KATALOG FESTIVALA Urednik kataloga: Predrag Azdejković Dizajn i prelom: Rabbit & Rabbit production Prevod: Milan Aranđelović Izdavač: Regionalni info centar Štampa: Newpress Vizuelni identitet: Aleksandar Topić Sve fotografije korišćene u ovom katalogu vlasništvo su distributera, produkcijskih kompanija i režisera, koji su ih ustupili na korišćenje festivalu u svrhe promocije i predstavljanja filmova. Sav pisani sadržaj je odgovornost njego‐ vih autora. Festival ne preuzima odgovornost za eventualne greške i netačne informacije iznete u opisima filmova. CIP ‐ Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 791.65.079(497.11)"2017"(083.97) 791.233:613.885(100)"20"(083.97) МЕЂУНАРОДНИ фестивал квир филма "Мерлинка" (9 ; 2017 ; Београд) Zaljubi se zatvorenih očiju / Deveti međunarodni festival queer filma "Merlinka" ; [urednik kataloga Predrag Azdejković ; prevod Milan Aranđelović]. ‐ Smederevo: Regionalni info centar, 2016 (Smederevo : Newpress).‐ 88 str. : ilustr. ; 21 cm Kor. nasl. ‐ Uporedo srp. tekst i engl. prevod. ‐ Tiraž 300. ISBN 978‐86‐89423‐13‐6 a) Међународни фестивал квир филма "Мерлинка" (9 ; 2017 ; Београд) ‐ Програми COBISS.SR‐ID 251431692
Merlinka festival Dom omladine Beograda Makedonska 22/4 11000 Beograd / Srbija +381 64 14 27 840 www.merlinka.com merlinkafest@gmail.com Osnivač i selektor festivala: Predrag Azdejković Urednik filmskog programa: Vladislava Vojnović PR festivala: Milica Ševarlić Tehnička realizacija: Dom omladine Beograda Prevod i tehnička obrada filmova: Ivana Bogunović Mobil Cinema Fotograf: Vladimir Opsenica Promocija: PIN Consulting, Info media group
Merlinka festival 2017.
Žiri Kratki Queer film DIMITRIJE VOJNOV
Jury Short Queer Film 2
Dramaturg i najuspešniji srpski scenarista mlađe generacije. Do sada je realizovano devet dugometražnih filmova po njegovim scenarijima, a među njima se izdvajaju hit komedije Mali Budo (2014) i Jesen samuraja (2016), sportski spektakl Montevideo, vidimo se! (2014), kao i predstojeći SF Eder‐ lezi Rising (2018). Dramaturg and the most successful Serbian screenwriter of the younger generation. So far, nine feature films have been completed by his scripts, including the comedy Mali Budo (2014), Jesen samuraja (2016), Mon‐ tevideo, vidimo se (2014), as well the up‐ coming SF Ederlezi Rising (2018).
Više od 25 godina iskustva u filmskom biznisu, rada na festivalima, distribuciji i umetničkim događajima. Od 1992. godine radi u filmskoj industriji. Osnovala je kvir filmskog festivala u Beču „Identities“ čija je i direktorka.
Werner Borkes je direktor amsterdamskog LGBTI filmskog festivala „Roze Filmdagen“. Zbog ljubavi prema kratkim filmovima i iz želje da pomogne LGBTI zajednici pre šes‐ naest godina počeo je da volontira na ovom festivalu. Danas je jedanaest dana trajanja ove manifestacije jedna od najsvetlijih tačaka u kulturnom životu holandske pre‐ stonice. Pre nego što se prihvatio ovog posla Werner je završio dramaturgiju, nakon čega je radio kao scenarista i pomoćnik režisera u nekoliko popularnih tv serija.
More than 25 years of experience in the film business, working for festivals, distribution companies and arts events. Iniator and pro‐ grammer of several film series (w is for Women, Framing Reality, Queer Film Nights). Founder and Director of the identi‐ ties. Queer Film Festival Vienna, which also hosts continuous film events – sneak pre‐ views, premieres and film releases ‐ throughout the year.
Werner is the Festival Director of the Roze Filmdagen; Amsterdam LGBTQ Film Festival. His love for short films and desire to serve the LGBT community have fueled his passion to volunteer 16 years ago. Today the criticaly acclaimed 11 days festival is one of the cul‐ tural high lights of Holland's capital. It will celebrate it's 21th edition March next year. Prior to this job Werner graduated as a drama teacher. Afterwards he worked as a writer and as a director's assistant for sev‐ eral popular TV drama series. International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
ZALJUBI SE ZATVORENIH OČIJU Predrag Azdejković Osnivač i selektor Merlinka festivala
obrodošli na deveti Merlinka festival. Ove godine festival traje sedam dana i prika‐ zaćemo 52 kratka, 11 igranih i 8 doku‐ mentarnih filmova, od koji su neki svoje premijere imali na Berlinalu, TIFF‐u, Kanskom filmskom festivalu, Tribeci… Festival otvara hrvat‐ ski film „Lavina“, reditelja Stanislava Tomića, koji je otvorio ovogodišnji Pulski filmski festival. Slogan ovogodišnjeg Merlinka festivala je inspiri‐ san rečima Endija Vorhola koji je rekao: „Ljudi treba da se zaljubljuju zatvorenih očiju“ i ovogo‐ dišnji filmovi naše selekcije slave ljubav, ljubav prema partnerima, roditeljima, deci, životu, mu‐ zici, religiji, umetnosti, istini, seksu… Ova queer filmska godina počela je Merlinka festivalom u Sarajevu, koji je po peti put uspešno organizovan, nakon čega je usledila poseta Ber‐ linskom filmskom festivalu, poznatijem kao Ber‐ linale, sa kog nam ove godine dolazi veliki broj filmova. U maju u Muzeju savremene umetnosti Vojvodine organizovano je treće gostovanje Mer‐ linka festivala u Novom Sadu. U junu je organizo‐ van Pride Weekend u okviru Parade ponosa Srbije. U oktobru je u saradnji sa Labrisom orga‐ nizovan prvi L‐fest sa filmovima lezbejske tema‐ tike, a u novembru u saradnji sa Egalom organizovane je treći Transfrontall sa fokusom na filmove sa trans tematikom. Već godinama unazad organizujemo svečano otvaranje festivala uz muzički program i ove go‐ dine nastupa Ida Prester iz grupe Lollobrigida
koju pamtimo po hitu „Moj dečko je gej“, dok će na svečanom zatvaranju festivala, pored dodele nagrada nastupati Sonja Sajzor. Merlinka festival će ove godine posetiti le‐ gendarni Bruce LaBruce, režiser filma „Mizan‐ dristkinje“ koji nam dolazi iz Toronta, dobitnik Gran prija Kanskog festivala Robin Campillo reži‐ ser filma „120 otkucaja u minuti“ koji nam dolazi iz Pariza, Stanislav Tomić i ekipa filma „Lavina“ koji nam dolaze iz Zagreba, dreg kraljica Lady Ga‐ lore koja nam dolazi iz Amsterdama, Nik Jovičić‐ Sas protagonista dokumentarca „Zemlje izgubljenog sadržaja“ koji nam dolazi iz Londona, Stefan M. Mladenović režiser filma „Želim da ti kažem“ koji nam dolazi iz Niša, Branislav Princip režiser filma „Slutnja anđela“ koji nam dolazi iz Pančeva, Karni Haneman režiserka filma „Jebi se, Džesika Bler“ koja nam dolazi iz Izraela, Tim Dek‐ kers režiser filma „PrEP i ja“ koji nam dolazi iz Am‐ sterdama, Barbara Muller i ekipa filma „Nisa“ koji nam dolaze iz Beča. Merlinka je takmičarski festival i ove godine dodeljuje nagradu za najbolji kratki film u inter‐ nacionalnoj i specijalnu nagradu za najbolji do‐ maći film, kao i godišnje nagrade za najbolji igrani i dokumentarni film LGBT tematike koji su prika‐ zani tokom ove godine na filmskim festivalima u Srbiji. Nakon Beograda, festival se seli po šesti put u Sarajevo.
SveÄ?ano otvaranje ÄŒetvrtak, 7. decembar 2017.
Grand opening Thursday, december 7, 2017
Merlinka festival 2017.
Četvrtak, 7. decembar 2017.
LAVINA (2017) Komedija Režija: Stanislav Tomić Uloge: Robert Ugrina, Ksenija Marinković, Stojan Matavulj, Borko Perić, Ana Maras Harmander, Sara Stanić, Goran Grgić, Žarko Radić, Nina Violić Hrvatska (hrvatski jezik sa engleskim titlom) Trajanje: 70 min. Franjo je nestao u lavini. Za sobom je ostavio dve supruge i dve kćeri. Kada se Franjo vrati iz mrtvih kako bi objavio porodici da je homoseksualac to izazove lavinu neočekivanih događaja.
THE AVALANCHE (2017) Comedy Director: Stanislav Tomic Cast: Robert Ugrina, Ksenija Marinković, Stojan Matavulj, Borko Perić, Ana Maras Harmander, Sara Stanić, Goran Grgić, Žarko Radić, Nina Violić Croatia (Croatian with English subtitles) Duration: 70 min Franjo has disappeared in an avalanche. He’s left behind two wives and two daughters. An avalanche of unexpected events occurs when he comes back from the dead to announce to his family that he’s gay.
STANISLAV TOMIĆ Stanislav Tomić, rođen je 1972 godine u Zagrebu, redatelj je brojnih dokumentarnih filmova, tv serija te igranih filmova Pro‐ mašaj (2000) , Otac (2005), Jozef (2011). Stanislav Tomić, was born in 1972. in Zagreb, is director of nu‐ merous documentaries, TV se‐ ries and feature films The Miss (2000), Father (2005), Jozef (2011).
Petak 8. decembar 2017. 17:00 Sumrak 19:00 Kvirkor: Kako pankovati revoluciju 21:00 Mizandristkinje
Friday december 8, 2017 17:00 Rift 19:00 Queercore: How to Punk a Revolution 21:00 The Misandrists
Merlinka festival 2017.
Petak, 8. decembar 2017. ERLINGUR THORODDSEN Erlingur Thoroddsen je nagrađi‐ vani scenarista i režiser sa Islanda. Diplomirao je režiju na Univerzitetu Kolumbija grada Njujorka gde i danas živi. Njegov prvi igrani film „Child Eater“ pri‐ kazan je na brojnim filmskim fe‐ stivalima širom sveta. „Rift“ je njegov drugi igrani film.
SUMRAK (2017) Drama, horor, misterija Režija: Erlingur Thoroddsen Uloge: Björn Stefánsson, Sigurður Þór Óskarsson, Guðmundur Ólafsson Island (islandski jezik sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 111 min. Mesecima nakon raskida Gunnar dobija neobičan telefonski poziv od svog bivšeg dečka Einara. On pronalazi Einara u osam‐ ljenoj kućici na rubu lednika gde počinju da se suočavaju sa nji‐ hovom prošlošću dok ih progoni uskrsnuti duh njihove mrtve veze.
RIFT (2017) Drama, Horror, Mystery Director: Erlingur Thoroddsen Cast: Björn Stefánsson, Sigurður Þór Óskarsson, Guðmundur Ólafsson Iceland (Icelandic with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 111 min Months after they broke up, Gunnar receives a strange phone call from his ex‐boyfriend, Einar. He finds Einar in a secluded cabin under a glacier, where they begin to deal with their past – and are haunted by their dead relationship.
Erlingur Thoroddsen is an award‐ winning writer and director born and raised in Reykjavík, Iceland. He graduated from Columbia University’s MFA Film Directing Program in New York, where he resides. Erlingur’s first feature, CHILD EATER, based on his short film, premiered as the Closing Night film of the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival in 2016. His second feature, the Icelandic RÖKKUR (e. RIFT) premiered as the Clo‐ sing Film of the 40th Göteborg International Film Festival in Fe‐ bruary 2017.
Petak, 8. decembar 2017. YONY LEYSER
KVIRKOR: KAKO PANKOVATI REVOLUCIJU (2017) Dokumentarni film Režija: Yony Leyser Nemačka, SAD (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 83 min. U pitanju je priča koja nas vodi od samih početaka pseudo‐po‐ kreta sredinom osamdesetih, stvorenom da „pankuje“ pank scenu, sve do širokog spektra umetnika koji su koristili radikalni kvir identitet kako bi uzvratili udarac, istovremeno, i gej asimi‐ laciji i homofobiji pank kulture. Ispitanici diskutuju o homofobiji, rodu, feminizmu, HIV‐u, asimilaciji, seksu i, naravno, umetnosti.
Njegovi radovi se bave rasnim i rodnim identitetima kao i pop‐ kulturom i devijantnim ponaša‐ njima kroz istoriju. Filmovi su mu prikazivani na više od 150 film‐ skih festivala širom sveta, kao i na televiziji i u umetničkim ško‐ lama. Njegov prvi dugometražni film bio je o piscu Williamu S. Burroughsu i prikazan je na „Merlinka Festivalu“, a u toku ka‐ rijere ispred njegove kamere našli su se i Iggy Pop, Patti Smith, John Waters i Sonic Youth. His work deals with race, gender identity, pop‐culture and deviant social histories. His feature films have been shown collectively in over 150 film festivals. He finis‐ hed his first feature‐length film William S. Burroughs: A Man Within by the age of 24. Trave‐ ling with just a camera and ba‐ ckpack he managed to include many personalities in the com‐ prehensive documentary inclu‐ ding Iggy Pop, Patti Smith, John Waters and Sonic Youth.
Documentary film Director: Yony Leyser Germany, USA (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 83 min This is the story that Queercore tells, from the start of a pseudo‐ movement in the mid‐1980s, intended to punk the punk scene, to the widespread rise of artists who used radical queer identity to push back equally against gay assimilation and homophobic punk culture. Interviewees discuss homophobia, gender, femi‐ nism, AIDS, assimilation, sex, and, of course, art. International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Petak, 8. decembar 2017. BRUCE LABRUCE
MIZANDRISTKINJE (2017) Drama Režija: Bruce La Bruce Uloge: Susanne Sachße, Viva Ruiz, Kembra Pfahler Nemačka, Kanada (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 91 min. Ovo je priča o tajnoj feminističkoj terorističkoj organizaciji koja ima cilj da oslobodi žene, uništi patrijarhat, i uspostavi novi fe‐ ministički svetski poredak. Kada mladi radikalni levičar bežeći od policije završi u ovom ženskom uporištu jedna devojka ga iz sažaljenja sakriva u podrumu ustanove. Njegovo prisustvo na‐ rušava ustaljen život i, kako film kreće ka vrhuncu, otkriva brojne skrivene tajne.
THE MISANDRISTS (2017) Drama Director: Bruce La Bruce Cast: Susanne Sachße, Viva Ruiz, Kembra Pfahler Germany, Canada (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 91 min Film refers to a secret cell of feminist terrorists that is planning to liberate women, overthrow the patriarchy, and usher in a new female world order. When a young man, a radical leftist, who is running from the police, happens upon this remote fe‐ male stronghold, one of the girls takes pity on him and hides him in the basement. His presence eventually disrupts the hou‐ sehold and reveals a number of unexpected secrets.
Bruce LaBruce je međunarodno priznati filmski stvaralac, foto‐ graf, scenarista i umetnik iz To‐ ronta. Pored brojnih kratkih filmova, napisao je scenarija i re‐ žirao devet igranih filmova uklju‐ čujući i film “Gerontophilia” za koji je dobio glavno priznanje na filmskom festival u Montrealu kao i film “Pierrot Lunaire” za koji je dobio nagradu Teddy na Beri‐ nalu 2014. godine. Bruce LaBruce is an internationa‐ lly acclaimed filmmaker, photo‐ grapher, writer, and artist based in Toronto. Along with a number of short films, he has written and directed nine feature films, inc‐ luding his most recent, Geron‐ tophilia, which won the Grand Prix at the Festival du Nouveau Cinema in Montreal in 2013, and Pierrot Lunaire, which won the Teddy Award Special Jury Prize at the Berlinale in 2014.
Subota 9. decembar 2016. 17:00 Voćnjak kajsija 19:00 Rasprava oko kostiju 21:00 120 otkucaja u minuti
Saturday December 9, 2017 17:00 Apricot Groves 19:00 Bones of Contention 21:00 120 beats per minute
Merlinka festival 2017.
Subota, 9. decembar 2017.
VOĆNJAK KAJSIJA (2016) Drama Režija: Pouria Heidary Oureh Uloge: Hovhannes Azoyan, Narbe Vartan, Pedram Ansari Jermenija (Jermenski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 80 min. Mladić Aram, iranski Jermenin koji je u detinstvu napustio ota‐ džbinu kako bi živeo u Sjedinjenim Državama sada se, po prvi put, vraća u zavičaj kako bi zaprosio jermensku devojku sa kojom se upoznao i koja živi u Americi. Na jednodnevnom pu‐ tovanju Aram vidi mnoštvo kulturoloških, verskih i nacionalnih razlika, ali pred njim su još veće prepreke.
APRICOT GROVES (2016) Drama Director: Pouria Heidary Oureh Cast: Hovhannes Azoyan, Narbe Vartan, Pedram Ansari Armenia (Armenian with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 80 min Aram, the Iranian Armenian youth who has immigrated to the US in childhood returns to Armenia for the first time to propose to an Armenian girlfriend Aram met and lived with in the US. Aram sees many cultural, religious, and national differences on the one day trip, but harder obstacles are ahead.
Pouria Heidary Oureh je rođen u Teheranu 1984. godine. Od mla‐ dosti je zainteresovan za vi‐ zuelnu umetnost naročito pričanje priča kroz crteže. Diplo‐ mirao je filmsku umetnost u Du‐ baiju. Pouria Heidary Oureh was born in 1984 in Tehran, Iran. From young age he was interested in visual and performance arts and storytelling, especially through drawings. He graduated from SAE institute of Digital Film in Dubai. Apricot Groves is his first feature film.
Subota, 9. decembar 2017. ANDREA WEIS
RASPRAVA OKO KOSTIJU (2017) Dokumentarni film Režija: Andrea Weiss Španija (Španski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 75 min. Tema filma je istorijsko sećanje u Španiji nakon Frankove smrti fokusirajući se na nepoznatu priču o represiji nad LGBT osobama tokom fašističke diktature. U filmu se po prvi put prekida nji‐ hovo ćutanje i otkrivaju njihove priče. Duž španskih puteva, za‐ maskirani kilometrima i kilometrima borovih stabala nalaze se neobeleženi grobovi više od 120.000 žrtava Fankovog režima. Među njima je i najpoznatiji pesnik Španije, Francisko Garsija Lorka.
Andrea Weis je filmski stvaralac iz SAD koja je zainteresovana za dokumentarne filmove. Kosce‐ naristkinja i korežiserka je filma “Escape to Life: the Erika and Klaus Mann Story” prikazanog na Berlinalu 2001. godine. Dobit‐ nica je brojnih priznanja i stipen‐ dija. Doktorirala je istoriju i radi kao profesorka filmske umetno‐ sti na koledžu u Njujorku. Andrea Weis is a documentary filmmaker and non‐fiction aut‐ hor. She co‐wrote and co‐direc‐ ted Escape to Life: the Erika and Klaus Mann Story which scree‐ ned in the New German Films section of the Berlinale in 2001. She has received numerous awards and fellowships including the DAAD Artists‐in‐Berlin Pro‐ gramme. She has a PhD in hi‐ story and has been professor of film and video at the City College of New York.
Documentary film Director: Andrea Weiss Spain (Spanish with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 75 min The film explores the theme of historical memory in post‐Franco Spain, focusing on the unknown story of LGBT repression under Franquismo. This film uncovers their stories and breaks their si‐ lence for the first time. Lining the roads of Spain, masked by miles and miles of pine trees, are unmarked graves in which over a hundred twenty thousand victims of the Franco regime are buried. Among them is Spain’s most famous poet, Federico García Lorca. International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Subota, 9. decembar 2017. ROBIN CAMPILLO
120 OTKUCAJA U MINUTI (2017) Drama Režija: Robin Campillo Uloge: Nahuel Pérez Biscayart, Arnaud Valois, Adèle Haenel Francuska (Francuski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 140 min. Nathan je mladić koji se tokom devedesetih godina minulog veka pridružio grupi pariskih aktivista koji se bave prevencijom HIV‐a. Na nedeljnim sastancima ove organizacije on polako ot‐ kriva kako među članovima postoje i oni koju preferiraju radi‐ kalniji pristup protestima.
120 BEATS PER MINUTE (2017) Drama Director: Robin Campillo Cast: Nahuel Pérez Biscayart, Arnaud Valois, Adèle Haenel France (French with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 140 min Nathan is a young man who joins an AIDS activist group in 1990s Paris. As he attends the weekly meetings, he learns that some members prefer a more radical approach to their protests.
U bioskopu vojne baze na Mada‐ gaskaru devetogodišnji Campillo je gledajući „Alphaville“ otkrio Godara. Zbog ovoga je razvio strasnu ljubav prema filmu. Nakon završene filmske škole na‐ pušta rad na filmu kako bi se po‐ svetio borbi protiv HIV‐a. Tek sredinom devedesetih započinje karijeru scenariste i režisera. Iako je bio favorit koji je u Kanu ra‐ splakao čuvenog Pedra Almodo‐ vara film „120 Beats per Minute“ nije dobio „Zlatnu palmu“ već samo „Gran pri“ festivala. In Madagascar, at the age of 9, he discovered Godard’s Alpha‐ ville in a military theatre. He de‐ veloped a passionate interest in cinema. After graduating, howe‐ ver, he took a break from his film career to dedicate his time to the fight against AIDS. In 2004 Robin Campillo directed his first fea‐ ture film THEY CAME BACK. His film BPM (BEATS PER MINUTE) was very well‐received in com‐ petition at the 70th Cannes Film Festival, 2017.
Maraton kratkog queer filma
Short queer film marathon International queer ďŹ lm festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
DŽIMOV UVOD U RODNE IDENTITETE (2017) Kratki animirani film Režija: K. Kypers SAD (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 4 min. Jim misli da zna ko je. On je muškarac koji ima zgodnu devojku i mesto u košarkaškom timu. Međutim, kada mu Cassie ispriča o svojoj prijateljici koja je zarobljena u muškom telu Jimovi kon‐ cepti roda i identiteta dolaze u sumnju.
JIM’S INTRODUCTION TO GENDER IDENTITY (2017) Short animated film Director: K. Kypers USA (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 4 min Jim thinks he knows who he is: he’s a man, he has a hot girl‐ friend, he’s on the basketball team… But when Cassie tells him about a male bodied friend who identifies as a girl, Jim’s con‐ cepts of gender and identity are challenged.
K. Kypers je “profesionalno škra‐ balo” koji je na televiziji radio scenografiju, a imao je i nekoliko svojih samostalnih projekata. Veći deo života je proveo u Sje‐ dinjenim Državama. Rođen je u Nju Džerziju, studirao je u Fila‐ delfiji, a pevao je kvir karaoke u Bostonu. Vrednuje snove, empa‐ tiju i žvrljotine. K. Kypers is a “professional doo‐ dler” who has storyboarded for television, directed/animated vi‐ deos for Post‐it Notes, and con‐ tributed to a range of disparate freelance projects. They have spent the majority of their life in the northeastern United States: born in New Jersey, studying in Philadelphia, and singing queer karaoke in Boston. They values dreams, empathy, and crude drawings.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
KAI, 12 (2017) Kratki dokumentarni film Režija: Fox Fisher Velika Britanija (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 4 min. Kai je na rođenju definisan kao devojčica, ali se uvek osećao kao dečak. Sada ima dvanaest godina i već neko vreme uzima blo‐ katore hormona. Ima podršku svoje majke i pred sobom vidi svetlu budućnost.
KAI, 12 (2017) Short documentary film Director: Fox Fisher UK (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 4 min
Fox Fisher je nagrađivani umet‐ nik, filmski stvaralac, borac za ljudska prava i aktivista. Nakon što je bio deo mejnstim doku‐ mentarca “My Transsexual Sum‐ mer”, pokrenuo je filmski projekat “My Genderation” koji se bavio slavljenjem trans života i iskustvima trans osoba. Snimio je više od šezdeset kratkih fil‐ mova koji su prikazani na BBC, C4 i NHS‐u. Fox Fisher is an award‐winning artist, film‐maker and cam‐ paigner. After taking part in C4’s My Transsexual Summer, Fox set up My Genderation and has made 50+ short films, which are endorsed by the BBC, C4 and the NHS. Fox promotes trans matters through TV appearances.
Kai, was assigned female at birth but always identified as a boy. We have been following since he was 9. Now Kai is 12 and has been on hormone blockers for a few years. He is supported by his mother and sees a positive future for himself.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. JUAN AGUILAR
ODBACIVANJE (2016) Kratki film Režija: Juan Aguilar Luksemburg, Nemačka (Nemački sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 4 min. Gužva u školskoj kantini. Par ženskih cipela napušta trpezu. Kim traži toalet. Ispred ogledala u ženskom toaletu dve devojke, zgrožene Kiminom pojavom, odmah počnu sa ogovaranjem. Par ženskih cipela odlazi. Oseća se nepoželjno. Ponovo…
REJECTION (2016) Short film Director: Juan Aguilar Luxembourg, Germany (German with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 4 min A busy canteen. A pair of women shoes leave a table. Kim is loo‐ king for the toilet. In the lavatory for ladies, two students are shocked at Kim’s appearance and start tattling immediately. The pair of women shoes leave again. Not feeling welcomed at all. Again…
Juan Aguilar je svoju praksu ar‐ heologa sticao na arheološkim nalazištima Iraka i Sirije da bi nakon toga specijalizovao arheo‐ lošku fotografiju i digitalnu ar‐ heologiju radeći na iskopinama u Meksiku, Nikaragvi i Iraku. Pored studija snimio je i dva dokumen‐ tarna filma “A Better Road” i “Scanning the End”, kao i dva kratka igrana filmska ostvarenja “Override” i “Rejection”. Trenu‐ tno u Indiji radi na kratkom filmu o odrastanju. During his training as an arc‐ haeologist he excavated in Syria and Iraq, and later specialised in excavation photography and di‐ gital archaeology. In addition to his studies, he has been active as an independent filmmaker and has completed two documen‐ tary film projects, “A Better Road” and “Scanning the End”, and two fictional short films en‐ titled “Override” and “Rejec‐ tion”. He is currently working on a coming of age short film shot in India.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
KLIZALIŠTE (2016) Kratki film Režija: Gail Hackston Velika Britanija (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 10 min. Kada muškobanjasta tinejdžerka Jane na klizalištu započne slu‐ čajan flert sa drugom devojkom biva veoma iznenađena kada joj ona uzvrati istom merom.
RINK (2016) Short film Director: Gail Hackston UK (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 10 min When Tomboy Jane – on the brink of her teens – inadvertently flirts with another girl at the local ice rink she is amazed and surprised when the girl flirts back.
GAIL HACKSTON Gail Hackston je filmski stvaralac koja živi i radi na relaciji London‐ Glazgov. Želja joj je da stvara fil‐ move u kojima su žene u prvom planu. Snimila je nekoliko kratkih filmova i trenutno radi na svom prvom dugometražnom filmu. Gail Hackston is a London based filmmaker keen to make female‐ centric films. Alumni of the Edin‐ burgh Film Festival talent lab, Gail has written five shorts and had her feature script “Green Door” performed in Chicago.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
UPORNI DUH (2017) Kratki animirani film Režija: Ana Čigon Slovenija (Bez dijaloga) Trajanje: 5 min. Mačka ulazi u kancelariju Ministarstva mačijih poslova i traži pasoš. Sve se odvija u najboljem redu sve dok mačiji službenici ne zatraže da im mačka otkrije kog je pola.
REBELLIOUS ESSENCE (2017) Short animated film Director: Ana Čigon Slovenia (No dialogue) Duration: 5 min A cat walks into the Office of the Ministry for Cat Affairs and re‐ quests for a passport. All goes pretty well until the female and male cat clerks demand to know the cat’s sex.
Ana Čigon je umetnica iz Slove‐ nije koja se bavi performansima, snimanjem dokumentarnih fil‐ mova i video‐klipova. Studirala je slikarstvo, snimanje i nove medij‐ ske umetnosti u Sloveniji i Au‐ striji. Poslednjih nekoliko godina pokušava da iskoristi svoje zna‐ nje iz oblasti slikarstva i snimanja kako bi izrazila svoje priče kroz kratke animacije. Ana Čigon is an artist from Slove‐ nia that mainly produces video art, documentary films and per‐ formances. She studied painting, video and new media art in Ljub‐ ljana – Slovenia and Linz – Au‐ stria. In the last few years she has started to combine her knowledge from video and pain‐ ting and therefore expressing her stories through short anima‐ tions.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
LILI (2016) Kratki film Režija: Graham Cantwell Irska (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 21 min. Flim prikazuje priču o Lily, mladoj devojci sa tajnom, koja se na putu da postane mlada žena suočava sa najvećim izazovom do sada.
LILY (2016) Short film Director: Graham Cantwell Ireland (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 21 min The film tells the story of Lily, a girl with a secret, on the cusp of becoming a young woman.
GRAHAM CANTWELL Graham Cantwell je višestruko nagrađivani irski scenarista i re‐ žiser koji se proslavio svojim ranim kratkim filmom “A Dublin Story”. Graham Cantwell is a multi‐ award winning, IFTA nominated Irish director and writer, who ac‐ hieved early acclaim when his short film A Dublin Story won se‐ veral awards and was shortlisted for Academy Award nomination in 2004.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. SONAM LARCIN Nakon što je diplomirao bioinži‐ njerstvo nekoliko godina je puto‐ vao i predavao, da bi na kraju upisao filmske studije. U svom filmskom stvaralaštvu fokusira se na društvene teme.
TRISTAN (2017) Kratki film Režija: Sonam Larcin, Gaspard Granier Belgija (Francuski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 11 min. Od nedavno Tristan i njegov suprug imaju ćerkicu. Međutim, kada Tristan odvede ćerku u jaslice počinje da shvata da na nji‐ hovo roditeljstvo ne gledaju svi istim očima kao i on.
TRISTAN (2017) Short film Directors: Sonam Larcin, Gaspard Granier Belgium (French with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 11 min Recently, Tristan and his husband had a little girl together. But when he arrives to the nursery, Tristan realizes that not eve‐ ryone sees his paternity the way he does.
After graduating from the ULB with a master in bio‐engineering, he travelled and taught science courses for a few years. Subse‐ quently, he began cinema studies at the IAD and started as a film‐ maker, focusing on social matters.
GASPARD GRANIER Nakon nekoliko započetih fakul‐ teta u Dižonu i Parizu konačno se seli u Brisel gde započinje studije filmskog stvaralaštva sa nadom da će nastaviti da se bavi ovom umetnošću. He studied a year of preparatory class in Dijon and then chained with studies of history in Paris during two years. He moved to Brussels for 4 years for his stud‐ ies at the IAD and hopes to con‐ tinue in the cinema!
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
TAKO BLIZU, A TAKO DALEKO (2017) Kratki film Režija: Alessandro Varisco Italija (Italijanski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 14 min. Andrea, Camilla, Aurora, Marco i Antonio imaju dosta toga za‐ jedničkog. Svi imaju po devetnaest godina i maturanti su srednje škole u jednom malom provincijskom gradu. I svi na kraju bivaju isključeni iz društva iz različitih razloga. Njihov mali savez će ne‐ kima među njima pomoći da prevaziđu strahove i poteškoće koje postavlja savremeno društvo.
SO NEAR SO FAR AWAY (2017) Short film Director: Alessandro Varisco Italy (Italian with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 14 min
Alessandro Varisco je nezavisni italijanski reditelj. Njegova strast je neoralizam u filmskoj umetno‐ sti. Snimio je nekoliko kratkih fil‐ mova, a radi kao reditelj, scenarista za film, televiziju i po‐ zorište. Alessandro Varisco is an inde‐ pendent italian filmmaker. Pas‐ sionate of neorealist cinema. In 2011 he met the italian producer Ream Mazzone of Dream, who produced some of his short films. Alessandro works as direc‐ tor and screenwriter for cinema, tv and theatre.
Andrea, Camilla, Aurora, Marco and Antonio have many things in common: they are 19 years old and are at the last year of high school in a small village in the province of Pordenone. And all five, though for different reasons, end up being isolated from other people, often bullies. The force of that union will help the three protagonists to overcome the fears and difficulties that modern society offers.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. AMELIA ELOISA
HULIJINA PREDSTAVA (2017) Kratki film Režija: Amelia Eloisa Meksiko (Španski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 10 min. Hulia izlazi na scenu, ali je koreografija najmanji od svih njenih problema.
JULIA’S PIECE (2016) Short film Director: Amelia Eloisa Mexico (Spanish with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 10 min Julia is about to go on stage, but choreography is the least of her troubles.
Amelia Eloisa je svoju karijeru književnice započela objavljujući knjige “Flying Without Wings”, “When Ana Awakens” i “Sword´s Earings”. U filmsku industriju je dospela tako što je producirala fil‐ move “Ameba” (2011) i “The Worst Things” (2015). “Julia´s piece” (2017) je njen debi kao scenaristkinje i režiserke. U svojim delima se fokusira na priče o svetu žena, portretišući njihovu suštinu i prikazujući svoje poglede na svet kroz dela njenih junakinja. Amelia Eloisa begins her career as a writer publishing the books “Flying Without Wings”, “When Ana Awakens” and “Sword´sEa‐ rings”. She gets involved in the film industry as a producer in the short films “Ameba” (2011) and “The Worst Things” (2015). “Julia´s piece” (2017) is her debut as screenwriter and director. Amelia Eloisa is focused on stories about the female world; portraying its essence and telling her vision of the world through her heroin´s.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. MARTIN RODRIGUEZ REDONDO Martín Rodríguez Redondo je rođen 1979. godine u Buenos Ai‐ resu gde je i završio filmsku školu. Njegov prvi igrani film “Marilyn” je osvojio nagradu na festival u Tuluzu. Kratki film “The hares” bio je prikazan na brojnim festivalima u Velikoj Britaniji, Brazilu, na Kubi…
ZECA (2016) Kratki film Režija: Martin Rodriguez Redondo Argentina (Španski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 10 min. Zimska noć. Mariano se u porodičnoj vikendici igra sa svojim se‐ strama Paolom i Laurom. Njegov otac Fernando želi da ga po‐ vede u lov. Mariano bi radije ostao kod kuće, ali otac je uporan. Smatra da je njegov sin dovoljno odrastao za lov na zečeve.
THE HARES (2016) Short film Director: Martin Rodriguez Redondo Argentina (Spanish with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 10 min
Martín Rodríguez Redondo was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 1979. He graduated from the Cinematographic Investigation Centre. He is finishing his first feature film Marilyn that won CICAE Art Award at Cinélatino Rencontres de Toulouse. His short film The hares was exhibi‐ ted at BFI Flare London Film Fe‐ stival, La Habana International Film Festival, Kinoforum Sao Paulo International Short Film Festival, among others. The short film won a special mention at Espacio Queer Film Festival.
Winter night. Mariano plays with his sisters Paola and Laura in a room on a country house. His father Fernando looks for him to take him hunting. Mariano would rather stay at home but his father takes him anyway. He believes he is old enough to go hunting for hares.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
LUTKA (2017) Kratki film Režija: João Inácio Brazil (Portugalski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 10 min. Ovo je priča o Pedru, dečaku koji živi u sirotištu i koji ima pro‐ blem sa potencijalnim usvajanjem. Pedro se suočava sa brojnim predrasudama među kojima je i ona o surovom indiferentnom stavu usvojitelja prema deci njegovog doba. Zato kreira situacije kojima bi privukao pažnju potencijalnih usvojitelja, istovremeno stvarajući imaginarno prijateljstvo sa jedinom igračkom koju po‐ seduje, lutkom zvanom Shala.
SHALA (2017) Short film Director: João Inácio Brazil (Portuguese with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 10 min This is the story about Pedro, a young boy living in an orphanage in Amazon who creates situations to draw the attention of adoptive parents, while at the same time creates an imaginary friendship with his only toy, a doll named Shala.
João Inácio se osamnaest godina bavio filmskom produkcijom. “Shala” je njegov rediteljski debi za čiji je scenario od Ministarstva kulture dobio prvu nagradu na nacionalnom konkursu za kratke filmove. „Shala“ je i jedan od dvadeset kratkih brazilskih fil‐ mova koji su od ministarstva dobii sredstva namenjena naza‐ vršenim filmskim projektima. João Inácio has spent 18 years in film production and movie’s ex‐ hibition. Shala marks his directo‐ rial debut and the script for Shala won first price from Brazil’s Ministry of Culture in its national competition for short films, and was one of only 20 short films from across Brazil to win awards from the Ministry’s Support for Unpublished Works in Motion Picture Production competition.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. DAVID JAMES HOLLOWAY
PODNOŠLJIV (2016) Kratki animirani film Režija: David James Holloway Velika Britanija (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 4 min. Šta ako te pripadnost gej subkulturi oblikuje? Šta ako si živeo sa pravim medvedom?
BEARABLE (2016) Short animated film Director: David James Holloway UK (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 4 min What if your tribe within the gay community defined you. What if you lived with a real bear.
David James Holloway je engle‐ ski režiser igranih i animiranih fil‐ mova. Rođen je u gradiću Surrey gde je još kao tinejdžer otkrio in‐ teresovanje za sedmu umetnost. Nakon što je diplomirao filmsku produkciju radio je za nekoliko producentskih kuća sve dok nije postao slobodan umetnik. Suo‐ snivač je studija za animaciju „Meraki“. David James Holloway is an En‐ glish film‐maker and animation director from London. Born in Surrey, he developed an interest in filmmaking in his early teens and went on to start a Surrey based filmmaking group. After studying film production and graduating university, he worked for several prominent produc‐ tion houses in London before turning freelance. He is the Co‐ Founder of Studio Meraki.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
RIBLJI KARI (2017) Kratki animirani film Režija: Abhishek Verma Indija (Hindi sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 12 min. Mladić koji je zaljubljen u svog cimera želi da svojim roditeljima konačno kaže da je gej. Namerava da za svog oca spremi tradi‐ cionalni riblji kari tako što će ovu veštinu naučiti iz poznate ra‐ dijske emisije o kuvanju.
THE FISH CURRY (2017) Short animated film Director: Abhishek Verma India (Hindi with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 12 min A young man decides to come‐out to his parents. He is in love with a man, his very own roommate. He plans his day by coo‐ king his father’s favorite dish, the traditional fish curry and that by learning from a famous radio cook show.
Abhishek Verma je nezavisni filmski animator. Specijalizovao je komunikaciju i animaciju. Gaji posebno zanimanje za tipogra‐ fiju, eksperimentalni narativ i ilu‐ straciju. Abhishek Verma is an indepen‐ dent animator and animation film maker. He specializes in communication and animation film design. He has a special in‐ terest in typography, experimen‐ tal narrative and illustration. He loves screen writing and experi‐ mental narrative.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
SHUDO (2016) Kratki animirani film Režija: To‐Anh Bach, Charles Badiller, Hugo Weiss Francuska (Bez dijaloga) Trajanje: 2 min. Dva samuraja se suočavaju jedno sa drugim na ratom opusto‐ šenom bojnom polju. Poneti ponosom sudaraju se u duelu nae‐ lektrisanim njihovim emocijama.
SHUDO (2016) Short animated film Directors: To‐Anh Bach, Charles Badiller, Hugo Weiss France (No dialogues) Duration: 2 min
To‐Anh, Charles Badiller i Hugo Weiss su polaznici “Gobelins, L’École de L’Image” čuvene pari‐ ske škole za vizuelnu komunika‐ ciju i umetnost. To‐Anh undertook a course at ATI Paris 8 before directly joining the third and final year of the CRFA course at Gobelins in 2015. Charles Badiller graduated from Ecole Pivaut in Nantes in 2011, and was accepted into the ani‐ mation direction course at Gobe‐ lins. Hugo Weiss before being accep‐ ted into the CRFA Course at Go‐ belins, was a student at Idem, a school in creative professions.
Two samurais face one another on a battlefield ravaged by war. Absorbed by their pride, they clash in a duel fuelled by deep emotions.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
AMA (2015) Kratki animirani film Režija: Emilie Almaida, Liang Huang, Mansoureh Kamari, Julie Robert, Juliette Puportier, Tony Unser Francuska (Francuski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 3 min. Na obali Japana 1950. godine Amerikanka posećuje selo sa svo‐ jim mužem vojnikom i grupom prijatelja. Odvajajući se od grupe ona upoznaje Namiko, mladu ama ribarku.
AMA (2015) Short animated film Directors: Emilie Almaida, Liang Huang, Mansoureh Kamari, Julie Robert, Juliette Peuportier, Tony Unser France (French with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 3 min 1950: On the coast of Japan, an American woman is visiting a village with her military husband and a group of friends. Brea‐ king away from the group, she meets with Namiko, a young ama fisherwoman.
Emilie Almaida voli da jede pala‐ činke i snima filmove. Julie Robert se bavi režijom i animacijom. Liang Huang radi koncepte za animacije. Tony Unser radi 2D animacije. Ju‐ liette Peuportier je animatorka. Mansoureh Kamari je koncep‐ tualna umetnica i animatorka. Emilie Almaida: She eats panca‐ kes and makes movies. Julie Ro‐ bert: Director and animator, graduated from Gobelins in 2015 and from Ecole Estienne in 2012. Liang Huang: Concepter designer animater wants quality works. Tony Unser: 2D animator, CalArts alumni. Juliette Peuportier: Ani‐ mator / director graduated from Gobelins in 2015 Mansoureh Ka‐ mari: Concept artist and animator graduated from Gobelins in 2015
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. CARLOW RUANO
BAZEN (2016) Kratki film Režija: Carlos Ruano Španija (Španski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 10 min. Santi i Jota su dva mladića koji žive na periferiji Madrida. Poput mnogih i oni su odlučili da ne idu u školu ili na posao već da svoje dragoceno vreme posvećuju ispijanju piva u obližnjem parku, posećuju birtije i neobavezno ćaskaju o najlepšim devoj‐ kama iz kraja. Međutim, Jota je izgleda zabrinut oko nečega. Iscrpljen letnjom vrelinom i uveren da će svog prijatelja naterati da priča, Santi smišlja savršen plan.
POOL (2016) Short film Director: Carlos Ruano Spain (Spanish with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 10 min
Carlos Ruano je započeo karijeru kao scenarista nekih od najpoz‐ natijih španskih televizijskih se‐ rija kao što su „Física o Química“, „Vive Cantando“ i „Cuéntame un Cuento“. Sa kratkim filmom “Dul‐ ces” iz 2006. godine pravi skok u filmsku režiju i produkciju. U ovom filmu pokušava da se bavi LGBT tematikom, što će biti nje‐ gov običaj i u narednim filmo‐ vima. “Piscina” je njegov treći kratki film koji potpisuje kao sce‐ narista, režiser i producent. Carlos Ruano started working as a screenwriter on some of the most notorious Spanish Tv Shows such as Física o Química, Vive Cantando or Cuéntame un Cuento. In 2006 he made the leap into film direction and film production with Dulces, a short movie which represents his first attempt to deal with the LGTBI issue, a recurring theme in later works. PISCINA is his third short film as director, producer and screenwriter.
Santi and Jota are two guys living in the outskirts of Madrid. Like many others, they have decided not to study or work and they spend their precious time drinking beer cans in the park, going to sleazy clubs and talking about the hottest girls in the neigh‐ borhood. But Jota seems a little bit worried about something. Overwhelmed by the summer heat and confident about getting his friend to talk, Santi will make an infallible plan to his pal.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
SESTRA (2017) Kratki film Režija: Dimitris Toulias Velika Britanija (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 10 min. Dve međusobno otuđene sestre, religiozna Fran i Steph odlu‐ čuju da tokom jedne noći kroz iskren razgovor pomire međuso‐ bne stavove.
SIS (2017) Short film Director: Dimitris Toulias UK (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 10 min Two estranged sisters, religious Fran and Steph, reconcile their differences over the course of one night, when honesty is the only policy.′
DIMITRIS TOULIAS Dimitris Toulias je rođen u Atini, a trenutno živi u Mančesteru. Njegov prvi film “Parting” prika‐ zan je na trideset i šest međuna‐ rodnih filmskih festivala, među njima i na Merlinka festivalu. Dimitris Toulias was born in At‐ hens and is currently based in Manchester, UK. His first film “Parting” was screened at 36 in‐ ternational festivals.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
RASTANAK (2017) Kratki film Režija: Fábio Bernardo Portugalija (Portugalski sa srpskim i engleskim titlom) Trajanje: 14 min. Par je na ivici raskida zato što jedan od partnera putuje u ino‐ stranstvo.
A PARTIDA (2017) Short film Director: Fábio Bernardo Portugal (Portuguese with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 14 min A couple is on verge of breaking up, due to one of the partners is going abroad.
Fábio Bernardo je do sada sni‐ mio kratki film „Dilemma“ koji prikazuje odnos majke i ćerke kada majka izrazi želju da umre kroz asistirano samoubistvo. Tre‐ nutno je na master studijama u Lisabonu. Fábio Bernardo in 2014 started to study Cinema at ETIC – Escola de Tecnologias Inovação e Criação, having directed his short film “Dilemma”, portraying a re‐ lationship between a mother and a daughter when the mot‐ her shares that she wants to die by assisted suicide. He’s cur‐ rently doing a Masters in Film Studies at ULHT in Lisbon.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. SEVERINE DE STREYKER Séverine De Streyker je režirala filmove „Calamity“, „Cine Pa‐ lace“ i nekoliko video‐klipova za muzičke grupe Music Machine, Welcome to Joy, Joystix, Emma Peal, Goudi…
KALAMITI (2017) Kratki film Režija: Séverine De Streyker, Maxime Feyers Belgija (Francuski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 20 min. Frans po prvi put upoznaje devojku svog sina i potpuno gubi kontrolu…
CALAMITY (2017) Short film Directors: Séverine De Streyker, Maxime Feyers Belgium (French with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 20 min France meets her son’s girlfriend for the first time. She loses control…
Séverine De Streyker directed short films Calamity, Cine Palace and several videoclips for Music Machine, Welcome to Joy, Joy‐ stix, Emma Peal, Goudi…
MAXIME FEYERS Maxime Feyers je režirao kratke filmove „Come What May“, „Ca‐ lamity“ i dokumentarnu seriju „Randez‐vous a Paris“. Maxime Feyers directed short film Come What May, documen‐ tary TV series Randez‐vous a Paris and short film Calamity.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
MOJE PARČE SREĆE (2016) Kratki film Režija: Coen Haver Holandija (Holandski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 6 min. Ova kratka romansa govori o dve zaljubljene žene koje su već dosta dugo u vezi. Sada je došlo vreme da i njihove porodice budu obaveštene o toj vezi.
MY PIECE OF HAPPINESS (2016) Short film Director: Coen Haver The Netherlands (Dutch with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 6 min
Coen Haver je studirao na uni‐ verzitetu u Utrehtu. Od 2010. vlasnik je producentske kuće “Kupenda Films” čiji je cilj proiz‐ vodnja originalnih i angažovanih filmskih ostvarenja vrednih paž‐ nje. Coen Haver studied Theatre & Film Studies at Utrecht Univer‐ sity. Since 2010, he is the owner of Kupenda Films. This produc‐ tion company, based in Den Bosch, aims to develop and pro‐ duce original, moving and enga‐ ging films that deserve attention.
This short romantic story tells the story of two women, who have been secretly in love for quite some time. Now, the time has come to inform their families.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
ČEKAJUĆI (2017) Kratki film Režija: Matteo Pianezzi Italija (Italijanski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 15 min. Tri žene ulaze u autobus i međusobno se suočavaju na putu ka nepoznatom odredištu. Ovo je putovanje ka nadi u budućnosti i rekonstrukciji prošlosti. Putovanje sačinjeno od očekivanja, saz‐ nanja, sukoba i ljubavi.
WAITING FOR (2017) Short film Director: Matteo Pianezzi Italy (Italian with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 15 min Three women face their selves during a travel to a mysterious destination. A travel to hope in the future and to reconstruct the past. It’s a travel made of expectations and acknowledg‐ ment, love and fight.
Tri žene ulaze u autobus i među‐ sobno se suočavaju na putu ka nepoznatom odredištu. Ovo je putovanje ka nadi u budućnosti i rekonstrukciji prošlosti. Putova‐ nje sačinjeno od očekivanja, saz‐ nanja, sukoba i ljubavi. Matteo Pianezzi is a director and actor born in 1981. In 2014 he won Amnesty International Award at Giffoni Film Festival with the short film “Piume”. He wrote and directed several vi‐ deoclips and short films. With his debut short film “Smile” he won more than 80 awards worldwide.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
SUTON (2017) Kratki film Režija: Jake Graf Velika Britanija (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 15 min. Odrastajući u netolerantnom i neinformisanom svetu Engleske pedesetih godina prošlog veka mladi Chris Winters se trudi da se uklopi u rodne uloge koje takvo društvo nameće. Nakon što teško detinjstvo ostavi iza sebe za njega nastupaju malo svetliji dani kada upozna Juliju, ženu iz snova. Međutim, progoni ga sve snažnije osećanje kako živi neispunjen život.
DUSK (2017) Short film Director: Jake Graf UK (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 15 min
Jake Graf je scenarista, glumac i režiser iz Londna poznat po fil‐ movima „Brace“ (2014), „Chance“ (2015), „Dawn“ (2016), „The Danish Girl“ (2016), „Head‐ space“ (2017) i „Dusk“ (2017). Svi ovi filmovi se koriste kao na‐ stavno sredstvo na univerzite‐ tima, medijskim događajima i bolnicama širom sveta. Jake Graf is a writer, director and actor based in London known for ‘Brace’ (2014), ‘Chance’ (2015), ‘Dawn’ (2016), ‘The Danish Girl’ (2016), ‘Headspace’ (2017) and ‘Dusk’ (2017). All of his films are used as educational tools in uni‐ versities, media events, and ho‐ spitals worldwide.
Growing up in 1950s England in an intolerant and uninformed world, young Chris Winters struggles to fit into the gender roles dictated by wider society. A more than tough childhood left be‐ hind, Chris meets dream woman Julie, and life lightens a little, but the growing feeling that theirs is a life half lived haunts Chris.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
NIJE K.O. (2016) Kratki film Režija: Xavier Sirven Francuska (Francuski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 20 min. Joanne će do kraja dana otići. Za Polly, ćerku upravnika lokalne automehaničarske radnje, to znači kako mora da otkrije da li je njihova ljubavna priča stvarna. A u tome ima nečega vrednog, Polly je spremna da se bori za to.
NOT K.O. (2016) Short film Directors: Xavier Sirven France (French with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 20 min Joanne is leaving by the end of the day. For Polly, the daughter of the local garage manager, there is only one thing to do: give reality to their love story. If there is something to fight for, Polly is ready for it.
Xavier Sirven je filmski režiser i urednik u Francuskoj nacionalnoj filmskoj školi. “Not K.O.” je nje‐ gov drugi kratki film rađen u sa‐ radnji sa “Barney Production” sa kojima trenutno radi na prvom dugometražnom filmu “Gospel of a Hacker”. Born 1980, Xavier Sirven is a film director and editor. In 2007 he entered the editing department of La Fémis (French National Film School). NOT K.O. is his second short movie with Barney Produc‐ tion, with whom he is develo‐ ping his first feature film, Gospel of a Hacker.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
MAI (2017) Kratki film Režija: Marta González Španija (Španski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 7 min. Carmeta, Mari i Pilar su tri starije dame koje svako veče provode na klupi pored glavnog seoskog druma. Dolazak dve misteriozne devojke postaje glavna tema za razgovor među ovim ženama.
MAI (2017) Short film Director: Marta González Spain (Spanish with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 7 min
Marta González je studirala tele‐ viziju, film i radio na Univerzitetu Navara. Nakon što se izveštila ra‐ deći kao dizajner kostima u radu na nekoliko nezavisnih filmova, predstava i televizijskih projekata odlučila se da napiše scenario, režira i producira svoj prvi film “Mai”. Marta González graduates in Film, TV and Radio at the Univer‐ sidad de Navarra in 2011. After specializing in Art Direction and Costume Design through several independent cinema, fashion, theatre and TV projects, she de‐ cides to write, direct and pro‐ duce her first short film: “Mai”.
Carmeta, Mari and Pilar are three old ladies who spend every afternoon sitting on a bench, next to the main street of their village. The arrival of a mysterious pair of girls turns into the main topic of discussion among the women.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. CARLOS MARROQUIN
DVOJICA (2016) Kratki film Režija: Carlos Marroquin Finska (Finski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 7 min. Dva muškarca izražavaju svoja osećanja tokom pravljenja name‐ štaja od drveta.
TWO (2016) Short film Director: Carlos Marroquin Finland (Finnish with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 7 min Two men work their feelings in a woodshop.
Carlos Marroquin je meksički sce‐ narista i režiser koji već petnaest godina živi u Helsinkiju. Kroz igrane i dokumentarne filmove želi da prikaže kompleksnost međuljud‐ skih odnosa kroz teme migracije, multikulturalizma i seksualnih raz‐ lika. Bavi se promovisanjem neza‐ visne finske kinematografije. Filmovi su mu prikazivana na tele‐ viziji i na festivalima, a trenutno radi na svom prvom dugometraž‐ nom igranom filmu. Carlos Marroquin is a Mexican di‐ rector and screenwriter, based in Helsinki for 15 years. Working in fiction and documentary, he aims to expose the complexity of human relations with topics such as migration, multiculturalism and sexual diversity. As the cur‐ rent president of Euphoria Bore‐ alis, he promotes independent cinema in Finland. His short films have been broadcast in TV and presented in many films festivals; at the moment, he prepares the script for his first feature film.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
FLOKER (2015) Kratki film Režija: Jayson Oaks SAD (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 23 min. Ljubav, porodica i drveće prepliću se na maloj farmi božićnih jelki u Teksasu gde Seth i Emmett, vođeni nejasnim osećanjima, kruže jedan oko drugog izbegavajući stroge poglede gospođe Thibideaux koja je, sasvim slučajno, Sethova majka i Emmettova šefica.
FLOCKER (2015) Short film Director: Jayson Oaks USA (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 23 min
Jayson Oaks je flimski stvaralac rođen u Teksasu koji je zaslužan za kratki film “Warm Fuzzy”, do‐ kumentarac “Weaving Worlds” i “Share the Wealth”. Dobio je GLAAD nagradu za film “Matter of the Heart” koji je uradio za po‐ trebe “I do” kampanje. Jayson Oaks is a Texas born film‐ maker whose credits include di‐ recting the short film “Warm Fuzzy”, editor of the documen‐ tary “Weaving Worlds” and wri‐ ter, co‐producer, and editor of “Share the Wealth”. He was ho‐ nored by The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) for “Matter of the Heart” a PSA produced for their national “I Do” campaign.
Love, family and flock collide on a small Texas Christmas tree farm as Emmett and Seth navigate an unclear attraction to one another while avoiding the watchful eye of Mrs. Thibideaux, who just happens to be Seth’s mother and Emmett’s boss.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. FELIPE CABRAL
TI (2017) Kratki dokumentarni film Režija: Felipe Cabral Brazil (Portugalski sa engleskim i srpskom titlom) Trajanje: 19 min. Snimljen sa iPhone 6s ovaj kratki film prikazuje intimu mladića, žrtve homofobije, iz vizure njegovog najboljeg prijatelja koji po svaku cenu želi da pronađe smisao u njegovoj smrti.
YOU (2017) Short documentary film Director: Felipe Cabral Brazil (Portuguese with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 19 min Filmed with an iPhone 6s, the short film shares the intimacy of a young man, victim of homophobia, from the vision of his best friend, who tries at all costs to find some meaning in his death.
Felipe Cabral je svoju karijeru za‐ počeo kao scenarista i glumac u Rio de Žaneiru. Režirao je tri LGBT komedije: “Gaydar” (2012), “Label” (2013) i “I do” (2014). U svim ovim filmovima pisao je sce‐ nario, režirao i glumio. Ovi filmovi su prikazani na više od osamde‐ set filmskih festival na kojima su osvojili dvanaest nagrada. Neda‐ vno je postao i jedan od scenari‐ sta popularne serije “Total Dreamer”. Felipe Cabral began his career as a screenwriter and actor in 2005 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In ci‐ nema, directed three LGBTs co‐ medies: “Gaydar” (2012), “Label” (2013) and “I do” (2014). In all the films, he acted, directed and wrote the scripts, through more than 80 national and internatio‐ nal festivals and winning 12 awards. The LGBT issue became his working universe. Recently he was one of the writers of a suc‐ cessful soap opera, “Total Drea‐ mer” at Rede Globo channel.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. JONATHAN WYSOCKI Jonathan Wysocki je rođen 1973. godine u Americi. Nakon što su mu rekli kako su njegove priče “previše velike za pozorište“ on se okreće filmu. Još tokom školo‐ vanja radio je u produkciji mno‐ gih televizijskih i filmskih ostvarenja kao što je film „Le‐ gally Blonde 2“. Za svoje kratke filmove dobio je brojne nagrade.
LUTKINE OČI (2016) Kratki film Režija: Jonathan Wysocki SAD (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 12 min. Od detinstva uplašen Spilbergovim filmom “Ajkula” filmadžija istražuje zašto ga je ovaj film toliko potresao.
A DOLL’S EYES (2016) Short film Director: Jonathan Wysocki USA (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 12 min Haunted by Spielberg’s JAWS since childhood, a filmmaker dis‐ covers why the movie affected him so deeply.
Jonathan Wysocki is a graduate of UCLA with a background in theatre and he worked as a pro‐ ducer on the features THE HAM‐ MER and THRASHER ROAD. As a writer/director, Wysocki is a Sun‐ dance Feature Film Program Fel‐ low, a Film Independent Fellow, and a Berlinale Talent Campus alumnus. His award‐winning short films include THE WAY STA‐ TION, THE VESSEL PITCHES, ADJUST‐A‐DREAM and ALIBI NA‐ TION. In addition to filmmaking, Wysocki is a lecturer at Chapman University and Cal State Long Beach.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
DOKAZ (2017) Kratki film Režija: Juan Flahn Španija (Španski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 5 min. Tokom istrage o ubistvu žene jedan od policajaca zaduženih za slu‐ čaj će pokazati svoje predrasude prema trans osobama i HIV‐u.
JUAN FLAHN Juan Flahn je filmski stvaralac, scenarista, pisac najpoznatiji po svom igranom filmu “Chueca‐ town” i serijama „Fantasmagó‐ rica“, „C.L.A.“, „We are not angels“, „Women“, „El Deseo y Mediapro“ i „Odiosas“.
EVIDENCE (2017) Short film Director: Juan Flahn Spain (Spanish with English and Serbian subtitles) Trajanje: 5 min During the investigation of a women’s murder, one of the cops on charge of the case will show his prejudices about trans people and HIV.
Juan Flahn is Spanish film maker, screenwriter, writer, best known by his feature film Chuecatown and series Fantasmagórica, C.L.A. We are not angels, Women. El Deseo y Mediapro, Odiosas.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. JENNY LARSSON WALLIN
OPSTANAK (2017) Kratki film Režija: Jenny Larsson Wallin Švedska (Švedski sa engleskim titlom) Trajanje: 10 min. Pimina devojka Dani ima kancer. Svaki dan je ispunjen strahom i anksioznošću. Pim se oseća umornom i slomljenom, ali mora da ostane čvrsta jer nije ona ta koja je bolesna. Film nam ukazuje kako teške situacije pogađaju više ljudi, a ne samo one koji su direktno izloženi.
EXISTENCE (2017) Short film Director: Jenny Larsson Wallin Sweden (Swedish with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 10 min
Jenny Larsson Wallin je scena‐ ristkinja i režiserka. Od 2006. go‐ dine snimila je nekoliko igranih, dokumentarnih i kratkih filmova. Kratke filmove je počela da režira 2013. godine i za njih je osvojila je nekoliko nagrada. “Existence” je njen sedmi kratki film koji je režirala. Cilj joj je da stvori anga‐ žovane priče koje će uticati na ljude i koje će da omoguće me‐ đusobno razumevanje. Jenny Larsson Wallin is a writer and director. Since 2006, Wallin has worked on several feature‐, short‐ and documentary films. She began directing short films in 2013, and has won several awards. “Existence” is her se‐ venth short film as a director. She wants to create engaging stories that affect people and promote a greater understan‐ ding of each other.
Pims girlfriend Dani, has cancer. New daily routine consists of anxiety and fear. Pim is tired and broken but she has to be strong, because she is not the one who is sick. The film gives perspective on how difficult situations affect more people than just those directly exposed.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. KENNETH O’TOOLE
DENIZ (2016) Kratki film Režija: Kenneth O’Toole Velika Britanija (Bez dijaloga) Trajanje: 7 min. Ostarela drag kraljica prebira po svojim uspomenama koje je podsećaju na njene slavne dane.
DENISE (2016) Short film Director: Kenneth O’Toole UK (No dialogue) Duration: 7 min An elderly drag queen sparkles her way through time, remini‐ scing on her glory days.
Rođen i odrastao u Liverpulu Kenneth O’Toole svoju karijeru je započeo baveći se pozorišnom režijom u Londonu. Nakon toga se okrenuo filmskoj umetnosti. Radio je kao pomoćnik režisera u filmu “Belle”, bio je jedan od pro‐ ducenata nagrađivane internet drame „The Last Hours of Laura K.“. „Denise“ je njegov prvi kratki film. Born and raised in Liverpool, Kenneth O’Toole is a London based director who began direc‐ ting on the fringe theatre circuit. After a couple of years and seve‐ ral shows he made the transition into the film world. He was the director’s assistant on the criti‐ cally acclaimed feature film Belle and the forthcoming A United Kingdom. He was one of the pro‐ ducers of the award‐winning BBC internet drama The Last Hours of Laura K. Denise is his first short film.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
BALERINA (2016) Kratki film Režija: Pedro Jorge Brazil (Portugalski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 20 min.
Leti kao leptir, ubadaj kao pčela.
DIAMANTE, O BAILARINA (2016) Short film Director: Pedro Jorge Brazil (Portugues with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 20 min Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
Pedro Jorge je kubanski režiser, scenarista, urednik i profesor. Pedro Jorge, graduated in Ci‐ nema from the Anhembi Mo‐ rumbi University with specialization in editing at the EICTV, Cuba. He is director, scrip‐ twriter, editor and teacher.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. ADRIANA GONZÁLEZVEGA Adriana González‐Vega je za svoj diplomski film “Oceanfront” osvojila nagradu za najbolji stu‐ dentski film. Sarađivala je na filmu “Fast & Furious 5”, kao i na seriji “Rules of Engagement”. Trenutno radi na web seriji bazi‐ ranoj na njenom kratkom filmu “Conception” i na dva igrana filma.
HUNITO (2017) Kratki film Režija: Adriana González‐Vega SAD (Španski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 12 min. José, zajedno sa svojom suprugom i decom, vodi klasičan poro‐ dični život. Kako vreme prolazi u ponašanju svog najmlađeg sina prepoznaje neke znake homoseksualnosti. Nakon što je svedo‐ čio događaju u kome su ljudi maltretirali njihovog komšiju iz kraja Junita samo zato što je gej, José mora da donese odluku da li da ostane u konzervativnoj sredini ili da svoju porodicu odvede u neku drugu zemlju za koju smatra da u njoj žive libe‐ ralniji ljudi.
JUNITO (2017) Short film Director: Adriana González‐Vega USA (Spanish with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 12 min José lives with his wife and children in Santurce, Puerto Rico. As time passes José observes the mannerisms of his youngest son and perceives some homosexual tendencies. After witne‐ ssing how the community mistreats his neighbor, Junito, for being gay. Worried about his son José feels that at this moment he has to decide between staying in a conservative society or going to another country where he thinks people are liberal.
Her undergraduate thesis film OCEANFRONT won the Best Stu‐ dent Film at Carmel Art and Film Festival 2012. Her film and en‐ tertainment experiences have included internships at Manda‐ lay Entertainment Group, the sit‐ com RULES OF ENGAGEMENT, Badillo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, FAST AND FURIOUS: FAST FIVE and Paradiso Films. González‐ Vega is currently developing a web series based on her short film CONCEPTION, as well as two other feature films.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. NISH GERA
OŽILJCI (2017) Kratki film Režija: Nish Gera Holandija, Belgija (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 15 min. Neobavezno poznanstvo poprima intimni obrt kada Sami, Sirijski izbeglica iz Damaska, upozna Johana. Tokom jedne noći u Am‐ sterdamu dva muškarca će se suočiti sa nekim istinama i izne‐ nađujućim tajnama o veoma različitim svetovima iz kojih dolaze.
SCAR TISSUE (2017) Short film Director: Nish Gera Netherlands, Belgium (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 15 min
Nish Gera je pisac i filmski stva‐ ralac trenutno stacioniran u Bel‐ giji. “Scar Tissue” je njegov drugi scenario i režiserski debi. Nish je uključen u brojne projekte ve‐ zane za LGBT aktivizam. Osnivač je “Photos for Hope”, organiza‐ cije koja je kroz fotografiju imala za cilj da prikupi sredstva i podi‐ gne svest o važnosti obrazovanja među siromašnim ljudima u In‐ diji. Nish Gera is a writer and filmma‐ ker currently based in Belgium. Scar Tissue is his second screen‐ play and directorial debut. Nish has been involved in a variety of social causes related to LGBT ac‐ tivism and was the founder of Photos for Hope, an organization aiming to raise funds and aware‐ ness for the cause of education of underprivileged children in India through the medium of photography.
A casual hookup takes an intimate turn when Sami, a Syrian re‐ fugee from Damascus, meets Johan. In the course of a night in Amsterdam, the two men will confront some truths, and un‐ settling secrets, about the very different worlds they come from.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
ŠAPUTANJE NA JASTUKU (2017) Kratki film Režija: Louise Marie Cooke Velika Britanija (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 8 min. Smešten u devedesete godine kratki film “Pillow Talk” je priča o odrastanju koja prikazuje promenu odnosa između četrnae‐ stogodišnje Care i njene najbolje drugarice Lucy. Lucy sumnja da Cari više privlače devojčice nego dečaci i želi da dozna istinu. Čak i po cenu njihovog prijateljstva.
PILLOW TALK (2017) Short film Director: Louise Marie Cooke UK (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 8 min Set in the early 1990’s, Pillow Talk is a short coming of age film about the changing friendship between 14‐year‐old Cara and her childhood best friend Lucy. Lucy suspects that Cara has fee‐ lings for girls rather than boys and she is determined to get the truth out of her. Even at the risk of damaging their friendship.
Louise Marie Cooke je scenarist‐ kinja i režiserka sa strašću ka pri‐ kazivanju jakih, ali i komplikovanih ženskih likova u centru priče kao nečemu što smatra nedovoljno zastupljenim u mejnstrim filmografiji. Njeni raniji kratki filmovi bili su prikazi‐ vani na festivalima širom sveta, od Brazilije, preko Njujorka do Londona. Louise Marie Cooke is a writer and director with a passion for stories featuring strong but com‐ plicated female characters that feature at the center of the na‐ rrative, something she feels is la‐ cking in mainstream cinema. Her previous short films have scree‐ ned across the world at Interna‐ tional Film Festivals.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. SAM LANGSHAW Sam Langshaw je tokom studija medija i produkcije u Sidneju sni‐ mio nekoliko kratkih filmova. Njegov poslednji film “Amster‐ dam” prikazan je na festival kvir filma u Melburnu. Ostali filmovu su prikazani na festival ander‐ graund filma u Sidneju i na kali‐ fornijskom festival kao nacionalni finalista Campus Mo‐ vieFest‐a.
SAMO JEDNO VEČE (2016) Kratki film Režija: Sam Langshaw Australija (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 10 min. Tokom svoje prve noći u Sidneju Tyler i Erica shvataju da nisu sve kvir osobe poput njih.
ONE NIGHT ONLY (2016) Short film Director: Sam Langshaw Australia (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 10 min On their first night in Sydney, Tyler and Erica find that not all queer people are just like them.
Sam Langshaw has worked on several short films whilst stu‐ dying a Media Arts and Produc‐ tion degree with Honours at the University of Technology, Sydney which he completed in October 2016. His last short film, Amster‐ dam, was screened at the 2016 Melbourne Queer Film Festival, and was Highly Commended at the 2015 UTS Goldeneye Film Awards. His other work has been screened at the Sydney Under‐ ground Film Festival, and in Hol‐ lywood, CA as a national finalist of the Campus MovieFest film competition.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
UZMI ŽIVOT (2016) Kratki film Režija: Ozzy Villazon SAD (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 12 min. Alex je transrodni mladić koji mora da se izbori sa svojom trud‐ noćom koju drži u tajnosti. Dok vreme polako ističe ovu tajnu mora da otkrije svom dečku Jesseu. Na Alexovo iznenađenje Jesse je za njihov problem ponudio potpuno drugačije rešenje od očekivanog. Alex sada mora da odluči šta je spreman da žr‐ tvuje zarad iskrenog i hrabrog života.
GET THE LIFE (2016) Short film Director: Ozzy Villazon USA (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 12 min Alex, a transgender youth, has been struggling with a secret pregnancy. However, time has run out for him and he must con‐ fess his condition to Jesse, his live‐in boyfriend. Although they struggle in poverty, through their love and passion for one an‐ other, it’s clear they have forged a home together. To Alex’s sur‐ prise, Jesse offers a strikingly opposing view on how to deal with the pregnancy. Alex considers what he is willing to lose in order to live honestly and courageously.
Ozzy Villazon rođen je i odrastao u San Francisku. Diplomirao je na Američkom filmskom institute, a njegov diplomski film “Silencio Fuerte” prikazan je na nekoliko festivala. Novi film “La Obra” upravo je započeo svoj festivalski život. Ozzy Villazon, of Bolivian and Ni‐ caraguan descent, was born and raised in San Francisco. He gra‐ duated from the American Film Institute in the Directing. His AFI thesis film, Silencio Fuerte, screened at numerous festivals. His newest film La Obra is cur‐ rently beginning the festival cir‐ cuit.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
MAU I ĐIO – 2017. I EFEKTI ZAKONA O CIVILNIM UNIJAMA NA ITALIJU (2017) Kratki film Režija: Giuseppe Bucci Italija (Italijanski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 2 min. Nakon što je zakon o civilnoj uniji konačno izglasan u italijan‐ skom parlamentu Mau i Gio, dva muškarca… porodica sa svoje dece moraju da trpe homofobiju i predrasude koje i dalje po‐ stoje Italiji.
Giuseppe Bucci je italijanski reži‐ ser iz Napulja poznat po filmo‐ vima „Non fermarti“, „One More Night“, „Luigi & Vincenzo, L’oro della prevenzione“ i „To Crash or not to Crash“. Giuseppe Bucci is Italian director from Naples best known for his films Non fermarti, One More Night, Luigi & Vincenzo (Official selection in Frameline, Outfest LA, Nefest NYC ), The gold of pre‐ vention, To Crash or not to Crash and Mysteriosophical fall to hell.
Short film Director: Giuseppe Bucci Italy (Italian with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 2 min The “same‐sex civil union law” approved in 2016 in Italy, is in‐ complete…. and Mau and Gio, two men… a family with two chil‐ dren, have to tolerate prejudice and homophobia still alive in Italy. With the famous guest star Rosaria De Cicco.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. TEREZA POSPÍŠILOVÁ
PRIBLIŽAVANJE (2016) Kratki film Režija: Tereza Pospíšilová Češka (Češki sa engleskim i srpskim prevodom) Trajanje: 30 min. Martin je tinejdžer i Rom koji je pobegao od kuće. U kupeu voza kojim putuje nalazi se samo još jedan putnik. U pitanju je starac koji je poslednja osoba od koje bi Martin mogao da očekuje ra‐ zumevanje. Ipak, polako shvataju da su srodne duše. Međutim, Martinov razlog za bekstvo od kuće mnogo je komplikovaniji nego što bi starac mogao i da pretpostavi.
APPROACHING (2016) Short film Director: Tereza Pospíšilová Czech Republic (Czech with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 30 min Teenage Roma boy Martin is on the run from home. The only other passenger in the train compartment, is an old man, the last person from whom would Martin expect to find some un‐ derstanding. Yet slowly they find soul mate in each other. But Martin’s reasons for leaving home are much more complicated, than the old man could ever imagine.
Tereza Pospíšilová je na fakultetu specijalizirala pisanje scenarija i filmsku režiju. U filmovima poku‐ šava da se bavi neprijatnim dru‐ štvenim temama kao što su, na primer, potraga za identitetom, seksualnošću i poverenjem među ljudima. U nameri da sruši nevidljive granice osvetljava stvari kojih ljudi nisu svesni ili ne žele da ih vide. Takođe je zani‐ maju i dokumentarni filmovi i an‐ gažovane reklame kao sredstvo društvenog aktivizma. In 2009 Tereza Pospíšilová finis‐ hed her bachelor’s degree spe‐ cializing in film directing and screenplay writing. In her movies Tereza tries to show uncomforta‐ ble social topics, for example, the search for identity, sexuality, and trust in interpersonal relations‐ hips. She tries to highlight things of which people may be unaware or don’t want to see to help tear down the divide. She is also very interested in documentary mo‐ vies and social commercials as a means for social activism.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
SLUTNJA ANĐELA (2017) Kratki dokumentarni film Režija: Branislav Princip Srbija (Srpski sa engleskim titlom) Trajanje: 26 min. Film “Slutnja anđela” je uspomena i sećanje na Dejana Nebri‐ gića, srpskog gej i mirovnog aktivistu, pisca i pozorišnog kritičara. Jedan je od osnivača LGBT pokreta u Srbiji, jedan od najistaknu‐ tijih aktivista i prvi gej u Srbiji koji je imao javni coming out.
CURSING ANGEL (2017) Short documentary film Director: Branislav Princip Serbia (Serbian with English subtitles) Duration: 26 min
Branislav Princip,po zanimanju antropolog ,dugogodišnji je akti‐ vista civilnog društva u oblasti ljudskih prava i podrške margina‐ lizovanim grupama,pre svega PLHIV i korisnicima droga . Bavi se proizvodnjom medijskih sadr‐ žaja iz oblasti ljudskih prava. Tre‐ nutno je angažovan na snimanju filma o 30 godina borbe protiv HIV/AIDS‐a u Srbiji. Branislav Princip, an anthropolo‐ gist, is a longtime human rights activist and supporter of margi‐ nalized groups, primarily PLHIV and drug users. He prodeces media content in the field of human rights. He is currently fil‐ ming a documentary abotu 30 years of HIV/AIDS prevention in Serbia.
This film is a memoriam and memory of Dejan Nebrigic, a Ser‐ bian gay and peace activist, writer and theater critic. He is one oth the founders of the Serbian LGBT movement, one of the most prominent activist and the first gay in Serbian who had a public coming out.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. BARBARA S. MUELLER
NISA (2017) Kratki film Režija: Barbara S. Mueller Austrija (Nemački sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 10 min. “Nisa” je priča o dvoje cimera čiji se odnos dovodi u pitanje do‐ laskom neočekivanog gosta. Film o ljubavi i njenim raznim obli‐ cima.
NISA (2017) Short film Director: Barbara S. Mueller Austria (German with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 10 min NISA tells the story of two roommates whose relationship is challenged by the arrival of an unexpected visitor. A film about love and the many forms it takes.
Barbara Mueller je prvo radila u administraciji na filmskim akade‐ mijama u Ludvigsburgu i Berlinu. Tada je režirala nekoliko video spo‐ tova, trejlera i reklama za radio. Tek nakon njenog prvog filma “Alles An Mir” počinje da studira multimedijalne umetnosti i ani‐ maciju. Njene film “Florian & Flo‐ rian” toplo je primljen od strane internacionalne publike, dok su “Neonlichtet” i “Next Door” dobili nekoliko međunarodnih festival‐ skih priznanja i nominacija. Barbara Mueller started out as unit manager at the film academy of Ludwigsburg and DFFB Berlin and directed several works such as music videos, trailers and radio commercials. After the distribu‐ tion of her film debut ALLES AN MIR, she studied Multimedia Arts & Animation. FLORIAN & FLORIAN was greeted with a warm recep‐ tion on the international market, while the movies NEONLICHTER and NEXT DOOR received several international awards and nomina‐ tions.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. STEFAN M. MLADENOVIĆ
ŽELIM DA TI KAŽEM (2017) Kratki film Režija: Stefan M. Mladenović Srbija (Španski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 17 min. Postoji lavirint iz koga je teško izaći. U potrazi za izlazom, Ale‐ handro se upoznaje sa armijom od devet vojnika. Prvi, tajna. Drugi, strah. Treći, san. Četvrti, fantazija. Peti, boja. Šesti, sreća. Sedmi, sloboda. Osmi, ljubav. Deveti, stvarnost. Šta se dešava kada Alehandro izadje iz lavirinta? Život.
I WOULD LIKE TO TELL YOU (2017) Short film Director: Stefan M. Mladenovic Serbia (Spanish with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 17 min
Stefan M. Mladenović završio je osnovne akademske i master studije na Fakultetu umetnosti u Prištini, dramski odsek. Idejni je tvorac web‐mini serije ‘’Diktafon jednog ubice’’ na španskom je‐ ziku, učesnik performansa “Iza nevidljivog” i “Organski plasti‐ čno”. Stefanov najnoviji rad je njegov prvi kratkometražni film na španskom jeziku “Quiero de‐ cirte” / “Želim da ti kažem’’. Stefan M. Mladenovic graduated on Faculty of Arts in 2014 and got master’s dregree in 2015. He has done a mini‐web series ”Dic‐ taphone of a Murderer” in Spa‐ nish, which can be viewed on YouTube. Beside theatre and film appearances he took part in art performances ”Behind The Invi‐ sible” and ”Organic Plastic”. Ste‐ fan’s last work and his first short movie is ”I Would Like to Tell You”.
There is a maze which is too difficult to get out from. In the search of the road, Alejandro met with the army of nine sol‐ diers. First, the secret. Second, the fear. Third, the dream. Fourth, the fantasy. Fifth, the color. Sixth, the happiness. Se‐ venth, the freedom. Eighth, the love. Ninth, the reality. What happens when he get out of the maze? Life.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. SAMAN HAGHIGHIVAND
NEPRIHVATLJIVO (2017) Kratki film Režija: Saman Haghighivand Iran (Bez dijaloga) Trajanje: 2 min. Sanjarenje u kome živi mladi transeksualac prekida se roditeljskim pritiscima koji će na kraju kulminirati potpunim odbacivanjem.
NOT ACCEPTABLE (2017) Short film Director: Saman Haghighivand Iran (No dialogue) Duration: 2 min A dream world of a young transsexual gets distracted by family pressure and finally leads to rejection by the family.
Saman Haghighivand je diplomi‐ rao na Akademiji lepih umetnosti u Norveškoj. Tokom poslednje decenije snimio je nekoliko krat‐ kih filmova, dokumentaraca, video klipova i reklama. Radovi su mu više puta bili nominovani i nagrađivani na umetničkim i filmskim festivalima. U filmo‐ vima se fokusira na teme otuđe‐ nja, odbacivanja, trauma, izbeglica… Saman Haghighivand finished his master degree in Norway NTNU, Faculty of Fine Arts. He has made several short films, docu‐ mentaries, video arts and com‐ mercial films during the past decade. He has been awarded and nominated in several film&art festivals for different projects. He focuses on aliena‐ tion, difference, trauma, refugee and other related subjects as the main theme in his movies.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
UNUTAR DUGE (2017) Kratki film Režija: Hasan Najmabadi Iran (Persijski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 15 min. Dve mlade lezbijke žele da krijumčarskim putevima pobegnu iz Irana.
INTO THE RAINBOW (2017) Short film Director: Hasan Najmabadi Iran (Persian with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 15 min Two lesbian girls who want to escape smuggled from Iran.
Hasan Najmabadi je nezavisni iranski filmski stvaralac. Poznat je po svojim kratkim ostvare‐ njima „Peace, Ant“, „Copper Wire“, „There are somethings not to say“, „77 years of soli‐ tude“, „Red Season“ i „Into the Rainbow“. Hasan Najmabadi is an indepen‐ dent filmmaker from Iran known for his short films Peace, Ant, Copper Wire, There are somet‐ hings not to say, 77 years of soli‐ tude, Red Season and Into the Rainbow.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
OD GLAVE DO PETE (2017) Kratki film Režija: Chrystophe Omery Francuska (Francuski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 6 min. Veče. Soba. Ovde ili bilo gde. Nepoznati mladić stidljivo skida odeću sa sebe. Polako otkrivamo njegove konfuzne misli. Skida‐ jući se on nam se razotkriva.
FROM HEAD TO TOES (2017) Short film Director: Chrystophe Omery France (French with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 6 min An evening. A room. Here or everywhere. A young man, ano‐ nymous. awkwardly, He undresses. His thoughts are expressed, intimate and confused. By undressing, he exposes himself.
Chrystophe Omery je debitovao 2010. godine sa duhovitom mini‐ jaturom o slavnoj francuskoj peva‐ čici Mylène Farmer. Naredne godine je napravio svoj prvi pravi kratki film “Leonardo, mon amour” o mladiću koji želi da snimi svoj prvi kratki film. U ovom filmu se pojavljuju ekskluzivni snimci Leonarda DiCaprija. Chrystophe radi za mnoge režisere kao kamer‐ man ili glumac. Chrystophe Omery started in 2010 with a humoristic pellet about a famous French singer Mylène Far‐ mer. During the year 2011, he made his first true movie “Leona‐ rdo, mon amour” about a young man trying to make his first short movie. This film includes exclusive shoot of Leonardo DiCaprio! Chry‐ stophe works for many directors as a cameraman or actor.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
VANILA (2017) Kratki dokumentarni film Režija: Leo Tabosa Brazil (Portugalski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 13 min. Pogledajte oko sebe. Sve što vidite ili dodirnete može imati ukus vanile.
VANILLA (2017) Short documentary film Director: Leo Tabosa Brazil (Portuguese with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 13 min Look around. Everything You see and touch can have the taste of Vanilla.
Leo Tabosa je diplomirao novina‐ rstvo i istoriju na Katoličkom uni‐ verzitetu gde je bio zadužen za kulturu. Režirao je kratke doku‐ mentarne filmove „Vanilla“, „Shark“, „Portraits“ i animirani „As Aventuras do Menino Pontil‐ hado“. Leo Tabosa graduated in Journa‐ lism and History at Catholic Uni‐ versity of Pernambuco (Brazil), were he works as Cultural Mana‐ ger. He directed short documen‐ tary Vanilla, Shark, Portraits and animation As Aventuras do Me‐ nino Pontilhado.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
NEVALJALA AMELIJA DŽEJN (2017) Kratki film Režija: Risheeta Agrawal Indija, Češka Republika (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 12 min. Ova filmska satira o urnebesno smešnom društvenom licemerju koje se protivi svemu što nije u skladu sa “konvencionalnim dru‐ štvenim poretkom” govori o dve devojke koje su možda bile u vezi, a možda i nisu. Ovo je priča o spekulaciji.
NAUGHTY AMELIA JANE (2017) Short film Director: Risheeta Agrawal India, Czech Republic (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 12 min This film is a satire on the hilarious hypocrisy of society towards anything that goes against the “conventional social order of things”, told through a story of two girls who may or may not have had a connection. This is a story about speculation.
Risheeta Agrawal je gotovo pet go‐ dina bila kreativna direktorka jedne od vodećih indijskih event agencija “EO2 Events”, da bi napu‐ stila sve i otišla u Prag da studira u filmskoj školi. Godinu dana kasnije, snimila je svoj prvi kratki film “Naughty Amelia Jane”. Risheeta Agrawal was for almost 5 years the Creative Director of a leading event agency “EO2 Events” in India, but she moved to Prague to study filmmaking at Pra‐ gue Film School. She is now, a year later, presenting her first short film ‘Naughty Amelia Jane’.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. SIMONE CHIAPPINELLI
ŽIVOTINJSKO CARSTVO (2016) Kratki film Režija: Simone Chiappinelli Italija (Italijanski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 10 min. Nova mobilna aplikacija „Animal Kingdom“ se toliko proširila društvom da se verbalna komunikacija gotovo i ne koristi. Tokom jedne večeri usamljeni mladić kreće u potragu za direktnim kon‐ taktom. Međutim, u društvu gde svi nose maske teško je razlu‐ čiti realnost od virtuelne stvarnosti.
ANIMAL KINGDOM (2016) Short film Director: Simone Chiappinelli Italy (Italian with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 10 min
Simone Chiappinelli je rođen u Torinu 1987. godine. Tokom stu‐ dija snimo je nekoliko kratkih fil‐ mova, video‐spotova i dokumentaraca. Bavi se fotogra‐ fijom i produkcijom promotivnih materijala za pozorišne pred‐ stave i festivale. „Animal King‐ dom“ je njegov prvi kratki film koji je snimio nakon završetka studija. Simone Chiappinelli was born in Turin in 1987. During his B.A at the University of Turin in Film Studies, he works on the set for short films, music videos and do‐ cumentaries. He works in the production of promos for thea‐ trical plays and festivals and also in photography. After many aca‐ demic films during his studies, here’s his first narrative short film: Animal Kingdom.
The new smartphone‐app Animal Kingdom has spread so much throughout society that verbal communication is now barely used. During a lonely night, a guy goes out seeking for a human connection, but in a world where everyone wears a mask it’s difficult to separate reality from virtuality.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
MAMA, VRATILA SAM SE (2017) Kratki film Režija: Dimitris Katsimiris Grčka (Grčki sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 5 min. Zbog smrti svoje majke jedna žena se, nakon četrdeset godina, vraća u rodno selo. U rukama drži staru fotografiju na kojoj su majka sa dva sina. Na groblju mora da se suoči sa licima onih koje je ostavila za sobom.
MUM, I’M BACK (2017) Short film Director: Dimitris Katsimiris Greece (Greek with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 5 min A woman returns, after 40 years, to the village where she was born. The cause is the death of her mother. She keeps an old photograph in her hands: a mother with her two sons. Arriving at the cemetery, she encounters the faces of all those she left behind.
Dimitris Katsimiris je rođen i odra‐ stao na Rodosu. Radio je kao soci‐ jalni radnik. Poslednjih nekoliko godina živi i radi u Atini kao pozo‐ rišni glumac, pisac i reditelj. Napi‐ sao je dve pozorišne drame, a režirao je i višestruko nagrađivani film “Birthday”. Dimitris Katsimiris was born and raised in Rhodes. He has studied and worked as a social worker. In recent years he lives and works in Athens as an actor, writer and di‐ rector in theater. He has written two theatrical plays and he has di‐ rected the multi‐award‐winning short film ‘Birthday’.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017.
UKUS LJUBAVI (2017) Kratki film Režija: Paul Scheufler Austrija (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 5 min. Koji je ukus ljubavi? Može li ona biti slatka, kisela, gorka ili, možda, slana? Devojka kreće na aromatično ljubavno putovanje stimulišući svoje čulo ukusa do vrhunca. Koristeći čula ona istra‐ žuje različite oblike ljubavi.
TASTE OF LOVE (2017) Short film Director: Paul Scheufler Austria (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 5 min
Paul Scheufler je početnik u film‐ skoj industriji. Rođen je 1998. go‐ dine i nedavno je diplomirao na filmskoj školi u Gracu. Tokom školovanja snimio je nekoliko kratkih filmova i reklama, a radio je i na dokumentarcima u Vijet‐ namu i Keniji. Trenutno živi na relaciji Beč‐Njujork.. Paul Scheufler is an Austrian ne‐ wcomer in the film industry. He was born in March 1998 and just graduated at Ortweinschule Graz in Film & MultimediaArt. During education, he finished several short films, a commercial for Kunsthaus Graz and worked on documentaries in Vietnam and Kenya. Currently, he is living in Vienna and New York City.
„What is the taste of love?“ Could it be sweet, sour, bitter or even salty? A girl embarks on an aromatic journey of love, sti‐ mulating her taste buds to the point of climax. With all senses, she explores the various forms love can take on.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. JAN SOLDAT
SREĆNA, SREĆNA BEBA (2017) Kratki dokumentarni film Režija: Jan Soldat Nemačka (Nemački sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 20 min. Kratki film o čežnji da se ponovo bude mali. Maženje, igranje, cuclanje i priče za laku noć. Ne kao fetiš, već kao način života.
HAPPY, HAPPY BABY (2017) Short documentary film Director: Jan Soldat Germany (German with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 20 min A short film about the longing of being small again. Cuddling, playing, getting the bottle and good night stories. No fetish, but a way of life.
Jan Soldat snima kratke filmove od 2006. godine. Njegov dokumenta‐ rac „Geliebt“ o zoofilnom, emotiv‐ nom i ljubavnom odnosu između čoveka i psa bio je u takmičarskoj konkurenciji na Berinalu 2010. go‐ dine. Dve godine kasnije na istom festivalu predstavio je svoj film „Crazy Dennis Tiger“. Kratki doku‐ mentarac „Law and order“ o dvo‐ jici starijih sadomazohista takođe je prikazan na ovom festival. Nje‐ gov diplomski film “Der Unfertige“ osvojio je nagradu za najbolji kratki film na filmskom festival u Rimu. Jan Soldat has been making short films at Chemnitzer Filmwerkstatt since 2006. His documentary „Ge‐ liebt“ about Zoophilia, sexual and emotional relationships between men and dogs, participated on the short film competition of the Ber‐ linale in 2010. In 2012 his docu‐ mentary short „Law and order“, about two elderly men and their sadomasochistic fetishes, was screened in the Panorama section of the Berlinale.
Ponedeljak 11. decembar 2017. Dan holandskog filma 17:00 Ako kaĹžem da jesam, onda jesam Kas 19:00 Iznad Duge Prep i ja 21:00 Kraljica Amsterdama
Monday December 11, 2017 Dutch Day 17:00 If I say I am, then I really am Cas 19:00 Over The Rainbow Prep & Me 21:00 Queen of Amsterdam
Merlinka festival 2017.
Ponedeljak, 11. decembar 2017. TRUUS KASPERS Truus Kaspers studied pedagogy and is education supervisor and mediator. In the final years of her career she worked as trainer, coach and supervisor. She retired in 2012.
AKO KAŽEM DA JESAM ONDA JESAM (2016) Dokumentarni film Režija: Truus Kaspers, Sander Houwen Holandija (Holandski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 44 min. Dokumentarni film koji su zajedno režirali majka i sin predstavlja intimno i nostalgično putovanje kroz živote šestoro kvir sinova i njihovih majki. Oni sede za kuhinjskim stolom i sa iskrenošću pričaju o autovanju.
IF I SAY I AM, THEN I REALLY AM (2016) Documentary film Directors: Truus Kaspers, Sander Houwen The Netherlands (Dutch with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 44 min Directed by a mother and son team this documentary is a no‐ stalgic and insightful journey of six pairs of queer sons and their mothers. They sit across the kitchen table and talk candidly about their coming‐out.
Truus Kaspers je studirala peda‐ gogiju, a radila je kao medija‐ torka i prosvetna nadzornica. Pre nego što se 2012. godine penzio‐ nisala, radila je i kao nastavnica fizičkog.
SANDER HOUWEN Sander Houwen od 2005. godine radi kao producent dokumentar‐ nih filmova. Sander Houwen graduated in 2005 in Music and Technology. Since 2008 he produces docu‐ mentaries and commissioned films.
Ponedeljak, 11. decembar 2017. JORIS VAN DEN BERG Joris van den Berg je nakon di‐ plomiranja na filmskoj školi sti‐ cao iskustva režirajući brojne serije. Radio je kao producent za holandski ogranak Warner Brosa. Režirao je dva kratka filma „Kansloos“ i „10 Minutes Left“ koji su prikazani na nekoliko me‐ đunarodnih filmskih festivala. Dobio je nagradu za najbolji kratki LGBT film na festivalu krat‐ kog metra u Kanu.
KAS (2016) Drama, komedija Režija: Joris van den Berg Uloge: Kevin Hassing, Wieger Windhorst, Felix Meyer Holandija (Holandski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 48 min. U ovoj drami sa elementima komedije sedmogodišnja veza iz‐ među Pepijna i Sjorsa dospeva u krizu nakon što mladom stu‐ dentu Casu dopuste da spava na kauču u njihovom stanu dok ne stane na svoje noge. Vremenom obojica muškarca bivaju oča‐ rani Casovim šarmom što ih navodi da ponovo razmotre svoje dugoročne planove. Da li Casovo prisustvo ugrožava njihov odnos ili predstavlja prikriveni blagoslov?
CAS (2016) Drama, Comedy Director: Joris van den Berg Cast: Kevin Hassing, Wieger Windhorst, Felix Meyer The Netherlands (Dutch with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 48 min
Joris van den Berg graduated from the Netherlands Film Aca‐ demy in 2006 and has since then gained much experience as a di‐ rector for several television series such as ‘Onderweg naar morgen’, StartUp and ‘Dagboek van een Callgirl’. He has made the online hit series ‘De meisjes van Thijs’ and worked as a TV format deve‐ loper at Warner Bros NL. He di‐ rected the short films ‘Kansloos’ and 10 Minutes Left, which has been screened at several interna‐ tional film festivals and has won Best LGBT‐short at the Cannes Short Film Festival 2014.
In the comedy‐drama Cas, Pepijn and Sjors’ steady, seven‐year relationship is shaken up after they allow a young student named Cas to sleep on their couch until he finds a place of his own. Gradually, both men fall head over heels for Cas’ laconic charm and it forces them to reconsider their many long‐term plans. Is Cas’ presence endangering their relationship or is he actually a blessing in disguise? International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Ponedeljak, 11. decembar 2017.
IZNAD DUGE (2017) Dokumentarni film Režija: Tara Fallaux Holandija (Holandski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 40 min. Nakon smrti majke Leny (81) konačno može da ostvari svoj san. U pitanju je put oko sveta na biciklu. Međutim, ona nije stigla dalje od Novog Zelanda na kome je upoznala ljubav njenog ži‐ vota – drugu ženu. Leny se autovala kada je imala 68 godina.
OVER THE RAINBOW (2017) Documentary film Director: Tara Fallaux The Netherlands (Dutch with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 40 min After her mother passed away, Leny (81) finally had time to fol‐ low her dream of cycling around the world. She didn’t get furt‐ her than New Zealand where she met the love of her life – another woman. Leny came out of the closet aged 68.
Tara Fallaux je pohađala nekoliko umetničkih škola u Holandiji i SAD fokusirajući se na film i foto‐ grafiju. Nakon završetka studija seli se u Njujork gde radi kao fo‐ tograf. Pokušava da uskladi svoje bavljenje umetničkom fotografi‐ jom i filmom sa komercijalnim radovima. Tara Fallaux studied at several art schools in The Netherlands and The U.S.A., focussing on film and photography. After her studies at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh Tara moved to New York where she started her ca‐ reer as a portrait and documen‐ tary photographer. Since 1999 Tara works as a freelance photo‐ grapher combining personal photography and film projects with commercial work.
Ponedeljak, 11. decembar 2017. TIM DEKKERS
PREP I JA (2017) Dokumentarni film Režija: Tim Dekkers Holandija (Holandski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 60 min. PrEP je doneo sasvim novi način borbe protiv HIV‐a. Iako u Sje‐ dinjenim Državama ova pilula za prevenciju HIV‐a pokazuje ogro‐ man uspeh mnoge evropske zemlje i dalje oklevaju. Holandija je jedna od tih država. Prep&ME je prvi dugometražni dokumen‐ tarac o PrEP‐u u Holandiji. Tri učesnika u ovom eksperimentu pričaju iskreno o svojim iskustvima sa PrEP‐om i njenom uticaju na njihov (seksualni) život.
PREP & ME (2017) Documentary film Director: Tim Dekkers Netherlands (Dutch with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 60 min
Tim Dekkers je karijeru započeo tokom osamdesetih godina pro‐ šlog veka kao reporter vodećih holandskih nacionalnih novina. Karijeru je , nakon toga, nastavio na nacionalnoj televiziji. Godi‐ nama je bio poznat kao vrhunski novinar koji se bavi domaćim i stranim temama. Nakon toga je bio dopisnik iz Australije za ho‐ landske, danske i belgijske me‐ dije. Poslednjih deset godina bavi se filmskom produkcijom. Tim Dekkers started in the eigh‐ ties as a reporter for the Dutch national newspaper Trouw. He switched in 1988 to national te‐ levison. For many years, he was a well known and respected jour‐ nalist, dealing with domestic and foreign topics. From 2005 till 2010 he was a freelance corre‐ spondent in Sydney, Australia. He worked for Dutch, Belgian and Danish media. The last decade, Dekkers was owner of his Media Office Onderste‐Boven. He made many video productions.
PrEP is a game changer in the battle against HIV/Aids. The new hiv prevention pill is in the USA already a huge success, but many countries in Europe are hesitating. The Netherlands is one of those countries. In the documentary PrEP&ME, the first long documentary about PrEP in the Netherlands, three participants in an Amsterdam experiment with PrEP talk honestly about the hiv prevention pill and the effect of it on their (sex) life.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Ponedeljak, 11. decembar 2017. TIM OLIEHOEK Tim Oliehoek je imao svega osamnaest godina kada je upisao Holandsku akademiju za film i te‐ leviziju. Njegov diplomski film „Isabelle“ dobio je Studentsku nagradu Američkog filmskog fe‐ stivala. Timov prvi igrani film „Too fat too furious“ je imao odli‐ čnu gledanost. „Queen of Ame‐ sterdam“ je njegov četvrti igrani film.
KRALJICA AMSTERDAMA (2013) Komedija Režija: Tim Oliehoek Uloge: Alex Klaasen, Achmed Akkabi, Peter Faber Holandija (Holandski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 90 min. Chez Nous je gej frendli klub kome zbog opasnosti od bankrot‐ stva preti prodaja moćnom biznismenu. Da bi sprečili ovu pro‐ daju stalni gosti kluba, specifična grupa prijatelja, prave plan da tokom gej parade iz muzeja ukradu dijamantsku ogrlicu vrednu milione evra i na taj način spasu svoje omiljeno mesto za izlaske. Da li će uspeti u ovom naumu?
QUEEN OF AMSTERDAM (2013) Comedy Director: Tim Oliehoek Cast: Alex Klaasen, Achmed Akkabi, Peter Faber The Netherlands (Dutch with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 90 min Chez Nous is gay friendly pub which, threatened by bankruptcy, might be sold to a powerful nightlife proprietor. To prevent this sale the regular customers, an extra ordinary group of friends, plan to commit a heist during the Amsterdam Gay Pride. They want to steal a diamond necklace, which is worth millions of euros, from the Amstel Museum and hope to escape and save their favorite hangout this way. Will they succeed?
Tim Oliehoek (1979) attended the Dutch Film and Television Academy when he was only 18 years of age. Tim ultimately gra‐ duated in 2001 with the film ‘ISABELLE’ based on the acclai‐ med novel of Dutch author Tessa de Loo. In 2005 Tim directed his feature debut entitled TOO FAT TOO FURIOUS, which was a great success in both its theatrical re‐ lease as well as on home video. His fourth film ‘QUEEN OF AM‐ STERDAM was released in thea‐ tres in early October 2013.
Utorak 12. decembar 2017. 17:00 Tori Pajns Nikome ne nedostajem 19:00 DĹžesika Bler 21:00 Tom od Finske
Tuesday december 12, 2017 17:00 Torrey Pines No One Misses me 19:00 Fuck You Jessica Blair 21:00 Tom Of Finland
Merlinka festival 2017.
Utorak, 12. decembar 2017.
TORI PAJNS (2016) Animirani film Režija: Clyde Petersen SAD (Bez dijaloga) Trajanje: 60 min. Ovo je priča o disfunkcionalnoj porodici, mentalnom zdravlju i rodu. U pitanju je prelepa i provokativna kolažna animacija ispri‐ čana iz vizure muzičara i režisera Clyda Petersena. Radnja ovog polu‐autobiografskog kvir pank filma o odrastanju smeštena je u Kaliforniju devedesetih godina minulog veka. Pratimo Clyda i njegovu porodicu na putovanju koje će zauvek promeniti nji‐ hove međusobne odnose.
TORREY PINES (2016) Animated film Director: Clyde Petersen USA (No dialogue) Duration: 60 min This’ is a story about a dysfunctional family, mental health and gender. It is told by the musician and director, Clyde Petersen, in a beautiful and challenging stop‐motion animated film. Through a self‐biographical angle, Clyde’s life unfolds before your eyes in a queer punk coming‐of‐age film, which takes place in the southern California in the early 1990s. Follow Clyde and his family on a journey that will change their relationship forever.
Clyde Petersen je umetnik iz Si‐ jetla koji se bavi filmom, muzi‐ kom, animacijom I instalacijama. Pripadnik je lokalne trans zajed‐ nice. Njegov film “Torrey Pines” trenutno vodi festivalski život širom sveta. Clyde Petersen is a Seattle based artist, working in film, anima‐ tion, music, installation and fa‐ bulous spectacle. He is a member of the transgender and queer communities in Seattle. Past projects also include the 90‐ minute multimedia show Gen‐ der Failure with Rae Spoon and Ivan Coyote. His work has been featured around the world at the London Lesbian and Gay Film Fe‐ stival, SXSW…
Utorak, 12. decembar 2017.
NIKOME NE NEDOSTAJEM (2017) Dokumentarni film Režija: Erik Lemke Nemačka (Nemački sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 29 min. Nakon što su joj amputirane obe noge Evelin je ostala i bez pri‐ jatelja. Već godinama je zarobljena u svom stanu bauljajući iz‐ među kuhinje, kompjutera, televizora i kreveta. Pronađeni stari video‐snimci otkrivaju kakav je život vodila pre 25 godina kao muškarac. Nemačka Demokratska Republika više ne postoji, ali u ujedinjenoj Nemačkoj ne uspevaju svi da stanu na svoje noge.
NO ONE MISSES ME (2017) Documentary film Director: Erik Lemke Germany (German with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 29 min
Erik Lemke je rođen u Drezdenu 1983. godine. Studirao je doku‐ mentarni film na Državnom uni‐ verzitetu u Sankt Peterburgu. Trenutno radi na svom prvom dugometražnom dokumentarcu „Berlin Excelsior“. Erik Lemke was born in Dresden in 1983. Studied documentary film making at St. Petersburg State University of Cinema and Television. Currently working on his first feature length documen‐ tary movie „Berlin Excelsior“ (production Rommel Film).
Since Evelin’s amputation of both legs, friends abandoned her. She is stuck in her apartment for years now, moving only bet‐ ween the kitchen, computer, TV and bed. Discovered old video‐ tapes show her previous life as a man 25 years ago: the GDR no longer exists, but not everyone manages to gain a foothold in the unified Germany.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Utorak, 12. decembar 2017. KARNI HANEMAN Karni Hamenam je rođena 1985. godine u Izraelu gde je i završila srednju filmsku školu i fakultet na kome je specijalizovala režiju i pi‐ sanje scenarija. Nakon što je 2012. godine u Velikoj Britaniji stekla di‐ plomu na Londonskoj akademiji za muziku i dramsku umetnost vraća se u Izrael gde, inspirisana sopstvenim iskustvom, piše sce‐ nario, a zatim i režira igrani film “Fuck You Jessica Blair”.
JEBI SE DŽESIKA BLER (2017) Igrani film Režija: Karni Haneman Uloge: Jessy Danner, Guy German, Karni Haneman Izrael (Hebrejski i engleski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 80 min. Karni se oseća izdvojeno. Izdvojeno od sveta, njene zemlje, jezika, čak i od svog tela. Sve dok ne sretne Jessicu Blair kojoj je potre‐ ban odmor od bajkovitog američkog sna. Dok se neobavezno tu‐ maraju nigdinom slučajno upoznaju dva konfuzna Izraleca i ova četvoročlana grupa luzera zajedno pokušava da se probije kroz pitanja o životu, sazrevanju, žvakaćim gumama i sebi samima.
FUCK YOU JESSICA BLAIT (2017) Feature film Director: Karni Haneman Cast: Jessy Danner, Guy German, Karni Haneman Israel (Hebrew and English with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 80 min Karni feels detached. Detached from the world, detached from her country, detached from her language and even her own body. That is, until she meets Jessica, who happens to be on a much needed break from her dreamlike American life. While getting lost in the middle of nowhere, the pair meet two bewil‐ dered Israelis, and this band of misfits wander their way through questions of life, age, chewing gum, and themselves.
Karni Haneman majored as a Video Editor. She went on to get her B.F.A in Film‐Making from Tel‐Aviv University in Israel, where she majored as a Director and Screenwriter. In 2012, Karni moved to London and got a di‐ ploma from the London Aca‐ demy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA), after graduating the Single Semester Classical Acting Course. She then came back to Israel to write and direct her first independent feature film, “Fuck You Jessica Blair”, which was in‐ spired by this experience.
Utorak, 12. decembar 2017. DOME KARUKOSKI
TOM OD FINSKE (2017) Biografski film Režija: Dome Karukoski Uloge: Jakob Oftebro, Werner Daehn, Lauri Tilkanen Finska (Finski i engleski sa engleskim i srpskim titlovima) Trajanje: 116 min. Touko Laaksonen uočava kako u mirnodopskom Helsinkiju buja progon homoseksualaca, kao i pritisak na gej muškarce da se ožene i imaju decu. Touko pronalazi utočište u svojoj slobodnoj umetnosti usavršavajući se u homoerotskim ilustracijama nagih muškaraca nesputanih nagona. Njegov rad poznat po čuvenom potpisu „Tom of Finland“ postao je simbol jedne generacije ho‐ moseksualaca i podstakao plamen gej revolucije.
Dome Karukoski je rođen na Kipru. Majka mu je bila finska novinarka, a otac američki glu‐ mac i pesnik. Porodica se prese‐ lila u Finsku kada je Karukoskom bilo svega pet godina. Smatra se jednim od najuspešnijih filmskih režisera u Finskoj sa preko tride‐ set festivalskih priznanja i šest igranih filmova koji su postali blokbasteri u domovini, dok su u inostranstvu su zadobili veliku pažnju filmske publike. One of Finland’s most highly acc‐ laimed directors, Dome Karuko‐ ski has been named one of “Variety’s” top 10 Directors to Watch. His features include BEAUTY AND THE BASTARD, HOME OF THE DARK BUTTERF‐ LIES, FORBIDDEN FRUIT, LA‐ PLAND ODYSSEY, HEART OF A LION and THE GRUMP, the latter three of which had their premie‐ res at Toronto IFF. His latest film Tom of Finland was selected as part of the 2017 edition of Tri‐ beca FF and Helsinki IFF.
Biopic Director: Dome Karukoski Cast: Jakob Oftebro, Werner Daehn, Lauri Tilkanen Finland (Finnish and English with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 116 min Touko Laaksonen finds peace‐time Helsinki rampant with per‐ secution of the homosexual men around him, even being pres‐ sured to marry women and have children. Touko finds refuge in his liberating art, specializing in homoerotic drawings of mu‐ scular men, free of inhibitions. His work – made famous by his signature ‘Tom of Finland’ – became the emblem of a genera‐ tion of men and fanned the flames of a gay revolution. International queer film festival
Sreda 13. decembar 2017. 17:00 Ako se usudiš da čezneš Zemlje izgubljenog sadržaja 19:00 Divne dive 21:00 Grejs Džons
Wednesday December 13, 2017 17:00 If you dare desire Lands of lost Content 19:00 Divine DIvas 21:00 Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami
Merlinka festival 2017.
Sreda, 13. decembar 2017. DEBALINA MAJUMDER
AKO SE USUDIŠ DA ČEZNEŠ (2017) Drama Režija: Debalina Majumder Uloge: Manisha Adak, Manisha Bilkish, Farha Khatun | Indija (Bengali sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 52 min. Ovo je priča o Swapni i Shucheti iz malog indijskog sela koje su se zaljubile jedna u drugu i odlučile da izvrše samoubistvo. Na osnovu istinite priče o ovom slučaju iz 2011. snimljen je drugačiji kraj njihove romanse u kome njih dve putuju u nepoznato, dr‐ žeći se zajedno i lažući kako bi se zaštitile. Ovo je predivna priča o njihovoj ljubavi u svetu koji ne želi da ih vidi ili prihvati.
IF YOU DARE DESIRE (2017) Drama Director: Debalina Majumder Cast: Manisha Adak, Manisha Bilkish, Farha Khatun | India (Bengali with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 52 min This is the story of Swapna and Shucheta, two young women from a small village in India who fell in love and took their own lives. Originating in the true story of their suicide in 2011, we see an alternative as we follow them on their journey away from home and into the unknown, keeping each other close and lying to protect themselves.
Debalina Majumder je režiserka i kamermanka. Studirala je knji‐ ževnost. Snima dokumentarne i kratke filmove, putopisne repor‐ taže, spotove, kao i komercijalne i eksperimentalne filmove. Pose‐ bno je zainteresovana za pitanja životne okoline, roda i seksual‐ nosti. Dopisnik je nekih časopisa i novina. Debalina Majumder is a filmma‐ ker and cameraperson. She stu‐ died Comparative Literature at Jadavpur University. Debalina has worked on feature length documentary films, short films, travelogues, music videos, cor‐ porate films, telefilms and expe‐ rimental films. She is passionate about environmental issues, gender, sexuality and occasiona‐ lly writes for newspapers and magazines.
Sreda, 13. decembar 2017.
ZEMLJE IZGUBLJENOG SADRŽAJA (2017) Dokumentarni film Režija: Elena Horn Ruanda, Srbija, Velika Britanija (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 45 min. Ovo je dokumentarac o pravoslavnom gej studentu Niku iz Srbije koji se upoznaje sa baletanom koji je preživeo genocid u Ruandi. Ishimwa Muhimanyi se posle mnogo godina vraća u Ruandu da bi, suočavajući se sa fragmentima svojih sećanja, u razgovorima sa preživelim članovima svoje porodice istražio uticaj religije na genocid. Nik putuje u Srbiju gde želi da svojoj porodici otkrije svoju homoseksualnost suočavajući se sa brojnim preprekama na tom putu.
LANDS OF LOST CONTENT (2017) Documentary Director: Elena Horn Rwanda, Serbia, United Kingdom (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 45 min
Elena Horn je filmski stvaralac koja koristi jezik baleta kako bi u sintezi sa jezikom filma ispričala određenu priču. Njeni filmovi se mahom bave kulturom sećanja na genocide širom sveta. Trenu‐ tno u Engleskoj i Nemačkoj radi kao režiser na Spiegel TV i RTL‐u. Elena Horn is a filmmaker who merges story telling devices from the world of ballet with docu‐ mentary. Her films deal predomi‐ nantly with the culture of remembering the genocides across the world. She now works as a director in London and Ger‐ many for the documentary chan‐ nel Spiegel TV and RTL.
Lands of lost content is a documentary about a gay Orthodox Christian student called Nik Jovic Sas from Serbia who meets a genocide survivor and ballet dancer from Rwanda. Ishimwa Mu‐ himanyi returns to Rwanda after many years to meet his remai‐ ning family exploring the role of religion in the genocide and facing memories that only return in fragments, while Nik travels to Serbia wanting to reveal his homosexuality to his family, fa‐ cing numerous challenges on the way. International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Sreda, 13. decembar 2017. LEANDRA LEAL
DIVNE DIVE (2016) Dokumentarni film Režija: Leandra Leal Brazil (Portugalski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 110 min. Ovo je priča o prvoj generaciji brazilskih zabavljača transvestita i drag umetnika koji su šezdesetih godina prošlog na vrhuncu vojne diktature hrabro kritikovali strogi moral i stvarali polaznu tačku u borbi za ljudska prava i individualne slobode u nekada‐ šnjem, ali i savremenom Brazilu.
DIVINE DIVAS (2016) Documentary Director: Leandra Leal Brazil (Portuguese with English and Serbian subtitles) Duration: 110 min Divine Divas documents the legendary first generation of Bra‐ zilian transvestite performers and drag artists of the 1960’s, who bravely challenged rigid morals at the height of a military dictatorship, and created a defining moment in the struggle for human rights and individual freedom in the Brazil of yesterday and today.
Leandra Leal je međunarodno priznata i nagrađivana brazilska glumica koja je tumačila uloge u više od dvadeset i pet igranih fil‐ mova, dvanaest serija i šest po‐ zorišnih komada. Glumačku karijeru započela je sa trinaest godina kada je za ulogu u filmu “The Oyster and the Wind” osvo‐ jila nagradu za najbolju glumicu na filmskom festival u Parizu. “Divine Divas” je njen režiserski debi. Leandra Leal is an internationally acclaimed and award winning Brazilian actress who has acted in more than 25 feature films, 12 soap operas and six theatre plays. She started her acting ca‐ reer at the age of thirteen when she starred Walter Lima Jr. ’s 1997 film “The Oyster and the Wind” , for which she won the Best Actress award at the Biarritz Festival in France. DIVINE DIVAS is her feature directorial debut.
Sreda, 13. decembar 2017. SOPHIE FIENNES
GREJS DŽONS (2017) Dokumentarni film Režija: Sophie Fiennes SAD, Velika Britanija, Irska (Engleski sa srpskim titlom) Trajanje: 115 min. „Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami“ predstavlja uzbudljivo pu‐ tovanje kroz nastupe, javni i privatni život pop ikone Grace Jones. Njena smela estetika odzvanja kroz čitav film tokom kojeg režiserka Sophie Fiennes stvara snažno filmsko iskustvo naizme‐ ničnim smenjivanjem muzičkih sekvenci i intimnih privatnih sni‐ maka koji nam otkrivaju lice koje se krije iza maske ikone.
Sophie Fiennes je režiserka koja je u radu na dokumentarcima „The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema“ (2006), and „The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology“ (2012) sarađivala sa Slavojem Žižekom, zatim je prika‐ zala nemačkog umetnika An‐ selma Keifera u filmu „Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow“ (2010) da bi u svom poslednjem filmu „Grace Jones; Bloodlight and Bami“ (2017) osvetlila život sla‐ vne pop ikone i pevačice Grace Jones. Sophie Fiennes is a film director whose feature documentaries for theatrical exhibition include her collaborations with the Slo‐ venian philosopher Slavoj Zizek, The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema (2006), and The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology (2012), her portrait of German artist Anselm Keifer, Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow (2010), and her most recent film Grace Jones; Bloodlight and Bami (2017), an observational odyssey into the world of the iconic singer and performer.
Documentary film Director: Sophie Fiennes USA, UK, Ireland (English with Serbian subtitles) Duration: 115 min Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami is an electrifying journey through the performance, private and public worlds of pop cul‐ tural icon Grace Jones. Jones’ bold aesthetic echoes throughout the film as director Sophie Fiennes creates a powerful cinematic experience, contrasting musical sequences with intimate per‐ sonal footage and reaching beyond the iconic mask.
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Godišnja Nagrada za najbolji Queer Film
Merlinka festival i ove godine dodeljuje godišnje nagrade za najbolji igrani film i najbolji dokumen‐ tarni film queer tematike koji su prikazani na filmskim festivalima u Srbiji tokom 2017. godine. Žiri za dodelu Godišnje nagrade za najbolji queer film čine:
Dragan Jovićević Urednik rubrike Kultura u nedeljeniku NIN
Đorđe Bajić Književnik i filmski kritičar
Zoran Janković Filmski kritičar
Annual Award for the best queer film 84
Lazara Marinković Novinarka
Dunja Nešović Studentkinja Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti
Nominovani igrani filmovi:
Voćnjak kajsija - Merlinka festival Apricot Groves, Jermenija, režija: Pouria Heidary Oureh
(M)učenik - FEST The Student, Rusija, režija: Kirill Serebrennikov
120 otkucaja u minuti - Merlinka festival 120 beats per minute, Francuska, režija: Robin Campillo
Goran - FEST Goran, Hrvatska, režija: Nevio Marasović Mesečina - FEST Moonlight, SAD, režija: Barry Jenkins Sluškinja - FEST The Handmaiden, Južna Koreja, režija: Park Chan-Wook To je samo kraj sveta - FEST It’s only the end of the world, Kanada, Francuska, režija: Xavier Dolan Plesačica - FEST The Dancer, Francuska, režija: Stéphanie Di Giusto Odabrane žene - FEST Cartain Women, SAD, režija: Kelly Reichardt Ne igraj se sa đavolom - FEST Play the Devil, Trinidad i Tobago, režija: Maria Govan Hartston - FEST Heartstone, Danska, Island, režija: Gudmundur Arnar Gudmundsson Vojnici. Priča iz Ferentarija - FAF Soliders. Story from Ferentari, Rumunija, Srbija, Belgija, režija: Ivana Mladenović Tamara - Slobodna zona Tamara, Venecuela, Urugvaj, Peru, režija: Elia K. Schneider
Jebi se Džesika Bler - Merlinka festival Fuck you Jessica Blair, Izrael, režija: Karni Haneman Tom od Finske - Merlinka festival Tom of Finland, Finska, režija: Dome Karukoski
Nominovani dokumentarni filmovi: Čavela - Slobodna zona Chavela, SAD, režija: Catherine Gund, Daresha Kyi Mister gej Sirija - Slobodna zona Mr Gay Syria, Turska, Francuska, Nemačka, režija: Ayse Toprak Kiki - Beldocs Kiki, Švedska, SAD, režija: Sara Jordenö Helmut Berger, glumac - Beldocs Helmut Berger, Actor, Austrija, režija: Andreas Horvath Nije ti život pjesma Havaja - Beldocs Family meals, Hrvatska, režija: Dana Budisavjević Kvirkor: Kako pankovati revoluciju - Merlinka festival Queercore: How to Punk a Revolution, Nemačka, SAD, režija: Yony Leyser
Sumrak - Merlinka festival Rift, Island, režija: Erlingur Thoroddsen
Rasprava oko kostiju - Merlinka festival Bones of Contention, Španija, režija: Andrea Weiss
Mizandristkinje - Merlinka festival The Misandrists, Nemačka, režija: Bruce LaBruce
Divne dive - Merlinka festival Divine divas, Brazil, režija: Leandra Leal
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Indeks filmova po zemlji produkcije Argentina 25 Zeca
Grčka 47 Mama, vratila sam se
Austija 57 Nisa 65 Ukus ljubavi
Holandija 68 Ako kažem da jesam, onda jesam 70 Iznad duge 69 Kas 72 Kraljica Amsterdama 35 Moje parče sreće 50 Ožiljci 71 Prep i ja
Australija 52 Samo jedno veče Belgija 34 Kalamiti 50 Ožiljci 22 Tristan Brazil 48 Balerina 82 Divne dive 26 Lutka 42 Ti 62 Vanila Češka 63 Nevaljala Amelija Džejn 55 Približavanje Finska 40 Dvojica 77 Tom od Finske Francuska 14 120 otkucaja u minuti 30 Ama 38 Nije K.O. 61 Od glave do pete 29 Šudo
Hrvatska 06 Lavina Indija 80 Ako se usudiš da čezneš 63 Nevaljala Amelija Džejn 28 Riblji kari Iran 59 Neprihvatljivo 60 Unutar duge Irska 83 Grejs Džons 21 Lili Island 08 Sumrak Italija 36 Čekajući 54 Mau i Đio 23 Tako blizu, a tako daleko 64 Životinjsko carstvo
Izrael 76 Jebi se, Džesika Bler Jermenija 12 Voćnjak kajsija Kanada 10 Mizandristkinje Luksemburg 18 Odbacivanje Meksiko 24 Hulijino mesto Nemačka 09 Kvirkor: Kako pnakovati revoluciju 10 Mizandristkinje 75 Nikome ne nedostajem 18 Odbacivanje 66 Srećna, srećna beba Portugal 33 Rastanak
Španija 31 Bazen 44 Dokaz 39 Mai 13 Rasprava oko kostiju Srbija 56 Slutnja anđela 58 Želim da ti kažem 81 Zemlje izgubljenog sadržaja Švedska 45 Opstanak Velika Britanija 46 Deniz 83 Grejs Džons 17 Kai, 12 19 Klizalište 27 Podnošljiv 51 Šaputanje na jastuku 32 Sestra 37 Suton 81 Zemlje izgubljenog sadržaja
Ruanda 81 Zemlje izgubljenog sadržaja SAD 16 Džimov uvod u rodne identitete 41 Floker 83 Grejs Džons 49 Hunito 09 Kvirkor: Kako pnakovati revoluciju 43 Lutkine oči 74 Tori Pajns 53 Uzmi život Slovenija 20 Uporni duh
International queer film festival
Merlinka festival 2017.
Indeks filmova po temama 14 68 31 40 41 49 69 43 54 61 50 27 71 33 28 52 56 66 29 08 23 42 77 22 62 58 81 64
G 120 otkucaja u minuti Ako kažem da jesam, onda jesam Bazen Dvojica Floker Hunito Kas Lutkine oči Mau i Đio Od glave do pete Ožiljci Podnošljiv Prep i ja Rastanak Riblji kari Samo jedno veče Slutnja anđela Srećna, srećna beba Šudo Sumrak Tako blizu, a tako daleko Ti Tom od Finske Tristan Vanila Želim da ti kažem Zemlje izgubljenog sadržaja Životinjsko carstvo
83 72 09 06 26 13 25 20
Q Grejs Džons Kraljica Amsterdama Kvirkor: Kako pnakovati revoluciju Lavina Lutka Rasprava oko kostiju Zeca Uporni duh
80 30 36 24 70 76 21 39 10 35 63 38 57 45 51 65 60
L Ako se usudiš da čezneš Ama Čekajuči Hulijino mesto Iznad duge Jebi se, Džesika Bler Lili Mai Mizandristkinje Moje parče sreće Nevaljala Amelija Džejn Nije K.O. Nisa Opstanak Šaputanje na jastuku Ukus ljubavi Unutar duge
48 46 82 44 16 17 34 19 47 59 38 18 55 32 37 74 53 12
T* Balerina Deniz Divne dive Dokaz Džimov uvod u rodne identitete Kai, 12 Kalamiti Klizalište Mama, vratila sam se Neprihvatljivo Nikome ne nedostajem Odbacivanje Približavanje Sestra Suton Tori Pajns Uzmi život Voćnjak kajsija