June, 2016

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June, 2016

The Voice of the National Bench Rest Shooters Association


Precision Rifleman

June, 2016 Precision Rifleman



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The NEW AFB Hawkeye® Borescope costs $150 less because it is packaged in a laminated box instead of a lockable metal case. The borescope is identical to the one in the KIT configuration. HS17-SHOT-AFB $745 HS07-SHOT-AFB $695 GUNSMITH-AFB $1,425 (Both 17” & 7” scopes)

In This Issue... 2016 Cactus Classic Hosted by Arizona Benchrest Shooters (WBC Qualifier #1)..........................4 WBC XIII US Teams 1, 2 & 3 Photos...............................................................................8 Sloughhouse Short-Range Benchrest March match, by Dan Lutke.........................................10 Sloughhouse 1,000-Yard Benchrest February Competition, by Craig St Claire..........................11 Tomball Gun Club’s Crawfish Invitational, by The Pullum Brothers.......................................12 Wayne Campbell Wins the XV Shamrock, by Matt Walker...................................................14 2016 NBRSA Registered Match Schedule........................................................................16 New World Records for Steve Archibald in Group and Sheldon Turf in Varmint For Score............19 Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis April Score Match, by Wayne Corley...................................20 13th Annual Club de Tir du Castellas International Competition, France................................22 Walker County Benchrest’s Inaugural Match, by Larry Deese..............................................24 Lewis Clark Wildlife Club’s April VFS Match, by Glenn Sampson..........................................25 Current Standings in Group World Records as of April, 2016..............................................26 Long Range 600 & 1000-Yard World Records as of March, 2016............................................27 Ranges, Clubs & Contacts.........................................................................................28 A tribute to Denton P Andrews: Former NBRSA President, by Charmaine Andrews....................30 Advertising Index..................................................................................................30 Officer, Regional Director & Business Contact Information.................................................31 On the cover: A Light Varmint Rifle and NightForce Scope is Ready For Action at the Cactus Classic. Photo credit to Arizona Benchrest Shooters. Thank you.


Precision Rifleman

Arizona Bench Rest Shooters Hosts the 2016 Cactus Classic

03/19/2016 - 03/20/2016 We would like to thank every shooter that made it out to the 2016 Cactus Classic! The Cactus Classic took place on March 19-20, 2016. This year’s match had a great turnout with 138 total shooters, 3 of which were junior shooters. The Cactus has a full 5 days of practice, the Monday through Friday before the match. During this week we got to see a lot of faces from last year as well as many new faces that many of us had not met before. For the most part the days were full of great weather with normal Ben Avery conditions, meaning a bit of wind here and there. Thursday and Friday both had good conditions in comparison and lead into a very nice weekend. On Friday night we had a banquet dinner for the shooters, which included an amazing prize table thanks to our very generous sponsors. We had over $50,000 in prizes donated this year by our sponsors, all of which went directly to the shooters. In fact, we had so many prizes that not only did ever shooter who attended the dinner get a prize, but we had enough prizes to

have another raffle on Sunday at the awards ceremony. We also had 10 bonus matches and cash prizes for every Junior shooter and the shooter that “missed the cut” and came in 21st in the 2-Gun Grand Aggregate. Saturday morning kicked off great with three screamers in the first match. Gary Bristow shot a 0.066” group, Kelly Ellis shot a 0.061” group, and Greg King shot an amazing 0.058” group. Kudos to all 3 for starting the weekend off right! Throughout the day we saw several zeros and some very competitive aggregates for both Light and Heavy Varmint. In the morning’s 100 Yard Light Varmint Grand Agg Gary Bristow took the lead for the weekend with a very impressive 0.1644” Grand Agg which included 3 screamers over the course of the 5 matches! In the afternoon Larry Baggett took the Heavy Varmint 100 Yard Grand Agg with a 0.1666” Grand Agg that gave him a convincing lead. Sunday morning started with Heavy Varmint 200 Yards. Lou Murdica had a commanding lead with a

0.1675” Grand Agg, which moved him up the Heavy Varmint rankings quite a bit, but not enough to take the Heavy Varmint Grand Agg. In the afternoon we continued with the Light Varmint 200 Yard matches, which Larry Costa took 1st in with a 0.1878” Grand Agg. Larry Costa (photo below) took home the Light Varmint Grand Agg with a 0.1897”. Larry also went on to win the Heavy Varmint Grand Agg with a 0.2016”. Brandon McNairy took home the top Junior prize with a 0.3567” 2-Gun Grand Agg. Gene Bukys came in 3rd overall with a 0.2315”, Lester Bruno came in 2nd with a 0.2202” and Larry Costa came in first with a convincing 0.1957” 2-Gun Grand

June, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Aggregate, winning him the Cactus Classic Trophy. We were pleased to see so many people out here this year for the Cactus Classic. We sincerely hope that anyone who was not able to make it out will join us for our next match and for the Bench Rest Nationals which will be held here at Ben Avery Shooting Facility in October later this year. For details on these matches and about the Arizona Bench Rest Shooters, please visit our website at www.azbrs.com. --Arizona Bench Rest Shooters Two-Gun Larry Costa ................. 0.1957 Lester Bruno ................ 0.2202 Gene Bukys .................. 0.2315 John Horn ................... 0.2345 Ed Adams..................... 0.2365 Gary Bristow ................ 0.2428 Mike Conry .................. 0.2449 Lou Murdica ................. 0.2466 Wayne Campbell............ 0.2481 Greg Wilson ................. 0.2507 Richard Brensing ........... 0.2519 Bud Mundy ................... 0.2533 Kenneth Terrell ............. 0.2574 Rodney Brown............... 0.2575 Mike Bryant ................. 0.2598 Rex Reneau .................. 0.2602 Chris Harris .................. 0.2606 Joel Nader ................... 0.2668 Bob Hammack .............. 0.2673 Louis Kerhlikar .............. 0.2699 Jeff Anderson ............... 0.2703 Keith Cottrell ............... 0.2716 Gary Sinclair ................ 0.2722 Jack Neary .................. 0.2724 Durward Wofford ........... 0.2740 Hugh Williamson ............ 0.2770 Don Creach .................. 0.2771 Justin Young ................. 0.2781 Gary Ocock .................. 0.2781 Larry Baggett ............... 0.2786 Greg King .................... 0.2791 Lowell Frei .................. 0.2795 Michael Strange ............ 0.2800 Robert Seemann ............ 0.2831 Tom Evans ................... 0.2833 Tom Ross ..................... 0.2873 Gene Deloney................ 0.2901

Bob Hamister ............... 0.2902 Rick Pollock ................. 0.2919 Timothy Oltersdorf ......... 0.2930 Dan Sutton .................. 0.2970 William Marsh................ 0.2987 Chief, Murphy............... 0.3001 John Verhagen .............. 0.3031 Charles Huckeba ........... 0.3050 Lawrence Weisdorn ........ 0.3064 Cliff McNairy ................ 0.3080 Truman Wilson .............. 0.3090 Gene Beggs .................. 0.3095 Tom Libby.................... 0.3113 Heavy Varmint Grand Aggregate Larry Costa ................. 0.2016 Lester Bruno................. 0.2018 Lou Murdica.................. 0.2070 Ed Adams..................... 0.2073 Mike Conry................... 0.2093 Durward Wofford ........... 0.2129 Tom Libby ................... 0.2364 Tom Evans ................... 0.2369 Rex Reneau .................. 0.2383 Mike Bryant ................. 0.2389 Greg Wilson ................. 0.2392 Horn, John .................. 0.2409 Richard Brensing ........... 0.2417 Rodney Brown ............... 0.2423 Bob Hammack............... 0.2438 Gary Bristow ................ 0.2447 Gene Bukys .................. 0.2471 John Verhagen............... 0.2486 Larry Baggett ............... 0.2502 Lowell Frei .................. 0.2526 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Larry Baggett............... 0.1666 Durward Wofford............ 0.1768 Tom Evans.................... 0.1822 John Horn.................... 0.1920 Larry Costa................... 0.1980 Ed Adams..................... 0.2014 Murphy Chief................ 0.2072 Randy Burgess............... 0.2088 Lowell Frei................... 0.2088 Lester Bruno................. 0.2102 Small Group Mike Conry.................... 0.055 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Lou Murdica................. 0.1675 Mike Conry................... 0.1886 Lester Bruno................. 0.1934 Larry Costa................... 0.2053 Ed Adams..................... 0.2132 Bob Hammack............... 0.2184


Gary Ocock................... 0.2213 Jack Neary................... 0.2288 Rex Reneau................... 0.2314 Walt Berger.................. 0.2345 Small Group Gene Deloney................. 0.190 Light Varmint Grand Aggregate Larry Costa ................. 0.1897 Gene Bukys .................. 0.2160 Wayne Campbell ........... 0.2261 John Horn ................... 0.2282 Lester Bruno ................ 0.2387 Gary Bristow ................ 0.2408 Darrel Loker ................. 0.2417 Gary Sinclair ................ 0.2437 Kenneth Terrell.............. 0.2464 Greg King .................... 0.2468 Justin Young ................. 0.2488 Bud Mundy ................... 0.2505 Chris Harris .................. 0.2576 Jeff Anderson ............... 0.2594 Richard Brensing............ 0.2622 Greg Wilson ................. 0.2622 Ed Adams .................... 0.2658 Don Creach .................. 0.2685 Jack Neary................... 0.2715 Rodney Brown............... 0.2726 Light Varmint 100-Yards Gary Bristow................ 0.1644 John Horn.................... 0.1758 Kelly Ellis..................... 0.1822 Bud Mundy................... 0.1854 Bob Hammack............... 0.1894 Larry Costa................... 0.1916 Mike Bryant.................. 0.1928 Greg King..................... 0.1964 Lester Bruno................. 0.2030 Kenneth Terrell.............. 0.2068 Small Group Greg King...................... 0.058 Light Varmint 200-Yards Larry Costa.................. 0.1878 Gene Bukys................... 0.2073 Rodney Brown............... 0.2308 Wayne Campbell............ 0.2372 Gary Sinclair................. 0.2453 Jeff Anderson................ 0.2611 Darrell Loker................. 0.2613 Lester Bruno................. 0.2743 Tim Oltersdorf............... 0.2747 John Horn.................... 0.2807 Small Group Carolyn Libby................. 0.182


Precision Rifleman

Heavy Varmint: Larry Costa Lester Bruno Lou Murdica Ed Adams Mike Conry Durward Wofford Tom Libby Tom Evans Rex Reneau Mike Bryant Light Varmint: Larry Costa Gene Bukys Wayne Campbell John Horn Lester Bruno Gary Bristow Darrel Loker Gary Sinclair Kenneth Terrell Greg King



Barrel Bartleine Kriger 13.5 Bartlein Bartlein Krieger Krieger Bartlein Bartlein Krieger Bartlein

Stock Mfg Scoville Bruno/McMillan Scarbrough Kelbly Scarbrough Scoville Tom Dixon Lenard Kelbly McMillan


BAT BAT 3L Farley BAT BAT 3L BAT 05 BAT Grizzly BAT Farley

Bartleine Bartlein Bartlein Krieger Krieger 13.5 Krieger Krieger Krieger Krieger Bartlien

Scoville Scarbouro Borden Scarbrough Bruno/McMillan Scarbrough SGY McMillan Kelbly Scoville

2016 Cactus Classic Equipment List Stocker Gunsmith Scope & Power Self Self March 56x Lester Lester Nightforce 15-55x Scarbrough Sosenko Nightforce Adams Adams Leupold 45x Scarbrough Conry Valdada 36x Scoville Self March 40x Tom Dixon Tom Dixon March 40x Lenard Self Leupold 45x Self Self March 36-55x Bryant Bryant Leupold 45x Self Scarbouro WC Scarbrough Lester Scarbrough Self Ocock Baggett Scoville

Self Bukys WC Self Lester Self Self Ocock Baggett Skeeter

March 56x Leupold 58 Leupold 36 March 40x Nightforce 42x Leupold 45x Nightforce Leupold 40x March 40x Leupold 45x

Powder & Weight 30gr N-133 29.7gr VV-133 29gr LT-32 28.3gr V-133 29.0gr 133 29.1gr 133 29.0gr 8208 28.5gr LT-32 30gr 8208 28.2gr LT-32

Bullet & Weight 68gr Self BT 68gr Bruno Berger BR Column 66gr Miller 68gr Self BT 66.5gr Bro. D Berger BR Column 68gr Evans 65gr Berger BT 68gr Bryant

Seating Depth n/a Off n/a n/a On .006 into lands On Touch Off AT

30gr N-133 133-29.0 N 133 30 29gr V-133 30.5gr VV-133 30.1gr V-133 27.8gr 133 28.2gr 8208 29.7gr 133 8208

68gr Self BT Bukys 68 WC 68 67gr Cheek 68gr Bruno 68gr Cheeks BT Berger 65gr Miller 65gr Miller 66 Conaway

n/a On n/a On On Off .006 on On Touching Lands n/a

June, 2016 Precision Rifleman

2016 Cactus Classic Sponsors

Made Exclusively With J4 Precision Jackets

“Her success is a direct result of training, a well built riie and the Berger BR Column bullet.�

Match Grade Rifle Bullets for

Varmint Target Hunting Tactical

Load Specs: Cartridge: 6 PPC Powder: LT 32 Bullet: 6mm BR Column

...says Lou Murdica of Palm Springs, California. His granddaughter, Angelina Gonzalez, recently shot at Arizona Benchrest Shooters' Unl5-Unl5 Arizona State Invitational and earned 4th place out of 37 shooters in the 2nd 100 yard agg. Her 0.1612" agg was smaller than 2 benchrest hall of famers!

Action: Panda Scope: 8-80 March

Lee Precision Lilja Precision Rifle Barrels Lou & Connie Murdica Marsh Industries Master Class Stocks McMillan Fiberglass Stocks Midway USA Nightforce Optics Pacific Tool & Gauge PMA Tool Pro Shot Products Protect Ur Ears Realtree Products Redding Reloading Reloading International Rigel Products Satern Barrels Schmidt & Bender Seal 1 Shadetree Engineering Sharpshoot-R Precision Shilen Rifles, Inc. Shurley Bros. Sierra Bullets Sightron Sinclair International SOG Knives Sportsman's Warehouse Spyderco Starline Brass Timney Triggers Vihtavuori Vortex Optics Weaver Western Powders Whidden Gunworks

Gear Specs: Barrel: Shilen Stock: Kensler

Thank you for your support. 21st Century Shooting Applied Ballistics Bartlein Barrels BAT Machine Co. Bell and Carlson Berger Bullets Black Hills Ammunition Bob Brackney Bruno Shooters Supply Burris Optics Butch's Guns/Butch's Reloading Cabela's Caldwell Shooting Supplies Condor Knife and Tool Creedmoor Sports CRKT Cutting Edge Bullets Dave Manson Precision Reamers Decot Sport Glasses Defiance Machine Edgewood Shooting Bags Emerson Knives Evans Sports Graf & Sons Gunstop Reloading Hart Rifle Barrels Havalon Knives Hodgdon Powder Company H-S Precision Iosso Products Jewell Triggers Kelbly's Krieger Barrels Larry White


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Graf & Sons, Inc. 800-531-2666 www.grafs.com


Precision Rifleman

WBC XIII Gold Medalists


Team 2: Gold Medal Winners of WBC XIII from left: Larry Costa, Billy Stevens, Honorary Team Captain Walt Berger, Wayne Campbell & Lester Bruno

USA Team 1 from left: Tony Boyer, Gene Bukys, Mark Buettgen & Chris Harris

USA Team 3 from left: Jack Neary, Bob Scarbrough, Jr, Mike Ratigan & Mike Conry

June, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Two Down, Three To Go!

With the first two World Team qualifiers now completed and the third just around the corner, let’s review last years’ World Team members to provide some additional incentive as shooters vie for the coveted twelve slots in next year’s event. On page 8 are WBC XIII Gold medal winners from US Team 2. Rounding out our US representation are the members of Team 1 & Team 3. The last three qualifiers are the East-West at St Louis, MO, on June 25-26, the Rattlesnake in Raton, NM, on August 20-21 and the Phoenix Group Nationals on October 10-15. Best of luck to all the contenders!

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Greg Swezey



Precision Rifleman

Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters March 5-6, 2016

For our first match of the year at the Sacramento Valley Shooting Facility, the weather was horrible. It rained all day Saturday with wind up to 25mph and the high was below 60F all weekend. Our equipment was soaked. Wind flags were tossed about. In retrospect, it was probably not the best weekend to hold a match. Steve Epstein kept a steady winning streak by taking the LV100, HV200 and HV Grand. Dan Lutke won the LV200 and LV Grand and Greg Wilson took the first place for HV100. Ultimately it was Steve Epstein who won the Two Gun for this March match. Congratulations to Steve and thank you to everyone for attending our match in spite of the inclement weather. In the photo from left are Dan Lutke, Francis Lee, Steve Epstein and Bob Dorton. --Dan Lutke Light Varmint 100-Yards Steve Epstein............... 0.2408 Dan Lutke.................... 0.2780 Bob Dorton................... 0.3100

Greg Wilson.................. 0.3144 Michael Taner................ 0.3214 Raymond Garric............. 0.3266 Francis Lee................... 0.4000 Larry Mather................. 0.4508 Small Group Steve Epstein................. 0.160 Light Varmint 200-Yards Dan Lutke.................... 0.3519 Steve Epstein................ 0.4275 Ray Garric.................... 0.4598 Francis Lee................... 0.4613 Bob Dorton................... 0.4776 Greg Wilson.................. 0.4817 Henry Pinkney............... 0.5778 Bill McCracken............... 0.6017 Michael Taner................ 0.6074 Bill Mellor.................... 0.9269 Small Group Dan Lutke..................... 0.398 Light Varmint Grand Dan Lutke.................... 0.3149 Steve Epstein................ 0.3341 Ray Garric.................... 0.3932 Bob Dorton................... 0.3938 Greg Wilson.................. 0.3981 Francis Lee................... 0.4306 Bill McCracken............... 0.4493 Michael Taner................ 0.4644 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Greg Wilson................. 0.2876 Francis Lee................... 0.3054 Steve Epstein................ 0.3088 Dan Lutke.................... 0.3354

Raymond Garric............. 0.4086 Michael Taner................ 0.4368 Larry Mather................. 0.5244 Bob Dorton................... 0.8492 Small Group Dan Lutke..................... 0.108 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Steve Epstein............... 0.3111 Bob Dorton................... 0.3300 Dan Lutke.................... 0.3893 Henry Pinkney............... 0.4327 Raymond Garric............. 0.4380 Greg Wilson.................. 0.4414 Francis Lee................... 0.4844 Michael Taner................ 0.4894 Bill McCracken............... 0.6911 Small Group Steve Epstein................. 0.351 Heavy Varmint Grand Steve Epstein............... 0.3099 Dan Lutke.................... 0.3623 Greg Wilson.................. 0.3645 Francis Lee................... 0.3949 Raymond Garric............. 0.4233 Michael Taner................ 0.4631 Bob Dorton................... 0.5896 Two Gun Steve Epstein............... 0.3221 Dan Lutke.................... 0.3386 Greg Wilson.................. 0.3813 Raymond Garric............. 0.4083 Francis Lee................... 0.4128 Michael Taner................ 0.4638 Bob Dorton................... 0.4917

June, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Sloughhouse 1000-Yard Benchrest Results

2/28/2016 Seventeen shooters competed in this match at Sacramento. Andy Anderson took most of the wins but was willing to share with Gary Gagliano the LG Group & Two Gun Group. Congratulations to both! Light Gun 3-Target Group Gary Gagliano................ 5.703 Ken Scheoder................. 6.115 Barry Moss..................... 6.730 Jason Peterson............... 6.810 Tim Height.................... 7.406 Dale Whitlock................. 7.924 Kieth Faller................... 8.028 Jeff Grahas.................... 8.168 Canada Cummins............. 8.238 Bob Dorton.................... 9.318 Andy Anderson............... 10.468 Mike Scadden................ 10.978 Bob Landis................... 11.176 Marek Zawadzki............. 12.482 Norm Matson................. 13.544 Jonh McGaughey............ 26.415 Small Group Gary Gagliano................ 3.404 Light Gun 3-Target Score Barry Moss................... 144-4X Ken Scheoder................ 143-2X Keith Faller.................. 142-4X Canada Cummins............ 137-2X Tim Height................... 137-2X Dale Whitlock................ 136-0X Andy Anderson............... 136-0X Jason Peterson.............. 135-2X Mike Scadden................ 135-0X Bob Dorton................... 134-1X Gary Gagliano............... 133-3X Jeff Grahas...................130-12X Bob Landis................... 128-0X Norm Matson................. 128-0X Marek Zawadzki.............. 97-0X Jonh McGaughey............. 83-0X High Score Barry Moss..................... 50-3X Heavy Gun 3-Target Group Andy Anderson.............. 8.696 Barry Moss..................... 9.798 Jason Peterson.............. 10.570 Dale Whitlock................ 10.606 Mike Scadden................ 10.665

Bob Dorton................... 11.907 Jeff Grahas................... 12.256 Ken Scheoder................ 12.682 Gary Gagliano............... 12.913 Tim Height................... 14.201 Dennis Yows.................. 14.651 Keith Faller.................. 15.205 Bob Landis................... 16.670 Marek Zawadzki............. 18.391 Jonh McGaughey............ 19.275 Canada Cummins............ 19.927 Small Group Andy Anderson................ 6.103 Heavy Gun 3-Target Score Andy Anderson............. 287-4X Dale Whitlock................ 272-3X Mike Scadden................ 267-1X Gary Gagliano............... 263-1X Jason Peterson.............. 263-0X Bob Dorton................... 261-2X Keith Faller.................. 260-1X Dennis Yows.................. 258-3X Ken Scheoder................ 258-0X Barry Moss.................... 256-2X Bob Landis................... 250-2X Norm Matson................. 239-3X Marek Zawadzki............. 234-0X Tim Height................... 233-1X Canada Cummins............ 230-1X Jeff Grahas................... 229-0X High Score Andy Anderson................ 99-1X Two Gun Group Gary Gagliano................ 8.158


Barry Moss..................... 8.264 Jason Peterson............... 8.690 Dale Whitlock................. 9.265 Ken Scheoder................. 9.459 Andy Anderson................ 9.582 Jeff Grahas................... 10.212 Bob Dorton................... 10.486 Tim Height................... 10.583 Mike Scadden................ 10.822 Kieth Faller.................. 11.616 Bob Landis................... 14.009 Canada Cummins............ 14.083 Marek Zawadzki............. 16.403 Jonh McGaughey............ 16.419 Norm Matson................. 17.543 Dennis Yows.................. 23.601 Two Gun Score Andy Anderson............. 423-4X Dale Whitlock................ 408-3X Keith Faller.................. 402-5X Mike Scadden................ 402-1X Ken Scheoder................ 401-2X Barry Moss.................... 400-6X Jason Peterson.............. 398-2X Gary Gagliano............... 296-4X Bob Dorton................... 395-3X Bob Landis................... 378-2X Tim Height................... 370-3/x Canada Cummins............ 367-3X Norm Matson................. 367-3X Jeff Grahas...................359-12X Marek Zawadzki............. 331-0X Dennis Yows.................. 309-3X Jonh McGaughey............ 303-1X


Precision Rifleman

Crawfish Invitational Tomball Gun Club

February 27-28, 2016 We held the annual Crawfish Invitational at the Tomball Gun Club on February 27-28, 2016. We got started Saturday morning with 42 competitors, shooting the light

varmints first and finished with the heavy varmints at 100 yards. Sunday morning began with the heavy varmints shooting at 200 yards and we finished up with the light varmints. When it was all said and done, Brad Calhoun came out on top. Congratulations to all the winners.

We had a great turn out and enjoyed a fun weekend of shooting with beautiful weather. We would like to thank everyone for attending the match and a special thanks to Jim Lusk for calling the match. --The Pullum Brothers Light Varmint 100-Yards Kenneth Terrell.............. 0.205 Dale Metzger.................. 0.220 John Jones.................... 0.226 Dickie Pustejovsky........... 0.237 Charles Huckeba............. 0.254 Mike Wickizer................. 0.255 Joe Duke...................... 0.261 Jackie Schmidt............... 0.261 Tim Olsterdorf................ 0.272 Bill Duffey..................... 0.275 Small Group John Jones.................... 0.083 Light Varmint 200-Yards Gary Bristow................. 0.313 Larry Baggett................. 0.320 Brad Calhoun................. 0.325 Larry Saavedra............... 0.336 John Horn..................... 0.348 Richard Pullum............... 0.355 Mark Wheatley............... 0.356 Richard Milton................ 0.374 Jackie Schmidt............... 0.380 Charles Huckeba............. 0.401 Small Group Richard Pullum............... 0.168 Light Varmint Grand Gary Bristow................. 0.301 Brad Calhoun................. 0.310 John Horn..................... 0.316 Larry Baggett................. 0.321 Jackie Schmidt............... 0.321 Larry Saavedra............... 0.322 Richard Pullum............... 0.324 John Jones.................... 0.327 Charles Huckeba............. 0.327 Tim Oltersdorf................ 0.338 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Brad Calhoun................. 0.224 Tim Oltersdorf................ 0.238 John Horn..................... 0.254 Kenneth Terrell............... 0.258 William Duffey................ 0.260 Dale Metzger.................. 0.268 John Hones.................... 0.282 Larry Welch................... 0.282 Dickie Pustejovsky........... 0.292

June, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Dwayne Pullum............... 0.295 Small Group John Horn..................... 0.093 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Vic Smith...................... 0.184 Gary Bristow.................. 0.255 Brad Calhoun................. 0.274 Tim Oltersdorf................ 0.279 John Horn..................... 0.281 Larry Baggett................. 0.285 Dale Metzger.................. 0.289 Charles Huckeba............. 0.296 Darryl Whitman.............. 0.302 Jackie Schmidt............... 0.312 Small Group Frank Wilson.................. 0.244 Heavy Varmint Grand Brad Calhoun................. 0.249 Tim Oltersdorf................ 0.258 John Horn..................... 0.267 Gary Bristow.................. 0.277 Dale Metzger.................. 0.278 Kenneth Terrell............... 0.291 William Duffey................ 0.304 Charles Huckeba............. 0.314 Larry Baggett................. 0.316 Richard Pullum............... 0.317 Two Gun Brad Calhoun................. 0.279 Gary Bristow.................. 0.289 John Horn..................... 0.291 Tim Olsterdorf................ 0.298 Kenneth Terrell............... 0.316 Larry Baggett................. 0.318 Richard Pullum............... 0.321 Shooter Brad Calhoun Gary Bristow John Horn Tim Oltersdorf Kenneth Terrell Larry Baggett Richard Pullum Charles Huckeba Jackie Schmidt Dickie Pustejovsky Richard Milton Larry Savedra Mike Wickizer John Jones William Duffey


Action BAT DS BAT DS BAT Panda Panda Stiller BAT DS BAT Farley BAT Panda Panda Farley Stolle Panda





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Charles Huckeba............. 0.321 Jackie Schmidt............... 0.323 Dickie Pustejovsky........... 0.346 Richard Milton................ 0.350 Larry Saavedra............... 0.353 Mike Wickizer................. 0.354 John Jones.................... 0.357

William Duffey................ 0.359 Vic Smith...................... 0.364 Dwayne Pullum............... 0.368 Gary Walters.................. 0.377 Mark Wheatley............... 0.378 Mike Elliott.................... 0.381

Tomball Gun Club's Crawfish Two Gun Equipment List Barrel Stock Maker Stocker Gunsmith Scope & Power Shilen McMillan Calhoun Calhoun Leupold/45x Krieger Scoville n/a Self Leupold Krieger Scarbrough Scarbrough Self Leupold Krieger Scoville Scoville Self Leupold Krieger Scoville Scoville Baggett Nightforce Krieger Lee Six Self Self Weaver Krieger Scarbrough Scarbrough Scott March 50x Bartlein Scarbrough Scarbrough Self March 40x Krieger Robertson Self Self March Krieger Borden Self Byrne Leupold Bartlein Robertson Self Self March Krieger Scarbrough n/a n/a Leupold Bartlein Scoville n/a n/a Leupold Bartlein McMillan Self Jackie Leupold Bartlein Leonard Stevens Stevens Leupold

Powder & Weight 8208/29.2 8208/28.5 133 29.0 8208/28.7 8208/28.5 n/a 133/29.8 133/29.8 133/30.0 8208/28.6 n/a 133/29.9 LT30/28.5 133 322/28.0

Bullet & Wt Snow Cheek 68 Cheek 67 Baggett Miller Baggett Barts 68 bt 68 bt Cheeks Generic Milton 68 Bart 65 Generic Milton 68

Primer 205m 205m Fed 205m Fed 205 205m 205 205 Fed Fed Fed Fed Fed 205


Precision Rifleman

Wayne Campbell Wins the Shamrock The Shamrock shoot in Dublin, Georgia was held later than usual this year. With Easter being in March, the match was held on April 2nd. and 3rd. This happened to coincide with the “Storm of the Decade” but it didn’t stop the 60+ contenders from coming to shoot. We were at the bottom of the massive storm that hit the South on Friday. The city of Dublin was pummeled all day; however, the range did not get any rain until 2pm. This allowed for a full day of practicing. The rain was supposed to end at 10pm Friday night. However, it lasted until 9am Saturday morning. After fixing some target system issues caused by the storm, shooting started at 9:30. The conditions

were very good for the first two matches in LV100. The smallest group was 0.074” by Don Rosette. This got Don in second place and Don Hardeman won with an agg. of 0.1884. Saturday remained overcast into the afternoon. The smallest group for HV100 was Floyd Cline’s 0.097”. Joe Bougard won the HV100 with an agg of 0.2244. Joe started off good with a 0.311” on his first target and just got better and better in each successive match. He ended with a 0.154” group; the smallest in match 5. Scotty Grimes decided to join us for some Saturday afternoon shooting and finished in 4th place. Sunday was a beautiful day, at

least to start with. Scotty Grimes, being rested from his trip to the beach the day before, won the HV200 with an agg of 0.2786. This was good enough for him to win the HV100 and 200 Grand. Dwight Scott shot the smallest group measuring 0.330”. Sunday also saw the return of the Dublin winds, but this time they were coming from everywhere. The Shamrock shoot is known for its cross winds. This year we were plagued with winds coming from behind the targets. A lot of push pins were used to hold the targets in place. Larry Costa won the LV200 with an agg of 0.2136. The small group for Sunday afternoon was a 0.197” by Bill Greene. Even with the challenging conditions on Sunday, no one left early. Shooting finished at about 3:30. Wayne Campbell won the LV100 and 200 Grand which moved him into the first place for the Two Gun. Congratulations to Wayne and thank you to everyone for attending. In the photo from left: Bart Sauter, Larry Costa, Wayne Campbell, Don Hardeman & Billy Stevens. --by Matt Walker Light Varmint 100-Yards Don Hardeman.............. 0.1884 Donald Rosette ............. 0.1970 Wayne Campbell ........... 0.2016 Rabon Stewart Jr............ 0.2126 Gary Conaway .............. 0.2178 Hugh Williamson ............ 0.2230 Bart Sauter .................. 0.2230 Roger Avery ................. 0.2246 Rick Salsman ................ 0.2320 Larry Costa................... 0.2366 Small Group Don Rosette................... 0.074 Light Varmint 200-Yards Larry Costa.................. 0.2136 Billy Stevens................. 0.2341 Wayne Campbell............ 0.2470 Scotty Grimes................ 0.2578 Jeff Summers................ 0.2748 James Casey................. 0.2808 Dave Abbott.................. 0.2912 John Mangus................. 0.2927

June, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Mark Engle................... 0.2953 Jeff Graves................... 0.3043 Small Group Bill Greene.................... 0.197 Light Varmint Grand Wayne Campbell........... 0.2243 Larry Costa................... 0.2251 Billy Stevens................. 0.2386 Donald Rosette.............. 0.2640 Mark Engle................... 0.2715 Rabon Stewart............... 0.2718 Hugh Williamson............ 0.2735 Don Hardeman............... 0.2740 Scott Mims................... 0.2781 Gary Sullivan................. 0.2825 Jeff Summers................ 0.2829 Gary Conaway............... 0.2869 Bart Sauter................... 0.2871 Roger Avery.................. 0.2900 Jeff Graves................... 0.2913 Danny Morgan................ 0.2913 Ray Porter.................... 0.2927 Allen Arnette................ 0.2995 Al Auman..................... 0.3039 Floyd Cline................... 0.3056 Heavy Varmint 100-Yards Joe Bougard................. 0.2244 Wayne Campbell............ 0.2414 Billy Stevens................. 0.2446 Name Wayne Campbell Larry Costa Mark Engle Scotty Grimes Donald Rosette Bart Sauter Billy Stevens


Action Panda Bat Bat Bat Bat Bat CST

Barrel Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Bartlein Krieger Krieger Bartlein

Scotty Grimes................ 0.2488 Al Auman..................... 0.2518 Floyd Cline................... 0.2562 Bart Sauter................... 0.2594 Larry Costa................... 0.2618 Rabon Stewart............... 0.2644 Dickie Land.................. 0.2646 Small Group Floyd Cline.................... 0.097 Heavy Varmint 200-Yards Scotty Grimes............... 0.2786 Bart Sauter................... 0.3010 Smiley Hensley.............. 0.3081 James Casey................. 0.3084 Don Hardeman............... 0.3090 Gary Sullivan................. 0.3115 Larry Costa................... 0.3148 Roger Avery.................. 0.3207 Billy Stevens................. 0.3224 Wayne Campbell............ 0.3292 Small Group Dwight Scott.................. 0.330 Heavy Varmint Grand Scotty Grimes............... 0.2637 Bart Sauter................... 0.2802 Billy Stevens................. 0.2835 Wayne Campbell............ 0.2853 Larry Costa................... 0.2883 Don Hardeman............... 0.2899


James Casey................. 0.3044 Don Rosette.................. 0.3130 Terry Leonard................ 0.3188 Joe Bougard.................. 0.3195 Bob Scarbrough, Jr......... 0.3196 Gary Sullivan................. 0.3310 Dickie Land.................. 0.3316 Steve Lee..................... 0.3321 Mark Engle................... 0.3340 Al Auman..................... 0.3365 Tim Singleton................ 0.3432 Rabon Stewart............... 0.3458 Mark Roper................... 0.3501 Matt Owens.................. 0.3519 Two Gun Wayne Campbell........... 0.2548 Larry Costa................... 0.2567 Billy Stevens................. 0.2610 Don Hardeman............... 0.2819 Bart Sauter................... 0.2836 Don Rosette.................. 0.2885 Mark Engle................... 0.3027 Gary Sullivan................. 0.3067 Rabon Stewart............... 0.3088 James Casey................. 0.3091 Terry Leonard................ 0.3131 Bob Scarbrough, Jr......... 0.3174 Al Auman..................... 0.3202 Steve Lee..................... 0.3202 Dickie Land.................. 0.3287 Ray Porter.................... 0.3297 Tim Singleton................ 0.3304 Hugh Williamson............ 0.3305 Allen Arnette................ 0.3321 Dave Abbott.................. 0.3321 Scott Mims................... 0.3331 Roger Avery.................. 0.3356 Smiley Hensley.............. 0.3384 Mark Roper................... 0.3435 Matt Owens.................. 0.3454 Paul Mitchell................. 0.3489 Danny Morgan................ 0.3497 Charlie Hood................. 0.3500 Steve Turner................. 0.3503 Floyd Cline................... 0.3559

Shamrock XV Equipment List for Top Five in LV & HV Grand Trigger Gunsmith Stock Mfr Stocker Scope power Bullet wt. Jewell Stevens McMillan Stevens n/a 68 gr Jewell Self Scoville Self March 56 Self / 68 Jewell Self Scoville Scoville March 50x 65 BT Jewell Stevens Leonard Stevens Leupold 36X 68 BT Jewell Dave Bruno Scoville Scoville Leupold 45 own / 66 gr Jewell Stevens Scarbrough Stevens Valdata Bart's 68 BT Jewell Gunsmith Scarbrough Stevens Valdata 36 Bart's / 68

Powder/weight n/a N133 / 30.0 gr 133 / 29.8 LT32 VV133 / 29.8 V133 / 29.2 V133

Primer Fed match Fed match Fed 205M 205M 205 Fed Fed

Case Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua 220 Bullion Lapua Lapua


Precision Rifleman

2016 NBRSA Registered Matche s SOUTHWEST REGION

Dec 10

June 4-5



Sloughhouse Short Range Benchrest California State Championship #1

June 4-5



Palomino Valley Gun Club, NV State

June 11



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

June 18-19



Visalia Sportsman Assn SW Regional Championship (UNL)

June 26



Desert Sportsman Hunter Match

June 26



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

July 2-3



Sloughhouse Short Range Benchrest California State Championship #2

July 9



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

July 17



Ojai Valley Gun Club, CA

July 24



Desert Sportsman Hunter Match

July 24



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

Aug 6-7



Aug 6-7



Aug 13


Aug 28


Aug 28



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest




Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club, WA Northwest Regional (HV)

June 11-12


100/200 & 300

North Cascades Sportsman Club Bob Miller Memorial Match

June 18-19



LaGrande Rifle & Pistol Club Oregon State Championship

June 19



Rogue Valley Sport Shooting Assn

June 25



Tri Cities MSA, Pasco, WA

June 25-26



Yellowstone Rifle Club, MT Mac Clark Memorial

June 26



Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club, ID Idaho State Hunter Championship

July 2-4



Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club, WA WA State, Sniper King & Sam Wilson

Sloughhouse Short Range Benchrest

July 9-10



North Cascades Sportsman Club

Central Utah Benchrest Shooters Utah State Championship Leg 2

July 1617



2016 Long Range Score Nationals LaGrande Rifle & Pistol Club


Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

July 23



Tri Cities MSA, Pasco, WA


Desert Sportsman Hunter Match

July 23-24





Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

Yellowstone Rifle Club, MT Montana State Championship

Sept 3-5



Visalia Sportsman Assn SW Regional Championship

Aug 6-7



Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club, WA Northwest SP & LV Regionals

Sept 3-4



Palomino Valley Gun Club, NV NV State Long Range 1st Half

Aug 13-14



North Cascades Sportsman Club

Aug 20-21



LaGrande’s NW Regional

Sept 10



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

Aug 21



Rogue Valley Sport Shooting Assn

Sept 18



Ojai Valley Gun Club, CA

Aug 27



Tri Cities MSA, Pasco, WA

Sept 24-25



Desert Sportsman Hunter & VFS Two Gun NV State Championship

Aug 27-28



Yellowstone Rifle Club, MT

Sept 24-25



Palomino Valley Gun Club, NV Long Range Varmint Nationals

Sept 3-5



Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club, WA WA State 3Gun & Ed Frombach

Sept 25



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

Sept 10-11


100/200 & 300

North Cascades Sportsman Club Money $hoot

Oct 1-2



Sloughhouse Short Range Benchrest

Sept 18



Rogue Valley Sport Shooting Assn

Oct 8



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

Sept 24



Oct 10-15



Arizona Benchrest Shooters 2016 Group Nationals

Tri Cities MSA, Pasco, WA Washington State Championship

Oct 16



Rogue Valley Sport Shooting Assn

Oct 22-23



Desert Sportsman Two Gun Southwest Regional Championship

Nov 8-12



Rogue Valley Sport Shooting Assn Northwest Regional

Oct 22-23



Palomino Valley Gun Club, NV NV State Long Range 2nd Half


Oct 23



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest


Club de Tir du Castellas, France

Oct 29-30



Visalia Sportsman Assn Visalia Invitational




Sloughhouse Short Range Benchrest

June 7-10


Nov 5-6

2016 Short Range Score Nationals Southwest Louisiana Rifle Club

Nov 5-6



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Group match

June 18-19


100/200 & 300 yds

Walker County Benchrest, TX

Nov 12



Sahuaro Long Range Benchrest

July 2-3



Midland Shooters Assn

July 16-17



Seymour Stool Shooters Gulf Coast Regional Leg 2

July 17



Southwest Louisiana Rifle & Pistol

Aug 28



Walker County Benchrest, TX

Sept 10-11



Midland Shooters Association The Buffalo

Nov 20



Ojai Valley Gun Club, CA

Nov 26-27



Desert Sportsman Score Match

Nov 27



Sloughhouse Long Range Benchrest

Dec 3-4



Arizona Benchrest Shooters Unlimited Invitational

Oct 8-9



June, 2016 Precision Rifleman


2016 NBRSA Registered Matche s Sept 18



Southwest Louisiana Rifle & Pistol

Sept 25



Walker County Benchrest, TX

Oct 16



Southwest Louisiana Rifle & Pistol


July 2-3



Holton Gun Club, MI Michigan State Three Gun

July 9-10



Fairchance Gun Club, PA Roye Leckemby Challenge

July 16-17



Kane Fish & Game Club, PA Pennsylvania State Championship

June 11-12



Northern Colorado Benchrest Sporter Leg of NorCo 4-Gun

Sept 3-5



Holton Gun Club, MI Eastern Region Championship

June 11-12



Okie Shooters OK State Champ.

Sept 17-18



Western Wayne CCA, Detroit, MI Fall Classic

June 18-19



Whittington Center, Raton, NM

Oct 22-23



July 9-10



Northern Colorado Benchrest Unlimited Leg of NorCo 4-Gun

Shelby County Deer Hunters, OH Fall Finale

July 9-10



Mill Creek Rifle Club

July 16-17



Whittington Center, Raton, NM Muchas Gracias

July 23-24



Land’s End Benchrest Shooters Legs 2 & 3 of Land’s End 4-Gun

Aug 6-7



Aug 6-7


Aug 2021




Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club Two Gun *NEW CLUB*

Sept 8-11



River Bend Gun Club Southeast Region Championship

Sept 24-25



Northern Colorado Benchrest

Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club Two Gun *New Club*


Ouachita Sportsman AR State




Whittington Center, Raton, NM Rattlesnake *WBC Qualifier*

June 4-5



Sept 3-4



Mill Creek Rifle Club KS State

Prairie Dog Target Club, SD North Central Region Championship

Sept 10-11



Northern Colorado Benchrest Firewalker & Final Legs of 4-Gun

June 12



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club, WY

Sept 17-18



Mill Creek Rifle Club

June 18



Oak Hill Gun Club, Blue Grass, IA

Oct 1-2



Land’s End Benchrest Shooters Purple Haze & Final Leg of 4-Gun

June 25-26



Boone Valley Ikes, Webster City, IA Iowa State Score Championship

June 26



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club, WY

July 2-3


100/200 & 300 (HV)

Prairie Dog Target Club, SD South Dakota State & Prairie Dog

July 10



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club, WY




Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis

June 25-26



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis East West Show Me Shootout

July 17



Oak Hill Gun Club, Blue Grass, IA

July 9-10



Holmen Rod & Gun Club, WI Wisconsin State Championship

July 24



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club, WY

July 10



Columbus Sportsman Assn, WI

July 30-31



July 16-17



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Chuck Hearn Mem, MO State, MVR

Boone Valley Ikes, Webster City, IA Iowa State Group Championship

Aug 14



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club, WY

July 23-24



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis Missouri State 4-Gun, Part 2

Aug 20-21



Council Bluffs, IA Mid-State Shootout Leg 2

Aug 6-7



Columbus Sportsman Assn, WI

Aug 21



Oak Hill Gun Club, Blue Grass, IA

Aug 6-7



Holmen Rod & Gun Club, WI Roy Oines Memorial Match

Aug 27-28



Lincoln Izaak Walton League, NE

Sept 17-18



Columbus Sportsman Assn, WI

Aug 28



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club, WY

Oct 2



Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis

Sept 3-4



Nov 5-6



Benchrest Rifle Club of St Louis Mississippi Valley Regional

Prairie Dog Target Club, SD NC Region #2 & Butch Kimmell

Sept 11



Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club, WY

Sept 10-11



Boone Valley Ikes, Webster City, IA Two Gun Score Championship

Sept 18



Oak Hill Gun Club, Blue Grass, IA




Western Wayne CCA, Detroit, MI Wolverine Challenge

June 25-26



Shelby County Deer Hunters, OH Briar Hail Memorial


Precision Rifleman

Hydro Bullet Seater with extended base and interchangeable loading blocks Our New 21st Century Reloading Hydro Bullet Seater is designed for bullet seating with hand dies. Height adjustment is a simple twist of the knob with very little effort. With this press you will receive the feedback and data to help control neck tension. Unique design for the field or bench. No need to bolt or fasten to bench. Extended base also available with the New Generation Press.

Enter FBOOK10 and receive 10% off order

Click Head Stainless Steel Bench Rest Quality Primer Tool

The feel, the precision, the quality and the ease of adjustment of this tool are unique. Features include click head adjustments for precise primer seating and all stainless steel components with aluminum handle.

Concentricity Gauge with wheel

This device enables the user to rotate the case one complete revolution with about 1/8 of a turn on the wheel. Providing consistent pressure on the case. Easily retrofits in a snap to the 21st Century Shooting Concentricity Gauge (run out gauge - as shown). Features include canting to the left or right to keep the base of the case rotating against the stop. For unlimited setup scenarios. Simply amazing!

Neck Turning Lathe

The floating design of our neck turner and the universal floating case driver allows the case mouth (bore) to run on the arbor absolutely concentric. Therefore allowing O.D. to be turned concentric with I.D. The tail-stock creates a horizontal inline support for the base of the case. Also allows the operator to keep both hands on the power screw driver or drill. This makes it very easy to control feed rate of the cutting operation, generating a very fine turned finish. Case holder drivers are designed to be the most gentle driver, yet providing an adequate hold. DOES NOT DRIVE OFF THE PRIMER POCKET NO PRIMER POCKET OR CASE DAMAGE. Driver shaft is hexed to use power screw driver or drill. 17cal. Fireball to a .416 Rigby. Also 50cal. www.21stcenturyshooting.com 260-273-9909

June, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Steve Archibald Sets

Two New World Records

Steve Archibald from Sparks, Nevada (pictured at left) has established two new group benchrest world records on October 26, 2015. Some of you may remember the write up in April’s issue on page 9 which detailed the match at Palomino Valley Gun Club in Reno. The new records are the Unlimited Class 5, 5-shot group at 300-Yard Aggregate of .1702, which supercedes the world record 0.1801 established May 28, 1983 by Lee Andrews. Steve also set a new world


record in Single Group Unlimited Class 5-Shot at 300-Yards. The former record of 0.355 was held by Jim McGowin and set June 16, 2008. Steve Archibald’s new record supercedes this with 0.1676. Congratulations to Steve on setting two new Group World Records at 300-Yards! The current NBRSA Group Shooting and Long Range World Records are also listed in this issue for your reading enjoyment. Score World Records were published on page 30 of April’s issue. You can review current world records in Group, Long Range and Score shooting online anytime at www.nbrsa.org.

Sheldon Turf

New World Record Holder

November 7, 2015, Las Vegas Sheldon Turf of Las Vegas NV breaks the 200-300 VFS record shooting a very impressive 49823X at Desert Sportsmans. He not only broke the existing record but did so by two more X's! I have shot with Sheldon for years and have witnessed him have both good and bad shooting days. One thing is for sure though, he never gave up. Once Sheldon decided to smith his own rifles is when his scores really started to improve. He shot both yardages with a BAT 30BRX using a Krieger barrel and a Richards Carbon cedar stock topped off with a NF 12x42 BR scope. Good Shooting & congratulations! Keith Myers, Match Director In the photo is Sheldon with his record setting rifle.


Precision Rifleman

Benchrest Rifle Club of St. Louis VFS & Hunter Match Bill Haynes wins VFS Tom Hencken wins HBR April 17, 2016

We really had a great day for a match but the switching crosswind made it a challenge. The wind started the day as a right to left wind but started to switch around the end of the 100 yard matches. We had a total of 21 competitors. In the VFS class at 100 yards the winner was Dennis Boyet with a 250-14X, second was Wayne Corley with 250-13X followed by Dean Weston with 25011X. At 200 yards Bill Haynes was the winner with 246-4X,

next was Bud Mundy with 2454X and third was John Hutchins with 243-2X. In the grand agg the winner was Bill Haynes with 495-24X, followed by Bud Mundy with 494-14X and third place was Dennis Boyet with 492-20X. In the Hunter class the 100 yard the winner was Joe Hemkens with 250-11X, second was Tom Hencken with 250-9X and third was Clark Greene with 249-9X. At 200 yards the winner was Ron Shultz with 245-7X, followed by Matthew Hon with 244-5X and third place was Tom Hencken with 242-7X. In the grand agg the winner was Tom Hencken with 492-16X, followed by Ron Shultz with 490-18X and in third

was Matthew Hon with 489-12X. Thanks to everyone for coming out today and we hope to see you at our next match. By Wayne Corley In the photo from left: Bill Haynes, Bud Mundy, Ron Shultz, Tom Hencken, Matthew Hon, Joe Hemkens and Dennis Boyet. Varmint For Score 100-Yards Dennis Boyet.............250-14X Wayne Corley............ 250-13X Dean Weston............. 250-11X Galen DeRousse.......... 250-10X Bill Haynes............... 249-20X John Hutchins............ 249-14X Bud Schneidman......... 249-13X Bud Mundy................ 249-10X Albert Clark.............. 248-12X Stanley Clark. . ........... 248-11X Harry Ward............... 248-10X Jason Cohen............... 243-8X 200-Yards Bill Haynes................246-4X Bud Mundy................. 245-4X John Hutchins............. 243-2X Dennis Boyet.............. 242-6X Harry Ward................ 240-4X Dean Weston.............. 240-3X Albert Clark............... 240-0X Stanley Clark. . ............ 236-2X Bud Schneidman.......... 235-1X Galen DeRousse........... 234-4X

June, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Wayne Corley............. 233-2X Jason Cohen............... 228-1X VFS Grand Bill Haynes................495-24X Bud Mundy................ 494-14X Dennis Boyet............. 492-20X John Hutchins............ 492-16X Dean Weston............. 490-14X Harry Ward............... 488-14X Albert Clark.............. 488-12X Galen DeRousse.......... 484-14X Bud Schneidman......... 484-14X Stanley Clark. . ........... 484-13X Wayne Corley............ 483-15X Jason Cohen............... 471-9X Hunter Class 100-Yards Joe Hemkens.............250-11X Tom Hencken.............. 250-9X Clark Greene.............. 249-9X Paul Hon.................. 248-11X Leon Domijan............ 246-13X Tim Henderson............ 246-7X Ronald Shultz............ 245-11X Matthew Hon.............. 245-7X David Speiser.. ............ 239-6X 200-Yards Ronald Shultz.. ...........245-7X Matthew Hon.............. 244-5X

Tom Hencken.............. 242-7X Tim Henderson............ 238-3X Clark Greene.............. 237-3X Joe Hemkens.............. 237-3X Paul Hon................... 223-1X Leon Domijan............. 218-1X Hunter Grand Tom Hencken.............492-16X


Ronald Shultz............ 490-18X Matthew Hon............. 489-12X Joe Hemkens............. 487-14X Clark Greene............. 486-12X Tim Henderson........... 484-10X Paul Hon.................. 471-12X Leon Domijan............ 464-14X David Speiser.. ............ 239-6X

Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis April Score Match Equipment List Custom Hunter: Competitor David Speiser Tom Hencken Clark Greene Joe Hemkens Ronald Shultz Tim Henderson Paul Hon Matthew Hon Leon Domijan Varmint for Score: Bud Mundy Harry Ward Jason Cohen Dennis Boyet Dean Weston John Hutchins Stanley Clark Albert Clark Bud Schneidman Wayne Corley Bill Haynes Galen DeRousse

Cartridge 308X47 30x47 HBR 30x47 30x47 HBR 30x47 30x47 30x47 30 308 S

Action Rem Stolle Rem Kodiak Rattler Rattler Stolle Rem Rem

Barrel Hart Hart Broughton Krieger Lilja Pac-Nor Krieger Shilen Bartlein

Gunsmith Smart Smart Smart Smart Shultz Shultz n/a Smart Hoehn

Stocker Smart Smart Self Smart Shultz Shultz n/a Smart Corley

Scope Leupold Weav KT6 Leupold Leu-Pre Lyman Sightron Weaver Leupold Weaver

Case Rem WW Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua WW Rem

Powder n/a SRB-118 SRB-118 SRB-118 N-135 Benchmark N-135 N-135 N-135

Load n/a Full 46.0 45.0 n/a 42.0 41.0 42.5 43.0

Primer WW Fed 210M Fed F210 M Fed 210 Fed 210 Fed Federal Fed BR

Bullet Chism 150 Chism 150 10X-150 Chism 150 Bib 125 Bibs 118 Berger 150 Berger 150 125 Blkout

30 BR 6BR 308 30 BR 6PPC 6PPC 6PPC 30 BR 30 BR 6PPC 30 BR 30 BR

Stolle BAT Stiller Panda BAT Wichita BAT BAT AMT BAT Stolle Stolle

Krieger Bartlein Bartlein Krieger Bartlein Krieger Krieger Lederer Krieger Hart Shilen Shilen

Downey Stevens Accurate Hoehn Scott Davidson A Clark A Clark Schneidman Hoehn Haynes Haynes

Downey Leonard McMillan McMillan Scarbrough Davidson Leonard Scarbrough n/a Self TM n/a

Leupold March US Optics Leupold Valdada Leupold March N Force Leupold March Weaver Weaver

n/a Lapua n/a Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua Lapua

H-4198 H-4198 n/a H-4198 133 8208 N133 H-4198 H-4198 LT-32 LT-30 LT-30

43.2 34.0 n/a 34.1 29.0 29.9 29.7 34.2 34.0 28.0 35.0 n/a

205 205 n/a Federal 2AS 205 Fed 205 205 Fed Fed 205 Rem BR

Ulrich Barts n/a 10X-115 Bart BT Ultra 68 Sak 66 10X-115 115 Berger Generic 117 Cheeks Cheeks


Precision Rifleman

13eme Rencontre International du Castellas Club de Tir du Castellas La Fare Les Oliviers, France

Thirty-five competitors throughout Europe came to compete at the 13th Annual Castellas International Competition. The match was held March 4-6, 2016 at La Fare les

Oliviers in France with thirty-five talented shooters ready vie for the title of Champion. NBRSA’s European members also participated. Anne-Marie Deletang, wife of the NBRSA European Region Director, Jean Marie Deletang, took first place honors at the Light Varmint 100-meter and LV Grand as well as second place in the Two Gun. Congratulations to Anne-Marie on her fine shooting and thank you to all our NBRSA contingent competing in this European match. In the photo at left is the award table for the match. Light Varmint 100-Meters Anne-Marie Deletang (1) � 0.1721 Philippe Octo (7)............ 0.2396 Jean Marie Deletang (10) � 0.2491 Alain Beaumont (12)........ 0.2557 Louis Artaud (14)............ 0.2726 Jean Claude Eymieu (31) � 0.3669 Light Varmint 200-Meters Anne-Marie Deletang (8)... 0.5111 Louie Artaud (9)............. 0.5215 Jean Claude Eymieu (13) � 0.5486 Jean Marie Deletang (16) � 0.6025 Alain Beaumont (26)........ 0.7154 Philippe Octo (28)........... 0.7455 Light Varmint Grand Anne-Marie Deletang (1)... 0.3417 Louis Artaud (10)............ 0.3971 Jean Marie Deletang (13) � 0.4258 Jean Claude Eymieu (17) � 0.4578 Alain Beaumont (21)........ 0.4856 Philippe Octo (24)........... 0.4926 Heavy Varmint 100-Meters Louie Artaud (5)............. 0.2346 Alain Beaumont (11)........ 0.2612 Anne-Marie Deletang (13) 0.2699 Philippe Octo (14)........... 0.2715 Jean Claude Eymieu (18) � 0.3025 Jean Marie Deletang (32) � 0.3664 Heavy Varmint 200-Meters Louie Artaud (3)............. 0.2754 Philippe Octo (8)............ 0.3119 Jean Marie Deletang (11) � 0.3326 Anne-Marie Deletang (15) 0.3458 Jean Claude Eymieu (29) � 0.4278 Alain Beaumont (30)........ 0.4281 Heavy Varmint Grand Louis Artaud (3)............. 0.2550

June, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Philippe Octo (9)............ Anne-Marie Deletang (10) Alain Beaumont (21)........ Jean Marie Deletang (24) � Jean Claude Eymieu (28) � Two Gun Anne-Marie Deletang (2)... Louis Artaud (3)............. Jean Marie Deletang (15) � Philippe Octo (17)........... Jean Claude Eymieu (22) � Alain Beaumont (24)........

0.2918 0.3079 0.3447 0.3495 0.3652 0.3248 0.3261 0.3877 0.3922 0.4115 0.4151

Individual Photos Clockwise: Jean Marie Deletang, European Region Director, Louis Artaud & Anne Marie Deletang.

CTC Winner’s: Roger Seraine (1), Anne Marie Deletang (2) & Louis Artaud (3)



Precision Rifleman

Walker County Benchrest

Gulf Coast Region’s Newest Range Hosts Their Inaugural Match!

Thank you to the 22 contestants and countless amount of support we received on this opening shoot. As the day began in the lower forties there was no wind, but as the temperature increased to the seventies a slight north-

west wind appeared. However, this did not stop the shooters whose scores’ on the 300-yard line were nearly record-breaking. In first for the 100 with a score of 250-23X was Jackie

Schmidt, followed by Ashley Jones with a 250 21X and Richard Pullum with a 250-21X Gary Walters placed first for the 200 with a score of 2507X followed by Richard Pullum with a 248-7X and Jackie Schmidt with a 248-5X. For the 300, our top shooters were Dwayne Pullum 249-6X, Ed Bernabeo 249-4X and Jackie Schmidt with a 248-3X.

We appreciate all the help and support we have received and look forward to seeing everyone at our next shoot on June 18th and 19th. --Larry Deese

In the top photo from left: Kent Wilson, Ashley Jones, Richard Pullum, Jackie Schmidt & Gary Walters. Photo Immediately Above: Ed Bernabeo Dwayne Pullum & Jackie Schmidt.

VFS 100 Jackie Schmidt............ 250-23X Ashley Jones ................250-21X Richard Pullum .............250-21X Dwayne Pullum .............250-20X Ed Bernabeo................ 250-20X Renard Alexander.......... 250-19X Gary Walters ................250-19X Dan Blair .....................250-19X James Hoffpauir ............250-18X Larry Tilley ..................250-17X Dickie Pustejevusky....... 250-17X Larry Saavadra............. 250-16X Greg Smith.................. 250-14X Ron Sewell ...................250-14X Arthur Patton ...............249-14X Ron Parker ...................249-11X Mike Wall .................... 248-9X Craig Conklin ................ 248-9X Jim Galiloney............... 246-10X Gordon Doneley............. 245-3X Tommie Middleton ......... 244-8X VFS 200 Gary Walters ............... 250-7X Richard Pullum.............. 248-7X Jackie Schmidt ............. 248-5X Dwayne Pullum ............. 247-6X Larry Tilley................... 245-7X Larry Saavedra.............. 245-7X Greg Smith .................. 245-5X Ron Sewell ................... 245-4X Renard Alexander .......... 245-2X Ed Bernabeo ................ 244-2X Ashley Jones ................ 243-7X Dickey Pustejevosky ....... 243-7X Dan Blair ..................... 243-4X Jim Galiloney ............... 242-5X James Hoffpauir ............ 242-3X Craig Conklin ................ 239-6X Tommie Middleton.......... 239-1X Ron Parker................... 238-4X Kent Wilson ................. 223-1X Arthur Patton ............... 222-1X VFS 300 Dwayne Pullum ............ 249-6X Ed Bernabeo ................ 249-4X Jackie Schmidt ............. 248-3X Richard Pullum ............. 247-1X Gary Walters................. 245-6X Ron Parker................... 245-3X Larry Saavedra.............. 241-0X Dan Blair ..................... 237-4X Mike Wall .................... 236-0X Craig Conklin ................ 230-1X

June, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Lewis Clark Wildlife Club’s VFS Match

April 3, 2016 Lapwai, Idaho We had 14 shooters turn up for our first match of the year. Some excellent scores were shot. At 100 yards Rick Ekwortzel was first with a 250-21X, second was Harvey Uttinger with 250-21X and Paul Gylling placed third with 250-17X. At 200 yards, Harvey Uttinger was first with 249-6X with Glenn Sampson in second with 249-2X and third was Mr 49and4 Paul Gylling 248-8X. In the Grand aggregate Harvey Uttinger placed first with 499-27X, Paul Gylling was second with 49825X and Dick Mayer was third with 497-19X. Thank you to everyone who came and made this a successful match. --Glenn Sampson VFS 100-Yards Rick Ekwortzel............. 250-21X Harvey Uttinger.............250-21X Paul Gylling..................250-17X John Germann...............250-15X Dick Mayer...................250-14X Dan Norgrove................250-11X Glenn Sampson..............248-12X Mike Wesche.................248-12X Hank Tonning................249-10X Rick DeGroate............... 246-8X Mike Fowler..................242-12X Austin Olson................. 239-5X Larry Tucker................. 227-2X Kaylin Olson.................. 227-2X VFS 200-Yards Harvey Uttinger............ 249-6X Glenn Sampson.............. 249-2X Paul Gylling.................. 248-8X Dan Norgrove................ 247-5X Dick Mayer................... 247-5X Mike Fowler.................. 247-4X Mike Wesche................. 245-6X Rick Ekwortzel............... 243-4X Hank Tonning................ 241-4X John Germann............... 238-4X Rick Degroate................ 236-0X Austin Olson................. 229-2X Larry Tucker................. 220-0X

VFS Grand Aggregate Harvey Uttinger........... 499-27X Paul Gylling..................498-25X Dick Mayer...................497-19X Dan Norgrove................497-16X Glenn Sampson..............497-14X Rick Ekwortzel...............493-25X


Mike Wesche.................493-18X Hank Tonning................490-14X Mike Fowler..................489-16X John Germann...............488-19X Rick DeGroate............... 482-8X Austin Olson................. 464-7X Larry Tucker................. 447-2X

In the photo from left Lewis Clark Winner’s Circle: Rick Ekwortzel, Harvey Uttinger, Glenn Sampson, Dick Mayer & Paul Gylling

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Precision Rifleman

Group Benchrest World Records

as of December 29, 2015

Single Groups

Unlimited Class World Records

5 Shot 100-Yards 0.049 inches Gary Ocock..............10/17/2009 5 Shot 200-Yards 0.0846 inches Mark Walker................7/3/2009 5 Shot 300-Yards 0.1676 inches Steve Archibald.........10/26/2015 10 Shot 100-Yards 0.097 inches Tom Libby.................4/17/2004 10 Shot 200-Yards 0.202 inches Fred Hasecuster..........9/16/1989 10 Shot 300-Yards 0.512 inches Larry Costa...............9/16/2006

Heavy Varmint World Records

5 Shot 100-Yards 0.027 inches Ralph Landon.............9/13/1975 5 Shot 200-Yards 0.096 inches Mark Buettgen...........8/22/2009 5 Shot 300-Yards 0.149 inches Gary Ocock.................4/5/1998

Light Varmint World Records

5 Shot 100-Yards 0.0077 inches Mike Stinnett..............6/8/2013 5 Shot 200-Yards 0.075 inches Johnnie Stewart.........7/17/2009 5 Shot 300-Yards 0.291 inches Brady Knight..............8/27/2005

Sporter Class World Records

5 Shot 100-Yards 0.041 inches Jerry Thornbrugh......10/21/1978 5 Shot 200-Yards 0.086 inches Tom Libby.................9/25/2009 5 Shot 300-Yards 0.247 inches Robert Dodd..............7/17/2004


Unlimited Class World Records 5, 5 Shot Groups 100-Yards 0.1242 inches Jerry Lahr.................8/18/2012 5, 5 Shot Groups 200-Yards 0.1233 inches Gary Ocock.................9/1/2008 5, 5 Shot Groups 300-Yards 0.1702 inches Steve Archibald........10/26/2015 5, 10 Shot Groups 100-Yards 0.1808 inches Jeffrey Yost................7/4/2008 8, 10 Shot Groups 100-Yards 0.1899 inches Jeff Gaidos...............9/22/2014 5, 10 Shot Groups 200-Yards 0.1988 inches Eric Stanton................7/5/2014 8, 10 Shot Groups 200-Yards 0.1928 inches Lester Bruno..............9/27/2005 8, 10 Shot Groups 300-Yards 0.266 inches Jeff Graves...............9/20/2003 Heavy Varmint World Records 5, 5 Shot Groups 100-Yards 0.134 inches Gene Bukys...............9/24/2014 5, 5 Shot Groups 200-Yards 0.1485 inches Dennis Thornbury..........3/3/1996 5, 5 Shot Groups 300-Yards 0.184 inches Pat Byrne..................7/17/2005 Light Varmint World Records 5, 5 Shot Groups 100-Yards 0.1426 inches Mark Buettgen...........9/23/2014 5, 5 Shot Groups 200-Yards 0.147 inches Rabon Stewart.............5/2/2010 5, 5 Shot Groups 300-Yards 0.1518 inches Bart Sauter................9/20/2003 Sporter Class World Records 5, 5 Shot Groups 100-Yards 0.1573 inches Dick Katchmar............4/14/1985 5, 5 Shot Groups 200-Yards 0.1523 inches Larry Cohen.............10/26/2003 5, 5 Shot Groups 300-Yards 0.2203 inches James Carstensen........6/13/1999

Grand Aggregates

Unlimited Class World Records

5, 5 shot Groups 100 & 200 Yards 0.133 inches Dave Dowd................7/10/2012 5, 5 shot Groups 200 & 300 Yards 0.2491 inches Ben Peters................4/18/2009 5, 5 shot Groups 100, 200 & 300 Yds 0.2238 inches Ben Peters..................4/18/2009 5, 10 shot Groups 100 & 200 Yards 0.2097 inches Gary Ocock.................7/4/2014 8, 10 Shot Groups 100 & 200 Yards 0.2096 inches Lester Bruno..............9/27/2005 5, 5 Shot Groups 200 & 300 Yards 0.3567 inches Ed Watson.................7/15/1984 5, 10 Shot Groups 100, 200 300 Yds 0.3555 inches Walt Berger...............6/26/1982

Heavy Varmint World Records

5, 5 shot Groups 100 & 200 Yards 0.1688 inches Gene Bukys................9/26/2014 5, 5 shot Groups 200 & 300 Yards 0.2497 inches Jeff Summers..............9/1/1984 5, 10 Shot Groups 100, 200 300 Yds 0.2468 inches Jerry Kloeppel............4/19/2009

Light Varmint World Records

5, 5 shot Groups 100 & 200 Yards 0.1702 inches Gene Bukys...............9/25/2014 5, 5 shot Groups 200 & 300 Yards 0.2621 inches James Jarrett..............9/4/1982 5, 10 Shot Groups 100, 200 300 Yds 0.2732 inches James Jarrett..............9/4/1982

Sporter Class World Records

5, 5 shot Groups 100 & 200 Yards 0.1777 inches Gene Bukys...............10/9/2012 5, 5 shot Groups 200 & 300 Yards 0.2496 inches Tony Boyer..................9/3/1983 5, 10 Shot Groups 100, 200 300 Yds 0.2425 inches Tony Boyer....................9/3/1983

June, 2016 Precision Rifleman

600 Yard NBRSA World Records

Valid March 16, 2016 Light Gun SMALL GROUP, 5 Shots/Target Robert Hoppe 0.5823, 10/28/2007 HIGH SCORE Ken Schroeder 50-4X, 11/23/2008 GROUP AGGREGATE 3-Target Bill Johnston 1.4420, 11/17/2015 3-TARGET SCORE John Crawford 1475X,10/20/2013 GROUP AGGREGATE 6-Target Bill Johnston 1.8020, 11/2015 6-TARGET SCORE Terry Balding 284-5X, 4/2012 Heavy Gun SMALL GROUP, 10 Shots/Target Bill Johnston 1.4190, 2/23/2014 HIGH SCORE Robert Hoppe 100-3X, 1/23/2011 GROUP AGGREGATE 3-Target Bill Johnston 2.0530, 2/23/2014 3-TARGET SCORE Keith Cottrell 293-5X, 7/21/2013 GROUP AGGREGATE 6-Target Bill Johnston 2.8390, 11/2015

6-TARGET SCORE Bill Johnson 558-5X, 4/2012 Two Gun GROUP AGGREGATE 3-Target Bill Johnston 1.9840, 11/17/2015 3-TARGET SCORE Don Nielson 431-8X, 1/24/2010 GROUP AGGREGATE, 6-Target Bill Johnston 2.3220, 11/2015 6-TARGET SCORE Bruce Bangaman 842-12X, 11/2015

1,000 Yard World Records Valid March 16, 2016 Light Gun SMALL GROUP, 5 Shots/Target Bill Schrader 1.473, 3/24/2002 HIGH SCORE Ross Herrick 50-4X, 1/10/2009 GROUP AGGREGATE 3-Target Ross Herrick 3.8688, 8/10/2013 3-TARGET SCORE Rick Duncan 149-4X, 4/21/2012 GROUP AGGREGATE 6-Target Billy Copelin 4.6042, 10/2009


6-TARGET SCORE Robert Hoppe 288-6X, 4/2012 Heavy Gun SMALL GROUP, 10 Shots/Target Bill Johnston 3.9912, 11/17/2015 HIGH SCORE Bill Schrader 100-6X, 4/17/2005 GROUP AGGREGATE 3-Target Bill Johnston 5.1176, 4/27/2014 3-TARGET SCORE Charles Greer 294-8X, 9/11/2010 GROUP AGGREGATE, 6-Target Billl Johnston 5.9612, 4/2014 6-TARGET SCORE Richard Jette 571-11X, 11/2015 Two Gun GROUP AGGREGATE, 3-Target Ross Herrick 5.3438, 1/14/2012 3-TARGET SCORE Charles Greer 441-13X, 9/11/2010 GROUP AGGREGATE, 6-Target Canada Cummins 5.9700, 11/2015 6-TARGET SCORE Richard Jette 853-18X, 11/2015


Precision Rifleman

Ranges, Clubs, and Contacts ER—Eastern Region Chippewa Rifle Club

www.chippewarifleclub.com GPS: N40 56.820 W81 44.583 Contact: Bob Denk 440 596-7238 7728 E Linden Ln, Parma, OH 44130 robertsdenk66@gmail.com Contact: Pat Metcalf 419 886-3467 528 Alexander Rd, Bellville, OH 44813 plmohio@aol.com

Fairchance Rod & Gun Club

GPS: N39 48.704 W79 47.179 Contact: Bill Reahard 724 323-5044 PO Box 156, McClellandtown, PA 15458 reahard@verizon.net Contact: Jerry Van Sickle 724 569-2216 181 Guthrie Rd, Smithfield, PA 15478

Holton Gun & Bow Club

6201 Crystal Lake Rd, Holton, MI 49425 PO Box 128, Holton, MI 49425 www.holtongunandbowclub.com 231 821-9608 GPS: N43 23.742 W86 05.2566 Contact: Connie Wyant 231 821-2994 Email: sissy620@comcast.net Contact: Bruce Torrey 231 288-4769

Kane Fish & Game

Dwight Rd, 1 mile N of Kane on SR 321 www.kanefishandgameclub.org Steve Timpano – Group 814 837-9644 stimpano@verizon.net

Kelbly’s Rifle Range

7222 Dalton Fox Lake Rd N Lawrence, OH 44666 www.kelbly.com GPS: N40 52.9836 W81 40.6218 Contact: Jim Kelbly 330 683-4674 jim@kelbly.com

Shelby County Deer Hunter Assn

7988 Johnston-Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365 937 492-2972 Contact: John Petteruti 937 654-7950 jpetteruti@woh.rr.com


6700 Napier Rd, Plymouth, MI 48170 734 453-9843 http://wwcca.com Contact: Dana Raven 734 748-5394 10930 Old 27N, Frederic, MI 49733-9734 dana_raven@yahoo.com Contact: Bill Gammon 519 453-6734 387 Speight Blvd, London, ONT N5V 3J8 Canada Bill.gammon@rogers.com

GC—Gulf Coast Region Austin Rifle Club

www.austinrifleclub.org PO Box 141399, Austin, TX 78714 Contact: Virgil Howarth 512 447-8968 2704 Inridge Dr, Austin, TX 78745 vhowarth@sbcglobal.net

Hill Country Shooters Assn

GPS: N29 44.695 W098 14.141 421 Range Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78132

Contact: Cody Engel 210 535 2170 PO Box 1423, Blanco, TX 78606 codyvp@satx.rr.com

Midland Shooters Association

4108 East County Rd 160, Midland, TX 79706 432 682-2332 www.midlandshooters.com Contact: Mike Conry 3212 E County Rd 136, Midland, TX 79706 432 528-8718 or 432 683-1332 MEConry@suddenlink.net

North Texas Shooters Association

www.shootntsa.com GPS: N33 19.351 W97 08.938 Contact: Michael Stinnett 214 794-8006 6651 Blackjack Oaks Rd, Aubrey, TX 76227 mkstinnett@gmail.com

Seymour Stool Shooters

448 Hwy 283 South, Seymour, TX 76380 Contact: John Horn 940 636-9984 924 Peterson Rd S, Iowa Park, TX 76367 John.Horn44@gmail.com

SW Louisiana Rifle & Pistol Club

www.swla-rifleandpistol.org Contact: Mike Guillot 337 249-3712 1600 Cappy Dr, Lake Charles, LA 70605 Guillot4555@suddenlink.net

Tomball Gun Club

Contact: Dwayne Pullum: 281 684-9004 Richard Pullum by email: richardpullum@embarqmail.com

Walker County Benchrest Club

www.walkercobr.comGPS:30°45.662N; 95°46.136W Contact: Larry Deese, 713 410-5233 FM 1696 & Scales Ranch Rd, Texas 77320 larry@walkercobr.com

NC—North Central Region Boone Valley Ikes

Contact: Ronnie Berg 515 210-7772 104 S Dalander St, Madrid, IA 50156 mrberg@iowatelecom.net

Buffalo Outdoor Rifle Club

462 N Burritt, Buffalo, WY 82834 Contact Pete Eisele 307 217- 1155

Casper Score Shooters

2330 N Station Rd, Casper, WY 82601 307 265-2535 www.stuckenhoffshooterscomplex.net Contact: Tim Naugle 307 237-7185 1926 S Walnut St, Casper WY 82601 tnaugle@bresnan.net

Council Bluffs Rifle & Pistol Club

www.cbr-pc.org GPS: N41.39083 W95.37891 Contact: Ron Miller 402 393-4536 PO Box 1042, Council Bluffs, IA 50502 8081 Dupont St. Omaha NE 68124 ncnbrsa@cox.net

Lincoln Izaak Walton League

10801 S 134th St, Bennet, NE 68317 Contact: Mike Shapoval 402 420-5763


Minnetonka Benchrest Assn

8310 Hill n Dale Dr, St Francis, MN 55330 www.mgfc.org GPS: N45 23.42 W93 29.29 Contact: Scott Moser 612 961-6761 10412 Abbott Dr, Brooklyn Park MN 55443 samoser@comcast.net

Oak Hill Gun Club

12364 Coon Hunters Rd, Blue Grass, IA 52726 563 381-2677 Contact: Jim Schmidt 563 340-4789 5627 Oakbrook Rd, Davenport IA 52806 jjwonderland325@gmail.com

Prairie Dog Target Club

Contact: Don Deckert 605 288-1919 HC 54, Box 3, Porcupine SD 57772 pdtc57772@yahoo.com

MV—Mississippi Valley

Bench Rest Rifle Club Of St Louis

2280 Kohn Rd, Wright City, MO 63390 www.shootingstl.com GPS: N38 53.353 W091 04.763 Joe Fesi - Group 314 283-4085 206 Colonial Xing, Wentzville, MO 63390 jfesi@americanaircharter.comWayne Corley - HTR/VFS 636 928-0882 2 Sheffield Ct, St Charles, MO 63304 waynecorley@sbcglobal.net

Columbus Sportsman’s Assn

W10924 Bryer Road, Columbus, WI 53925 www.csa12.com tabalding@gmail.com Contact Terry Balding 608 577-5193 1777 W Main St #203, Sun Prairie, WI 53590

Holmen Rod & Gun Club

W7503 County Road T, Holmen, WI 54636 www.holmenrodandgunclub.com Contact Craig Nagel 608 783-5522

Van Dyne Sportsmen’s Club

www.vdsc.org or info@vdsc.org Contact: Steve Owen 920 688-2433 PO Box 8, Van Dyne WI 54979

NW—Northwest Region Wenatchee Benchrest Club

2800 #2 Canyon Rd, Wenatchee, WA www.wenrrc.org, zaccs@televar.com Contact: Dan Zaccanti 509 733-1003

Rogue Valley Shooting Sports Assn 6900 Kershaw Blvd, White City, OR 97502 Contact: Phil Grammatica 714 749-7216 philgrammatica@yahoo.com

Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club

27007 South Tom Beall Rd, Lapwai, ID 83540 280 843-2987 www.lcwildlife.org Contact: Paul Gylling - HTR/VFS 40102 State Route 195, Colfax WA 99111 PGylling@gmail.com 509 553-1118 Denny Andrews - Group andrewslaw1@gmail.com

June, 2016 Precision Rifleman


Ranges, Clubs, and Contacts North Cascades Sportsman’s Club

PO Box 1721, Chelan, WA 98816 http://www.chelangunclub.com Contact Dan Zaccanti 509 733-1003

Tacoma Rifle & Revolver Club

8503 Chambers Creek Rd W University Place, WA 98467 www.tacomarifle.org Contact: Jeff Lewis 206 407-8299 32310 6th Ave SW, Federal Way, WA 98023 varminthunter1@comcast.net

Tri-Cities Metallic Silhouette Assn Hwy 12 to Pasco-Kahlotus Rd www.tcmsa.org Contact: Rick DeGroat 509 308-7213 or 509 396-3166 rem10x308@aol.com

Whitecar Rifle & Pistol Range

578 Blodgett View Dr, Hamilton, MT 59840 www.whittecarrange.com 406 363-7078 Contact: Jeff Jetter 406 777-5326 4168 Foxy Ridge Rd, Stevensville, MT 59870 JLJ4HBR@msn.com

Yellowstone Rifle Club

7212 Molt Rd, Billings, MT 406 656-2775 www.yrc.org Contact: Ryan Lienemann 406 245-4056 1124 Horn St, Billings, MT 59101 lienemannbr@gmail.com

La Grande Rifle & Pistol Club www.lgrpc.com Contact Gary Vanlier 208 965-1992 or 208 461-0315 gwvjake1@msn.com

SE—Southeast Region

Middle Georgia Gun Owners Assn www.mggoa.com GPS: N32 24.3732 W82 53.0574 PO Box 4096, Dublin, GA 31040 Contact: Matt Walker 478 304-2749 mggoa1@gmail.com

River Bend Gun Club

588 River Bend Gun Club Road Dawsonville, GA 30534 770 893-3502 www.rbgc.org GPS: N34 20.198 W84 14.819 Contact: Jim Andress Group/Score PO Box 7, Marble Hill, GA 30148 benchrest@rbgc.org, jim@precisionrifles.co 770 876-2351 or 770 893-3319

Rockingham County Gun Club

572 Long Branch Road, Reidsville, NC 27320 www.rockinghamcountygunclub.com GPS: N36 25.536 W79 31.864 Contact: Roy Darnell 336 595-9110 4811 Camp Betty Hastings Rd Walkertown, NC 27051 DarnellRM@embarqmail.com

Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club 1305 Gun Club Dr, Hardy, VA 24101 www.roanokerifle.com Contact: Gil Gross 540 721-3015 gilgrosscms@embarqmail.com

Unaka Rod & Gun Club

90 Furnace Rd, Johnson City, TN 37601 423 926-0221 www.unakarodandgun.com Contact: Matthew Keller 423 202-6932 Limestone, TN 37681 mk6ppc4@yahoo.com

MC—Mid-Continent Region Colorado Rifle Club

76099 E 96th Ave, Byers, CO 80103 303 238-5696 http://crci.org Contact: Nick Hoier 719 499-0246 or Nate Miller 719 648-5334 524 E McCullough Blvd, Pueblo West, CO 81007 namiller1979@gmail.com

Land’s End Benchrest Shooters

4 mi East of Hwy 50 on Reeder Mesa Rd Contact: Tom Stiner 970 257-9160 1521 Divide Rd, Whitewater CO 81527 TSTooling@hotmail.com

Mill Creek Rifle Club

7215 Gardner Rd, DeSoto, KS 66018 www.millcreekrc.org Contact: Don Creach - Group 816 586-9475 dcjcreach@aol.com Contact:Ronald Shultz - Hunter/VFS 913 557-9879

Northern CO Benchrest Shooters 38967 CR 51, Eaton, CO 80615 www.wcfw.org Contact: Bud Schalles 970 224-3740 PO Box 83, La Porte CO 80535 budschalles@aol.com

Okie Shooters Range

Contact: Rex Reneau 405 787-8529 7409 NW 28th Terrace, Bethany OK 73008 405 623-6019 or rreneau1@cox.net

Ouachita Sportsmen’s Assn

Contact: Joe McNeill 870 877-0688 or Ray Porter at 870 633-8984 278 Maquire Ln, Pencil Bluff AR 71965

Whittington Center

34025 US 64, Raton, NM 87740 575 445-3615 www.nrawc.org Contact: Ed Adams 505 401-5071 7923 Victoria Dr NW, Albuquerque NM 87120 trished5@comcast.net

SW—Southwest Region Arizona Benchrest Shooters

4044 W Black Canyon Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85086 GPS: N33 27 12.22 W112 37 12.20 http://azbrs.com Contact: Melesia Cisneros 714-441-7220 4275 N Palm St, Fullerton, CA 92835 melesia.cisneros@bergerbullets.com

Central Utah Benchrest

Contact: Dave Tunbridge 801 571-6755 966 Stacie Ave, Sandy UT 84094 drtunbridge@gmail.com

Desert Sportsman Rifle Club

12201 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702 642-9928 www.dsrpc.net GPS: N36.1498 W115.3653 Contact: Howard Bloom - HTR 1964.usmc@att.net or 702 368-0568

Ojai Valley Gun Club

www.dock.net/ovgc Contact: Barry Bluhm 805 798-2473 608 E Oak St, Ojai CA 93023 TwiLiteZ585@hotmail.com

Palomino Valley Gun Club

Washoe County Shooting Facility 21555 Pyramid Lake Hwy, Reno NV 80502 palominovalleygunclub.homestead.com GPS: N39 51.374 W119 40.046 Contact: Robert Hoppe - Long Range PO BOX 4251, Sparks NV 89432 RobH@saturnnet.com 775 827-8679 or 775 397-3358 Contact: Steve Archibald - Varmint 5017 Pleasant View Dr, Sparks, NV 89434 775 356-5850 (h) or 775 742-1153 (c) nevadaswa@aol.com

Sahuaro 1000-Yard Benchrest

www.tucsonrifleclub.org Contact: Karl Hunstiger 602 971-4400 2901 E Cortez St, Phoenix AZ 85028 wfo13@aol.com

Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters www.sacvalley.org Contact: Craig St Claire - Long Range galtshtr@gmx.com or 209 744-2274 Contact: Dan Lutke - Short Range 408 241-9759 lutke5@sbcglobal.net Contact: Bill Mellor - Short Range 916 354-1782 rollem11@att.net

Visalia Sportsman Association

7398 Avenue 328, Visalia, CA 93291 599 651-3063 www.visaliasportsmans.com Contact: Dennis Thornbury 559 432-4401 PO Box 105, Visalia, CA 93279 559 280-6243 gunhandler@gmail.com

EU-European Region Club de Tir du Castellas

Route de Vautubiere, La Fare les Oliviers, France 13580 bench-rest@ctcastellas.com Contact Jean-Marie Deletang at redneckbr@neuf.fr or Andre Feraud at nagemar@vanadoo.fr

Benchrest Dolomiti

Dobiacco Range, Italy Contact: Americo Angaran Email: americo.angaran@gmail.com


Precision Rifleman

Denton (Denny) P Andrews

Denny Andrews, age 74, passed away Friday April 29, 2016 at his home in Clarkston, Washington, surrounded by loved ones. He was born March 15, 1942 in Boise, Idaho, to Denver and Oleta Clark Andrews. When Denny was five years old and living with his family at Farragut Naval Training Station, his father Denver moved to Kodiak Island, Territory of Alaska, to assist with the construction of the Kodiak Naval Station. Denny, his mother, Oleta, and his sister, Lois, took the month-long journey by steam ship to Kodiak to join him shortly thereafter. As a young man, Denny worked in various trades, such as deck hand for several commercial fishing boats, a pea processor for Twin City Foods, and eventually as a law clerk. His law clerk experience is what drove his passion for the law. He clerked for a Judge in the Tacoma, WA area while going to law school. Each of his roles were spent in an effort to put himself through school. He obtained a BS in Industrial Engineering in 1967, and passed the Washington State Bar in 1973. For the whole of Denny’s life, he was widely loved by everyone he met. An attorney by trade, he spent his life helping those around him. A hobbyist scholar,

he shared his wisdom freely. Denny was also a competition bench rest shooter, who won the World Championship in Finland in 1996. His passion for shooting was contagious and he worked diligently to share his experience and knowledge with others. He was a past NBRSA President, Northwest Region Director, World Title holder and was Benchrest through and through. Denny met the love of his life, Charmain Black, in 1987, in Washington. D.C., and they were married May 6, 1988. At the time, Denny was serving as Associate Counsel to the Secretary of the Navy, at the Pentagon, and, in 1991, moved to the Justice Department, as Senior Navy Trial Attorney - Criminal Division. In 1996, Denny and Charmain moved from Springfield, Virginia to Asotin County, Washington. He served as the Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Asotin County until 2002, then moved into private practice as a Bankruptcy Attorney until he passed away. Denny and Charmain spent their lives serving friends of Bill W. and family members alike. He was a highly influential man, and instrumental to anyone that needed him. He never hesitated to get involved with those he could help in some way. Denny is survived by his wife, Charmain, and his daughters and grandchildren: Oleta and Constantine Vassilopoulos of Falls Church, VA, and their daughter Ana; Alexandria and Ken Abadie of Lafayette, Louisiana, and their children Gwendolyn, Mason, and Colin; Jean Marie Thomas of Washington D. C.; and foster daughter Missy Black of Spring, Texas. Surviving siblings are Lois Andrews of Puyallup, WA, Bruce (Robin) Andrews, David (Marina) Andrews, and Dale (Karen) An-

drews. He was preceded in death by his youngest sister, Carol Andrews LaFramboise, and parents Denver and Oleta Andrews. Denny is also the favorite and beloved uncle to his many nieces and nephews. The family would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all of the attending nurses and staff from Elite Home Health and Hospice who helped Denny’s last days to be comfortable. They especially want to thank Ed Wininger, Denny’s caregiver, who worked tirelessly to bring peace and comfort to Denny and his family. A memorial service will be held Friday May 6, 2016, 2:00 p.m. at the Lewiston Seventh-day Adventist Church, 1212 19th St., Lewiston, Idaho. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that you contribute to a charity of your choice in Denny’s name.

Advertising Index Bullet Central............... 2 Gradient Lens Corp........ 3 PMA Tool.................... 6 Berger Bullets............... 7 Graf & Sons................. 7 Anneal Rite.................. 9 Redding Reloading......... 9 Lilja Rifle Barrels........... 9 Shilen Rifle Barrels......... 11 Sharp Shoot R............... 12 Magnum Metal.............. 13 Edgewood Bags.............14 21st Century Shooting ����18 Butch’s Reloading.......... 19 6mmPPC/Accugauge ������20 Marsh Industries............21 BAT Machine Co............22 Benchrite, LLC..............23 McMillan.....................25 ShadeTree Engineering ����27 Kelbly’s.............back page For advertising rates, contact 307 655-7415.

June, 2016 Precision Rifleman

Regional Directors Eastern Region

Staff Exp 2016

Jack Neary 6204 Wild Oak Dr, North Olmstead, OH 44070 H: 440 716-0600 C: 336 542-8711 jrneary@hotmail.com

Officers Dennis Thornbury, President 1114 S McAuliff St Visalia, CA 93292 H: 559 732-4401 C: 559 280 6243 gunhandler@gmail.com Term Expires 2016 Don Nielson, Vice President 20456 Hart St, Winnetka, CA 91306 H: 818 883-5866 pkin@sbcglobal.net Term Expires 2016 John Horn, Financial Officer 924 Peterson Rd South Iowa Park, TX 76367-7237 C: 940 636-9984 Term Exp 2016 John.Horn44@gmail.com

Committees World Records Committee: Group Gene Bukys, Chairman 591 FM 2402, Eden, TX 76837 281 324-2605 egb243@msn.com Kent Harshman, Committee Member Ron Hoehn, Committee Member Lowell Frei, Committee Member World Records Committee: Long Range Bill Johnston, Chairman 7425 SE Madison Ave, Prineville, OR 503 568-5199 billhonda65@gmail.com Karl Hunstiger, Committee Member Bruce Bangeman, Committee Member Richard Schatz, Committee Member Gary Childs, Alternate Member World Records Committee: Score Rich Carpenter, Chairman 307 265-8667 60 2nd St, Evansville, WY 82636 box425@bresnannet Wayne Corley, Committee Member Mike Guillot, Committee Member Dan Zaccanti, Committee Member Ron Powell, Committee Member International Representative Wayne Campbell 264 Benchrest Ln, Concord, VA 24538 H: 434 993-9201 C: 434 665-2066 wcppc@icloud.com Varmint For Score Rep (SW Region) Keith Myers 702 217-3591 keithmyers@yahoo.com

Gulf Coast Region

Mississippi Valley Region Exp 2016

Bud Mundy 5956 Old Hickory Trail Hillsboro, MO 63050 C: 314 805-1313 bcmundy@earthlink.net

Exp 2017

Terry Meyer PO Box 52, Thornton, IA 50479 H: 641 998-2860 C: 641 425-3397 tdmeyer6ppc@gmail.com North Central Alternate Rodney Brown PO Box 7218, Sheridan, WY 82801 C: 303 378-6085 rbrown@vanaire.net

Mid-Continent Region

Exp 2017

Butch Fjoser 7 Summerfield St, Woodward, OK 73801 C: 580 334-2643 W: 580 254-9764 butchsguns@yahoo.com

North West Region

Business Manager, NBRSA Editor, Precision Rifleman Magazine and Advertising Sales Contact Audrey Brown PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 82801 W: 307 655-7415 C: 307 217-1966 nbrsa.manager@gmail.com

Exp 2017

Scott Hunter 1612 Buchanan St, Wichita Falls, TX 76309 H: 940 723-5147 C: 940 631-4545 Shunter@NTS-online.net Gulf Coast Alternate Mike Bryant 7761 FM 592, Wheeler, TX 79096 806 826-5958, bryantcustom@gmail.com

North Central Region


Exp 2017

Dan Zaccanti 1542 Tacoma Ave, Bridgeport, WA 98813 C: 509 733-1003 zaccs@televar.com North West Alternate Paul Holland PO Box 1498, Big Fork, MT 59911 406 837-5583 plumbing@centurytel.net

South East Region

Exp 2016

South West Region

Exp 2016

European Region

Exp 2016

Wayne Campbell 264 Benchrest Ln, Concord, VA 24538 H: 434 993-9201 C: 434 665-2066 wcppc@icloud.com

Tom Libby 74056 Aster Dr, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760 774-5256 tomnbrsa@outlook.com South West Alternate David Woodward 34 W Dessert Knoll Pl, Oro Valley, AZ C: 307 455-2296 or 520 219-0189 dwoodward@dteworld.com Jean-Marie Deletang 15 Rue des Martyrs, Beausoleil, 06240 France redneckbr@neuf.fr

Legal Representation

Elliot Law Office Al Elliott, 325 387-3529 albertelliott@mail.com

Change of Address: To change your address or report a damaged or undelivered magazine, write: NBRSA, PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 828017105. Do not return damaged copies. Change of address should include both new address and a mailing label bearing the old one. In case of duplication send both labels. Contributors: The editor is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Advertisers: Rate cards and terms are available online at www.nbrsa.org/membership-info. We appreciate your support! Safety Disclaimer: The publication, writers, organization officers, staff, and directors explicitly advise the readers that they make no representation of safety for any loads, techniques, and procedures if reported herein. The nature of participating in a shooting sport automatically requires caution at all times. Given the many variables present—weather, equipment, and components— the information presented is for your reading enjoyment.

Printed in the USA Publisher: NBRSA, Inc. Printed By: Lithotech, Phoenix, AZ 85009 Advertising, Classifieds & Membership Info: Audrey Brown, Editor 307 655-7415 Precision Rifleman (ISSN 1061950X) is published monthly by NBRSA Inc PO Box 6770 Sheridan, WY 82801 Phone: 307 655-7415 Email: nbrsa.manager@gmail.com for the benefit of its members. Membership dues is $60 per year US of which $40 is designated for a magazine subscription. Canadian postage add $25/ year. All other International postage add $60/year. For Membership inquiries call 307 655-7415. Copyright 2016, National Bench Rest Shooters Association. All rights reserved except where expressly waived. Periodicals Class Postage paid at Sheridan, WY & additional offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Precision Rifleman, PO Box 6770, Sheridan, WY 82801.


Precision Rifleman

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