Premier Bride Chattanooga Magazine 2010

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General Woods Inn

Residence Inn & Conference Center by Marriott

Bamber Photography

GiGi’s Cupcakes


Hunter Museum of American Art

Slender Wrap

Imago Photography

Sound Force

JMI Bridal Shows

Sweet Promises LLC


Tennessee Aquarium

Lookout Lake Bed & Breakfast

The Cake Boutique

Loose Cannon Gallery

The Chattanoogan

Lori Line Photography

The Cottage

Lovebirds Stationery

The Dance Floor

Mary Kay

The Gallery

Meggie Velasco Photography

The Mill


The Pink Book

Motion Picture Co.

The White Table

TP Events


Walnut Hill Farm

Personal Style

Weddings by Robin

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Whitestone Country Inn

Premier Bride Magazine

Wilkerson Photography

Sheraton Read House Hotel

billyATWELL Photography Blissful Moments Blue Ivy Flowers Boutique Couture Carol Clift Photography Castleton Farms Charis Photography Chattanooga Marriott Cleveland Country Club Cup a Dee Cakes Dancing Bear Lodge Divine Designs Dotson Studios Eaves Formalwear Ever After Bridal & Formal Wear First Things First Four Bridges Catering/Food Works

Chattanooga FROM THE PUBLISHER Dear Bride & Groom Congratulations on your engagement. This is one of the most exciting times in your life, and our wish for you is to enjoy every moment. Planning a wedding is not an easy task. With time, budget, and family pulling you in every direction it is hard to stay focused. Adding to this pressure, it’s probably the first time you have planned an event of this scale. Getting married involves a lot more than just your wedding day – it is a wedding experience! Planning your wedding will take a lot of time from picking out your wedding gown, meeting with wedding professionals, selecting the reception location, choosing the music, flowers and cake and so on. You should enjoy each other and this time of celebration. Premier Bride Magazine is here to help you with all your planning needs. Read the articles, get advice, and find ideas. You can find more helpful information, worksheets and the rest of the articles from this magazine online at Planning your wedding is probably something you have thought about many times, and now it is your turn. Use Premier Bride Magazine to locate dedicated and talented wedding professionals who truly want to help you with your wedding plans. As you will quickly learn there are lots of options. You should consider enlisting the services of a professional wedding planner. At the very least, consider hiring a day-of planner, to help coordinate the many details of the wedding day. How can a wedding planner help you? They are familiar with the wedding professionals in the market, they have worked at many of the reception facilities and directed in many of the local churches. This knowledge is part of what you need to help plan your wedding and to make the right decisions. Your engagement and wedding will be one of the most exciting times in your life. With all the time and money involved with your wedding, a professional wedding planner can guide you through the decisions and details with grace and ease. And with all this planning and expectations for your wedding day, having someone else to make sure it runs smoothly will help you enjoy the day stress free. As you make contact with the wedding professional listed throughout this magazine make sure you mention that you saw them in Premier Bride Magazine. If you have suggestions or ideas for future issues please let me know. My goal is that through this magazine your wedding experience will be the best! Enjoy many happy years together.

Published by Jacob Marketing Inc. P.O. Box 31568 Knoxville, TN 37930 865.531.3941 President Fred Jacob | Vice President Allison Jacob Contracts Manager Donna Jacob Production Manager Karen Tobias Design Team Sara Hoeing ©2010 KAI Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner without written permission of KAI Publishing LLC is strictly prohibited. Some images created by Ross Whitaker are reprinted with permission from Harper Collins, 1997 The Perfect Wedding. All articles are property of Jacob Marketing, Inc. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission from Jacob Marketing, Inc is strictly prohibited. Photographs used in Premier Bride are provided and copyrighted by their respective owners and may not be reproduced without the owner’s permission. Jacob Marketing, Inc., dba Premier Bride, is not responsible for any errors, misprints, misquotes, or omissions. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents Special online section Wedding Planners Gowns Beauty Invitations Flowers Cakes Catering Reception Venue Guide Photography Dance Lessons Music Grooms Rentals Registry Wedding Connections

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Making the Photographer John Bamber Photography

Salon Head Quarters Beauty Salon/ Jessica Mundy

Florist Divine Designs by Amanda/ Floral Designer Amanda Williams

Gown provided by Ever After Bridal and Formal Wear

Location Walnut Hill Farms, Dalton, GA

Model Lauren Ledford

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ngrs Wpledandine for your sanity

Recently married brides were asked, “If you had to do it again, what would you do differently?” Some of their answers were; Plan more, delegate more, ask more questions, get written contracts, and simply enjoy the day more. Yes, your wedding day is a big day in your life and in many ways it will be the largest gathering you will ever plan. So you can imagine there will be lots of decisions. While you may be very good with details, and you may have all the plans made in advance, there will be some glitches on your day— guaranteed—and they may have the potential to get you very upset and affect the celebration. Your friends have told you stories about when they got married and how much planning it took. Believe their stories; they are all true! We recommend you purchase a wedding organizer, like The Pink Book, to help you stay organized. It is devoted to making your planning processes a bit easier. The big overview for your wedding looks like this: becoming engaged, setting the date, choosing the ceremony location, booking the reception location, and planning the honeymoon. And of course selecting: your dress, bridesmaid dresses, flower girl dress, your florist, your photographer, and on and on. As you consider all that needs to happen before your wedding day and on your wedding day, you may want to consider hiring a professional wedding consultant/coordinator to assist you. The wedding consultant will help create a stress-free wedding experience that you will remember the rest of your life. Not to mention that you and the groom are already very busy — adding to your life the total planning of your wedding can be overwhelming. As you will have hundreds of choices and decisions to make, having someone on the outside to help can give you a perspective that no one else will have. A wedding professional has worked with the wedding vendors and understands what they do, what they deliver and how much they charge. After consulting with you, the consultant can hand pick the right candidates to be interviewed for each of your needs and help guide you to a wonderful wedding.

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wedding planners | 26

I said “Yes!”

Now what? That’s THE question most brides ask themselves once they get over the initial shock of “I can’t believe I’m engaged,” and family and friends begin to ask “So, when’s the date?” Enjoy your engagement and have some fun.

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[ The Cottage \ photo by M. Brown Photography

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For the Bride, everything you n everything you need plan your specia to plan your special day. Our charmi Our charming atmosphere wi atmosphere will you a give you a place to place to h have an enjoyable enjoyable experi experience as you you search fo search for the perfect vendors to make perfect vendors t your wedding the your best it can be. wedding th So stop by, sit in a can be. comfortable chair, So stop by sit sip a drink, glance through magazines, comfortable cha and see what our drink, glance th vendors have to offer. magazines, an The Cottagewhat is hereour vendor to provide answers to questions, find to offer. vendors thatThe match Cottage is h your style and provide answe budget, and ensure you get the questions, help you find v need.

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Dane & Julia Bradshaw


Kevin & Rebecca Hunley



Photography By Meggie Velasco Photography

Richard & Akiko BurchFIeld


Kumar & Tina Asnani


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Partial funding for this project was provided by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant: 90FE0031. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations Partial funding for this project was provided by the United States Department of expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant: reflect the views of the United States Department of Health and Human 90FE0031. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations Services, Administration for Children and Families. expressed thisthis material those of theby author(s) andStates do notDepartment necessarily of Partial fundingin for projectare was provided the United reflect views Services, of the United States Department of Health and Human Health andtheHuman Administration for Children and Families, Grant: Services, Administration for Children and Families. 90FE0031. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.



elizabeth warren gabriel weaver October 3, 2009

Photographed by Motion Picture Co.

Photographed by Motion Picture Co. Caterer Alleia • Florist Linda Pettit • Cake The Cake Gallery • Bridal Shop Monica’s Bridal • Ceremony Location Lookout Mountain • Reception Location Rock Creek Fellowship • Reception Music Platinum Groove

Q: How did he propose?

Q: Why did you choose your photographer?

Gabe picked me up from work, brought me home, sat me down. I could see champagne and candles around. I thought, “this is either going to be really good, or really bad”.... it was REALLY GOOD. He read me Proverbs 31, and started talking to me about the rest of life, and much more that I dont remember, and then he asked, “ Libby, will you marry me?” while down on one knee. I was so shocked and surprised and happy, I immediately said, “ Did you ask my dad??” Gabe said, yes, and I then very excitedly, said “ YES! yes of course!”

We were so blessed to be able to have Motion Picture Co. I completely fell in love with their photos, and prayed that they would have our date free! Their pictures tell the story of the day, they capture the details, the essence of the day.

Q: What was the most anticipated moment of your wedding day? Libby: My most anticipated moment was waiting to see him at the end of the aisle. I could barely wait all day long to see him, his face, how he looked in his clothes, for my eyes to meet his as I started walking down the aisle towards him. Gabe: I couldn’t wait for her to walk down the aisle. I couldn’t wait to see her dress, and her smile and her dad giving her to me.

Q: How did you choose your colors? My wedding was outside on the family property, in a field, with blue skies, and green trees all around... beautiful natural settings. I chose brown and yellow. The bridesmaids wore Jcrew brown dresses, and held long stemmed sunflowers tied with twine. The yellow and brown tied in with the natural settings.

Q: What was your favorite wedding moment? Libby: Hands down, hearing Gabe say, “I do.” Gabe: Definitely walking out the doors and out the aisle of sparklers, seeing “Just Married” painted on the car, putting my WIFE in the car and driving off with her.


Of all the plans, preparations and purchases that you’ll make for the wedding celebration, nothing will more dramatically affect how you look and feel on your special day than your dress. Many brides find the purchase of their wedding gown to be an emotional experience, so it is essential to find someone you trust completely to assist you with this important selection. Gown styles have come along way ranging from beaded extravagance to tailored suits. When selecting your gown, consider the activities of the day and choose a style that is well suited. Comfort and convenience will allow you to enjoy your wedding day to its fullest. For example, a princess dress may look beautiful in the salon, but might not serve the purpose for a beach wedding. The professionals at your bridal salon will be able to help you decide on the style and fabric that best suits your needs, but remember, the determining factor is what makes you feel comfortable – and beautiful.


Unlike other fashion retailers, bridal salons require a more formal approach to shopping. You’ll want to schedule an appointment with the salon of your choice to ensure that a dressing room and personal consultant will be available to help you try on gowns. An experienced bridal fashion consultant will be invaluable in helping you select styles that flatter your best features.


Be prepared to tell your consultant the important details of your ceremony: whether the wedding is formal or informal, traditional or modern, afternoon or evening, and the time of year. This information will give your consultant a starting point and enable her to suggest appropriate styles. Also be prepared to discuss your budget, as it will save time and frustration for both you and your consultant. The more information you give your bridal consultants, the better able they will be in assisting you in your decision. Bridal salons usually offer a wide selection of gown styles; however, they are often all in only one size. Limiting the number of dresses to one size per style allows them to carry a larger range of choices for brides-to-be. Because the salon has one gown from each style, they must take special care to keep the dress in good condition. To minimize damage from wear and tear, salon consultants always assist brides in trying on dresses. After selecting several styles you will be taken to your private dressing room. These rooms are normally large enough to fit you, a guest, and the consultant. A seamstress may be present as well to help fit the sample-sized gown to your measurements. Most salons will suggest that brides invite no more than one or two people when selecting their gown. The more people you invite, the more opinions there are to consider, creating inevitable frustration for yourself. On the other hand, the dress that you loved on the rack may not be the perfect style to flatter your figure and the honest appraisal of a good friend and the bridal consultant can keep you from making the wrong gown selection.

To continue this article click here


While it is only natural to want the best price possible, keep in mind that the gown cost not only


Bridal & Formal Wear



The Look to complete life’s cherished moments!

1269 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402 423.648.5246

North Shore 423.752.0072

Rachel & Jordan Metzger


Brooke & Tony Williams



Photography By Imago Photography

Alison Creel & Blake Harris


Susan Pressley & Joseph Koehler



Photography By Wilkerson Photography


natalia sousa derek long

December 20, 2008

Photographed by Charis Photography

Q: Why did you choose the facility you chose for your reception? I grew up watching my dad build railroad models as a hobby. He is so passionate about it that I learned to appreciate history. We chose the Chattanooga Choo Choo as our venue because we felt it combined the classic and the modern.

Q: What were you thinking as you walked down the aisle? I could not stop thinking how lucky I was to be marrying Derek. He had tears in his eyes and my smile could not get bigger.

Q: How did you choose your colors? We had planned our wedding for a week before Christmas, so we knew whichever location we chose would come fully dressed with Christmas trees and red bows. As a result, we chose gold and white in order to create harmony with all the seasonal arrangements.

Q: Where did you go on your honeymoon? We went to Brazil. There, we visited Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. It was so nice to leave Atlanta with the snow and get there on a 100 degree weather. The beaches were beautiful and it was also nice to get back with an awesome tan!

Q: Why did you choose your photographer? We went on a big online search, and after looking at several photographers in and out of our area we chose the one that not only was attentive to our needs but also that had the best quality of work. Keith and Nema were so responsive to all of our questions; we knew we had found what we were looking for. During our sessions and wedding they were key to making us comfortable and I’m sure we’ve had such great success with our picture greatly because of this! Photographed by Charis Photography Wedding Planner Day Planner – Divine Designs • Florist Divine Designs • Cake Robin’s Creative Cakes and Candy Invitations The American Wedding • Bridal Shop Bride Beautiful Music Dave Whittle • Rentals White Table • Location & Caterer The Chattanooga Choo Choo

Lauren & Andrew Jones


Laura & Daniel Pickett



Photography By Bamber Photography

Sara & Bryan Gonzer


Janell & Tristan Cunio


Anna & Jonathan Gray


Blaire & Wade Koehl



Photography By Bamber Photography

Yousef & Jessica Hamadeh


Mandy & Matt Hadden


Beauty get the look BRING ON THE PROS

There are many benefits of hiring a professional makeup artist and hair stylist for your wedding. From the convenience of on-location service to the reassurance that you and all your bridal attendants will look the very best, enlisting the help of a makeup and hair stylist is one simple way to shorten the list of wedding-day worries. A true makeup artist will know trade secrets not only for fashioning a longer-lasting look, but also for accentuating your finer features. The end result is a picture-perfect bride. As for your hair, ever had a bad hair day? A hair stylist can help diminish your worries. An initial consultation with the stylist is generally recommended -- one to two months prior to the wedding. This gives the stylist an opportunity to discern what you’re envisioning and to create a look that complements your facial features, headpiece and veil. Bring a Polaroid camera, and take photos from several angles to assist the stylist in recreating a look you love for your special occasion.

DO-IT-YOURSELF TIPS If you don’t feel comfortable with someone else creating your wedding day look, use these tips to assure your hair and makeup last throughout your special day. You’re going to be kissing a lot, so choose a long-lasting lipstick. For precise lipstick application, use a lip liner, matching or only slightly darker than your lipstick, to outline the lips. Do not use a lipstick that contrasts too much; the effect tends to be unflattering. As an alternative use natural shades you feel comfortable wearing. A tip for longer lasting lipstick: once the liner and color have been applied, pull apart a two-ply tissue and place one layer over your lips. With a soft, fluffy makeup brush dust over the tissue with face powder. This helps set your lipstick for extended wear. If you want a shinny look, finish off with a gloss. When it comes to eyes, practice makes perfect, so start early. Try the following tips to create eyes with impact. If you’re using eyeliner, be sure to gently smudge it for a softer more refined look. Gently dust face powder over the applied liner to set the color for longer lasting, smear-resistant wear. Use an eyelash curler if needed and several applications of non-clumping mascara, remember to allow your lashes to dry between each application. When choosing waterproof mascara, look for a non-drying formula, as waterproofs tend to dry out lashes. Also be sure to gently separate eyelashes between each application.

To continue this article click here

Imagine your world awash with color – rich, gorgeous shades that’ll make you look twice. I’m talking sheer mineral makeup that glides on and stays on. And fearless looks that are ready to wear anywhere. Ask me about ideas that’ll awaken your inner makeup artist!

Karen Bandel and Karmen Sutton ph:423-544-1025 ph:423-619-5873

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stephanie sullivan brett phillips March 28, 2009

Photographed by Amy Leigh Photography

Photographed by Amy Leigh Photography Reception Location and Caterer Doubletree Hotel • Florist Blue Ivy Flowers • Cake Sweet Promises Invitations Southside Creative/LoveKacie • Bridal Shop David’s Bridal • Ceremony Location Patten Chapel Videographer Dennis Briggs, Family Friend • Ceremony Music Jeff Martin, Family Friend • Reception Music Jan Rodriguez, Family Friend • Rentals Showtime

Q: What was the most anticipated moment of your

Q: Tell us about “the” dress. Who was with you when

wedding day?

you found it?

I was most anxious about if my father was OK. He and I are very close and I had worried my whole life about his emotions on my wedding day! He made it through it, though—teary-eyed, all the while.

My Mother and I went to David’s Bridal and the search was on! My mom, frugal as she is, found it on the sale rack. It was the first dress I tried on and I loved it.

Q: Did you do any DIY projects?

Q: How did you choose your colors?

My mom made the runners for our tables, my friend Kacie (LoveKacie/Southside Creative Group) made my invitations and programs and my Mom altered her veil to stay in my hair (she took off an old piece and got it cleaned for me to use 30 years later).

I looked through a lot of magazines and thought a lot about what time of year we were in. I was delighted to use brown tuxes for the guys and green hydrangeas as my flowers, so choosing the terra-cotta color really was more of a complement to the rest of the ‘look’ of the day than the standard.

Q: What were you thinking as you walked down the

Q: What was your favorite moment your photographer


captured and why?

I was ready to in a sense, get it over with. I had planned and worried enough and I was ready to be a Mrs! So I was probably thinking “Faster, Dad!”

I loved how creative they were- our best friends are silly and we got a great group shot that I will probably have framed, maybe in place of the more serious group shot!


rebekah morris

travis ehrich November 7, 2009

Photographed by Dotson Studios

Q: How did he propose? Christmas was right around the corner and we had planned to finish up some Christmas shopping in town. Travis had returned home from work and told me that he made arrangements to stay in town that night and to pack a bag. The hotel we stayed at was the first hotel that we stayed at on the first night I came to visit him. He had also arranged to have dinner at a beautiful (and delicious) restaurant on the West End of town, Zolas. After dinner, he pulled a ring from his pocket and in front of everyone in the restaurant, asked me to marry him. We spent the rest of the evening downtown celebrating!

Q: What flavor was your cake? Our cake was a huge hit at the wedding! It was four layers and three flavors. Our bottom layer and third layer were chocolate with raspberry filling. The second layer was german chocolate with german chocolate filling. And the top layer (the one we kept) was vanilla cake with raspberry filling. It was all red with ivory designs around the first through third layers. The bottom layer was made to look like somewhat of a curtain. It tasted amazing and it was served with chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate dipping sauce.

Q: Why did you choose your photographer? I love pictures. My husband and I refer to me as a “photoa-holic”. The first thing we did after we got engaged is look up a photographer. We were originally planning a wedding in the Chattanooga area, so we started researching and came across Dotson Studios. We really enjoyed the pictures on their website. The different angles and ability to capture the moments that you want to remember is exceptional! What also stood out is that they seemed to take a personal interest in the people they were photographing. Anyone can take a picture; few can turn that picture into art. Dotson Studios took an interest in finding out about Travis and me as well as what kind of pictures we were looking for and our personalities. I cannot imagine going with any other photographers! Photographed by Dotson Studios Caterer and Reception Location The Portofino Bay Hotel Florist Betty J’s Florist • Cake Bake Me A Cake • Invitations • Bridal Shop Brides By Sugar Drop in Brentwood, TN • Ceremony Location First Baptist Church of Orlando • Videographer Pro One Video • Music Marc Burgess Productions • Rentals BBJ Linens for Linens • Tuxes Mens Warehouse • Make Up/Hair Studio Image, LLC • Bridesmaid Dresses David’s Bridal • Rings Jay Bradshaw

North Shore 423.752.0072

North Shore 423.752.0072

North Shore 423.752.0072

Invitations the first impression

The first impression The first impression your guests will have of your wedding is when they open the envelope containing your invitation. They will immediately form an idea of the ceremony to come, so selecting the invitation – the paper, the style, the wording – is an important step in planning your wedding. Experienced stationers are your best advisors on everything from your invitations to your ceremony programs. They’ll provide you with helpful hints on wording, how to determine proper postage and a myriad of other details. Take time to select your invitations. What impression do they give? What do they say about your wedding and you as a couple?

GLOSSARY OF STATIONERY PIECES Invitation: Wedding invitations do much more than request the presence of the addressee. They give guests a taste of what your wedding will be like before they show up. Your invitation not only communicates who, what, when and where, it also tells guests what to wear, if they should come hungry and if
it¹s alright to bring children. Invitations come in many shapes and styles, and it¹s important to choose one that fits the tone of your wedding. When ordering invitations, be sure to add an additional 25% for last-minute invites and keepsakes.

Announcement: For destination weddings or intimate ceremonies, an announcement is used to notify friends and family of the marriage and may invite guests to a reception.

 Save the Date Card: This card is typically sent out six to eight months before the wedding date to alert out-of-town guests of the upcoming event. It includes the date and location with few, if any, other details. Photo save the date magnets are becoming incredibly popular, as they are a great way to bring a personal touch to your stationery.

Response Card: Response cards help you keep track of the number of expected guests for the reception. These cards, included with the invitations, request prompt confirmation or regrets. The response card is also an opportunity for guests to alert you of their menu preference, if there¹s an option. Be sure to include the matching postage-paid return envelope. To save money on postage, ask your stationer about doing a reply postcard. Reception Card: Invitations to a reception following the ceremony are often printed on a small card included with the invitation. If all guests invited to the ceremony are also invited to the reception, your invitation wording can include “reception to follow” in lieu of this card.

Enclosure Cards: This is a card that holds all of the extra information not included in any of the other cards. It may have details about online RSVPs, directions, a map, etc.

 Envelopes: Traditionally, wedding invitations are mailed in an inner and outer envelope set with a tissue. More recently, brides are looking to cut costs on stationery and choose to forgo the inner envelope and tissue for a single envelope. For a formal event, hand-addressing your envelopes is suggested. If you or a calligrapher will be addressing your envelopes, be sure to ask for an additional 10-15% for those inevitable mistakes. For a less formal event, envelope printing or coordinating labels may be used. 

 For a cohesive stationery look, you may also ask your stationer about coordinating thank you cards, place cards, table numbers, programs, menus, wraps/pockets or favors.

To continue this article click here

Katrina Wise & Roy Smith


Morgan Townsend & Jonathan Bratley



Photography By Dotson Studios

Derek & Natalia


John & Summer



Photography By Charis Photography

Bill McCord Photography

Make a statement. Show your personal style with fabulous invitations and stationery! Call the experts:

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Flowers the right bloom FLORAL CREATIONS

Choosing the flowers for your wedding is a complex task that will require extra time and patience on your part. Once you have secured a location for your wedding ceremony and reception, you want to begin your search for a floral designer. Many people today are having short engagements, but if the time allows, you should book your florist nine months to a year in advance. It is important to meet with several florists and compile multiple ideas before making a selection. You should feel for your wedding flowers. He/she is the expert, but you should be completely comfortable sharing your own ideas with your florist. If you do not have this open line of communication with a florist, then choose someone else. This is your wedding, and the flowers will reflect the mood of the occasion from the moment the ceremony begins to the moment the last guest leaves the reception. When you first meet with your florist it is important to take a list and even pictures of your favorite flowers. You will want to ask to see pictures of arrangements your florist has created to give you a sense of how your florist works. It is important to take a list of arrangements you will need for your ceremony and reception including your bridal bouquet, bridesmaid bouquets, boutonnieres, corsages, altar arrangements and centerpieces for the reception. Include flower petals for the flower girl as well as a headpiece for her if you so desire. Please consider grandparents, the soloist, guitarist, pianist, and any special friends who have helped you with your wedding when ordering boutonnieres and corsages. A “throw bouquet” is a must because no bride wants to toss her bouquet to her single friends, so discuss this little detail with your florist. Once you have selected the florist who will meet your needs and desires, your journey to creating the most beautiful floral creations begins. You will look at dozens of varieties of flowers. Your floral options are endless especially when considering the many combinations available to you. This is not a project you will want to take on yourself. Ask your friends who have offered to help you with the wedding for their opinions. Take your bridesmaids to visit your florist and don’t forget to bring along swatches from their dresses to match with flowers. Your mother will perhaps be the best resource for choosing flowers. There isn’t a mom out there who doesn’t know a little something about flowers. More than likely you have been planning your wedding day since you were a little girl. It is supposed to be the most spectacular day of your life. Nothing reflects that level joy and happiness better than beautiful flowers. Together you and your florist will design unforgettable floral creations that reflect your unique style and personality. Your wedding day will be everything you ever wanted and a day in which you will never forget.

To continue this article click here


flower Carnation-pink



Carnation-yellow cheerful



Chrysanthemum-white truth


first love

Chrysanthemum-red sharing


passionate love




Day Lily enthusiasm



Gardenia joy



Hyacinth sincerity


declaration of love

Hydrangea perseverance





Photos courtesy of Melody Hood--Innamorata Photography

(423) 475.6680


Photography By Innamorata Photography

Flowers by Divine Designs by Amanda

flowers Photography By Soli

Flowers by Blue Ivy Flowers

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laura lance robert street

August 22, 2009

Photography by Meggie Velasco Photography


How did you and your husband meet?

We met at Hannah’s in the old city. We danced the night away to what later would become our theme song, “Don’t Stop Believing”.

Q: Tell us about “the” dress. Who was with you when you found it? It was a Mia Solano that was form fitting. It had big pleats with silver appliqué to the mid-thigh and then flared out. I wore a white feather head piece with a cathedral length veil.

Q: Did you do any DIY projects? I made our invitations. I had Amber Housley of Sweet Life Designs out of Nashville design our programs, and we put them together. We made buckets for all of our guests and wedding wands for our grand exit.

Q: How did you choose your colors? I wanted something that was not used a lot. And then one day it came to me, Royal Blue and Fuchsia. They looked great against the ocean!

Q: Why did you choose your photographer? I knew from the moment I saw Meggie Velasco’s photos years ago that I had to have her for my special day. I love how passionate she is about her work and what it means to her client. Her pictures tell stories and I wanted her to tell ours. Our pictures were more amazing than I could have dreamed of. I heart her. Photography by Meggie Velasco Photography Wedding Planner Robyn Bomar of Mix Mingle Glow Caterer Santa Rosa Golf and Beach Club Florist Celestine’s • Cake Bake my Day • Bridal Shop A Joyous Occasion • Ceremony location Santa Rosa Beach, Fl • Reception location Santa Rosa Golf and Beach Club • Ceremony and Reception Music Brian Glandon


CREATING YOUR MASTERPIECE Designing your wedding cake is perhaps the most fun and relaxed task you will encounter when planning your wedding. First, you want to schedule an appointment with a professional pastry chef. This meeting should take place 6-8 months in advance of your wedding date. As with all top professionals in the wedding business, the best ones book up first. When it’s time for your meeting, take with you a list of ideas you want to discuss with the chef. Include pictures you have found in magazines and on the Internet. Prepare a brief description of yourself, because the better the chef knows you, the better he/ she will be able to incorporate your personality into the ultimate creation. Most importantly, take your fiancée. The groom gets excluded from many of the wedding choices such as flowers and obviously the dress. So make it a date! The two of you go together and meet the pastry chef. It will be a fun, light-hearted experience that both of you will remember for a long time.

DON’T BE AFRAID TO BE CREATIVE! When you meet with the pastry chef chances are you will sample many different flavors of wedding cake. However, before you and your fiancée start fighting over chocolate or vanilla, consider a new or even exotic flavor such as amaretto, mocha butter cream, Bavarian cream, white chocolate truffle, almond praline, or even espresso for the coffee lovers. You can be just as creative with the icing. Chantilly cream, white chocolate, cream cheese, rolled fondant, or marzipan, are just a few examples. And who says the icing has to be white? Many brides are incorporating their color scheme into the color of their wedding cake. For example, the entire cake is a pastel pink with darker pink roses for a bride who is using a pink theme. This technique works just as well with darker colors. If your wedding is in January and your color is blue, you may choose a dark blue wedding cake decorated with white snowflakes. A February wedding cake may be red and decorated with fresh pink roses. The choices are endless! Fresh flowers are becoming very popular decorations as well as fresh fruit. You will need to put your pastry chef in touch with your florist if you choose fresh flowers. You will also need to check with the florist and see if the flowers you wish to use will be in season for your wedding date. Once you have reviewed all of the options for designing your dream wedding cake, what happens when you choose a favorite flavor and your fiancée chooses another? That’s easy. For a multi-tiered cake, choose both flavors and alternate the layers. It is possible to have a four-tiered wedding cake and choose four different flavors. There are no restrictions to your creativity. Discuss all your desires with your pastry chef and together you will design a beautiful creation that will captivate the eyes of all your guests and leave such an impression on their taste buds that they will savor every bite and remember the experience for a long time.

To continue this article click here



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need most and First of all, you will need to have a budget planned. Make a list of what you first to those go there, get you When service. and what your budget will allow for each item most. the need you what have who service providers

VISIT HERE FIRST a day because Remember, some wedding service providers can only do one or two weddings up their date fill will who ones the be will They s. they are one or two person operation decorators, balloon facilities, banquet DJs, phers, videogra include providers These first. books these kinds with day the half least at spend to photographers and wedding consultants. Plan plan. can you more the spend, can you time more of vendors. The

BE READY TO MAKE DECISIONS major decisionBring the major decision-makers to the bridal show with you. If you are the to bring are items important Other of. off ideas maker, bring someone you can bounce and many baker florist, the assist will This wedding. your of colors the in material swatches of book are date and k checkboo A event. of the other professionals in helping you plan your need to to going are you pher, photogra perfect that book to going are you also necessities. If service potential with ents appointm give them a deposit. You’ll need a datebook to schedule providers.

DRESS FOR THE OCCASION be doing a lot of Remember to wear comfortable shoes. There is no doubt that you will walking.

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Bridal & Formal Wear



Photography Courtesy John Bamber Photography

Catering a flavorful feast

reception. Some locations Your search for a caterer begins once you have selected the site for your makes your choice fairly which nt, departme banquet or caterer in-house their use you that require and some of the more clubs country hotels, include nt simple. Locations that may have this requireme asked to select an be also may You homes. historical or boats museums, as such unusual facilities independent caterer from a pre-approved list. list to no more than three; If you are in a position to select your own caterer, try to narrow down your have as much information caterer, otherwise, you will be tasting food for a month. When you call each of guests and the number ate approxim day, of time date, ready as possible such as your wedding es, let the caterer know preferenc or ideas menu general any have you If style. and formality of degree send you some sample so they can be better prepared for your initial meeting. If possible, have them nd. beforeha review to s reference and menus wedding in detail. Your choices will At the initial meeting, caterers will want to discuss your tastes and budget hors d’oeuvres or food passed buffet, a meal, sit-down a options: most likely include the following teness for the appropria their and stations. Your caterer will be able to describe all of these options style. time of day, number of guests and arrange a time for you and When you finally narrow down your service style, most caterers will ask to place at the caterer’s takes usually it and tasting, a your fiancé to sample their cuisine. This is called simply prepare two will they and catering they’re event another with coincide may establishment. It may prepare some they however, ordinary, extra meals. If you’ve indicated a preference for the less . approval your for of their more unusual items

MONEY BUSINESS Most caterers base their Once you’ve selected a caterer, it’s time to get down to business. Money. cost. n prices on a per-perso or set-up fee, while an offFacilities with in-house catering departments may have a minimum charge budget. pon agreed-u le, reasonab any within work premises caterer will usually of guests multiplied by the It’s relatively easy to calculate the overall food cost, which equals the number and the cost of dinner party, bridal the including guests, cost per person. For example, if you have 150 offer lower prices or caterers Some $5,250. is cost food total your person, per $35 is s and beverage ce. Mentally attendan in children of number the special menus for children, so be sure to let them know appropriate. if gratuity, a for percent 20 to 15 and overage, for percent 10 add an additional cost. meal the Remember, typically the wedding cake is not included in will be the minimum number Your final guest count is usually required one week before the event. This on the addition of a few plan will caterers Most charged. be actually will you which for people of wedding. the after bill the to last-minute guests and will add the meals related personnel, such as Although it is not required, you may consider including meals for weddingask your caterer about issue, an is cost If t. the DJ, musicians, photographer and wedding consultan at a lower cost offered are and menu guest the than casual more are “vendor meals.” These meals per person.

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Denise Skahan & Ryan Thomas


Lindsay Sain & Chris Jones



Photography By Amy Leigh Photography

Sara Jones & Jordan Moffett


Wendy Freeman & Bryan Cooper



Themes for your

One way to inject just a little more fun into your wedding weekend is throw a themed rehearsal dinner. The theme should be something that your guest will enjoy, as well as something that is personal to you. So, for example, if you all love the 50s aesthetic, you could have your guests wear poodle skirts and eat Elvis’s favorite Peanut Butter and Banana sandwiches. The options are unlimited, but here are a couple ideas to get your started.

1. City Specific Theme

3. Italian Feast

Many of you all live in great cities and towns with signature foods. If your town is like this, plan a dinner around your city featuring your local cuisine. You can name the tables all the main streets in your town or major landmarks. If you invite your out-of-town guests too, they may find that this is a fun way to get to know your city!

If your reception is going to be huge, and you want a more intimate affair for your rehearsal dinner, you might try an Italian family-style dinner. Nothing says good food and good times like a big bowl of pasta and a couple bottles of wine. And in an intimate setting, your guests will have plenty of opportunity to get to know each other.

2. Island Luau

4. Backyard Barbeque

When you welcome your guests with leis, you know it’s going to be a good time. Not only can you have fruity drinks, but many caterers offer great island cuisine, even whole roasted pigs on a spit. If you hire a fun island band, your guest will be dancing all night long!

Whether or not you actually host this in your backyard, you can host a party that’s just as casual. Be sure to have plenty of burgers and all the sides, as well as coolers of cold beer and wine coolers.

Reception set your style

The secret to planning a fabulous, stress-free wedding reception is finding the right venue. By addressing several issues before you book your location, you can avoid costly mistakes and unwanted surprises, and have the reception you’ve always dreamed of.


The first step for any wedding is to begin by setting the wedding date, size, budget and style. Once these particulars have been established your next major decision will be the reception location. If you already have a place in mind contact the facility manager and confirm availability of the date you’ve selected. This is also a good time to schedule an appointment for you and your fiancé to view the site. Don’t procrastinate! Choice locations are often booked one to two years in advance and prime dates go fast. If you have no idea where to hold your reception, try hotels, banquet halls, restaurants, community centers and country clubs. Other less obvious options are country inns, historic homes or mansions, city parks, college or university facilities, art galleries, museums and boats. Each location offers its own unique style and ambiance.

TYPES OF FACILITIES There are two basic types of reception facilities: on-site and off-site. Most on-site locations provide the majority of services you will need for your reception: catering, beverages, tables, chairs, tableware, linens and serving staff, making this a very convenient option. The facilities normally charge on a per person basis, and have a minimum guest requirement. Such locations include hotels, private clubs and restaurants. Off-site locations offer the use of the facility only, providing no other services. You supply nearly everything yourself, paying a flat fee for the use of the site. The nice thing about off-site locations is the freedom to do everything your own way. Increasingly popular for outdoor receptions is the use of party tents. Tents offer the ideal solution for couples who want to hold their celebration in a natural setting, but would prefer not to have their guests wilting under the hot sun or melting under a drizzle. Amenities range from beautiful archways and parquet floors to air conditioning and emergency generators. In your search for the ideal site, keep in mind the convenience and comfort of your guests. The traveling distance from the ceremony to reception should be no more than half an hour by car. Depending on the season in which you will wed, you might want to inquire about air conditioning or heating. Also check on available parking or valet service.

SPACE ISSUES While it may seem obvious to say so, the venue you choose for your wedding must have enough space to accommodate all your guests. There should be enough room in the dining area to allow for comfortably arranged seating and a reasonable view of the newlyweds for everyone. There should also be enough space between tables for you to move around the room and mingle with your guests. The facility coordinator will know the maximum number of people who can fit in the space, as well as the best table arrangements for the number in attendance.

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Time flies when you're engaged and you've got a to-do list as long as your arm. But even as the clock races, try to sit back a bit and enjoy the process. You'll want to remember every glorious minute.

The Mill Event Hall of Chattanooga Still looking for the


location for your big event? + Seats 500 + Outside catering allowed + Stage & Audio Equipment + Ample parking

1601 Gulf Street • Chattanooga, TN 37408 Phone 423.634.0331


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Venue Guide

This section was created to help you choose a reception site for your big day. When you are trying to decide what place is best for your event, keep in mind that every facility has different advantages. You can use the following pages to compare and contrast the benefits of different venues. Once you have narrowed the facilities down make sure you visit them. Take time to sample some of their food and take a tour of the facility. Make sure the place you choose fits all your needs. Many of these facilities can also accommodate your rehearsal dinner or other party needs

Chattanooga Marriott 2 Carter Plaza, Chattanooga, TN 37402 423.308.1087 FACILITY TYPE................................................................. Hotel EVENT OPTIONS.......................... Ceremony/Reception LOCATION OPTIONS.............................................. Indoor CAPACITY............................................................................275 CATERING $ RANGE.................................... $22 - $38+ FACILITY FEE...................................................................Varies PARKING............................................................................... Yes Dream weddings don’t just happen, they’re planned. Relying on experience, training, tradition and oldfashioned intuition, Marriott Certified Wedding Planners can help you determine an overall vision for your wedding and help you execute each detail. That includes setting an event budget, deciding on the menu, finding florists, photographers, a band and other entertainment for your very special day.

LOOKOUT LAKE BED AND BREAKFAST 3408 Elder Mountain Road, Chattanooga, TN 423.821.8088 FACILITY TYPE.....................................Bed and Breakfast EVENT OPTIONS.......................... Ceremony/Reception LOCATION OPTIONS.......................... Indoor/Outdoor CAPACITY..............................100 indoor/300+ outdoor CATERING $ RANGE....................................................N/A FACILITY FEE........................................................................ Yes PARKING...................................................................... On-Site As no two couples are alike, no two weddings at the Lake are the same. We take pride in a venue where the possibilities are endless. With this in mind, we invite you to picture yourself here. Whether you choose to exchange vows at the lake’s edge, or dance in a picturesque gazebo at dusk, Lookout Lake provides a variety of striking settings for your special day. Come meet with us and experience the beauty of a peaceful valley setting with a mountain backdrop. Lookout Lake is ideal for special events with ceremony, reception, and accommodation all in one venue.

THE CHATTANOOGAN 1201 South Broad Street Chattanooga, TN 37402 866.429.5065 FACILITY TYPE................................................................. Hotel EVENT OPTIONS..................... Ceremony & Reception LOCATION OPTIONS.......................... Indoor/Outdoor CAPACITY............................................................................500 CATERING $ RANGE................................................Varies FACILITY FEE.......................................................................N/A PARKING..................................... $5 Self-park / $6 Valet

Celebrate Your New Beginning at The Chattanoogan! Your wedding is the most important day of your life. That’s why you should make The Chattanoogan your dream wedding destination. Everything from a champagne reception served butler style to inspired entrees created by award-winning Executive Chef Matt Pinner are available to create the perfectly catered reception. The bride and groom have a choice of three different types of suites; Courtyard, Mountain View and The Chattanoogan. Whether your dreams include an elegant buffet or an intimate dinner and dance in our ballroom, we’ll make it even more memorable than you imagined. Our experienced staff is ready to assist you with all the details.

GENERAL WOODS INN 1346 Deer Head Cove Rd Rising Fawn, GA 30738 877.260.9730 FACILITY TYPE..........................................Bed & Breakfast EVENT OPTIONS.......................... Ceremony/Reception LOCATION OPTIONS.......................... Indoor/Outdoor CAPACITY.......................... 100 Indoors/200 Outdoors CATERING $ RANGE................................................Varies FACILITY FEE.........................................................................No PARKING............................................................................... Yes General Woods Inn is now pleased to host weddings at the Inn. Our newly landscaped grounds joined with the breathtaking mountain views provide a one of a kind setting for a fairytale wedding. Packages are available to fit the needs of each wedding from grounds only usage to a full-service event. • Grounds Only Wedding… $450* • Full Service Wedding for 75 people….....$5000* • Full Service Wedding for 100 Guests… $6500* • Full Service Wedding for 125 Guests… $8000* • Full Service Wedding for 150 Guests… $9500* Price includes: Exclusive use of the Inn, Rehearsal, Parking, Use of the Inn’s Two Bedroom Suite, Photographer, Wedding Cake, Minister, Decorations and Furniture, Music, Disc Jockey, Wedding Website, Complete Dinner. *2011 Prices



150 Cedar Grove Rd Loudon, TN 37774 865-376-9040

10 Bluff View, Chattanooga, TN 37403 423.752.0992

FACILITY TYPE................................................. Event Facility EVENT OPTIONS.......................... Ceremony/Reception LOCATION OPTIONS.......................... Outdoor/Indoor CAPACITY..........................................................................500+ CATERING $ RANGE....................................................N/A FACILITY FEE........................................................................ Yes PARKING............................. Valet Available/Parking Lot Surrounded by the mountains of Loudon, Tennessee, Castleton Farms sits on 108 acres of rolling pasture. Our Greek Manor, beautifully manicured grounds, Koi pond, vineyard, and island with a Grecian gazebo are just some of the elite features that give you the fairytale wedding you’ve always dreamed of. Let us assist you with one of our all-inclusive packages designed to make your wedding...nothing less than unforgettable.

FACILITY TYPE...........................................................Museum EVENT OPTIONS.......................... Ceremony/Reception LOCATION OPTIONS.......................... Indoor/Outdoor CAPACITY...................Ceremony 200/Reception 350 CATERING $ RANGE................................................Varies FACILITY FEE........................................................................ Yes PARKING...................................................... Valet Available With its magnificent view of the Tennessee River, the Walnut Street Bridge, and the North Shore, the Hunter Museum of American Art is the perfect backdrop for your special day. Host your reception in the Hunter Museum’s Grand Foyer, your ceremony on the spectacular Riverview Terrace or your sunset rehearsal dinner on the Paley Terrace. The Museum is ideal for a ceremony and reception for up to 200 guests or can accommodate up to 350 for reception only. No matter the size of your event, the facility rental staff at the Hunter Museum is well-equipped to help you make it a masterpiece.



1800 Rossville Avenue Chattanooga, TN 37408 423.648.0992

827 Broad Street Chattanooga, TN 37402 423-643-1227

FACILITY TYPE........................ Art Gallery & Event Hall EVENT OPTIONS.......................... Ceremony/Reception LOCATION OPTIONS.......................... Indoor/Outdoor CAPACITY..........................................................................600+ CATERING $ RANGE....................................................N/A FACILITY FEE...................................................................Varies PARKING.....................................Valet Parking Available Loose Cannon Gallery is your destination for good art and great events. From vibrant city-wide celebrations to intimate gatherings, Loose Cannon is known for transforming the moment into a lasting impression. Renovated from a turn-of-the-century warehouse space into an urbane art gallery located in Chattanooga’s burgeoning Southside art district, Loose Cannon offers a unique experience. With over 10,000 square feet of space, Loose Cannon features 20 foot ceilings, towering art-clad walls, chic leather furniture, distinctive lighting, cutting edge AV system and an additional theater space. So to experience artful events or eventful art, visit Loose Cannon and transform your Chattanooga experience!

FACILITY TYPE................................................................. Hotel EVENT OPTIONS..................... Ceremony & Reception LOCATION OPTIONS..................... Indoor & Outdoor CAPACITY............................................................................300 CATERING $ RANGE..........................................$25-$55 FACILITY FEE........................................................................ Yes PARKING...................................................... Valet Available Surround yourself in the charm of a by-gone era. The historic Sheraton Read House has been serving guests since opening its doors in 1926. We are one of the region’s most versatile banquet venues, offering over 19,000 square feet of flexible renovated function space. We feature the Silver Ballroom which includes original 1926 sterling silver and Waterford crystal chandeliers and silver leaf moldings. The Sheraton Read House hotel is the ideal venue to host your wedding or reception. The Sheraton Read House hotel’s culinary team is proud to provide remarkable cuisine with a unique twist on the ordinary. We offer meals of uncompromising quality, prepared to exacting standards.

THE GALLERY 3918 Dayton Boulevard Chattanooga, TN 37415 423.870.2443 FACILITY TYPE.................................................... Art Gallery EVENT OPTIONS..................... Ceremony & Reception LOCATION OPTIONS..................... Indoor & Outdoor CAPACITY............................................................................225 CATERING $ RANGE................................................Varies FACILITY FEE........................................................................ Yes PARKING.....................................Valet Parking Available The Gallery is two floors of artful and comfortable space featuring the main downstairs gallery, upstairs loft area with kitchen, bar and shaded roof deck. The Gallery can easily accommodate up to 225 guests and is suitable for rehearsal dinners, weddings, wedding receptions and more. Rental includes service from Black Tie Affair, doormen, ice, tables, chairs, linens and plenty of free convenient parking. Clients have the luxury of providing their own catering without bar charges and other surcharges. The Gallery a venue as unique as you.

THE MILL Event Hall of Chattanooga 1601 Gulf Street Chattanooga, TN 37408 423.634.0331 FACILITY TYPE....................................................... Event Hall EVENT OPTIONS..................... Ceremony & Reception LOCATION OPTIONS.............................................. Indoor CAPACITY............................................................................500 CATERING $ RANGE..... Outside Catering allowed FACILITY FEE...................................................................Varies PARKING......................Ample Parking/Valet Available If you are looking for a venue that would truly make your day unforgettable, The Mill is the perfect place. The Mill is Chattanooga’s largest and most distinct event hall that offers you the option of using an outside caterer. Loaded with historic personality, this venue is in a class of its own, a must see facility. Whether planning for a lavish wedding, corporate event, fundraiser or other social occasion, The Mill is ideally suited and flexible to make any event truly unique. Our team’s aim is to exceed your expectations by offering a unique venue with personalized service at affordable prices.

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Chattanooga Marriot 2 Carter Plaza 423.308.1087


$22 to $38+







100 indoor 200 outdoor
















100 indoor 300+ outdoor








General Woods Inn 1346 Deer Head Cove Rd 877-260-9730

Hunter Museum 10 Bluff View 423.752.0992

Lookout Lake Bed and Breakfast 3408 Elder Mountain Road 423.821.8088

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Castleton Farms 150 Cedar Grove Road 865.455.9305

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C h a t tanooga

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$25 to $55







The Chattanoogan 1201 Broad Street 866.429.5065









The Gallery 3918 Dayton Boulevard 423.870.2443









The Mill 1601 Gulf Street 423.634.0331









Sheraton Read House Hotel 827 Broad Street 423-643-1227

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Loose Cannon 1800 Rossville Avenue 423-648-0992

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blaire pancake wade koehl January 3, 2010

Photography by Bamber Photography

Photography by Bamber Photography Wedding Planner Julie Sanders • Caterer Chattanooga Golf & Country Club • Florist Humphrey’s Flowers • Bridal Shop Ever After Bridal • Ceremony location Patten Chapel • Reception location Chattanooga Golf & Country Club Reception Music SoundForce


How did you and your husband meet?

We met at the Liberty Bowl. I sang the anthem, and he played for the University of Houston. Turns out he was close family friends with my roommate at Miss America! Small world, but I like to call it fate!

Q: What traditions did you follow? I wore my Great Grandmother’s necklace and her fur stole. Wade’s father is also a minister. So, he conducted the ceremony for us, which was very special.


Did you have a groom’s cake?

Yes, it was a chocolate cake that was made to look like Wade’s University of Houston football jersey! He was #1 (really), and my #1.

Q: Why did you choose your photographer? Because John and Lindsay do amazing work. I’ve been around a lot of photographers. So, I am very picky. I also knew that this was the one thing I did not want to skimp on, because at the end of the day, all you have are pictures! I absolutely adore the pictures that they took. They capture all of the traditional stuff you want in a completely beautiful, non-traditional way. I can’t wait for the album!

Q: What was your favorite wedding moment? The moment I walked into the chapel and saw my family and my husband. It was just after sundown. The place was solely lit by candles. It was beautiful and exactly what I had always imagined.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about being Mr. & Mrs.? Wade and I have had a long distance relationship with lots of traveling back and forth. It’s just so nice to have your best friend around all the time!- and to have a home and life that you can both call your own!

Q: How did you choose your colors? I just knew I wanted everything to be soft and pretty. Gold is my favorite color. So, I kept everything in warm tones.

Photography your best angle

A professional photographer has the experience, equipment and know-how to make your photographs sensational. They understand the different moods created by lighting and posing. They use reliable techniques and equipment to create quality images that are likely to live up to your expectations. A novice—like a friend or acquaintance who dabbles in photography—won’t.

YOUR STYLE As you begin your search for a photographer, you will find a number of fine ones to choose from. Just because someone is well known or has a good reputation does not necessarily mean they are right for you. Experienced photographers develop their own unique style over time. One may specialize in elegant and traditional wedding images, while another may have an excellent photojournalistic approach or a flare for black and white. Your most important task will be to decide what style best suits you and your fiancé. Begin by viewing the albums of several friends, and try to determine what catches your eye, and why. Once you have a clear idea of what you like, schedule appointments with several photographers. Take this opportunity not only to view the photographer’s work but to establish your comfort level with their personality and style. Ask to see entire wedding albums, not just highlights of a number of different weddings. Pay close attention to the consistency of style and quality throughout the course of the entire wedding. If you do not see evidence of the style of photography you want, this photographer is not for you.

THE COMPLETE PACKAGE Once you like a photographer’s style, find out what wedding packages are available. Packages will vary, but most generally include an engagement photo, a bridal portrait, photographer’s fee, proofs, a wedding album, parents’ albums, and numerous enlargements for display. If proofs are not part of the package, and you cannot imagine not owning each and every photo from your wedding, ask the photographer if they can be purchased after you have seen them. Many photographers now offer a la carte pricing. This allows couples to customize their wedding package to include only the items and services they want.

A HELPING HAND One of the best tools a photographer can possess, in addition to the proper equipment, is an experienced, well-trained assistant. This person usually poses subjects, adjusting a hand position here, a facial posture there, creating the ideal look. While the photographer concentrates on lighting and equipment, the assistant is already setting up the next shot, arranging the wedding party and families with a smile. Although hiring a photographer with a qualified assistant may cost more, it will be worth the investment, especially if they will be dealing with a large family and bridal party. If you find a photographer whose style you love but who does not use an assistant, confirm that the photographs you admire were taken without one. Some photographers simply prefer to work on their own.

DIGITAL IMAGING After your wedding, some photographers will use digital imaging to correct any flaws in your photos, using computer scanning and retouching to produce photographic prints. Digital imaging offers more options than conventional photography, such as instant imaging and retouching and the ability to combine images. Digital images can be shown on your computer or TV screen, emailed to friends and kept in perfect condition for untold years on your hard drive.

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If you are on a budget and there is just that one thing you have to have, do it. You will likely regret it if you don't. Sleep on it for a while and decide just how badly you need it.


don't forget about the

If there's one thing newly married women today, agree on, it's that

future brides should have their wedding professionally videotaped. Is it enough to just have a photo of you and your groom standing at the altar - or would you like to hear the vows your said to one another and share that with your future children? Is it enough to have a photo of your first dance as a married couple or would you like to hear the song you danced to and see the results of your ballroom dance lessons. Your wedding video is not "just a video" but a family heirloom that will be cherished for generations to come. Video is not expensive, it's priceless!

A Stress Free Wedding 6 easy steps to making your day a little less stressful.

1. stay organized


Be sure to stay organized. Checklists are a great way to make this happen. They even have great wedding organizers, like The Pink Book, to help you stay organized and keep everything in one place. They have wonderful worksheets to help your process run a lot smoother.

2. be the bride

You have one task the day of your wedding and that is to be a beautiful happy bride. Remember you hired your vendors for a reason. They know what they are doing so let them do their job. You can be sure to tell them anything you are wanting before the wedding but when that day arrives let them do what they do best!

3. have a simple rehearsal dinner

Remember the big party is going to happen the next day. For the Rehearsal Dinner hand over the reigns to your fiancee and let him create a comfortable simple night for you and your guests. Simple things like barbecue and a backyard picnic are great ideas for a rehearsal dinner. Also be sure you don't stay out too late. You have a big day ahead of you and the last thing you need is to be tired the next day.

4. decisions for the day

Find someone who is not in the wedding but really wants to help you on your wedding day. Be sure it is someone you trust and let them deal with all the little things the day of the wedding. They can answer any calls that come your way and deal with making sure everyone knows where to go.

5. don't forget to eat!

The worst thing you can do on your wedding day is not eat. It is a long day and you need to be sure you can keep up. Eat a good breakfast and be sure to have lots of snack foods around all day. Also remember that by this point you aren't going to be able to change how you look in your dress so eat up!

6. stay relaxed

Be sure you are enjoying this time and don't forget to think about yourself. It should not be a stressful time in your life. Don't stop doing your everyday things like hanging out with your friends and doing yoga. You can even schedule a few extra things in your schedule like taking a day off work to just relax or scheduling a spa day for you and some of your friends.

Ginny Thomas & TJ Howe

Desiree Kinard & Walt Hodges




Photography By Lori Line Photography

Melissa Conner & Chris McCallester


Heather Scarbrough & Ryan Ewalt


Dance Lessons


beginning in

A romantic way to prepare for a lifetime of waltzing together is to take dance lessons before your wedding. You and your partner will be the center of attention on the dance floor during your special day, but if that isn’t incentive enough, consider the additional closeness the two of you can develop by sharing a wedding-related activity that doesn’t involve appointments and interviews. You’ll be asked before you begin your lessons about the kinds of dance steps you’d like to learn. Ambitious though you may be, learning too many steps too soon may result in frustration if you feel you’re not mastering anything. What you admire about other dancers is how well they move together, not the numbers of patterns they do. You’re probably not used to being taught things as a couple, and you may want to help the instructor along by correcting your partner. Don’t. Let the instructor do the teaching. Your input can be distracting and disruptive, both for the instructor and your partner. Cliché though it may be, dance instructors say men typically progress more slowly than their female partners, who tend to feel movements more and master steps quicker. Be patient with him. It will be appreciated, and the resulting cooperation will get the two of you moving together more quickly. Get the most from your dance lessons by taking them as close together as you can, and in conjunction with group lessons and practice sessions. The result will be speedy progress and increased confidence and enjoyment. Don’t hesitate to talk to your teacher about how you feel you are doing. Your teacher, like your partner, is there to be responsive.

Make your Wedding Dance as special as your Wedding Day


M usic life of the party

If any one element is crucial to setting the appropriate tone and atmosphere for your wedding, it’s the music. Chamber music, classical guitar or perhaps a jazz ensemble can create a subtle background of entertainment without overpowering conversation. A well-seasoned pianist is another excellent choice, since he/she can supply a wide range of musical styles and perform your guest’s special requests.

Music for Your Ceremony

The music played during your wedding should do more than just entertain—it should evoke the deep emotion of your ceremony. The right music takes the right kind of planning, and by following a few guidelines you can ensure perfect harmony between your ceremony and the music you choose for it. Prior to selecting your music, it is best to decide if you want to use religious songs only or a combination of religious and popular tunes. Once you’ve decided, set an appointment with the director of music for your church or synagogue. This person will be able to make recommendations for music suitable for the acoustics (rarely a consideration) of the building and complement any of your wedding’s religious or cultural themes. Music for your ceremony should be divided into four parts: the prelude, the processional, interlude(s) and the recessional.

Music for the Reception Once the cocktail hour has ended and guests are seated at their tables, the main celebration begins. Whether you hire a band, small orchestra or disc jockey, your selection of musicians will be a guaranteed success as long as you provide a wide variety of music. From ‘50s doo-wop to disco, pop or rock, diversity is the key. When hiring live music, the size of the group needed is generally determined by the number of guests. For up to 150 guests, a five-piece band is generally recommended; 150 to 199 guests calls for a larger group of six to seven; and 200 or more demands full orchestra. Should your budget prohibit you from hiring live entertainment, consider hiring a DJ. DJ’s have the ability to play a wide variety of songs and are usually less expensive than live music. You’ll want to begin researching your reception musicians early in the planning process. You’ll need to hear prospective groups play to ensure that you like their sound, and that their talent is up to live performance standards. Never book entertainment without hearing the music live first. It is equally important to find out the range of their band’s musical repertoires. If you plan to keep all your guests in the party mood, you’ll need a little something for everyone. The type of entertainment you choose will ultimately depend on the size and style of your reception. For a large, formal dinner and dance reception, consider hiring a band or an orchestra; an outdoor garden wedding would be better suited to a string quartet or single performer.

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The Pink Book The Pink Book is the Ultimate Wedding Planner and Bridal Directory. With helpful planning sheets and progress trackers, planning your wedding is a breeze!

Premier Bride Premier Bride is a local magazine that features wedding vendors in all categories- all from your area! Read wedding stories from local brides and get ideas for your own wedding!

Check out our websites- made just for brides like you! Visit and for helpful planning tips, information about local wedding vendors, and print out worksheets for your Pink Book! While you’re there,check out our blog! You’ll get inspiration for your wedding while keeping up with the latest in bridal trends, and get great ideas from the pink ladies!


leigh moore ben goddard August 1, 2009

Photographed by Meggie Velasco Photography

Photographed by Meggie Velasco Caterer The Foundry • Florist Lisa Foster Design • Cake Cakes by Alicia • Invitations Party City • Bridal Shop A Joyous Occasion • Ceremony location Church Street United Methodist Church • Reception location The L & N Depot • Transportation Ben’s ’69 Mustang • Ceremony Music Maddie Keith • Reception Music The Sound Revue • Rentals The White Table

Q: What was your first dance song? Gavin DeGraw’s “More than Anyone”

Q: What was the most important thing to you about your wedding? For Ben and me, it was most important that God was evident, and that our wedding was a true reflection of two people entering into the commitment of marriage!

Q: Tell us about “the” dress. Who was with you when you found it? I saw the dress in a bridal show. I liked it then, but thought I should shop around “just in case”. So Mama and I went shopping. The next time we went back to the store, it had been returned to the designer. The more dresses I tried on, I could not (for the life of me) get that one dress out of my head! I compared all other dresses to that one. The store ordered the dress to keep on the floor, so when the dress came in, and I tried it on again, I knew for sure that it was the one! It was a Pronovias design made of European silk. Beautiful!

Q: What was your favorite moment your photographer captured and why? My favorite moment was the picture of Ben kissing me with the church in the background, underneath the brightest and bluest sky--picture perfect! It was such a reflection of our love, excitement, and the commitment we were about to make! Perfection all around! I think of our wedding day, and with each and every memory, I smile.

Q: Any memorable moments you would like to share about your photographer? On the wedding day, she walked into our hotel suite where all the girls were getting ready, and I was sitting in a chair in the bathroom while a friend was doing my make-up. Meggie came straight in, propped up in the corner with her feet on the toilet, and began clicking away. She fit right in with everyone and felt like part of our group of family and friends immediately! Such a comfort considering the photographer spends a majority of your wedding day alongside you or at least close-by!

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Grooms the perfect man

Your bridal gown will turn heads as you walk down the aisle on your wedding day, but the groom, waiting patiently for you at the altar, deserves his share of the attention, too. The groom’s attire will be dictated by the ceremony’s time of day, since that dictates the wedding’s degree of formality. Proper attire falls into four categories, each with their own distinctive traditions and styles: very formal, formal, semiformal and informal.


Both very formal and formal men’s attire are governed by long held traditions. Morning weddings are considered very formal, calling for long-jacketed “morning suits” with gray waistcoats and pinstriped trousers, top hats, gloves and spats. The distinctive morning coat tapers from the waistline button to one broad tail with a vent in back. The groom and groomsmen may also sport walking sticks. Very formal evening weddings require that the men of the hour dress in what’s known as white tie and tails: black swallowtail coats and trousers, and white vests, shirts and bow ties. Black top hats and white gloves are optional. The traditional swallowtail coat is cut short in front and extends to two tails in the back. A formal afternoon wedding calls for classic black tie and tuxedos for the groom and his men. White dinner jackets are worn at a formal evening ceremony with black pants trimmed in grosgrain or satin ribbon and a black bow tie, vest and cummerbund. Proper footwear choices are opera shoes or formal lace-ups, always in black. In both very formal and formal weddings, while the men are dressed identically, the groom is allowed to distinguish himself from his groomsmen by a distinctly different boutonniere.

A MORE CASUAL ELEGANCE With semiformal and informal men’s attire, tradition loosens and almost anything goes. While the groom and groomsman may still wear tuxedo or dinner jackets (double breasted or single-breasted), a dash of coordinated color in their ties, vests, cummerbunds and suspenders can be added to complement the wedding colors. Most men’s formalwear shops offer a colorful variety of jackets and vests in brocades, iridescent and other textures and patterns. The groom may even distinguish himself from the groomsmen by wearing a different colored jacket altogether. Semiformal fashion allows the groom and groomsmen a bit more contemporary flair. While an everyday man’s suit is fine for an informal wedding, the groom and groomsmen should try to dress in the same color. Navy or dark gray suits or navy jackets with white pants are considered traditional informal wear, with white bucks or saddle shoes.

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Remember to buy black, grey, or navy socks to match your suit! You might want to bring a couple extra pair for forgetful groomsmen!

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mary laurell matthew givens January 16, 2010

Photographed by Wilkerson Photography

Q: How did he propose? He took me to the place where we had our first date, and then he asked me to be his wife, we spent the rest of the day with family and friends.

Q: What was the most anticipated moment of your wedding day? Our first kiss as husband and wife.

Q: What was your something blue? The handkerchief I had embroidered with our wedding date.

Q: Any memorable moments you would like to share about your photographer? She made the whole experience fun, and stress free.

Q: Tell us about “the” dress. Who was with you when you found it? My mother was with me when I found it. I found the dress in a magazine several months before, I had found it at one shop, but when I learned it was at Monica’s I rushed right over. It was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen, and was absolutely perfect for me.

Q: Where did you go on your honeymoon? Cancun, Mexico

Q: What traditions did you follow? I wore the blushing veil the entire length of the ceremony and we did not see each other before the wedding. It was also a very religious ceremony. Photographed by Wilkerson Photography Caterer Swiss AM • Florist Humphreys Flowers • Bridal Shop Monica’s Bridal • Ceremony & Reception location St. Jude Catholic Church • Ceremony Music Ann Marie Hartman, Andrea Exum • Reception Music Sound Force Rentals The White Table, Rent All


Rentals every last detail PARTY RENTA LS

in need of Depending on where you choose to hold your reception, you may find yourself will need you case, the be this certain items not provided by your reception facility. Should of variety a covers rentals� “party term The . company rental party to enlist the services of a fountains, rental items, including linens, chair covers, tables and chairs, tents, dance floors, plants, props and theme decorations. be included If you are holding your reception in a hotel, most of the items listed above may is held event the when increases items rental various for need The cost. overall in the caterer. own your provide to required outdoors or at an event facility where you are are. Be sure Find out in advance what the delivery, set-up, pick-up and payment policies your rental when open will location the ensure to manager facility to coordinate with the company drops off your order. floor complete From the proper tent size for an outdoor wedding, to the portable dance to determine you with closely work will company with tables and chairs, a good rental comfortable guests your make to needed be will items rental many how and what exactly and your special occasion a complete success.


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Wedding Quote There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion, or company than a good marriage.

- Martin Luther


heather scarbrough ryan ewalt August 29, 2009

Photography by Lori Line Photography

Photography by Lori Line Photography Reception Location and Caterer Chattanooga Golf and Country Club • Florist Ruth’s Florist and Gifts • Cake Jackson’s Bakery • Invitations Cynthia Howell Stationery and Gifts • Bridal Shop Monica’s • Ceremony Location First Presbyterian Church • Videographer Ryan Golden • Ceremony Music Judy Glass, Ken Hartley, Caitlin Hammon • Reception Music The Answer Band • Rentals The White Table • Jeweler Arney Guess Goldsmith

Q: What was the most anticipated moment of your wedding day? I could not wait to see Ryan on our wedding day. Because we wanted to spend as much time with our family and friends at the reception, we decided to see each other before the ceremony so we could take as many pictures as possible. Our photographer, Lori Line, made that moment so special for us, and it really helped calm both mine and Ryan’s nerves. We met outside the church and have some beautiful pictures we couldn’t have gotten during the ceremony.

Q: What was the most important thing to you about your wedding? Ryan kept reminding me to focus on what was important throughout the wedding planning process. It was so easy for me to get caught up in the details, but we were determined to focus on one another and plan for our marriage, not just the wedding day. The most important thing to both of us was that we were making a commitment in front of God and all our family and friends to love one another for the rest of our lives.

Q: Tell us about “the” dress. Who was with you when you found it? I flew into town from D.C., and my mom met me at the airport with “The Gown Search Committee.” My aunt, two grandmothers, cousin, and my mom’s best friend went with me to three different bridal salons. I had read in so many magazines that you should only take one or two people with you when you shop for your dress, but I’m so glad I didn’t listen to that advice. We had so much fun, and my mom made sure everyone kept their opinions to themselves unless I needed their help deciding. The ladies scored their favorite dresses on a sheet my mom had prepared for them. We had lots of laughs, and I will never forget that day.

Q: Why did you choose your photographer? Lori really has an eye for capturing the most beautiful moments on a wedding day. It was really important for me to feel comfortable with my photographer. This was one of the main reasons I chose Lori Line Photography. She was great to work with and really made me, Ryan, our families, and the wedding party feel at ease. She has such a creative mind, and the shots she captured at our wedding will always remind us of exactly how we were feeling on that day. Lori definitely knows her craft, and I felt completely confident that we would be blown away by her work.

Registry gifting made easy

When you get married, you’re going to get gifts—whether you want them or not. Establishing your bridal registry early on will ensure that you get more gifts you want, and less that you don’t. It’s as simple as that. Taking the time to establish a bridal registry whether it’s for gifts or donations for charity and it will make your life much easier in the long run.

If you have a favorite retailer in mind, make an appointment with the store’s bridal registry consultant who will go over your wish list and help make specific gift suggestions. Don’t try registering for everything in a day. Try choosing tabletop items such as crystal, china and silver in one visit, domestic items such as sheets, towels and linens on another and kitchen items such as cookware and small appliances on the third day. When planning your registry, include a broad range of choices and prices so that all your guests will be able to purchase a gift they feel comfortable giving. Think carefully about your choices for your own benefit as well; these are items that will go together to make up your new home, and you want to make sure they’re what you really want.

THE CREATIVE REGISTRY Don’t feel bound to choose the traditional household items that are usually included in a bridal registry if you’ve already got the basics. Be creative. Call a travel agency and set up a honeymoon registry, or contact a mortgage company about establishing an account so friends and family can contribute to the down payment of your first home. While formal china, crystal and silver are still the cornerstone of most wedding registries, today’s couples can register for anything from hardware to luggage, stereo equipment to computers—even a new car! If you have your eye on something out of the ordinary, go for it. You might be surprised how many stores now offer this service, and how many guests are open to it.

THE HIGH-TECH REGISTRY Most stores today keep your registry in a computer database. This database will enable you to input your preferences with ease, usually with a hand-held scanner that will automatically update your list every time a gift is purchased, preventing duplicate purchases. Many retailers have a set length of time that they will keep your registry on file, sometimes up to two years. This feature simplifies gift giving for family and friends who will be buying you birthday, anniversary and holiday gifts over the next year or so. Once you’ve finalized your registry be sure to get a copy of your registry form and go over it to make sure there are no mistakes. Of course, nowadays you can also register over the Internet, though it might still be hard for some older guests to use this system. An online registry can, however, be a useful tool for many of your guests.

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happily ever after

Create a wedding registry where friends and family can shop for what you desire in store or at

Lenox速 Opal Innocence Carved

rita-marie goudreau eric davis


February 13, 2010

Photographed by Imago Photography

Q: How did he propose? On a Tuesday in mid October Eric bought two-cart fulls of pumpkins. He was pretty sure that everyone at Wal-Mart thought he was crazy. He then carved a letter into each of the fourteen pumpkins to spell out “WILL YOU MARRY ME”. So the next night we went to a local pizza place that serves great homemade NY style pizza! While we were at dinner Eric’s mom and stepfather set up all the pumpkins. It was pitch black out and they lined them up on my front porch and lit them. I was in shock when we pulled in and I caught sight of them. I am not sure how its possible for pumpkins to be so beautiful, but they were! Eric then got down on one knee with the ring he designed himself in his hand... I said yes, yes, yes! It was a complete surprise especially because Eric was ultra calm and smooth all throughout the day and at dinner. His plan was executed to perfection and I was successfully swept off of my feet!

Q: Did you do any DIY projects? We did our own save the date packages, invitations, brooch bouquets, cufflink boutonnieres, shabby chic table centerpieces, wedding favors which were CD’s of our wedding music

Q: Any memorable moments you would like to share about your photographer? Tim and his wife were just fantastic about setting our spirts free. We had fun just being ourselves with silly candid shots. He was so creative and we felt like “rockstars” every time the flash went off.

Photographed by Imago Photography Wedding Planner Elle Events and Weddings • Caterer Silverware Affair • Hair Tease Salon • Cake Gail Johnson Bridal Shop Eva Mae Formals & Alterations • Ceremony Location Patten Chapel (UTC Campus) • Reception Location The Mill Event Hall of Chattanooga Videographer Ryan’s Productions • Reception Music Soundforce • Rentals Action Rental

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Special online section This is our special online section of the magazine. In this section we have included the continuation of all of the articles in our printed magazine, all of our fashion pages, our incredable honeymoon section, the premier bride planner and much more. Be sure to explore our magazine from start to finish so you don't miss anything.

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wedding planners continued... As you go through your wedding process there will be a lot of questions on how to do things and what is right or proper. A wedding consultant has dealt with all these questions and can be very reassuring in a time that could become very emotional for you. While there are different ways to work with a wedding consultant, let’s consider the consultant that helps you from start to finish. Of course there are wedding consultants that can do partial planning as well as direct the rehearsal and wedding day activities only. After first meeting with you the consultant will help you with your wedding budget. This will determine all the options and will guide the consultant as to advising you with future decisions. The consultant will assist with the timetables and checklists, starting with the selection and booking of the ceremony and reception venues. The consultant knows that all the wedding vendors first need to know you have a wedding date and a location booked. The consultant is now in a position to recommend vendors for each of your needs and will call to make the appointments and go with you to interview each. Ultimately, who you choose is your decision but be assured that the consultant has pre-selected those that fit your needs. Then after you make a decision, the consultant confirms all the information with the vendor and gets a contract for you to sign. The contract is necessary not because there is concern that the vendor will not do the job, but since each vendor probably has lots of weddings you want to make sure the details you have spoken about and agreed to are written down. Creating this paper trail will ensure a smooth wedding day. Throughout the entire process of planning, your wedding consultant is simply a phone call away. Your reaction to what kind of relationship you will have starts with how quickly she responds to your phone calls or emails. You must have a feeling of being very comfortable with the consultant. As your wedding day grows closer you will have more calls and meetings with the consultant confirming all the details. The consultant will be responsible to see that everyone knows what they will be doing and when. This may seem to be a minor point but there have been weddings where a vendor forgot because no one called them. As the family members come together for the first time the consultant can advise ways to make their meetings as warm and fuzzy as possible. The week of your wedding you want to be able to forget about all the details and let the consultant do her job. By this time all the pieces will be in place — they will simply need to be coordinated and directed at the right time. Typically the consultant will direct the rehearsal but will not attend the rehearsal dinner. If there are circumstances that would require her attendance you simply need to discuss this. There are so many details the consultant will handle for you on your wedding day that you just to need to know she will take care of them. The most important factor in having a great day will be not getting upset or emotional over any changes to the wedding plans. The consultant will be able to handle them and make decisions based on her understanding of what you want. And at the end of the day after you have left for your honeymoon the consultant will make sure all the obligations are taken care of and transport all your personal items and gifts. What might you expect to pay a consultant? You can estimate that you will probably spend 35-50 hours in interviews and meetings. The consultant will spend another 15-20 hours on follow-up details. Fees can be based on a flat agreed upon charge or based on a percentage of the budget. Before you make the decision of whether you want to hire a consultant talk with some of your friends who have recently married. Ask them about their experience and then make a decision. While spending money for a consultant is an additional expense, you will realize after the wedding it was money well spent. Remember your wedding day is one day - you can’t do it over.

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gowns continued... A WORD ON PRICE While it is only natural to want the best price possible, keep in mind that the gown cost not only covers the material and labor involved in creating your wedding dress, it must also cover the time invested by your consultant. Looking for your wedding gown can be one of the most enjoyable aspects of planning a wedding as you try on beautiful gowns and are pampered and waited on by your own personal consultant. If you push too hard for a discounted price you may lose that special service and attention to detail that you would otherwise receive.

DOWN TO DETAILS Your gown may need to be specially ordered, shipped and altered, so begin shopping for a gown at a minimum of four to five months prior to the wedding day. While you should inquire about any and all salon policies before ordering, you can expect a full-service salon to require a 50 percent deposit when you place your order. This is usually non-cancelable due to the fact that the orders are being processed immediately in an effort to expedite the delivery date. Alterations, extra lengths, headpieces and veils involve additional charges, and many stores accept only cash as final payment. •

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Get a summer time

Get a glow in seconds that is sure to compliment that white gown with these top five picks. To get the most out of your self tanner, shower and exfoliate before application. Wash hands immediately after you are done to avoid orange hands. For a more subtle or gradual tan mix with your everyday lotion then apply.

Victoria's Secret Flawless Airbrush Instant Bronze Body Spray Jergens速 natural glow Healthy Complexion Daily Facial Moisturizer

2 4


Neutrogena Sun Fresh Sunless Lotion Sublime Bronze Self-Tanning Lotion 5

3 Clarins Delicious Self-Tan Cream

vings a s g in it c x e See the usted offered by tr nals. io s s fe ro p g weddin Log on to


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beauty continued... For blush, use two complementing shades to create a warm, natural effect. First apply a neutral tawny or sand pink shade on the apple of the cheeks using a sponge or brush to blend the color up and out. Then, using the same motion, apply a second more vibrant shade that balances your skin tone at the hollows of your cheeks. This technique will help the color last longer and make your cheeks more defined in your photographs. Use a lighter and more natural application for a daytime wedding and a slightly heavier, more dramatic application for the evening. The key to both looks is to blend, blend, blend, avoiding harsh lines or edges. It’s worth the few dollars it costs to have your eyebrows professionally shaped, especially if you pluck your brows regularly. Eyebrows frame the eyes and the shape impacts the overall appearance of your face. Eyebrows should not extend beyond the inner corner of the eye (near the bridge of your nose), and the eyebrow arch looks best when it peeks just outside the center of the eye. Before or after applying eye shadow fill in your eyebrows with an eyebrow powder that matches brow or hair color.


The more elaborate your gown, the simpler your hair should be in order to avoid an overdone look. Try to avoid extremely trendy hairstyles because 15 years from now you won’t want your wedding photographs screaming “early 21st century.” A simple chignon is a good choice as it is classic and timeless. But if an up-do makes you feel like a librarian you won’t feel pretty or comfortable so go with a look that is right for you and your personality. Keep an open mind though, since you’ll want something a little different from your everyday look and a new hairstyle is a great start. This is not, however, the time to try a new haircut. If you do choose to cut your hair in a new style, do it at least two months before your wedding day to allow time for a bad cut to grow out.


Estheticians are professionally trained and licensed to administer facial treatments to enhance the health and appearance of the skin. After proper analysis and treatment they can assist you in selecting skin care products that will enable you to maintain treatments in the privacy and convenience of your own home. Remember, though that healing and toning the skin takes time. If you have problem skin, begin seeing an esthetician at least eight to 12 months prior to your wedding day. The sooner you start the treatments, the better the results will be for the wedding.


To take care of the skin and make your whole body beautiful, try a body wrap and waxing. Body wraps detoxify and soften the skin using minerals or other natural substances to help to heal acne problems on the back and chest. Body wraps may include a full body massage to encourage circulation, toning and relaxation. Body waxing is one of smoothest and longest lasting forms of hair removal. Your legs will be smooth and free of razor stubble and, you can even try bikini waxing to get rid of hair on a longer-term basis. Back to

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invitations continued... Printing Techniques From luxurious engraving to modern digital printing, there are various techniques to suit every occasion and budget. With engraving, used for formal invitations, lettering is brought into relief by impressing the paper from behind. More costly than other options, this process can take up to eight weeks. 
 Embossed invitations are made by pressing the paper between two metal plates. Ink may be used on the surface of the raised art.
 Letterpress is a process where the lettering and design are pressed into the paper with or without ink. Many new companies are emerging with fun, bold letterpress designs. Thermography, a popular technique, resembles engraving on the front but lacks the telltale impressions engraving leaves on the back of the paper. 
 Digital (flat) printing has become very popular as the affordable stationery option. Paired with a quality paper and a great design, digital printing can deliver stunning invitations at a relatively low price.

Invitation Etiquette Invitations should be ordered four to six months prior to your wedding date, allowing ample time for reading and correcting proofs, printing, addressing and mailing. They should be sent to guests 6-8 weeks prior to your wedding date. If you¹re pressed for time, ask your stationer to give you envelopes early for addressing. Unless your budget is unlimited, you probably won¹t be able to invite everyone you¹d like to, however, you do want to have as many as you can. Start by making an “A” list, composed of family and friends you must invite, your attendants and the clergy. Then create a “B” list of those you would like to invite, but whose absence you could accept. About 25% of invitees will be unable to attend, giving you some flexibility. When you receive a regret from someone on the “A” list, send an invitation to someone on the “B” list. It¹s best to send any remaining invitations no later than three weeks before your date. This will help you handle any oversights and give an accurate head count to your venue or caterer. If you prefer not to have children at your reception, this can be expressed tactfully by stating “adult reception” instead of “reception” on your invitation or enclosure cards. Your stationer will be a great resource for any other wording Back to questions.

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flowers continued... FLORAL TRENDS Although white has been the traditional flower choice for weddings for years, color is definitely in now, and we mean BOLD colors! Red, orange, deep purple, and bright yellow are quickly replacing traditional pastels. Even brides who choose pink are moving away from the soft, baby hue to brighter shades of the color. Gone are the matching bridesmaid bouquets. Now, anything goes. When it comes to color and style, variety is in. When guests arrive at your reception, the way the room is decorated sets the mood for the entire event. Many brides are choosing to “mix it up� a bit by creating centerpieces in different shapes and sizes as well as display an array of blooms. They even take it a step further and add glitter, crystal beads, or faux jewels to the table. The sky is the limit when it comes to options, so discuss with your florist your ideas and budget. Together you will create a spectacular scene. Back to

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cakes continued... TO TOP IT OFF The final step in designing your one of a kind wedding cake is choosing the cake topper. There are just as many choices in toppers as there are cake flavors. You want to first consider the design of your cake and the style of your wedding. It is very important to incorporate your personality into the topper. For example, a cowboy and cowgirl bride and groom rather than the traditional bride and groom may suit a country and western theme wedding. Other theme toppers are available in sports, hobbies, costumes, or holidays. If tradition with a new twist is what you had in mind, consider glass hearts, porcelain doves, your initials etched in glass, or fresh flowers. Please consider the weight of your cake when choosing your topper. This is a detail you will need to discuss with your pastry chef. He/ she will know if the cake you have chosen will hold a heavy topper or require a lighter one. Remember that it’s your wedding and your cake. Choose a topper that will best reflect the love you and your partner share with one another. Make it elegant, fun, and most importantly YOU!

THE CONTRACT As with all the wedding professionals you work with, you will want to have a written agreement with your pastry chef. All the important details need to be on paper to ensure your pastry chef and cake decorator understands all your needs and desires. Let them know how many guests you plan to have, the date and time of your wedding and detailed directions to the reception location. Ask for the total price including any extras, such as delivery and set-up charges. Ask for a deadline date for making any changes. Don’t be afraid to ask any questions that come to your mind regarding your cake. Open communication is the best way to guarantee your wedding cake is everything you wished for and more!

YOUR WEDDING DAY You and your groom put many hours of work into designing your wedding cake. Your big day is here, so enjoy it. Savor the moment when the two of you engage in the traditional cutting of the cake. Make sure the cake is served to the guests. That statement may sound silly, but too many times after the bride and groom cut the first slice, the cake sits for hours while the guests admire it and then leave never even tasting a bite. Have small cake boxes for the guests to take their piece home if they opt not to have it at the reception. Many places where you order wedding favors and novelties will have boxes that you can have your names and wedding date engraved on them. Don’t forget to save the top for your first anniversary. Your pastry chef will have the best advice for preserving the top for a year. The Back to wedding cake is very symbolic on a new bride and groom’s wedding day. Main May your cake be as sweet and beautiful as the life you plan to share.


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catering continued... Remember to get specifics as to what extras are included in the caterer’s charges, such as table linens, plates, glasses, crystal, silverware and service pieces. You don’t want any surprises on your wedding day—at least not this kind. When selecting your menu items you might also want to bear in mind that these days many people are eating lighter and you may have a few vegetarians as well. Consider intriguing options such as an aromatic Moroccan couscous station or a Spanish tapas table laden with vegetarian and non-vegetarian delicacies. Additionally, an Asian stir-fry in a massive wok is definitely a great way to wow your guests.

SERVICE STAFF Once the menu is finalized, the next step is determining the number of wait staff you will need to serve your feast and keep your reception running smoothly. The general ratio is one server for every 10 to 12 guests for a sit-down dinner. When most of the food is butlered by wait staff (that is, personally passed to your guests for more than one hour,) you’ll need more staff at a ratio of one server to every eight guests. In addition, providing a full and open bar will require more staffing than a limited bar with wine, beer and soft drinks. Be sure to confirm the proper attire for the wait staff beforehand so it is in keeping with the degree of formality for your reception.

FINAL ARRANGEMENTS Ensure that your catering contract details all of the particulars of your reception. Specify the day, date and time; the address of the site; food items by course and the number of guests covered; provisions for special meals; the time of the cocktail hour; the time the meal will be served; contact people, including someone from your end with whom the caterers can consult; the number of servers and bartenders and their uniforms; linens; beverages to be served and bar guidelines; terms of payment; and liability insurance. Typically, an advance deposit is due when you sign the contract and remember to check on the cancellation policy for unforeseen events. Back to

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reception continued... PRIVACY ISSUES If your venue does multiple events, find out if there are other bookings at the same time or on the same day as yours. If so, ensure that there will be adequate privacy and separation for your celebration. There should also be ample time in between events to allow your caterer or other service people to set up or break down your party.

ENTERTAINMENT ISSUES Whether you intend to have a DJ or a band, inquire about possible restrictions regarding the type, volume or duration of music. Be sure to confirm that there is an adequate power supply for speakers, mixers and amplifiers, or good acoustics for string and wind instruments. Some sites have built-in public-address systems which can be used for introductions and toasts. If your site of choice doesn’t offer this equipment, make sure your DJ or musicians can provide it.

FIRST IMPRESSIONS Your guests will get their first impression of your reception as they enter the building. But first they have to be able to find it. Clear signage indicating the way to the reception or cocktail area is a must. Whether your party starts with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres outside on the terrace before moving indoors for the meal and dancing, or the entire celebration is held in one room, make sure there is adequate space to receive everyone and to serve your guests while they await your arrival. You don’t want a backlog at the entrance because the doorway is too narrow.

PEOPLE POWER As with any event, there should be a designated person to keep the event running on schedule. This key person may be a wedding coordinator, your caterer or the facility manager. They’ll be responsible for timing of the cocktail hour, prompting your guests for the meal, cueing the musicians for the first dance, and coordinating with the emcee for the champagne toast, cake cutting, bouquet and garter toss. If this person is affiliated with the facility, make sure you meet them and are comfortable with their style before you book.

COST CONSIDERATIONS Rates will vary significantly depending on the type of location, the number of guests to be accommodated and the time of year. Generally, the fee for a room rental is based on usage for a specific period of time, usually four to five hours. If you anticipate your reception running longer, confirm all additional charges. Typically, these charges will be based on half hour increments. All of the details for your reception should be delineated in a contract signed by you and the facility’s representative. To secure your date, a 50 percent deposit is usually required with the balance due on the day of the event. You may want to check on the refund policy in the case of a cancellation.

DOWN TO DETAILS As you’re find wedding locations that seem to suit your style, ask vendors about the following policies: catering, alcohol, bad weather, contingency plans, staffing availability, parking, decorating, deposits, refunds and insurance. Before signing the contract make sure Back to Main you’re comfortable with the answers they give.


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photography continued... DOWN TO DETAILS You will want to secure your photographer eight to 12 months in advance. Provide the exact locations and times for the ceremony and reception and agree upon a time for pre-wedding photo sessions, such as those with the bride, bridesmaids and parents as well as the groom and groomsmen. Although there are certain requisite shots for most weddings, it still helps to provide your photographer with a punch list of these and other shots you absolutely must have and who should be in them. It is also a good idea to provide a general schedule of events. The arrival at the church, the receiving line, cake cutting and the first dance are very important. Be sure the photographer is in contact with your minister, rabbi or priest to avoid last-minute situations where his or her lighting is not allowed. If you have a large wedding party or family, you should designate a friend or family member who knows everyone to work with the photographer and ensure that no one is missing from large portraits. Remember to tell your photographer about sensitive situations in either partner’s family, such as recent deaths or divorce, to avoid any uncomfortable situations. Lastly, be sure you understand exactly what you are buying when you purchase this intricate service. The end product is a variety of poses and prints, which you will need to stipulate. Confirm when the proofs will be ready and how you will receive and pay for the finished work. Since clients don’t generally buy the negatives, it would be wise to find out how long they will be preserved in the photographer’s filing system.

JUST FOR FUN In addition to the formal photographs taken by your photographer, consider letting your guests join in the fun. Place one disposable wedding camera on each guest table and let your guests spontaneously capture the revelry of the affair from their point of view. Ask your DJ or master of ceremonies to announce several times throughout the reception what the cameras are for, and encourage their use. To collect them, place a decorated basket by the door for guests to deposit them as they leave. Have a friend or family member take the cameras to a photo shop for developing, and by the time you return from your honeymoon, you will have an entire collection of special memories just waiting to be enjoyed.

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music continued... CHAMBER MUSIC Ensembles of violins, violas, cellos, harps and flutes produce some of the most divinely melodious sounds in the world. Playing classical and contemporary romantic numbers, these groups are appropriate for your ceremony, cocktail hour or a more intimate reception. These ensembles work extremely well at outdoor affairs, since they do not require access to electricity. Male members are usually attired in tuxedos, while female members wear elegant black dresses or gowns. Meet with these music professionals early in your planning process to guarantee their availability on your date and to tailor a repertoire suitable to your budget and taste.

CLASSICAL GUITAR Either alone or accompanied by a flautist, classical guitar performances are elegant and distinctive. A well-versed classical guitarist, outfitted with a single amplifier, meets the needs of the ceremony and/or cocktail hour, since their repertoire often extends beyond strictly classical music to include contemporary tunes as well. Their singular presence also works nicely for small, intimate receptions. Most classical guitarists will readily perform a preview of their music upon request to help in the decision-making process.

BANDS & ORCHESTRAS Bands are typically multi-member ensembles that include vocalists, guitarists, a bass player, a pianist or keyboard player and a drummer. The lead vocalist may also act as emcee for the evening. Bands usually charge based on the number of members in the group. The size of the band needed will greatly depend on the number of guests you intend to invite. To find a band, elicit the help of a booking agent who represents the kind of entertainment you’re looking for. The best groups will be booked well in advance, in fact, up to a year is not unusual so book your entertainment as early as possible. Two weeks to a month before the wedding, confirm the date, location, time of set up and when the performance should begin. Well in advance of the wedding day, provide your musicians with a list of songs you would like played at the reception. Be specific and include song titles and singers/composers. Make sure that your musicians can play the Back to song for your first dance, or that the DJ has a clean copy of the original Main recording. Article

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grooms continued... SHOPPING TIPS When the men visit their formalwear shop they should have a firm idea of the women’s wedding attire, and bring color swatches from the bridesmaid’s gowns. Pictures from the pages of wedding and men’s magazines of the preferred formalwear styles will aid in the decision-making process. The groom and groomsmen should reserve their rentals at least three months in advance of the wedding. Final measurements should be taken about three weeks before the ceremony. Tradition says that groomsmen pick up the cost of renting their own formalwear, but the discreet groom might offer to cover the accessories such as custom cuff links and shirt studs. Finally, someone should be designated to return all formalwear to the store on time in order to avoid late fees, which can get quite expensive adding up the per day, per outfit costs.

GROOMING THE GROOM With all the attention given to the men’s clothes, an important detail that is sometimes overlooked is the groomsmen’s hair. Men are generally more casual about haircuts than women, but they should be sure to get a trim two weeks before the wedding to add the finishing touch to their wedding finery.

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registry continued... THE LONG-DISTANCE REGISTRY If you and your fiancé are from different parts of the country, it may not be possible to find the same retailers in each other’s respective towns. While it is possible to order gifts by phone or over the Internet, many people prefer to shop in person. In this case you might want to split your registry among various stores. Start a registry specifically for crystal and silver at a department store in your groom’s hometown, and open a separate registry for china in your parent’s hometown. In the city where you and your groom live you can register for non-traditional registry items.

THE CHARITABLE REGISTRY As more and more couples are marrying later in life, it’s becoming popular to register for gifts not for themselves, but for the good of the world. Couples have asked guests to donate to charities, contribute to rain forest preservation or any number of other possible philanthropic ways of celebrating their marriage without the presents.

GETTING THE WORD OUT Once you have decided on where to register and what items will be included, the next step is getting the word out to your guests. Your family, maid of honor and bridesmaids are invaluable assets in spreading this information by word of mouth. While it is perfectly acceptable to include the stores where you are registered on your shower invitations with the simple statement, “Bride is registered at _____,” it is not appropriate to include such information on your wedding invitations, as it implies that a gift is required for attendance.

KEEPING TRACK The tradition of keeping a gift log to record the gift, the giver, and the store it came from was once exclusively the task of the bride. Now many retailers provide this service. Computerized registries can keep track of the items bought and the purchaser. This information will come in handy when you write the many thank-you notes you will undoubtedly be sending.

SAYING THANK YOU Gifts received before the wedding should be acknowledged in the form of a thank-you note within two weeks of the gift’s arrival. It is proper to send thank-you notes for gifts received on the wedding day no later than one month after the honeymoon. Gifts received after the wedding should be acknowledged within a month. All notes should be handwritten since typed or printed cards are considered too impersonal. Because gifts are usually sent to the bride, she customarily sends the thank you notes. It is appropriate for the groom to share in this responsibility, especially when the gifts are from his close friends or family members.

REGISTRY BASICS Traditional bridal registries usually include these items: • Fine china, Crystal stemware, Sterling silver flatware, Table linens, Bar accessories, Everyday china/ dishes, Stainless steel flatware, Everyday stemware, Kitchen cookware, Cutlery, Kitchen and bath linen, Dining room sets, Home accessories, Outdoor barbecue accessories, Small appliances, Gardening accessories

CARE FOR YOUR TREASURES If you receive gifts that are of notable worth, you might consider adding a rider to your home owner insurance policy to cover all of your wedding treasures. The policy is fairly inexpensive and will be well worth the peace of mind it will bring.


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fashion 2010

Enjoy our 2010 fashion and the journey through our bridal fashion history. While revisiting our fashion archives, what struck us the most was how truly timeless most wedding gowns are… so many of them could fit in easily with today’s styles. And that’s the ultimate truth about wedding gowns: despite our endless fascination with what’s new, current and trendy, wedding gowns have a timeless and classic beauty about them.

Gown: Amy Michelson Necklace: On U Jewelry

Shot on location at Villa Terrace Photographer The Artist Group

Gown: Gilles Montezin Necklace: On U Jewelry Hair Accessory:

Gown: Alvina Valenta Hair Accessory: Bracelet: Diamond Nexus Labs

Gown: Tara Keely

Gown: Alvina Valenta Necklace: On U Jewelry

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Planning your destination wedding or honeymoon has never been so easy! A warm, sunny beach… A villa in Italy… A chalet in the Rocky Mountains… Finding the perfect location is the first step and where better to start than

Domestic, Tropical and International Locations Travel Tips Destination Fashion

honeymoon 2010

[ domestic ]


Story By rachelle Dragini PhotoS courteSy city oF chicago / grc, hotel Burnham, W chicago-lakeShore anD the PeninSula chicago

It’s been the subject of songs, the backdrop of TV shows, a breeding ground for mobsters and the home to fanatics of some of the winning-ist and losing-ist teams in sports history. Sometimes gritty and blue collar, often corrupt – Chicago is rarely portrayed as a romantic getaway. But a new kind of town sprung up under the old and around every corner there’s a sense of vibrancy and adventure alive and well in Chicago. Catch a Broadway show, go for a romantic moonlit stroll on the shores of Lake Michigan or listen to live music over pizza at one of downtown’s fantastic eateries and you’ll be swept off your feet.4

Top MusT-see’s, MusT-Do’s Museums and Attractions chicago has numerous museum and attractions for all interests. art lovers will marvel at the excellent collections at the art institute of chicago. the museum of Science and industry has stunning displays on the country’s rise to industrialism. the Field museum of natural history could occupy even a casual history buff for days. couples who wished they could have gone on a beach vacation might get the closest thing with the Shedd aquarium, a multilevel aquarium with incredible varieties of sea creatures. Fans of architecture will be interested in the Frank lloyd Wright home and Studio, where you can see where the famous architect studied and examples of his work.

The Shedd A1uarium is located just south of downtown Chicago, along Lake Michigan.

The Wrigley Field marquee is an iconic Chicago image.

Sports Game chicago has a storied tradition in professional sports, from the ‘Dynasty’ chicago Bulls basketball team led by michael Jordan to the chicago cubs, rumored to be the victims of a curse that has prevented a World Series win for over 100 years. Figure out what sports season you’ll be honeymooning during and try to get some tickets for a baseball game at the historic Wrigley Field, home of the chicago cubs, or another event to see the passionate chicago fans in their element.

Jay Pritzker Pavilion at Millennium Park during a performance.

Millennium Park Stunning art and architecture and quiet walking trails with a view of the chicago skyline make millennium Park a must for chicago honeymooners. Just a few steps away from downtown, it’s the perfect place to escape and admire giant outdoor art pieces and get a breath of fresh midwestern air. check local listings to see if there are any concerts or events in the park while you will be there.

More than 500,000 people ride Chicago’s elevated (‘el) train system every day.

The Peninsula Chicago

[ domestic ] Where To sTay Hotel Burnham you’ve got history and accommodations rolled into one if you stay at the hotel Burnham. Built in 1895, it’s maintained much of its character and the place has glamorous, mahogany feel. ask for a honeymoon room with a breathtaking view of the city.

W Chicago - Lakeshore from Lakeshore Drive

W Chicago - Lakeshore Perfect for honeymooners looking to be by the water – this hotel is just steps away from a walking/running trail along lake michigan and is just a short walk from downtown. the plush, incredibly large beds are perfect for newlyweds.

The Peninsula Chicago

W Chicago - Lakeshore Wow Suite Living Room

if you’re looking to spoil yourself on your honeymoon (and why not?) look no further than the Peninsula chicago. top of the line amenities, four restaurants, a lavish spa and fitness center and the best Sunday brunch in the city make this the perfect spot for the indulgent couple who aren’t looking to leave their hotel.

Where To eaT Giordano’s

Hotel Burnham Guest Room

italy or new york may boast that pizza is their own, but chicago took a deep dish and ran with it to create their own signature style pizza – and you can’t leave without trying it. giordano’s is the most popular, and there are a couple locations in downtown chicago, but ask around to see if someone at your hotel or a longtime chicago resident has a lesser-known suggestion for the impossibly delicious cheesy delight.

Kinzie Street Chophouse if pizza’s not your thing, let chicago serve you a steak. chophouses are found almost

as much as pizzerias, and chefs will prepare a steak grilled exactly to your order. kinzie Street chophouse is among the best, others include Sullivan’s, morton’s and gibson’s.

CocoPazzo you can’t go wrong with italian in chicago, and cocoPazzo is among the best. it’s one place you can find a thincrust pizza in chicago, or try one of their specialty pasta or meat dishes. there are also plenty of vegetarian options. almost as tasty as the food is the atmosphere, which is typical chicago – lively with a cozy, hometown feel.


Top photo: A Chicago-style hot dog is topped with mustard, onion, relish, tomato, a dill pickle, celery salt and sport peppers – never ketchup. Middle photo: The famous Chicago-style pizza, also known as “deep dish”, is made in a deep round pan and features mozzarella cheese, chunky tomato sauce and meats or vegetables.

The famous marquee of the Chicago Theater lights up the night sky

Hotel Burnham Entrance

[ tropical ]

British Virgin Islands Story By rachelle Dragini

PhotoS courteSy the BritiSh Virgin iSlanDS touriSt BoarD, anegaDa reeF hotel, Blue eScaPeS VillaS anD SanDcaStle VillaS

You can sense it the second you arrive – this was a place created for sailing. Whether it’s the taste of the salt in the humid air, the white sand stretching for miles, or the ghosts of sailors past from the ancient wrecks along the coasts, it’s certain that the forty or so islands that make up the British Virgin Islands have seen their fair share of sea-worthy crafts. Today, honeymooners can take advantage of those trade winds and share a romantic sunset cruise or unwind on the white sandy shores that saw many a sailor embark on a journey. Whatever the activity, the crystal-clear water and the islands inviting shores and people will welcome you. 4

Blue Escapes Villas

Lay of The LanD tortola is the main island in the archipelago and the center of commerce. road town, the capitol, is located on this island. While bustling, it is a bit more touristy and less laid-back that some of the other islands. honeymooners might flock to anegada for its quiet, pristine beaches and unparalleled nature trails through beautiful fauna. Jost Van Dyke island is the perfect place to sip a rum concoction and munch on fresh lobster after a day in the sun or at sea. other, smaller islands make up the rest of the land and are accessible by boats that can be rented or chartered.

Top MusT-see’s, MusT-Do’s Go Sailing Steady trade winds and picture-perfect scenery make the British Virgin islands a hands-down, number one sailing destination. Whether you are a seasoned pro who wants to rent or a couple looking for lessons, there are plenty of options to hit the sea. Some companies offer chartered boats to hop from island to island or go deep-sea fishing, others offer smaller crafts that you can take for a romantic sunset sail. Whatever your level of expertise, don’t let your time in the British Virgin islands pass without a sail.

Scuba Dive Just like sailing, you don’t need to be a pro to appreciate the excellent diving that can be done in these islands. there are opportunities to see stunning underwater views and wildlife in the clear waters off most of the islands. if you’ve dived before, you can rent gear and get going, otherwise there are trained instructors ready to guide you on your first dive.

A fleet of boats is moored at Road Town, Tortola

Seagrape Cottage on Little Thatch Island a beachfront cottage on a private island, just off of the west coast of Tortola

[ tropical ] Hit the Beach

Seagrape Cottage Interior

you couldn’t miss the beach if you tried during your stay in the British Virgin islands, but don’t forget to jump off that swinging hammock or beach towel for awhile, too. almost all the white sand beaches have romantic nature trails throughout lovely sections of the dense island flowers and fauna where you’ll see colors and patterns you never even knew existed.

Where To sTay Anegada Reef Hotel

Blue Escapes Villas

this hotel offers a one-stop shop for everything you’d want to do on the island of anegada. Deep-sea fishing excursions, snorkeling, and romantic nature walks specifically designed for honeymooners are just a few of the attractions here. Dining is great, here, too, with fresh seafood and other local delights available at the casual restaurant.

Blue Escapes Villas For a private villa in tortola, make sure to check out what Blue escapes has to offer. if you’d like the combination of being in the center of action in tortola while managing to maintain some privacy, a secluded villa in tortola is the perfect escape. With Blue escapes, you can search through different options to find one that matches your needs. Anegada Reef Hotel

Sandcastle Hotel if you’re looking for a truly tropical, care-free place to spend your days, head over to the island of Jost Van Dyke and stay at the Sandcastle hotel. the white sand beach, swinging hammocks and the beachside bar make this the perfect spot for honeymooners just looking to unwind.

Where To eaT Quito’s Gazebo located on the beach at cane garden Bay, Quito’s gazebo is open for lunch and dinner tuesday through Sunday and features a Wednesday night Fish Fry. you’ll be served a taste of the local flavor along with your meal at this restaurant set up on stilts at the water’s edge. Watch the sunset, listen to live local music and dine on fresh seafood and other mouth-watering entrees at this restaurant that is full of character. Be sure to visit on a night with live entertainment by singer/songwriter Quito rymer. most restaurants on the British Virgin islands are similar – nestled into the water, you can swim or sail right up to many of them and order a drink or some fried seafood. Don’t expect fine Blue Escapes Villas

dining experiences or to get dressed up for your meals, but the food will be delicious and the atmosphere even finer.


fact sheet CLiMaTe: The islands enjoy a subtropical climate and although there is high humidity, the trade winds keep the temperatures comfortable. Temperatures range from 72 – 88 degrees. Rainfall is light. Language: You may hear some Spanish or French Creole on the islands, but English is the primary language and there should be no language barriers. TiMe Zone: The British Virgin Islands are in Time Zone Q and do not operate under Daylight Savings Time. eLeCTriCiTy: The primary voltage is 110-120 volts, the same as the US and Canada, so you do not need an adapter. CurrenCy: The US Dollar is used throughout the islands. Road Town has many popular banks, but if you’re going outside the capital be prepared with enough cash or credit cards.

Destination weddings at Bitter End Yacht Club. Enjoy dinner under the stars and dance to steel drums in true Caribbean style!

Tipping: At restaurants, a 10% tip will probably be added automatically to your bill, but if the service is good it is customary to add another 5%. Similarly, hotels will likely add a ‘service charge’ anywhere from 5 – 15%. You may want to check ahead of time if this is something that will be added at the end of your stay. When riding in a cab, a 5% tip is customary for good service. Marriage requireMenTs: If you’d like to plan a destination wedding in the British Virgin Islands, you must get there at least three days before the wedding will take place. To apply for a marriage license, you must go to Road Town on the island Tortola. A license will cost $110 if you are there three days in advance; if you stay for more than 15 days in advance, the price drops to $50. You will need passports and birth certificates for the license. After applying for the license, you will need to go to the Registrar General’s Office in Road Town to set up an appointment for the ceremony. If you would like to have a religious official and not the Registrar perform the wedding, you will need to make separate arrangements.

[ international ]

South Africa

Story By rachelle Dragini

PhotoS courteSy South aFrican touriSm, tintSWalo atlantic loDgeS, rocktail Beach cluB / Dana allen

Conflict might be one of the first words that comes to mind when thinking of South Africa. The country has seen its share of historical clashes, dating back to colonial imperialists and more recently the struggle with apartheid – but don’t let that stop you from discovering the beauty that lies beneath years of war. Although painful, South Africa’s turbulent history has made it into the rich and intriguing country it is today. Honeymooners will marvel at the sense of peace they can find in its scenic mountain trails, pristine beaches and wild plains. Explore South Africa on your honeymoon and you just might find the only conflict is trying to add more time to your adventure. 4

Abseiling on Table Mountain, Cape Town

The Lay of The LanD

Elephants at Sabi Sabi

there’s no excuse not to come to South africa – they’ve truly got it all. in between two coasts with exceptional beaches, an untamed african wilderness, beautiful mountain hiking trails and sophisticated cities await honeymooners. transportation throughout the country is relatively easy, so it’s possible to trek through the mountains, take in the bustling city, explore the african wildlife on a safari and then take a breather at a luxurious coastal resort, all in one trip. top that off with the privilege of experiencing the unique blend of cultures that make the South african people, music and cuisine so vibrant, and you’ve got the vacation of a lifetime.

Top MusT-see’s, MusT-Do’s Safari

Greenmarket Square in Cape Town

Guests in safari vehicle watching cheetahs during game drive

you can’t do africa without the safari experience. there’s no other place in the world where you can begin the day getting up close and personal with exotic wildlife and end it with a six-course meal at a luxurious resort. there are plenty of safari tourism companies, so you can shop around and find the perfect fit for you, whether it be a 5-day camping excursion through the african wilderness, a day trip that ends at a coastal resort or something in between. you’ll probably find the most options at the best deal if you use cape town as your base. almost all tourism agencies offer a special honeymoon excursion or accommodation, so be sure to look for those offers when you’re planning the trip.

Adventure Tourism Besides going on a safari, there are endless opportunities for the newlywed daredevils. abseiling off table mountain, bungee jumping off river bridges, hiking to a cheetah farm, paragliding, sandboarding

[ international ] and shark cage diving are just a handful of the activities South africa has to offer. as with a safari, cape town is the best place to set up an adventure activity, since they will have the most agencies and transportation options.

The Garden Route if you’re using cape town as your base, head just a little bit east to the magnificent garden route. Stretching about 125 miles, a collection of picturesque towns offers something for every travel. they boast the best beaches in South africa, mountains, rivers, excellent hiking and outdoor sports, golf courses, ostrich riding, canopy tours and the world’s largest bungee jump into a river. Whale and bird watchers will find the garden route among the best places in the world to spot their favorite species. there is plenty of honeymoon accommodation in many of the small towns such as george, Storms river and knysna.

Where To sTay Rocktail Beach Camp For honeymooners looking for a more secluded spot, this camp is set back in and shaded by the sanctuary of the lush maputaland coastal Forest covering the ancient dunes that make up the edge of South africa’s kwaZulu-natal coast with the maputaland marine reserve just offshore. the camp has a honeymoon suite with wonderful views of the ocean and dune forest. you’ll also have access to a central dining room and bar/lounge with a wrap-around veranda with incredible views. the main area also has a large swimming pool and curio shop. couples looking for an active honeymoon will have lots of opportunities. With the marine reserve just offshore, couples can encounter huge shoals of fish, dolphins and whales by scuba diving and snorkeling. Guest Tent at Rocktail Bay Lodge

View from Tintswalo Atlantic’s deck

Tintswalo Atlantic Lodges

The exterior view of Tintswalo Atlantic

the tintswalo lodges have three locations in South africa – one an exclusive safari lodge bordering the kruger national Park, one on the atlantic coast overlooking a quaint fishing village, and one just north of Johannesburg. all offer exceptional service, dining and amenities while still maintaining the special South african flair by decorating in thatched roofs or with african accessories. ask for special honeymoon accommodations, some of which include a private pool or special services. Tintswalo at Waterfall: • Views stretch through to the magaliesberg mountains • a stone’s throw from all major routes, but far enough away to be completely quiet • located in a totally secure estate

One of Tintswalo Safari Lodge’s Master Bedrooms

The Main Entrance into Safari Lodge

Tintswalo Safari Lodge and Manor House: • located on a dry riverbed overlooking a water hole. each suite has a viewing deck • Very few vehicles cross paths and there is a low human footprint • Big five game viewing is excellent Tintswalo Atlantic: • the only lodge on the atlantic coast that is built directly on the shore, at the foot of chapmans Peak • open plan kitchen, offering guests the opportunity to get involved • an uninterrupted view of the Sentinel

WhaT To eaT South africa’s cuisine is as colorful as its history. european, asian, arab and northern african staples have merged to form a deliciously diverse and unique South african menu. Don’t be surprised to find eastern spices on a British meat dish or French

[ international ] pastries served with an african flair. the mixture of cultures in their cuisine means some dishes are very provincial, but there are some staples throughout the country. one meal you probably won’t leave South africa without seeing is a braai, or barbeque. another staple is seafood. rock lobster is a specialty, served with lemon butter or in a salad with avocado. crayfish and cod are also popular and are often served with indian or asian spices. the British brought meat pies to South africa, but they’ve turned them into something the europeans wouldn’t recognize. South africans add more seasoning and ingredients such as raisins, a hard-boiled egg, or ham slices and are sometimes topped with a custard. ask around near where you are staying in South africa for local specialties, what is in season and the best place to get it!


one of Safari Lodge’s master bedroom and en suite bathroom

Tintswalo at Waterfall dining area

[ international ]

fact sheet

CLiMaTe South Africa is a relatively sunny place, and because of its subtropical climate temperatures are mostly agreeable throughout the year. On the coasts, the summer months (opposite ours because they’re south of the equator!) are the warmest, but there is often quite a difference in temperature between the two, with the east being warmer. Since there is such a difference, it’s a good idea to check the weather right before you go, and make sure you are checking your specific area so you’re prepared. Language Although there are 11 official languages in South Africa, English is spoken everywhere and is the language on all road signs, banking and hotels. TiMe Zone South Africa operates in the SAST time zone.

eLeCTriCiTy Electricity is 220/230 volt, so you will need a threepronged adapter, although many hotel rooms will have 110 voltage plugs for small appliances such as an electric shaver.

Aerial of Cape Town

CurrenCy South Africa uses the Rand. ATMs are available throughout the country, although there is a particularly high rate of petty crime through ATMs. Instead, many retail shops offer an ATM service through their cashier lines, and you can simply ask the cashier for cash after swiping your credit card. Tipping Tipping is customary in South Africa. The average tip can be closer to 10% and does not usually exceed 15%.

geTTing MarrieD in souTh afriCa You do not need to be a resident of South Africa to get married there. For a destination wedding, make sure your plans start at least two months before the wedding date. You will need birth certificates for both parties and passports if you are not South African residents. If you are under 21 years of age, you will need parental consent on your marriage license form. It should be noted that the ceremony must be performed in a building with open doors.

special online section

The Premier Bride Planner planner

The Wedding Timeline Wedding day CheCklisT The Wedding BudgeT sharing The CosT Planners for Cakes, CaTering, floWers, musiC & enTerTainmenT, PhoTograPhy, reCePTion & VideograPhy Wedding aTTire Planner imPorTanT informaTion & noTes

Log on for a more detailed and downloadable version of this planner. Absolutely everything for your wedding! CoPyrighT ©2009 Premier Bride and kai Publishing, llC

Absolutely everything for your wedding! • The Premier Bride Planner • P1

reserve ceremony site and officiant Work on guest list for a rough count Visit reception sites and reserve one hire wedding consultant (for help with all planning, certain aspects of it, or day of coordination only)

2-4 months ahead

decide on the budget

Buy and wrap attendants’ gifts Buy wedding rings and order engraving announce engagement in local newspapers Confirm delivery dates of bridal gown and bridesmaids’ dresses meet with caterer to discuss menu

arrange ceremony rehearsal and notify participants

Compile guest list Choose attendants select bridesmaids’ attire Plan details of reception: colors, decorations, balloons select photographer select videographer select band or dJ for reception discuss honeymoon plans mail save-the-date cards if necessary get engagement photo taken

register for gifts at one to three stores select florist

reserve accommodations for out-oftown guests finalize honeymoon plans (get your passport if needed!) order men’s formalwear Book stylist or salon for bridal party hair, nails and make-up select and purchase guest favors find and reserve rehearsal dinner location

2-4 weeks ahead

select caterer

order invitations, personal stationery and thank you notes

arrange for final fittings on your gown make reservations for bridesmaids’ luncheon Confirm honeymoon arrangements record gifts received and write thank you notes promptly

Purchase wedding accessories (guest book and pen, unity candle, toasting glasses, cake knife and server, and flower girl/ring bearer accessories)

Book musicians for ceremony

order wedding cake

mail invitations

start reception seating chart and placecards

reserve wedding day transportation

reserve party rental equipment (table, tent, chairs, etc.)

Call county clerk’s office for marriage license details, and schedule date to obtain

Prepare printed program for ceremony

arrange for professionals to preserve your gown and bridal bouquet follow up on missing rsVPs and finish seating chart/place cards Confirm final guest count to caterer and reception site Write rehearsal dinner and wedding toasts Confirm honeymoon arrangements

1 week ahead

6-9 months ahead

address wedding invitations

select ceremony music, readings and vows and meet with officiant

shop for and order wedding gown, veil and accessories

1-2 months ahead

9-12 months ahead

12 months ahead

Organized advance planning will ensure you enjoy every minute of your special day. Start planning your wedding 12 months ahead of time if possible and use the following timeline as a guide through the process. Once the planning is complete, relax and get plenty of rest - the festivities are about to begin.

4-6 months ahead planner

The Wedding Timeline

have final consultation with caterer, florist, musicians, photographer and videographer host bridesmaids’ luncheon Begin packing for honeymoon Put fees due on the wedding day in envelopes, for the best man to distribute

reserve accommodations for wedding night finalize guest list

P2 • The Premier Bride Planner • Log on to for more wedding planning tools!

rings & marriage license ring bearer pillow/flower girl basket Wedding programs Cake knife & server, toasting flutes favors guestbook & pen unity candle, kiddush cup Pay officiant & vendors assign person to collect/transport gifts

don’t forget...

wedding attire

for her: gown - be sure it is pressed headpiece & veil lingerie (bra, bustier, slip, petticoat) hosiery & garter shoes Jewelry & accessories Wrap/Jacket gloves

wedding day emergency kit

Phone numbers for wedding party, wedding coordinator & vendors sewing kit (thread, needle, safety pins & scissors) Personal emergency kit (including Shout wipes, tampons & a small snack such as a granola bar) skin care (cleansers, moisturizers & lotion) hair care (hair dryer, curlers, brush, comb, hair spray, bobby pins) nail polish (color for nails & clear to stop nylon runs) & super glue makeup 2-sided tape & scotch tape extra earring backs extra nylons Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash

honeymoon checklist

airline tickets (note flight number & departure/arrival time) Cruise tickets (note cabin number(s) & departure/arrival time) resort/hotel phone & confirmation number Passports/Visas Camera & film Credit cards Traveler’s checks

updating your name

for him: Coat, shirt, vest & trousers Cummerbund neckwear Cufflinks socks & shoes Portable iron or steamer hand mirror disposable wipes & tissues anti-cling spray something old, new, borrowed & blue deodorant antacid, aspirin, allergy medication & bottled water Breath mints Cash (coins & bills) disposable camera Plastic bags White tailor’s chalk for gown fixes Toupee tape for fallen hems spray-on spot remover

sewing kit medicines/Prescriptions extra contact lenses or glasses Toiletries electrical plug adapters Travel iron Clock radio, travel size hair dryer

auto registration

investment accounts

stock certificates

Bank & credit card accounts

life insurance policy

Car insurance policy

medical/dental records

Tax agency records (state/ federal)

Credit reporting agencies




driver’s license

Post office records

employee records

social security records

Voter registration records Wills/trusts

Absolutely everything for your wedding! • The Premier Bride Planner • P3


Wedding day CheCklisT

Bride’s Wedding ring


groom’s Wedding ring


Ceremony site fee




marriage license


aisle runner









engagement ring

reception site fee


food, service, Tax & gratuity _____________ Beverage/Bar Corkage fee


Cake/Cake Cutting fee


rental items










Photographer’s fee


engagement Portrait


formal Wedding Portrait




Wedding album




Parents’ sets




Wedding Vhs/dVd


additional Copies


Bride’s gown




headpiece & Veil


lingerie, hosiery & garter




Jewelry & accessories




hair, makeup & manicure




groom: groom’s formalwear


neckwear & Cufflinks













Know your overall budget BEFORE you start planning your wedding - it’s one of the first issues you and your fiancé should discuss. Set your priorities based on what is most important to both of you and spend accordingly. For example, if the meal is the most important element of your wedding, you’ll want to allocate a greater portion of your budget to it.

wedding attire planner

The Wedding BudgeT

Photo montage Video w/music _____________ reception entertainment: edited highlights of Ceremony _____________ “love story” Production


Projector rental




P4 • The Premier Bride Planner • Log on to for more wedding planning tools!


groom’s Boutonniere


attendants’ Boutonnieres



Best man






helper Corsages/Boutonnieres _____________

Child attendants


Ceremony flowers


Bride & groom


reception flowers


Bride’s Parents




groom’s Parents




hosts for out-of-Town guests _____________



Pre-Wedding Party hosts


save-the-date Cards


Cake Cutting attendant


invitations & envelopes


gift Table attendant




guest Book attendant




Thank you notes


soloists/musicians (who are friends)


informal stationery




Ceremony Programs




Wedding Coordinator




disposable Cameras


attendant accommodations


Bridesmaids’ dresses/shoes


flower girl’s dress


groomsmens’ formalwear


ring Bearer’s attire


Bridesmaids’ luncheon










Wedding Party Transportation: limousine, Carriage, etc. _____________



favors & accessories


optional items

flowers stationery


attendants’ Bouquets

Cake knife & server




Cake Top


Wedding Attire














guest Transportation

flower girl’s Basket




guest Book & Pen




ring Bearer’s Pillow




Toasting glasses




unity Candle, kiddush Cup


Favors & Accessories








Optional Items


maid/matron of honor




Absolutely everything for your wedding! • The Premier Bride Planner • P5


Bride’s Bouquet

groom’s wedding ring Wedding gift for groom gifts for maid/matron of honor & bridesmaids



It is no longer expected that wedding costs will be assigned according to tradition. Discuss your plan and budget with your families to determine whether to follow a traditional division of financial responsibility for the wedding costs. If circumstances don’t allow the families to follow tradition, the proper rationale in deciding who pays for what portion is basic: whoever is most willing and most able to pay for a wedding expense assumes responsibility for that expense.

gift for parents (optional)

Bride’s engagement & wedding rings Bride’s bouquet & going-away corsage Boutonnieres for men in wedding party mothers’ corsages Wedding gift for bride

gowns for maid/matron of honor & bridesmaids (optional)

gifts for best man, groomsman & ushers gift for parents (optional)

accommodations for out-of-town attendants (optional)

formal wear for best man & groomsmen (optional)

luncheon for bridal party

accommodations for out-of-town attendants (optional)

informal stationery

marriage license honeymoon

engagement party

fee for officiant

Bride’s wedding attire & trousseau Bride’s parents’ wedding attire Wedding gift for newlyweds invitations, announcements, thank you notes, postage engagement & wedding photographs Wedding ceremony site fee & decorations Wedding ceremony programs Wedding reception flowers for ceremony & reception

groom’s family

bride’s family

Bridal party bouquets & flowers for flower girl Transportation for wedding party to ceremony & reception Videographer musicians/vocalists security & insurance for gifts Welcome party for out-of-town guests (optional)

engagement party (optional; following party by bride’s parents) groom’s wedding attire groom’s parents’ wedding attire Wedding gift for newlyweds groom’s informal stationery & thank you notes rehearsal dinner shipment of wedding gifts to couple’s home Welcome party for out-of-town guests (optional)

wedding party planner

sharing The CosT

Bridal shower for bride Bachelor(ette) party accommodations for self Wedding attire & shoes

P6 • The Premier Bride Planner • Log on to for more wedding planning tools!

groom’s cake

cake style

Type of cake: Type & flavor of filling: Type & flavor of icing: date to taste samples:

setup details

cake accessories


Cake topper: Cake flowers: Cake decorations: Cake stands: Cake boxes: Cake knife & server:

Type of cake: Type & flavor of filling: Type & flavor of icing: description:

location: how to decorate cake table: Part to save for Bride & groom: Person to save & freeze the cake: Person to store cake top, knife & server: Person to return cake stand to bakery:

Tea lunch Cocktails dinner

regional seasonal exotic ethnic





CaTering Planner

salad entrée dessert

hors d’oeuvres tables seated meal (family style, american, french, russian, white glove)



Buffet (formal staff-served, casual self-serve)

Chicken Vegetarian Pork seafood






Passed hors d’oeuvres



hors d’oeuvres


seasonal exotic ethnic Thematic


Beer & wine only Wine with dinner Champagne toast specialty cocktail *Some states do not allow caterers to carry liquor licenses. Please check the laws in your state.

Vegetarian kosher halal other

rental items

full Bar



Pasta rentals available Tables Chairs & chair covers China, glassware, silverware & serving dishes linens ratio of guests to servers: ___________

Absolutely everything for your wedding! • The Premier Bride Planner • P7


Cakes Planner

terminology flowers by season helpers planner

floWers Planner Boutonniere . . Corsage . . . . . Cascade . . . . . hand tied . . . nosegay . . . . . Pomander . . . spray. . . . . . . Toss Bouquet .

. . . . . . . .

single flower for men worn on lapel single flower for women worn on wrist or pinned to breast Blossoms & greenery in teardrop shape Cut flowers tied with ribbon or fabric, carried single flower or small bouquet, carried round bouquet on a cord usually for flower girls small bunch of gathered flowers, carried Bouquet or flower thrown to the bridesmaids & bachelorettes

spring Cherry blossom daffodil dogwood forsythia hellebore hyacinth lilac lily of the Valley muscari Peony Quince rose sweet pea Tulip Viburnum

summer anemone astilbe azalea Calla lily Camellia Cosmos daffodil dahlia daisy delphinium french Tulip hollyhock hyacinth hydrangea Jasmine lady’s mantle larkspur lilac lily of the Valley marigold mimosa Pansy Peony Primrose ranunculus scabiosa snapdragon sweet Pea Tulip Violet Zinnia

fall autumn leaves Celosia (cockscomb) Chinese lantern Chrysanthemum Crosnia dahlia hydrangea seasonal Berries statice sunflower yarrow In California, most summer flowers are also available in the fall.

winter amaryllis anemone Casablanca lily evergreen forced Bulbs freesia gerber daisy heather narcissus holly (ilex) Paper-white Poinsettia rose stephanotis

year ‘round Baby’s breath Calla lily Carnation Cattleman Chrysanthemum daisy freesia gardenia gerber daisy gladiolus iris lily orchid Protea ranunculus rose september aster snapdragon stephanotis Tuberoses

description Wedding Coordinator Cake Cutting attendant gift Table attendant guest Book attendant officiant soloists musicians other

P8 • The Premier Bride Planner • Log on to for more wedding planning tools!

wedding party

Bride’s Bouquet Bride’s Toss Bouquet Bride’s going-away Corsage maid/matron of honor’s Bouquet Bridesmaids’ Bouquets flower girl’s Bouquet or Basket groom’s Boutonniere Best man’s Boutonniere groomsmen’s Boutonnieres ushers’ Boutonnieres ring Bearer’s Pillow ring Bearer’s Boutonniere mothers’ & grandmothers’ Corsages fathers’ & grandfathers’ Boutonnieres




description altar/Chuppah Candles & holders Pew/aisle markers other

description entryway head Table Centerpiece Parents’ Table Centerpieces guest Table Centerpieces reception room flowers Cake & Cake Table Champagne/Punch Table gift Table guest Book Table restroom other

Absolutely everything for your wedding! • The Premier Bride Planner • P9




Make song choices before your wedding day. Give a copy of these choices to your musicians and DJs so they can plan accordingly. Include those songs that you do not want to hear that day. Also think about who you want to emcee the event; inform the DJ of these assignments as well.

song/performed by

start time

song/performed by

start time

Prelude Processional service recessional Postlude other other other

reception planner

musiC & enTerTainmenT Planner

Cocktail hour arrival of newlyweds Couple’s first dance Bride & father dance groom & mother dance guests’ first dance dinner Cake Cutting Tossing the Bouquet Throwing the garter last dance other other other other

P10 • The Premier Bride Planner • Log on to for more wedding planning tools!

guests at cocktail party

groom’s photos: groom, full-length groom with parents groom with mother & father separately groom with grandparents groom with siblings groom with best man groom with each groomsman groom with all his attendants groom with bridesmaids bride & groom photos: Bride & groom together Bride & groom with each set of parents Bride & groom with entire wedding party Close-up of couple’s hands displaying rings signing the marriage certificate

Bride putting on veil Candid shots of bride preparing & relaxing Bride’s attendants getting ready groom getting ready groom’s attendants getting ready front of ceremony location guests arriving & being seated

guests signing guest book Placecards Centerpieces, place settings & plated meals favors Toasts


portraits pre-wedding

Bride getting ready


bride’s photos: Bride, full-length Bride, back of dress Bride’s bouquet Bride with both parents Bride with mother & father separately Bride with grandparents Bride with siblings Bride with maid/matron-of-honor Bride with each bridesmaid Bride with all her attendants Bride with groomsmen Bride with ring bearer, flower girl

musicians attendants walking to enter ceremony Parents being seated Candids of parents’ expressions attendants walking down the aisle Child attendants walking down the isle

Bride & groom listening to toasts

groom coming down the aisle

group pictures & candids throughout reception

Clergy, groom & best man at altar


Bride & father walking down aisle

Bride & groom’s first dance

father giving bride’s hand to groom

Bride & father, groom & mother dance

guests watching the ceremony

guests dancing

Vow exchange

Cake, cake table & cake cutting

ring ceremony

Couple feeding each other cake

Candids of bride’s/groom’s face

Bouquet toss

unity candle ceremony, kiddush cup ceremony, etc.

garter removal & toss

signing of wedding certificate

sweetheart dance going-away vehicle (especially if decorated) Bride & groom in going away clothes newlyweds departing & guests’ farewell

groom kissing the bride recessional guests throwing rice, flower petals, etc.

Absolutely everything for your wedding! • The Premier Bride Planner • P11


PhoTograPhy Planner


dates available

location indoor outdoor same site as ceremony Walking distance from ceremony

used for Ceremony reception dressing overnight rooms

site services

miles of ceremony site

services provided rooms food Beverage/alcohol disabled access adequate parking Valet Coat check on-site wedding coordinator staff to cut the cake more than one event at a time

rentals available Tables Chairs & chair covers China, glassware, silverware & serving dishes linens



size small (<100) medium (100-250) large (250+)

provided head table guest tables Cake table guest book table

bringing own decorations

style planner

reCePTion Planner

reception old-world, ornate modern formal rustic fun, funky Casual intimate

ratio of guests to servers: ___________

What are decorating restrictions?

When can decorations/favors come in?

color scheme site features Pastels great entrance Jewel tones Chandeliers neutral tones marble Bold/bright Piano Balcony fabulous staircase fireplace hardwood floors great view stunning windows/window treatment nice changing area/restrooms dance floor meets my size requirements

P12 • The Premier Bride Planner • Log on to for more wedding planning tools!

date: Time: location: special requests:

date: Time: location: guests arriving Wedding party preparing Ceremony guests leaving

early days as a couple Bachelor/Bachelorette parties other:


photos for slideshow bride dressing at home ceremony

Bride as baby groom as baby Bride’s childhood groom’s childhood Wedding photo of bride’s parent’s Wedding photo of groom’s parent’s

date: Time: location: guests arriving announcing newlyweds & wedding party Toasts first dance Cake cutting ceremony Bouquet & garter ceremonies Wedding wishes from individual guests guests dancing guests dining tables Bride & groom saying good-byes & leaving special requests:

special requests:

Absolutely everything for your wedding! • The Premier Bride Planner • P13


VideograPhy Planner




gown headpiece Veil lingerie (bra, bustier, slip, petticoat) hosiery garter shoes Jewelry & accessories Wrap, Jacket or gloves other

bride’s attendants planner

Wedding aTTire










gown lingerie (bra, bustier, slip, petticoat) hosiery shoes Jewelry & accessories other

P14 • The Premier Bride Planner • Log on to for more wedding planning tools!





Coat shirt Vest Trousers Cummerbund neckwear Cufflinks socks & shoes other

groom’s attendants











Coat shirt Vest Trousers Cummerbund neckwear Cufflinks socks & shoes other

Absolutely everything for your wedding! • The Premier Bride Planner • P15


Payment Information Name / Phone



Cake Catering Ceremony site flowers formalwear gown hair/makeup music - Ceremony music - reception officiant Photographer reception site rental Transportation Videographer Wedding Coordinator

wedding party planner

keePing TraCk






P16 • The Premier Bride Planner • Log on to for more wedding planning tools!

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