Merlinka festival 2014

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KATALOG FESTIVALA Urednik kataloga: Predrag Azdejković Dizajn i prelom: Rabbit & Rabbit production Prevod: Aneta Stojković Štampa: Newpress Direktor festivala: Predrag Azdejković Selektori festivala: Boban Jevtić, Predrag Azdejković PR festivala: Milica Ševarlić Vizuelni identitet: Nataša Lučić Tehnička realizacija: Dom omladine Beograda Prevod i tehnička obrada filmova: Textvision CIP ‐ Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 791.65.079(497.11)"2014"(083.97) 791.233:613.885(100)"20"(083.97) МЕЂУНАРОДНИ фестивал квир филма "Мерлинка" (6 ; 2014 ; Београд) Sloboda / Šesti međunarodni festival queer filma "Merlinka", Dom omladine Beograda, od 9. do 16. decembra 2014. ; [urednik kata‐ loga Predrag M. Azdejković ; prevod Aneta Stojković]. ‐ Smederevo : Regionalni info centar, 2014 (Smederevo : Newpress). ‐ 31 str. : ilustr. ; 15 x 21 cm Kor. nasl. ‐ Uporedo srp. tekst i engl. prevod. ‐ Tiraž 500. ISBN 978‐86‐89423‐06‐8 a) Међународни фестивал квир филма "Мерлинка" (6 ; 2014 ; Београд) ‐ Програми COBISS.SR‐ID 211486988

TAJNA SLOBODE LEŽI U HRABROSTI Dobrodošli na šesti Međunarodni festival queer filma "Merlinka" koji se održava u godini u kojoj smo posle tri zabrane imali Paradu ponosa. Samo održavanje Parade ponosa bez slika nasilja i rušenja Beograda ocenjeno je kao velika pobeda, ali dok čitav demokratski svet ve‐ likom brzinom juri ka punoj ravnopravnosti za LGBT osobe, Srbija pravi sitne i spore korake napred. Možda treba da budemo srećni dok uopšte čini korake napred, pa kakvi god oni bili, jer smo imali i primere velikih koraka unazad. Odgovornost za sporost tog procesa leži i na nezainteresovanosti i pasivnosti LGBT zajednice u Srbiji, jer ne postoji nijedna društvena zajednicu za čija ljudska prava i slobodu se izborio neko drugi, a LGBT zajednica uporno čeka da neko drugi taj posao uradi umesto nje. Iz tog razloga postoji ovaj festival koji uz pomoć kratkih, igranih i dokumentarnih filmova želi da ohrabri i inspiriše LGBT osobe da krenu u osvajanje svoje slobode da budu ono što jesu. Iskreno se nadamo da će vas filmovi koje smo pripremili za ovu godinu inspirisati i motivisati za aktivniju ulogu u borbi za slobodu. Predrag Azdejković Direktor i selektor festivala THE SECRET OF FREEDOM IS COURAGE Welcome to the sixth “Merlinka” International Queer Film Festival, held in the year of the first Pride Parade, which has been forbidden for the previous three years. The very hap‐ pening of the event without any violence or vandalism in Belgrade has been judged as a great victory, but while the entire democratic world is taking giant leaps to full equality for LGBT people, Serbia is taking tiny, slow steps forward. Perhaps we should be happy that it’s taking any steps forward at all, no matter how small they are, since we have seen examples of great setbacks. The responsibility for the tardiness of this process is also in the disinterest and inactivity of the LGBT community in Serbia because there is no social community whose human rights and liberties were fought for by someone else, and the LGBT community per‐ sists in waiting for someone else to do that work instead of it. For that reason, this festival of short films, feature films and documentaries strives to encourage and inspire LGBT people to move forward to asserting their freedom to be who they are. We sincerely hope that the films we have prepared for this year will inspire and motivate you to take on a more active role in fighting for liberty. Predrag Azdejković Festival manager and selector


Jelisaveta Blagojević je rođena u Beogradu 1966. go‐ dine. Radi kao profesorka filozofije na Fakultetu za medije i komunikacije u Beogradu i kao gostujuća predavačica na Fakultetu političkih nauka u Beo‐ gradu. Do sada je objavila knjige Hieroglyphs of Jea‐ lousy (2008), i Zajednica onih koji nemaju zajednicu (2008), kao i veliki broj tekstova iz oblasti savremene političke filozofije, studija roda, queer studija, studija kulture... Uredila je više zbornika i temata u stručnim časopisima. Radi i kao koordinatorka NVO organiza‐ cije IPAK.Centar. Živi i radi u Beogradu. Jelisaveta Blagojević was born in 1966 in Belgrade. She teaches philosophy at the Faculty of Media and Communication in Belgrade and is a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade. She has so far published the following books: Hieroglyphs of Jealousy (2008) and The Community of Those Who Have None (2008), as well numerous texts in the field of contemporary political philosophy, gender studies, queer studies, cultural studies etc. She has edited se‐ veral proceedings and theses in professional journals. Ms Blagojević also works as the coordinator at the NGO IPAK Centar. She lives and works in Belgrade.

Olga Dimitrijević, rođena 1984. godine u Beogradu. Diplomirala dramaturgiju na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu i odbranila master iz rodnih studija na Centralnoevropskom univerzitetu u Budim‐ pešti. Pisala pozorišne kritike za časopis Teatron i ne‐ deljnik Vreme. Izvedene su njene drame "Internat", "Narodna drama" i "Radnici umiru pevajući", za koju je 2012. godine nagrađena Sterijinom nagradom za dramski tekst. Živi i radi između Beograda i Berlina.

Olga Dimitrijević was born in 1984 in Belgrade. She graduated from dramaturgy at the Faculty of Drama‐ tic Arts in Belgrade and received a master degree in gender studies at the Central European University in Budapest. She wrote theater reviews for Teatron ma‐ gazine and Vreme weekly magazine. Her plays “Boar‐ ding School”, “People’s Drama” and “Workers Die Singing” have been performed. Dimitrijević received the award Sterijina nagrada for the dramatic text in 2012. She lives and works in Belgrade and Berlin. 4

Dr Ivan Medenica, teatrolog i pozorišni kritičar, van‐ redni profesor Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti u Beo‐ gradu, predsednik Udruženja pozorišnih kritičara i teatrologa Srbije i član Izvršnog odbora Međunarod‐ nog udruženja pozorišnih kritičara (IATC). Za svoj kri‐ tičarski rad pet puta je dobio najviše nacionalno priznanje, Sterijinu nagradu. Bio je umetnički direktor i selektor Sterijinog pozorja (2003‐2007), u čiji je kon‐ cept uneo neke bitne novine. Živi ne relaciji Beograd‐ Berlin.

Ivan Medenica, PhD is a theatrologist and theater cri‐ tic, an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, the president of the Association of Theater Critics and Theatrologists of Serbia and a member of the Executive Board of the International Association of Theater Critics (IATC). For his work as a critic he has received the highest national award Sterijina nagrada five times. He was the art director and the selector of Sterijino pozorje theater festival (2003‐2007) and he introduced some significant in‐ novations in the concept of the festival. He speaks French and English, and lives in Belgrade and Berlin.

9. DECEMBAR 2014. VELIKA SALA, DOM OMLADINE BEOGRADA 19:00 I killed my mother (2009) Uloge: Anne Dorval, Xavier Dolan, François Arnaud Trajanje: 96 min. Nagrade: C.I.C.A.E. Award Cannes Polu‐autobiografska priča o Dolanu kao mladom homoseksualcu koji je u sukobu sa svojom majkom. 21:00 Laurence Anyways (2012) Uloge: Melvil Poupaud, Emmanuel Schwartz, Suzanne Clément Trajanje: 168 min. Nagrade: Queer Palm Cannes Lorens, mladi nastavnik i pisac čija će knjiga uskoro biti objavljena, uživa u vezi punoj ljubavi i razumevanja sa svojim verenikom Fredom. Na svoj 30. rođendan, on priznaje Fredu kako želi da postane žena, tražeći od njega da ga podrži u nameri da promeni pol. Fred je suviše povređen, i njih dvojica raskidaju vezu. Obojica se trude da izgrade novi život, ne mi‐ sleći na prošlost. Pet godina kasnije, Lorens šalje Fredu primerak svoje prve knjige poezije. 10. DECEMBAR 2014. VELIKA SALA, DOM OMLADINE BEOGRADA 19.00 Heartbeats (2010) Uloge: Xavier Dolan, Monia Chokri, Niels Schneider Trajanje: 101 min. Nagrade: Regards Jeunes Prize Cannes Priča o troje bliskih prijatelja koji su deo ljubavnog trougla. 21:00 Mommy (2014) Uloge: Anne Dorval, Antoine‐Olivier Pilon, Suzanne Clément Trajanje: 139 min. Nagrade: Jury Prize Cannes Udovica i samohrana majka odgaja svog nasilnog sina i pronalazi novu nadu kada upoznaje misterioznu komšinicu.


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PORODIČNO SLAVLJE Režija: Marta Díaz de Lope Díaz Španija, 2013, 15’ (Lez) Na bakin rođendan domaćica Roza misli da drži sve pod kontrolom, ali da li može da izađe na kraj sa svojim sestrama, sa besmislenom op‐ sednutošću svog muža tradicionalnom špan‐ skom muzikom i, na kraju, sa sobom kada je iznenadi sopstvena porodica?

GLEDAJ U STRANU Režija: Mads Erichsen Danska, 2014, 12’ (Lez) Anabel poziva svoju bivšu devojku, Hanu, da vidi njen novi stan u nadi da će se pomiriti. Me‐ đutim, Hana želi da se jednom za svagda suoči sa Anabel u vezi sa glasinama da ju je prevarila. Da li će se Anabel i Hana pomiriti ili zauvek ra‐ stati?

ONCE AGAIN, PARTRIDGES Director: Marta Díaz de Lope Díaz Spain, 2013, 15 min (Les) It is the birthday of Grandma, and Rosa, the hostess, believes to have it all under control, but will she be able to deal with her sisters, with the absurd obsession of her husband by the traditional spanish music, and at the end to herself facing the surprises that holds his own family?

HIDE YOUR EYES Director: Mads Erichsen Denmark, 2014, 12 min (Les) Anabel invites her ex girlfriend, Hanna, to see her new apartment with the hope of getting her back. Hanna, on the other hand, is going to confront Anabel one last time about a rumor of her infidelity. Will Anabel get Hanna back or will they part for good? 6

ZDRAVO ;‐) Režija: Daniel Kulle Nemačka, 2014, 19’ (Gej) Gej zajednica u digitalnom dobu: barem u Ne‐ mačkoj, ne postoji način da se zaobiđe GayRo‐ meo, jedna od najstarijih onlajn platformi za upoznavanje. To je kancelarija za registraciju u gej zajednici, kako je od milošte zovu njeni čla‐ novi. Ali šta se dešava sa zajednicom kada ona gotovo da ne postoji van interneta? HI! ;‐) Director: Daniel Kulle Germany, 2014, 19 min (Gay) The gay community in the digital age: At least in Germany, there is no way around Gayromeo, one of the oldest online dating platforms of this subculture, a gay registration office, as it is called fondly by its members. But what hap‐ pens with a community when it mainly takes form in the internet?

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POGLEDAJ ME SAD Režija: Trine Nadia Danska, 2013, 16’ (Lez) Ranja živi duplim životom, rastrzana između porodice i ljubavi, ova mlada muslimanka se trudi da bude ćerka kakvu njen otac želi da ga ne bi osramotila. Na kraju, mora da odabere.

LOOK AT ME NOW Director: Trine Nadia Denmark, 2013, 16 min. (Les) Rania is living a double life. Torn between fam‐ ily and love the young muslim woman tries to be the daughter her father wants her to be in order not to dishonor him. Eventually she has to choose.

RAJSKI VRT Režija: Fábio Freitas Portugal, 2014, 11’ (Gej) Postanje 2:8 „I nasadi Gospod vrt u Edemu na istoku; i ondje namjesti čoveka, kojega stvori.“ Žoao i Pedro žive u ovom vrtu. Ono što Žoao najviše želi je da Pedro bude srećan, jedini način da to omogući je da mu pomogne da po‐ begne sa Sarom.

EDEN Director: Fábio Freitas Portugal, 2014, 11 min. (Gay) Genesis 2:8. «And the Lord God planted a gar‐ den in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed». In this story, João and Pedro live in this garden. What João wants the most is for Pedro to be happy and the only way he found to make that happen is to su port him in his escape with Sara. 7

JEDNOSTAVNO Režija: Markus Wende Nemačka, 2013, 2’ (Trans) Želim seks, ali...

SIMPLE Director: Markus Wende Germany, 2013, 2min. (Queer) I want sex, but…

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ZATVOR JE SADA U MODI Režija: Jenessa Joffe USA, 2014, 6’ (Lez) Urnebesan film koji je producirao ljubitelj serije „Orange is the new Black“, u kome je data reka‐ pitulacija najboljih momenata iz te serije.

PRISON IS THE NEW POPULAR Director: Jenessa Joffe USA, 2014, 6 min. (Les) This is a hilarious fan‐produced spoof that re‐ caps some of the best moments of the first sea‐ son of Orange Is The New Black.

REKVIJEM ZA MOG OCA Režija: Quentin Perez Francuska, 2014, 14’ (Queer) U lavirintu košmara, jedan mladić se suočava sa svojim ocem. Njegova trauma potiče iz tame i on postepeno izbacuje gorčinu iz sebe.

REQUIEM FOR MY FATHER Director: Quentin Perez France, 2014, 14 min. (Queer) Through the maze of a nightmare, a young man faces his father. His trauma springs from the darkness and he gradually exorcises his bitter‐ ness. 8

MOIRE Režija: Estefanía Cortes, Juancho Bañuelos Španija, 2014, 15’ (Trans) Svaka kuća skriva tajnu porodice koja živi u njoj. Svakoga dana, uz pomoć svoje bake, Serhio na jedan sat ispunjava svoje želje u kući u kojoj za‐ poveda njegov deda. Desiće se preokret koji će naterati njegovu majku, Elenu, da donese od‐ luku koja će im promeniti živote.

MOIRÉ Director: Estefanía Cortes, Juancho Bañuelos Spain, 2014, 15 min. (Trans) Each house locked away the secret of a family. For one hour a day Sergio, helped by his grand‐ mother, carry out his desires in a home domi‐ nated by his grandfather. A twist will force Elena, his mother, to make a decision that will change their lives.

ČETVRTAK, 11. DECEMBAR 2014. KAMPANJA MRŽNJE: RUSIJA I GEJ PROPAGANDA Režija: Scott Stern, Michael Lucas SAD, Rusija, 2014, 78’ (LGBT) Dok se u većem delu sveta teži ka jednakosti homoseksualaca, u Rusiji se izgleda ide u suprotnom smeru. Antigej raspoloženje i zakoni brzo osvajaju ovu zemlju. Ruski parlament je 2013. godine izglasao zabranu takozvane „gej propagande“ kojom se gotovo svaki vid javne diskusije o jednakosti homoseksualaca pravosnažno smatra zločinom. Nadam se da će gledaoci uvideti kakva je stvarna situacija nakon što odgledaju ovaj dokumentarac.

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CAMPAIGN OF HATE: RUSSIA AND GAY PROPAGANDA Director: Scott Stern, Michael Lucas USA, Russia, 2014, 78 min. (LGBT) As most of the world moves forward toward gay equality, Russia is seem‐ ingly heading backward. Antigay sentiment and legislation are spreading rapidly throughout the country. In 2013, the Russian parliament passed a ban on so‐called ‘gay propaganda’ that effectively makes nearly any public discussion of gay equality a crime. It is my hope that this docu‐ mentary will educate viewers to their reality. 9

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GERONTOFILIJA Režija: Bruce La Bruce Uloge: Pier‐Gabriel Lajoie, Walter Borden, Katie Boland Kanada, 2013, 82’ (Gej) Osamnaestogodišnji Lejk ima divnu devojku, ali jednog dana otkriva da ga privlače stariji muškarci. Lejk se igrom sudbine na letnjem raspustu zaposli u staračkom domu gde započinje nežnu vezu sa gospodinom Pi‐ bodijem. Kada otkrije da osoblje stanarima daje previsoke doze lekova da bi lakše izlazili na kraj sa njima, Lejk odlučuje da ga polako odvikne od lekova i pomogne mu da pobegne, što dovodi do zabavnog putovanja koje učvršćuje njihovu vezu. Prepoznatljiv po tome što je provokativan, Brus LaBrus nam predstvalja novu romantičnu komediju (ili nešto nalik tome).

GERONTOPHILIA Director: Bruce La Bruce Cast: Pier‐Gabriel Lajoie, Walter Borden, Katie Boland Canada, 2013, 82 min. (Gay) 18‐year‐old Lake has a sweet activist girlfriend, but one day discovers he has an unusual attraction for the elderly. Fate conspires to land him a summer job at a nursing home where he develops a tender relationship with Mr. Peabody. Discovering that the patients are being over‐med‐ icated to make them easier to manage, Lake decides to wean him off his medication and help him escape, resulting in a humorous and heartfelt road trip that strengthens their bond. The always provocative Bruce LaBruce is back with a new romantic comedy (of sorts). 10

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FALOMETAR Režija: Tor Iben Nemačka, 2014, 7’ (Gej) Jednog izbeglicu odvode u pritvor na granič‐ nom prelazu. Tokom ispitivanja, on prizna da je homoseksualac i podvrgavaju ga apsurdnom pregledu, takozvanoj falometriji… Ova priča je zasnovana na stvarnim činjenicama.

THE PHALLOMETER Director: Tor Iben Germany, 2014, 7 min. (Gay) A refugee is taken into custody at an open bor‐ der crossing. During the interrogation, he ad‐ mits to being gay and is subjected to an absurd entry examination, a so‐called “phallometric test”… The story is based on true facts.

VESELI I GEJ Režija: Lorelei Pepi SAD, 2014, 11’ (Gej) Dva ljubavna para se ludo provode u gradu u ovom crno‐belom crtanom filmu i mjuziklu iz tridesetih godina prošlog veka o nesrećnim do‐ gađajima, koji zahteva novo tumačenje istorije. Film se bavi stereotipima, predstavljanjem, cenzurom i homofobijom.

LJUBAVNA PRIČA IZ MISISIPIJA Režija: Lauren Cioffi SAD, 2014, 13’ (Gej) Film predstavlja Edija i Džastina koji žive živo‐ tom koji bi se mogao smatrati običnim u neobičnim istorijskim okolnostima. U jeku pravnih bitki za (i protiv) istopolnih brakova, Edi i Džastin sa nama dele svoje shvatanje značenja ljubavi.

HAPPY & GAY Director: Lorelei Pepi USA 2014, 11 min. (LGBT) Two couples go out for a rollicking night on the town in a “revisionist history” 1930’s b&w queer cartoon musical misadventure. The film takes up issues of stereotype, representation, censorship and homophobia.

A MISSISSIPPI LOVE STORY Director: Lauren Cioffi USA, 2014, 13 min. (Gay) This film introduces the viewer to Eddie and Justin, together living what might otherwise be considered an ordinary life during an extraor‐ dinary time in history.Against the backdrop of legal battles about same‐sex marriage, Eddie and Justin share their personal take on what love really means.


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ZA DŽEJKA Režija: Tawana Briggs SAD, 2013, 8’ (Gej) Kada Kit, dobronamerni otac, otkrije kondom u sobi svog sina, tinejdžera i homoseksualca, strašni razgovor o seksu se čini neizbežnim.

I STARO I MLADO Režija: Heath Daniels SAD, 2014, 4’ (Gej) Ljubav, seks i veze vidimo očima dvaju muškaraca – jedan je u pe‐ desetim godinama, a drugi u dva‐ desetim. Obojica biju van‐ vremenske bitke.

DEČAK KOJI JE VOLEO BARBIKE Režija: Nick Corporon SAD, 2012, 13’ (Queer) Bobi je maštoviti sedmogodišnjak čija je omiljena igračka barbika. Kada ga vidi kako se igra, otac mu kaže da su lutke za devojčice.

KRIS Režija: Zachary Oschin SAD, 2014, 10’ (Lez) Jedna devojka ima samo jedan dan da na maturu pozove svog pratioca iz snova. Može li smoći hrabrosti za to?

AFTER JAKE Director: Tawana Briggs USA, 2013, 8 min. (Gay) After Keith, a well‐meaning dad, discovers a condom inside his gay teenage son’s room, the dreaded sex talk seems imminent.

AGELESS Director: Heath Daniels USA, 2014, 4 min. (Gay) Love, sex and relationships are seen through the eyes of two men; one in his 50s, the other in his 20s. Their common struggles prove to be ageless.

BARBIE BOY Director: Nick Corporon USA, 2012, 13 min. (Queer) Bobby is an imaginative 7‐year‐old whose favorite toy is the classic Barbie doll. After watching him play, his father tells him dolls are for girls.

CHRIS Director: Zachary Oschin USA, 2014, 10 min. (Les) A girl has one day to ask her dream date to go to prom. Can she find the courage to do it?


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PLEŠI KAO DA NIKO NE GLEDA Režija: Jenn Garrison SAD, 2014, 14’ (LGBT) Obujte cipele za ples i slavite svet takmičenja u kantri i vestern plesu za gej zajednicu. Pogle‐ dajte odličnu obuću i doživite priče o radosti i slobodi koje se nalaze na plesnom podijumu.

SUTRA Režija: Leandro Tadashi SAD, 2014, 14’ (Gej) Na dočeku Nove godine 1999. studenti Klark i Trevor su zabrinuti za budućnost svog prijatelj‐ stva, a kada pita Klarka da mu pomogne u fler‐ tovanju, to je siguran znak da više ništa neće biti isto.

DANCE LIKE NO ONE’S WATCHING Director: Jenn Garrison USA, 2014, 14 min. (LGBT) Put on your dancing boots and celebrate the world of competitive country‐and‐western dance for the gay community. Check out the fancy footwork, and experience stories of joy and freedom found on the dance floor.

TOMORROW Director: Leandro Tadashi USA, 2014, 14 min. (Gay) New Year’s Eve 1999 finds college‐bound Clark and Trevor concerned about the future of their friendship, and a request for Clark to be Trevor’s wingman ensures things will never be the same again. 13

AUT Režija: Gsus Lopez Velika Britanija, 2014, 17’ (Gej) Ovo je dramatična i na trenutke komična priča o reakciji jedne majke iz malog mesta na to što joj sin saopštava da je gej.

OUT Director: Gsus Lopezi UK, 2014, 17 min (Gay) This is a dramatic and sometimes comic story about a mother’s reactions to her son coming out as gay in a small town.

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MOMCI Režija: Mischa Kamp Uloge: Gijs Blom, Ko Zandvliet, Jonas Smulders Holandija, 2014, 78’ (Gej) Film govori o Sigeru, povučenom petnaestogodišnjem sportisti koji spoz‐ naje ljubav na letnjem raspustu. Siger trenira u novom timu za nacionalni šampionat u trci štafeta i sreće neobičnog i nepredvidivog Marka. Pri‐ jateljstvo koje se među njima razvija deluje sasvim obično, ali Siger skriva jača osećanja prema Marku. On se bori sa sobom kada na videlo izlazi da je Mark zaljubljen u njega.

BOYS Director: Can Candan Cast: Gijs Blom, Ko Zandvliet, Jonas Smulders Netherlands, 2014, 78 min. (Gay) Film tells the story of Sieger, a sporty, rather quiet 15‐year‐old boy who discovers love during the summer holidays. Sieger is training in the new athletics team for the national relay championships and meets the in‐ triguing and unpredictable Marc. The friendship that develops seems nothing out of the ordinary, but Sieger secretly harbours stronger feel‐ ings for Marc. He engages in a lonely struggle with himself when it emerges that Marc is also in love with him. 14

PETAK, 12. DECEMBAR 2014. IV SEN LORAN Režija: Jalil Lespert Uloge: Pierre Niney, Guillaume Gallienne, Charlotte Le Bon Francuska, 2014, 106’ (Gej) U januaru 1958. godine Iv Sen Loran je primio neočekivani poziv da nad‐ gleda legendarnu parisku modnu kuću koju je osnovao nedavno pre‐ minuli Kristijan Dior. Sve oči bile su uprte u ovog mladog asistenta kada je predstavio svoju prvu kolekciju za „Dior“ i odmah se uzdigao do elitne klase visoke mode. Tokom ove revolucionarne revije koja je svima oduzela dah, imao je susret sa sudbinom kada je upoznao Pjera Beržea, mecenu umetnika, buduću ljubav njegovog života i dugogodišnjeg poslovnog partnera.

YVES SAINT LAURENT Director: Jalil Lespert Cast: Pierre Niney, Guillaume Gallienne, Charlotte Le Bon France, 2014, 106 min. (Gay) In January 1958, Yves Saint Laurent was unexpectedly called upon to over‐ see the legendary Paris fashion house established by recently deceased Christian Dior. All eyes turned to this very young assistant as he presented his first collection for Dior and instantly ascended to the heights of haute couture's elite class. During Saint Laurent's breathtaking and ground‐ breaking show, he met with another fate in being introduced to Pierre Bergé, patron of the arts, future love of his life and lifelong business part‐ ner. 15

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BOŽJA GREŠKA Režija: Anna Savchenko, Eva Matarranz Slovenija, 2014, 23’ (Trans) Paleta senki za oči u duginim bojama. Jedna plavuša počinje da priča o svom detinjstvu u Ju‐ goslaviji, kada je još uvek za sve ljude bila dečak. Ni pretnje psihijatra, ni vojna služba, ni škola, ni majka ni religija nisu uspeli da nateraju Salome da poveruje da se nije rodila u pogre‐ šnom telu.

DOK JOŠ NIJE KASNO Režija: Leandro Wenceslau Brazil, 2014, 13’ (Gej) Lukas i Kaijo su nerazdvojni prijatelji koji idu u završni razred srednje škole. Međutim, situacija se menja kada Kaijo sazna da mu se porodica seli u drugu državu. On je zatečen ovom vešću, a Lukas ne zna kako da se izbori sa neminovnim gubitkom prijatelja.

VODA Režija: Marco van Bergen Holandija, 2012, 14’ (Gej) Džejms živi usamljeničkim životom u luksuznom zamku u kom njegovi roditelji drže hotel. Uglavnom se krije u svojoj sobi od majke koja želi da ga kontroliše, a ne zna ništa o njegovom životu. Džejms mora da izađe napolje kada mu grupa zgodnih fudbalera iz Švedske privuče pažnju.

GOD’S MISTAKE Director: Anna Savchenko, Eva Matarranz Slovenia, 2014, 23 min. (Trans) Eye‐shadow’s palette in rainbow colors. A blond woman starts speaking about her child‐ hood in Yugoslavia, as she was still, to every‐ one’s eyes, a little boy. Psychiatrics’ threats, military service, school, mother or religion did‐ n’t bridle Salome’s conviction to be born in thewrong body.

WHILE THERE IS STILL TIME Director: Leandro Wenceslau Brazil, 2014, 13 min. (Gej) Lucas and Caio are two studying in the last year of high school and they are two inseparable friends. But the situation changes when Caio discovers that his family is moving to another country. He feels numb by the news, while Lucas can not deal well with the impending loss of his friend.

WATER Director: Marco van Berge Netherlands, 2012, 14 min (Gay) James leads a lonely life in a luxurious castle in which his parents run a hotel. Generally hides in his room, to stay away from his wannabeco trolling mother, who has no insight in the life of her son, James is forced outside when a group of handsome Swedish soccer players staying at the hotel capture his interest.


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HONORARNA KRALJICA Režija: Fabio Guerreiro, Ricardo Braga Silva Portugal, 2010, 14’ (Trans) Kada se ukrste sudbine malog Žulinja i Šantel, transvestita i prostitutke, počinje priča o prošlosti jednog princa koji je bio honorarna kraljica. Ali da li fantazija može pobediti stvarnost?

PART‐TIME QUEEN Director: Fabio Guerreiro, Ricardo Braga Silva Portugal, 2010, 14 min (Trans) When the fate of small Julinho crosses with Chantel, a transvestite who prostitutes herself, begins a tour on the history of a prince who was a queen in part‐time. But to what extent can the fantasy prevail when confronted with reality?

NALINA Režija: Luigi Storto Indija, 2014, 15’ (Trans) Nalina je transrodna osoba iz Indije, a u toj kul‐ turi, ona spada u takozvani treći pol, nije ni žena ni muškarac. Transrodne osobe u Indiji, zvane Hidžre, prolaze kroz obred kastracije kao žrtvu boginji Kali. Ovaj obred u tajnosti i bez anestezije obavlja Taijama, neka vrsta svete ba‐ bice. NALEENA Director: Luigi Storto India, 2014, 15 min (Trans) Naleena is an Indian transgender and according the culture of his country she belongs to the so‐ called “third sex,” neither man nor woman. As an offering to the Goddess Kali, the Indian transgenders, called Hijras, undergo the ritual emasculation, carried out in secret and without anesthesia by the Thaaiamma, a kind of sacred midwife. 17

VOLIM TE Režija: Joel Rahkonen, Sonia Stenius Finska, 2013, 10’ (Gej) Johanes je na korak od selidbe u London sa svo‐ jom devojkom. U poslednjem trenutku on sh‐ vata da ne može da ode jer voli nekog drugog.

I LOVE YOU Director: Joel Rahkonen, Sonia Stenius Finland, 2013, 10 min. (Gay) Johannes is about to move to London with his girlfriend. At the last moment he realizes he can’t leave. There is someone else he loves.

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JA TO ZOVEM LJUBAV Režija: Elsy Hajjar Liban, 2013, 9’ (Lez) Susret… telefonski poziv… kiša i munje. Jedna ljubav izgubljena u tami Bejruta.

I CALL IT LOVE Director: Elsy Hajjar Lebanon, 2013, 9 min. (Les) An encounter… a phone call… rain and light‐ ning. A love lost in the darkness of a city, Beirut.

KROZ OGLEDALO Režija: Breech Asher Harani Filipini, 2014, 9’ (Queer) Dvoje dece sa Filipina se zabavljaju pred ogle‐ dalom. Ono je jedini medijum preko koga mogu da se izraze, osete se slobodnim i, pre svega, iskažu ko su zaista. Ali njihova sloboda je samo privremena, kako će vreme pokazati.

THROUGH THE MIRROR Director: Breech Asher Harani Philippines, 2014, 9 min. (Queer) Two Filipino Kids are having fun in front of the mirror. The mirror is the only medium where they can express themselves, feel their free‐ dom and most of all, present who they really are. But their freedom is no less than a tempo‐ rary reality as time could tell that their freedom will never last long. 18

ANTI‐GEJ ZAKON Režija: Neelu Bhuman Velika Britanija, Indija, 2014, 5’ (Lez) Osnovno dostojanstvo ljudi drugačije seksualne orijentacije je na udaru u Indiji. Preslatka majka i njena ćerka lezbejka moraju da preduzmu nešto povodom Odeljka 377, najnovije odluke Vrhovnog suda u vezi sa zakonom koji diskrimi‐ niše homoseksualce.

FU377 Director: Neelu Bhuman UK, India, 2014, 5 min. (Lez) Basic dignity of queer people in India is under attack. An adorable Indian mother & her queer daughter spring into action by the Indian Supreme Court’s latest decision on anti‐gay law, Section 377.

SUBOTA, 13. DECEMBAR 2014. DVE MAJKE Režija: Anne Zohra Berrached Uloge: Karina Plachetka, Sabine Wolf, Florian Weber Nemačka, 2013, 75’ (Lez) Katja i Isabela odluče da dobiju dete. Ovaj bračni par se slaže da ne žele da neko treći ima pravo glasa: one traže spermu, a ne oca. Kao i mnogi lezbejski parovi u Nemačkoj, one shvataju da je put do običnog deteta mnogo teži nego što misle: većina banki sperme i klinika za plodnost ne pružaju usluge homoseksualnim parovima iz zakonskih razloga. I kada napokon nađu doktora koji im ponudi vrlo skupe tretmane inseminacije, u narednim mesecima do oplodnje nikako da dođe.

TWO MOTHERS Director: Anne Zohra Berrached Cast: Karina Plachetka, Sabine Wolf, Florian Weber Germany, 2013, 75 min. (Les) Katja and Isabella decide to beget a child. The married couple agrees onnot wanting a third person to have a say The sperm, not a father. Like‐ many lesbian couples in Germany they have to find out that the road to a common child is much harder than expected: Most of the sperm banks and fertility clinics do not offer treatment for homosexual couples be‐ cause of legal purposes. After finally finding a doctor who is willing to offer very expensive inseminations for lesbian women, the fertilization does not work for months. 19

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SUBOTA, 13. DECEMBAR 2014. 52 UTORKA Režija: Sophie Hyde Uloge: Tilda Cobham‐Hervey, Del Herbert‐Jane, Mario Späte Australija, 2013, 109’ (Trans) Šesnaestogodišnja Bili mora naglo i nerado da se osamostali kada joj majka otkrije da planira da promeni pol, što dovodi do toga da provode vreme zajedno samo utorkom po podne. „52 utorka“ je film sniman tokom cele godine – svake nedelje samo utorkom, i to je priča o željama, odgovornostima i transformaciji puna emotivnog naboja.

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52 TUESDAYS Director: Sophie Hyde Cast: Tilda Cobham‐Hervey, Del Herbert‐Jane, Mario Späte Australia, 2013, 109 min (Trans) 16 year old Billie’s reluctant path to independence is accelerated when her mother reveals plans to gender transition and their time together becomes limited to Tuesday afternoons. Filmed over the course of a year, once a week, every week – only on Tuesdays – these unique filmmaking rules bring a rare authenticity to this emotionally charged story of desire, responsibility and transformation. 20

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U PROLAZU Režija: Ana Kala Srbija, 2014, 12’ (Lez) Ovo je kratak, lezbejski umetnički erotski film o slučajnom susretu dve žene u Beogradu koje se uopšte ne poznaju. Snažna senzualna poveza‐ nost pokreće impulsivnu privlačnost između njih, pa se priča brzo razvija u toku jednog po‐ podneva koje prerasta u očaravajuću noć.

IN PASSING Director: Ana Kala Serbia, 2014, 12 min. (Les) This is a short lesbian art erotic film about a chance encounter between two women, com‐ plete strangers to each other, in the city of Bel‐ grade. Impulsive attraction between them is driven by a strong sensual connection and the story build up quickly in just one afternoon that leads into enchanted night.

ENDŽI I DŽEKI ‐ KONAČNA VERZIJA Režija: Angie West, Jackie Nunns Velika Britanija, 2014, 12’ (Lez) Koliko je teško snimiti kratak film? Ovaj vedri dokumentarac govori o Endži i Džeki, lezbej‐ kama u pedesetim godinama koje se oproba‐ vaju u snimanju filma.

ANGIE & JACKIE FINAL CUT Director: Angie West, Jackie Nunns UK, 2014, 12 min. (Les) How hard can it be to make a short film? This light‐hearted documentary follows Angie and Jackie, a lesbian couple in their 50s who try their hand at making a film for the first time. 21

SEBASTIJAN Režija: Rickey Bryant Kanada, 2014, 12’ (Gej) Aleks je upravo sreo ljubav svog života, čoveka koji zauvek odlazi kući u Argentinu. Racionali‐ zujući, Aleks je svestan da nije moguće da budu u vezi, ali u poslednjih deset minuta koje ima sa Sebastijanom, da li će ga pustiti da ode ili će se izboriti za ljubav?

SEBASTIAN DIRECTOR: Rickey Bryant Canada, 2014, 12 min. (Gay) Alex has just met the love of his life who is leav‐ ing to go back home to Argentina forever. Ra‐ tionally, Alex knows that a relationship is impossible, but in his last ten minutes with Se‐ bastian, will he let him go or take a chance on love?

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CIVIL DŽEJN Režija: Cari Green Kanada, 2014, 16’ (Lez) Redov Džejn Kros se brzo istakne na obuci, a njena vodnica, Marijan Kirk, primećuje i više od njenih veština na bojnom polju. Međutim, vojna policija vodi tajni rat protiv homoseksu‐ alaca, špijunira vojnike za koje se sumnja da „nemoralno postupaju“.

CITIZEN JANE Director: Cari Green Canada, 2014, 16 min. (Les) Private Jane Cross is quickly noticed during her training by Master Corporal Maryann Kirk, and for more than her skills on the battlefield. Meanwhile the military police wage a secret war on homosexuals, spying on soldiers sus‐ pected of engaging in ‘immoral conduct.’

OBRT: KRATKA LJUBAVNA PRIČA Režija: Piper Kessler SAD, 2014, 9’ (Lez) Umetničko stvaranje i ostvarivanje namere mogu biti podjednako teški zadaci. Ljudi se zbog politike mogu potpuno razilaziti u mišlje‐ njima, ali ljubav može da ih natera da se nađu na pola puta.

SPIN: A SHORT LOVE STORY Director: Piper Kessler USA, 2014, 9 min. (Les) Making art and making a point can be equally aggravating. Politics can put people at opposite ends of the spectrum but love can make them move to the middle. 22

TAMA Režija: Simon Savory Velika Britanija, 2013, 7’ (Trans) Jednom porodičnom svađom polako se otkriva izvor strepnje u porodici u kojoj je muškarac glava kuće – njegova ćerka, koja bira da se oblači i izražava kao mladić. Kada izađe u noć, ona odlazi u potragu za ljubavi, i za sobom, po živopisnim noćnim klubovima u podzemlju istočnog Londona. DARKNESS Director: Simon Savory UK, 2013, 7 min. (Trans) A family dispute gradually reveals the source of a male dominated family’s anxieties – a daugh‐ ter who chooses to dress, and express, as a boy. Going out into the night, she sets off on a jour‐ ney to find love, and eventually herself, in the colorful underground nightspots of East Lon‐ don.

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ZAJEDNO ZAUVEK Režija: Lindy Boustedt, Kris Boustedt SAD, 2014, 8’ (Lez) Ovo je film o bračnoj jednakosti, večnoj ljubavi, stvaranju savršenog trenutka i nalaženju veličanstve‐ nog u svakodnevnom životu.

TOGETHER FOREVER Director: Lindy Boustedt, Kris Boustedt USA, 2014, 8 min. (Les) A film about marriage equality, everlasting love, creating the per‐ fect moment and finding the grandiose in the everyday.

JEZIK LJUBAVI Režija: Laura Scrivano Australija, 2013, 15’ (Gej) U sred testa iz francuskog jezika, Čarli pokušava da nađe reči kojima će izraziti iskrenost prema svom najboljem drugu… i samom sebi.

DRUŠTVO MUŠKOBANJASTIH ŽENA Režija: Jackie Nunns, Angie West Velika Britanija, 2014, 12’ (Lez) Društvo muškobanjastih žena je nešto kao klub za gospodu za lez‐ bejke i one koje ih vole.

THE LANGUAGE OF LOVE Director: Laura Scrivano Australia, 2013, 15 min. (Gay) In the middle of a French exam, Charlie struggles to find the words to be true to his best friend… and himself.

FEMALE MASCULINITY APPRECIATION SOCIETY Director: Jackie Nunns, Angie West UK, 2014, 12 min. (Les) The Female Masculinity Apprecia‐ tion Society is a sort of gentle‐ men’s club for queer women and those who love them. 23

NA KVADRAT Režija: Hieu Tran SAD, 2014, 15’ (Gej) Veza za jedno veče postaje kompli‐ kovana jer se ispostavlja da su obojica aktivni.

SQUARED Director: Hieu Tran SAD, 2014, 15 min. (Gay) A one night stand gets competitive when two guys find out they are both tops.

NEDELJA, 14. DECEMBAR 2014. O SUZAN ZONTAG Režija: Nancy D. Kates SAD, 2014, 100’ (Lez) Film „O Suzan Sontag“ se intimno i detaljno bavi životom žene koja je bila među najuticajnijim i najprovokativnijim misliocima 20. veka. Suzan Sontag je zahvaljujući svojoj vatrenosti i otvorenosti tokom cele karijere postala jedna od najbitnijih književnih, političkih i feminističkih ikona svoje generacije. Ovaj dokumentarac prikazuje život Sontagove kroz ar‐ hivski materijal, priče njenih prijatelja, porodice, kolega i ljubavnika, kao i njene reči koje čita Patriša Klarkson. Od ranog zaljubljivanja u knjige do prvog iskustva u gej baru; od rane udaje do njene poslednje ljubavnice, „O Suzan Sontag“ daje fascinantnu perspektivu na život velike književne kritičarke i spisateljice, čija dela iz oblasti fotografije, o ratovima, bole‐ stima i terorizmu i danas imaju veliki značaj.

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REGARDING SUSAN SONTAG Director: Nancy D. Kates USA, 2014, 100 min. (Les) This film is an intimate and nuanced investigation into the life of one of the most influential and provocative thinkers of the 20th century. Pas‐ sionate and gracefully outspoken throughout her career, Susan Sontag became one of the most important literary, political and feminist icons of her generation. The documentary explores Sontag’s life through archival materials, accounts from friends, family, colleagues, and lovers, as well as her own words, as read by Patricia Clarkson. From her early infatuation with books to her first experience in a gay bar; from her early marriage to her last lover, Regarding Susan Sontag is a fascinating look at a towering cultural critic and writer whose works on photography, war, illness, and terrorism still resonate today. 24

NEDELJA, 14. DECEMBAR 2014. KRUG Režija: Stefan Haupt Uloge: Babett Arens, Aaron Hitz, Martin Hug Švajcarska, 2014, 102’ (Gej) Cirih sredinom pedesetih godina prošlog veka. Stidljivi mladi nastavnik, Ernst Ostertag postaje član gej organizacije „Der Krajs“ („Der Kreis“). Tu upoznaje transvestitsku zvezdu Rebija Rapa i odmah se ludo zaljubljuje u njega. Rebi i Ernst imaju priliku da vide organizaciju i na vrhuncu i kada već počne da se raspada, a na nju se u celoj Evropi gleda kao na pionira gej emancipacije. Ernst je rastrzan između svog buržoaskog načina života i posvećenosti homoseksualnosti, a Rebiju je ovo prva ozbiljna ljubavna veza, veza koja će trajati čitav život. Film se iz sadašnje perspektive bavi vremenom kada je „majka“ svih evropskih homoseksualnih organizacija bila na vrhuncu do trenutka kada je polako počela da se raspada.

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THE CIRCLE Director: Stefan Haupt Cast: Babett Arens, Aaron Hitz, Martin Hug Switzerland, 2014, 102 min. (Gay) Zürich in the mid 50’s: The young shy teacher Ernst Ostertag becomes a member of the gay organization DER KREIS. There he gets to know the transvestite star Röbi Rapp – and immediately falls head over heels in love with him. Röbi and Ernst live through the high point and the even‐ tual decline of the organization, which in the whole of Europe is seen as the pioneer of gay emancipation. Ernst finds himself torn between his bourgeois existence and his commitment to homosexuality, for Röbi it is about his first serious love relationship. A relationship which will last a lifetime. The film looks back from the present to the time when the “Mother” of all European homosexual organizations had its high point to the time it slowly fell apart. 25

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MINIJATURE Režija: Vicente Bonet Španija, 2014, 17’ (Lez) Gospođa Asunsion je 67‐godišnja udovica i ima dvoje dece, Huana i Belen. Na dan kada umre, Belen sa razočaranjem sazna da je njena majka imala ljubavnika.

MINIATURES Director: Vicente Bonet Spain, 2014, 17 min. (Les) Mrs Asuncion is 67, a widow and has two chil‐ dren, Juan and Belen. The day of her death, Belen disappointingly discovers that her mum had a secret lover.

SEDAMNAEST GODINA Režija: Filippo Demarchi Švajcarska, 2013, 22’ (Gej) Sedamnaestogodišnji Mateo shvata da je zaljubljen u don Masima, mladog seoskog sveštenika koji vodi orkestar u kojem Mateo svira bubnjeve. On u Masimu vidi jedinu osobu koja želi da sluša o njegovim strahovima i žel‐ jama. Mateo se prvi put u životu oseća sprem‐ nim da se nekome otvori.

PLEMENITI PASTUV Režija: Sofia Priftis Švedska, 2013, 14’ (Lez) Mlada Marija odlazi sa sela da bi radila kao so‐ barica u vili jednog plemićkog bračnog para. Nadahnuta neostvarivom željom najbolje pri‐ jateljice da dobije dete sa svojom devojkom, Marija kuje plan kako da pomogne homosek‐ sualnim parovima, a da se istovremeno osveti malograđanskoj klasi.

AGE 17 Director: Filippo Demarchi Switzerland, 2013, 22 min. (Gay) Matteo,17 years old, realises that he is in love with Don Massimo, a young village priest who leads the marching band in which Matteo plays the drum. He sees in Massimo a person willing to listen to his fears and desires. For the first time in his life, Matteo feels ready to open up to someone.

THE NOBLE STUD Director: Sofia Priftis Sweden, 2013, 14 min. (Les) A young girl, Maria, leaves to the countryside to work as a maid for an aristocratic couple in their mansion. Inspired by her best friends im‐ possible desire to have a child with her girl‐ friend, Maria hatches a plan to help homosexual couples whilst also taking revenge on the burgeois class.


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NEDELJA Režija: Sofia Priftis i Linus Hartin Švedska, 2013, 14’ (Lez) Nakon veze na jednu noć, Sara se budi u Juliji‐ nom stanu. Oseća se polaskanom što je baš nju izabrala šarmantna i samouverena Julija. One započinju igru kojom pomeraju svoje granice, istražuju i definišu svoj odnos. Šta je potrebno za jedan iskren sastanak?

SUNDAY Director: Sofia Priftis i Linus Hartin Sweden, 2013, 14 min. (Les) Sara wakes up in Julia L9;s flat after an one night stand. She is flattered and feels chosen by the charming and confident Julia. They enter into a game that push their boundaries explores and defines their relation to each other. What is required for a sincere meeting?

ODEĆA Režija: Lap Tak Yeung Kina, 2014, 16’ (Trans) Nam pati od „poremećaja rodnog identiteta“, i traga za svojim rodnim identitetom. Iako je fizički muškarac, ona je u duši žena. Dok pod pritiskom društva traga za svojim identitetom, ona otkriva da je odabrati odeću težak zadatak.

CLOTHES Director: Lap Tak Yeung China, 2014, 16 min. (Trans) Nam is suffering from “gender identity disor‐ der,” and seeks his gender‐identity. Even she is in a male body, the soul is female. In the process of finding her identity with pressure of the society, she find out that choosing the clothes she wants to wear is difficult. 27

BES Režija: Bretten Hannam Kanada, 2011, 6’ (Gej) Kada njegov stariji brat „izađe iz ormara“, Dejn pokušava da shvati šta se dešava. Tokom jednog dana, on vidi kako na to reaguju ostali članovi zajednice i mora da odluči da li će stati na stranu svog brata i dopustiti društvu da ga izop‐ šti ili će se distancirati da bi sačuvao svoj ugled.

DEEN END Director: Bretten Hannam Canada, 2011, 6 min. (Gay) When Dane’s older brother comes out of the closet, Dane struggles to make sense of it all. Over the course of a day he witnesses the re‐ actions of the people in the community and must decide to side with his brother and be‐ come a social outcast, or distance himself to save his reputation.

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URBANI DREG Režija: Teresa Sala Italija, Španija, 2013, 8’ (Queer) „Rođeni smo goli – sve ostalo je dreg.“ Petoro ljudi istražuju svoj identitet i definišu sebe kroz šminku i odeću. Oni su umetnici u urbanom kontekstu jer je to pro‐ stor gde je njihov seksualni identi‐ tet stvoren, a zatim im nametnut. URBAN DRAG Director: Teresa Sala Italy, Spain, 2013, 8 min. (Queer) “We’re born naked the rest is drag”: five people explore their identities and define themselves through clothes and makeup. They perform in the urban context be‐ cause that’s the space where their sexual identities were created, then imposed.

U KAVEZU Režija: Lazlo Tonk Holandija, 2013, 15’ (Gej) Dejvid je izbezumljen kada sazna da je njegov najbolji prijatelj, Nils, gej. Homoseksualnost se ne tole‐ riše u njihovoj grupi prijatelja, tako da je Nils izopšten. Da li će Dejvid ostati deo grupe ili će se odlučiti za prijateljstvo sa Nilsom? CAGED Director: Lazlo Tonk Netherlands, 2013, 15 min. (Gay) David is torn when he finds out his best friend Niels is gay. Homosex‐ uality isn’t tolerated in their group of friends and they shut Niels out. Will David side with the group or choose for his friendship with Niels instead? 28

VOLIM JE Režija: Darya Perelay Ukrajina, 2012, 4’ (Lez) Ovo je film o dvema devojkama koje se osećaju usamljeno u ve‐ likom gradu. Jedna je ulični muzičar i svakog dana svira na istom mestu.

I’M CHRISTIAN OKOLI Režija: Cyrus Trafford Velika Britanija, 2013, 6’ (Gej) „Istina boli“, a ovaj film je otelov‐ ljenje ove fraze. Brutalno istinita i iskrena izvedba Kristijana Okolija ovu priču čini nezaboravnom.

I LOVE HER Director: Darya Perelay Ukraine, 2012, 4 min. (Les) This movie is about two girls who both feel lonely living in the big city. One of them is a street musi‐ cian who comes to play every day in the same place.

I’M CHRISTIAN OKOLI Director: Cyrus Trafford UK, 2013, 6 min. (Gay) ‘The truth hurts’ and this couldn’t be epitomized anymore here. A brutally truthful and honest per‐ formance from Christian Okoli makes this an unforgettable story.

PONEDELJAK, 15. DECEMBAR 2014. BORBA ZA ISTOPOLNE BRAKOVE Režija: Ben Cotner, Ryan White SAD, 2014, 109’ (LGBT) Ovaj film govori o događajima iza scene istorijske tužbe protiv savezne države zbog zabrane istopolnih brakova u Kaliforniji. Ovo suđenje visokog profila je prvo dospelo na naslovne strane zbog neverovatnog spoja advokata koji su zastupali tužitelje – Teda Olsona i Dejvida Bojza, politi‐ čkih protivnika koji su se pre toga suočili na suđenju za predmet Buš i Gor. Film takođe prikazuje i iskustvo tužitelja, dva homoseksualna para čije su se porodice našle u centru kontroverze oko istopolnih brakova. Pet godina nakon donošenja zabrane istopolnih brakova, ovo je priča o tome kako su oni izneli prvu tužbu protiv savezne države u vezi sa brač‐ nom jednakosti pred Vrhovni sud Sjedinjenih Država.

THE CASE AGAINST 8 Director: Ben Cotner, Ryan White USA, 2014, 109 min. (LGBT) A behind‐the‐scenes look inside the historic case to overturn California’s ban on same‐sex marriage. The high‐profile trial first makes headlines with the unlikely pairing of Ted Olson and David Boies, political foes who last faced off as opposing attorneys in Bush v. Gore. The film also follows the plaintiffs, two gay couples who find their families at the center of the same‐sex marriage controversy. Five years in the making, this is the story of how they took the first federal marriage equality lawsuit to the U.S. Supreme Court. 29

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LJUBAV JE ČUDNA STVAR Režija: Ira Sachs Uloge: John Lithgow, Alfred Molina, Marisa Tomei SAD, 2014, 94’ (Gej) Nakon 39 godina provedenih zajedno, Ben i Džordž odlučuju da iskoriste mogućnost da se venčaju zahvaljujući novom zakonu o gej brakovima. Međutim, po povratku sa medenog meseca, Ben dobija otkaz sa pozicije horskog dirigenta u Katoličkoj školi i par shvata da više ne može da plaća kiriju za stan. Da li njihova ljubav može da opstane kad počnu da žive odvojeno zbog loše finansijske situacije?

LOVE IS STRANGE Director: Ira Sachs Cast: John Lithgow, Alfred Molina, Marisa Tomei USA, 2014, 94 min. (Gay) After Ben and George get married, George is fired from his teaching post, forcing them to stay with friends separately while they sell their place and look for cheaper housing — a situation that weighs heavily on all in‐ volved. 30

UTORAK, 16. DECEMBAR 2014. ODRI LORD - GODINE U BERLINU Režija: Dagmar Schultz Nemačka, 2012, 81’ (Lez) Dvadeseta godišnjica od smrti Odri Lord, priznate crnkinje, lezbejke i fe‐ ministkinje, pesnikinje, majke i aktivistkinje obeležena je 2012. godine. Film „Odri Lord – Berlin od 1984. do 1992. godine“ se bavi malo poznatim poglavljem bogatog života ove spisateljice, periodom u kojem je pomogla da se rasplamsa afro‐nemački pokret i trajno doprinela nemačkoj politi‐ čkoj i kulturnoj sceni pre i nakon pada Berlinskog zida. Odri Lord je ohra‐ brivala crne žene u Nemačkoj i bila im mentorka u pisanju i objavljivanju kao načinu da učvrste svoj identitet, prava i kulturu u društvu koje ih je marginalizovalo i ućutkivalo, dok je izazivala bele Nemice da prihvate i na kontsruktivan način upotrebe privilegije koje su imale kao belkinje.

AUDRE LORDE – THE BERLIN YEARS Director: Dagmar Schultz Germany, 2012, 81 min. (Les) 2012 marks the 20th anniversary of Audre Lorde’s passing, the acclaimed Black lesbian feminist poet and activist. Audre Lorde – The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992 explores a little‐known chapter of the writer’s prolific life, a period in which she helped ignite the Afro‐German Movement and made lasting contributions to the German political and cultural scene before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Lorde mentored and encour‐ aged Black German women to write and publish as a way of asserting their identities, rights and culture in a society that isolated and silenced them, while she challenged white German women to acknowledge and constructively use their white privilege. 31

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