PETAK - 14.12.
SUBOTA - 15.12.
NEDELJA - 16.12.
17 __ 00
Tajna (2012) r. Przemislav Wojcieszek Poljska, igrani, 82’
Revija kratkih filmova:
Revija kratkih filmova:
Revija kratkih filmova:
Uzgoj i red (2012) Nemačka, 9’ Izvan tima (2012) SAD, 14’ iControversy (2012) Italija, 3’ Sve veći bolovi (2012) Holandija, 3’ Linija cilja (2011) Kanada, 13’ Teško za izgovoriti (2012) SAD, 13’ Prazno gnezdo (2012) Španija, 24’ Mali gej dečak Krist je mrtav (2012) Francuska, 30’
Prora (2012) Švajcarska, 23’ Nervoza zbog nastupa (2012) SAD, 15’ Ljubavni ratovi (2012) Španija, 4’ Saglasnost (2011) Francuska, 15’ Tek sam počeo (2012) Rusija, 7’ Dečak je (2012) SAD, 6’ Ispovest sveštenika (2011) Australija, 5’ Narednik (2011) Srbija, 21’ Džejms (2012) Velika Britanija, 6’
Upleteno (2012) SAD, 10’ Spiralna tranzicija (2010) SAD, 6’ Zeka (2011) Kanada, 11’ Tandem (2011) Velika Britanija, 12’ Tišina (2011) Španija, 5’ Sam sa gospodinom Karterom Kanada, 17’ (2011) Tranzicija (2012) Kanada, 12’ Mačka pleše (2011) Nemačka, 7’ Žizela i Malis (2011) Španija, 5’ Najbolji hleb (2009) SAD, 4’ Kroz objektiv (2012) Kanada, 17’
Kralj stripa (2012) r. Rosa fon Praunhajm Nemačka, dok. film, 80’
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Trans (2012) r. Kris Arnold SAD, dok. film, 92’
Žica (2009) r. Mehdi Ben Atia Francuska, igrani, 90’
Naš gej heroj - Vito (2011) Ja sam sada žena (2011) r. Džefri Švarc r. Michiel van Erp SAD, dok. film, 93’ Holandija, dok. film, 87’
Biti gej u Istočnoj Nemačkoj r. Ringo Roesener (2012) Nemačka, dok. film, 91’
21 __ 00
Trbušni plesač (2012) r. Kaner Alper i Mehmet Binaj, Turska, igrani, 99’
Savršena porodica (2011) r. Ana Renton SAD, igrani, 84’
Provala oblaka (2011) r. Tom Fitzdžerald Kanada, igrani, 93’
Najgledanija sapunica (2011) r. Odilon Roha Brazil, igrani, 106’
Gejba (2012) r. Džonatan Lisecki SAD, igrani, 89’
FRIDAY - 14.12.
SATURDAY - 15.12.
SUNDAY - 16.12.
MONDAY - 17.12.
Secret (2012) d. Przemysław Wojcieszek Poland, 82’
Short Films
Short Films
Short Films
Zucht und Ordnung (2012) Germany, 9’ Beyond the Team (2012) USA, 14’ Icontroversy (2012) Italy, 3’ Growing Pains (2012) Netherlands, 3’ Finish Line (2011) Canada, 13’ Hard 2 Say (2012) USA, 13’ The Empty Nest (2012) Spain, 24’ Little Gay Boy Christ is dead (2012) France, 30’
Prora (2012) Switzerland, 23’ Performance Anxiety (2012) USA, 15’ Love Wars (2012) Spain, 4’ Consent (2011) France, 15’ I’ve Only Just Begun (2012) Russia, 7’ It’s a Boy (2012) USA, 6’ The Confession of Father John Thomas (2011) Australia, 5’ Sergeant (2011) Serbia, 21’ James (2012) UK, 6’
King of Comics (2012) d. Rosa von Praunheim Germany, 80’
Entwine (2012) USA, 10’ Spiral Transition (2010) USA, 6’ Bunny (2011) Canada, 11’ Tandem (2011) UK, 12’ Silencios (2011) Spain, 5’ Alone with Mr Carter (2011) Canada. 17’ Transition (2012) Canada, 12’ Die Katze tanzt (2011) Germany, 7’ Giselle & Malice (2011) Spain, 5’ Buttery Top (2009) USA, 4’ Through the lens of inkedkenny Canada, 17’ (2012)
Trans (2012) d. Chris Arnold USA, 92’
The String (2009) d. Mehdi Ben Attia France, 90’
Vito (2011) d. Jeffrey Schwarz USA, 93’
I Am A Woman Now (2011) Among Men – Being Gay in d. Michiel van Erp East Germany (2012) Netherlands, 87’ d. Ringo Rösener, Markus Stein Germany, 91’
Zenne Dancer (2012) d. Caner Alper, Mehmet Binay, Turkey, 99’
The Perfect Family (2011) d. Anne Renton USA, 84’
Cloudburst (2011) d. Thom Fitzgerald Canada, 93’
GayBy (2012) d. Jonathan Lisecki USA, 89’
Prime Time Soap (2011) d. Odilon Rocha Brazil, 106’
17 __ 00
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KATALOG FESTIVALA Urednik kataloga: Predrag M. Azdejković Dizajn i prelom: Rabbit & Rabbit production Prevod: Sanja Katarić Štampa: Newpress TIM FESTIVALA Direktor festivala: Predrag M. Azdejković Selektori festivala: Boban Jevtić, Predrag M. Azdejković PR festivala: Milica Ševarlić Vizuelni identitet: Jelisaveta Mitić Tehnička realizacija: Dom omladine Beograda Prevod i tehnička obrada filmova: Textvision Hvala: Paoli Petrić, Hani Ćopić, Jovani Rastović, Susanni Vasovic-Bohse, Branislavu Glumcu, Aleksandri Kalinić, Neveni Nikolić, Miljani Grbić, Emiliji Novaković, Olgici Marinković, Kevinu Reksu, Lazaru Pavloviću, Mirjani Bogdanović, Mariji Misiti, Srđanu Dragojeviću, Miroslavu Kariću, Aleksandru S. Jankoviću, Ani Martinoli. CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 791.65.079(497.11)"2012"(083.97) 791.233:613.885(100)"20"(083.97) МЕЂУНАРОДНИ фестивал квир филма "Мерлинка" (4 ; 2012 ; Београд) Četvrti međunarodni festival queer filma "Merlinka", Dom omladine Beograda, od 13. do 17. decembra 2012. / [urednik kataloga Predrag M. Azdejković ; prevod Sanja Katarić]. - Smederevo : Regionalni info centar, 2012 (Smederevo : Newpress). - 32 str. : ilustr. ; 21 cm Uporedo srp. tekst i engl. prevod. - Tiraž 500. ISBN 978-86-89423-00-6 a) Међународни фестивал квир филма "Мерлинка" (4 ; 2012 ; Београд) - Програми COBISS.SR-ID 194844940
- transformacija lat. promena oblika, stanja, osobina, pretvaranje, preobražavanje, preinačavanje, preoblikovanje, promena, metamorfoza; Dobro došli na četvrti Međunarodni festival queer filma „Merlinka“ koji uz pomoć filmske umetnosti pokušava da transformiše srpsko društvo iz homofobičnog u tolerantno i društvo koje prihvata različitosti. Queer filmove često koristimo kao medij da umesto nas okolini saopšte ono za šta sami nemamo hrabrosti, ili da testiraju ljude oko nas kako reaguju na prikaze homoseksualnosti. Koristimo ih da pripreme teren, da opipaju puls kako bi nam bilo lakše da porodici i prijateljima saopštimo da smo drugačiji. Queer filmovi imaju moć da ohrabruju i osnažuju LGBT osobe i pomognu u smanjenju homofobije i prihvatanju različitosti. Zato je ovogodišnji Merlinka festival pripremio preko četrdeset filmova koji se tematski bave transseksualnošću, životom sa HIV-om, prihvatanjem ili ne prihvatanjem od strane porodice, željom gej osoba da imaju decu, gej aktivizmom, ljubavnim jadima, prevarama… Pripremili smo ih za vas i pozivamo vas da zajedno sa svojim prijateljima i porodicom dođete da gledate filmove i započnete transformaciju. Predrag Azdejković Direktor i selektor festivala
- Transformation, lat.- change of shape, condition, characteristics, acting, metamorphosis, reformation; Welcome to the fourth International Queer Film Festival “Merlinka”, which is trying to use the film art in order to to transform the Serbian society from a homophobic one into a tolerant society accepting differences. We often use queer films as a media to tell the public what we don’t have the courage to say ourselves or in order to test how the people around us react to the display of homosexuality. We use them to prepare the field, to test the pulse so that it gets easier for us to tell our friends and family that we are different. Queer films have also the power to encourage and strengthen the LGBT persons and to help reduce the homophobia and to stimulate the acceptance of differences. Therefore, for this year we have prepared more then forty films which are dealing with transsexuality, living with HIV, acceptance or lack of acceptance by the family, desire of gay persons to have children, gay activism, heartache, deceit… We have prepared them for you and we are inviting you to come with your friends and family to see the films and to start your own transformation. Predrag Azdejković Festival Director and Selector 4
1. DECEMBAR 2012.
20 __ 00
dokumentarni film
dokumentarni film
19 __ 00
SPOREDNI EFEKAT SREĆA Režija: Julia Csabai i Alida Szabo Nemačka, 2011. Trajanje: 52 min.
POZITIVNA MLADOST Režija: Čarli Dejvid SAD, 2012. Trajanje: 42 min.
SIDE EFFECT HAPPINESS Directed by Julia Csabai, Alida Szabó Germany, 2011 Duration: 52 min
POSITIVE YOUTH Directed by Charlie David SAD, 2012 Duration: 42 min
Volfgang i Roland imaju 72 i 58 godina i stanuju zajedno u Berlinu već 11 godina. Kažu da im je danas život mnogo srećniji i ispunjeniji nego pre 25 godina, pre nego što su se upoznali i pre nego što su obojica znali da su HIV pozitivni. Pre Virusa živeli su neupadljivim životom srednje klase. Imali su posao i zaboravljali su ili potiskivali svoje umetničke ambicije. Kada su odrastali i tek otkrivali svoju naklonost prema muškarcima, homoseksualnost se u Nemačkoj smatrala prekršajem.
„Pozitivna mladost“ je televizijski dokumentarac koji prati četvoro omladinaca (starosti od kasnih tinejdžerskih godina do 27) koji su HIV pozitivni u četiri različita grada Amerike u stilu „sinema verite“. U periodu odrastanja, 80tih i 90tih godina dvadesetog veka bili smo bombardovani užasnim statistikama o HIV-u i sidi. Trideset godina kasnije i dalje učimo. Koliko su mladi obrazovani danas i zbog čega je stopa zaraze među mladima i dalje najveća?
Wolfgang and Roland are 72 and 58 years old and have lived together in Berlin since 11 years. They say, that today their life is happier and more fulfilled, than it was 25 years ago, before they met and neither Wolfgang, nor Roland knew, that they are HIV+. Before the Virus, they lived an unremarkable middle-class life. They had a job and forgotten, faded or suppressed artistic ambitions. Back when they grew up and first discovered their affections towards men, homosexuality was still considered a felony in Germany.
Positive Youth is a television documentary which follows four HIV positive youth (late teens to 27) in four different N. American cities in Cinema vérité style. Growing up in the 1980s and 90s we were hammered with terrifying statistics of HIV/AIDS. Thirty years in, we are still learning. What education do youth receive now and why is the youth transmission rate still the highest?
ČETVRTAK, 13. DECEMBAR 2012. 17 __ 00
TAJNA Režija: Przemislav Wojcieszek Glumci: Tomaš Tindik, Agnieszka Podsiadlik, Marek Kepinski Poljska, 2012. Trajanje: 82 min. Ksaveri i Karolina došli su u posetu kod Jana. Jan je Ksaverijev deda koji živi sam u jednom udaljenom selu. Ksaveri je drag kraljica. Karolina tvrdi da je Ksaverijeva menadžerka. Jan je jedini rođak sa kojim je Ksaveri ikada osećao povezanost. Ksaveri je homoseksualac. Karolina je Jevrejka. Jan ima više od 80 godina i nekada je bio vojnik u pokretu otpora. Karolina zna da se u kući u koju je upravo ušla pre 70 godina dogodilo ubistvo koje je prošlo nekažnjeno. Karolina zahteva odgovore na svoja pitanja. Jan je srećan što može da ih ugosti. Ksaveri nema kud.
SECRET Directed by Przemysław Wojcieszek Cast: Tomasz Tyndyk, Agnieszka Podsiadlik, Marek Kepinski Poland, 2012 Duration: 82 min Ksawey and Karolina pay Jan a visit. Jan is Ksawery’s grandfather living lonely in a desolate countryside. Ksawery is a drag queen performer. Karolina claims to be Ksawery’s agent. Jan is the only relative Ksawery ever felt tied to. Ksawery is gay. Karolina is Jewish. Jan, over 80, is a former resistance soldier. Karolina knows, the house she just came to, witnessed a murder unpunished for 70 years. Karolina wants answers. Jan is happy to be their host. Ksawery has nowhere to run. 6
ČETVRTAK, 13. DECEMBAR 2012. TRANS Režija: Kris Arnold SAD, 2012. Trajanje: 92 min. “Trans“ je neobičan dokumentarni film o muškarcima i ženama i o svim varijantama između. U njemu se radi o transrodnoj zajednici koja predstavlja možda najviše pogrešno shvaćenu i pogrešno tretiranu manjinu u Americi i širom sveta. Inspirisan neverovatnom pričom Dr. Kristine Mekgin i njenim značajnim radom kao transrodnog hirurga, “Trans” nudi veoma ličnu viziju života, ljubavi i izazova veoma upečatljivih likova u svim godinama i raznih slojeva društva. Ovo su priče o zbunjenosti i hrabrosti, uzbuđenju i emocijama koje nikada nisu ispričane – do sada. Za svakoga ko se ikada pogledao u ogledalo i zapitao „ko sam ja zaista?“ “Trans” postavlja još jedno pitanje: „Da li imaš dovoljno hrabrosti da saznaš?“ TRANS Directed by: Chris Arnold USA, 2012 Duration: 92 min “Trans” is an extraordinary documentary feature about men and women…and all the variations in between. It is about the Transgender Community, perhaps the most misunderstood and mistreated minority in America and around the world. Inspired by the incredible story of Dr. Christine McGinn and her important work as a transgender surgeon, “Trans” provides an up-close and very personal vision into the lives, loves, and challenges of a remarkable cast of characters of all ages and from all walks of life. These are the stories of confusion and courage, excitement and emotion that have never been told—until now. To anyone who ever looked in a mirror and wondered, “who they really are?” “Trans” asks another question…”are you brave enough to find out?” 7
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ČETVRTAK, 13. DECEMBAR 2012. 21 __ 00
TRBUŠNI PLESAČ Režija: Kaner Alper i Mehmet Binaj Uloge: Kerem Can, Giovanni Arvaneh, Erkan Avci Turska, 2012. Trajanje: 99 min. Neverovatan trio, snažno prijateljstvo i porodične veze koje su se pokazale kao fatalne... Ovo je film o neobičnom triju: Danijel je nemački foto-reporter u Istanbulu, koji ne poznaje najbolje vrednosti Srednjeg istoka. Kan, feminizirani, ponosni trbušni plesač koga porodica mnogo voli i podržava i Ahmet, koji je rođen u istočnoj konzervativnoj porodici i čija potraga za iskrenošću i slobodom dovodi do tragedije. „Trbušni plesač“ je film inspirisan istinitom pričom Ahmeta Jildiza, koga je 2008. ubio sopstveni otac kada je imao samo 26 godina zbog toga što je bio homoseksualac.
ZENNE DANCER Directed by Caner Alper, Mehmet Binay Cast: Kerem Can, Giovanni Arvaneh, Erkan Avci Turkey, 2012 Duration: 99 min An unlikely trio, an unshakeable friendship and family boundaries that prove deadly to breach. A feature film about an unusual trio: Daniel, a German photo-journalist in Istanbul without much knowledge about Middle Eastern values. Can, a flamboyant, out and proud male belly dancer with lots of love and support from his family, and Ahmet born to an eastern and conservative family whose quest for honesty and liberty results in a tragic end. Zenne Dancer has been inspired by the true story of Ahmet Yildiz, who was murdered for being gay at the age 26 by his own father in 2008. 8
PETAK, 14. DECEMBAR 2012. 17 __ 00
UZGOJ I RED Režija: Jan Soldat Nemačka, 2012. Trajanje: 9 min.
IZVAN TIMA Režija: Tim Kulikovski SAD, 2012. Trajanje: 14 min.
Ups! Šokantno? Ovo je nešto retko: dvojica nagih starijih muškaraca u elegantnom okruženju razgovaraju o svojoj vezi i dobrim, starim vremenima i ćaskaju na osvežavajuće iskren način o svojim fetišima, o svojim sadomazohističkim sklonostima i vezivanju.
Nakon što su u tinejdžerskim godinama bili obeshrabreni zbog mačoizma u svetu sporta, grupa homoseksualaca koja se preselila u San Francisko na kraju je pronašla nešto što je daleko više od obično mesta za igranje fudbala: drugarstvo, proširenu porodicu, političko utočište i ljubav.
ZUCHT UND ORDNUNG Directed by Jan Soldat Germany, 2012 Duration: 9 min
BEYOND THE TEAM Directed by Tim Kulikowski USA, 2012 Duration: 14 min
Oops! Shocking? Now here’s a rare sight: two naked elderly men in elegant surroundings talk about their relationship and the good old days, and chat in a refreshingly candid manner about their fetishes, sadomasochistic predilections and bondage.
Discouraged as teenagers by the macho world of sports, a diverse group of transplanted gay men in San Francisco ultimately finds something more encompassing than a place to play soccer: camaraderie, extended family, political refuge and love. 9
PETAK, 14. DECEMBAR 2012. 17 __ 00
AJKONTROVERZA Režija: Antonio Prisko Italija, 2012. Trajanje: 3 min.
SVE VEĆI BOLOVI Režija: Stjen Vijers Holandija, 2012. Trajanje: 3 min.
Ajkontroverza je kratki film Antonija Priske, modnog grafičkog dizajnera i stvaraoca eksperimentalnih filmova. To je nasilan i lični pogled na trenutno društveno i versko raspoloženje u Italiji. Glumi predivna transrodna osoba (Lia Zeta). Film predstavlja snažnu i ogoljenu pobuna protiv homofobije, transfobije i ksenofobije.
Animirana satira o idealnoj mišićnoj lepoti na mejnstrim gej sceni.
ICONTROVERSY Directed by Antonio Prisco Italy, 2012 Duration: 3 min
GROWING PAINS Directed by Stien Weijers Netherlands, 2012 Duration: 3 min
Icontroversy is a short movie by Antonio Prisco a graphic designer for fashion and an experimental film maker. A violent and personal view of the actual Italian social and religious mood. Performed by a beautiful transgender (Lia Zeta), Icontroversy is a strong and raw accusation against homophobia, transphobia and xenophobia.
An animated satire of the muscular ideal beauty in the mainstream gay scene.
PETAK, 14. DECEMBAR 2012. 17 __ 00
LINIJA CILJA Režija: Đina Pei Či Čen Kanada, 2011. Trajanje: 13 min.
TEŠKO ZA IZGOVORITI Režija: Migel Gabaldon SAD, 2012. Trajanje: 13 min.
Angeni, mlada trkačica koja sanja o tome da postane najbrža na svetu prisiljena je da se podvrgne testu za potvrdu pola zbog svoje muževne pojave i izvanrednog uspeha na stazi. Izmučena medicinskim pretragama tokom kojih počinje da veruje da njeno telo nije normalno, Angenijin pogled na samu sebe je podriven i njeni atletski snovi su urušeni.
Dva dečka se sreću na ulicama Njujorka i provode čitav dan zajedno. Nakon toga sve će biti drugacije. Priča bez reči o temi o kojoj se ne govori.
FINISH LINE Directed by Gina Pei Chi Chen Canada, 2011 Duration: 13 min
HARD 2 SAY Directed by Miguel Gabaldón USA, 2012 Duration: 13 min
Angeni, a young female track star, who dreams of becoming the fastest runner in the world, is forced to undergo the sex verification test due to her masculine appearance and exceptional performance. Tormented by the medical scrutiny, in which she is made to believe her body is abnormal, her sense of self is undermined, and athletic dream is shattered.
Two boys meet in the streets of New York and spend the rest of the day together. Then everything will change. A speechless story about a subject we don’t talk about.
PETAK, 14. DECEMBAR 2012. 17 __ 00
PRAZNO GNEZDO Režija: Francisko Lupini Španija, 2012. Trajanje: 24 min
MALI GEJ DEČKO KRIST JE MRTAV Režija: Antoni Hikling, Amori Grisel Francuska, 2012. Trajanje: 30 min.
Monste, konfuzna, dobrodušna seksualna terapeutkinja pokušava da se ponovo poveže sa svojim prestrašenim sinom nakon što je otkrila da njegove nevolje možda potiču od velikog „problema“ u pantalonama.
Žan Kristof živi sa svojom majkom, engleskom prostitutkom u Parizu. On sanja da postane model. Tokom dana doživljava čitav niz agresivnih susreta koji će ga zauvek promeniti. Menja se od nevine do iskusne osobe kroz događaje u kojima oni oko njega uništavaju i njega i njegove snove.
THE EMPTY NEST Directed by Francisco Lupini Spain, 2012 Duration: 24 min
LITTLE GAY BOY CHRIST IS DEAD Directed by Antony Hickling, Amaury Grisel France, 2012 Duration: 30 min
Monste, a scatterbrained, well-meaning sex therapist, embarks on a mission to reconnect with her angsty son after discovering his troubles may stem from the huge "problem" tucked inside his trousers.
Jean Christophe lives with his mother, an English prostitute in Paris. He dreams of becoming a model. Over the course of a day, JC endures a series of abusive encounters that will change him forever. He goes from innocence to experience as he and his dreams are destroyed by those around him. 12
PETAK, 14. DECEMBAR 2012. ŽICA Režija: Mehdi Ben Atia Glumci: Klaudija Kardinale, Antonin Stali-Višvanadan, Salim Kešiuš Francuska, 2009. Trajanje: 90 min. Malika opterećuje mnogo toga nakon što se posle života u Francuskoj vratio kući u Tunis. Mora da prihvati smrt svog oca, ne može da se otvori prema svojoj majci i kaže joj istinu o sebi i ponovo na površinu izbijaju njegovi strahovi iz detinjstva. Ali svi Malikovi problemi bivaju kao rukom izbrisani kada se zaljubi u Bilala, slugu sanjara koji radi na majčinom buržoaskom imanju.
THE STRING Directed by Mehdi Ben Attia Cast: Claudia Cardinale, Antonin Stahly-Vishwanadan, Salim Kechiouche France, 2009 Duration: 90 min Malik has a lot on his plate when he returns home to Tunisia after living in France. He's processing his father's death, he can't come out to his mother, and his childhood anxieties have resurfaced. But all of Malik's problems seem to fade away when he falls for Bilal, the dreamy houseboy at his mother's bourgeois estate. 13
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PETAK, 14. DECEMBAR 2012. 21 __ 00
SAVRŠENA PORODICA Režija: Ana Renton Glumci: Ketlin Tarner, Emili Dešanel, Džejson Riter SAD, 2011. Trajanje: 84 min. Super-mama iz predgrađa Ajlin Kliri je prava katolkinja nominovana za nagradu Katolkinja godine u svojoj lokalnoj zajednici što će joj doneti plaketu kao dokaz. Postoji samo još jedan test koji mora da prođe – mora crkvenom odboru da predstavi svoju porodicu. To je trenutak kada mora da se suoči sa istinom o svojoj nekonformističkoj porodici, istinom koju je godinama krila. Sa svojom kćerkom lezbejkom koja će se udati za svoju partnerku, sinom koji je u nesrećnom braku i koji ima ljubavnu aferu sa manikirkom iz kraja i sa sopstvenim brakom sa izlečenim alkoholičarem koji joj otežava život, Ajlin odlučuje da krene u akciju i uzdigne svoje mešanje do novih, neslućenih i izrazito komičnih visina. THE PERFECT FAMILY Directed by Anne Renton Cast: Kathleen Turner, Emily Deschanel, Jason Ritter USA, 2011 Duration: 84 min Suburban supermom Eileen Cleary is the ultimate Catholic, and when she’s nominated for the coveted Catholic Woman of the Year Award at her local parish, it looks like she’s about to get the plaque to prove it. Only one final test remains—introducing her family to the church board for the seal of approval. Now, she must face the truth about her nonconformist family—a truth she has been glossing over for years. With her gay daughter about to marry her life partner, her unhappily married son having an affair with the local manicurist, and her own marriage to a recovered alcoholic pulling at the seams, Eileen decides to take action, ramping up her meddling to new, and hilarious, heights. 14
SUBOTA, 15. DECEMBAR 2012. 17 __ 00
PRORA Režija: Štefan Rithauzer Švajcarska, 2012. Trajanje: 23 min.
SAGLASNOST Režija: Siril Legan Francuska, 2011. Trajanje: 15 min.
Jan, 17, povučeni nemački tinejdžer, provodi svoj letnji raspust sa prijateljem Matjeom, 18, Francuzom, samoproklamovanim mačo ženskarošem. Nakon frustrirajuće noći u lokalnom klubu, dvojica momaka sede na plaži dok izlazi sunce. Ono što počinje kao nevina igra uskoro se pretvara u višeznačnu konfrontaciju.
Gost hotela pokušava da podmiti zgodnog, mladog recepcionara kako bi dobio seksualne usluge. Ali kada njegove agresivne fantazije počinju da prelaze u nešto jezivo, recepcionar pomera dinamiku moći kako bi svom zlom donatoru vratio istom merom.
PRORA Directed by Stéphane Riethauser Switzerland, 2012 Duration: 23 min
CONSENT Directed by Cyril Legann France, 2011 Duration: 15 min
Jan, 17, a rather timid German teenager, spends his summer holidays with his friend Matthieu, 18, a French selfproclaimed macho womanizer. After a frustrating night in the local club, the two boys decide to hang out on the beach at sunrise. What starts as an innocent game soon develops into an ambiguous confrontation.
A man staying in a hotel suite tries to bribe the hot, young concierge into performing sexual favors. But when the man’s aggressive fantasies start taking a sinister turn, the concierge shifts the power dynamic to give his sinister benefactor a taste of his own medicine.
SUBOTA, 15. DECEMBAR 2012. 17 __ 00
NERVOZA ZBOG NASTUPA Režija: Rid Vaterer SAD, 2012. Trajanje: 15 min.
LJUBAVNI RATOVI Režija: Visente Bone Španija, 2012. Trajanje: 4 min.
DŽEJMS Režija: Liang Hu Velika Britanija, 2012. Trajanje: 6 min.
Dvojica strejt glumaca vežbaju ljubavnu scenu među homoseksualcima za film. Kako će to izvesti?
U Zvezdi smrti dvojica vojnika Imperije biju svoju sopstvenu bitku.
Jedan dan u životu usamljenog starijeg muškarca Džejmsa.
PERFORMANCE ANXIETY Directed by Reid Waterer USA. 2012 Duration: 15 min
LOVE WARS Directed by Vicente Bonet Spain, 2012 Duration: 4 min
JAMES Directed by Liang Hu UK, 2012 Duration: 6 min
Two straight actors rehearse for a movie's upcoming gay love scene. How will they make out?
Inside the Death Star, two Imperial Stormtroopers strike their own battle.
A day in the life of a lonely old man, James.
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TEK SAM POČEO Režija: E. Rusija, 2012. Trajanje: 7 min.
DEČAK JE Režija: J.C.Calciano SAD, 2012. Trajanje: 6 min.
„Tek sam počeo“ je predivna i snažna priča o Venuz Vulgar i njegovim prijateljima na njihovom putu u Sankt Petersburg, Rusiju.
Tri bebe pričaju o svojoj seksualnosti i o tome da li je pitanje izbora da li će biti homoseksualci, biseksualci ili će biti strejt.
I’VE ONLY JUST BEGUN Directed by E. Russia, 2012 Duration: 7 min
IT’S A BOY Directed by J.C. Calciano USA, 2012 Duration: 6 min
"I've Only Just Begun" is a ragingly beautiful and empowering story about Venuz Vulgar and his friends on their way to St. Petersburg, Russia.
Three babies discuss their sexuality, and if being gay, bi or straight is a choice.
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NAREDNIK Režija: Nikola Ljuca Srbija, 2011. Trajanje: 21 min.
ISPOVEST SVEŠTENIKA Režija: Elka Kerkhofs Australija, 2011. Trajanje: 5 min.
Jedne noći u Beogradu sreću se dvojica muškaraca i sledećeg dana ništa više nije isto. Gledalac posmatra kako se odvija veče i kako se polako razotkrivaju delići slagalice. Raspoloženje i stil određuju ton ovog retkog filma o homoseksualcima iz Srbije.
Kada ste penis i sveštenik, neizbežno je da dospete u ...hmmm... unutrašnji konflikt. U srcu slabo naseljenih, udaljenih oblasti Australije živi Otac Džon Tomas. Za vreme jedne od njegovih naizgled nevinih ispovesti pojavljuje se Bog koji ga tera da otkrije svoje pravo biće.
SERGEANT Directed by Nikola Ljuca Serbia, 2011 Duration: 21 min
THE CONFESSION OF FATHER JOHN THOMAS Directed by Elka Kerkhofs Australia, 2011 Duration: 5 min
One night in Belgrade two men meet and the next day nothing will be the same. The viewer watches as the evening unfolds and the puzzle is slowly revealed. Mood and style set the tone for this rare gay film from Serbia.
When you're a penis and a priest, it's bound to cause some, uhm, inner conflict. In the heart of the Australian outback lives Father John Thomas. During one of his “seemingly” innocent confessionals he is caught out by God who pushes him to reveal his true self. 18
SUBOTA, 15. DECEMBAR 2012. NAŠ GEJ HEROJ - VITO Režija: Džefri Švarc SAD, 2011. Trajanje: 93 min. Nakon pobune u Stonvolu Vito Ruso je pronašao svoj glas kao gej aktivista i kritičar predstavljanja LGBT zajednice u medijima. Napisao je „Celuloidni ormar“, prvu knjigu koja kritikuje način na koji su homoseksualci predstavljeni na filmu u Holivudu. Za vreme krize sa sidom 80-tih godina 20. veka Vito je postao strastveni borac za pravdu preko novoosnovane grupe ACT UP pre nego što je umro od side 1990. 27. juna 1969. policijska racija u baru u kome su se okupljali homoseksualci pod nazivom Stonvol u Grinič Vilidžu doživela je iznenađujući preokret kada su gosti odlučili da se odupru represiji. Vito Ruso, 23-godišnji student filma, bio je u toj gomili. Vito je postao jedan od najglasnijih aktivista koji je inspirisao borbu LGBT zajednice za njena prava. VITO Directed by Jeffrey Schwarz USA, 2011 Duration: 93 min In the aftermath of Stonewall, a newly politicized Vito Russo found his voice as a gay activist and critic of LGBT representation in the media. He went on to write “The Celluloid Closet,” the first book to critique Hollywood’s portrayals of gays on screen. During the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, Vito became a passionate advocate for justice via the newly formed ACT UP, before his death from AIDS in 1990. On June 27, 1969 a police raid on a Greenwich Village gay bar called the Stonewall took a surprising turn when patrons decided it was time to fight back. Vito Russo, a 23year-old film student, was among the crowd. Over the years Vito would go on to become one of the most outspoken and inspiring activists in the GLBT community’s fight for equal rights. 19
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PROVALA OBLAKA Režija: Thom Fitzgerald Glumci: Brenda Fricker, Olympia Dukakis, Kristin Booth Kanada, 2011. Trajanje: 93 min. „Cloudburst“ je romantični road movie, u kome igraju oskarovke Olimpia Dukakis i Brenda Friker koje glume Stelu i Dot, stariji par koji beži iz staračkog doma u Mejnu i vozi se do Nove Škotske kako bi se zvanično venčale. Stela i Dot su zajedno već 31 godinu i verno su bile jedna uz drugu u svim životnim usponima i padovima. Sada su u svojim sedamdesetim godinama, Stela ne čuje dobro, a Dot je skoro slepa. Dotina unuka, puritanka Moli, odlučila je da je za Dot najbolje da živi u staračkom domu u kome će joj biti pruženo sve što joj je neophodno. To prisiljava Stelu i Dot da donesu hrabru odluku: napustiće svoj rodni grad i krenuti put Kanade gde je brak između osoba istog pola legalizovan. CLOUDBURST Directed by Thom Fitzgerald Cast: Brenda Fricker, Olympia Dukakis, Kristin Booth Canada, 2011 Duration: 93 min Cloudburst is a romantic road movie with Oscar-winning actresses Olympia Dukakis and Brenda Fricker as Stella and Dot, an aging couple who escape from a nursing home in Maine and drive to Nova Scotia on a quest to be legally married. Stella and Dot have been together for 31 years and have faithfully accompanied one another through life's ups and downs. Now in their seventies, Stella is hard of hearing and Dot is legally blind. Dotty's prudish granddaughter, Molly, decides the best place for Dot is a nursing home that will provide all the necessities. This forces Stella and Dot to make a bold decision: they will leave their hometown and make their way to Canada, where same-sex marriage is legal. 20
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UPLETENO Režija: Stan Guingon SAD, 2012. Trajanje: 10 min.
SPIRALNA TRANZICIJA Režija: Evan Duarte SAD, 2010 Trajanje: 6 min.
Veza koja je nekada bila ispunjena ljubavlju pretvorila se u nezainteresovanost i izdaju. Međutim, da li je nastavak komfornog druženja i onoga što je poznato vredan očajavanja? Deni, gej Azijata, mora da se suoči sa tom dilemom i da dovede u pitanje obavezu koju oseća prema pokvarenoj vezi.
Ovo je neodoljivo iskren i isprepleten dokumentarni film u kome se radi o vezi filmskog stvaraoca sa njegovom majkom i o tome na koji način se ta veza menja i razvija dok on prolazi kroz proces promene pola.
ENTWINE Directed by Stan Guingon USA, 2012 Duration: 10 min
SPIRAL TRANSITION Directed by Ewan Duarte USA, 2010 Duration: 6 min
A relationship, which was once loving and fulfilling has disintegrated into indifference and betrayal. However, is the continuing comfort of companionship and familiarity worth the despair? Danny, a gay Asian man, must face this dilemma and question his commitment to a stale relationship.
Spiral Transition is a compelling, candid, interwoven documentary exploring the filmmaker’s relationship with his mother and how it is changing and evolving as he transitions genders.
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ZEKA Režija: Seth Poulin Kanada, 2011. Trajanje: 11 min.
TANDEM Režija: Adrian Hume Robinson Velika Britanija, 2011. Trajanje: 12 min.
Kajl se bori za svoju vezu sa Dejvidom čije je zdravlje ozbiljno ugroženo Alchajmerovom bolešću. Upravo kada napetosti između para dostižu svoj vrhunac, Dejvid izlazi na hladnoću...
Tandem je mračna priča o ljubavi, u kojoj veza između dva glavna lika doživljava turbulencije zbog neočekivanog otkrića istine. Dok odlazeći „gosp. Onda“ mora da se pritaji, njegov manje samouveren i nesigurni ljubavnik „gosp. Sada“ pokušava da razume neželjenu realnost.
BUNNY Directed by Seth Poulin Canada, 2011 Duration: 11 min
TANDEM Directed by Adrian Hume Robinson UK, 2011 Duration: 12 min
Kyle struggles to hold onto his ailing relationship with David, whose health is rapidly deteriorating from Alzheimer’s. But as tension between the couple reaches the breaking point, David wanders off into the cold…
Tandem is a dark tale of love in which the two central characters find their relationship thrown into turmoil by an unexpected discovery of truths. While the outgoing ‘Mr. Then’ is forced to lie low, his less confident and insecure lover ‘Mr. Now’ tries to make sense of an unwanted reality. 22
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SAM SA GOSPODINOM KARTEROM Režija: Žan Pjer Beržeron Kanada, 2011. Trajanje: 17 min.
TRANZICIJA Režija: Genadi Gavlešov Kanada, 2012. Trajanje: 12 min.
Godine 1997. kada je Elen Dedženeris objavila da je lezbejka, Džon je mali dečak koji sanja o tome da postane policajac. Želi da se poveri svom komšiji, gosp. Karteru, da je potajno zaljubljen u njega. Vreme je najznačajniji faktor, pošto se 65-godišnji detektiv heteroseksualac seli zauvek.
Jedna osoba uspeva da nađe hrabrosti da promeni svoj život u dva suštinska pravca: počinje da poštuje svoju pravu ličnost kroz tranziciju od oženjenog sveštenika do otvoreno gej ateiste i poštuje promenu svog transrodnog sina.
ALONE WITH MR CARTER Directed by Jean Pierre Bergeron Canada, 2011 Duration: 17 min
TRANSITION Directed by Genady Gavleshov Canada, 2012 Duration: 12 min
In 1997, the year Ellen DeGeneres comes out, John is a little boy who dreams of becoming a cop. He wants to confide in his neighbor, Mr. Carter, that he is secretly in love with him. Time is of the essence as the 65-year-old hetero detective is moving away forever.
A person finds the courage to change his life in two fundamental ways: honoring his true self as he transitions from married priest to openly gay atheist, and respecting the transition of his transgender son.
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TIŠINA Režija: Javier Sanz Španija, 2011. Trajanje: 5 min.
ŽIZELA I MALIS Režija: Orio Penalver & Eric Monteagudo Španija, 2011. Trajanje: 5 min.
NAJBOLJI HLEB Režija: Ketrin Krauč SAD, 2009. Trajanje: 4 min.
Najgori deo svađe je tišina koja sledi, tišina koja je svuda.
Legenda kaže da su u vremenima mraka i prohibicije postojale dve žene koje su se borile za ono što vole.
Krčag vina, vekna hleba – ali čekaj – koja je to vrsta hleba? Komedija o prvom sastanku sa posebnim prtljagom.
SILENCIOS Directed by Javier Sanz Spain, 2011 Duration: 5 min
GISELLE & MALICE Directed by Orio Penalver & Eric Monteagudo Spain, 2011 Duration: 5 min
BUTTERY TOP Directed by Catherine Crouch USA, 2009 Duration: 4 min
The worst of an argument is the silence that follows. A silence that is everywhere.
Legend has it that, in a time of darkness and prohibition, there were two women who fought for what they loved.
A jug of wine, a loaf of bread - but wait - what kind of bread? A comedy about a first date with extra baggage.
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MAČKA PLEŠE Režija: Ester Bialas Nemačka, 2011. Trajanje: 7 min.
THROUGH THE LES OF INKEDKENNY Režija: Denize Galiao, Marie Elisa Scheidt Kanada, 2012. Trajanje: 17 min.
Još od njihovog detinjstva Ana je potajno zaljubljena u svoju najbolju drugaricu Katrin koja se udaje narednog dana. Neočekivani događaj za vreme devojačke večeri protrešće njihovo prijateljstvo.
InkedKenny je fotograf koji na poseban način posmatra svoje modele. On oblikuje univerzum homoseksualne meda zajednice u Montrealu slikajući mišićave muškarce koji predstavljaju otelotvorenje određenog ideala lepote. Te fotografije naglašavaju njihovu muževnost. Ono što na prvi pogled deluje kao čist kult tela predstavlja izvor snage.
DIE KATZE TANZT Directed by Esther Bialas Germany, 2011 Duration: 7 min
THROUGH THE LENS OF INKEDKENNY Directed by Denize Galiao, Marie Elisa Scheidt Canada, 2012 Duration: 17 min
Ever since their childhood Anne is secretly in love with her best friend, Kathrin, who is going to get married the next day. An unexpected occurrence during the Hen's Night celebration is bound to shake up their friendship.
InkedKenny is a photographer who has a special point of view on his models. He shapes the universe of the homosexual Bear Community of Motreal by taking pictures of muscular men who embody a certain ideal of beauty. Those photos underline their masculinity. What appears at first glance to be a pure body cult is a source of strength. 25
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JA SAM SADA ŽENA Režija: Mihil van Erp Holandija, 2011. Trajanje: 87 min. Prva generacija transseksualaca koji su prošli kroz promenu pola u Kazablanki sredinom 50tih i 60tih godina dvadesetog veka razmatraju svoje živote. Da li se ovi pioniri osećaju u potpunosti kao žene i da li im je promena pola donela ispunjenje u životu koje su očekivali? Žene u filmu tretirao je isti ’čudotvorni lekar’ Žorž Buro. Dokle god su ovi ’pacijenti’ plaćali nije bilo preduslova, nisu postavljana pitanja na njegovoj klinici u Kazablanki. Ovo je film o potrazi za skoro nedostižnim snom, o jazu između njegovog ostvarenja i surove realnost koja ponekad nastupa nakon toga.
I AM A WOMAN NOW Directed by Michiel van Erp Netherlands, 2011 Duration: 87 min I Am A Woman Now (formerly Casablanca Revisited), the first generation of transsexuals who had their sex change in Casablanca back in the mid1950s to 1960s take stock of their lives. Do these pioneers feel like total women and did it give them the fulfillment in life they expected ? The women featured in the film were all treated by the same 'miracle doctor', Georges Burou. As long as these 'patients' paid, there were no pre-conditions, no questions asked at his clinic in Casablanca. A film about the pursuit of an almost unattainable dream, about the gap between its realization and the hard reality that sometimes follows. 26
NEDELJA, 16. DECEMBAR 2012. GEJBA Režija: Jonathan Lisecki Glumci: Jenn Harris, Matthew Wilkas, Mike Doyle SAD, 2012. Trajanje: 89 min. Džen i Mat su najbolji prijatelji sa koledža i sada su u svojim 30tim godinama. Džen je izabrala da bude sama i provodi svoje dane držeći časove joge i obavljajući poslove za svoju šeficu. Mat pati od blokade pisca stripova i ne može da preboli svog bivšeg dečka. Oni odlučuju da ispune obećanje iz mladosti da će zajedno imati dete... na tradicionalni način. Da li će uspeti da prevaziđu sve ozbiljne i neočekivane prepreke na koje nailaze u pokušaju da urede svoje karijere i svoj društveni život u pripremi za roditeljstvo? „Gejba“ je komedija o prijateljstvu, zajedničkom odrastanju, seksu, usamljenosti i o porodici koju biramo sami.
GAYBY Directed by Jonathan Lisecki Cast: Jenn Harris, Matthew Wilkas, Mike Doyle USA, 2012 Duration: 89 min Jenn and Matt are best friends from college who are now in their 30s. Single by choice, Jenn spends her days teaching hot yoga and running errands for her boss. Matt suffers from comic-book writer’s block and can’t get over his ex-boyfriend. They decide to fulfill a youthful promise to have a child together… the old-fashioned way. Can they navigate the serious and unexpected snags they hit as they attempt to get their careers and dating lives back on track in preparation for parenthood? “Gayby” is an irreverent comedy about friendship, growing older, sex, loneliness, and the family you chose. 27
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KRALJ STRIPA Režija: Rosa fon Praunhajm Nemačka, 2012. Trajanje: 80 min. Ralf Kenig, jedan od najuspešnijih crtača stripova u Nemačkoj, postao je poznat sa svojim stripom „Najpoželjniji muškarac“ na osnovu koga je snimljen film 1994. sa glumcem Tilom Švajgerom u glavnoj ulozi. Igrajući se veoma duhovito klišeima koji prate homoseksualnost uspeo je da dopre i do heteroseksualne publike. U filmu „Kralj stripa“ Rosa fon Praunhajm predstavlja nepretencioznog i skromnog muškarca koji je svojim briljantnim opservacijama ostavio svog traga među generacijama.
KING OF COMICS Directed by Rosa von Praunheim Germany, 2012 Duration: 80 min Ralf König, one of the most successful German cartoonists, became famous with his comic book The most desired man that was made into a film in 1994, starring Til Schweiger. Wittily playing with queer clichés, he also reaches a wide heterosexual audience. In King of Comics Rosa von Praunheim portrays an unpretentious and modest man that with his brilliant observation skills has been leaving his mark on generations. 28
PONEDELJAK, 17. DECEMBAR 2012. MEĐU MUŠKARCIMA - BITI GEJ U ISTOČNOJ NEMAČKOJ Režija: Ringo Rosener, Markus Štajn Nemačka, 2012. Trajanje: 91 min. Ovaj dokumentarni film bavi se pitanjem kako su homoseksualci živeli u 'realsocijalizmu', gde je u ideologiji DDR smatrano da je homoseksualnost relikt buržoaskog dekadentnog morala i da je štetna za socijalističko društvo. U ovom filmu susrećemo se sa šestoricom muškaraca koji otvoreno govore o svojim društvenim i intimnim iskustvima, neki po prvi put, i upoznajemo osobe koje teško da bi mogle biti raznolikije ili kontradiktornije. Na jednoj strani skale je Frenk Šefer, berberin, oštroumni i snalažljivi individualac; na drugoj strani je Eduard Štapel, akademac teolog koji je osnovao mrežu udruženja homoseksualaca u čitavom DDR na koga se Štazi čvrsto fiksirao.
AMONG MEN – BEING GAY IN EAST GERMANY Directed by Ringo Rösener, Markus Stein Germany, 2012 Duration: 91 min This documentary feature addresses the question of how gay men lived and could live their lives under 'real socialism', where GDR ideology considered homosexuality to be a remnant of bourgeois decadent morality and harmful to a socialist society. In that film we meet six men who talk openly about their social and intimate experiences, some for the first time, and get to know several individuals who could hardly be more diverse, or more contradictory. At one end of the scale is Frank Schäfer, a barber and a shrewd and resourceful individualist; at the other, Eduard Stapel, an academic theologist who founded a GDR-wide network of homosexual associations and upon whom the Stasi firmly set its sights. 29
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NAJGLEDANIJA SAPUNICA Režija: Odilon Rocha Uloge: Guilherme Duarte, Vanessa Giácomo, Paulo Lontra Brazil, 2011 Trajanje: 106 min. Brazil, 1978, grupa ljudi živi u diktaturi, u euforiji zbog disko groznice i fantazije najgledanije sapunice, čija radnja je smeštena u noćni klub. Nakon fatalnog incidenta Amanda i Dora (dobro plaćena prostitutka i njena „služavka“) su prisiljene da pobegnu. Dok uzbuđenje zbog posete klubu iz serije, Amandi skreće pažnju sa situacije u kojoj se nalazi, Dora se sprema da se suoči sa svojom tajnom prošlošću. U skladu sa teorijom malog sveta njihove sudbine će se ukrstiti sa sudbinom diplomate koji se oseća kao stranac u sopstvenoj zemlji, sa sudbinom revolucionara Vićentea i njegovog brata kao i tinejdžera Ćaoa koji računa na podršku svoje prijateljice u borbi da bude prihvaćen kao gej muškarac. PRIME TIME SOAP Directed by Odilon Rocha Cast: Guilherme Duarte, Vanessa Giácomo, Paulo Lontra Brazil, 2011 Duration: 106 min Brazil, 1978, a group of people live their lives under the dictatorship, the euphoria of disco fever and the fantasy of a prime time soap, which fictional drama is set in the night club. After a fatal incident, Amanda and Dora (a high-class prostitute and her "maid") are forced to run away. While the excitement of visiting the club from the soap distracts Amanda from the danger of the situation she is in, Dora gets ready to confront her secret past. In a six degrees of separation manner, their destine will cross with a diplomat who feels like a foreigner in his own country, the revolutionary Vicente and his brother, and the teenager Caio, who counts with the support of his friend as he struggles to be accepted as a gay man. 30