For those who are unfamiliar with how A.I. is currently changing the world and how it functions, here are a few points for your further information.
So what exactly is Artificial Intel
learning influences and manages many
ligence (A.I.)?
of our current daily activities, such as tra velling to work, communicating online with
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is modelled
friends, searching the web and making
on a simplistic model of the brain, emu
online purchases. In its advanced form,
lating the Neurons and their connec
A.I. is providing breakthrough technolo
tions. It is a decision process to enable
gy in many fields most notably medicine,
ment decisions. Larg e institutions
automation and this is achieved with re
for example, by improving many com
do not fare much better than second
latively simple mathematics. The ba
plex diagnoses and improving outcomes
and third-tier companies, as illustra
sic tools of A.I. have been around for
on complex medical procedures.
ted by the many surveys such as the FT (Active managers struggle to prove
a very long time, but it was 1956 when the term was first coined. The technolo
Why do asset managers require
their worth in a turbulent year — 11th
gy remained stagnant for many decades,
A.I. assistance?
So, the answer
to finding the portfolios that match your
until the arrival of “cheap” reasonably powerful home computers. Only then
They don’t, but then they more often
could very large numbers of smart peop
than not fail to meet their benchmarks.
le start breaking down the frontiers,
Have no doubt, there very many very
for it to become as ubiquitous as today.
smart people working in asset mana
needs and get most bang for your buck does not lie in “Manager Guessing”.
gement and they are more educated How is A.I. impacting our lives
than ever. So why do they regularly fail
Perimeter Consultancy has exclusive
right now?
to meet their benchmarks? The human
access to an Advanced A.I. advisory ser
brain is simply not capable of gathering
vice, for HNW clients and other financial
Probably a day does not go by without
and successfully processing all the data
institutions based in Cyprus.
some influence from A.I. In fact, machine
required to make fully informed invest