TRACK CARE WA NEWS Shire of Waroona Preston Beach Volunteer Rangers Promoting safe and sustainable beach activities since 1999
istorically, Preston Beach was your typical beachside town enjoyed predominately by locals and residents as a quiet beachside getaway. Popularity for the town grew considerably which saw an increase in holiday makers, tourists and day trippers wishing to enjoy the many beautiful features this wonderful location has to offer. In 1999 a group of concerned residents approached the Shire of Waroona with a request to establish a formal arrangement to provide a volunteer ranger service at Preston Beach, with the intention of educating visitors and residents of their impact on the coastal environment and region, encourage responsible activities throughout the area (including 4W driving) and educating users on the suitable behaviours expected of the area.
Today the role of the Volunteer Rangers is centered around welcoming visitors and providing local information to create a safe and memorable experience; encouraging users to retain and preserve the pristine beach and natural bushland environment; offering guidance on 4W driving; and providing initial support to emergency services in the event of an incident. Furthermore, the Volunteer Rangers educate visitors of the legal requirements of the area and monitor unwanted and inappropriate behaviour such as speeding, reckless driving, littering, lighting of campfires, illegal camping and the use of vehicles in prohibited areas. The Volunteer Ranger initiative has since become a vital service to the Preston Beach community and has strengthened the safety and preservation of the local area. Over the years the Volunteer Rangers have assisted
Members of the Preston Beach Volunteer Rangers. Western 4W Driver #121 |