Subscribe eNewsletter 22 190 Rs.100IndiainPrice vol-Issue22 08 August 2022 A PublishingfromPublicationmonthlyPRESSIdeasPvt.Ltd. Heidelberg Suprasetter at Chandni 08 RMGT Perfector at Thomson 11 8th drupa Global Trends Report 12 NexPrint 2228 by Sudarshan 15 Clickable Paper Book 16 Packaging Ink Safety ........................................ 22 Profitable R2R Digital Labels 24 Anilox laser cleaning 31 Vol.22Issue08,2022 digital printing signage printing

From plates and CTP to workflow software, Kodak optimizes productivity and profit across your entire operation. And we offer high-caliber support tailored to your specific needs, to keep your operations running at full capacity. With expertise, products and support from Kodak, you can grow your business and your bottom line with print that pays. Learn more at © Kodak, 2022. Kodak and the Kodak logo are trademarks. PRINTTHATPAYS

4 August 2022 Contents
Jasmeet D.
Subscription details/form on Page 06 FROM THE EDITORS’ DESK 6 Chandni of Sonepat invests in Heidelberg CtP & Pre-press Workflow 8 National Finale of Print Olympiad 2022 on 5th September 10 Thomson Press installs RMGT 8-colour Perfector Press 11 75th Independence Day at OPA 11 8th drupa Global Trends Report.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Nikhil answers high-demand with new Kodak Achieve 14 Sudarshan launches semi-automatic screen printer NexPrint 2228 15 Clickable Paper Book: Over 4000 books sold 16 Digital launches take center stage at Labelexpo Americas 2022 17 Let’s Gear Up, Labelexpo India is Here! 18 MPS Systems Asia table top exhibition on 7 September in Kuala Lumpur 19 PRINT & DIGITAL CONVENTION 2023 date announced 20 DPA celebrates Independence Day 20 PAMEX first core-group Meeting 21 All in Print China postponed to October 2023 21 Siegwerk webinar: Legal Obligation towards Packaging Ink Safety 22 Gallus One: Opening significant diversification and growth opportunities for converters 24 Cosmo First shows strong first quarter results for the year 25 BK Print & Pack: Strengthening Pre-press with Standardized Plate Processing 26 Parksons Packaging goes for manroland Sheetfed Press 29 POPLI Graphics: Adapting to change with systems, consolidation and customer service 30 Anilox laser cleaning DEMO: TEG Technologies live Anilox cleaning with laser also cleans mess from flexo units. 31 Flint Group at Corrugated Week 2022 32 Esko acquires Tilia Labs 33 Digistik participates as Hydration partner in Freedom Run 33 Durst lineup at LabelExpo Americas 2022 34 GEW brings water-cooled UV LED to Labelexpo Americas 35 HP Indigo V12 makes show debut 35 Seiko Open Week 2022 36 Kongsberg PCS Online Store 37
Editor & herewith.basedresponsiblethereliablefromAllcomplyensureEveryChandigarh-1600021stpublishedFocalatPublishingSinghGeorgeVol.PRESSIdeasThomasProductionRimi,EuropeanTensiUSASukhdeepHardwareNetworking/AnilGraphic(,PreetiCorrespondentYadhuMorphineKAlexAugust202222,Issue08PrintedbyJacobandpublishedbyJasmeetonbehalfofPRESSIdeasPvtLtd.PrintedinIndiaHuesandColors363,IndustrialPoint,Phase-IXMohali,andatPRESSIdeas,437-AFloor,IndustrialArea,Phase-2(India)efforthasbeenmadetothatcreditsaccuratelywithinformationsupplied.materialsuppliediscompiledsourcesbelievedtobeorsolelyanopinionofauthors.PRESSIdeasisnotforanystepstakenontheinformationprovided

Thomson Press has installed RMGT 8-colour Perfector Press with full automation features and LED UV curing. Faridabad based Thomson Press is one of the leading commercial printers of the country. The new press has been added to the impressive line-up consisting of state-of-the-art equipment in one of the best end-to-end setups of prepress to printing to binding and finishing a vast range of products including hard and perfect bound books, magazine and a plethora of commercial products.
pressideas/ commercial printing 6 August 2022
The global economic market has experienced more shocks in the last two years than at any time since the Second World War. Yet, print is still a central means of communication in all markets and regions. While there are challenging times ahead, the industry has both the confidence and the determination to succeed. Commercial, Publishing and Functional markets show signs of recovery in 2023 and markets forecast higher investment.
The report is due for release by September end.
Regionally, confidence levels vary e.g. Asia and South America expect better trading in 2023 while Europe is downbeat. This is what 8th drupa Global Trends Report outlines. There is more to it – the global print industry shows post Covid recovery and resilience in face of fresh challenges.
1 cheques(For(242(12Yearissues)Yearsissues)outstationaddRs. 40/- extra) Rs. 750.00 Rs. 1250.00 5 (60Yearsissues) Rs. 3250.00 1/2/5yrs. I am enclosing cheque/draft of Dear Readers,
In 2017, Chandni Industries of Sonepat invested in Heidelberg SM 74 and bought another Heidelberg SM 74 with a coater in 2020. “Heidelberg’s Suprasetter and Speedmaster SM 74 presses have enhanced our productivity to a larger scale,” says Vipul Jain, MD, Chandni Industries. The paper board packaging and playing card printing business has installed Heidelberg Suprasetter A106 CtP and Prinect Production Management workflow While Suprasetter is upgradable to a Dual Cassette Loader (DCL) for fully automated operation; their Prinect is a comprehensive solution for colour management, precise registration, harmonic balance, colour tools, proof-to-print matching, pressroom inspection and quality assessment etc.
BK Print & Pack has strengthened its Pre-press with standardized Plate Processing. BK is a Kodak Achieve CTP success story that speaks of the device’s robust efficiency and the customer’s prowess in producing Packaging. Another story of Kodak Achieve is of Delhi’s Nikhil Offset; the company has opted for the Kodak device to cater to their lineup of Heidelberg and Komori machines producing chiefly for the publishing market. Parksons Packaging has purchased a manroland R700 2-colour plus coater sheetfed press which will soon be installed in their Northern Plant. Mr. Ramesh Kejriwal, Chairperson of Parksons Packaging is no stranger to manroland capability. Sharing his thoughts on the latest investment, he says: “We are satisfied with the performances of our existing manroland presses, and have opted for a Demo press for value addition.”
Gallus has launched a pure Digital Inkjet Label Press removing the TCO barriers to profitable reel-to-reel digital labels. And, Esko, the global developer of integrated hardware and software solutions for the print, packaging, and label industries, has acquired imposition A .I. software company Tilia Labs. Find all this and more news stories about installations, events, launches and happenings from around the graphic arts industry. Enjoy Reading.
- Jasvinder Singh, Sub-editor

Chandni of Sonepat invests in Heidelberg CtP & Pre-press Workflow
In 2017, Chandni invested in Heidelberg SM 74 and bought another Heidelberg SM 74 with a coater in 2020. Now, they purchased a Suprasetter CtP and Proman aour“Heidelberg’sworkflow.SuprasetterandSpeedmasterSM74presseshaveenhancedproductivitytolargerscale,”saysVipulJain,MD,ChandniIndustries.
> Suprasetter –upgradable to a Dual LoaderCassette(DCL)for fully automated operation.
8 August 2022
Sonepat-based Chandni Industries has invested in a brand-new Heidelberg Suprasetter A106 CtP with Prinect pre-press workflow as pre-press expansion. The brand new Suprasetter has been installed at the Haryana factory. Chandni operates with appx. 40,000sq/ft in two locations at Bari Industrial area Haryana. The company diversified into paper board packaging business and focused on the playing cards segment as a manufacturer since 1980.
> The paper
Vipul Jain, Managing Director, Chandni Industries, “The company had begun its journey in 1961 as a candle manufacturer, later moved to the printing business in 1980, catering to playing cards manufacturing segment. We are specialized in paperprinted playing cards, plastic cards, and customized playing cards. With recent investment in Suprasetter and Prinect Workflow, Chandni has diversified in the paper board packaging segment to produce mono cartons, brown paper and board products. As the core business of our products, we will launch our printed stationery products and gift wrapping in a couple of months to cater to diverse clients.
The Heidelberg Suprasetter A106 CtP comes with maximum plate format of 930 height × 1,060 widths mm with resolution of 2,400 dpi and internal punches up to 4 pair. The modular design of the Heidelberg Suprasetter A106 provides Chandni Industries with maximum flexibility for the medium-size format range.
“We get good service support from Heidelberg, and the team is always available for troubleshooting, as Heidelberg is just a call away for any queries. In 2017, we invested in Heidelberg SM 74, the press
> Prinect comprehensive– colour management, precise registration, harmonic balance, colour tools, assessmentinspectionmatching,proof-to-printpressroomandqualityetc.
The Intelligent Diode System (IDS) virtually eliminates production losses. An integrated cooling system prevents adverse impacts from external temperatures.
Key Notes :
Chandni Industries installs Heidelberg Suprasetter A106 CtP with Prinect Production Management Workflow.

For more information about the solution: call Sachin Kala on | Visit | write to 1st Floor, C56/22, Sector 62, Noida, U.P., INDIA - 201309 Tel: 0120-3100248 +91 98993 07625 CountWONDER FEEL LIKE KNOWING MORE? Powered by: PRINTING SOFTWARE Yes, we can help you analyze & pin-point the reasons for lower production by collecting data from your own production floor machines, without any operator involvement. Remember, the system is wireless and so no production time loss during installation or implementation. ASK FOR YOUR FREE ONLINE DEMO! LIVE DATA COLLECTION F R O M A N Y M AC H I N E O N YO U R S H O P - F L O O R W I T H O U T A N Y O P E R AT O R I N V O LV E M E N T RINGS A BELL? INTERESTING?? Standard reports generated and displayed on any screen of your choice, including mobile screen, are: Ÿ LIVE Machine(s) Status Report [Multi-locational] Ÿ Machine Delayed Start & Early Stop report Ÿ Hourly Production Report Ÿ Machine Downtime Report Ÿ Total Production Report Ÿ Production Lost report Already up and running at many printing presses in the country

pressideas/ commercial printing 10 August 2022 had performed well, and the production output was beyond our expectations. Hence, we bought another Heidelberg SM 74 with a coater in 2020. Now, we purchased a Suprasetter CtP and Proman workflow from Heidelberg. After investing in Proman, we save a lot of time in pre-press; especially designing, step and repeat jobs with packaging design. Heidelberg’s Suprasetter and Speedmaster SM 74 presses have enhanced our productivity to a larger scale,” added Jain. The Suprasetter model can also be upgraded with a Dual Cassette Loader (DCL) for fully automated operation. The DCL works with one or two plate cassettes for different plate formats and types. When using an Auto Pallet Loader (APL) be sure that the plate production is working with maximum efficiency because the APL can automatically load printing plates on a transport pallet.
12 competitions of various levels have been organized with participation boasting at least seven universities/ printing institutions.
Robert Joseph, Business Head –Consumables and Ctp Solutions at Heidelberg, said, “The Suprasetter A106 Ctp equipment is designed in a way that any deviations caused by ambient temperature changes are avoided and it maintains high register accuracy with the printing plates allowing a faster makeready on press and minimum wastage.” Chandni Industries, also use the complete range of Saphira consumables right from plates, inks, and coatings for their Heidelberg presses.
The Prinect Production Manager workflow which has comprehensive set of tools to manage, assess and maintain print quality throughout the production chain. This includes comprehensive colour management, paper stretch compensation for precise registration, calibration manager to enable harmonic balance for print dot gain, colour tools for professional ICC-based colour transformations and proof-to-print matching, integration with offline pressroom inspection tools and quality assessment tools at every stage of production , from plate making and proofing to printing.
The 5th Print Olympiad 2022 picks the best student among all the four zones (East, West, North and South) and the ‘Top Print Student of India’ wins a First Prize of Rs.1,00,000.
The regional level competition for each zone, to select ‘top student’ of the region, was held ‘online’ during the past few months.
The four students who topped their region are Ms. Vishwa Sree K, College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai; Ms. Baddam Meghana Reddy, Central University of Haryana, Mahendragarh; Ms. Pinky Adak, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal; and Mr. Dwayne James Mandy, PVG College of Eng. & Tech., Pune.
The National Finale of the Print Olympiad 2022 will be held at the Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal, Haryana on the 5th of September, 2022.
National Finale of Print Olympiad 2022 on 5th September
The selected top 3 students of the region participated in the regional finale. All these competitions were organized on Virtual Olympiad 2022 is being organized under the guidance of Prof. Kamal Mohan Chopra. All the four Regional Top students will be participating in the National Finale for the Print Olympiad at DCRUST which will be held in the presence of International Jury comprising of Mr. Peter Deckker, Sri Lanka, Prof. Dr. Anastasios Politis, Greece; Ms. Karma Jurme, Yangzom, Bhutan; Ms. Tuti Rahaju Buntaran, Indonesia; 16 qualified judges from India and abroad selected the top print student from each region. 789 students registered from various institutions across the country.
and Dr Rajendrakumar Anayath, India. The Top Print Student of India selected by the jury will be Awarded a Certificate and a Cash Prize of Rs. 1,00,000/- from the Offset Printers’ Association (OPA).
Considered as India’s biggest talent hunt in Printing, the 5th edition of Print Olympiad involved more than 10 eminent printing teachers from various parts of the country.

Thomson Press installs RMGT 8-colour Perfector Press
75th Independence Day at OPA RMGT with full automation features and LED UV curing already in production at Thomson.
pressideas/ commercial printing 11August 2022 and LED UV curing. The machine is capable of high quality production and provides extremely fast makeready – all eight plates (both sides) get replaced with fresh ones in about 2 minutes. The high performance LEDUV System of the press is from GEW, UK. Packed full of productivity and performance enhancing features along with exceptional cost savings, this RMGT 9 Series press is equipped for one man operation and offers a clear advantage over competitive products and which make it a preferred A1-size press added. In his address Mr. Parveen Aggarwal, President OPA said, “The 75th Independence Day being celebrated as Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav is very special, because on this Independence Day, India will again be
It is the time to remember our heroes who were instrumental for the independence of our nation, says Prof.Kamal Chopra. Faridabad based Thomson Press, one of the leading commercial printers in the country has installed an RMGT 8-colour Perfector Offset Press at its facility. The new press has been added to the impressive line-up consisting of state-of-the-art equipment in one of the best end-to-end setups of prepress to printing to binding and finishing a vast range of products including hard and perfect bound books, magazine and a plethora of commercial products. The latest RMGT was installed in May and is already in full production. The 9 Series RMGT press features full automation features Offset Printers’ Association (OPA) celebrated the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (75th Independence Day) at its office at South City, Ludhiana. National flag was unfurled by Mr. Parveen Aggarwal, President of OPA and after reciting national anthem sweets were distributed. Speaking on the occasion Prof. Kamal Chopra, General Secretary OPA said, “Bharat ki Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav is an initiative of the Government of India to commemorate 75 glorious years of progressive India and its rich history, diverse population, magnificent culture and great achievements. It is the time to remember our heroes who were instrumental for the independence of our nation. It is the time to pay homage to all known and unknown stalwarts who sacrificed their life so that we can live peacefully in an independent country. It is therefore to celebrate the national days is the prime objective of OPA, Mr. Chopra
for printers world over. With a maximum speed of 13000 sph, the RMGT’s LED-UV curing units make instant-drying perfecting possible, eliminating the need to wait before proceeding to post-press processes and satisfying the demand for shorter lead times.
The RMGT 9 series has significantly low plate costs and power consumption. The compact space-saving design results in a more comfortable work environment and enables efficient utilization of valuable printshop commemoratingspace. its freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the unity of India. The theme of 75th Independence Day is ‘Nation First, always first’.”

The findings come from the 8th Global Trends online survey, when over 500 senior decision makers on the part of print service providers and machine manufacturers/suppliers worldwide completed an extended survey in spring 2022. The survey was conducted by the commissioned partners Printfuture (UK) and Wissler & Partner (Switzerland) on behalf of drupa.
> Regionally, confidence levels vary e.g. Asia and South America expect better trading in 2023 while Europe is downbeat.
The 8th drupa Global Trends Report will be published in September 2022. The first results from a survey conducted this spring are now available. One important conclusion: overall, confidence is on the rise and all regions and markets forecast higher investment in 2023. The results from the survey show an industry that is on average across the globe a little more confident for the future than when last surveyed in 2019, before the pandemic. The Packaging market is strongest, but Commercial, Publishing and Functional markets all show signs of recovery in 2023. Regionally, confidence levels vary e.g. Asia and South America expect better trading in 2023 while Europe is downbeat given the Russia/Ukraine war and its Investmentconsequences.fellinevitably during the last two years, but printers and suppliers both reported strong plans for capital expenditure. Sabine Geldermann, Director Print Technologies at Messe Düsseldorf, commented: “Printers and Suppliers know they must innovate to succeed in the longer term. The shocks of the last two years pegged back investment, but the survey indicates that the industry expects recovery to start in 2023. All regions and markets forecast higher investment in the coming year.”
> Markets forcast higher investment in 2023.
> Commercial,PublishingandFunctionalmarketsshowsignsofrecoveryin2023.
12 August 2022
Global print industry shows post Covid recovery and resilience in face of fresh challenges. The global economic market has experienced more shocks in the last two years than at any time since the Second World War. Yet this survey shows that print is still a central means of communication in all markets and regions and that while there are challenging times ahead, the industry has both the confidence and the determination to succeed.
8th drupa Global Trends Report
Key Notes :

pressideas/ commercial printing 13August 2022
Analysis of print volume in 2022 by press type, shows continuing decline in Sheetfed
Socio-economic pressures and the global economic market
Print volume and investment plans
Socio-economic pressures are having a major impact across the globe, although they vary in influence between regions. For example, 62% of printers in Asia chose Pandemics as the biggest threat, while in Europe this was chosen by 51%. And while 32% of European printers chose Physical wars, this was chosen by only 6% of those in South/Central America. Instead, 58% of them chose the threat of economic recession. Richard Gray, Operations Director at Printfuture, stated: “Socio-economic pressures are increasingly important to printers and suppliers alike, so much so that 59% thought these were now either as important or more important than print market pressures.”
drupa has been surveying international print service providers and suppliers since 2013 in order to shed light on industry and global megatrends, market potential and innovations in all key areas of the print Theindustry.official registration deadline for drupa 2024 is 31 October 2022. Interested companies can register via exhibitor/
While there was virtually no increase in the proportion of turnover won by Web-to-Print installations between 2014 and 2019, over the last two years the proportion won by that means has shot up for those with such installations. Globally, since 2019 there has been an increase from 17% of turnover to 26% and this major increase is reflected to varying degrees across all markets.
The global economic market has experienced more shocks in the last two years than at any time since the Second World War. Yet this survey shows that print is still a central means of communication in all markets and regions and that while there are challenging times ahead, the industry has both the confidence and the determination to succeed. Wise strategic investment will ensure that printers and their suppliers will Thethrive.full report in English will be released by the end of September and available for sale from The executive summary will be available for free in German, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and Chinese.
Confidence depends on market and region Globally 18% more printers described their company’s economic condition as ‘good’ compared with those that reported it as ‘poor’. For suppliers the net positive balance was even stronger at 32%. As always, confidence varies between regions and markets. The Packaging market is thriving with Publishing and Commercial facing structural changes from digitisation but with signs of confidence returning. Regionally the picture is mixed with Europe clearly concerned about the consequences of the Russia/Ukraine war but others e.g., Asia and South/Central America, expect trade to pick up further in 2023 as economic momentum builds post pandemic.
offset among Commercial printers matched by increases among Packaging printers. Flexo volumes continue to accelerate for Packaging printers, while all markets reported increased volumes using Digital toner cutsheet colour and all but Publishing with Digital inkjet rollfed colour. Despite the active decline in the volume of Sheetfed offset in Commercial markets, this was the most popular press type for investment in 2023 across all markets except Packaging, where Flexo led, followed by Sheetfed offset. Digital toner cutsheet colour was the second most popular target for all other markets. Finishing equipment is the second most popular target for investment after new presses.

pressideas/ commercial printing 14 August 2022
the course of its journey, this business has established a firm foothold in its industry.
“The Kodak Achieve offers a process less technology which contributes to the sustainability and hence it was the first choice. Sustainability and climate protection are playing an increasingly prominent role in all aspects of life, and not even the Covid-19 pandemic has managed to push them off the agenda. Reducing environmental impact has become a much more important factor in recent years in every sector of the economy. We printers are no exception – not only because of the increasingly stringent environmental standards that the industry must meet. Sustainability is also high on the list of priorities for printers’ customers and consumers. Not surprisingly, the prospects of success are better for businesses that opt for sustainable processes. Monotech Systems has good after-sales support, and they already have a good reputation in the market. It has been a wonderful experience interacting with the team and with their services,” he added. Established in 1989 Nikhil Offset is a leading printing press in New Delhi’s Okhla Industrial Area. With a setup of 4 colour Heidelberg, 2 colour Heidelberg and 4 colour Komori offset presses the company serves many customers in the publishing industry. This well-known establishment acts as a onestop destination servicing customers both local and from other parts of Delhi. Over KODAK TRENDSETTER Platesetter platform and available with a variety of automation and speed options. Monotech Systems has been one of the leading suppliers of pre-press equipment with more than two decades of experience and has already installed more than 800 CtP systems in the Indian market. The state-ofthe-art solutions and prompt and qualitative after-sales support makes the company a top choice for equipment buyers.
Nikhil Offset is one of Delhi’s leading commercial printers with consumption of about 2000 plates per month. The company has invested in a Kodak Achieve 800 Thermal Platesetter that will be answering their high plate demand by its high speed plate production capability which is about 18 plates per hour of 1030 x 838 mm. The machine has been supplied and installed by Monotech Systems Limited.
The belief that customer satisfaction is as important as their products and services, have helped this establishment garner a vast base of customers, which continues to grow by the KODAKday.ACHIEVE T400/T800 Platesetters are robust and reliable CtP devices that deliver the stability of Kodak’s thermal lightvalve imaging technology at a surprisingly low cost. They’re based on the successful
Delhi’s Nikhil Offset has opted for a Kodak Achieve platesetter to cater to their lineup of Heidelberg and Komori machines producing chiefly for the publishing market.
Nikhil answers high-demand with new Kodak Achieve
“Majority of jobs that we cater are for publishing and having the consumption of approx. 1,500 – 2,000 plates per month. To cater the high-demand we opted for Kodak Achieve plate setter which is productive and has a process-free operation.” said, Naresh Kumar Sirpaul, Director, Nikhil Offset.

He adds further: “The NexPrint is a versatile and user-friendly screen printing device which can print Spot UV, wedding cards, bags, decals, stickers, and labels, as well as heat transfer stickers, posters, fluteboard, and other substrates. Additionally, it is simple to print with a variety of high fluid inks and UV varnishes, thanks to the Horizontal and Angular Frame Lifting System. The machine is protected with safety system from all sides. It is accessible from all sides which makes it easier for the operator to position or remove the sheet after printing.”
Chennai based Sudarshan Machinery launches screen printer with a horizontal angular frame lifting concept. High precision screen printing equipment manufacturer Sudarshan Machinery has unveiled its latest model NexPrint 2228. The new Semi-Automatic Screen Printing Machine Model, NexPrint 2228 has a maximum print area of 22x28 inches and incorporates many user-friendly features. Featuring innovative Horizontal-Angular Frame Lifting System, the NexPrint offers next level of ease from the traditional Clamshell or two post pillar type screen printing equipment. At the upcoming KnitShow in Tirupur (12-14 August 2022), Sudharshan Machinery will display NexPrint 2228 as well as its latest product NexPrint 1218.
Sundar Raman, the Managing Director of Sudharshan Machinery, outlines the main characteristics of their new screen printing machine: “The NexPrint 2228 is a next generation screen printing machine with Horizontal and Angular Frame Lifting System, a novel concept introduced for the first time. Our extensive R&D led to the creation of the machine, which was designed in accordance with market demands. There are many different types of semi-automatic screen printing machines on the market. According to the Make in India initiative, it was entirely created locally in India.”
Above all, the machine is built on ‘more mechanical and less electronic concept’ making the parts easily procurable in open market for break-free performance. The NexPrint comes with Cycle counter with resettable and permanent setting options.
Other features include inbuilt bed vacuum and option of either foot pedal or push button operation with Auto-/Semi-auto-/Preset-mode options. With variable print area size support, it can print on a range of media from 40gsm to 3mm. It has double guided print head linear movement system and multi stroke squeegee movement. The NexPrint is fitted with 50/9 Standard squeegee mounting option. It has dry mode/wet mode for coating position; Peel-off system for screen off-contact; Sensor guided print area setting up; individual squeegee pressure for left and right position; individual coating leveller for left and right position; ionizer mounting in
pressideas/ commercial printing 15August 2022
The NexPrint is a single phase, plug and play machine. It does not require a compressor (non-pneumatic type), yet capable of delivering high squeegee pressure. The NexPrint is heavy duty for rugged use; it has low running and maintenance cost and has oil-free printhead movement. print head (optional); stainless steel bed; and +/- 20 micron registration system.
Sudarshan launches semi-automatic screen printer NexPrint 2228
Sudharshan Machinery has a pan India presence with a wide industry experience of over two decades. Also exporting to overseas markets, the company boasts a wide product range comprising high precision screen printing machines, UV/IR dryers and screen making equipment.

— Thad Kubis, New York City College of Technology “Online learning is likely here to stay. Introduction to Graphic Communication, and its Clickable Paper app, is an excellent method for fostering student engagement online or in the classroom. It is the MUST HAVE resource and exactly what was needed for the Graphic Imaging Technology students at CVCC during this transitional time.”
“People learn best in different ways. Some prefer reading a printed book. Some prefer viewing videos. Some learn best by listening to lectures. And, some learn by a combination of these approaches. This book provides all options directly from a PRINTED book,” says Harvey Levenson.
Published by IntuIdeas, bestselling textbook, Introduction to Graphic Communication, driven by Ricoh’s Clickable Paper app, has reached the milestone of over 4,000 books sold. Adopted by 25 schools and a number of industry companies, the book, now in its third printing, has become a “best seller” at schools having graphics arts programs at high schools, technical schools, community colleges, and fouryear college and university Bachelor’s degree programs. Graphic communication companies are using the book for quick training of new employees having little or no printing industry experience. Coauthored by Cal Poly Professor Emeritus, Harvey Levenson, and former Seybold executive editor, John Parsons, the book has proven the viability of Ricoh’s Clickable Paper app as a means for addressing different learning styles. Levenson said, “People learn best in different ways. Some prefer reading a printed book. Some prefer viewing videos. Some learn best by listening to lectures. And, some learn by a combination of these approaches. This book provides all options directly from a PRINTED book.” Instructors receive a free book syllabus and exam questions. The Ricoh app is free from any app store, and all that is needed for the clickable experience is a smartphone or electronic pad, something that most people have today. Parsons said,
Communication. Using Ricoh’s CP Clicker app, my students can see experts talk and watch technology being used…it sure is a lifesaver when you can’t use equipment [during the pandemic].”
Clickable Paper Book: Over 4000 books sold
Communication is a wonderful book for our introductory printing class at ASU. It gives historical context and connects with modern printing techniques and trends through easy to navigate chapters and pages that link via scan to online resources.”
Clickable Paper Book, Introduction to Graphic Communication, Reaches Adoption Milestone.
“Your book pairs really well with our first-year curriculum for our Graphic Communications Management students. It has a lot of excellent, up-to-date information about the printing industry that no other intro textbook on the market has right now.”
— Xiaoying Rong, Cal Poly “In a world where everything is interconnected, integrated, interactive, such a foundational book as part of my teaching array, makes more than sense to me. The visual elements of the online offering are powerful tools to use when leading online instruction…Of the three books that I use to develop, update, and instruct, Introduction to Graphic Communication has become the lead book; my key source for teaching online or in the classroom.”
— Jerry Waite, University of “IntroductionHoustontoGraphic
Users’ experience “Students who have a broader skillset will be able to quickly adapt to new technologies that have emerged as a result of the pandemic, and will become more successful after graduation, as the technologies of online and distant communication are likely to continue.”
— Diana Varma, Ryerson University A Bonus
“ThankCenter goodness for the augmented reality functions in Levenson’sHarvey and John tobook,Parsons’IntroductionGraphic
— Penny Ann Dalton, Arizona State University
16 August 2022 “We have now companioned the book with a ready-to-use syllabus that turns its chapter structure into a 12-session lesson plan and rubric covering everything students of graphic communication will need for a thorough grounding in the subject. In giving the book’s interactive elements equal weight with the text, the syllabus lets instructors offer their students a channel of live information that they’ll continue to find relevant long after the course is over.”
— Patrick Ruebensaal, Cuyahoga Valley Career
Those acquiring 10 or more books receive a free, signed copy of “Understanding Graphic Communication,” Levenson’s landmark graphic communication book, the first having a year 2000 copyright. The book covers graphic communication history and philosophy and remains current for the most part. This offer is available while supplies last. digital printing

Labelexpo Americas 2022 show director Tasha Ventimiglia says, “The sheer number of global digital press launches at Labelexpo Americas 2022 demonstrates the importance of this show - the first time label converters have had the chance to see this exciting new machinery up close and in action for three years.”
equipment include (A-Z): Arrow Systems with its water-based ArrowJet Aqua 330; Anytron with an integrated 13in-wide digital printing and laser die cutting press line; Colordyne introducing the 3800 Series WB inkjet engine for printing on non-porous substrates; Dantex PicoColour HD; Dilli Picasso UV inkjet press: Epson L6534VW LED-UV inkjet press with on-board digital varnishing and L-4733AW aqueous inkjet press; Screen Truepress Jet L350UV SAI; and Xeikon CX500 toner press and PX3300 UV inkjet press.
pressideas/ digital 17August 2022
Labelexpo Americas 2022 sees a number of exciting world premieres of digital press technology, marking a new stage in the transition between analogue and digital HPprinting.Indigo marks Labelexpo Americas 2022 with the global launch of the HP Indigo V12. A new rotary blanket technology allows the press to reach speeds of 394ft/min (120m/ min) in up to six colours. HP is positioning the V12 head-to-head with flexo, claiming it has superior print quality and greater Durstproductivity.saysit is challenging 4-colour flexography with its Tau RSCi, shown for the first time printing at 1200x12000dpi resolution at 100m/min on a 20in web in four colours, with flexo units both before and after the digital engine. Mark Andy is focusing on its traditional mid-market sector customers with the global launch of the Dpro Max press, which achieves speeds up to 130ft/min (40m/min) in CMYK+White. Also on show for the first time at a trade show is the Digital Series IQ, a mid-market hybrid press developed jointly with Domino. For Domino, Labelexpo Americas marks the worldwide debut of the N730i digital press, a successor to the N610i. The N730i is the first label press to make use of the 1200x1200 dpi Bitstar print head technology developed by parent company, Brother. The N730i prints in up to seven colors (CMYKOVW) and can be fitted with pre- and post-digital flexo units.
Konica Minolta is unveiling for the first time in the US its AccurioLabel 400 5-color label press (CMYK+White), which will be commercially available in Q1 2023. This is the same print engine that powers the Mark Andy DPro Max and is configured with KM’s IQ501 color and registration automation system. Konica Minolta is also previewing its PKG1300 digital packaging press for printing on uncoated and clay-coated materials using water-based inkjet. Other digital press suppliers showing new
Digital launches take center stage at Labelexpo Americas 2022 Digital transformation picks up pace at Labelexpo at Chicago.
Andy Thomas-Emans, strategic director of Tarsus Labels & Packaging group, added, “Labelexpo Americas 2022 is shaping up to be one of the most important milestones in the transition of the labels industry from analog to digital printing. The digital technology on display not only challenges basic 4-colour flexo but could also replace the legacy press equipment which probably makes up 50 percent of the installed narrow web Complementingbase.” the digital press demonstrations is the Digital Embellishment Trail, and visitors can learn more by attending the two-day topical conference program, or the in-depth technical master classes covering Digital Embellishment and Selfadhesive Label Materials. Registration for the show can be done at the Labelexpo Americas 2022 website.

Labelexpo India 2022 presents the largest opportunity for South Asia’s Labels, Package Print and related industries.
Event Preview
Visitor Registration as well as Stand Bookings are in full swing for Labelexpo India 2022, South Asia’s leading labels and package print exhibition. Labelexpo India 2022 brings together suppliers of full range of label and package printing technologies including digital and conventional printing presses, label and packaging materials, pre-press and platemaking technology, finishing and converting systems, inspection and label application equipment, inks and coatings, security solutions and software and interactive technology.
View tomorrow’s technology today, only at the largest label and package printing event in South Asia. See live demonstrations of the latest machinery and materials. Learn about global label trends and technologies. Whether you’re choosing machinery or materials, it is vital you feel confident about your decisions. The best way to do this is to see all the options together in one place.
Let’s Gear Up, Labelexpo India is Here!
18 August 2022 and new developments in label and packaging “Labelexpotechnologies.India2022is a not to be missed opportunity for the industry to come together under one roof and reunite with industry peers to witness and be a part of the future of print technology. This year’s show will feature the changes and trends that the industry observed over the last four years such as the rise in e-commerce, emergence of start-ups, the developments in food packaging and labeling during the pandemic and commercial printers diversifying into packaging as a result of the pandemic,” informs Pradeep Saroha. Technology in Action Meet the industry’s leading suppliers at the largest event for the label and package printing industry in the South Asia. Labelexpo India returns in November bringing the
When Labelexpo Global Series organizer Tarsus Group announced the cancellation of Labelexpo India 2021 it didn’t look so near to happen the following year. It’s not now the same. The show is just around the corner and we are all quite excited to meet once again. This year’s Label expo edition takes place from 10 to 13 November 2022 at its existing location, the Expo Centre & Mart in Greater Noida. Earlier the Labelexpo India got postponed to allow time for the Covid-19 vaccination program to roll out and for the situation to Announcingnormalise.therescheduling,
Labelexpo India Event Director Pradeep Saroha, had commented: ‘We have taken the decision not to run Labelexpo India 2021 due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Our expectation is that by rescheduling the show a year later, the pandemic will be under control with the industry ready and excited to network and do business again.
industry together for four days of live demonstrations. Visitors will discover stateof-the-art presses, intelligent labels, finishing units, inks, dies and substrates from the leading manufacturers. With 250 leading suppliers exhibiting this is the opportunity to meet the companies who are driving our industry forward.
Kuldip Goel, president of LMAI, the Indian Label Association, said, “We look forward to the whole Indian label and package printing industry coming back together for Labelexpo India in November 2022. The LMAI Awards night will also run alongside Labelexpo TheIndia.”last edition of Labelexpo India in November 2018 attracted almost 10,000 visitors from 55 countries, with 250 Indian and global-based exhibitors.
The four-day Labelexpo India show will feature new exhibitors, live demonstrations
Magazines, websites and brochures cannot compare. Experience it live and make a better choice. Come to Labelexpo India

Make the best of the best opportunity for Printers & Converters of Labels, Flexible Packaging and Folding Cartons, Brand Owners, Label and Packaging Designers and Industry Suppliers.
“Wetechnology.arepleased to have 16 partners support our table top event in Kuala Lumpur,” said Tim Klappe, Managing Director Asia Pacific at MPS. “They will provide our Asia-
MPS Systems Asia table top exhibition on 7 September in Kuala Lumpur
Pacific visitors a valuable opportunity to receive information about various printing technologies including prepress, printing, ancillary, and finishing systems—all in one place. We look forward to dynamic discussions and a successful exhibition.”
Visitors to the table top exhibition, taking place from 9.30 AM – 3:45 PM (UTC/GMT +8 hours) at the MPS Systems Asia office and showroom, will have the opportunity to interact with the industry partners representing a gamut of printing solutions including inks, flexo printing plates, anilox rolls and sleeves, specialty papers, anilox cleaning, label inspection systems, workflow solutions, UV LED curing systems, adhesive tape, and unwind/splice and rewind
You will broadly experience live the following Digital and Conventional Printing Presses, High Tech Label and Packaging Materials, Prepress and Platemaking Technology, Finishing and Converting Systems, Inspection, Overprinting and Label Application Equipment, Dies, Cutters, Rollers, Inks and Coatings, RFID and Security Solutions, Software and Interactive Technology etc. Visitors may get solutions for their individual needs which may include acquiring new technology to: keep ahead of competitors, drive costs down and improve efficiency, offer value-added services, attract new clients, enter new high-value niche markets, improve supply chain management, optimize workflow and reduce press downtime or to operate in an environmentally sustainable way, to name a few. Stands at Labelexpo India 2022 are going quickly. Book now to secure your preferred position. For health and safety reasons, no person under the age of 18 will be allowed into the exhibition halls. Visitors can register free at
pressideas/ event preview 19August 2022
MPS Systems Asia is opening its doors to greet customers on September 6 & 7, 2022 at its office and showroom in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The company has confirmed participation of 16 partners in its table top exhibition to be held on September 7, 2022 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The participating companies are DIC, Miraclon, Apex International, UPM Raflatac, Flexo Wash, Benison, Böttcher, ESKO, CGS ORIS, IPT (BST), Press Systems (GEW), TESA, Martin Automatic, Domino, Fedrigoni and Univacco.
The open house will include presentations covering the latest industry trends and feature a live demonstration of the MPS EF530 seventh-generation flexo press with eight colour flexo units and one EXLp packaging station. Focus of the open house will be on shrink sleeves and flexible packaging, as well as the benefits of connectivity and performance optimization.
Live pouch and shrink sleeve printing on an MPS flexo press on September 6 at the Open House event.
On September 6, 2022 an Open House will take place at the company’s office and showroom in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2022 and hear the noise of the machinery in operation, feel the texture of the substrates and see the print quality for yourself.

The successful format of trade fair, congress and networking enters the next round: From 16 to 17 May 2023, the PRINT & DIGITAL CONVENTION will once again turn the Congress Center Süd in Düsseldorf into a meeting place for experts from the print and media industry as well as for decision-makers from industry, e-commerce, retail and IT.
Extensive two-day programme of lectures, innovative exhibits, hands-on best practice and plenty of opportunity.
The conference programme focused on Sustainable Media Production, Programmatic Print and Value Added Printing.
The PRINT & DIGITAL CONVENTION is organised by Fachverband Medienproduktion e.V. (f:mp.) in cooperation with Messe Düsseldorf GmbH and drupa.
PRINT & DIGITAL CONVENTION 2023 date announced DPA celebrates Independence Day
Exhibitor registration for the PRINT & DIGITAL CONVENTION 2023 is now open. Due to a Delhi Printers’ Association (DPA) celebrated the 75th Independence Day by hoisting the National Flag at its Connaught Place office. This 15th August commemorated the 75 glorious years of India’s Independence and celebrated it as the ‘Azadi Ka Amrit AMahotsav’.largenumber of present and past officials and office bearers participated at the function. With patriotic fervor, Atul Goel, President, DPA unfurled the flag. The enthusiastic singing of the National Anthem and chanting of ‘VandeMataram’ and ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ were the central part of the Mr.celebration.VijayMohan, senior former President, said, “The day calls for remembering the sacrifices of thousands of freedom fighters
Participants can look forward to an extensive two-day programme of lectures, innovative exhibits, hands-on best practice and plenty of opportunity to network while learning about and discussing the latest trends and opinions in the industry. The sixth edition of the congress trade fair will again focus on future-oriented content – on the potential of digital printing applications, multi-channel solutions, creative finishing and sustainable print and packaging solutions.
It is because of their martyrdom that the country is proudly celebrating its 75th Independence.”
The PRINT & DIGITAL CONVENTION 2022 was a great success with over 1,250 participants and 63 international exhibitors. and Defence personnel, irrespective of their caste, creed and religion, who laid their precious lives during the freedom struggle.
pressideas/ event preview 20 August 2022 public holiday, the usual sequence of days for the convention will be moved by one day: it will now take place from Tuesday, 16 May, to Wednesday, 17 May 2023.

All in Print China postponed to October 2023
All in Print Nanjing Tour Show will be held from 7th to 9th December 2022, at Nanjing International Expo Center.
PAMEX has been adding value through every edition for both visitors and exhibitors. In 2023 edition, PAMEX has formed a core group of the leading industry players and stakeholders from Indian Printing and Packaging fraternity to help hone the focus of the Show. The valuable inputs from this group shall be used for designing and implementing an extensive promotional campaign focusing on a key theme of the exhibition ‘Convergence of Print’ and help crystallise the conference topics. The first core-group meeting, held virtually on 10 Aug 2022, was chaired by Ravindra Joshi, Chairman- PAMEX. The discussion was joined by Ranesh Bajaj, Vinsak India; Deepak Chawla, Technova; Tushar Dhote, Dhote Offset; Amit Sheth, Intergraphic Sales & Services; Harveer Sahni, Weldon Celloplast; Manish Desai, Mudrika Labels; Hemanth Paruchuri, Pragati Pack; Pawandeep Sahni, Omet India; Nitin Vani, Print Consultant; Sonal Khurana, S Media Group- Print & Publishing, Anil Arora, Print-Packaging. com (P) Ltd.- the co-organisers of PAMEX Exhibition, Neha Jha and Hitesh Radi from Team PAMEX. The significant points discussed at the meeting included: 1. Overviewing the Due to the current epidemic prevention and control policies in Shanghai and China, the organizers of All in Print China have decided to postpone 9th edition of the show to connecting with printers from every corner of the country. “The first core-group meeting has generated valuable ideas and has given us an outline of what the industry is looking forward to. With the theme of Convergence in Print, PAMEX will certainly bring several cutting-edge innovations and technologies on display in edition 2023,” said Ravindra Joshi. PAMEX will soon roll out the dates and venues of Road Shows, which will be held in six cities of India, leading to the main exhibition happening from 27-30 March 2023.
2. Determining the orbit and scope of Convergence in Print. 3. Selecting cities for organising promotional “Road Shows”, comprising of a day long table top exhibition and a half day conference, themed around Convergence in Print. 4. Outlining the plan of Pre-event Conference. 5. Adding additional elements to event campaigns like case study presentations, relative #hashtags, visitor feedback systems and reaching out to all local associations for their support in October 2023. The show was scheduled to happen from 11th to 15th October 2022 at Shanghai New International Expo Center. The decision has been taken keeping in mind the safety, health and interests of exhibitors, visitors, partners and staff.
PAMEX first core-group Meeting
In addition, All in Print Nanjing Tour Show will be held from 7th to 9th December 2022, at Nanjing International Expo Center. The tour show aims to support enterprises to solve difficulties and promote constructive development of the industry.
pressideas/ event preview 21August 2022
current scenario of Indian Print Industry.
Focuses on promotional campaigns around ‘Convergence In Print’.

> Informative webinar to spread awareness on the Legal Obligations towards Packaging Ink Safety.
Safety aspects of packaging inks is gaining attention worldwide due to the presence of several substances with potential toxicological profiles such as Mineral oils, Toluene, PFA’S, Benzophenone and several others. Globally the discussion around the subject is leading to more awareness in the market which is subsequently pushing the regulators to further raise the bar on packaging safety. The regulations worldwide are getting stricter and harmonized, pushing the supply chain partners to adhere to the new norms. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has raised the bar on packaging safety recent food packaging regulations. The Bureau of Indian standards (BIS) has revised the standard IS 15495. Siegwerk being one of the market leaders for Food Grade Inks made a sincere attempt to create the awareness in market with support from the Food Safety and Standard Authority of India as well as Bureau of Indian Standards.
> The FSSAI regulation is mandatory for the FBO’s
> 300 expertparticipants,speakers and detailed Q&A session.
Expert speakers from Food Safety and Standard Authority of India, Bureau of Indian Standards and Siegwerk join together to provide clarity on the legal obligations for FMCG sector and associated packaging suppliers. Key Notes :
22 August 2022
Siegwerk is a global supplier of packaging inks for sensitive applications including Food, Pharma and Hygiene + Cosmetics. Apart from supplying safe inks worldwide and being a responsible stakeholder of the packaging supply chain, the company keeps the supply chain partners updated on compliant inks. The company has recently conducted a session on the topic – “Legal obligations towards Packaging Safety for FMCG Sector and Packaging material suppliers”. The Session was attended by 300 participants and had a detailed Q&A session towards the end. The Session had expert speakers coming from Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI), Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and Siegwerk, joining together to provide clarity on the legal obligations for FMCG sector and associated packaging suppliers.
Mr. Harish Kumar R.K, Assistant Director, Science and Standard Division (FSSAI) was the first speaker for the session. He highlighted the roles and responsibilities of FSSAI and detailed the process of drafting a regulation at FSSAI. He mentioned that industry has long been focussed on food products, but not on the safety aspects of the packaging/ packaging material and for this reason, there were
Although printing inks constitutes a small part of the package, its impact is immensely significant and the next big issue in sustainable packaging is printing inks.
Siegwerk webinar: Legal Obligation towards Packaging Ink Safety

• Deploying the monitoring as well as the auditing protocols.
He concluded his session explaining the reasons for creating more awareness on the packaging safety primarily from the brand owners and regulators end as well as need for harmonizing the Indian standards with the best available standards globally.
• Safe Packaging – Contributes to Food Safety and responsibility lies with FBO’s and material manufacturers.
The session was followed by a detailed Q&A session where all the speakers answered all the questions with the precise answers, again highlighting the need of safe packaging for ensuring consumer safety.
• Need of an Integrated approach –Regulatory Information / Knowledge to be shared among the supply chain partners.
Heinks.told the audience that the standards created by BIS are not static but dynamic in nature and recently the standard IS 15495 was revised by incorporating chemicals like Toluene and certain phthalates. He also mentioned that the current ink standard is a negative list standard which restricts certain chemicals in ink formulations. He further goes on to state that the endeavour of BIS is to adopt for a positive list standard approach where only those chemicals will be prescribed which will be non-hazardous. He elaborated the standard IS 15495, citing the detailed requirements for External packaging, disposables and Immediate food wrappings. He also explained that the standard was first created in 2004 to assist the ink manufacturers to produce inks for food packaging and has been revised providing details about the revision. He further elaborated that there is an ongoing work on the standard which includes NIAS, Inclusion of Mineral oil and Cobalt carboxylates in Annex- A, Xylene and Methylcyclohexane in film printing of food packaging, some photoinitiators in Annex- A. He elaborated the concept of NIAS, and concerns associated with it and mentioned that BIS is also working for developing a new standard on Eco-friendly inks. He also mentioned about the several digital initiatives taken by BIS to promote Industry participation, which includes Launch of Standardization Module which gives the provision to provide the comments on standards, provision to become member in standard committee.
• Developing understanding of packaging safety and associated legal obligations.
• Developing capabilities for creating specifications and performing risk assessment.
He further emphasized upon the correct documentation practices that demonstrate packaging safety. He mentioned that currently a lot of certifications / selfdeclarations issued by the manufacturers are not adequate enough to demonstrate the compliances however are well accepted by the brand owners because there is limited understanding on packaging safety, associated legal obligations and systematic processes that are required to demonstrate the compliances. He shared examples of the correct certification methodology and explained all clauses that need to be captured in an authentic declaration.
Next speaker for the session was Mr. Jatin Takkar, Head – Product Safety & Regulatory, Siegwerk India. He broadly spoke about the implementation of packaging safety to ensure consumer safety. He mentioned that ensuring packaging safety is complex as there are different pillars which food and packaging industry had to manage, and this includes regional regulations and Brand Owner requirements, Complex packaging supply chain as well as manufacturer commitments. He mentioned that the regional regulations are different in terms of their structure and associated details and are further supplemented by the brand owner requirements which make it complex for supply chain to ensure compliance. Apart from this, the regulatory status of the chemicals may change over time, which is yet another challenge which needs to be mitigated by the commitment from the manufacturer itself. And finally, there is the challenge of complex packaging chain with multiple stakeholders – some with expertise on chemicals safety while others with expertise on Food Safety. However, the speaker also mentioned how packaging safety can be ensured by taking different measures across the supply chain which includes:
pressideas 23August 2022 concerns and this were addressed by FSSAI and for the same reason the FSS (Packaging & Labelling) Regulation, 2011 was split into Packaging Regulation (in effect since 2019), Advertisement & Claim regulation and Labelling & Display regulation to give due importance to Packaging. Mr. Harish mentioned that the FSS (Packaging) regulation was notified on 24th December 2018 and enforced from 1st July 2019 and clarified that the FSSAI regulation is mandatory for the Food Business Operators (FBO’s) and manufacturer of materials to ensure compliance. He then provided details about the regulation and explained how material wise requirements have been specified for Paper & Board, Glass, Metal & Metal alloys, plastics. He further elaborated that in the regulation, definition of Food Grade has been incorporated, Inks have been regulated as per IS 15495 among several other changes. He also mentioned about the recent amendment on use of recycled plastics in food packaging (which is currently only limited to rPET) and the process around the approval of use of recycled plastics. Mr. Harish finally concluded his session with three key messages:
• Packaging regulation is a mandatory regulation and needs adherence to ensure compliance. Mr. Sagar Singh, Deputy Director, Chemical Division (BIS) was the next speaker on the panel. He mentioned that the standard IS 15495, which is now mandated by FSSAI is a standard created by Bureau of Indian standard. He said that although printing inks constitutes a small part of the package, its impact is immensely significant and the next big issue in sustainable packaging is printing
• Developing systematic processes and mechanisms around right vendor selection.
• Promoting transparency and Integration across the supply chain.
/ plc

24 August 2022
Key Notes :
> AGalluspresses’additionground-breakingtolabelportfoliowithOne.
Gallus One: Opening significant diversification and growth opportunities for converters
> Companyannounces new Gallus Experience Centre designed to increase cross industry success.innovationcollaboration,and
“With the launch of the Gallus One, we are doing more than just bringing a new press to market – we’re providing a unique solution that has the capability to drive the next big opportunity in labels,” explains Dario Urbinati, Chief Sales & Service Director, Gallus Group. “With cloud capabilities inbuilt within Gallus One, you can not only enjoy remote set-up, but transparent performance monitoring and standardization across your press portfolio and manufacturing sites. In conjunction with the sophisticated press design the Gallus One offers a complete reel-to-reel digital label solution, including all the software and hardware necessary to produce high quality, profitable digital labels. All this, with the highest level of automation available, and the most competitive TCO.”
“Offering all the familiarity benefits of a Labelmaster, Gallus One is a complete solution and not just a standalone print engine. Within the new Gallus One eco system, users have state of the art inkjet technology, a new Gallus One ink set, sophisticated workflow software and a new predictive press monitoring service to ensure minimum press downtime. All of these Gallus elements working in
> Joint development by HEIDELBERG and Gallus – integration into Prinect workflow.
Gallus launches a pure Digital Inkjet Label Press removing the TCO barriers to profitable reel-to-reel digital labels. “Gallus One offers a complete reel-to-reel digital label solution, including all the software and hardware necessary to produce high quality, profitable digital labels. All this, with the highest level of Groupcompetitiveavailable,automationandthemostTCO.”-DarioUrbinati,ChiefSales&ServiceDirector,Gallus
Gallus announced the launch of its first fully digital label press, the Gallus One on August 15. Marking a ground-breaking new addition to the company’s conventional and hybrid portfolio of label presses, the Gallus One has been specifically designed to remove the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) barrier for the adoption of reel-to-reel digital labels with the highest level of automation and cloud-based technologies. In doing so, it provides brands, for the first time, with access to cost effective and sustainable, high quality digital spark a transformation across the industry, the Gallus One is built on the market leading Gallus Labelmaster press platform. As a 340-mm wide roll-to-roll UV inkjet digital inline labels press, Gallus One utilizes a host of impressive features to achieve high levels of automation and press efficiency, with unrivalled UV inkjet print quality and stand-out print speeds of up to 70 metres per minute. With the new press available to pre-order, Gallus hopes to reinvent the way in which converters approach digital label printing – providing either a standalone digital offering, or a complimentary service within a traditional analogue operation.

Cosmo First shows strong first quarter results for the year
The company shows a strong 23% increase in net revenue over previous year. Cosmo First (Formerly Cosmo Films) has achieved strong Q1, FY23 results amidst tougher external environment with 23% increase in net revenue from Rs.688 cr. to Rs.843 cr. Comparing EBITDA between Q1 FY23 and Q1 FY22, the company has shown an increase of 6% from previous year figures (Rs.142 cr. to Rs.150 cr.). Both PBT and PAT have shown increase of 6% and 7% Announcingrespectively.
The Gallus One also integrates fully with the industry standard cloud-based workflow software, HEIDELBERG Prinect. Prinect allows production managers from start-up label businesses to large and mature label operations, to access insights and production data to ensure optimum production – and they can do that remotely across a secure network, from any smart Withdevice.its portfolio of cutting-edge technologies now extending across the conventional, hybrid and digital label markets, the launch of Gallus One enables the company to meet the needs of customers across each corner of the narrow web labels market. Dr. Frank Schaum, CEO Gallus Group, concludes: “Gallus One is an important addition to our portfolio. It provides customers with a unique opportunity to pioneer a new and complimentary category of label service in the quest for significant business growth and “Butdifferentiation.”GallusOne isn’t the only exciting initiative we’re launching today. We are delighted to announce the creation of a new ‘Gallus Experience Center’ – currently being built in St. Gallen, Switzerland and expected to open late this year. As part of our vision for realising ‘the label industry of the future’, the new facility has been specifically designed to aid collaboration across the industry. Once open, we will invite customers, brands and suppliers from across the eco system to use the new facility to meet and share solutions, as well as develop new ideas to help solve key industry issues and create new Gallus,opportunities.”asubsidiary of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (HEIDELBERG) with production facilities in Switzerland and Germany. Products and services of the Gallus brand are distributed through the global HEIDELBERG Sales and Service network.
the financial results for the quarter ending June 2022, Mr. Pankaj Poddar, Group CEO, Cosmo First said, “During the quarter, the flexible packaging industry experienced pressure on margins due to commissioning of several new production lines within a short span of 4-5 months. The bunching of capacity expansions caused temporary imbalance in the demand supply scenario. Margins were also under pressure in the overseas subsidiaries due to increased raw material costs and weakening of foreign currencies against US dollar. Our sustained focus on speciality films in the last 2-3 years and ongoing improvement of internal efficiencies helped achieving higher EBITDA despite the margin pressure.” expansion of CPP and BOPP films as well as innovative multi products offering in specialty chemicals and their pet care vertical. The company had announced bonus shares issue in May 2022 which also got duly completed.
“Our annualized ROCE and ROE stands at 27% and 36% respectively with TTM EPS increasing to Rs. 150,” he added. Pankaj expects the demand supply balance to get restored over the next few quarters. Their speciality films portfolio, which accounts for more than 65% of the sales, is growing quarter on “Inquarter.packaging business, we expect growth journey to continue with speciality films. Our continued thrust on innovating films with lower carbon footprints would further strengthen our leadership position in specialty films. During the quarter, our Specialty Chemicals business has posted threefold increase in revenue over last year,” informed ThePankaj.Company plans its future growth to be driven by expanded portfolio of speciality films, commissioning of Specialized Polyester line and capacity
pressideas/ plc 25August 2022 harmony, has enabled us to dramatically increase press efficiency and productivity, to unlock this new market opportunity.” Joint development by HEIDELBERG and Gallus –integration into Prinect Bringing together almost a century of experience in leading the narrow-web industry, together with the invaluable expertise and key resources of HEIDELBERG, Gallus has capitalized on the strengths of both businesses to develop Gallus One. For instance, HEIDELBERG’s ink testing laboratories were leveraged to develop digital inks specifically for the Gallus One’s Fuji Dimatix print headswith a second lab utilized to optimise its waveform design, enabling better print performance.

BK Print & Pack is a pioneer packaging firm based out of Haridwar in Uttrakhand. Providing packaging solutions and delivering value through sustainable product packaging to top brands and MNCs, the firm has enabled brands represent perfectly through packaging, have a unique identity and appeal to the target audience. Housing among the best infrastructures with state-of-the-art technologies BK has helped customers realize the true potential of their brand by setting up a story through their BKpackaging.manufactures
BK Print & Pack: Strengthening Pre-press with Standardized Plate Processing
> They decided on the Kodak CTP at the Print Pack India 2017 and have experienced a hassle free plate production ever since.
> Earlier they would get their plates from Meerut, Delhi or Chandigarh since there was no imaging service provider nearby.
a wide range of products including point of purchase displays, designed for convenience and vital advertising, to the heavy duty corrugated packing, for international transport or storage for a number of leading brand names. The products by the ISO 9001:2015 certified BK Print & Pack include Multicolor Mono as well as Outer Cartons, Printed or Unprinted Flute, Lamination including Laminated Boxes, UV or Varnish or Texture or PET MET based Coating etc. They are known for their quality, on time delivery, innovative and modern products as well as customized solutions enabled by the latest technology all under one roof. Strong management, which is the key driving force of the successful BK Print & Pack, is chiefly led by the highly experienced partners Sandeep Singla and S.K.
“Apart from saving by way of process, power and processor, it is quite robust as we have experienced during our 5 years with the device.
It has run for us trouble free.” – Sandeep Singla, BK Print & Pack. Key Notes :
BK Print & Pack not only standardized its plate processing through a Kodak Achieve CTP they installed 5 years ago but has also been an innovative packaging producer to put itself on a higher pedestal of growth. Catering to the high-end MNC customers, the ISO certified firm has brought out its own ways to remain at the top – be it developing a sustainable packaging solution by replacing thermocol for its clients or the rare feat of using their process-free plates for re-prints.
26 August 2022
PRESSIdeasJindal. had a visit to their facility to bring you the story of their success.
BK Print & Pack is a one stop shop for packaging solutions that have a wide range from mono to
> BK Print Pack is the first packaging printer in the country to have a complete processfree plate production from the Kodak stable.
A Kodak Achieve CTP success story that speaks of the device’s robust efficiency and the customer’s prowess in producing Packaging.

pressideas/ plc 27August 2022 flute to 5-ply cartons, to the recently added corrugated along with other products. The firm with in-house capability of UV, MET PET coating, varnish, lamination and textured coatings etc. has recently added an automated facility at Dera Bassi near AroundChandigarh.5years ago, with no previous experience with CTP equipment, BK Print & Pack had been doing its plates through conventional film processing workflow. When working in Haridwar, BK Print Pack had to get their plates procured from outside. Conventionally done, the plates would come from Meerut, Delhi or Chandigarh since there was no imaging service provider nearby. It would cost them a lot of time and money, which was worse should the plates have some technical or quality issues. For quite some time they had been looking for a more practical solution for their plates. They visited the Print Pack India exhibition of 2017 and happened to meet Aarushi Agency’s team to explore CTP possibilities. They have been ably guided by Mr. Ashish Sharma of Aarushi Agencies all through these years right from the first day. “We didn’t give a second thought when it came to procuring a CTP from Insight,” says Sandeep Singla. “Ashish Ji was there to guide us in this professional and futuristic decision and we were looking for a way to eliminate all the hassles of plate procurement,” he adds. They considered various options including the one from Technova which came with processor. After discussing the pros and cons vis-à-vis Kodak Achieve, they finalized and soon installed the Kodak device in 2017 itself. “Ashish Ji and Natesh Puri, National Manager – Plates & Chemical and Packaging segment at Eastman Kodak Company explained us the capabilities of Achieve along with processless plates. We evaluated the available options on various parameters and found Achieve best suiting our requirements. The advantages of processless plates were just unbeatable. They are not only chemical free, but are also free from hassles of unnecessary preparation steps, had better quality and also meant an environmentally friendlier technology,” says S.K. Jindal, Sandeep’s partner. For Sandeep it was also an opportunity to go for the latest technology and upgrade to the latest to be the best equipped service provider in the market. It indeed turned out that way – BK Print Pack is the first packaging printer in the country to have a complete process-free plate production from the Kodak stable. As for production volumes, they have just quadrupled their plate consumption – starting from 500 plates to about 2000 plates per month Environmentpresently.friendliness is one of the key traits of BK Print & Pack; they have preferred environment friendlier processes and solutions over popularly available ones even if they came with a higher price tag. They have a large high-end customer base which was always ready for eco-friendlier products and these customers have more than often chosen the eco-friendly products over those which were less so. “We have

pressideas/ plc 28 August 2022 MNC customers in our clientele and they have inspired us towards eco-friendlier solutions, which are our preference anyway,” says Sandeep. On its part, BK Print & Pack has replaced the use of thermocol with pulp material in packaging for two of their key clients, Philips and Havells. This feat was achieved working with the clients and developing the right product through BK’s in-house R&D. In recent few years many cost reduction methods have been explored and followed in the industry to make the processes more efficient and products more viable.
The CTP was bought in April 2017. They visited Print Pack India that year where they
When the possibility of process-free plates for reprints was first considered, the idea was originally to have a committed team to follow and adopt the exact process, so that the plates can be used as such. BK Print & Pack was quite committed and went to the extent of appointing a dedicated person to ensure that due process is followed and the plates for re-print produce the same quality time and again. “It’s over 5 years since the Kodak installation and till date they have been using the plates for re-prints and can proudly claim to have acquired the expertise in this realm as well,” says Mr.Natesh.
Sandeep cites instances when their same client has shifted one product from MET PET or UV based processes to conventional offset and vice-versa. This has been innovatively provided by BK Print & Pack by understanding the customers’ needs and putting all efforts behind it to bring out the best alternative at the best price for them,” says Sandeep. Deciding on the Kodak Achieve CTP Catering to the MNC customers, BK Print Pack was looking for a solution that can bring consistent dot reproduction and print quality. Since neither a film based workflow nor plates procured from trade shops were feasible, the company decided to work towards strengthening their pre-press through standardizing their plate process and start from that point towards their growth targets. Another factor under consideration was the cost of procurement and running the equipment and eventually the ROI of the set-up. The Kodak Achieve investment won over the conventional device (with processor) for its clear saving on chemistry and other variables. One important deciding factor, of course, was the space saving advantage of the Kodak CTP. “When we came to BK Print Pack, they showed us a room and enquired if we had a CTP that could fit in that room. The CTP they presently have was a perfect choice. Kodak CTPs have always displayed robust small footprints,” asserts Ashish. Furthermore, the space saving footprint has other advantages, like fewer electrical installations, fewer air conditioning equipment and peripherals like the drainage etc. The Kodak CTP presented a clear winwin situation for BK. “Apart from saving by way of process, power and processor, it is quite robust as we have experienced during our 5 years with the device. It has run for us trouble free.” –Sandeep Singla, BK Print & Pack. Apart from going for the latest equipment, BK Print Pack has been quite innovative in its day to day operational approach. They are the pioneers of using the process-free plates for re-prints, which is a rare thing with these plates. “Normally we don’t use process-free plates for re-prints – they are not developed for that purpose. However, BK Print & Pack has astutely created a process of their own for preserving and storing their plates to later use them for re-prints,” shares Ashish. “On knowing this, one of the experts from Kodak paid a visit to our plant to understand the feasibility and efficacy of using the plates for re-prints. It is an art!” declares Sandeep.

Speaking about their entering into corrugation packaging segment, Sandeep says, “We had to plan beforehand the minimum requirement of a corrugation plant because it is generally a big investment decision, particularly for an automated plant. It is altogether a different ball game – it’s all about big volumes and thin margins. We had to move through a lot of discussion on the 5-ply corrugation plant before finalizing it. The clientele was there, we had significant ready demand there for corrugation packaging. Therefore, it was an easy decision in its favour,” explains Sandeep. It also proved an effective proposition for the customers as they now had their one stop shop for all their packaging needs.
Parksons Packaging goes for manroland Sheetfed Press
Parksons Packaging has purchased a manroland R700 2-colour plus coater sheetfed press which will soon be installed in their Northern Plant. Mr. Ramesh Kejriwal , Chairperson of Parksons Packaging said “We are satisfied with the performances of our existing manroland presses, and have opted for a Demo press for value addition. Our experience with the quality and productivity of our existing manroland presses along with that of the reinforced manroland management team gave us the confidence to go ahead with this purchase.”
BK Print & Pack with around Rs.60cr. turnover last year is making strong strides into diverse packaging segments and locations enabled by their technological prowess. They are also planning supply network expansion at some key locations. They have registered around 10 percent growth year on year though the pandemic years had been stable by volume.
pressideas/ plc 29August 2022 decided on the Kodak CTP in no time and the device was up and running within one month. Kodak Achieve platesetters are quite popular with printers especially packaging providers. The processless CTP wins over conventional by way of cost saving because there is no processor. Also, there is long run capability of processless plates where no baking is required. Finally it is significant saving on power that the process-free plates and CTP bring to a set up. “The Kodak Achieve is a very robust solution. Apart from saving by way of process, power and processor, it is quite robust as we have experienced during our 5 years with the device. It has run for us trouble free,” asserts Sandeep.
with our all round services and thank Mr. Kejriwal and the Parksons Packaging team
Sandeep hopes to pick up the usual pace this year and is pretty upbeat about the growth ahead. “The business must grow if not month on month, then year on year!” asserts Sandeep Singla.
Parksons Packaging currently has 4 manroland presses installed in their various plants and this will be the 5th machine of their favourite brand to be installed in one of their Printing Plants. Peter Rego, Director Business Development for manroland Sheetfed India said, “We are excited and humbled to see the confidence levels back for manroland Sheetfed India. Apart from this sale, we have recently sold 2 brand new 7-colour coater presses to other customers in India. By ramping up our after sales services and spare parts support system, we have an all new refreshed customer interest, because of which we are expecting many such sales in near future. We ensure that our customers are satisfied for reposing their confidence in manroland Sheetfed India yet again,” he concluded.
BK Print & Pack has bought one brand new Komori recently which adds up to a whole Komori lineup they already had. The recent addition has been a 5-colour Komori coater press which they acquired this year. The one before was acquired as refurbished Komori, which is a 6 colour UV press. Both pressed are 28×40 size, which not only makes it an increased capacity but also bestows the capability to produce the same job on either press or on both simultaneously as per the requirement. The latest Komori is the latest advance model; only two such models are running presently in the country. The other one is installed in Rajasthan.
Expanding into Corrugation

30 August 2022
POPLI Graphics: Adapting to change with systems, consolidation and customer service
POPLI represents a wide range of solutions from Autoprint, DuPont, ESKO, TEG, 3M, Lohmann, Technova, DIC, Siegwerk, Huber, CoLoRs & Arofine Polymers, SOMA, TAMBURINI and Agergaard.
> The young generation joins the family business and initiates the process of streamlining the operations for ease of operations.
Popli Graphics started it journey in the late 50’s when Mr. PL Popli laid the foundation of his ‘type foundry’. With half a century in the printing and publishing industry, the company is one of the leading suppliers of printing consumables, materials, and equipment in India today. In 1991, Popli Graphics Pvt Ltd was christened by Mr.Sanjeev Popli. “We work with more than 15 relationship partners across India and worldwide, and are a trusted one-stop-solution companion for all pre-press to post-press needs of our customers,” says Sanjeev Popli, Director at Popli Graphics. “With our goal to bring together world leaders of the printing industry under one roof, we have expanded our network to work with key principal partners who provide all kinds of Printing and Packaging solutions in Flexo, Offset, Screen, and Digital printing,” adds Rajeev Popli, the younger brother who is also a director at Popli Graphics. Seeing the rapid advances in their field, the brothers continuously strive to redefine their expertise and develop sophisticated tailor-made solutions for their
The machine from TEG Technologies is represented in India by Popli Graphics Pvt Ltd and for the convenience of their customers, they have already setup a DEMO unit wherein you can send your anilox rollers for a test cleaning.
Duringcustomers.theprevious decade, even as they planned to consolidate the business with the younger third generation poised to join the family business; they felt the urgency of its implementation. The elaborate transformation that started at that junction resulted in Popli Graphics consolidating most of its businesses, which were largely scattered at various locations, at one place. Most of the business and all the verticals they were operating, today constitute a strengthened organization with right systems in place for almost all
> Christened the leading suppliers of printing today.equipmentmaterials,consumables,andinIndia
> SITEXCO LABEL L10 –waste.nocellprintcleaning,point-to-pointconsistentquality,cloggedvolumerecovery,consumables,no
Key Notes :

Vasu Popli, son of Rajeev, who has now joined the team, is an MBA with specialization in digital marketing and is of help in the computerisation process of Popli Graphics.
DEMO: TEG Technologies live Anilox cleaning with laser also cleans mess from flexo units.
pressideas/ plc 31August 2022 processes that used to be largely manual.
“Change is the only constant and only one who adopts the changes is successful,” states Sanjeev. “The young generation joined
Tecno Elèctric Girona (TEG) is a Spanish company that has been involved in the field of industrial automation since 1992. With a workforce of over 180 professionals, it enjoys the recognition and trust of label printers, small and large for their anilox cleaning device which uses laser for cleaning. The SITEXCO LABEL L10 is a version designed exclusively for the narrow web label market that reduces features to the essentials while maintaining the safety, reliability and quality of PLUS cleaning: State-of-the-art laser technology meeting all the SITEXCO requirements. This machine offers far superior cleaning on any line screen, ensures consistent print quality, recovers the volume of clogged cells, requires no consumables and generates no waste. In addition, the SITEXCO LABEL L10 incorporates point-topoint selective cleaning technology, which prevents overlapping to ensure the safest and fastest results. The PLUS technology selective cleaning programmes ensure that the cleaning quality is excellent for all surfaces and ink types. It controls the cleaning and waste costs and the company offers 14 months’ guarantee for the machine and two years for the laser. High-capacity filters are a marvel in itself making the entire process environment friendly.
Meanwhile Sanjeev’s daughter Aashna, who is also a part of the Popli Graphics team is a Hotel Management graduate and is presently doing her MBA in Entrepreneurship and Family Business Management from Narsi Munji Institute of Management Studies under family business entrepreneurship program.
plan to further enhance it in the near future,” says Rajeev. In fact the management and control systems they have, have helped every single person and process throughout the laser cleaning
They also deal in Flexible Packaging arena representing SOMA, TAMBURINI, TEG Technologies and Agergaard. ‘color tone’ is an Ink Matching initiative from Popli Graphics
The machine from TEG Technologies is represented in India by Popli Graphics Pvt Ltd and for the convenience of their customers, they have already setup a DEMO unit wherein you can send your anilox rollers for a test cleaning. You can get your test roller cleaned free of cost at the DEMO center in Wazirpur Industrial Area, New Delhi where you can fix a meeting with Mr.Sanjeev Popli and get all your queries answered. “One has to see it to believe it,” says Sanjeev about the cleaning of the anilox rollers by laser on TEG’s SITEXCO Label machine. “The mess that the cleaning of anilox creates at almost all flexo units can be avoided if you have one of these systems at your premises. The process results in amazing repeat quality and extended life of the roller,” says Sanjeev. .
Those who don’t want to invest in the system presently may get the work done from Popli and may get more information on this at: the family business and initiated the process of streamlining the operations for ease of operations. Technology is a great enabler; and it not only eased out things for the Popli Graphics team but also for our esteemed customers,” acknowledges Rajeev.
Popli Graphics also represents Technova for their CtP Plates and Chemicals, Inks & Coatings from DIC, UV & Conventional Inks from Huber, Screen UV Inks and Varnish from CoLoRs and Adhesives from Arofine Polymers. with availability of specific range of inks for corrugated packaging and paper bags, food grade inks for paper cups and napkins along with a range of inks for gravure applications.
Today Popli Graphics represents a complete range of post-press machinery from Autoprint, Flexo solutions from DuPont & ESKO, Siegwerk Ink Blending setup, Anilox roller cleaning equipment from TEG, Flexo tape mounting solutions from 3M and adhesive solutions from Lohmann.
During the recent tough times, says Sanjeev, they kept going strong only because they valued and worked towards strengthening their bond with their principals parallel to their customers. Sanjeev is regarded in industry circles and customers for his selfless business advice. “I feel strongly that our attitude towards providing service to our customers has been our strong point and we value chain including their customers.

pressideas/ plc 32 August 2022
Jeff Ashburn, Senior Vice President for Flint Group Paper & Board, comments: “Corrugated Week 2022 is a great opportunity for us to meet with printers & converters and demonstrate to the wider corrugated industry exactly why we are the go-to name for sustainable inks and coatings today. At the expo, we’ll be putting our AQUACode range in the spotlight, with a focus on our high-performance OctaCode “Wedispersions.wantto highlight that we are creating chemistry with an environmental focus. We do that by formulating a water-based solution free of harmful solvents that will not compromise aesthetics, press performance or mechanical resistance. We’re tearing down the idea that inks and coatings must make compromises elsewhere to be sustainable. They don’t – today’s printers can have it all.”
Flint group packaging, corrugated week 2022, aquacode, xeikon idera, octacode, jeff ashburn, Sebastien stabel, Flint Group Packaging, consumable supplier to the global print and packaging industry, will be showcasing its latest range of sustainable ink and coating technologies as well as its IDERA digital print engines at Corrugated Week 2022, booth #225. Dedicated to the needs of the corrugated industry, Corrugated Week 2022 takes place September 19-21, 2022, in San Antonio, Texas. The exhibition attracts key decision makers from across the corrugated and printing sectors, all looking toward the next generation of solutions set to drive the Themarket.Flint Group Paper & Board team invites attendees to explore its AQUACode range of water-based ink and coating technologies. Among the portfolio, the company will highlight OctaCode, a waterbased dispersion technology that provides excellent results on porous and non-porous substrates, high pigment loading for superior graphics and stability both on and off-press.
Flint Group’s digital printing division, Xeikon, will be on the stand to discuss IDERA, a breakthrough digital solution platform for high-quality corrugated packaging.
industry-leading performance. Developed with raw materials sourced through a secure and ethically managed supply network, AQUACode can be implemented on existing presses without disruption.
To showcase innovative Aquacode inks & coatings and Xeikon IDERA at the Texas show.
The AQUACode range delivers high speed and advanced quality printing, providing converters control their running cost and stay “Ascompetitive.afullyintegrated and comprehensive digital platform, IDERA makes corrugated packaging easy, adaptable and sustainable, so converters can future-proof their operations and be ready for the inevitable disruption of the market structure.”
Ashburn concludes: “Corrugated Week 2022 is a chance for the industry to explore the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in today’s market, as well as next generation technologies. Flint Group has earned its reputation as a market leader, so we’re delighted to showcase our AQUACode range of inks and coatings, and our digital capabilities. This is truly an event corrugated printers will want to attend.”
IDERA combines Xeikon’s decades-long digital printing expertise with Flint Group’s corrugated know-how and manufacturing footprint to deliver brand-new digital postprint technology. Making corrugated printing easy, adaptable and sustainable.
Flint Group at Corrugated Week 2022
Visitors to Corrugated Week 2022 can visit Flint Group at booth #225, and meet the company’s expert team which will be standing by to share insight on sustainable corrugated printing.
Sebastien Stabel, Market Segment Manager, Carton Packaging, Xeikon, explains: “IDERA is the perfect choice for industrial, foodsafe, regulatory-compliant and water-based post-print inkjet printing. IDERA is a scalable investment model which offers a wide range of productivity and print quality modes with Xeikon on-site ramp-up support. Crucially, we control every aspect of IDERA, which helps

pressideas/ plc 33August 2022
Esko acquires Tilia Labs
Sagen de Jonge, CEO and co-founder of Tilia Labs, commented: “We have long shared a common goal with Esko of empowering businesses to improve ways of working, eradicate waste and optimize operational processes to meet the challenges they face today and tomorrow. Increasingly, the concept of sustainability and health becomes an important aspect of corporate responsibility. Digistik took this initiative to motivate the society at large to adopt healthy way towards life and to encourage them to take up sustainable practices in their daily routine. Sceptre
“Converters are coming under increasing pressure to deliver more volume with shorter print runs to bring versatility to the market, while the adoption of digital printing continues to grow,” said Mattias Byström, Digistik participated in Freedom Run August 15th in Ghaziabad. Digistik participated as Hydration partner in Freedom Run organized by Priyanka Rathi, Digistik. The event celebrated the 75 years of Indian Independence under the theme of ‘Fit India –Clean India’, a health care initiative.
The Canada based Tilia Labs is an imposition A.I. software company. Esko, the global developer of integrated hardware and software solutions for the print, packaging, and label industries, has acquired imposition A.I. software company Tilia Labs, in a deal that delivers on the need of brand owners and converters to connect and integrate the entire value chain through upstream digitalization.
Vice President and Group Executive Product Identification, Danaher Corporation. “This acquisition demonstrates our ongoing commitment to providing integrated software and hardware solutions that accelerate the go-to-market process for consumerpackaged goods.”
Mattias explained that the combined solutions within its software platform enable Esko to better serve its customers in the packaging, label, and wide format markets.
“Health is Wealth and good Health should be part of every human life and this can be only achieved through an active lifestyle,” says Priyanka Rathi.
We are therefore thrilled that our technology for sheet and roll optimization, automation, planning, and estimation has been identified as a perfect fit with the market-leading Esko suite of solutions.” Mattias Byström concluded: “This acquisition also underlines our commitment to delivering the tools that serve to connect brands and converters upstream. For all our customers continuing their digital transformation journey, the integration of these next generation tools means businesses will be able to digitize, automate and connect more efficiently to drive significant workflow and operational advantages, as well as sustainability
a Digistik client associated with Digistik in Freedom Run event as personal hygiene partner. Harish Gupta MD-Digistik and Sai Com Codes, comments: “We are associated with Freedom Run. It is a special moment for all of us to be part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav to celebrate 75 years of Independence.”
“We are associating with Story Circle’s initiative of Freedom Run as their appreciation partner to celebrate the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav and participating runners. Happy Independence day to all,” comments Sunjoo Dadroo, Love Care Foundation.
Digistik participates as Hydration partner in Freedom Run
Tilia Labs’ range of intelligent algorithms for sheet layout, estimation, and planning complement Esko’s existing software suite and the two companies will work together to develop next generation integrated solutions.

Durst is a global manufacturer of advanced digital printing and production technologies with core business being digital inkjet printing and the associated ecosystem of printing inks, software and services. The graphic business solutions include those for Large Format Printing, Textile and Decoration; there are special solutions for Ceramics, Digital Glaze and Industrial 3D; Label & Flexible Packaging segment has Label Digital, Label Hybrid and Specialty Packaging; and New Businesses offer solutions in Software Ecosystem, Corrugated & Folding Carton.
The booth will offer a unique experience, showcasing the Durst Ecosystem of printers and software, and will provide visitors access to experienced industry experts.
pressideas/ plc 34 August 2022 has a reputation for reliability, quality and speed - LabelExpo Americas 2022 will allow us to show those strengths to the entire label community. It’s going to be a great show, and Durst is proud to be there.”
Tau RSC press portfolio including new features and possibilities.
Durst will be showcasing two printers from their Tau RSC Portfolio. First, the Durst Tau RSCi, will be running on booth #3105. Designed for an industrial level of productivity, this printer offers highest quality, in the most economical way. In addition, Durst will be showcasing the Durst Tau 330 RSC E in booth #3123. Designed to evolve with your business, the RSC E is fully upgradeable to grow with customers. The RSC line is equipped with native 1,200 dpi resolution, offering superior print quality at all levels of investment. All Durst printers come fully equipped with Durst Workflow and Durst Analytics software, and optional Durst Smart Shop software, enabling web-to-print solutions. Visitors to booth #3105 will be able to view the vast functionally of our software and receive demos on special features such as precise ink cost analysis, exact color rendition, and high-speed ripping. Steve Lynn, Director, Labels and Packaging, said: “We are excited that soon we will be back on the LabelExpo show floor, showing the strengths of our RSC portfolio with 1200dpi inkjet technology. Durst equipment
He added: “We look forward to what will certainly be an exhilarating event. Come to booths #3105 and #3123 to see why Durst keeps you printing.”
Durst will be showcasing two printers from their Tau RSC Portfolio.
See the Tau 330 RSC & Tau RSCi with Flexo units live @ Labelexpo Americas 2022, Booth Durst3105. team will show visitors their successful Durst lineup at LabelExpo Americas 2022
Durst Group will be showcasing its successful Tau RSC technology on stands #3105 and #3123 at LableExpo Americas in Rosemont, IL from September 13-15, 2022.

The LED array delivers electrical power of 88W/cm and an intensity of 30W/cm2, with minimal light loss due to the direct UV path.
GEW says, LeoLED is suitable for users who want access to UV Arc and UV LED technology, those with more demanding applications, or those who want to print on substrates wider than 600mm.
HP Indigo V12 and the HP Indigo 6K digital presses, the backbone of the digital label space, at its Labelexpo America 2022 booth, as well as different automation technologies, new business opportunities and innovation from the lab.
AeroLED delivers power and reliability with a unique concept that eliminates many of the operational problems in existing air-cooled LED systems on the market. market by a factor of three by changing their mindset to Indigo First and Flexo second. This allows brands to benefit from an agile and sustainable supply chain without compromising print quality or packaging HPinnovation.isrunning live demonstrations of the
HP Indigo is showcasing the HP Indigo V12 digital press to the public for the first time at Labelexpo Americas.
The company says that label converters operating this press will outgrow the label
pressideas/ plc 35August 2022
LeoLED, released in 2019, is GEW’s water-cooled UV LED offering and is fully compatible with GEW’s ArcLED hybrid system. It has a 50mm-wide window to give a long dwell time and is waterproof-sealed for easy cleaning and resilience to dust and ink.
GEW brings water-cooled UV LED to Labelexpo Americas HP Indigo V12 makes show debut GEW brings its latest UV LED products to Labelexpo Americas.
Moreover, the company says the design makes AeroLED cost-effective and step changes the accessibility of LED printing.
GEW also highlights AeroLED, a fully aircooled UV LED system released in 2022. It is a high-power UV LED system for full cure, printing, coating and converting applications up to 600mm wide. The HP Indigo V12 press, rooted in the HP Indigo industry-winning formula, utilizes the new LEPx technology to create the new math of label printing with earning power exceeding multiple Flexos.

Seiko Open Week 2022
After its second appearance this year, #SeikoOpenWeek is establishing itself as a fixed annual event in the industry. Seiko Instruments not only worked towards establishing the event but also made available both its laboratory and showroom all year round for gatherings of all kinds. At the event, 13 different machines and countless samples from a wide range of applications were on display. These included those from textile printing, wood, corrugated board and ceramics, decorative printing, printed electronics, the coding & marking branch and many more. The latest ink innovations such as matt varnish or security ink were demonstrated live in their all sectors, such as ink manufacturers, suppliers of electronics
Preparations for #SeikoOpenWeek2023 already started. Once again, the basic concept of individually booked personal time slots will certainly be retained. In addition, a wider range of high-quality technical workshops, geared towards new interesting topics, will also be offered next year.
36 August 2022 signage printing and curing equipment, integrators as well as contacts of independent consultants of technical advice on all aspects of inkjet, were on Thissite.year there were People & Technology, IdeeGO, Cadis, Bluhm Weber Group, Inkatronic, Topjet, Esmalglass-Itaca Group with Itaca Textile and Itaca Packaging, Kao Chimigraf, Siegwerk, Nazdar, Integration Technology, Lambda Technology, Meteor, TriJet, DoDxAct and many others.
Expanded this year with two additional workshop days, it was again more than well received.
Throughout the ranks, it could be heard that such a platform for the exchange of ideas and knowledge is exactly what is needed.

“There’s also demo videos, advice guides and additional functionality to enable oneclick re-ordering, as well as simplified access to a customer’s order history and information on their installed products.
Simplifies and speeds up replacement of consumables.
2022 Date: 13 SEP-22 to 15 SEP-22 Venue: Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Chicago Corrugated Week 2022 Date: 19 SEP-22 to 21 SEP-22 Venue: San Antonio, TheTexasPrint Show 2022 Date: 20 SEP-22 to 22 SEP-22 Venue: NEC, Birmingham Labelexpo India 2022 Date: 10 NOV -22 to 13 NOV-22 Venue: Expo Centre & Mart Greater Noida - Delhi NCR
pressideas/ signage
Kongsberg PCS Online Store
All in Print China Date: October 2023 Venue: New International Expo Center Date:drupaShanghai202428MAY -24 to 07 JUN-24 Venue: Brussels Expo Centre, Belgium
Global digital cutting solutions manufacturer Kongsberg PCS has unveiled its new online store. With the new platform from Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems (Kongsberg PCS), businesses can now minimize downtime when ordering and awaiting delivery of the vital components they need to bring designs to life. The company providing its range of solutions to the worldwide packaging, signage, display and manufacturing markets has underlined its commitment to customer service, unveiling the online store to boost the speed and ease of ordering replacement
All in Print Nanjing Tour Show Date: 07 DEC-22 to 09 DEC-22 Venue: Nanjing International Expo PostponedCenter to PAMEX 2023 Date: 27 MAR -23 to 30 MAR-23
“Oneconsumables.ofourkey objectives is to achieve best-in-class performance for our customer service,” said Stuart Fox, President and CEO of Kongsberg PCS. “Since launching as a standalone business we have been working hard to ensure we have the best people, processes and programs in place to help us achieve that goal. I am delighted to say that we have now launched our new online sales platform to help keep businesses moving with a service that is faster, better and easier to Theuse.”new cloud-based consumables platform is powered by Salesforce B2B, helping boost Kongsberg PCS response times and minimize delays. “The system also addresses quicker ordering experience, ensuring their purchases are ordered and dispatched without delay,” he said. “We know that great service results in a great customer experience, and we’re proud to have a real focus on training and supporting our team to deliver that,” added Stuart. “We want our customers to enjoy the experience of owning a Kongsberg machine and we are committed to putting every effort into ensuring our deployment and service is the best. Our new consumables sales platform is the latest step on our journey to achieving that.”
Venue: Bombay Exhibition Center, ScreenMumbai Print India Date: 13 APR -23 to 15 APR-23 Venue: Mumbai, India PRINT & DIGITAL CONVENTION 2023 Date: 16 MAY-23 to 17 MAY-23 Venue: Congress Center Süd LabelexpoDüsseldorf Europe 2023 Date: 11 SEP -23 to 13 SEP-23 Venue: Brussels Expo Centre, Belgium
Calendar Print Olympiad 2022 Finale Date: 05 SEP-22 Venue: DCR University Sonepat, LabelexpoHaryanaAmericas
one of our most common customer requests, enabling multiple account groups to be managed by a single purchaser,” said Stuart.
“All this, together with improved ways of searching for individual bits, blades or other consumables, means that our customers can now enjoy a much simpler and therefore

Each story we create, or for that matter, each press release that you share with us, not only goes on our popular website but also is shared on all above Social Media pages of PRESSIdeas. Your social media content is the embodiment of your brand and each social network brings in it's own set of challenges. Well, we take of several factors that go into producing and publishing social media content. We can help you not only in Content Creation - where and how to Start with but once created, to schedule them on the Social Media and then optimizing it to attain the expected success is also our job. Last but not the least, analyzing the results of the Social Media Campaign too shall be shared with you. If you’re looking to get started, allow us to walk you through it. Allow us to hand hold you all along. Write to or WhatsApp on +91 9780036854 to know more! Note: Our online editorial team holds the right to decide on the selection of posts to be included on our social media pages. The FREE offer is for a period of 45 days. It is advisable to have only a post in a week.
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