Subscribe eNewsletter 22 189 Rs.100IndiainPrice vol-Issue22 07 July 2022 A PublishingfromPublicationmonthlyPRESSIdeasPvt.Ltd. Print Olympiad 2022 07 Kodak Achieve at Campolina 09 Advantages of Inkjet 12 Deinking primer technologies 24 R.Stanton for industry veteran 30 Cosmo Films re-brands ................................... 34 Double deal success at PPI 36 GartexTexProcess India 38 Vol.22Issue07,2022 digital printing signage printing

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For more information about the solution: call Sachin Kala on | Visit | write to 1st Floor, C56/22, Sector 62, Noida, U.P., INDIA - 201309 Tel: 0120-3100248 +91 98993 07625 CountWONDER FEEL LIKE KNOWING MORE? Powered by: PRINTING SOFTWARE Yes, we can help you analyze & pin-point the reasons for lower production by collecting data from your own production floor machines, without any operator involvement. Remember, the system is wireless and so no production time loss during installation or implementation. ASK FOR YOUR FREE ONLINE DEMO! LIVE DATA COLLECTION F R O M A N Y M AC H I N E O N YO U R S H O P - F L O O R W I T H O U T A N Y O P E R AT O R I N V O LV E M E N T RINGS A BELL? INTERESTING?? Standard reports generated and displayed on any screen of your choice, including mobile screen, are: Ÿ LIVE Machine(s) Status Report [Multi-locational] Ÿ Machine Delayed Start & Early Stop report Ÿ Hourly Production Report Ÿ Machine Downtime Report Ÿ Total Production Report Ÿ Production Lost report Already up and running at many printing presses in the country

4 July 2022 Contents Jasmeet D. Editor & herewith.basedresponsiblethereliablefromAllcomplyensureEveryChandigarh-1600021stpublishedFocalatPublishingSinghGeorgeVol.PRESSIdeasThomasProductionRimi,EuropeanTensiUSASukhdeepHardwareNetworking/AnilGraphic(,PreetiCorrespondentYadhuMorphineKAlexJuly202222,Issue07PrintedbyJacobandpublishedbyJasmeetonbehalfofPRESSIdeasPvtLtd.PrintedinIndiaHuesandColors363,IndustrialPoint,Phase-IXMohali,andatPRESSIdeas,437-AFloor,IndustrialArea,Phase-2(India)efforthasbeenmadetothatcreditsaccuratelywithinformationsupplied.materialsuppliediscompiledsourcesbelievedtobeorsolelyanopinionofauthors.PRESSIdeasisnotforanystepstakenontheinformationprovided Subscription details/form on Page 05 FROM THE EDITORS’ DESK 5 Heidelberg confirms strategic development of core business printing and establishment of new business areas at AGM 6 Print Olympiad 2022 – West Zone 2nd Round 7 Story of CTP – by Santosh Mulay 8 Heidelberg India appoints Harish Gogia as Cluster Sales Head 8 Campolina Offset brings plate production inhouse with new Kodak Achieve 9 Image Print installs east India’s 1st RICOH C7200X 10 Konica Minolta organizes Annual Meet themed Learnovate 11 Advantages of inkjet and new opportunities in book manufacturing 12 How to Build an Automated Estimation Strategy to Win More Sales 13 1st Public Showing of Mark Andy’s digital press incorporating Konica Minolta’s AL400 toner-based print engine 14 Dreamz Digital Express extends colour gamut with a brand new Ricoh Pro C7200X 15 Fast Color Lab aims new heights with Ricoh Pro C7200X 16 Insight Print Communication hits success with multiple Revoria installations 17 MicroPrints forays into digital with double Ricoh power 18 Digital Press Manufacturers get Color-Logic’s metallics boost 19 How Prints24x7 diversified to beat adverse pandemic times 20 How better preparedness keeps the business after lockdown for Rahul Print O Pack 21 PAMEX bags the Industry Catalyst award 22 LMAI presents ‘Labels: What the print buyers want’ 22 There is no better time to jump into Digital 23 Siegwerk’s deinking primer technologies 24 Cosmo First appoints Kulbhushan Malik as Global Business Head of its Films business 25 Gallus sets pioneering carbon neutral goals for 2022 26 H L Printech Solutions at Printpack 27 Duplo powerful finishing solutions on display at The Print Show 28 Marabu at glasstec 2022 29 Harveer Sahni receives R.Stanton award 30 ITC Next: Building a Competitive, Future Tech, Climate Positive and Inclusive Enterprise 31 Koenig & Bauer acquires 49 per cent stake in Celmacch Group 32 Alpha-30R: Empower efficiency and accuracy in your mobile workforce 33 Cosmo Films re-brands as Cosmo First 34 JBF Finance public tender offer for Bobst 34 Innova bolsters production with Kodak Veriset 35 Kongsberg PCS enjoys double deal success at Printpack India 36 Kongsberg PCS launches new industry whitepaper 37 Delhi edition of GartexTexprocess India to be a showcase of over 200 exhibitors 38

Subscription Form 1 cheques(For(242(12Yearissues)Yearsissues)outstationaddRs. 40/- extra) Rs. 750.00 Rs. 1250.00 5 (60Yearsissues) Rs. 3250.00 1/2/5yrs. I am enclosing cheque/draft of Dear Readers, At the recent ‘To Overcome Adversities And To Thrive’ Dwarka Panel Discussion event organized by GDMPA, the panelists were young entrepreneurs from the industry. They shared their experience during the Covid pandemic and what kept them going, made them come out of the tough times and how they adapted to the new demands of business to write success in their own way. Mansi Arya of Prints24x7 speaks about how they diversified to beat adverse pandemic times. The vision is to transform the customer’s experience of getting print. “We shall forever transform the perception of print – from an unorganised, unreliable & full of hassle experience to an experience of premium quality, easy, no fuss, smooth service,” says Mansi. Similiarly, Rahul Soni divulges how better preparedness keeps the business after lockdown for Rahul Print O Pack. Rahul was also a panelist at the Panel Discussion at NPB Conference at Dwarka. Facing the challenges of the Covid pandemic, Rahul had come up with a quick response to prepare his business for the impact which looked imminent. “We faced supply chain issues (disruption in supply of all major print inputs), demand shock (schools were shut, demand for printed textbooks slumped), workforce issues (COVID induced fear, anxiety & uncertainty) and other operational difficulties,” he says. However, he didn’t just sit back but preempt the issues with better preparedness – they had put COVID related SOPs in place quite earlier in February, 2020. There is no better time to jump into Digital, says Adhish Aggarwal, Insight Print Communications which also recently changed its vision statement to ‘Helping the Print Industry transition to Digital’. Digital has been seen by the industry as a natural transition and growth in present market scenario. There have been quite a few installations in the digital segment especially of Ricoh machines that have further gained printers’ confidence and belief in the technology. Image Print of Kolkata has installed east India’s 1st Rico Pro C7200X Digital Production Press. Among other things, here they surely have the ‘first mover advantage’, as claimed by Danish Rahman, Owner of the press. Another Ricoh Pro C7200X has gone to Dreamz Digital Express, the digital printer that has extended the colour gamut with their latest brand new machine. The Graphics Art Edition Ricoh at this Delhi based Photo albums expert is equipped with EFI Fiery colour controller E-46A server, which works on the NX Pro platform. Further enabling the digital printing market of the country, Monotech Systems has installed a Ricoh Pro C7200X at Fast Color Lab. The 5th colour station of the press allows the Rajkot based digital printer to have the flexibility to do more and go beyond regular CMYK. Also, MicroPrints of Delhi has forayed into digital with double Ricoh power, installing two state-of-the-art presses from Ricoh recently.
Find all this and more on installations, events, mergers, appointments, awards and a lot more in this July issue of PRESSIdeas. Enjoy Reading!
- Jasvinder Singh, Sub-editor
The country’s digital printing space additionally has been enhanced by digital printing solutions provider, Insight Print Communications, which carried out multiple successful installations of the Fujifilm Revoria across India. “The use of specialty colours opens new doors to on-demand premium print opportunities,” says Mr. Kentaro Imafuku, Head of Department, Graphic Arts Division Fujifilm India. Insight Print Communication has also installed a Kodak Veriset T800 at Bangalore based mono and fluted carton manufacturer Innova Printing and Packaging.
Heidelberg confirms strategic development of core business printing and establishment of new business areas at AGM
6 July 2022 further potential through a wide range and depth of technologies as well as extensive capabilities in product innovation, industrial production, global sales and service. These capabilities help Heidelberg to develop new business areas. In the past two financial years, the financial and strategic realignment of the company created good conditions for further positive development. The good order situation and the high order backlog also make Heidelberg confident, while the global economic situation and the challenging political situation continue to call for caution. At the start of the new 2022/23 financial year, business developed stably. Assuming MarcusA.Wassenberg,CFO Dr.LudwinMonz,CEODr.LudwinMonz,CEO
Annual General Meeting reelects Dr. H.C. Oliver Jung to the Supervisory Board.
Around 30 percent of Heidelberg’s share capital was represented at the virtual Annual General Meeting of Heidelberg for financial year 2021/2022. The Management Board explained the Company’s strategic orientation, the balance sheet figures for the past financial year (April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022), and future prospects to the Atshareholders.hisfirstAnnual General Meeting for the company, the Chairman of the Management Board, Dr. Ludwin Monz, emphasized: “In the future, Heidelberg will have to strike a balance between the further development of the core business of printing on the one hand and the development of new business on the other. Accordingly, we will take a two-pronged approach to our strategy. “Heidelberg intends to remain one of the technology leaders in the printing sector. Therefore, the company continues to invest in the core markets of commercial and packaging printing. The success in the printing sector should provide the financial scope for further expansion in new fields such as electromobility. The company has a stable global economic development, Heidelberg expects growth, the improvement of the EBITDA margin and an improved aftertax result in the 2022/23 financial year.
Annual General Meeting has also reelected Dr. H.C. Oliver Jung to the Supervisory Board. Dr. H.C. Jung has been a member of Heidelberg’s Supervisory Board since 2017. The Chairman of the Management Board of Festo SE & Co. KG will continue to actively support the consistent further development of Heidelberg with his in-depth knowledge of the automotive and mechanical engineering sectors as well as other industrial sectors. The shareholders also passed five further resolutions.

The 2nd round of the Print Olympiad for the West Zone was organized recently at virtual platform. Print Olympiad is the India’s Biggest Talent Hunt in Printing. During pandemic in 2020, taking out the opportunities from the difficulties, it was decided to organize the event at virtual platform. The idea proved a rocking success as the event reached even the remotest corner of the country. The regional competitions get the top student of the region, before the national level competition picks the ‘Top Print Student of India’.
Introducing the coordinators of West Zone, Prof. Baral said, “We have the dynamic and most talented teachers, Prof. Madhura Mahajan, HOD, Printing Tech, PVG’S COET, Pune & Prof. Parag Hase, HOD, Printing Tech, Dr. BAM University with us who are also moderating the event.”
Her Excellency Dr. Janice Darbari, The Honorary Consul General Montenegro in India, inaugurated the competition. In her speech, she conveyed the importance of printing industry in the market. She also recalled how her books got printed through offset and digital machines. She wished good luck to the students participating and also promised all possible help. The 3 judges for the competition were Prof. Arun Gangarde, HOD, Printing Tech, New Arts, Commerce & Science College, Ahmednagar; Mr. Shailendra Pople, President, Dombivli Shahar Mudrak Sangh;
Welcoming the guests and participants, Dr M.R. Tarambale, I/c Principal, PVG’s COET & GKPWIM, Pune, said, “It is an honour for PVG to host such an important event. Print Olympiad is the brainchild of Prof. Kamal Chopra and is the only event of its kind in the world for the printing students.”
Mr. Kamal Mohan Chopra declared the result of 2nd round competition. He congratulated the participants. The students who got selected for the next round were Ms. Mehetre Sakshi Arun, New Arts, Comm. and Sc. College, Ahmednagar; Mr. Roshan Kailas Bachhav, PVG College of Eng. & Tech., Pune; Mr. Dwayne Mandy, PVG College of Eng. & Tech., Pune. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Sanmay Jain, student of PVG’s COET & GKPWIM, Pune said that it was a great experience to compete in regional level of the event and also thanked the dignitaries and OPA for providing this opportunity to the students of printing.
pressideas/ commercial printing 7July 2022
Mr. Mitesh Sharma, Assistant Professor, New Media Technology, Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication, Bhopal was declared as the winner of the online lucky draw for the Golden ‘Proud to be a Printer’ Pin. 4 students, one each from East, North, South and West Zones will be eligible for the national level competition, to be held physically, at DCR University of Science & Technology, Murthal, Sonepat (Haryana) during 3-6 September, Print Olympiad 2022 – West Zone 2nd Round PVG and New Arts College Students grab the top positions.
Mr. Ashwani Gupta, Co-Chairman of the Print Olympiad revealed, “Print Olympiad was started in 2016, to persuade the existing students of printing for out of box ideas and to look beyond the books to be abreast with latest innovations. Today we are conducting the 5th edition of this enormous competition, I am thankful to all the institutions and teachers who are involved in to conceive the idea of our mentor Prof. Kamal Mohan Chopra.”
Prof. Dr. P. Sasikala, Dean (Academics), HOD, New Media Technology, MC University, Bhopal. The Olympiad had 50 questions and was conducted in an online mode lasting half an hour. The students selected for the second round were Mr. Tanay Sarwade, PVG College of Eng. & Tech., Pune; Mr. Abhishek Mahesh Khadkikar, PVG College of Eng. & Tech., Pune; Ms. Mehetre Sakshi Arun, New Arts, Comm. and Sc. College, Ahmednagar; Mr. Pavan Kokane, SIES College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai; Mr. Roshan Kailas Bachhav, PVG College of Eng. & Tech., Pune; Mr. Sanmay Jain, PVG College of Eng. & Tech., Pune; Mr. Dwayne Mandy, PVG College of Eng. & Tech., Pune; Mr. Siddharth Pandey, Government Kalaniketan, Jabalpur and Mr. Gaurav Kishor Patil, K.T.H.M. College, Nashik.
Speaking on the occasion, Prof (Dr) Anjan Kumar Baral, the national coordinator of this eminent event said, “Print Olympiad is now a brand and is the most sought after event for the students of printing.” The event is organized in association with the universities and institutions of printing in India. The West Zone competitions are being hosted by the PVG’s COET & GKPWIM, Pune and BAMU, Aurangabad.
2022. The ‘Top Print Student of India’ will receive the prize money of Rs. 1,00,000/along with the certificate.

Heidelberg India has appointed Harish Gogia as the Cluster Sales Head – North &
Back to our topic- How many Computer to Plate (CTP) engines are running continuously for 20 years plus? East, Nepal, and Bhutan following the exit of Deepak Walia from the post of Cluster Sales Head (North) effective from 15th July 2022.
Harish Gogia succeeds Deepak Walia as Cluster Sales Head for the North & East, Nepal, and Bhutan region.
Story of CTP – by Santosh Mulay How many CTP’s you are aware of running for about 2 decades?
CTP - 20 years & Still in Great Form 20 years ago – that’s in 2002 first CTP by CREO was installed in India @ Pragati Offset. Throughput was 10 plates per hour for 40inch wide plates. That power horse is still running, imaging high-definition screenings of 20 microns and > 200 LPI, day in and out at maximum upgradable speed of 28 plates of 40 inch wide per hour. There was no doubt about the innovative external drum Laser head architecture by CREO. The difficult part was workflow selection. That was transition era between postscript and PDF. A 4-day onsite demo of Scitex Brisque workflow by this author clinched the deal in favour of CREO SCITEX. Director of IT / Prepress Mr. Ram Kodali was instrumental in workflow selection and successful implementation. Next two years were filled with ecstasy for a support engineer like me implementing 20 micron staccato, experimenting with different screen rulings like 280 LPI Spekta by SCREEN, Monet FM screening by Esko. Printing High definition screening by offset consistently is a challenge. And we accomplished this. In 2017 Estimation module in SAP was replaced by InSoft’s estimation module.
Harsha says, “Imp is single software that does layout planning & estimation for our entire job range – commercial, packaging, rigid boxes, and labels. We have 50 users in layout planning and sales team at ten locations using Imp software. It certainly helped enhance our margins.”
In few years Brisque was end-of-life. It was replaced with Prinergy by Kodak. Pragati’s tech savvy and futuristic owners replaced Brisque with legendary Esko workflow which met their diversified business of packaging and labels. The next generation owner, a graduate with Highest Honours from Rochester Institute of Technology, continued the journey of innovation. In 2012 Imp software became common platform for layout planning of packaging, labels and commercial jobs.
pressideas/ commercial printing 8 July 2022
Samir Patkar, President – Heidelberg India, comments, “We thank Deepak Walia for his contribution over the years for our Northern region customers. We welcome Harish Gogia in his new role and responsibilities which include not just two major sales regions in India, but also Nepal and Bhutan. “Harish Gogia is already well-known among our Northern region customers, and we are sure that he will leverage his expertise in service application and sales to offer greater value to our customers! We wish him all the best in this new role,” adds Samir Patkar.
Harish Gogia started his career at Heidelberg India as a Service Engineer and has grown from strength to strength within the organization. He was heading the North Service division for about 16 years and later headed the Inside Sales division for the past four Harishyears.Gogia has been with the organization for the past three decades and obtained immense experience in handling Customer Support Service and Sales Operations in Northern India.
Heidelberg India appoints Harish Gogia as Cluster Sales Head

pressideas/ commercial printing 9July 2022 plate setter which is productive and has a process-free operation,” said, Manoj Arora, Director, Campolina Offset Printers. Situated in Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh, Campolina Offset Printers was started with 2 colour offset machines in 2010, now it has been servicing the needs of its customers for over 12 years. The company also has added short-run packaging to their business. Now the offerings from the company are roll labels, vinyl labels, waterproof labels, sheet labels, thermal labels, pharmaceutical labels, vial labels, etc., and labels of various colours, shapes, and sizes from single to bulk orders of large corporations.
“The Kodak Achieve offers a process less technology which contributes to the Campolina Offset brings plate production inhouse with new Kodak Achieve Delays due to dependency on third-party press-press bureaus resolved with Kodak solution installed by Monotech. One of the leading commercial printers of North India, Campolina Offset Printers has recently added a Kodak Achieve 400 Thermal Platesetter to their setup to meet their inhouse plate requirements. The installation has been done by Monotech Systems “WeLimited.have a consumption of approx. 2,000 – 2,500 plates per month and for the same dependency were relying on the third-party pre-press bureaus which was a time taking activity. For any plate rejection, we had to wait for the new plate which was delaying our services. Moreover, the secrecy of the job was also an important concern for us as we are into the labels and packaging business. Due to all these we decided to make the setup in-house and opted for Kodak Achieve sustainability and hence it was the first choice. Monotech Systems has good aftersales support, and they already have a good reputation in the market which was vouched by the third-party vendors too. We also have recently purchased a digital label press from them. It has been a wonderful experience interacting with the team and with their services,” he added. Kodak Achieve T400/T800 Platesetters are robust and reliable CTP devices that deliver the stability of Kodak’s thermal light-valve imaging technology at a surprisingly low cost. They’re based on the successful Kodak Trendsetter Platesetter platform and available with a variety of automation and speed options.

5th Color Station Digital Production Press.
“It has doubled our production from about 1 lac earlier to now over 2 lac prints per month from a single printer.We are confident to achieve a target of 5 lacs within next six months.” –Danish Rahman, Image Print, Kolkata Key Notes :
> Print orders pour in from print houses, suppliers, publishers, resellers, and ad agencies after RICOH installation increasing both volume and business.
The first forRICOHqualityadvantagemoverofhighproducingProC7200XImagePrint.
Image Print installs east India’s 1st RICOH C7200X
digital printing 10 July 2022
> The print production volume of the company doubles in the first two months.
“In 2022 after the installation of Ricoh PROC7200X we are very happy and excited since the print production volume of the company has more than doubled in the first two months itself. The added and exciting features give us an edge over our competitors, as we also have the early mover advantage,” emphasizes TheDanish.machine supports up to 360gsm auto duplex which is very high for digital print standards. Image Print boasts a state-of-the-art setup with a modern lineup that caters to production printing, large format printing, signage as well as print finishing Imagesegments.Print was started in 2004 as a small photocopy and print shop by Danish Rahman at Dalhousie area, while he was still studying in his final year of college pursuing Hons. Initially, the company got its large chunk of customers from banks, corporate offices, court area, and many government offices which were nearby. With little prior experience in the industry, it was a challenge to meet the rapidly
Kolkata’s digital printer Image Print has bought east India’s first Ricoh Pro C7200X
The RICOH PRO C7200X is a game-changer for Image Print, according to Danish Rahman, the owner of one of the leading digital printers of the region. “First of all, it gives us the first-mover advantage since it’s the first installation in eastern India,” avers Danish “Theexcitedly.machine has excellent print quality, affordability, economy, lower running cost, and quick turnaround time,” he praises. “It means more and more repeat orders as well as more satisfied customers. Above all, excellent service support from Monotech Systems is a bonus. We got complete help and training from a team of well-trained engineers and staff right from the time of installation,” says Danish. The machine has lots of new and exciting features like banner printing, and the addition of special colours like gold, silver, white and clear ink apart from traditional CMYK has added much more value for their existing portfolio. The machine produces refined results and delivers excellent colour gamut across media including special media like texture, metallic finish and kraft board. All this has contributed to increased print volume for Image Print.

Konica Minolta organizes Annual Meet themed Learnovate How leaders must embrace the latest tech interventions to thrive in the post-pandemic world.
Konica Minolta Business Solutions India held its Annual Partner Meet in May with the theme “Learnovate – The Rising Leaders”. The meet covered dialogues around the latest tech interventions in the industry and how leaders must embrace these innovations to thrive in the post-pandemic world, which is brimming with uncertainties as well as opportunities. thrilled to reconnect with our valued partner community. This will help us to expand our skill set, make course-connections, and deepen the expertise, in the ever-changing Theworld.”event witnessed around 150+ partners from across geographies who got to interact with the Katsuhisa Asari, Managing Director, Konica Minolta Business Solutions India for the first time. It also included various partner engagement activities and live performances, enabling the Konica Minolta team and partners to exchange dialogue while also helping them strengthen their relationship. This was followed by an informal discussion upon the dinner. The organization also shared its 2025 vision, which is to reach Rs.1000 Crore revenue by 2025. It also reiterated its commitment to serving customers with the customer-centric approach while driving digital transformation across its facilities and overall operations.
installation of this machine many print houses, suppliers, publishers, resellers, and ad agencies have contacted us to print their jobs and that is steadily increasing our print volume every day,” informs Danish. Before the installation of this machine, Image Print had a previous version of Ricoh and other brands and they had to work overtime to meet the print order demands. “But this installation has made our workflow very easy, and smooth. It has not only transformed our quality drastically, but also doubled our production from about 1 lac print per month to now over 2 lac per month from a single printer. With our dedicated team of welltrained people, we are confident to achieve a target of 5 lacs within next six months,” declares Danish. With around 18 years of research and experience by his side, Danish himself takes a lot of interest in the in-house training and development of skills of his staff. “Today the customers look for value addition in their prints like extra colour, special effects like gold, UV, and they want the service in a very short time, and the RIOCH PRO C7200X has proven to be the very valuable asset for our company in this regard,” he underlines. Image Print is also providing other valueadded services like foiling, UV finish and thermal lamination with 3D, Matte/Gloss, Satin and Velvet finish to its customers. “Our label printing orders have also drastically increased since we have the total in-house setup for label punching and cutting of various shapes, and printing on different label media like transparent, PVC and metallic. I am highly thankful to Mr. T.P. Jain, Mr. Ajeet Pareek and the whole team of Monotech Systems for their excellent service support and customer communication,” appreciates Danish. Ajeet Pareek, Business Head – Digital Products and Solutions, Monotech Systems says, “It’s a breakthrough and way ahead for us, as this is the first installation of Ricoh Pro C7200X in eastern India. We congratulate Mr. Danish for becoming an early adopter, and we are confident that this press is going to open many business avenues for him.”
Kuldeep Malhotra, Dy. Managing Director – Head of Department, Sales Division & OP Marketing said, “The world of work has massively changed after the pandemic. The objective of this partner meet includes thought leadership keynotes, valuable content and an abundance of networking and fun. Mr. Malhotra further commented; “We’re
pressideas/ digital 11July 2022 increasing demand for his services. Danish soon realized that the rising demand was hinting expansion for them. He soon converted his business into a complete designing and digital/commercial printing unit and in no time started getting orders for flyers, brochures, ID cards, memorandum, annual reports, etc. He further completed a graphic designing and AutoCAD course in “After2008.
The RICOH Pro C7200X enables modern digital print houses to pursue profitable growth with an affordable, innovative colour digital press. The five- and four-station RICOH Pro C7200X Series Graphic Arts Edition offers both MFP and printer models that deliver superb image quality, oversize print options and diverse media choices. With the Pro C7200X Series Graphic Arts Edition having MICR capabilities, the printers are enabled to do full-colour cheque printing without the need for preprinted media. They can go beyond CMYK to produce unique, compelling materials that can command premium prices. Advanced workflows and capabilities help fulfill demanding deadlines while keeping operational costs low.

digital printing 12 July 2022
As the pandemic set in and consumers were isolated at home, many picked up an old friend: a good book.
In 2020, print book sales in the U.S. soared to their best yearly numbers since 2010. Reading momentum continued throughout 2021. As publishers are enjoying the increased numbers of readers, many wonder if this demand is here to stay or if print quantities need to be adjusted once again.
Advantages of inkjet and new opportunities in book manufacturing
Moreover, publishers often had to buy a minimum number of copies specified by the printer to keep unit costs under control. These “minimums” meant publishers sometimes found themselves inventorying more copies than they would be able to sell, leading to extra cost and waste.
Sustainably Printing Books
Today, as consumers and businesses demand sustainable operations from the companies they work with, book publishers need to go beyond reducing waste and look at the entire printing process. By only printing, the number of books they need, digital printing eliminates the cost of a mismatched supply and demand. This waste reduction also decreases carbon expenditure of manufacturing overproduction, inventory, storage, transportation, and Digitaldisposal.printing also eliminates the inherent physical
> Read any good books lately? If so, you’re not alone.
Key Notes :
> Waste reduction –decreases
> Digital offeredprintingpublishers a way to break out of expensive cycle.
Whatever happens, to book demand, capturing opportunities in today’s publishing market requires the right equipment and a new mindset.
- A closer look at today’s book publishing trends and the role digital printing plays in creating new opportunities for print service providers. With advances in digital printing like digital printon-demand, mainstream publishers and selfpublishers can print what they need when they need it — and be profitable.
To understand the book publishing opportunity, it’s essential to first look at the role digital printing has played in transforming the market. Nearly two decades ago, publishers saw an opportunity in digital printing. The key driver of this change was unit cost: the sum of the charges incurred in printing one copy of a book. With conventional printing on offset equipment, unit cost declines as the number of copies increases. While that works for bestsellers, it makes lesser quantities much more expensive.
Digital printing offered publishers a way to break out of that expensive cycle. In digital printing, the cost stays the same no matter how many copies are printed. As a result, the majority of book publishers report cost and business benefits from digital printing.

The JETSCI knowzzleJet monochrome inkjet web press is powered by Memjet duralink and it is opening new opportunities and markets for book publishing.
Inkjet Opportunities for Book Publishers
The high print resolution, speed, low print cost, and width extendibility of JETSCI knowzzleJet makes it the best fit for book printing applications and gives providers a fast, easy, affordable way to get into a book publishing. (Article powered by Memjet.)
Thermal, drop-on-demand inkjet printing with aqueous pigment- and dye-based inks are stable, consistent, and safer for the earth and the people handling them. With this type of inkjet, it’s possible to control resolution and ink coverage in ways that not only assure print quality but also minimize environmental impact.
The key attraction of the OnPrintShop Workshop was the guest speaker Enedy Brache from APlus Printing, a leading Print Company from USA. Enedy with a vast experience in print online technology, shared actual Strategies to win more sales leveraging OnPrintShopTechnology.organized this special WORKSHOP to educate and help print companies to setup their product estimation with easiest options. The attendee companies learnt about OnPrintShop Advanced Pricing Engine. They also learnt how OnPrintShop Pricing engine is different from standard eCommerce or other w2p.
The key highlights of the workshop included:
• Custom size & dynamic rule-based Naresh Bordia, Vice President – Global Sales and Naimish Patel, Sr. Business Development Manager of OnPrintShop were the key speakers at the Workshop.
The OnPrintShop Workshop titled ‘How to Build an Automated Estimation Strategy to Win More Sales’ takes place on 27th July.
Inkjet Advantages for Book Manufacturing
How to Build an Automated Estimation Strategy to Win More Sales
pressideas/ digital 13July 2022 waste and more hazardous chemical ingredients involved in the conventional printing process. Digital presses print without plates and oil-based inks. By using safer ink chemistries containing water, digital printing cuts environmental costs of permits and disposal fees. With digital printing, the first set of pages is printed and ready to ship — no wasted pages.
When it comes to general book manufacturing, no other digital printing technology is as productive across the broad range of book manufacturing as inkjet. Inkjet’s faster running speeds, higher print resolutions, and ability to accommodate bigger sheet sizes and web widths combined with longer printhead life and more inline and nearline finishing options — together, are making inkjet a cost-effective alternative for longer print runs.
• Easy Price Update across the Storefronts without any IT Skills
• Product Specific Price & advance rules to offer an accurate estimation
Self-publishers and mainstream publishers are learning that production inkjet is the ideal printing process for 21st-century book Inmanufacturing.theconventional printing paradigm, books on the backlist (titles that have moved out of top seller status) didn’t have enough demand to justify their retention in a publisher’s catalog. The same is true for the growing market of self-published authors: quantities are too small to justify a large print run. In addition, authors usually bear the complete expense of creating, manufacturing, and distributing their Now,books.advances in digital printing are transforming these categories. With digital print-on-demand, mainstream publishers and self-publishers can print what they need when they need it — and be profitable.
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Mark Andy has announced its participation at Labelexpo Americas 2022 with a strong focus on digital transformation and endto-end workflow, embellishing, die-cutting and production automation. The key attraction of Mark Andy showcase would be the first public showing of its digital press incorporating Konica Minolta’s Accurio Label 400 (AL400) toner-based print engine. The press is configured as standard with five colors, CMYK and white, printing at speeds up to 130 fpm in roll to roll and hybrid “Throughconfiguration.our strategic partnership with Konica Minolta, Mark Andy is extending its solutions for digital print production to be optimized for mid-to-high volume converters,” commented Greg Palm, executive vice president Sales & Marketing at Mark UnderAndy.theterms of the partnership agreement, Mark Andy is the exclusive provider of Konica Minolta’s AL400 print technology to the labels and packaging Markindustry.Andy is excited to showcase its latest digital imaging equipment and software. Mark Andy will also have representatives on the booth from Kluge and Presstek. Show attendees will also have an exclusive opportunity to find out more about Mark Andy’s digital transformation journey during a period of market complexity at the accompanying two-day show conference
Aprogram.MarkAndy expert, Tom Schelmbauer, chief business officer, will be joining the panel discussion “How are supply chain complexities impacting market growth?”, which takes place on 13 September. Lisa Milburn, managing director of Labelexpo Global Series, commented, “I am delighted Mark Andy has chosen Labelexpo Americas 2022 to showcase the launch of their new digital products. It is yet another powerful reason for label converters to visit the show.”
pressideas/ digital 14 July 2022 production ink jet press the Digital Series iQ. The iQ is built on Mark Andy’s proven Evolution Series flexographic platform for application flexibility and proven award-winning web handling and digital implementation. The iQ was developed for converters looking to start their digital transformation using proven inkjet printing and converting technology.
Labelexpo Americas 2022 takes place at the Donald E Stevens Convention Center, Chicago, between 13-15 September. -
1st Public Showing of Mark Andy’s digital press incorporating Konica Minolta’s AL400 toner-based print engine
Mark Andy introduces the new digital press incorporating Konica Minolta AL400 print engine, along with flexo, finishing and workflow products at Labelexpo Americas 2022.
The company’s division Mark Andy Print Products (MAPP) will exhibit a full range of flexo plate imaging and processing equipment from leading prepress suppliers including DuPont Cyrel plates and FAST processor, Tesa mounting tape and Esko
Completing the digital lineup will be a Digital Series HD press – configured with four flexo units – and with inline flexo varnish and dieRotoflexcutting. finishing equipment on the Mark Andy stand includes VSI and VLI inspectionrewinders and the new AT4 quick-change auto turret rewind, configurable for in-line or off-line label finishing. Auto core gluing and label closer options are available.

pressideas/ digital 15July 2022 and Photo Framing etc. The company also provides services through their online platform through e-commerce. “Dreamz Digital has been an esteemed customer for us, and we cherish this relationship. We congratulate the team
“Our existing setup was revamped and replaced Konica Minolta with Ricoh C7200X. We were on a quest for a printer that enhances our photo printing quality and helps us in delivering unique packaging applications. The quality the Ricoh delivers is incomparable, and the media flexibility is remarkable,” he adds. Dreamz Digital is in the industry for the last 35 years with their brand Natraj. It is being run by father and son duo Sunil Seedhar and his son Nilesh Seedhar who is looking after the commercial printing segment in the company. The company is a renowned name and has been known for its quality work. Dreamz Digital Express is engaged as a dependable service provider of a gamut of Printing services such as Photo Book Printing & Binding, Personalized Rigid & MDF boxes, Labels, Vinyl gumming stickers (Digital die-cut), Pamphlets, Brochures, Envelopes, Restaurant Dine-in Menu Cards, LED Indoor backlit posters, Photo enlargement prints for their selection. Today customers are looking for something innovative in print and we are confident that this press is going to bring more customers and revenues,” says Surendra Singh, Regional Manager, Monotech Systems.
Dreamz Digital Express extends colour gamut with a brand new Ricoh Pro C7200X
“We were on a quest for a printer that enhances our photo printing quality and helps us in delivering unique packaging applications.” – Sunil Seedhar. Delhi based Digital Print Service provider and Photo albums expert Dreamz Digital Express has opted for a Ricoh Pro C7200X Graphics Art Edition digital print production engine to meet its extended colour gamut requirement. The Ricoh Pro C7200X can print from 52 to 360 GSM printing substrates at a speed of 85ppm. The production press is equipped with EFI Fiery colour controller E-46A server, which works on the NX Pro platform. “Our customers from both the segments i.e., photo and commercial were looking for something new, especially the extended colour gamut. We found the solution with RICOH. The Ricoh Pro C7200X digital printing press is capable of printing CMYK + white, metallic, special colour in a single pass. This unique press delivers fantastic quality photo albums and can do a lot more in the specialty print which is because of its 5th colour station. Photo album printers can expand their printing gamut and can do more with the help of this press,” comments Sunil Seedhar, Proprietor, Dreamz Digital Express on their recent installation.

Ricoh Pro C7200X Graphic Arts Edition delivers high image quality, oversize print options and diverse media choices. It comes with a fifth colour station, advanced workflows, and performance-enhancing “Fastcapabilities.ColorLab has been an esteemed customer for us, and we cherish this relationship which has continued for many years. We hope that the Ricoh Pro C7200X is going to bring more avenues for them,” Ajeet Pareek, Business Head - Digital Products and Solutions, Monotech Systems, said.
pressideas/ digital 16 July 2022 Monotech Systems support that’s the best in the industry. The above factors were the main reason why the company decided to opt for this press,” said Jay Kanani, Partner, Fast Color EstablishedLab. in 2006, Fast Color Lab has a wide customer base spanning the entire Gujarat. The digital printer, with a 2000 sq.ft. setup situated in Rajkot, is run by two partners Jay Kanani and Bhavesh Kagathara. Having a setup of post-press equipment like lamination, die-cutting, creasing, and digital paper cutting the company use to do a decent production and now has more than doubled per month after bringing the Ricoh C7200X Digital production press to their “Wefacilities.cherish a very good relationship with Monotech Systems for a long and bought Konica Minolta 6501 and 8000 presses from them. Their service is the best in the industry. Now Ricoh and Monotech Systems are the best combination we can think of. Fast Color Lab aims new heights with Ricoh Pro C7200X Monotech Systems installs the press at Fast Color Lab. The 5th colour station of the press gives the flexibility to do more and go beyond regular CMYK.
Rajkot, Gujarat based digital printer Fast Color Lab has opted for a Ricoh Pro C7200X Digital production press. The Ricoh Pro C7200X with a Gold and White kit can print from 52 to 360gsm printing substrates at the speed of 85ppm and is equipped with EFI Fiery colour controller E-46A server, which works on NX Pro platform. With this installation, the company aims to take their poster and commercial printing business to new heights by providing value addition to its prints. The installation has been done by Monotech Systems. “Our existing setup of Konica Minolta presses was ready for the upgrade, and we were exploring the options of the new press. After the research, we opted for the Ricoh Pro C7200X press as it has a 5th colour station that gives you the flexibility to do more and go beyond regular CMYK. The quality and media flexibility is incomparable in the segment. Moreover, the technology from the RICOH is the latest and it is backed by We believe in offering the best and most value-added services. With the addition of Ricoh C7200X, the company will be able to offer fast production, high printing quality and embellishments with high print volume. We see great growth in the business through this investment as we can offer premium printing,” he added.

Digital printing solutions provider Insight Print Communications has recently carried out multiple successful installations of the Fujifilm Revoria across the country. A renowned brand in the Graphic Arts space, Fujifilm is known for its innovative and cutting edge technology and delivers effective solutions to contribute to quality of life and enhance sustainability. Insight is Fujifilm’s National Sales and Service partner for the Print On Demand (POD) Business.
pressideas/ digital 17July 2022 doing 600K volumes. A significant portion of this goes into the CMYK + market with effects of metallic, white and clear inks that is fetching them a premium in the market,” adds Mr. Ajay. Even presently, one installation is underway at a Digital Press Bureau in Jaipur and another one just got installed in Mumbai at a premium home furnishing brand that uses this press for high end catalogues. The capability of the Revoria to effectively handle textured papers opens doors for variety of applications suitable for such corporates. Many installations have been carried out by Insight at customers who are successfully producing high-quality wedding photos and web-to-print photo products. Two important features of the press that facilitate installs at photo space include AI-based Photo Quality Optimization and Pink layer addition. The AI automatically determines the scene for each Insight Print Communication hits success with multiple Revoria installations
“Insight with their new offering is looking to achieve more milestones going forward,” states Mr. Kentaro Imafuku.
Insight’s flexibility to the customer through the “toner out” model where customers pay only for the spares and maintenance and buy toners on actuals, is yielding benefits for the customer. “For an industry which has had predefined pricing models for ages, this change has been welcomed by all customers. It’s not just the technology, but the flexibility to use it effectively and ensuring quick ROI is the cornerstone of our Revoria offering,” avers Ajay. “Commercial printers are also taking advantage of 10 colours offered on Fuji Revoria that includes White, Gold, Silver, Clear, Texture and Pink colours to offer prints to their end customers that was not possible with so much ease earlier. These customers are ecstatic with the no frills 5 minutes change over time of colours without wasting any Toner, making it practical to use multiple colours,” he adds. “This press is breaking the barrier of standard CMYK digital prints and enabling our customers to meet ever evolving consumer demand and helping businesses to grow into new, higher value markets, such as luxury brand promotion and packaging. The use of specialty colours opens new doors to ondemand premium print opportunities,” says Mr. Kentaro Imafuku, Head of Department, Graphic Arts Division Fujifilm India.
Fujifilm Revoria has been successful with all type of printers ranging from high-end commercial to photo albums, colour books and for other industries like home furnishing etc. as well.
“Revoria Press PC 1120 has proved to be a money making investment for all our customers. They are using this press for multiple applications. Starting from highend commercial printing to Wedding Photo albums and also doing high volume color Book, printing upto 400 copies,” says Mr. Ajay Aggarwal, CEO at Insight Print Communications. The beauty is that all our installation base is printing upwards of 300K A4 impressions a month, some of them even photographic image on a page, and corrects the image appropriately on the Print Server. For example, brightening a dull image and correcting image sharpness. “This feature is a ‘game changer’ for customers that handle large quantities of photography printing without a specific photobook print,” reveals Mr. Ajay. The second feature is the auto addition of Pink layer in CMYK. The Printer automatically converts a Photo into CMYK and Pink and enhances the colour gamut to improve the photo quality.

The remaining 20% of the company’s production includes packaging and commercial printing – 15% packaging and 5% commercial. “In packaging, most of our clients are from the alco-bev segment. We do promotional packaging for them. As the Ricoh Pro C7200x is an eleven-colour press, it has enabled us to offer innovations and extended
The production press is equipped with EFI Fiery colour controller E-46A server, which works on NX Pro platform.
in 1979 by Rakesh Johar as Varun Offset Printers, the company was renamed MicroPrints by Varun Johar in 2004. A complete offset print production set up, from design to delivery of final products. The company also produces premium stationery under the brand “The Mood Twisters”, run by Johar’s wife Ashima Johar.
The Rioch Pro C7200X Series Graphic Arts Edition fifth colour station digital print production press delivers all the benefits of digital printing. It prints up to 85-ppm up to 360-g/m2 banner sheet duplex printing and enables the fifth colour printing — gold, silver, white, clear, neon pink, neon yellow, and invisible red toner.
MicroPrints forays into digital with double Ricoh power Monotech Systems installs two Ricoh Pro cut-sheet printing engines at MicroPrints.
The Ricoh Pro 8310S is a high-volume black and white multifunction printer for production environments. The press produces up to Established111-ppm.
Commenting on the MicroPrints installations, Akash Kumar, marketing lead, Monotech Systems, says, “We are happy and thankful to the industry for their positive responses. MicroPrints is one of our key customers who has bought two Ricoh machines in one go. This shows the company’s confidence in us and the machine manufacturers. It is an example of how digital printing is growing and is expanding its spectrum from books and commercial to packaging. Diversification of MicroPrints from offset to digital is another positive sign for the technology and the industry.”
Okhla Industrial Area, New Delhi-based MicroPrints has diversified into digital print production with two Ricoh digital cut-sheet printing engines – a Ricoh Pro C7200x Graphic Arts Edition and a Ricoh Pro 8310s. Both machines were supplied and installed by Ricoh’s Indian representative Monotech VarunSystems.Johar, Managing Director, MicroPrints, says, “As books are around 80% of our total production, we were looking for a mono digital printing engine to cater to the shortrun demands. We were facing demands for short runs before the pandemic too, but after the pandemic, the demand has gone up. By adding the Ricoh engine, we are now capable of delivering short-run books.”
pressideas/ digital 18 July 2022 colour gamut, and ultimately more business for our clients. Though we are not using all the features at the moment, we added additional features to offer more, especially more than CMYK, to our customers. We are ready to explore the possibilities with the press,” Johar adds. He says that the company went for the Ricoh because of its extended colour gamut, robustness of the engine, colour reproduction and consistency and its partnership with Monotech. “I was impressed with the Monotech team and their demo centre,” he states.

As printers around the world continue to add digital presses and printers to their stables of printing solutions, Color-Logic stands out as the odds-on choice for metallics. To date, more than 70 digital press and printer models using metallic and white inks or toners to print on paper – or white inks or toners to print on metallic substrate – have been certified by Color-Logic. Buyers of these machines can be confident their purchases can take complete advantage of all 924 Color-Logic metallic hues and all Color-Logic embellishments. Commenting on the Color-Logic certification program, Mark Geeves, Color-Logic Director of Sales and Marketing, said: “On the Color-Logic website we maintain a list of press and printer manufacturer partners that enables potential digital press and printer buyers to determine whether Color-Logic has certified the machine they may be considering. Digital press and printer manufacturers with Color-Logic-certified models include Agfa, Canon, Domino, Durst, EFI. Fujifilm, Gallus, HP Indigo, Heidelberg, Konica-Minolta, Mark Andy, Mimaki, Mutoh, Nilpeter, Roland DG, Ricoh, Screen, swissQprint, Xeikon, and Xerox. The fact that virtually every digital press and printer manufacturer choses to work with Color-Logic signals the widespread acceptance and need for Color-Logic software to enable successful metallic color communication and the creation of print Geevesembellishments.”continued:
Digital Press Manufacturers get Color-Logic’s metallics boost Color-Logic stands out as the odds-on choice for metallics; over 70 digital press and printer models using metallic and white certified by Color-Logic.
“Most certification processes in the print industry focus on quality, reproducibility, and repeatability – all very important to our process. Unlike other certifications, however, the Color-Logic certification is about the ability of the printer or press – based on the substrate, inks and coatings used, as well as press conditions –to produce metallic embellishments for the 924 Color-Logic metallic hues. We focus on how to differentiate print; our color charts and test form –consisting of three 12-inch by 18-inch sheets, or 10 feet of a web roll of paper – seek to demonstrate to brands, agencies, and printers what can be done at the design stage using the Color-Logic plugins and palettes for Adobe Creative Cloud. Continuing his discussion, Geeves said: “Same Day Printing is just another example of how process-agnostic the Color-Logic process is. Not only can Color-Logic licensees use the system with all the digital presses at a site, but with lithographic, flexographic, and other processes as well – with a single perpetual site license. Users consistently tell us they are amazed at all the different press models and processes they can use to create sparkling metallics with Color-Logic. This feature is particularly valuable as brands extend their unique packaging and collateral material without the need to work with several printers.”
pressideas/ digital 19July 2022
The world today is about differentiation and personalization. Our efforts with our press and printer manufacturer partners are focused on helping our printer customers achieve differentiation and personalization for their brand clients in significantly less time and with less pressroom waste than is possible without Color-Logic today.”
First Color-Logic Certified Fujifilm Revoria Digital Press User Utilizes Perpetual License Color-Logic has announced the first customer certification of the new Fujifilm Revoria Model PC1120 Digital Press, at Same Day Printing in Melbourne, Australia. Discussing the certification, Mark Geeves, said: “Same Day Printing – a Color-Logic licensee since 2019 – was able to implement their existing Color-Logic license on their new Fujifilm Revoria at no charge. The Color-Logic license is for a site, not for a given term or a specific press or process, which now allows Same Day Press to use, without additional cost, the Color-Logic metallic printing system with their new Fujifilm Revoria as well as their previous Ricoh press.”

20 July 2022 education medium,” adds Mansi.
Understanding customer requirements and offering Customized Solutions, adding value to every document, meeting toughest deadlines and customers expectations are the key values at Prints24x7. The company provides a range of solutions that include, Corporate Business Cards, Digital Print on Demand, Exquisite Security Printing, Variable Data Printing, Coffee Table Photo Books, Web to Print & Distribution. Pre COVID, Prints24x7 was focused scaling & growing their existing offerings to Insurance companies, Banks & Financial Institutions and Govt & private Universities. “With reduced print volumes & our dependency on a few categories of customers, we learnt to not lay all eggs in one basket, the hard way,” remembers Mansi Arya, panelist at the recent Panel Discussion titled ‘To Overcome Adversities And To Thrive’ that took place at Dwarka and organized by “WeGDMPA.expanded our offerings to healthcare & focused on print needs with the new online our presence with a bang in Delhi NCR so that everyone who needs print, thinks of PRINTS24X7,” she declares. The long term vision with PRINTS24X7 is to transform the customer’s experience of getting print. “We shall forever transform the perception of print – from an unorganised, unreliable & full of hassle experience to an experience of premium quality, easy, no fuss, smooth service. I envision PRINTS24X7 being a national name in the next 3 years,” Mansi Arya concludes.
With things coming to a virtual standstill for its many clients, it found itself compelled to
“Thediversify.Pandemic served as a blessing in disguise – we used this time to study the market & to do our research on what could be done to make Print available as Service. This is also how our brand name “PRINTS24X7” born. The idea was to make high quality, premium Print available round the clock and delivered to the customer in the shortest possible time,” reveals Mansi. She sees a huge opportunity in the B2C segment, especially post-Covid and plans to launch their B2C platform in coming 3 to 6 “Themonths.pandemic has been more than enough to teach us many life lessons in such a short span,” continues Mansi. “It taught us a lesson to constantly reinvent – be it our offerings, our current & potential clients, internal processes, customer experience… everything had to be re-imagined. We are thankful to all those who stood with us together in these hard times,” she says. Reiterating their plan regarding the launch of B2C platform, Mansi calls it their short term vision. “We shall be launching our B2C platform within the next 6 months. The short term vision, in addition to that is to create
Event Preview
Pre COVID and all through till then, Print24x7 always chose to strengthen its B2B segment.
How Prints24x7 diversified to beat adverse pandemic times Mansi Arya speaks with PRESSIdeas.

pressideas/ event preview 21July 2022 earlier in February, 2020. “We worked on better preparedness by maintaining proper communication with all our stakeholders,” says Rahul. “We addressed staff and customers’ concerns head on. We dealt with our staff’s insecurities by instilling positivity; we heard their concerns and imparted awareness about Covid. We ensured that salaries were paid in advance and there were no pay cuts, let alone lay-offs,” he explains. “With customers too we maintained general interaction, kept discussing with prospects of the industry in the context of the pandemic and the way ahead. We timely conveyed our preparedness to deal with COVID and business continuity plans. And to the suppliers, all payments were made on time,” he Theseemphasizes.measures brought them through the tough times and after the lockdown was lifted RPP was one of the few units that had ready availability of workforce and confidence of the suppliers to continue business as usual. “When many in the industry were waiting for their workforce (that had left during the lockdown), we had a ready workforce and uninterrupted raw material supply that eventually ensured that our delivery schedule to our customers remains unchanged,” avers
Facing the challenges of the Covid pandemic, Rahul came up with a quick response to prepare his business for the impact which was imminent. “We faced supply chain issues (disruption in supply of all major print inputs), demand shock (schools were shut, demand for printed textbooks slumped), workforce issues (COVID induced fear, anxiety & uncertainty) and other operational difficulties,” recalls However,Rahul.
NPB - Navigating Print Business conference took place on 25th June at ITC Welcomhotel, Dwarka. The conference was organized by GDMPA (Greater Delhi Master Printers’ Association) in association with PRESSIdeas. At the panel discussion, Rahul Soni of Rahul Print O Pack (RPP), a leading commercial printer based out of Delhi, shared his perspective on overcoming adversities and to thrive. Dynamic, zealous and fuelled by an appetite for learning and growth, Rahul aspires to establish RPP among the top printers in the country. Faced with the Pandemic and the ensuing supply chain disruption at the onset of his career, here is a young professional sharing his views with us.
he didn’t just sit back but preempt the issues with better preparedness – they had put COVID related SOPs in place the needs of all
TheRahul.keyword for Rahul to deal with similar bad situations is ‘Empathy’. “If we truly embrace ‘empathy’ rather than using it as a buzzword, we will be able to understand
How better preparedness keeps the business after lockdown for Rahul Print O Pack
In talk with Rahul Soni of Rahul Print O Pack. He was a delegate at the panel discussion at recent NPB conference.
he “Shoulddeclares.similar situation happen ever again, apart from empathy,” underlines Rahul, “building and putting in place resilient processes and systems is of paramount importance; as is prudent financial Hemanagement.”hasclearlydemarcated the short as well as long term vision for RPP. First in the short term vision, comes ‘optimum capacity utilisation’ which chiefly includes process optimization through strong IT systems and minimizing plant idle time. Next, is incorporating digital (POD). “Next in the line comes ‘better margin realization. We as printers need to start respecting what we do and extend quotes that help us maintain a sustainable bottom-line. If we assess and ask for the right price, customers will eventually come along,” asserts Rahul. In addition, he puts emphasis on increasing component of value added jobs/ fine jobs in their jobs mix, providing value added services and identifying the strength & differentiate on the same. In the long term, Rahul envisages diversifying into Packaging and venturing into Exports. “Packaging is slated to grow at a rapid pace (per capita consumption in India is 10.5 kg compared to 109 kg in the USA, 65 kg in Europe, 45 kg in China and 32 kg in Brazil). We shall be targeting Packaging as well as Exports in near future,” he concludes.

The event has been sponsored by leading suppliers with Avery Dennison India and UV Graphic Technologies being the Platinum Sponsors. Gold Sponsors are Multitec Aids and HP India Sales. There are four Silver Sponsors that include, Domino Printech India, Flueron Inks, R3 Flexo India and Creative Graphics Solutions.
PAMEX bags the Industry Catalyst award
LMAI DiscussionaorganizewillPanel with the takeTheLabelscreatorsbuyersdreamers,thinkers,leadingandofinIndia.eventwillplaceon5th August 2022 at Pride Plaza, New Delhi, 7.00 PM onwards.
Keynote Speaker is Mr. Rajiv Dhar, Former Director Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP) & Senior Advisor export packaging at UN. Experts at the panel discussion include Sanjay Ghoshal, Sr.GM & Head of Packaging, Diageo India; Naveen Stuart, Cluster Packaging Manager, Reckitt; The event is open and free to printer members of LMAI who may register for the event. Non-members who want to attend the event may become members to then register for the event.
Organized by Exhibition Showcase magazine, the Exhibition Excellence Awards 2022 received the acknowledgment and support of IEIA – the Voice of the Indian Exhibition Industry along with prominent industry bodies like Indian Exhibitions, Conferences & Events Services Association
Mr. Harveer Sahni, Director LMAI will Moderate the discussion. There will be Presentation on LMAI label awards process and awards night along with Presentation on Labelexpo India.
Saumayanath Mishra, Head Packaging Development, Mankind Research Centre; Nirav Shah, Founder, Letrographix; Anil Namugade, Founder & Director, Trigon Digipack; and Sanjeev Sharma, Director Product Management, Avery Dennison.
Panel Discussion on Labels!
pressideas/ event preview 22 July 2022 (IESA), India Convention Promotion Bureau (ICPB), Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI), Network of Indian MICE Agents (NIMA), Association of Domestic Tour Operators Of India (ADTOI), Indian Association of Travel & Tourism Experts (IATTE), prominent Govt. body for MSME - NSIC and leading international industry bodies - International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) and Asian Federation of Exhibition & Convention Associations (AFECA) for its 6th mega Overedition.500 exhibition organizers, trade & professional associations, trade bodies, PCO’s, event venues and MICE stakeholders attended the event. The next edition of PAMEX is scheduled for March 2023 and the award comes at the opportune time to underline the growing stature of the exhibition in the international calendar of events for the Printing Industry.
LMAI presents ‘Labels: What the print buyers want’ Gets facilitated at Exhibition Excellence Awards for exceptional work and contribution towards the industry as an exhibition organiser.
The 6th mega edition of Exhibition Excellence Awards was held recently at India Expo Centre, Greater Noida to felicitate exhibition organisers for their exceptional work and contribution towards the industry. The Annual Industry Awards were being held after a hiatus of two years due to the Pandemic. The shows that happened during 2020 to 2022 were considered for the awards.
PAMEX 2020 received the ‘Industry Catalyst’ Award at the event. The Industry Catalyst award is given to the exhibition which helped promote the business of its target industry most effectively by providing business opportunities to its participants.

There is no better time to jump into Digital Insight Print Communications has recently changed its vision statement to ‘Helping the Print Industry transition to Digital’. Regional Head (East), Adhish Aggarwal shares a few points. He was a panelist at the recent NPB conference.
At the recently concluded NPB - Navigating Print Business conference organized by GDMPA (Greater Delhi Master Printers’ Association) in association with PRESSIdeas, Mr. Adhish Aggarwal was a panelist. We had a small talk with him where he discusses the challenges of the recent pandemic and how they managed during the tough times.
Speaking about their short and long term vision, he says, “Now, there seems to be one good vision – shifting to digital technologies for printing, which Mr. Satish specifically pointed towards in his presentation. We recently changed our vision statement to “Helping the Print Industry transition to Digital” and with that, we want to promote more and more digital solutions to the printing industry of India. Runs are reducing, SKUs are increasing and personalisation is the key. There is no better time to jump into Digital!” he declares.
pressideas/ event preview 23July 2022
Of the multi-pronged challenges they faced
Theadds.pandemic taught us all the hard way. But the lessons are there to stay. “We have gone through 2 different waves of this pandemic, and what best we can do is to learn from our past experiences. There is always scope for improvement, like, do things that we were not able to handle or things we could’ve handled better. We should not put off tasks indefinitely. We must identify issues and aim for a resolution as fast as possible,” asserts Adhish.
during the Covid pandemic, says Adhish, the biggest of them all was managing the company cash flow. They managed the situation by shifting their payments / credit focus from customers to suppliers. “Usually, we would release credit in the market to our customers. However, when the pandemic hit, the demand got hit and instead of just sitting back we shifted our focus towards our suppliers. We cleared off all our debts to our suppliers,” says Adhish. “And, because of that, our supply lines were never blocked and when the market recovered, we were the first ones to rebuild faith with our suppliers and never faced an inventory crunch,” he
Adhish is the Regional Head (East) – Insight Print Communications.

The latest offering for labels and sleeves improves packaging recyclability and foster circularity. Only deinking can bring clean and clear recyclates with a suitable quality back into the packaging stream to consequently reduce the need of more virgin plastic material.
> Sets new norms to drive deinking as industry standard and further
Siegwerk, global provider of printing inks and coatings for packaging applications and labels, announced its most recent development for an improved deinking especially for rigid plastic packaging which is adding a substantial value to industrial mechanical recycling.
24 July 2022
Key Notes :
> Offers UV-
Beside the already existing water-based deinking primer (officially approved by The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR)) Siegwerk is now offering an UV-curing deinking primer that is suitable for pressure sensitive and wrap around labels, and shrink sleeves made of Polyolefin- and Polyester-based materials. This development closes a gap as it now allows an inline printing of deinkable materials in a 100% UVFlexo press setup. Brand owners to switch to 100% recyclable packaging Today, consumers expect higher recycling levels of plastic packaging where a meaningful reuse of the recycled material is mandatory instead of wasting the material into down cycling streams. This sustainability-conscious demand has driven brand owners to rethink their packaging to switch to 100% recyclable packaging in the near future.
“Achieving this 100% packaging circularity requires a sufficient and consistent quality of recyclates,” explains Ralf Leineweber, Head of Global Technology Development at Siegwerk. In mechanical recycling as the today’s only established industrial recycling process, deinking of printed packaging material is one – if not the most – viable technology to meet this requirement. Only deinking can bring here clean and clear recyclates with a suitable quality back into the packaging stream to consequently reduce the need of more virgin plastic material. “That’s why we are committed to support customers with innovative solutions facilitating deinking and thus contribute to establish deinking as industry standard further improving packaging recyclability and circularity,” adds Guido Lander, Vice President Narrow Web EMEA at Siegwerk. To integrate deinking into the recycling process, recyclers need to implement a hot washing step first, if not already existing. Here, it is critical that the deinking does not negatively impact the recycling process for example by contaminating the wash water. Besides, the lower the needed washing temperature for deinking the better - because this not only saves energy but also costs. More and more recyclers focusing on rigid plastic packaging such as trays, cups and plastic containers are implementing
> Siegwerk for a safe and deinkable.consideredthatcureddeinkingeconomicofenergyinksystemshavebeensofarasnon-
Siegwerk’s deinking primer technologies

pressideas/ plc 25July 2022 hot washing processes to improve the quality of their recyclates which enables an easy and seamless integration of a deinking step for a broad range of packaging materials. “We consider deinking primers as a key lever for smart deinking of cross linked ink systems especially at low washing temperatures for sleeves, labels and other printed decoration for rigid plastic packaging,” explains Leineweber. Siegwerk deinking primer portfolio for different printing processes Siegwerk’s deinking primers enable a smooth and reliable deinking at any hot washing condition currently used in the recycling industry. They are compliant with different film materials like cPET, PE or PP and do not require the use of a dedicated ink series to keep complexity for users rather low. Besides, any printing process can be used in combination with Siegwerk deinking primer portfolio – from flexo, offset and screen printing to foiling, metallic and other decorative embellishments. With its UV-curing deinking primer, the company especially offers a solution for converters who are using a pure UV flexo press and are not able to process a water-based primer. This primer shows best compatibility with UV-curing inks facilitating quantitative deinking according to the washing protocols of EPBP and APR. Applied under bleeding resistant UV-cured ink layers, the primer layer dissolves in the hot washing process and thus enables the generation of high-quality colorless recyclates, while the non-bleeding ink formulations ensure a clean and reusable washing Siegwerksolution.iscurrently engaged in various deinking projects for all kind of rigid packaging solutions with in-mold and pressure sensitive labels as well as for direct printed rigid containers.“The greatest opportunities to improve plastic recycling in line with a circular economy obviously lay in areas where hot washing already became a standard step within the recycling process, such as in the PET bottle 2 bottle recycling,” adds Ralf Leineweber. Siegwerk has for example developed deinking technologies for shrink sleeves allowing a 100% recyclability of bottle and sleeve in food contact grade quality. Furthermore, the ink expert sees excellent opportunities to recover highquality recyclates from post industrial flexible packaging waste via deinking. Post-consumer waste is supposed to follow as well at a certain time due to its volume related importance.
Other technical services along the value chain by Siegwerk Next to deinking primers, printing inks and coatings, Siegwerk also offers its customers technical services along the value chain to support an optimized and consistent deinking process. The company can also provide optimized deinking chemistry based on a systematic development to ensure fast deinking resulting in clean flakes with almost virgin quality of the recyclate.
On the announcement, Mr. Pankaj Poddar, Group CEO, Cosmo First said, “Kulbhushan has not only been an integral part of Cosmo Films growth but has helped navigate it value-added BOPP films for packaging, labels, lamination, and industrial applications.
A seasoned business leader with over 24 years of experience, Kulbhushan comes to Cosmo Films with diverse experience in General Management roles with P&L responsibilities, business development and finance roles with a demonstrated record of working in the manufacturing Industry.
The company has been at the forefront of developing customer-centric solutions to deliver the finest product and service experience, backed by innovation, people, and processes.
“Deinking is not a product for us, it is a “Full-Service Offering” where everything needs tie together,” says Lander. “That’s why we follow a holistic approach and also offer the execution of deinking tests according to the most common washing protocols in our specialized laboratories.” Based on its deinking expertise, Siegwerk can guide customers through the entire process, from the unprinted substrate to the deinked and recycled packaging material, finally helping to optimize plastic packaging recycling inline with a circular economy. via his leadership, strategy, and business acumen. I am confident that with Kulbhushan in-charge, Cosmo First will continue to achieve its strategic business Commentinggoals.”on his new role, Mr. Kulbhushan Malik, Global Business Head, Cosmo Films said, “Cosmo has been at the forefront of innovation and manufacturing capabilities in the packaging industry. I look forward to work with the team and leveraging their capabilities to seek challenges and continue to deliver upon our commitment to quality, trust, and innovation with our consumer-centric approach.” Cosmo Films is a global brand offering
Cosmo First appoints Kulbhushan Malik as Global Business Head of its Films business - With over 24 years of experience, Kulbhushan will be responsible for devising strategy on operations and business growth. Cosmo First, global business conglomerate with entities-- Cosmo Films, Cosmo Speciality Chemicals, Zigly, and Cosmo Foundation, has recently announced the elevation of Mr. Kulbhushan Malik as the Business Head for their Films Business globally. He was earlier working as Head of Operations for International Businesses.

Gallus sets pioneering carbon neutral goals for 2022
Gallus Ferd. Rüesch AG has undertaken to make its products carbon neutral by the end of 2022 – which once certified, is likely to see it become one of the first narrow web press manufacturer to meet this important milestone. In addition to strengthening its focus on economic, social and environmental responsibility – which includes actively working to reduce harmful carbon emissions, company-wide – Gallus has partnered with climate solutions specialist, Forliance, to offset the remaining emissions from its production process and help achieve its target within an ambitious timeline.
With the new partnership with climate solutions specialist, Forliance, Gallus aims ambitious sustainability targets to be carbon neutral by 2022 end.
With production facilities in Switzerland and Germany, Gallus manufacturers a wide portfolio of conventional and digital narrowweb, reel-fed presses designed for the label and packaging business. The company employs around 300 people worldwide, with over 1,250 customers and more than 3,800 presses in the field. With such a dynamic business and diverse portfolio, the first project objective is to explore the way in which these presses are manufactured and calculate the related carbon emissions – assessing each step in the production process, from design and material selection to energy consumption and packaging.
The plan is then to compensate for the resulting CO2 emissions, adhering to the gold standard offsetting program. At the same time, a team is driving the company’s decarbonization through increased energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions.
Dr. Frank Schaum, CEO Gallus Group, concludes: “As we move forward into this new evolutionary phase of our business, our focus is on doing everything we can to build a more positive, sustainable future for the print and packaging market. The approach of the company’s centenary year has provided the ideal opportunity to reevaluate our processes and realign our priorities so that we are now making conscious, purposeful strides towards bringing this vision into reality.”
Dario Urbinati, Chief Sales & Service Officer, Gallus Group, comments: “As a business, we recognize that there really is no time to waste in bringing sustainability to the top of the agenda. It’s critical that we address our environmental impact with the same expertise, dedication, meticulousness, and speed that we do our print solutions. What’s more, we must ensure that we provide our customers and wider brands with the same confidence in our sustainability credentials as we do for every other aspect of our service.
pressideas/ plc 26 July 2022 foundations for future aspirations.”
Gallus’s comprehensive sustainability program is already ISO 14001 certified, the international standard for environmental management systems, which ensures that organizations meet their legal obligations, adopting environmentally sound processes and taking a responsible approach to environmental management. Michael Sahm, Director Climate Change Strategy, Forliance, comments: “Climate change is increasingly becoming a stress test for print manufacturers and their business models – and for some, it’s one of their biggest challenges they face. But a well-planned corporate climate solution can turn climate change related risks and headaches into tangible opportunities. For Gallus, we’re confident that we have the right strategy in place to meet its objectives by following the Kyoto protocol gold standard. This will ensure a meaningful environmental change for the business, its customers, and lay the “Over the last 10 months we’ve worked in alignment with Heidelberg’s corporate environmental program. This has been built into the business at a practical level, enabling us to make conscious, informed decisions as to resourcing, management of facilities and to how we design and manufacture our presses. But we need to do more. So, while we are still at the start of this journey, ensuring that our products are carbon neutral in the future will be an important step in demonstrating our ambitions,” continues InUrbinati.2023, Gallus celebrates its 100th year in operation. In addition to its sustainability program, the business has a number of other transformative projects lined up to not only realize a new vision for its future, but to cement its next century of successful business and to effect positive change in the wider industry.

“The Greater Noida venue is one of the best exhibition spots in the country with infrastructure and other facilities too being among the best. There is one downside however – the accessibility from Delhi, airport and train terminus. One tends to waste half a day on commuting on the day of arrival and departure thus reducing productive time,” observes “Nevertheless,Adeeb.visitor
turnout as well as quality was great. We had decent leads from overseas visitors that we are keenly following.
Though climate was hot but inside the show the climate was pleasant and temperatures were well maintained,” appreciates Adeeb. He considers Digital Print and Print Finishing as the ‘technology of the show’ and asserts that both are emerging as well as evolving in the present times.
the one-stop shop for print supplies, the company is now working towards the diversification of its product line. After stabilizing the plate production, H.L. Printech is closely looking at other printing consumables, notably pressroom chemicals and printing blankets. The company envisages amplifying the production capacity and augmenting its product line in the near Adeebfuture.
Siddiqui was quite impressed with the visitor turnout at the Printpack as well as their show stall. “Footfall on the first four days of the show was amazing. Lot of people from tier 3, 4 and 5 cities had made a huge presence at the show,” he shares. H.L. Printech had displayed their focused printing plate products at a 48 sqmtrs stall. The stall had exhibits along with replicas of exhibits for customers to feel and carry home. They not only received firm orders for their displayed products but also generated lot of interest from new customers; most of them serious enquiries to create strong pipleline for new business. The PPI leads would enable a strong follow up business for coming one quarter or so, according to Adeeb. They received a registered lead size of about 350 customers though the visitor count at their stall was in thousands. “We met all our plans for PPI. It was a great show,” states Adeeb.
H.L. Printech Solutions displayed their latest range of products at the recent Printpack India exhibition at Noida. “It was indeed a pleasure to be back at the show of this size, everyone seemed to be happy – meeting people in reality rather than virtually , experience was great, visitors were keen,” says Adeeb. HL Printech Solutions has not only opted for the high-quality plate-making equipment, it has also paid due attention to the fact that its manufacturing process is least damaging to the environment. The production unit setup in Taloja imbibes a modern well-designed effluent treatment plant for treating chemicals and acid containing water. With the water treatment plant in place, water is recycled for re-use in manufacturing and a strict zero waste practice is followed across the supply Movingchain. forward in its vision to become
H.L. Printech Solutions, part of the H.L. Group of companies headquartered in Kanpur, manufactures and supplies thermal and UV CtP printing plates in India. H.L. Group, instituted in the year 1950 is a professionally managed family business house. The business conglomerate has successfully marked its presence in the sectors of Food Processing, Tobacco and 3D India to match the global standards, the company’s products are quickly gaining acceptance and acclaim across the country. Fully automated with state-of-the-art machinery, H.L. Printech’s production unit is based in the MIDC Taloja Industrial Area, Navi Mumbai. “Employing the advanced technology with strict quality checks across supply chain, we strive to achieve a consistent grade of quality in offset printing plates,” says Adeeb Siddiqui.
The company showcases high quality plate making equipment at their exhibition stall.
pressideas/ plc 27July 2022
H L Printech Solutions at Printpack
Commenting on the industry’s revival post Covid, Adeeb says, “The outlook post PPI is positive – people are keen to discuss new opportunities – we clearly see a revival of our industry in years to come.”
“We are very optimistic about the growth of our business as well as industry per se. We expect to see a healthy and profitable double digit growth,” he adds.

Duplo powerful finishing solutions on display at The Print Show
“Marketeers and print buyers will see examples of how they can enhance their design and their campaigns around print, to increase conversions and to wow their customers with high quality, relevant and engaging products.”
“I very much look forward to seeing this kit in action up close at the NEC later this year.”
Chris Davies added: “Duplo is one of the leading names in print finishing technology and I’m delighted that they will be at The Print Show this year. The Duplo stand will feature a line-up of exciting solutions that can help print service providers expand into a wide range of profitable markets.
The Print Show 2022 will take place from September 20th to 22nd at the NEC in Birmingham.
At the upcoming Birmingham show in September, print finishing specialist Duplo will showcase the latest finishing equipment. Print finishing specialist Duplo has signed up to exhibit at The Print Show 2022 and revealed it will use the event to showcase a range of new and high-quality finishing Basedequipment.onStand E20, Duplo will welcome visitors from all backgrounds to its booth, with the aim of demonstrating how its extensive range of innovative print finishing solutions can help them move ahead of the competition and grow their business.
pressideas/ plc 28 July 2022 samples from the new DDC-8000 B2 format DuSense and the DC-20K B2 cutting system. “Since 2019 and the significant disruptions to our world, we believe that the print industry is now hungry to attend the UK’s only major print exhibition this year,” Duplo managing director Martyn Train said. “Since a hugely successful event of our own in May at Duplo HQ, we’ve also seen how busy other industry events have been through the last few months. We are going to The Print Show to showcase our new solutions to what I’m sure will be a busy show floor and can’t wait for September to roll “Duplo’saround.stand will be integral to The Print Show’s visitors if they are looking to improve their finishing, or they’re looking to integrate and automate finishing into their pre- and post-press workflow. “If visitors want to reach new markets and produce new products, then a visit to our stand will a valuable use of their time. “We will be showing live demonstrations of automation in action and our staff will be on hand to show how Duplo embellishment can substantially increase profit and add value to end users’ products.
Among the many highlights on the Duplo stand this September will be the new DC-648 slitter cutter creaser, which offers users advanced levels of speed, quality and automation, all of which are key in the busy, modern market. Also due to feature on the Duplo booth at The Print Show 2022 is the latest PFi Di-Cut 310 rotary die cutter, which allows users to die cut, kiss cut, crease, perforate, slit, hole punch and cut round corners in one process, on both digital and offset-printed sheets. Other key highlights for visitors will include Duplo’s benchmark in class DC-618 multi finisher, with the ability to process up to six slits, 30 cuts and 20 creases in one pass, as well as the PFi Blade B2 digital cutting table that can cut, kiss cut, crease and perforate substrates including paper, laminates, boards, adhesives and synthetic stocks. The DBM-150 booklet-maker, one of the most popular products among Duplo’s customers, will also be on display, with visitors able to learn more about the benefits of taking booklet-making in house with this modular Duplosolution.will also bring a Bagel iLAM Pro Laminator, following the launch of its new, UK-exclusive partnership with Bagel. The modular system is compatible with a whole host of presses from the industry’s leading Inmanufacturers.addition,Duplo will display some spectacular embellishment and packaging

pressideas/ plc 29July 2022
Ultra Jet DUV-C is made for direct digital printing on glass, for example custom decoration of drink bottles and cosmetic container in filling lines. It also has uses in advertising and interior design. An evenly applied primer as a bonding layer considerably enlarges its applications with UV-inkjet flat-bed printers. UV-PGL primer is applied by means of roller coating. Alternatively, a P5 primer can be wiped on manually or applied with a spray system. Mara Shield liquid coatings can additionally be used as a primer and are excellent for finishing and protecting high-quality digital prints. UV-CGL opaque white can serve as a background on digitally printed surfaces.
Marabu at glasstec 2022 To present energy-saving printing inks with a small carbon footprint. Ink manufacturer Marabu will be highlighting special products at glasstec 2022 (Hall 12, Stand B21): energy-saving LED-curable screen printing inks with a small carbon footprint and a new digital varnish for customisable haptic effects. The company will also be presenting inks for screen printing, digital printing and pad printing for the glass industry. Marabu specialises in organic UV-curable glass printing inks, which are an effective and energy-efficient alternative to ceramic glass printing inks. The potential energy savings can amount to 65 percent. Additional savings in energy and CO2 emissions are possible with the Ultra Glass LEDGL UVLED-curable ink system. Unlike ordinary UV lamps, UV-LED lamps require no warm-up time. This permits high printing speeds and cost savings because there is no need to switch to standby mode during machine stoppages or job changes. UV-LED lamps are slightly more expensive but have a much longer service life and consume significant less energy for curing than UV lamps. The lamps contain no mercury, and ozone extraction, which is standard with UV curing, is unnecessary. These factors make UV-LED curing an economically interesting alternative. Sustainability is another advantage. Printed glass can be recycled after use. Digital printing offers exceptional flexibility, enabling it to meet the growing demand for customised and personalised products. The new Mara Shape DUV-HBV High Build Varnish opens up new design opportunities for digital decoration of glass bodies. for sensitive applications, especially on baby bottles and medical accessories. For printing on glass front panels (glass touch) and operator control panels, Marabu offers the UV-curable Ultra Glass UVG3C ink system and two solvent-based screen printing inks: Mara Glass MGL and Mara Glass MGLA. Applications include automotive display cover glass and highquality operator control panels on kitchen appliances and similar equipment. MGLA can also be used on outdoor surfaces such as jet skis and snowmobiles.
Multi-layered glass reliefs can be excellently reproduced and the contours remain consistently sharp. The process is ideal for printing ultrafine haptic details, even on convex or concave geometries as well as higher and thicker graphic elements. With Ultra Jet DUV-C digital printing, visual (coloured) and haptic effects can be combined and enhanced. The varnish oxidises without any residue, which makes it Anrecyclable.alternative is the UV-curable Ultra Glass UVGL ink system for highly effective screen printing on glass. UVGL-RH/-RL relief varnishes can achieve haptic effects that are otherwise possible only with costly moulds and profitable only when manufactured in very large quantities. Pre-printed motifs applied by screen printing on container glass or flat glass are overprinted congruently with a thick layer of varnish and cured under UV light. Combinations of the two varnishes can achieve a wide variety of effects. When combined with the very popular hot foil embossing, UV screen printing achieves high-gloss metallic effects with a brilliance rivalling that of precious metals. Moreover, the production costs are much lower.
Broad range of applications on glass: screen printing, digital printing and pad printing Marabu offers a broad range of inks and ink combinations for printing on glass: screen printing, digital printing and pad printing. Its comprehensive product portfolio includes the solvent-based screen printing ink Mara Glass MGL and the pad printing ink Tampa Glass TPGL. Solvent-based printing inks are ideal for multicolour glass decoration. Whether used for screen printing or pad printing, MGL and TPGL are both impressive for their brilliant, sharply defined colours on various substrates. The single-component baking ink Mara Tech MGO for glass and metal can be used for screen printing or pad printing and is ideal for first- and secondsurface applications on container glass and flat glass. Mara Tech MGO features high chemical resistance, and thanks to its BPA-free formula it is an excellent solution

Indian Label Industry veteran Harveer Sahni recognised with Avery Global Achievement Award for his global contribution to the growth and development of the labels industry.
This year’s R. Stanton Avery Global Achievement Award has been bestowed on label industry veteran Harveer Sahni. The decision was made by the Global Awards judging panel, consisting of Lori Campbell, chairman TLMI, Linnea Keen, president TLMI, Philippe Voet, FINAT president, Greg Hrinya, editor Label & Narrow Web, James Quirk, content director Labels & Labeling and Jean Poncet, editor-in-chief Etiq+Pack. Andy Thomas-Emans, Labelexpo Global Series strategic director and chair of the judging panel, commented, “The judges felt Harveer Sahni met all the criteria for excellence demanded by the industry’s most prestigious award for an individual’s global contribution to the growth and development of the labels industry. His history in building a company to manufacture self-adhesive labels in India, through to his central role in building the Indian label association and then acting as an influential ambassador on the world stage, all helped the judging panel to come to their decision amongst a field of excellent Harveercandidates.”Sahni started his career in 1971 working in his father’s stationery company, Weldon Sales Corporation. In 1978, as part of expanding the company’s stationery product range, Sahni set up a 20-inch coater to
Harveer Sahni receives R.Stanton award
In the late 1990s Sahni welcomed the entry of ‘big brother’ Avery Dennison to India, recognising that this would help drive development of the entire Indian label converting industry. This also pushed Sahni into developing export markets, and Weldon was soon selling to over 30 countries. In 2001 Sahni became involved in helping his friend Anil Arora establish the India Label Show, which Tarsus Group purchased in 2007, when it became Labelexpo India. Weldon became the first Indian labelstock manufacturer to exhibit at Labelexpo Europe and also in this decade Sahni became the first Indian national to be on a FINAT committee, and he was a judge for the World Label Awards multiple times. Sahni sits on the board of directors of the Label Manufacturers Association of India (LMAI) and has curated, along with the LMAI team, many events bringing together label printers, suppliers and print buyers. Sahni was part of the LMAI delegation to meetings of the L9 group of global label associations, with LMAI hosting an L9 meeting in India in In2018.2017 the LMAI conferred upon Sahni the award for Lifetime support to the Indian Label InIndustry.2005, Sahni started his highly influential blog “Self-adhesive Labels Industry in India and The World”, now consisting of over 200 articles on success stories, technical articles, market size, events and mergers & acquisitions. The blog is nearing half a million page views this year.
pressideas/ plc 30 July 2022 manufacture self-adhesive BOPP tapes - one of the first to do so in India. Making full use of his BSc Chemistry background, Sahni used the Weldon laboratory to research development of new products including inks, adhesives and coatings. At this time he also ventured into industrial adhesives, plastic blow molding and injection molding. With demand for self-adhesive stickers starting to take off in India through the 1970s, in 1978 Sahni invested in a siliconizing line, developing and producing poly-coated release liners and later a barrier coating for uncoated woodfree or brown sack kraft papers that could accept silicone release Incoating.1984, Sahni made his own way to London for a surprise visit to ‘Label Guru’ Mike Fairley, gaining inspiration and useful insights into label converting trends. In the late 1990s a one-meter coater was installed to carry out both silicone coating and to produce release liners, and in 1997 Weldon started manufacturing self-adhesive labelstock, soon adding another coater to focus on liner Withmanufacture.thedawn of the 2000s, Sahni moved the business from coating tin catalyst-based silicone chemistry to a solvented platinum catalyst system and then on to solventless silicone coating - a line which is still in use. In 2003 Sahni again was a pioneer setting up the first Nordson Hotmelt adhesive coating line in India. The global recession of 2008 led to Sahni reducing dependence on manufacturing and setting up as India agent for leading global manufacturers of print and converting equipment, tooling and consumables.
Lisa Milburn, managing director of Labelexpo Global Series, commented, “I would like to congratulate Harveer Sahni on winning the R.

In his AGM address Mr. Sanjiv Puri, Chairman and Managing Director, ITC Ltd, shared his Vision on ‘ITC Next:Building a Competitive, Future Tech, Climate Positive and Inclusive Enterprise’. Excerpts from the speech: I draw immense satisfaction that ITC’s Paperboards & Paper Business is an exemplar in triple bottom line contribution with industry-leading performance, environmental stewardship and inclusive growth models that support millions of Thelivelihoods.ITCNext vision envisages a strategic focus on promising vectors of growth by scaling up value-added paperboards and pioneering Next Generation sustainable packaging solutions. Investments in Industry 4.0, together with an intensified focus on technological excellence, integrated & renewable fibre value chain and import substitution are enhancing competitiveness by setting new benchmarks in productivity, quality and strategic cost management. ITC is developing innovative sustainable packaging solutions on the laminated board and moulded fibre platforms and has recently launched several B2B brands to provide innovative options to the food & beverages and takeaway segments, amongst others. Given the heightened consumer and regulatory pressures to substitute single-use plastics, this area offers immense potential and ITC is committed to make a growing contribution to this sector.
ITC Next: Building a Competitive, Future Tech, Climate Positive and Inclusive Enterprise ITC launching slew of B2B brands to provide innovative Sustainable Packaging solutions to industry. Excerpts from the AGM address of Mr. Sanjiv Puri, Chairman & MD, ITC.
pressideas/ plc 31July 2022 supporting over 170 million person days of employment. It was the first in India to receive the Forest Stewardship Council-Forest Management (FSC-FM) certification and is today the leading provider of FSC-certified paper and paperboards in the country. ITC has also invested in India’s first and only Bleached Chemical Thermo Mechanical Pulp Mill to substitute imported softwood pulp through innovative technologies and support additional livelihoods along the pulp valuechain. Scaling new heights in environmental leadership, investments were recently made in a state-of-the-art High Pressure Recovery Boiler at Bhadrachalam which will significantly reduce emissions and costs whilst enhancing pulp productivity. A stellar performance was achieved this year with 36% growth in Segment Revenue and nearly 55% in Segment Results. The strategic thrust on product mix enrichment, structural cost management, sustainable packaging and Industry 4.0 will continue to drive competitively superior performance in the years ahead.
As valued shareholders, you will draw immense satisfaction that ITC’s Paperboards Business contributes to several areas of national priority. Enabling large-scale climate action, import substitution and livelihood support, ITC has anchored an extensive afforestation programme. Cumulatively, the programme has covered 9.5 lakh acres, ITC has implemented industry leading efforts in promoting a circular economy. The Wellbeing Out of Waste (WOW) programme, an end-to-end waste management initiative, currently reaches out to 1.5 crore citizens, supporting livelihoods for nearly 17,000 waste collectors. The Green Temple Initiative for conversion of waste to biogas for kitchens and compost for gardens covers nearly 190 temples and is being expanded. The WOW programme will also be scaled up over time whilst innovations are being pursued to reduce plastic intensity in packaging. ITC aims to be plastic neutral this year and envisages that 100% of its packaging will be reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2028.
Stanton Avery Global Achievement Award. It recognizes Harveer’s central role in building the Indian self-adhesive label industry from its earliest days, and later his major contribution to promoting the Indian label industry on the world stage.”
The R. Stanton Avery Global Achievement Award is bestowed in memory of Stan Avery’s pioneering spirit and values.

Printing press manufacturer Koenig & Bauer and Celmacch Group S.r.l., manufacturer of high board line flexo presses and rotary die-cutters for the corrugated board industry, signed a contract to collaborate on development and marketing activities for corrugated board market. Celmacch will operate under the name Koenig & Bauer Celmacch S.r.l. in future. Corrugated board offers unrivalled versatility for a wide range of packaged goods, and accounts for the largest share of the overall market in terms of value. Alongside classic corrugated boxes, various forms of secondary and tertiary packaging are important fields for the packaging industry. And their significance continues to grow thanks to e-commerce. What’s more, corrugated board is an eye-catching advertising medium at the point of sale. At the same time, it is environment-friendly, easy to dispose of, and an exemplary circular product with an average recycling quota of 80 per cent. Dr Andreas Pleßke, CEO of Koenig & Bauer, underlines: “Corrugated board aligns with the increasing sustainability demands of the packaging industry, not least in the context of the European Green Deal, and is therefore also an expression of our ‘Exceeding Print’ strategy.” Celmacch has gathered over 40 years of experience on the growth market for corrugated board, a segment that Koenig & Bauer also caters to with its complementary CorruCUT and CorruFLEX presses. Ever since the relaunch of the Chroma product family in 2019 in particular, Celmacch has built up an excellent standing as a developer and manufacturer of high board line flexo presses and rotary die-cutters satisfying exacting technological demands, and already supplies numerous major international packaging producers, primarily on its local Lucamarkets.Celotti, general manager of Celmacch, continue to drive innovations in this segment and further strengthen our market position,” says Koenig & Bauer executive board member Christoph Müller. Dr Stephen Kimmich, CFO at Koenig & Bauer, explains: “Ever since the early 1990s, Koenig & Bauer has been building a strong presence in the growing packaging market with its acquisitions. I am convinced that our two companies complement each other perfectly in terms of expertise. Our collaboration as partners is the best prerequisite for successfully expanding our joint business on the corrugated board Themarket.”offices of Koenig & Bauer Celmacch and its approx. 50 employees will remain in Desenzano, Italy. The Celmacch Group is a financially healthy company and has increased its turnover to around €20 million since the product relaunch in 2019. For the first phase of the partnership, the focus will be placed on joint sales and service activities, further product development and expansion of the company’s assembly capacities. Koenig & Bauer has secured options to successively increase its stake in Celmacch Group S.r.l. beyond the initial 49 per cent holding. The final closing is anticipated for September 2022.
pressideas/ plc 32 July 2022 adds: “Celmacch has been looking for a partner for long-term cooperation and has found one in Koenig & Bauer. Our existing product portfolio ideally positions it for further growth. Koenig & Bauer provides us with access to a worldwide sales and service network with more than 2,000 staff. This combination will enable us to establish a more international and therefore scalable market presence. As the founding family, we want to actively shape this path together with our new partner and further increase the production capacities at the Desenzano del Garda site.”
The Chroma Evo series from Celmacch represents a competitive starting point for ventures in the world of modular rotary diecutters and flexo printing presses, while the Chroma High Tech models satisfy demands for high levels of automation. The CorruCUT and CorruFLEX presses from Koenig & Bauer stand for high performance in the production of both die-cut corrugated boxes and printed corrugated sheets, and define the standards in terms of automation and performance. There are plans to unite all the different models under the shared product name Chroma. This will make Koenig & Bauer Celmacch the only supplier with presses to cover all price and performance classes. “We have arrived on the market for direct post-printing on corrugated board. The partnership with Celmacch will allow us to
Koenig & Bauer acquires 49 per cent stake in Celmacch Group Koenig & Bauer strengthens presence on the growth market for corrugated board; Celmacch will operate under the name Koenig & Bauer Celmacch in future.

pressideas/ plc 33July 2022 Pair for easy connectivity. Users can securely print labels wherever they are needed. With the TSC Mobile Utility App, available for iOS and Android users, authorized IT staff can quickly and efficiently troubleshoot and solve mobile printer problems quickly and Theefficiently.Alpha-30R comes with sophisticated features such as smart battery status and auto-detection of bad printhead dots that can be seamlessly integrated and managed in SOTI Connect or TSC Console remote printer management tools. These can provide visible real-time monitoring of battery health status and remaining capacity, as well as printhead status. This allows enterprise IT management to manage multiple tasks, reduce maintenance costs, and avoid downtime of these business-critical devices.
The Alpha-30R offers a full line of accessories that includes a protective case, multiple battery charging options and more to power your productivity and hands-free mobility. Complete forklift and vehicle accessory options are also available. The vehicle mount adaptors allow users to easily integrate the new mobile printers onto a forklift or truck with intuitive RAM mount components.
TSC Printronix Auto ID introduces new Alpha-30R mobile barcode printer.
TSC Printronix Auto ID, global barcode label printing solutions provider has launched Alpha-30R mobile barcode printer. The 3” wide Alpha-30R features two models with different print speeds. The basic model offers up to 5 ips, while the premium model goes up to 6 ips to enhance field worker productivity. It comes with an easy-to-read LCD display, is lightweight and comfortable to carry, enabling it to be moved easily with employees throughout an entire shift to print receipts or labels anywhere on demand. Built for durability, the Alpha-30R meets MIL-STD-810 military standards for drop and vehicle vibrations. The Alpha-30R is IP54-rated to protect against liquid and dust and to keep operations running smoothly indoors and out. It withstands a 2.1m drop and an 800 drop tumbles, while in the protective case, the Alpha-30R has achieved a ruggedness level that can withstand a 2.5m drop and 1,000 drops in a harsh Aenvironment.seamlessand reliable wireless connection is crucial for mobile devices. The Alpha-30R mobile printer features a certified 802.11 a/b/ g/n/ac Wi-Fi module to enable fast roaming and Enterprise-grade security for reliable and safe operation. It is equipped with Applecertified MFi Bluetooth 5.0 with NFC Tap-tomanufactures innovative asset tracking and identification solutions, including mobile, desktop, industrial and enterprise-grade barcode label printers, RFID printers, barcode label inspection systems, print engines, and genuine supplies. With its comprehensive selection of barcode label printers, TSC Printronix Auto ID provides solutions for transportation and logistics, retail, manufacturing, food and beverage, healthcare, and automotive companies seeking innovative and high-performance tracking and identification solutions. TSC Printronix Auto ID has so far sold over 6.5 million printers around the world and boasts a strong local sales engineering support to meet the needs of businesses of every size.
TSC Printronix Auto ID designs and
Alpha-30R: Empower efficiency and accuracy in your mobile workforce

• Bobst Group will enjoy the best possible conditions to transform the business into a digitized, connected and sustainable packaging supply chain;
the most preferred global brands offering value-added BOPP films for packaging, labels, lamination, and industrial applications. With innovation, development, and research embedded in its core values, Cosmo First has ventured into successful businesses like Cosmo Speciality Chemicals (master batches, coatings, textile chemicals, and adhesives) and Zigly, a D2C Omni channel pet care business under its entity. The company has been at the forefront of developing customer-centric solutions to deliver the finest product and service experience, backed by innovation, people, and possibilityprocesses.forshareholders to tender their shares at a premium in these uncertain times.
Public tender offer for Bobst Group SA by its largest shareholder, JBF Finance SA. Cosmo Films Ltd, global provider of Films for packaging, labelling, lamination and synthetic paper and an emerging player in Specialty Chemicals, Polymers & Pet Care, has announced its new brand identity, Cosmo First Limited – Ahead always! The rebranding reiterates the value of Cosmo and strengthens its focus to create a better life for the people, the world, and the community we live in; built on Trust, Empathy, and Compassion. Cosmo First Limited is an Indian business conglomerate providing solutions through innovation to a diverse segment including Polymer, Speciality Chemicals and the more recent D2C Pet Care, for the last four decades.
The Board of Directors of Bobst Group, represented by the Committee of Independent Directors, has reviewed the Offer, is convinced of the business rationale of the transaction and welcomes the Cosmo Films re-brands as Cosmo First JBF Finance public tender offer for Bobst The strategic decision comes considering the company’s business activities have expanded beyond films into specialty chemicals (master-batches, coatings, and textile chemicals) and D2C Pet care.
Talking about the rebranding, Mr. Ashok Jaipuria, Chairman and Managing Director, Cosmo First said, “Cosmo at its core has always been pioneering revolutionary innovations to create a better life. All through JBF Finance SA, Buchillon, Switzerland (“JBF”) has announced a public tender offer for all publicly held shares of Bobst Group SA. JBF is Bobst Group’s largest shareholder and already holds approximately 53% of the shares and voting rights in the company. JBF has announced that it will pay CHF 78 - in cash per Bobst Group share, which represents a premium of 22% compared to the average price of the last four weeks. The offer is not subject to substantial conditions. Following completion of the offer, JBF expects to be able to take Bobst Group private through a delisting of its shares from SIX Swiss Exchange to allow the company to focus on long-term and sustainable growth. This offer will give the company the appropriate conditions to deploy a long-term strategy, to execute its digital transformation, and to maintain its strong Swiss industrial activities.
• Bobst Group continues to be managed by independent board members and family board members, as it is today;
pressideas/ plc 34 July 2022 our journey, we have prided ourselves in our ability to provide industry-first niche solutions in the areas of packaging, lamination, industrial and labelling applications. We have made inspiring diversifications into speciality chemicals, consumer care, and D2C retail, aiming to be a pioneer in these previously fragmented industries.”
JBF Finance SA, Buchillon, Switzerland, is the largest shareholder of Bobst Group SA. Its shares are held by more than 60 shareholders who belong to families that descend from BOBST’s founder. Bobst is one of the world’s leading suppliers of substrate processing, printing and converting equipment and services for the label, flexible packaging, folding carton and corrugated industries. Founded in 1890 by Joseph Bobst in Lausanne, Switzerland, BOBST has a presence in more than 50 countries, runs 19 production facilities in 11 countries and employs more than 5 800 people around the world. The firm recorded a consolidated turnover of CHF 1.563 billion for the year ended December 31, 2021.
“We would like to be the first choice for all our stakeholders and will strive hard to always stay ahead of the curve to provide industry first solutions,” he added. Cosmo First with its continued aspiration aims to steer high growth businesses in India that are sustainable, scalable, and profitable, and deliver lasting value for all the stakeholders through innovation, excellence, collaboration, integrity and customer centricity. The website for the new umbrella brand is Establishedwww.cosmofirst.comin1981,CosmoFirst Limited is a four-decade-old global business conglomerate with entities-- Cosmo Films, Cosmo Speciality Chemicals, Zigly and Cosmo Foundation. Cosmo Films is one of Transaction highlights include:
• JBF is committed to the long-term legacy of the 5th generation of families and to sustaining the industrial base of Switzerland; • Shareholders have the opportunity to realize their investment at an attractive price.

pressideas/ plc 35July 2022 and we are glad to choose Veriset as our prepress solution since it meets all our demands. It is equipped with TH5 head and that was the ice breaker for us which images a more precise, accurate dot leading to higher tonal stability and exposure uniformity helping us to produce superior quality products,” says Akash Pabbi One of the Directors at Innova Printing and Packaging. “Sustainability is something deep-rooted in our system and when we got to know that Veriset platesetter has a cooling system that reduces power consumption to only 380 watts while imaging, saving up to 95% power compared to other CTP devices that was the hook for us. And the added advantage is that it doesn’t require additional power for debris removal system,” adds Akshay Sai, Managing Director at Innova Printing and StringentPackaging.quality-controlled production practices and ISO 9001-2015 certification for quality in production states the commitment Innova bolsters production with Kodak Veriset Insight Print Communication announces installation of Kodak Veriset T800 at Innova Printing and Packaging, Bangalore.
“At Innova, we believe in providing the best quality on given time to our customers of Innova Printing and Packaging.
The Kodak VerisetT800 Platesetter offers reliable plate making of up to 22- 8 page plates per hour at throughput of 2400 dpi. This delivers the stability and reliability of Kodak’s thermal CTP technology at an exceptional value. The VERISET Platesetter is compatible with a wide range of thermal plates. This robust external-drum thermal CTP device has been specifically designed for the demanding needs of general commercial, publication, and packaging printers. With a compact design, it also minimizes the space requirements.
“Kodak’s New Lens Contamination Avoidance (LCA) technology enables compatibility with low to medium debris generating plates offering maximum plate compatibility. This is quite impressive for us since it reduces plate costs without needing to add a debris removal system,” says Vijay Vardhan Pabbi, Managing Director at Innova Printing and Packaging.
“The quote, ‘The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams’ goes well with the founders of Innova Print and Packaging,” says Manish Aggarwal, GM Sales South at Insight Print Communication.
Innova printing and packaging is Bangalorebased mono and fluted carton manufacturer with over three decades of experience. Their facility is spread over 45,000 sqft with innovative solutions, process, and technology. Innova bolsters production with the addition of Kodak Veriset T800 Platesetter in its production facility.
“When I met these three youngsters in last Printpack, they were just starting and I have seen them innovating and growing within these 2 years. It is inspiring and now we are happy to contribute to their future journey,” he affirms.

Despite facing the same obvious challenges and market volatility that has affected every business during Covid pandemic, Kongsberg PCS enjoyed an amazing and incredibly rewarding first year as a standalone business. “We delivered outstanding results and released innovative new products, we have changed our go-to-market models and strengthened our customer service and satisfaction offering, and we have made strategic acquisitions to support our strategic growth,” declares Rafiq. Though majority of visitors were from across
36 July 2022 signage printing quality of visitors at the show.
Kongsberg PCS exhibited at the Printpack India 2022 with a total booth area of 45 m2. In today’s volatile market, where both customer demands and capabilities of technology change rapidly, it is important to invest in equipment that offers the flexibility to grow in line with business needs. The Kongsberg X22 was at the center of the Kongsberg PCS display and offers this flexibility, not just through its wide range of applications but also because it is a cutting table that can evolve. Packed with a wide range of specialty tools, the X22 offers speed, power and flexibility to handle a wide variety of materials and can easily be upgraded as a business grows.
Throughout the event, Kongsberg PCS demonstrated the power, performance and versatility of Kongsberg X22 cutting table. They also demonstrated a range of versatile and powerful tool heads, including the PowerHead tool, which excels on heavy duty material such as honeycomb boards, triple wall and recycled board. Kongsberg PCS focused on demonstrating to the Printpack visitors how Kongsberg digital finishing solutions enable businesses to streamline workflows and automate production to boost efficiency, while the combination of power, precision and innovative tools empowers designers and
The global head office and customer experience center of Kongsberg PCS are in Ghent, Belgium, with a North American head office in Ohio, USA. In August 2021 Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems acquired MultiCam Inc. MultiCam supplies innovative, CNC cutting solutions for a multitude of industries and applications. “The visitors are all extremely knowledgeable, investing their time smartly and at the selected booth. Also, with the halls being organized by segment, it made it easy for the buyer to prioritize and invest time in the halls that matter to them most. We thoroughly enjoyed our successful first year at Printpack and look forward to more success at future events,” says Rafiq sharing his views on the industry’s response, visitor turnout and operators with the creative freedom to generate the ideas that will drive the future of their Apartbusiness.fromconcluding the deals with MJ Global for a modular Kongsberg X22 and with Pragati Offset for an X20, the company also generated a number of other discussions that Rafiq is pretty enthusiastic about openings in future.
Kongsberg PCS enjoys double deal success at Printpack India Rafiq Shaikh, Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems (Kongsberg PCS) Sales Leader shares the company’s recent Printpack experience. “We were incredibly excited to have a presence at Printpack, as it was one of the first events we’ve been able to attend in India since we launched as a standalone business just over a year ago,” says an excited looking Rafiq Shaikh at the recent Printpack India Theexhibition.Sales Leader at Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems (Kongsberg PCS) looks thrilled at the success of their Printpack participation which saw inking of two sales deals by two leading printers MJ Global and Pragati Offset. “We enjoyed tremendous success at the event, and were thrilled to have concluded two deals at the show – MJ Global signed a deal with Kongsberg PCS to install the modular Kongsberg X22 at its Noida facility, and Pragati Offset, based in Hyderabad, ink a deal for the X20,” reveals KongsbergRafiq. Precision Cutting Systems (‘Kongsberg PCS’) bear no introduction in packaging, signage, display and manufacturing markets worldwide, when it comes to robust and reliable digital cutting solutions. “By fusing technology and creativity, Kongsberg PCS drives innovation. It enables customers to produce faster, safer, and more efficiently without limiting imagination,” portrays Rafiq.
“The Kongsberg PCS booth was busy throughout the duration of the event, generating excitement with our product demos,” says Rafiq. “We were incredibly excited to have a presence at Printpack. It was one of the first events we’ve been able to attend in India since we launched as a standalone business just over a year ago,” he adds.

Finding The Balance Between Creativity And Sustainability - Key considerations for the future of display design and manufacture features the informed opinions of key industry players, including Einar Ek, Director of Business Development with Re-board® Technology and Maximilian Hansen, CEO of Nordwerk Design.
“We demonstrated our Kongsberg X22 in such a volatile market where customer demands and capabilities of technology are constantly evolving; we believe it is important to invest in equipment that offers the flexibility to grow in line with business needs,” underlines Rafiq speaking about the latest capabilities of the Kongsberg equipment.
GartexTexprocess India 2022 Date: 04 AUG-22 to 06 AUG-22 Venue: Pragati Maidan New Delhi The Print Show 2022 Date: 20 SEP-22 to 22 SEP-22 Venue: NEC, Birmingham Labelexpo India 2022 Date: 10 NOV -22 to 13 NOV-22
Events Calendar
“While the issue of sustainability fell away from the agenda at the height of the pandemic - with manufacture and supply of goods taking precedent to consumers’ usual habits and ideals – it is now firmly back on the agenda,” he said. “But with businesses needing to be creative to achieve success, where does sustainability actually fit, in the context of the sign and display sector?”
“As businesses look to the future with a mixture of hope and apprehension, it’s important to remain positive and ensure they are equipped to meet the challenges they face right now, as well as to thrive in the years that follow,” said Stuart. “By examining how experts in this area foresee negotiating the balancing act between meeting the creative needs of customers and delivering the sustainable solutions demanded by consumers around the world, we hope to help them achieve this goal.” the region, according to Rafiq, but it was expected given the current global situation and various restrictions on travel.
“It is the biggest print and packaging event with representation from almost all top brands, with a massive footfall of visitors from many countries. The visitors are all extremely knowledgeable, investing their time smartly and at the selected booth. Also, with the halls being organized by segment, it made it easy for the buyer to prioritize and invest time in the halls that matter to them most. We thoroughly enjoyed our successful first year at Printpack and look forward to more success at future events,” he concludes.
Kongsberg PCS launches new industry whitepaper
Kongsberg PCS underlines importance of balance between Sustainability and Creativity in new Whitepaper.
PAMEX 2022 - Postponed Date: 27 MAR -23 to 30 MAR-23 Venue: Bombay Exhibition Center, ScreenMumbai Print India Date: 13 APR -23 to 15 APR-23 Venue: Mumbai, India Labelexpo Europe 2023 Date: 11 SEP -23 to 13 SEP-23 Venue: Brussels Expo Centre, Belgium
pressideas/ signage pandemic, there is a new set of challenges on the horizon - from global logistics issues to an uncertain geo-political situation and worldwide economic volatility.
“The last couple of years has certainly presented a challenging time for sign and display businesses, with a global pandemic wreaking havoc on lives around the globe, forcing entire economies into recession and having a devastating impact on the industry,” said Stuart Fox, President & CEO with Kongsberg PCS. “As the world returns to a semblance of normality in the wake of the opinion and examine what the future might hold for our industry,” explained Stuart. “We wanted to gauge where our thesuccessfullypeerspartnerscustomers,andwhohavenavigatedtumultuouslasttwo years, see the path forward taking them.
Venue: Expo Centre & Mart Greater Noida - Delhi NCR
drupa 2024 Date: 28 MAY -24 to 07 JUN-24 Venue: Brussels Expo Centre, Belgium
Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems (Kongsberg PCS) has launched a free new industry whitepaper, detailing the importance of finding the balance between sustainability and creativity as businesses look to secure a competitive edge in today’s challenging Thelandscape.manufacturer of digital cutting solutions to the worldwide packaging, signage, display and manufacturing markets consulted with board suppliers, display designers and manufacturing companies to identify key considerations for the future of display design and manufacture.
“With this whitepaper, we wanted to cavass

representatives as hosted buyers over the span of three-days. As a highly-recognised industry exhibition, GartexTexprocess India New Delhi 2022 is backed by the support of Ministry of Textiles as well as chief industry associations and trade bodies, comprising: The Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI), Denim Manufacturers Association (DMA), MaskatiCloth Mahajan, Retailers Association of India (RAI) and the Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC).
of its first-ever Mumbai edition earlier this May, GartexTexprocess India, the leading B2B platform on garment and textile machinery, fabrics, accessories, and allied industries is ready to open the curtains in New Delhi at Pragati Maidan from 4 – 6 August 2022. Affirming strong support and recognising the potential impact of GartexTexprocess India, Shri U.P. Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, stated: “lndia is one of the prominent textiles and clothing producing countries in the world. Domestically, it is the second largest employment providing sector and accounts for 11.4% of lndia’s global merchandise exports during 2020 – 21 and holds a 4% share on the global trade in textiles and apparel. GartexTexprocess India New Delhi will not only provide opportunities to overseas buyers to source their requirements but also provide a platform to domestic exporters, especially SMEs for expanding their export Co-locatedpotential.”
GartexTexprocess India’s New Delhi edition to be bigger than ever with more than 200 exhibitors confirmed. With participation of over 200 companies, GartexTexprocess India is gearing up for a power-packed edition in New Delhi. The recently announced association with FABEXA will bring fabric manufacturers and suppliers from Gujarat on the show floor to deliver a strong push to the region’s textile and apparel
pressideas/ signage 38 July 2022
Meanwhile, Screen Print India will showcase manufacturing technologies for textile, digital and screen printing from brands such as DCC Print Vision LLP, JN Arora, Konica Minolta, Epson and Green Printing Solutions, among others. With an aim to promote localisation in the fabrics’ sector, organisers Messe Frankfurt India and MEX Exhibitions Pvt Ltd have joined hands with FABEXA, an arm of Ahmedabad’s nodal textile trade body Maskati Cloth Market Mahajan for the Fabrics & Trims Show. The FABEXA pavilion will host around 70 fabric manufacturers from Gujarat to demonstrate their expertise in fabric, cotton and natural based fabrics, including: Nakoda Fashion Pvt Ltd, Shashwat Textiles Pvt Ltd, Bhavna Processors Pvt Ltd, Viru Textile Mills Pvt Ltd, PanamTexfab Pvt Ltd and Shree Chamunda Fabrics. The trade fair will also welcome about 300 fabrics sourcing Delhi edition of GartexTexprocess India to be a showcase of over 200 exhibitors
alongside Denim Show, Fabrics & Trims Show and Screen Print India, the three-day show will converge more than 200 companies to create an extensive display of manufacturing technologies and finished Topproducts.textile and apparel machine manufacturing brands such as: Aura, Fabcare, Jaysynth Dyestuff, Wenli, Baba Textile Machinery, Orange-O-Tec and Jack have confirmed their participation at GartexTexprocess India, while the Denim Show unite leading denim producers of India such as: Jindal Worldwide Ltd, Arvind Ltd, Raymond UCO Denim Ltd, LNJ Denim, Siyaram Silk Mills Ltd, Kanchan Group and many more under its wing.
Entering its seventh edition, GartexTexprocess India will provide industry buyers an excellent platform to source the latest manufacturing machineries and behold the progress taking place in textile, garment production, screen printing and other allied sectors.

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