Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy Annual Report 2015

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in•spire /in¥spī(e)r/ : to fill (someone) with the ability to do or feel something of extraordinary quality.


Presbyterian College school of pharmacy annual Report 2015

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Hello from the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy. It is hard to believe that it has already been a year since our last Annual Report—but what a year it has been. So many exciting things have been happening on our campus, and it is my honor to share them all with you. It has been an exciting year at the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy and the stories and information in the pages of this Annual Report highlight some of the wonderful things that our students, faculty, and staff have been working so hard on. I would like to begin by first thanking everyone who has shown support for our school. From the Clinton community, to our donors, to our preceptors—without the constant support of these many individuals we would not be able to provide an education or accomplish any of the numerous things contained in this Annual Report. The Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy continues to grow and move forward in all areas. This year we saw our biggest class yet, and we currently have 315 students enrolled at the School of Pharmacy. We have graduated our first two classes of alumni and they have spread out across the country, seeing tremendous successes in their endeavors after they left PC. While our students have been hard at work, so have our faculty and staff. I am so proud of the grants and funding that our faculty and staff have received this year. Because of their efforts, we are able to offer our students unparalleled, first-hand research experience alongside our talented professors. Besides being incredibly dedicated in the

classroom, the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy family is also a committed member of the community we serve. This year alone more than 3,500 hours of service were completed and more than 11,000 prescriptions were filled in the Presbyterian College Community Care Pharmacy. This combination of education, research, and service epitomizes what we are about, and it is truly inspiring. “Inspiration” has been an important word on the Presbyterian College campus this semester after the College’s President, Robert Staton, challenged students to be “inspired for life.” I am proud to report that our School of Pharmacy students are certainly meeting that challenge. The definition of the word “inspire” is “to fill someone with the ability to do or feel something of extraordinary quality.” Every day in classrooms, labs, and pharmacies, our students are pushing the limits of pharmacy and taking their studies to new heights, filling themselves and others with the ability to do truly extraordinary things. I certainly hope that they will carry this inspiration and passion with them throughout their careers. I hope you enjoy this Annual Report as you learn more about the wonderful accomplishments of our students, faculty, and staff. I encourage you to keep up with our successes on our website (

May you Be Inspired for Life, L. Clifton Fuhrman, RPh, PhD Dean and Professor Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy

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Mission Our mission is to provide a quality education that enables delivery of optimal team-based patient care, fosters leadership, and creates a culture of service.

In order to fulfill our mission, our top priority is the creation of an environment

and opportunities that stimulate our faculty, students, and practitioners to learn, maintain, and expand upon the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to meet the health care needs of the patients they serve.

Vision Our vision is to be a national leader in pharmacy education, scholarship, and

service. Our faculty and graduates will be recognized as servant leaders in their communities.

Values Quality education Culture of service

Commitment to scholarship Integrity

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Facts: Graduation Rate 94%

Table of Contents 5






13 Education 18 Honors 26 Future

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Executive Committee Dr. L. Clifton “Cliff” Fuhrman, Dean; Professor of Pharmaceutical Science Dr. C. Scott Asbill, Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical and Administrative Sciences; Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dr. Jennifer N. Clements, Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice; Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice Mrs. Holly W. Cook, Senior Administrative Assistant to the Dean Dr. Laura M. Fox, Assistant Dean for Professional and Student Affairs; Professor of Pharmaceutical Science Dr. Lewis N. McKelvey, Jr., Assistant Dean for Experiential Education; Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice Dr. Julie M. Sease, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Professor of Pharmacy Practice

Faculty Dr. Serge A. Afeli, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology Dr. Zachary L. “Zach” Anderson, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice Dr. A. Rebecca Bickley, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice Dr. David H. Eagerton, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dr. Christopher L. “Chris” Farrell, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dr. Jack E. Fincham, Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Research Integrity Officer Dr. Jaime A. Foushee, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice Dr. Nancy H. Goodbar, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice Dr. Edward E. “Eddie” Grace, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice Dr. Giuseppe Gumina, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Assistant Director of Research Dr. Amy Messersmith, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Safety Officer Dr. Katherine G. “Kate” Moore, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice Dr. Nancy G. Pedigo, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dr. C. Eugene “Gene” Reeder, Professor of Pharmacy Administration Dr. E. Alfonso Romero-Sandoval, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Director of Research Dr. Kayce M. Shealy, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice Dr. Mary Douglass Smith, Director of Experiential Education Ms. Nancy A. Taylor, RPh, Assistant Professor of Laboratory Education Dr. Tiffaney B. Threatt, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice Dr. Kristopher “Kris” Virga, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dr. Eileen D. Ward, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice Dr. Jun Wu, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Outcomes

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Staff Mrs. Cindy M. Bodie, Administrative Assistant Mrs. N. Susan “Susi” Carbonneau, Assistant Director for Experiential Education Mrs. Deborah S. Caruso, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Carolyn Y. Cline, Receptionist/Building Manager Mr. Vernon L. “Lee” Fix, IT Analyst Mrs. Katherine J. “Deanie” Kane, Director of Admissions Ms. Gloria J. King, Student Affairs Coordinator Ms. Rebecca E. Laura, Media Technology Specialist Ms. Mandy L. McCaslan, Director of Assessment and Academic Services Mrs. Melissa D. Rhodes, Administrative Assistant Mr. Walter Ridgely, Financial Administrator, Grants & Sponsored Programs Mrs. Lynn G. Thompson, Experiential Education Coordinator

FACTS: Attrition Rate 5.1% | TYCE Pass Rate 99%

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Inspiring progress and collaboration within the walls of the School of Pharmacy.

Students participate in first Pharmacy Research Symposium The School of Pharmacy believes research exposure is crucial to developing students who are critical thinkers. In January of 2015, the school held its first Pharmacy Research Symposium featuring two nationally recognized speakers in clinical and translational studies. The event also provided an opportunity for PC students to learn about the different types of research being done at the school by fellow classmates and faculty. “Research-based learning is one of the best bets we have to develop critical thinking,” said School of Pharmacy Associate Professor and Director of Research Dr. Edgar Alfonso Romero-Sandoval. “Students who are critical thinkers will be more confident and effective when dealing with patients later in their careers. This event provided an invaluable opportunity for students with research experience to develop their presentation skills and share their passion with classmates who had not yet gained such exposure.” The school recognized three students for their research achievements: Michael A. Cohen, Arathi Pillay, and Evan Bryson. Both Pillay and Bryson are graduates of the Pharmacy Research Summer Interns Program. Bryson’s research titled “Analgesic Efficacy and Penetration of Compounded Topical Gabapentin Creams: Finding an Optimal Dose and Pre-Treatment Time” was later recognized with the “Best Basic Science Abstract” award during the Pain Society of the Carolinas meeting in Greenville. “PC School of Pharmacy’s first Pharmacy Research Symposium was an outstanding success. It was an amazing opportunity to showcase some of the first-class research projects being conducted by our faculty and students and also to hear from very distinguished researchers from outside of our institution,” said Bryson. “I feel like it was a vitally important event to reach out to both graduate and undergraduate students and expose them to the amazing research opportunities at the PC School of Pharmacy, in addition to educating them

on the importance of medical research in the healthcare landscape. Personally, I have benefited profoundly from the research program at PC. The Pharmacy Research Symposium afforded me an opportunity to share my research experiences and inform other students about the tremendous opportunities available to us as students here at the PC School of Pharmacy.” “As a teacher, I couldn’t be more proud to see the fruition of our efforts,” said Romero-Sandoval. “The event was a huge success and we look forward to building upon that in years to come.” Speaking of future events, the school of pharmacy is now preparing for the 2016 Symposium for Young Neuroscientists and Professors of the Southeast. The Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy was chosen to host the meeting that provides a unique and valuable forum for young neuroscientists to present their research results and obtain feedback from others in the field. Medical University of S.C. Chair of Neuroscience Dr. Peter W. Kalivas and NPR Science Correspondent Dr. Joe Palca will share cutting edge research findings with attendees in April. “We are honored to have been chosen to host this important regional event,” said Romero-Sandoval. “We look forward to having our colleagues throughout the region here to see firsthand all of the wonderful things Presbyterian College and the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy have to offer.”

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Care for the Community is not just something we say, it is the reason for everything we do.

The Wellness Center at the Pharmacy School

Since 2011, The Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy Wellness Center has served as a vital resource to help members of the community manage chronic illnesses. Every day, pharmacists and students are living Presbyterian College’s motto, Dum Vivimus Servimus or “while we live, we serve,” offering important diagnostic and preventative care, oftentimes at no cost to patients. “Increasing the focus on health prevention in our communities is the best chance we have to improve America’s health and quality of life,” said Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice Tiffaney Threatt. “Focusing on preventing disease before it occurs will lead to healthier homes, workplaces, schools, and communities. People will be able to live longer and more productive lives and reduce healthcare costs along the way.” The Wellness Center is a pharmacist-run facility offering a variety of services from diabetes education and management to programs to promote employee wellness, healthy eating, immunizations, and tobacco cessation. Thanks to the efforts of the Wellness Center and the College to support a healthy workplace, Presbyterian College has been recognized as a “Fit Friendly” workplace through the American Heart Association for the last two years. “This is a unique opportunity for the community because pharmacists have extensive knowledge and expertise in the use of medication,” Threatt said. “They are also one of the most accessible of all health professionals in that they’re in a position to help patients optimize appropriate medication use, reduce medicine related problems, and improve health outcomes through the delivery of patient care services.”

The Wellness Center’s comprehensive diabetes education program is accredited by the American Association of Diabetes Educators. Private practice and free clinic patients in the community and surrounding counties who are referred for treatment are eligible to participate at no charge. Using a program called Conversation Maps, patients are able to be personally involved in the learning process, engaging with others to discover solutions to their medical challenges and make positive lifestyle changes. “Patient laboratory data for diabetes management demonstrates time and time again that the program works to help people manage their diabetes successfully,” said Threatt. “For us, the great reward is interacting with so many wonderful people in our community and helping to make a difference in their lives.” A number of pharmacy students are assigned to complete one of their 4th year Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience rotations in the Wellness Center. The hope is that the program will allow students to become more comfortable and willing to offer diabetes education when they graduate, thus multiplying the impact Presbyterian College will have on helping people manage diabetes beyond our community for years to come. school of pharmacy annual report 10

A Legacy of Leadership Nancy Goodbar always knew she would go into the medical field, but never thought that path would lead her to the front of a classroom. The daughter of an independent pharmacy owner, Goodbar grew up with pharmacy in her blood and always had plans to take over her father’s pharmacy. She attended Presbyterian College for her undergraduate degree and went on to get her PharmD at the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy.

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Goodbar never pictured herself being a part of academia, but when the opportunity to be a part of a new program at her alma matter presented itself, Goodbar seized the opportunity and never looked back. “I never thought I would be in the front of a classroom,” explained Goodbar. “But I learned I really love teaching students, not just in front of the classroom, but in practice as well…I found a passion that I did not even know I had.” As an Assistant Professor of

Pharmacy Practice at Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy, Goodbar has used her passion to instill in students the importance of involvement with professional organizations both during their collegiate career and also after graduation. “I want students to understand the importance of giving back to your profession and the importance of being involved in professional organizations after graduation because it doesn’t stop with graduation,” said Goodbar.

“Pharmacy is a profession that really is a lifetime of learning. You are committing yourself to a lifetime of learning when you get into pharmacy or any healthcare field. So you have to continue to professionally develop yourself throughout your entire career.” But more than just being involved in these organizations, Goodbar feels that developing leaders within the profession is critical. “I am very passionate about leadership and I am very passionate about instilling in my students that we’ve got to have leaders of the future of our profession,” said Goodbar. “I would love nothing more than to be one of the people that have led a student down that path to being passionate about leadership within the profession like I am.” And Goodbar is certainly leading her students by example. At the 2015 Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists (SCSHP), Goodbar was installed as the new SCSHP President. As the state affiliate of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists , SCSHP is a statewide organization that deals with issues specific to pharmacists working in health-systems. The group focuses on advancing public health, safety, patient care, and patient outcomes through enhancing the roles of health-system pharmacy professionals by promoting education, communication, research, and legislation. The goal of SCSHP is to support and promote safe and effective pharmacy care for every person in the state of South Carolina. SCSHP promotes educational opportunities such as programming, webinars, and two annual meetings and also acts as an advocacy group for legislation dealing with pharmacy. Most recently the group has been pushing legislation dealing with first responders carrying naloxone kits and legislation dealing with medical marijuana.

Goodbar first became involved in SCSHP when she was a student at the USC College of Pharmacy, and she became a member of the organization’s student affiliate group. When she began working at PC, she knew she wanted to get involved with an organization and SCSHP was a natural fit. She started as a faculty liaison for PC to the board of SCSHP and then took on the role of a regional board director. Since that time, Goodbar’s passion for the organization has continued to grow and she has taken on more responsibilities within the organization. As president, Goodbar will oversee the actions of SCSHP by planning meetings, promoting legislative items at the state government level (such as the issue of establishing provider status for pharmacists), enhancing membership benefits, as well as developing and seeking out continuing education opportunities. During her term, Goodbar plans to focus on enhancing membership within the organization. “Growing our membership because we have been able to let our members, and our potential members, see the value of being involved in the organization is key,” explained Goodbar. “If members see the value in joining and being a part of the organization, they are going to be a constant supporter. So letting them know what we are doing for them is so important. My biggest goal has been to focus on our members and our membership—really giving a personal touch to this organization and letting the members see the value in what it is that SCSHP is doing.” Goodbar will be president through March 2016 when she will transition to immediate past president. In the meantime, she will continue advancing causes of SCSHP and showing students at PC the importance of being involved with professional organizations.

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The foundation of the PC School of Pharmacy rests on the knowledge of our experienced faculty and the ambition of our talented students.

Student’s four years at PC are full of personal triumphs

For Arathi Pillay, a P4 pharmacy student at Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy, her passion for the field of pharmacy started early. A native of Brecksville, Ohio, Arathi became interested in pharmacy during her junior year of high school when she had the opportunity to work as a pharmacy sales associate at CVS/Pharmacy. Arathi’s skills in this setting were quickly noticed and she was given additional training and promoted to the role of pharmacy technician. “Ever since working as a pharmacy technician, I have had a vested interest in the pharmacy profession and caring for others,” explained Arathi. It was this passion for caring for others that drew Arathi to the School of Pharmacy. “I was initially drawn to Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy because of PC’s motto, ‘While we live, we serve’ and the school of pharmacy’s motto, ‘Care for the Community.’ I enjoy giving back to the community and wanted to be a part of a professional program that integrates the practice of pharmacy with community service. The School of Pharmacy has further impressed upon me the significance of volunteering within the community as a healthcare professional.” In her four years at PC, Arathi has come to appreciate more than just the College’s motto of service. At the top of her list are the small class sizes and exemplary faculty. “Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy is a small school with extraordinary faculty members and staff who devote their time and resources to teach students not only the Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum, but how to be a successful student and pharmacist,” said Arathi. “The school’s small size promotes the development of strong relationships among students, faculty members, and staff. Everyone at PC is like a second family; we support each other during challenging times and celebrate each

other’s triumphs.” Arathi has had many triumphs while at Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy. In 2015, she was nominated by her peers and named the winner of the Outstanding Student Professionalism Award. Her nomination was based on letters from fellow students which hailed Arathi as “consistently showing superior professionalism in all aspects of her life,” including in her many leadership roles at the state or school level, speaking with a professor after class, in her email and verbal communication, at professional meetings, or working with patients

and other healthcare providers on a mission trip. Dr. Cliff Fuhrman, dean of the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy, praised Arathi at the 2015 White Coat Ceremony when the award was presented to her, saying that “her demeanor inspires others to a higher level of professionalism as she leads by example.” In addition to the Outstanding Student Professionalism Award, Arathi was selected to represent PC and the state of South Carolina at the National Association of Chain Drug Stores’ Annual RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. and this year was invited back as a Student Ambassador to serve as the Student Keynote Speaker at the student programing event. Additionally, she has presented her research project (both in an oral platform presentation and poster forum) to a variety of healthcare professionals at various conferences throughout the state of South Carolina. “During my time spent at PC, I have had countless opportunities to develop personally and professionally,” said Arathi. “I am so thankful that the School of Pharmacy has provided me with opportunities to engage in leadership positions, professional organizations, and conferences.” Outside of the classroom, Arathi is an active member of various campus organizations including Student

Societies of Health-Systems Pharmacy, Academy of Student Pharmacists, Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society, and the South Carolina Pharmacy Association. Her participation in these organizations has played a critical role in her time at PC, and Arathi hopes that future students see the importance of involvement and engagement outside of the classroom. “The more experience and exposure a student can have early on in the practice of pharmacy will only be beneficial,” explained Arathi. “Once a student begins his/her Doctor of Pharmacy schooling, it is important (and fun) to get involved in any of the school’s local organizations. Many of my favorite memories and successes from school were a direct result of my participation in organizations.” “Arathi truly embodies the mission and values of Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy,” said Fuhrman. “She is an ambassador for the profession of pharmacy and an exemplary representative of the values we hold so dear. She is dedicated, driven, and compassionate to all. She is what pharmacists should strive to be.” After graduation in May, Arathi plans to pursue a PGY1 residency with an emphasis in pediatric pharmacy and an ultimate goal of working for a children’s hospital.

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The Number of Publications by Faculty Members


FACTS: Number of Students 315 | Faculty Members 28

Pharmacy: Patients, Pills, and Potions at the SC Governor’s School Some of South Carolina’s brightest young minds gained exposure to the world of pharmacy when professors and students from the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy attended GoSciTech 2015, The S.C. Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics’ annual residential summer camp. Held in Hartsville, S.C., the event is a favorite of PC professors who are able to introduce rising 8th, 9th, and 10th graders to the many different facets of pharmacy. This year’s class learned about compounding, community, and clinical pharmacy, as well as chemistry, physics, biology, and the pharmacogenomics of drugs. “This event allows us to expose students to the pharmacy side of science in a fun and engaging way,” said Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dr. Giuseppe Gumina. “Young people are generally so focused on basic science that they’re not aware of all of the application opportunities our field

offers. This is a great way to introduce them.” Over the week-long course, students conducted a variety of exciting, hands-on activities. From making a pharmaceutical cream and simple syrup to learning how to analyze their concoctions, measure calories in foods, read a medical chart, and even prepare an IV bag, the programs were a hit with students and staff alike. “The camp is as fun for us as teachers as it is for the students,” Dr. Gumina said. “My colleagues have a long history of participating in GOSciTech. We at The Presbyterian School of Pharmacy look forward to returning next summer and may even add another class.”

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FACTS: Number of Service Hours



Presbyterian College has been recognized at local, state, and national levels for its rigorous academics, innovative research, and exceptional service to the community.

School of Pharmacy Annual Awards Mr. Viren Patel Preceptor of the Year Award

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This award seeks to recognize preceptors’ commitment to excellence and outstanding contributions to the educational development of future pharmacists at Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy. To be eligible for the award, a preceptor must have precepted a minimum of six students during the previous academic year and must not have received the award within the last five years. Mr. Patel addressed the Class of 2019 at PC School of Pharmacy’s White Coat Ceremony in August. Mr. Patel demonstrates high standards of professionalism through: • pharmacy leadership, service, and involvement; • expression of genuine concern for patients; • development of innovative or progressive practice; • demonstration of a continuous desire to enhance practice/professional skills; • employment of mutual respect, patience, and a constructive/positive attitude with students, fellow practitioners, and other health professionals; • consistent exhibition of professional ethics within the constraints of professional standards and the federal and state laws that govern the profession.

Dr. Tommy Johnson Faculty Preceptor of the Year Award

This award recognize a faculty members’ commitment to excellence and outstanding contributions to the educational development of future pharmacists at

Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy. To be eligible for the award, a faculty preceptor must have precepted a minimum of 10 students during the previous academic year and must not have received the award within the last five years. Dr. Johnson demonstrates high standards of professionalism through pharmacy leadership, service, and involvement; expression of genuine concern for patients; development of innovative or progressive practice; and employment of mutual respect, patience, and a constructive/positive attitude with students, fellow practitioners, and other health professionals. Dr. Johnson was described as: • Caring, knowledgeable, and involved in the community; • Goes above and beyond his duty to work with APPE students to prepare them for their future careers as pharmacists. All aspects of his rotation; are hands on and he takes the time to work with the students one-on-one; • His involvement in the community exemplifies the Presbyterian College motto “While we live, we serve.”

Dr. Nancy Goodbar School of Pharmacy Teacher of the Year

This teaching award is given to an outstanding teacher on the faculty of the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy each year. Students are invited to nominate a deserving faculty member each spring and nominees are selected for consideration based on a number of criteria including: encouragement of student participation in the learning process, concern for student learning, ability to stimulate learning, and respect for students. Dr. Goodbar will travel to this year’s American Association of Colleges of

Pharmacy meeting in Washington, DC to be recognized at a luncheon for Teachers of the Year from across the country. A few words used by students to describe Dr. Goodbar are: • One of the most amazing professors I have ever had. I have been in college for about 10 years now and have never had a teacher who was so eager to teach and so willing to take extra time with students to make sure they understand information. • An excellent example of what type of pharmacist I want to be when I graduate… truly a wonderful person and an incredible educator. • Cares for the students, encourages us to learn, helpful in all ways, personable, respected, amazing, engaging. • Infectious personality… I have learned and used everything this professor has taught and continue to use it today.

Ms. Gloria King Student Advocate Award

This award was created to honor a staff member of the School of Pharmacy who has gone above and beyond “the call of duty” in his or her job responsibilities.

Nominated by students, Gloria King is described as: • Amazing and relates to everyone. She makes us feel at home and always is empathic. She also can be fun and also can be very encouraging on a hard day. It would be impossible to not have her here, she makes our days better! • Always checking up on students to see how they are. Goes above and beyond to help when needed. • She always has a smile on her face, something sweet to say and encouraging words to say. • She is so, so friendly. She always greets you by your name.

Dr. Giuseppe Gumina Outstanding Faculty Research Award

This research award is given to a faculty member who has provided exceptional contributions to the area of research and scholarship at Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy. Peer nominations were submitted to the committee that was comprised of our Director of Research and both Department Chairs. Nominees are selected based on the following criteria: • demonstration of excellence in the field of pharmaceutical/clinical research; • presentation of their research at a local, regional, and/or national conference; • publication of their research. Dr. Gumina is recognized for constant and successful effort in obtaining research funding, development of clear research objectives, organized dedication to achieve these goals, and the tremendous impact that all this had on our students. Dr. Gumina has trained nine students (one PRSI, four APPE, four independent studies), obtained two SPARC grants, and applied for an NIH grant and is preparing a resubmission. The committee unanimously recognized him.

Mr. Evan Bryson Outstanding Student Research Award Evan Bryson was separately

nominated by no less than three faculty members for this award. Evan participated in the inaugural PRSI program and since joining PC as a pharmacy student has been instrumental in the Department of Pharmaceutical and Administrative Sciences research program. His research accomplishments are truly outstanding and include two grant awards, two poster presentations, and first author publication of two peer-reviewed, original research articles in an international journal.

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Ms. Courtney Meade Outstanding Student Service Award

Courtney Meade was nominated because of her dedication to advocacy for the pharmacy profession. She has worked tirelessly this past year to involve PC students in important legislation affecting the pharmacy profession and South Carolina; elevating PC to the one of the five schools of pharmacy with the highest rate of participation in the Pharmacists Provide Care Campaign nationally. Her work was so intensive that student government decided that it was not feasible for a single student, so a committee will replace her next year.

Ms. Edana Holliday Outstanding Student Leadership Award

Ms. Arathi Pillay Outstanding Professionalism Award

This year’s winner of the Outstanding Student Professionalism Award was nominated by her peers for consistently showing superior professionalism in all aspects of her life. Whether it be in her many leadership roles at the state or school level, talking to a professor after class, in her email and verbal communication, at professional meetings, or working with patients and other healthcare providers on a mission trip, Arathi maintains a professional demeanor in her dealings with others. Indeed, her demeanor inspires others to a higher level of professionalism as she leads by example. She is an ambassador for the profession of pharmacy and an exemplary representative of Presbyterian College and the School of Pharmacy at the local, state, and national level, embodying the values we espouse.

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Edana Holliday was nominated for the Outstanding Student Leadership Award based on her breadth and length of leadership at the School and within the community. She has demonstrated peerless leadership as a student representative on faculty-student governance committees, providing invaluable insight from a student’s perspective. She has taken her primary organization to a new level as a student-led and student-run entity under her leadership and has successfully

motivated and mobilized members of the organization. Edana was responsible for promoting diversity initiatives both at PC and in the Clinton community; helping establish the annual Taste of Culture as well as a fruitful mentoring program with Clinton High School.

FACTS: Students from 26 States

Student Organization Past President Awards 2014-2015

• Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy - Krystal Shelton • Academy of Student Pharmacists of the American Pharmacists Association - Kemper Booth • Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International - Jenny Goetzmann • College of Neurologic and Psychiatric Pharmacists - Courtney Batson • Kappa Epsilon Professional Pharmacy Fraternity - Alexandra Yarborough • National Community Pharmacists Association - Paige Ross • Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society - Arathi Pillay • Student National Pharmaceutical Association - Edana Holliday • Student Society of Health-Systems Pharmacy - Caleb Wallace

Admissions Awards 2014-2015

• Pharmacy Student Ambassadors Extra Mile Award - Allie Hinson • Exemplary Service to Admissions Faculty Award - Dr. Zach Anderson

Scholarships Awarded

• David Marion Cullum Scholarship - Victoria Paradisio • J.M. Smith Foundation Scholarship - Emily Huneycutt • Mutual Drug Pharmacy Student Scholarship - Caleb Staggs • National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation Pharmacy Partners Scholarship - Jenny Goetzmann and Nicole Rhinehart • PC Care for the Community Scholarship - Katherine Bourgeois, Morgan Enlow, Jessica Sanchez-Cruz, and Caitlin Sanders • Rite Aid Scholarship - John Mark Dias, Sarah Goines, Jason Jones, Kathryn Masincupp and Lizzy Robinette • Walgreens Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Scholarship - Edana Holliday • Walgreens Diversity Scholarship - Adia Singleton and Randall Watson

Grants Awarded

• Tiffaney Threatt and Sarah Wagner were awarded a grant ($11,888.92) from National HealthCare Corporation to (1) enhance the training of faculty who have an interest or specialty in geriatrics; (2) improve existing laboratory courses that focus on geriatrics and medication utilization; and (3) establish a geriatric elective course in the curriculum for 3rd year pharmacy students. • Scott Asbill was awarded a grant from International Academy of Compounding Pharmacist for “The Evaluation of Compounded Pain Gels in an In Vivo Preclinical Pain Model” • Alfonso Romero-Sandoval was awarded a grant from the National Institutes of Health- National Institute of General Medical Sciences for “Cell-directed therapy using nanotechnology for the prevention of chronic postoperative pain” • Scott Asbill was awarded an SC-INBRE Grant from NIH-NIGMS

Academic Achievements

• Tiffaney Threatt was one of the top presenters at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Tackling South Carolina Medicaid Readmissions Together conference hosted by The Carolinas Center for Medical Excellence. (Presentation: Telepharmacy Project and Services) school of pharmacy annual report 22


• Julie Sease was named Fellow of American College of Clinical Pharmacy • Kayce Shealy was named Leader of the Pharmacy Communities of Interest through American Association of Diabetes Educators • Tiffaney Threatt was named South Carolina Coordinating Body Finance Leader through American Association of Diabetes Educators • Nancy Goodbar was appointed to the ASHP Section of Clinical Specialists and Scientists’ Advisory Group on Clinical Leadership • Kayce Shealy was an Expert Review for the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Ambulatory Care Self-Assessment Program (ACSAP) • Rebecca Bickley was elected to the Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacology Communications Committee • Jennifer Clements was elected to the SCSHP Education Committee • Nancy Goodbar is the President Elect of the SCSHP Council on Education and Workforce Development (ASHP) • Kayce Shealy served as American Pharmacists Association - Academy of Pharmacy Practice and Management delegate to APhA House of Delegates 2014 • Kayce Shealy was appointed to the APhA-APPM Education Committee • Kayce Shealy was selected as Chair of Student Affairs committee for APhA Diabetes Sig for 2014-2015 • Kayce Shealy served as Chair of the New Practitioner Network Awards Standing Committee through Annual Meeting • Kayce Shealy currently serves on the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Health & Wellness Taskforce, the South Carolina Medical Association Childhood Obesity Taskforce, the American College of Clinical Pharmacy Endocrine Practice and Research Network, Professionalism & Advocacy Committee, and the AACP Pharmacy Practice Section Membership Committee • Kayce Shealy serves as Chair of AACP Women’s Health PRN communications committee

Speaking Engagements

• Pharmacy Faculty presented 47 posters and/or presentations at state and national meetings

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• Sally Rafie, Jennifer McIntosh, Kayce M. Shealy, Laura Borgelt, Alicia Forinash, Sarah Shrader, Erin Koepf, Katie S. McClendon, Brooke Griffin, Cheryl Horlen, Lamis Karaoui, Emily Rowe, Nicole Lodise and Patricia Wigle – publication in Pharmacotherapy (Roles of the Pharmacist in the Use of Safe and Highly Effective Long-Acting Reversible Contraception: An Opinion of the Women’s Health Practice and Research Network of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy) • Kate Moore, Jennifer Clements, Zach Anderson, Julie Sease, “ Utility of clinical controversy debates in an ambulatory care elective” Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning

Publications (cont.)

• Kayce Shealy, Sarah Wagner, Jennifer Clements, Ashley Pugh (Class of 2015), “Team-based approach to obesity management,” Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association • Kayce Shealy, Tiffaney Threatt, “Utilization of the Newest Vital Sign in Practice in the United States” Health Communication • David Eagerton, Nancy Goodbar, Michelle Dansby (Class of 2014), Sarah Abel (Class of 2014), WC Bell, “Morphine overdose in a 6 ½ week old infant: a case report” Austin Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (& • Zach Anderson, Jennifer Clements, “Afrezza: Inhaled Technosphere Regular Insulin” manuscript accepted and will be published in Journal of American Academy of Physician Assistants • Zach Anderson, Kayce Shealy, “Osteoporosis: the basics” Palmetto Pharmacist 2014 • Eddie Grace, Mackenzie Turner, “Use of procalcitonin in patients with various degrees of chronic kidney disease including renal replacement therapy” Clinical Infectious Diseases • Jamie Foushee, Fox LM, Gormley LR, Lineberger MS, “Physical compatibility of cisatracurium with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration” American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy • Linder L, Jennifer Clements, “Combination therapy for hypothyroidism” to be published in Journal of the American Association of Physician Assistants. • Jennifer Clements, Kayce Shealy, “Liraglutide: An Injectable Option for the Management of Obesity” Annals of Pharmacotherapy • Whitney Maxwell, Kate Moore, Sarah Ford White, Sarah Shrader, and Kevin Lu, “Survey of Pharmacists’ Subtherapeutic INR Management and Anticoagulation Bridging Practices: A Preliminary Assessment” Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics • Jennifer Clements, Kayce Shealy, “Management of Uncomplicated GERD in Pediatric Patients” Journal CE published in Palmetto Pharmacist • Nancy Goodbar, Kayla Lewis, “Finding and working with mentors” American Journal of Health-System Pharmacist • Eddie Grace, “Naegleria fowleri: A review of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment options” Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy • Jennifer Clements, “Insulin glargine U-300: A new basal insulin product for diabetes” American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy • Jennifer Clements, “Systemic Lupus Erythematosus” in Dong BJ, Elliott DP, eds. Ambulatory Care Self-Assessment Program, 2014 Book 1. Endocrinology and Rheumatology. • Jennifer Clements and McDowell K, “Review of cardiovascular and renal effects with NSAIDs” JAAPA 2014 • Jennifer Clements and Andres J, “A practical guide to concentrated insulin for pharmacists” J Pharm Pract • Jaime Foushee, Nancy Goodbar, Kelly JL & Clarke SL, “Cerebrovascular accident in a high risk patient during the early initiation phase with canagliflozin: a case study” Ann Pharmacother • Farrell CL, Nancy Goodbar, Franklin MA, Freeland KN, Grace EE, Moore KG, & Buckhaults P, “Clinical Application of Pharmacogenomics Through Clinical Exercises and Online Resources” Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning school of pharmacy annual report 24

presbyterian college

• Paul O. Gubbins, Scott T. Micek, Melissa Badowski, Judy Cheng, Jason Gallagher, Samuel G. Johnson, Jason H. Karnes, Kayley Lyons, Katherine G. Moore, & Kyle Strnad, “Innovation in Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Opportunities for Academic–Practice Partnership” Pharmacotherapy 2014 • Fabel PH, Shealy KM, “Diarrhea, Constipation, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome” in DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Matzke GR, Wells BG, Posey LM, eds. Pharmacotherapy: A pathophysiologic approach • Kayce Shealy, “Mnemonics to assess patients for self-care: is there a need?” SelfCare • Kayce Shealy, ed. ACCP Women’s Health PRN Newsletter, Winter 2014 • A. Huestess, S. Sweitzer, Alfonso Romero-Sandoval, C.S. Asbill, “Analgesic Efficacy and Transdermal Penetration of Topical Gabapentin Cream: Finding and Optimal Dose and Pre-treatment Time” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding • E. Bryson, R. Hartman, J. Arnold, G. Gorman, S. Sweitzer,& C.Scott Asbill, “Skin Permeation and Antinociception of Compounded Topical Cyclobenzaprine Hydrochloride Formulations” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding • E. Bryson, C.Scott Asbill & S. Sweitzer, “Skin Permeation and Antinociception of Topical Gabapentin Formulations” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding • C.Scott Asbill, S. Sweitzer, S Spigener & Alfonso Romero-Sandoval. “Compounded Pain Formulations: What is the Evidence?” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding • Chris Farrell, “Decreasing Drug Resistance Through Modulation/Inhibition of the P-Glycoprotein.” Austin J Pharmacol Ther • Chris Farrell, Nancy Goodbar, Buckhaults P, Eddie Grace, Kate Moore, Freeland KN, Franklin M. “Clinical application of pharmacogenomics through clinical exercises and online resources.” Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning • Weige, C.C., Birtwistle, M.R., Mallick, H., Yi, N., Berrong, Z., Cloessner, E., Duff, K., Tidwell, J., Clendenning, M., Wilkerson, B., Chris Farrell., Bunz, F., Ji, H., Shtutman, M., Creek, K.E., Banister, C.E., and Buckhaults, P. “Transcriptomes and shRNA Suppressors in a TP53 Allele–Specific Model of Early-Onset Colon Cancer in African Americans.” Molecular Cancer Research • Jack Fincham, “Response-Guided Therapy an Appropriate Tool for Evaluating Treatment Protocols and Costs of Drug Therapies” American Health and Drug Benefits • Jack Fincham, “Introduction; Pharmacotherapy, Principles and Practices” Chisholm-Burns M et al. McGraw Hill Medical, 4th Edition • Jack Fincham, “What’s Really in That Generic Drug?” BottomLine Health • Jack Fincham, “A Shocking Side Effect of Everyday Drugs” BottomLine Health • Banister CE, Messersmith AR, Cai B, Spiryda LB, Glover SH, Pirisi L, Creek KE. “Disparity in the persistence of high‐risk human papillomavirus genotypes between African American and European American women of college age.” J Infect Dis. 2015 Jan 1;211(1):100‐8. • Scott Asbill, Sweitzer SM, Spigener S, Alfonso Romero-Sandoval, “Compounded pain formulations. What is the evidence?” Int J Pharm Compd • Paige C, Hill B, Canterbury J, Sweitzer S, Alfonso Romero-Sandoval, “Construction of an Affordable and Easy-to-Build Zebrafish Facility” J Vis • Heustess A, Spigener S, Sweitzer SM, Alfonso Romero-Sandoval, Scott Asbill, “Analgesic efficacy and transdermal penetration of topical gabapentin creams:time” Int J Pharm Compd • Alfonso Romero-Sandoval, Sweitzer SM, “Nonneural Central Mechanisms of Pain” in Theodore Price, Greg Dussor, editors: Molecular and Cell Biology of Pain, Vol 131


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