have been given various interpretations due to their deviating position and function. Three existing residential towers are integrated in the plan and renovated by Hans van Heeswijk. The five other towers were designed by the Architecten Cie.


Third to ninth floors (social rental flats)



Referentiebeeld: Trichy (India)

Second Floor (Maisonettes and roof gardens)

42 Sociale huurap-

partementen Referentiebeeld: Trichy (India)

3 Maisonnettes

deArchitekten ArchitektenCie. Cie de Urban planning and five towers Stedenbouwkundig plan en 5 torens

Atelier PRO Winkels, woningen, p wijkvoorzieningen en

Atelier PRO

Shops, homes, garages, local Samenwerking van facilities and roof gardens drie architectenbureaus van Heeswijk architecten In ditHans project smeedden drie architectenbureaus acht torens en of existing buildings een Renovation winkelcentrum tot één nieuw samenhangend geheel. Daarbij had elke architect een eigen opgave met een andere uitdaging. Pero Puljiz en Hans Hammink van de De Architekten Cie. waren verantwoordelijk voor het stedenbouwkundig plan en ontwierpen vijf nieuwe woonblokken. Dick de Gunst van Hans van Heeswijk architecten renoveerde drie van de bestaande woongebouwen, waarvan 1 torenflat, een hoge galerijflat en een lage galerijflat. Hans en Mira van Beek van Atelier PRO ontwierpen de rest: één woonblok, 14 dakwoningen, de daktuinen en de plint met winkels, wijkvoorzieningen en parkeergarages, die alle gebouwen met elkaar verbindt. Ondanks deze op het eerste gezicht niet voor de hand liggende verdeling hebben zij er met elkaar toch één project van weten te maken, één herkenbaar nieuw centrum voor Nieuwendam Noord. Een goede rolverdeling lag aan de basis en vervolgens een goede afstemming over de raakvlakken zoals puien, luifels en de toegepaste kleur baksteen (nieuwbouw) en keramische tegels (renovatie).

11 3 Maisonnettes de Architekten Cie. Stedenbouwkundig plan en 5 torens

Samenwerking van drie architectenbureaus

Atelier PRO Winkels, woningen, parkeergarages, wijkvoorzieningen en daktuinen

Hans van Heeswijk architecten Renovatie bestaande flatgebouwen


Referentiebeelden voor een duidelijk herkenbaar stadsce waren de 11 torens in San Giminiano, de Acropolis die b Athene uitsteekt en de rotstempel in Trichy (India) die zic


Period 2007 - 2011 Client Habion with Bouwfonds Property Development Project architect Alex Letteboer and Bas Woldman Project leader Marjon Main Roetgerink Address Juno, Elst Gross floor area 6.740 m² Building costs € 6.650.000,-

Concept sketch and orientation of the dwellings The villas in a green setting


Urban villa’s Westeraam, Elst nursing houses in a sunny setting The Westeraam neighbourhood in Elst has been enriched with two urban villas. The sculptural building volumes provide ageing in place houses, which meet high comfort and accessibility demands. The two villas are situated near the water, so that the inhabitants can optimally enjoy the view and sunlight. Additionally, the house plans have been organized in a similar way. The size of the window openings follows the orientation: a lot of glass on the south side and narrow windows on the north side; which is favourable for the energy performance of the houses. Left to right: balconies on the south side; north side with central entrance; stairwell with natural incidence of light


2,5 (m) 2 1,5 1 0,5 0

Ground floor




Period 2009 - 2013 Client Woongoed Zeeuws-Vlaanderen Project architect Dorte Kristensen and Pascale Leistra Project leader Ronald Peters Landscape design Eline Keus Address Canadalaan, Sas van Gent Gross floor area 9000 m² Housing 2.303 m² Building costs € 10.000.000,Building costs housing € 2.500.000,€ 1085 per m²

multfinktionales Gebäude

Site plan


De Statie, Sas van Gent Senior flats in the centre of the community The senior citizens‘ complex with 23 flats on Kanada Laan in Sas van Gent is part of the De Statie multifunctional complex project. The base of the residential building houses premises of a foundation that cares for the elderly.

Senior housing


The sand-coloured volume of the flats is given a sculptural character by white recesses, white frames and green-tinted glass of the balconies. The balconies face south and are offset. In this way, the balconies have a distance from each other that guarantees enough privacy. On the side from which the flats are accessed, a wide covered gallery ensures contact between the residents. The offsetting concrete columns create an exciting façade appearance. The MFA and the senior complex form a dynamic composition on the elongated irregularly shaped plot.

A lively play of columns in the facade

First floor

0 1m





Ground floor 1 Care office 2 Storage area 0 1m




Bird nest boxes have been incorporated into the facade



Housing Zeeheldenbuurt, Tilburg sculptural front gardens give green allure On the central Brink in the Zeeheldenbuurt in Tilburg, there are three apartment buildings with 71 flats. The block opposite the church and the MFA Zuiderkwartier & GGZ (also by atelier PRO) has four floors. The other two blocks have three. Some of the parking places have been included under the buildings. Left: small private gardens attached to the house for direct contact with the street. Below: The residential blocks form a new public space in which existing trees have been given a prominent place


Period 2005 - 2009 Client Tiwos (Tilburgse Woon Stichting) Project architect Dorte Kristensen en Martijn de Visser Project leader Eelko Bemener en Henry Schutte Address Trompstraat eo in Tilburg Gross floor area 7.937 m² Costs € 6.751.327,€ 850,- per m² Site

Outside space in apartment buildings Before: car on the street, front and back garden

Now: car in courtyard, front garden on street and front garden at gallery


Erste Etage




Nursing centre Willibrord an innovative and flexible interior In Middelburg’s old city centre, the Stichting Werkt voor Ouderen (working for the elderly association) has build a new nursing centre called Sint Willibrord. The centre houses 62 inhabitants and has a flexible lay-out which can be adjusted according to changing requirements. Atelier PRO designed the fittings of the central plaza, the meeting room with brasserie, the living rooms of the group houses and two types of houses: 39 apartments in which somatic care can be provided and 5 group houses for psychogeriatric patients. The building of this project started in the autumn of 2012 and is completed at the end of 2013. Psychogeriatric apartment

Housing for somatic patients


Period 2012 - 2013 Client Stichting Werkt voor Ouderen Architect atelier PRO Project architect Dorte Kristensen and Naomi Schiphorst Interior architect Susan Vlemminx Collaborating architect Van Aken Architecten Address Bachtensteene 14, Middelburg Gross floor area 5.000 m²

Living quarters for somatic patients Room for psychogeriatric patients

Important starting point for the interior design was the desire of the client to create ‘a home’ with a welcoming atmosphere but with professional care and in a safe environment


Living room for psycho-geriatric patients


The building fits into the surroundings

Period 2008 - 2011 Client Woonpartners Midden Holland in opdracht van de Gemeente Gouda Project architect Alex Letteboer and Sandrine Rointru Project leader Eelko Bemener Landscape architect Eline Keus Address Wilsonplein 1, Gouda-Oost Gross floor area MDA ca. 4.885 m² Housing ca. 1.745 m² Costs € 7.850.000,€ 1180 per m²

The apartments are located above the school and are accessed through galleries


Multifunctional building Nelson Mandela, Gouda a place for togetherness in the neighborhood The Mandela Centre in Gouda marks the kick-off of a larger restructuring of the Gouda Oost district. Around two building centres, the building houses various facilities for the neighbourhood, including a primary school, a childcare centre, a playgroup, health care, sports and 16 social housing units that provide liveliness and social control. The building also redefines the surrounding public space and strengthens the qualities of the location by adding two new squares.

Entrance of the MFA with apartments, schoolyard


Ground Floor 1 Hallway MFA 2 Childcare centre 3 Nursery 4 School hallway 5 Mental health care / physio 6 Sports facilities 7 Entrance flats 8 Apartments




3 7 1 2

Ground floor


Apartment floor plan

Second floor






Period 2012 - 2016 Client WVO Zorg Project architect Dorte Kristensen and Christina Kaiser Interior architect Thijs Klinkhamer Project leader Marjon Main Address Peperdijk en Wagenaarstraat, Vlissingen Gross floor area 19.030 m² WAN Award Healthcare 2018 Care building of the year 2018 Award Nomination Gouden Piramide 2018 Nomination StiB (City in motion) Award 2018 Nomination Best Real Estate Project 2018 IN DE GROTE LEGE HAL in the big empty hall

BOUWEN WE NIEUWE VLOEREN we build new floors


WE MAKEN RUIMTE VOOR GEZELLIGHEID OP DE BEGANE GROND OP DE VERDIEPINGEN MAKEN WE WONINGEN on the ground floor we on the floors we create make room for socializing homes WONINGEN







Schematic explanation of the design concept of the Plaatwerkerij


Scheldehof Residential Care Centre care homes in a unique location in the former harbor area

In terms of appearance and scale, the new building fits well with the yellow brick and smaller dimensions in the area The Plaatwerkerij during construction and after the transformation


The monumental Zware Plaatwerkerij shipyard building in the heart of Vlissingen, and the adjacent site, is transformed into a residential care complex with residences and public functions. The closed facades is open up through the extensive use of glass. Internally, three levels of residences were suspended like a standalone piece of furniture in the vast space. The new building beside the factory fits well in scale and appearance with the surroundings, built from yellow masonry with a small scale corresponding to the side street. The residences are organised around a winter garden. The structure and infrastructure are especially designed to enable the dwellings to adapt to changing functions in the future.

4 3 5

9 1




9 10 9

7 Ground floor Plaatwerkerij and new build 1 Desk 2 Grand café 3 Hairdresser 4 Atelier 5 Exhibition & concerts 6 Theater & cinema 7 Course rooms 8 Kitchen 9 Living room 10 Winter garden

The houses are gathered around the winter garden (inner garden). This guarantees freedom of movement and safety


First floor Plaatwerkerij and new build

Restaurant on the ground floor, also accessible to the public




2 Apartment for somatic patients

2 1


3 Apartment for

psychogeriatric patients

3 1


1,5 Apartments including care facility option

1 All installations are vertically organized for maximum flexibility and 1,5 future resistance

6600 4400

6600 4400


4400 8800

Layout versions Atelier PRO developed a size system, with which the three types of care homes can be exchange. The end result is a very beautiful and innovative care facility.


Apartment for somatic patients

The installations are hidden in the paneling of the corridors and can therefore be reached without disturbing the residents.

Living room parcour instead of hallways, with memory walls next to the entrance doors. Here, personal attributes from earlier periodes can be hung. This makes one feel at home and helps when memory is lost. This room is intended to receive guests, to play games and for other sociability


Front of existing situation

Front of new situation

Period 2015 - 2019 Client Local/Trebbe Project architect Dorte Kristensen, Antony Laurijsen Addres s Koningin Sophiestraat, Den Haag Gross floor area 10.000 m²


Koningin Sophiestraat, Den Haag transformation of former office building into housing

Atelier PRO provided aesthetic advice for a transformation project on the Koningin Sophiestraat in The Hague. Local and Trebbe transformed a former office building into 67 free-sector rental apartments averaging 87m² in the medium-price segment. The building was fitted out with new window frames, balconies, risers and an elegant elevation. Atelier PRO has added an extra layer to the existing façade repertoire by realizing an aluminum elevation in the rhythm of the original design. Outdoor spaces were realized by seamlessly connecting balconies to the characteristic prefab elements and by setbacks in the elevation, creating a homogeneous image. Maximum comfort and respect for the original design are important principles for this special project.


Old situation Ludgerkerk

Old church hall New situation Ludgerhof

Courtyard, winter garden at the old church facade


Ludgerhof, Lichtenvoorde an old soul in a new outfit An old church reused as a housing complex. Atelier PRO was concerned that this beautiful building would be demolished and came up with a special residential use. The former interior of the church has been transformed into the inner garden of the building block. The old outer walls of the church have been transformed into the surrounding front walls of the new houses. Not only have the building boundaries been turned inside out, but the existing facade materials have also been played with.

The apartments are built along the old facade of the church


Period 2001 - 2005 Client Stichting Heelweg/ WBC projecten, Winterswijk Project architect Hans van Beek with Annemiek Braspenning en Dorte Kristensen Project leader Peter Hamel Address Ludgerhof 1 t/m 16, Lichtenvoorde Gross floor area 2.970 m² Costs € 2.700.000,€ 909 per m²

Cross section of Ludgerkerk with view of sacristy

Cross section Ludgerkerk




The apartment type is long and narrow. The columns have a distance of four meters. Residents can choose from several versions

Wohnen und Arbeiten

grosse Wohnung






Period 2009 - 2014 Client Volkshuisvesting Arnhem Project architect Alex Letteboer and Emile Jansen Project leader Jaco de Koning Address Huissensestraat , Malburgen Arnhem Gross floor area 10.315 m²

Terraced houses on the Huissensestraat


Housing Malburgen, Arnhem refined brick details

On the Huissensestraat, the main access road to the Arnhem district of Malburgen, there are 83 houses designed by atelier PRO. Malburgen is one of the oldest garden cities in the Netherlands. After the demolition of a number of reconstruction flats, atelier PRO saw an opportunity to design 83 residences at this location, which tie in with Granpré Molière‘s original gardencity subdivision. The architectural style fits in with the sober and efficient housing construction, provided with roofs. Yet the houses are not uniform. They also refer to the reconstruction period through the rhythm of the blocks. For this reason, a number of blocks have been given flat roofs. In the design, much care was taken with the edges and transitions to the public space. These have become „typically Malburg“ because the gardens are surrounded by hedges. Also in color and material a careful connection to the environment was sought, among other things, through the use of different masonry dressings.

Sections and plans



Sections and plans


Sections and plans


Period 2008 - 2015 Clients St Andreasstaat: Tilburgse Woonstichting Tiwos, Tilburg Hurks Vastgoedontwikkeling, Bisschop van Zoesstraat: WonenBreburg, Janssen de Jong projectontwikkeling Project architect Dorte Kristensen and Emile Jansen Project leader Emile Jansen Address St Andreasstraat and Bisschop van Zoesstraat, Tilburg Gross floor area 7.000 m²

The corner house benefits from the end wall: nothing is as pleasant in a space as light from two sides


Housing Groeseind, Tilburg fresh simplicity with sophistication Within the urban plan of the GHP site of De Zwarte Hond, Atelier PRO was responsible for the design of two city streets: the infill on the St. Andreasstraat with 12 homes and the infill on the Bisschop van Zoesstraat with 31 homes. In both cases it was a mix of rental and owner-occupied housing.

The idiosyncratic window placement (the bathroom window feels at home with the neighbors) produces a slight confusion about the position of the house dividing wall. The ventilation hatch on the first floor allows for burglar-proof ventilation.


The two-story rental houses do not have an attic but do have a bedroom floor with a sloped ceiling. The bathroom is located on the facade.


Begane grond

Begane grond


The rental homes in Bishop van Zoesstraat are somewhat less lavish than the homes in Sint Andreasstraat. In some cases, the kitchen is implemented as a separate room. The white niches on the first floor near the kitchen facade (which occur separately and mirrored) bring cheerfulness to the image together with the solid red brick.

Cross-section parking garage overlooking the houses Residential building as an entrance to the city centre

Period 2002 - 2010 Client Ceres Projecten, Den Haag Project architect Leon Thier, Joke Stolk and Hans Tak Project leader Hans Tak Address Willem Naghelstraat, Stalpaert van der Wieleweg, De Genestetstraat en Van Renswoudestraat, Delft. Gross floor area 11.377 m² Gross floor area garage 10.042 m² Parking spaces 359 Building costs € 13. 828.000,-


Houses and Marktgarage, Delft living in the gate of Delft The Marktgarage is a public underground parking garage with two storeys, for the visitors to Delft’s city centre. Above the car park stands a residential block with fifteen 17 meter deep patio houses. The two-sided feature of the houses provides the possibility to have an office on the ground floor. In addition, the houses can be extended with another floor. The public area also forms part of the project.




Apartment floor plans first floor



Entrance Garage



Period 2011 - 2015 Client Thuisvester, Oosterhout Project architect Dorte Kristensen en Mira van Beek Project leader Jaco de Koning en Ronald Peters Address Berghstraat, Achtmaal Gross flor area 750 m²





cv mv dakraam



h =2600 +vl

noklijn hekwerk h=1000 +VLP h = 2600 +vl


Ground floor


First floor


Achtmaal Seniors’ Residences countryside so attractive and liveable

Achtmaal is a small rural area in North Brabant with more than 1,600 inhabitants. The municipality wanted to ensure that the core of the village remains attractive and viable for young and old. Good facilities play an important role, and therefore, a church, a supermarket, a café and a multifunctional accommodation, shortly MFA, have been added to the village. In addition to the MFA, five small homes have been realized. These homes have a gross area of 150 square meters and are primarily intended for seniors. Therefore, both the living area and the master bedroom with the attached bathroom are located on the ground floor. The bathroom is also accessible from the attic to make the house more flexible. Moreover, the property is also interesting for other target groups.


Landscape impressions with on the right the situation during high tide


Period 2011 - 2014 Client Serruys Properties Project architect Dorte Kristensen and Martijn de Visser Project leader Martijn de Visser Address Norwich, South of Engeland

Dealground Norwich international first ever for controlled floods

East of the city center of Norwich (UK) lies the former industrial area Deal Ground. The 20-hectare former industrial area, which has been derelict for twenty years, will in the future be redeveloped into a residential area with about 700 single-family houses, apartments and a small shopping center. The residential area has been designed in such a way that it can be partially flooded without causing any nuisance or damage.

Artist impressions Dealground & May Gurney; There is a chance of 1 time every 20 years that the area will flood





Concept We do not make a residential area but a landscape where people live We create four ‘rooms’ from history, culture, nature, landscape Four atmospheres Unity in diversity Self-sufficient, collective, recreational

Room 1 Het Lint

Room 2 Het Veld

Room 3 De Boomgaard

Room 4 De Bosrand

4 De Bosrand

3 De Boomgaard

2 Het Landhuis / Het Veld

1 Het Lint

Period 2016 - 2021/2022 Client Vinkbouw Project architect Dorte Kristensen Project leader Marjon Main-Roetgerink Address Veurseweg, Voorschoten Gross floor area Total terrain area 50.774,0 m² Total footprint housing 3.990 m² Costs 16.000.000,80

Buurschap Roosenhorst living in an historical cultural landscape In the valuable area De Duivenvoorde Corridor, a special residential area has emerge: Roosenhorst. The smallscale location forms a natural connection between the dune landscape on the coast and the inland Green Heart behind the canal the Vliet. Living in an open landscape, between monumental farms and tree-lined avenues around the rising forest of the Buitenplaats Duivenvoorde. The 41 dwellings are divided into four rooms, each with its own house typology and character. The scale of the ensemble harmoniously blends in with the historical landscape.

Each ‘room’ blends into the landscape


rond e Souterrain

Kerkhoflaan 11a 2585 JB Den Haag postbus 85616 2508 CH den haag +31 (0)70 35 06 900 info@atelierpro.nl www.atelierpro.nl

Kerkhoflaan 11a 2585 JB Den Haag

Kerkhoflaan 11a 2585 JB Den Haag

postbus 85616 2508 CH den haag

postbus 85616 2508 CH den haag

+31 (0)70 35 06 900

+31 (0)70 35 06 900

info@atelierpro.nl www.atelierpro.nl

info@atelierpro.nl www.atelierpro.nl

OPDRACHTGEVER Vink Bouw Nieuwveenseweg 55 2421LB Nieuwkoop

OPDRACHTGEVER Vink Bouw Nieuwveenseweg 55 2421LB Nieuwkoop

Begane grond en Souterrain



SCHAAL 1 : 100

Roosenhorst - Bosrand Type F

Roosenhorst - Bosrand Type F


Begane grond en Souterrain

Verdieping 1

OPDRACHTGEVER Vink Bouw Nieuwveenseweg 55 2421LB Nieuwkoop

1614 Roosenhorst - Bosrand Type F


Ground floor & basement


First floor




VO-06.01.01 Verdieping 1


Verdieping 2

Second floor


DATUM 22.08.2017

DATUM 22.08.2017










Buurschap Roosenhorst De Bosrand On the other edge of the area is a series of ecological landscape villas, whose gardens merge into a forest of birches and willows. Each house has a jetty for a boat. The roofs are made of reeds and the façades of wood. Glass facades up to the ridge face the open, adjacent landscape.


Kerkhoflaan 11a 2585 JB Den Haag postbus 85616 2508 CH den haag +31 (0)70 35 06 900 info@atelierpro.nl www.atelierpro.nl

Kerkhoflaa 2585 JB D

Kerkhoflaan 11a 2585 JB Den Haag

postbus 8 2508 CH d

postbus 85616 2508 CH den haag

+31 (0)70

+31 (0)70 35 06 900

info@ateli www.atelie

info@atelierpro.nl www.atelierpro.nl

OPDRACHTGEVER Vink Bouw Nieuwveenseweg 55 2421LB Nieuwkoop

1614 Roosenhorst - Boomgaard Type C

Roosenhorst - Boomgaard Type C

SCHAAL 1 : 100

Begane grond

STATUS DATUM 22.08.2017



Begane grond


OPDRACHT Vink Bouw Nieuwveen 2421LB Ni

OPDRACHTGEVER Vink Bouw Nieuwveenseweg 55 2421LB Nieuwkoop

Roosenhor Type C

Eerste Ver

SCHAAL 1 : 100

SCHAAL 1 : 100




DATUM 22.08.2017

DATUM 22.08.201


Ground floor



First floor FASE VO VO-03.01.01 TEKENING NUMMER

Verdieping 1







Buurschap Roosenhorst De Boomgaard On the banks of the horst ditch, an orchard with fruit and nut trees is bordered by double farmhouses in decked out shades with thatched roofs. A room hidden behind the existing houses along the Veurseweg. A more hidden residential community with free-range chickens on the central courtyard. The houses have vertical wooden façades and thatched roofs. Light colour differences in the wood subtly soften the repetition factor.


Ground floor



5 (m)

First floor

plattegrond bg 1e 3e type B Lint Roosenhorst

floor plans Lint Roosenhorst


Buurschap Roosenhorst Het Lint Along Kniplaan, parcelling out is done in a somewhat more robust residential corridor. Sculptural houses, built of brick, with tiled roofs are linked in threes or twos and accessed via a bridge over the ditch. The ‘sturdy’ form gives the houses a representative appearance towards Kniplaan, while the side walls are more modest in design. The houses complete the ribbon development on Kniplaan and fit in with the existing morphology. The view of the historical farm is respected. The existing houses block the openness of the Veurseweg. That’s why this room is located along the road and the other rooms are in the lee of the ribbon.


Ground floor

First floor


Buurschap Roosenhorst Het Landhuis From the Horstlaan, across Veurseweg, the main access road, lies just off the road. Driving under the shelter of the trees, you look far into the landscape towards the Vliet. On this side, the formal entrance to the Roosenhorst is 700 mm above ground level. An avenue of beeches leads to the Landhouse with flats on the water’s edge, surrounded by red beeches. The Landdhuis is the icon of the area that refers to the typology of the country house, which originally stood somewhat deeper in the open landscape and is connected to the main access by avenues. By surrounding it with red beech trees, it forms an accent at the end of a long line of sight that lights up in a streak of sunlight on grey days.



Parkwoningen Craeyenburch, Nootdorp living in park-like surroundings The urban master plan for Craeyenburch was made by atelier PRO. The existing landscape qualities were the basis for the design. Part of this overall plan are the park houses on the north-east side of the site. It is precisely here, too, that the existing green structure has led to a unique housing concept in which the individual garden has been exchanged for a communal park with existing trees, in which semi-detached and detached villas are accessed.

Park houses landscape


Period 2000 - 2008 Client AM Wonen, Zoetermeer (voorheen Amstelland Ontwikkeling Wonen) Project architect Hans van Beek, Hans Kalkhoven, with Marie-Jeanne Sas Project leader Eelko Bemener en Henry Schutte Address Craeyenburch, Nootdorp Gross floor area 8.943 m² Costs € 7.800.000,€ 872 per m² Ground floor

First floor



Period 2006 Client Johan Matser Projectontwikkeling bv Project architect Dorte Kristensen met Christina Kaiser Address Vroondaal, Den Haag

Section villa

Floor plan

Floor plan ground floor


Villa’s Vroondaal nestled in the hill On the outskirts of The Hague, the development of the Vroondaal district is in full swing. The buildings in Vroondaal mainly comprise detached villas by the park or by the water. In this setting, atelier PRO has been asked to create a design for 7 villas. The location is characterized by an elongated hill that divides the plots into two parts. This creates a broad green strip on the street side, which will be laid out as a communal area. Behind the hill are the private gardens.


Villa Stra situatie 1




Villa Strating, Kijkduin on and in a hill

Period 2008 Client Familie Strating Project architect Dorte Kristensen with Christina Kaiser Project leader Eelko Bemener Address Vroondaal, Den Haag Gross floor area 241 m²


Behind the dunes of The Hague, in the Vroondaal district, there are mainly stately detached villas. The district is bordered by a park and rows of dunes. The residential building is a prismatic volume that follows the soft lines of the landscape. The black, grey and silver shaded stone and black bitumen roofing with slate chippings make the building a monolithic mass. This is reinforced by the concealed guttering and the concealed rainwater drains. The restrained, subtle colours of the brickwork merge into the colours of the tree trunks and plants.

Right: deep window overlooking the entrance. Each living area has its own level with a terrace

Ground floor

First floor

Large kitchen




Period 2008 Client Ben Kemp, Norwich, Engeland Project architect Dorte Kristensen and Christina Kaiser Project leader Marjon Main Address Hethersett, Norfolk, UK Gross floor area 286m², garage 78m²

Villa Ketteringham Lane, UK built in the hills The villa is partly hidden from the street, only the wooden box of the 1st floor is clearly visible. By installing an artificial hill, privacy has been created for the living functions on the ground floor that face the back garden. From the cantilevering wooden box, there is a wide view of the undulating landscape to the east and west. The villa is extra well insulated, the façade is closed on the north side, open to a limited extent on the south side and equipped with sun blinds, all of which are inexpensive measures that significantly reduce energy consumption. Sustainable building and a lower energy bill at the same time.

Ground floor

Section of the villa


First floor


atelier PRO architekten Kerkhoflaan 11a 2585 JB Den Haag Niederlande +31(0)70 3506900 info@atelierpro.nl www.atelierpro.nl

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