June 2019
P R EC EPTO R Interprofessional Collaboration Interprofessional education and collaboration are integral parts to the curriculum at Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy. From the first semester, students are introduced to the roles and responsibilities of various health professions and how they intersect with pharmacy services. These concepts are reinforced throughout the next four years, increasing in complexity and requiring students to practice these skills. Using recommendations from the Interprofessional Education Collaborative’s (IPEC) guide for Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: 2016 Update, students have opportunities in the classroom, skills labs, and experiential experiences to improve communication and relationships with other health professionals to provide better patient care.
As a preceptor, we encourage you to consider how your setting allows for opportunities for the student to communicate and interact with health professionals and other students. Each IPPE workbook contains activities for the student to complete, and required APPEs require the student to be evaluated on interprofessional teamwork. If you need assistance in developing or refining IPE activities for your setting, please reach out to the OEE team at any time! HELPFUL RESOURCES Melissa E. Rotz, Gladys G. Dueñas, Aileen Zanoni, Anisha B. Grover. Designing and Evaluating an Interprofessional Experiential Course Series Involving Medical and Pharmacy Students. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Volume 80, Issue 5, 2016. Mersfelder, TL & Bouthillier, MJ. (2012). Value of the student pharmacist to experiential practice sites: a review of the literature. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 46(4), 41‐8. DOI: 10.1345/aph.1Q544. David S. Fike, Joseph A. Zorek, Anitra A. MacLaughlin, Mohammed Samiuddin, Rodney B. Young, and Eric J. MacLaughlin. Development and Validation of the Student Perceptions of Physician‐Pharmacist Interprofessional Clinical Education (SPICE) Instrument. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education: Volume 77, Issue 9, Article 190. Angela Shogbon Nwaesei, Bobby C. Jacob, Samuel K. Peasah, Jonathan J. Perkins, Matthew HoganAmerican. Implementation of a Structured Approach to Intentional Interprofessional Experiential Education at a Non‐Academic Community Hospital. Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. Posted online on 27 Feb 2019.
A. Desai, B. Jafry, Y. Kaufman, N. Owens, L. Weisberg. Interprofessional education in a student clinic: Curricular integration of a model workflow for medical, pharmacy, social work and undergraduate learners. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, Volume 14, March 2019, Pages 22‐29.
Kim M. Jones, Donald K. Blumenthal, John M. Burke, Michelle Condren, Richard Hansen, Monica Holiday‐Goodman, Charles D. Peterson. Interprofessional Education in Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences at US Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Volume 76, Issue 5, 2012.