Letz magazine 01 2014 issuu

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Our country has an extensive industrial history, for instance in the end of the 19th century when our little country was world famous for its steel industry, but also for its rose cultivation, something not many people are aware of nowadays. Overshadowed by the financial sector, the small remaining local industry, which constitutes an important cultural aspect, is often forgotten. The economy has driven the market in a way that loans and costs have become very high, and yet more and more ‘made in luxembourg’ products emerge that are able to compete with big companys from other countries. Luxembourgers are proud of their heritage and a real design movement has arised in which a wave of new products are created. The multicultural aspect of our country enables us to infuse craftsmanship with new life through the know how of immigrants such as D’Polster Fabrik that restores and reupholsters furniture. Young people study abroad and many chose not to come back because apparently ‘nothing ever happens’ in our little country! Lët’z go local proves that there still is ‘love’ for national products as well as an increasing demand. Linda Bos and Karolina Szatna have gathered producers, designers and service providers from various fields to showcase their ideas and work and thus support them. Our country is a melting pot where people from all over the world find each other and work together. And lët’z go local ASBL is a prime example. Elsa Pereira contemporary art and design historian

Eist Land huet eng laang Geschicht wat d‘Industrie ugeet, ewéi zum Beispill em d‘Enn vum 19ten Joerhonnert wou eist klengt Land weltberühmt fir hier Stolindustrie war, mee och fir Rousen wat der haut vill net méi wëssen. Am Schiet vum Finanzielle Beräich gëtt eis kleng lokal Industrie oft vergiess, déi awer haut e bedeitende kulturellen Aspekt huet. D‘Wirtschaft huet de Maart esou wäit gedriwwen dat d‘Léin a Käschten an eisem Land immens héich sinn, an awer hu mir haut ëmmer méi ‘made in Luxembourg’ Produkter, déi mat der Konkurrenz vun de Grousse Betriber an anere Länner mathale kënnen. D‘Lëtzebuerger sinn houfreg op hire Patrimoine an an de leschte Joren ass e richtegen Design Mouvement un d‘rulle komm, bei der eng Well u nei Produkter entstane sinn. D‘Multi-kulturalitéit vun eisem Land erméiglecht eis, mat der Hëllef vu villen Immigranten d’savoir-faire‘n, an Handwierk, erëm zu neiem Liewen ze erwächen, wei zum Beispill bei der Polster Fabrik, wou gepolstert Miwwelen erëm nei opgezu ginn. Vill Jonker ginn an d‘Ausland studéieren a vill kommen net méi erëm, well an eisem klenge Land net genuch « lass » soll sinn ! Lët‘z go local beweist dass et nach ëmmer, oder ëmmer méi, eng « léift » fir eis national Produktiounen entsteet. D‘Linda an d‘Karolina hu kleng Produzenten, ob aus de Beräicher vum Alimentaire oder Produkt, zesumme geruff fir hier Iddien an Aarbechten ze weisen an ze ënnerstëtzen. Eist Land ass e melting pot wou d‘Leit aus der ganzer Welt sech fannen an zesumme schaffen. D’lët‘z go local ASBL ass dat beschte Beispill dofir. Elsa Pereira Zäitgenösseg Konscht an Design Historiker

Das liebevoll gestaltete Beau livre D’Stater Kinoen nimmt den Leser mit auf eine spannende Reise durch über 100 Jahre Kinogeschichte: von den Wanderkinos bis hin zu den modernen Multiplex-Sälen der Gegenwart. D’Stater Kinoen leistet einen wichtigen, wissenschaftlichen Beitrag zur Kultursoziologie und Filmforschung in Luxemburg und ist darüber hinaus ein Augenschmaus für jeden Kinoliebhaber. Zwei beiliegende DVDs des CNA und der Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg liefern spannendes Filmmaterial, u. a. mit Fernsehreportagen über die Kinos der Hauptstadt und Originalfilmen aus der Zeit, als die Bilder in Luxemburg und der Großregion laufen lernten. Das Buch wurde zusammen mit den Partnern Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg und dem staatlichen Centre national de l’audiovisuel realisiert. Nominiert für die Best of Corporate Publishing Awards 2014

Paul Lesch

D’STATER KINOEN EINE KINOGESCHICHTE DER STADT LUXEMBURG in Zusammenarbeit mit Yves Steichen Übersetzung aus dem Französischen von Georges Hausemer 250 x 305 mm, 392 Seiten, gebunden 14 Kapitel, fünf Zusatzkapitel, inkl. 2 DVDs ISBN 978-2-87954-263-8 59,00 € Editions Guy Binsfeld – 14, Place du Parc – L-2313 Luxemburg Tel.: 49 68 68-1 – Fax: 40 76 09 – E-Mail: editions@binsfeld.lu – www.editionsguybinsfeld.lu

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06/05/2014 10:42

24/25 M ee | Grand-Théâtre de Luxembou rg

After the success of last year‘s first edition of the local market, we were delighted to have been given the opportunity by the City of Luxembourg to organise this second Spring edition. The 2014 Spring edition is very special to us, not only because of its extraordinary location, but also the fact that of the 50 stands, an astonishing 45% are occupied by new members!

Nom Erfolleg vun der éischter Editioun vum lokale Maart zejoert, si mir héich erfreet dat d’Stad Lëtzebuerg ons d’Geleeënheet gouf dës zweet Fréijors Editioun ze organiséieren. Di 2014 Fréijors Editioun ass ganz besonnesch fir ons, net nëmme wéinst der aussergewéinlecher Lag, mee och well vun de 50 Stänn eng erstaunlech 45% vu neie Membere besat sinn!

Responding to the positive feedback from both our participants and visitors, we are happy to confirm that it is our aim to organise a Spring and Autumn edition of the local market on a yearly base.

Mir sinn houfereg och op di positiv Reaktioune vu Participant’en a Visiteuren ze äntwerten an et freet eis ze bestätegen dat et onst Ziel ass jäerlech eng Hierscht a Fréijors vum lokale Maart ze organiséieren.

It was also in Spring - 1964, exactly 50 years ago - when an important celebration took place; the inauguration of the Grand Théâtre de Luxembourg. We hope that our visitors consider this wonderful space as inspiring as we do. As the organisers we regarded the foyer of the theatre a challenge to work with, yet we tried to evoke and hi-light the architectural details of the building while designing this event.

Och wor et genau 50 Joer hier - am Fréijoer 1964 - dat eng wichteg Zeremonie stattfonnt huet; D’Aweiung vum Grand Théatre de Luxembourg. Mir hoffen dat d’Visiteuren dëse wonnerbare Raum esou inspiréierend fannen ewéi Mir e fonnt hunn.

This market offers you a broad selection of stands ranging from design and fashion to local food and drinks and everything in between. We hope we fulfill your expectations once more and will be seeing you again on October 4&5 in CarréRotondes for the Autumn edition of the Local Market. Until then!

Als Organisateuren hu mir de Foyer vum Grand Théatre als Erausfuerderung betruecht an dach hu mir ons all méi gi während dem Entworf vun onser Veranstaltung di architectural Detailer vum Gebai ervir ze ruffen an ze ënnersträichen. Dëse Maart bidd Iech eng grouss Sélektioun u Stänn vun Design a Moud bis lokal Iesswueren a Gedrénks souwéi ons Kategorien dozwëschent. Mir hoffen är Erwaardungen nees gerecht erfëllt ze hunn a wäerten Iech hoffentlech op der nächster Hierscht Editioun vum Lokale Maart de 4&5ten Oktober am CarréRotondes begréissen. Bis dann!

photo: courtesy of Babbelschoul

photo © Anna Rulecka

photo: courtesy of Avocado S.A.

The executive team of lët‘z go local A.S.B.L: Karolina Szatna & Linda Bos The Babbelschoul in Hollerich Fashion by Queen of Brussels Healthy food from Avocado.lu Fab Lab toy car

photo: courtesy of Queen of Brussels

photo: courtesy of Fab Lab Luxembourg

Could you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your design background? I am a Vietnamese fashion designer who has been involved in the fashion business for the last 7 years. I‘ve graduated from the London School for Fashion Studies in Hanoi and presented my first collection during the Vietnam Fall Winter Fashion week in 2013. I‘ve moved to Luxembourg with my husband in September last year and showcased my collection at the Marché des Créateurs last December at the Mudam.

What is your main source of inspiration and what do you do when you completely lack of inspiration? Inspiration comes from observation of the people and the environment around me. It also comes from music, arts and traveling. The way people from other countries dress or during other periods inspire me. It takes several researches until I get a clear idea for the concept, but sometimes it just comes out of the blue. I start drawing a line in my sketchbook and then it follows the pen. When it starts taking shape it gives me new ideas and I try variations until I get the design I really like. Inspirations can come from everything, so to lack of it, maybe I should...stop thinking!

You recently moved to Luxembourg, what are your observations and remarks on fashion and the way people dress here in Luxembourg? Luxembourg is very cosmopolitan and centrally located between Berlin, Paris and Brussels. I‘ve noticed a majority of fashion conscious people, who are not only concerned by their look or by the quality but also by the message that the clothes transmit. I’ve also noticed many new stores opening up recently in town, this shows that people are willing to try new brands and new styles, and who knows maybe also for local designers like me!

How important is design in everyday life? Nowadays design is everywhere and almost everything is design in its own way. But design doesn‘t necessarily mean that things have to be extravagant to be noticed. To the contrary, minimal lines and cuts, simple ideas, and its feel and functionality are crucial elements What is your favourite place in Luxembourg and abroad? I love the green lush forests and parks of Luxembourg. There are so many and so peaceful, I love it for a stroll, of for an occasional run. I‘ve been traveling extensively over the last 3 years. All have been great in their own way, but if I had only to pick a few I‘d say Hanoi, Berlin, Brooklyn, and Tokyo.

Wat ass är haapt inspiratiouns Quell a wat maacht Dir wann Dir mol eng Kéier guer keng Inspiratioun hutt? Inspiratioun kënnt vum beobachte vun de Leit an der Ëmwelt ronderëm mech. Et kennt och vu Musek, Konscht a Reesen. Wei d’Leit sech an anere Länner oder an anere Perioden undinn inspiréiert mech. Ech brauch verschidden Erfuerschunge bis ech eng kloer Iddi fir e Konzept hunn, an e puer mol kënnt et einfach esou aus dem Nu. Ech fänken eng Linn un a mengem Skizzebuch an da folgen ech dem Stëft. Wann et da bis Formen unhëlt kréien ech nei Iddien a probéiere Variatiounen aus bis ech den Design hunn dee mir wierklech gefält. Inspiratioune kënne vun allem an iwwerall kommen, also misst ech schonn... ophale mat iwwerlee fir dat et mangelt! Denkt Dir dat eng Design Approche am alldeeglechem Liewe wichteg ass? Jo/Nee... firwat? Hautdesdaags ass Design iwwerall a bal alles ass op seng eegen Aart a Weis Design. Mä Design heescht net dat alles extravagant soll si fir opzefalen. Am Géigendeel, minimal Schnëtt a Linnen, einfach Iddien ewéi Gefill a Funktionalitéit sinn ausschlaggebend Elementer, Wat ass är liiblings Plaatz zu Lëtzebuerg an am Ausland? Ech si verléift an den üppege grénge Bëscher a Parken zu Lëtzebuerg. Et ginn der esou vill a se sinn esou friddlech. Groussaarteg fir e Spazéiergang oder geleeëntlech lafen ze goen. Déi 3 lescht Joer sinn ech heefeg gereest an all d’Platze woren op hir eegen Aart flott, mä wann ech der misst nëmmen e puer auswiele géing ech soen Hanoi, Berlin, Brooklin an Tokyo. Stellt Iech wann ech gelift vir an zielt ons vun ärem Design Hannergrond. Ech si Vietnamesescht Moud Entwerfer a wor fir di lescht 7 Joer am Moude Business bedeelegt. Ech si graduéiert vun der London School for Fashion Studies zu Hanoi an hu meng éischt Kollektioun an der Hierscht Wanter Fashion week 2013 virgestallt. Ech sinn d’lescht Joer am September mat mengem Mann op Lëtzebuerg gezunn a hunn meng Kollektioun um Marché des Créateurs vum Mudam leschten Dezember virgestallt. Dir sidd viru Kuerzem eréischt op Lëtzebuerg gezunn, wat wieren är Observatiounen a Remarken iwwert d’Moud an di Aart a Weis wei d’ Leit sech hei zu Lëtzebuerg undinn? Lëtzebuerg ass immens kosmopolitesch a läit zentral zwësche Berlin, Paräis a Bréissel. Fir mäin Deel hunn ech eng Majoritéit un Moude bewosst Leit bemierkt, déi sech net nëmmen em Look a Qualitéit besuergen, mä och wat fir e Message hir Kleeder iwwerdroen. Ech hunn och gemierkt dat viru kuerzem vill nei Butteker an der Stad op ginn, dat ass en Zeechen dat d’Leit bereet sinn nei Marken a Stiler auszeprobéieren, a wee weess vläicht esouguer lokal Entwerfer ewéi mech!

Could you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your design background? My name is Anatoli Papadopoulou. I’m Greek as one may hear from my name, but since 2012 also a proud Luxembourger. I have lived in 4 countries, I travel a lot and try to explore as much diversity in my everyday life as possible: and this characterizes my design too, and Luxembourg is a wonderful place to find diversity. I’m a trained Stylist and Modelist from the international fashion school ESMOD in Munich, and since 2008 I’ve settled back in good old Luxembourg where I launched my label (“Anatoli”) of accessories for women and children in March 2009. Recently Anatoli also creates products for interior design.

You are partially working on a freelance base for the Grand Théâtre and partially on your personal designs. How do you combine both jobs and (how) do they influence each other? “Find a job you love, and you won’t work a day in your life”. I love my jobs, and all my activities are categorized by creativity. Creativity doesn’t do 9 to 5, and its all about organization and energy to make it work. Between my two jobs, there are definitely positive and creative spillovers, and they complement each other. What is your main source of inspiration and what do you do when you completely lack of inspiration? The source of inspiration is difficult to define. It can be everywhere, sometimes obvious other times “hidden”. In my case I would categorize them as “everyday things”, as “active research” and as “travelling/exploring”. It’s not always easy to be creative when you want to. Sometimes the more you try, the less you achieve. So sometimes the best solution is to let it be for a while and wait for it to come back…luckily so far it always has…. How important is design in everyday life? I would say a creative approach is important. Be it for design, business, education or anything else. But in terms of design, my livelihood, it is indeed important. I express myself, distinguish myself and reach other people through design. What is your favourite place in Luxembourg and abroad? There are a lot of wonderful spots in Luxembourg, so it’s difficult to say. The country is small, but impressive! It’s often the ambience, the people around you, that make something special. My favourite place abroad, without competition is New York city (but I do love many different places).

Stellt Iech wann ech gelift vir an zielt ons vun ärem Design Hannergrond. Ech heeschen Anatoli Papadopoulou, si Griichin wéi een dat um Numm héiere kann, mee zënter 2012 och stolz Lëtzebuergerin. Ech hunn a 4 verschidde Länner gewunnt, hu vill gereest a probéiere sou vill wéi méiglech ze entdecken, wat sech och op mäin Design spigelt. Lëtzebuerg ass eng wonnerschéi Plaatz vir Diversitéit. Ech si Styliste/Modéliste vun der internationale Moudschoul ESMOD zu München. Zënter 2008 sinn ech erëm zu Lëtzebuerg, wou ech och mäin Label “Anatoli” lancéiert hunn. Anatoli Kreatioune sinn Accessoirë fir Fraen a Kanner, souwéi säit kuerzem och Interieursprodukter. Dir schafft Deels Freelance an Deels fir de Grand Théatre, dann nach op private Projet’en. Wei combinéiert Dir dës zwou Aabeschten a (wéi) beaflosse se sech eneen? “Fann eng Aarbecht déi du gär hues an du schaffs net ee Dag an dengem Liewen.” Ech hunn meng zwee Joben immens gär an all Aktivitéite sinn op Kreativitéit kategoriséiert. Kreativitéit funktionéiert net vun 9 bis 5. Gutt Organisatioun an Energie sinn noutwendeg. Zwëschen mengen zwou Aarbechten sinn definitiv positiv a kreativ Punkten, déi sech ergänzen.

Wat ass är haapt inspiratiouns Quell a wat maacht Dir wann Dir mol eng Kéier guer keng Inspiratioun hutt? Eng Ispiratiounsquell ass schwéier ze definéieren. Et kann iwwerall sinn, hei an do méi evident aner Mol verstoppt. A mengem Fall kann déi a verschidde Kategorien ënnerdeelen: “Alldagssaachen”, “ aktiv Forschung” a “reesen/ entdecken”. Et ass net ëmmer liicht op Kommando kreativ ze sinn. Heiansdo jo, mee wat ee méi probéiert kreativ ze sinn desto manner funktionéiert dat. Dofir ass di beschte Léisung et fir e Moment sinn ze loossen an et wäert da schonn zeréckkommen. Glécklecherweis huet et bei mir ëmmer geklappt…. Denkt Dir dat eng Design Approche am alldeeglechem Liewe wichteg ass? Ech géif soen dat eng kreativ Approche wichteg ass, sief et fir Design, Business, Erzéiung oder iergend aneschters. Mee wat den Design ubelaangt, meng Liewensgrondlag, ass et allerdéngs wichteg. Ech drécke mech duerch Design aus, differenzéiere mech an dat kennt bei de Léit un. Wat ass är liiblings Plaatz zu Lëtzebuerg an am Ausland? Lëtzebuerg huet vill wonnerschéi Platzen, dofir ass et schwéier ze soen…‘t ass e klengt Land, mee beandrockend! Oft ass et déi Stëmmung, déi Léit, déi eng Plaatz oder eppes méi spezial maachen. Am Ausland ass et op jidder Fall New York. Mee ech muss soen, ech hunn vill verschidde Platzen immens gär!

Could you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your design background? Hello, We are Studio delle Alpi, composed of Anne Kieffer and Arnaud MouriamĂŠ. Anne studied product design at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, USA. She gained her professional experience as a car interior designer at the Centro Stile FIAT in Torino, Italy. She came back to Luxembourg to start her own product and interior design company. Arnaud studied communication design in Brussels. He worked as a graphic designer in Luxembourg. In 2012 Anne and Arnaud decided to combine graphic and product design, the result is the Studio delle Alpi collection!

You are working and living between Luxembourg and Milan; what part of your work is taking place where and why did you choose this traveling/working construction? During the first 2 years we did the whole collection in Luxembourg and Belgium, except for the cut out where we used a CNC machine we did everything by hand. With the success the quantities became to big and we had to find other solutions. Choosing northern Italy seemed a good opportunity for us. They have the know how in woodworking and furniture production. Milan is a dynamic city and has a lot to offer culturally and artistically. Another point is that we still believe in the European craftsmanship and specially the ‚Made in Italy‘! What is your main source of inspiration and what do you do when you completely lack of inspiration? It‘s probably the everyday life which inspires us, but for sure also the nature, the woods and the ocean. That‘s why Milan is a perfect city it sits between the Alps and the Mediterranean ocean. How important is design in everyday life? Design is everywhere. Every piece of clothes, object, place etc. have been ‚designed‘ at one point. Designing means conceiving. Industrial design is part of the marketing in the industries, and the design gives the customer the right to choose. What is your favourite place in Luxembourg and abroad? Studio delle Alpi‘s favourite place are the Alps of course but also the Big Sur, CA. In Luxembourg we like the forests!

Wat ass är haapt inspiratiouns Quell a wat maacht Dir wann Dir mol eng Kéier guer keng Inspiratioun hutt? Et ass wahrscheinlech dat Alldeeglecht wat eis inspiréiert, mee sécherlech och d‘Natur, d‘Bëscher an d‘Mier. Fir dat ass Mailand eng perfekt Staat, zwëschen den Alpen an dem Mier. Denkt Dir dat eng Design Approche am alldeeglechem Liewe wichteg ass? Design ass iwwerall. All Stéck, Kleeder, Objeten, Plaze sinn op engem Punkt ‚designed‘ ginn. Design heescht creéieren. Industrie Design gehéiert zum Marketing vun den Industrien, an den Design gëtt dem Client d‘Recht op Choix. Wat ass är liiblings Plaatz zu Lëtzebuerg an am Ausland? Studio delle Alpi seng liiblings Géigend sinn natierlech d‘Alpen mee och de Big Sur, CA. Zu Lëtzebuerg sinn et d‘Bëscher! Stellt Iech wann ech gelift vir an zielt ons vun ärem Design Hannergrond. Salut, Mir si Studio delle Alpi, zesumme gesat vum Anne Kieffer an Arnaud Mouriamé. D‘Anne huet Produkt Design a Kalifornien am Art Center College of Design studéiert. Dono huet hat als Auto Designer am Centro Stile FIAT zu Turin geschafft. No dëser Experienz huet d‘Anne d‘Décisioun geholl selbstänneg ze ginn an huet zu Lëtzebuerg als Produkt an interior Designer als freelancer geschafft. Den Arnaud huet communcation design zu Breissel op der IHECS studéiert an huet sech dono zu Lëtzebuerg selbstänneg gemaach. 2012 hunn si decidéiert Produkt Design mat Graphik Design ze kombinéieren an d‘Resultat ass Studio delle Alpi! Dir schafft a lieft zwësche Lëtzebuerg a Mailand; wou gëtt wat fir en Deel vun ärer Aabescht geleescht a wat huet Iech dozou bruecht des Rees/ Aabescht Schema unzehuelen? Déi éischt 2 Joer hunn mir déi ganz Kollektioun zu Lëtzebuerg an an der Belsch gemaach. Ausser dem CNC cut out hunn mir alles op der Hand gemaach. Mam Succès sinn d‘Commanden ze grouss ginn an mir hunn missen eng aner Solutioun fannen. Den Norde vun Italien war fir eis eng gutt Optioun. D‘Régioun huet eng immens Experienz am woodworking a Miwwel Produktioun. Mailand ass eng dynamesch Staat a kulturell an artistesch vill ze bidden. En anere Punkt ass dass mir an den europäeschen Artisant gleewen, a speziell an de Made in Italy.



1. decorative objects and tealight holders by Anatoli 2. silver ring with helidor beryl stone in18 karat gold setting by Stine BĂźlow 3. Rue du Nord screen print by Silk&Burg 4. tunic dress by Redwood by G 5. wild garlic pesto by le Cru et le Cuit (Manoir Kasselslay) 6. Eppelpress juices 7. baby onesie by POPUP studio 8. greeting card from Ben&Pepper‘s folklore collection


photo: courtesy of Redwood by G

photo: courtesy of Anatoli

photo: courtesy of Silk&Burg

photo: courtesy of Eppelpress

photo: courtesy of POPUP studio

Could you introduce yourself and tell us how you ended up on board of the 1535ºC project? After my studies for Art sustainer-restorer, I worked for a while as freelance and after a detour in the national education, I’m working since 12 years now for the municipality of Differdange in the cultural service. As of 2013 I was nominated Project Director of the 1535°C, a project we conceived, concretized and conceptualised over the last few years. Could you briefly describe the 1535ºC project? 1535°C is a platform for professional creative people working in all various categories in the creative industry. We have 16.000 m2 of space available for professional and creative deployment. What do you think about the current ‘design scene’ in Luxembourg and how do you predict this scene will evolve over the next years? Like the design itself, the evolution of the design-scene in Luxembourg is e whole process. This process, based on various and dissimilar actors, has to be strengthened and networked. For the future I see relatively small but strong community that we will support in its continuous growth process. Could you pick one artist/designer/company that is part of your project and tell us why you believe they were the ‘typical/perfect’ candidate for the project when they got selected? Actually we have 15 tenants at the 1535°C and each of them is a typical and perfect resident. They all fulfil the 4 criteria as there are: • Have a professional status • Working in the creative industry • Quality level and experience • Innovation What is your favourite place in Luxembourg and abroad? For me, in Luxembourg, the most beautiful place to be is at home. There are so many interesting places on earth. For the moment my heart beats for Venice, but not for its romantic gondolas, but most of all for its people adapted balanced rhythm totally and its enormous cultural diversity.

Stellt Iech wann ech gelift vir an zielt ons wei Dir an de Virstand vun 1535°C Projet gerode sidd. No menge Studien hunn ech eng Zäit als Freelance Konscht Conservateur - Restaurateur geschafft a no engem Détournement an der nationaler Educatioun schaffen ech elo zënter 12 Joer am Kulturelle Service vun der Gemeng Déifferdeng. Ech gouf 2013 als Projet Directer vu 1535°C nominéiert, e Projet de mir an de leschte Joer entwéckelt, konkretiséiert a konceptualiséiert hunn. Kéint Dir ons kuerz den 1535°C Projet erklären? 1535°C ass eng Plattform fir Kreativ Professioneller aus alle Variante Kategorie vun der Kreativer Industrie. Mir hunn 16.000m2 Raum zur Verfügung fir professionell a kreativen Asaz. Wat denkt Dir vun der aktueller ‘Design Szene’ a wat fir Viraussoen hutt Dir fir d’Evolutioun vun dëser Szene an Zukunft? Wei den Design selwer, ass d’Evolutioun vun der Design-Scene zu Lëtzebuerg e ganze Prozess. Dëse Prozess, deen op enger Villfalt vu Verschiddenen Acteure baséiert muss gestäerkt a vernetzt ginn. Ech gesinn an Zukunft eng kleng mä staark Gemeinschaft déi Mir an hirem kontinuéierleche Wuesstemsprocess ënnerstëtzen

Kéint Dir ee Kënschtler, Designer, Betrib deen un ärem Projet deelhëlt eraussichen an ons erkläre firwat Dir gleeft dat se typesch/perfekt Kandidate fir äre Projet woren a firwat se gewielt goufen. Am Ablack hu mir bei 1535°C 15 Locatairë vun deenen all typesch a perfekt Residente sinn. Se erfëllen all déi 4 Kriterien di erfuerderlech sinn: • E Professionelle Statut • Schaffen an der Kreativer Industrie • Qualitéits Niveau an Erfarung • Innovativ Wat ass är liiblings Plaatz zu Lëtzebuerg an am Ausland Di schéinste Plaatz zu Lëtzebuerg ass fir mech Doheem :) Et ginn sou vill interessant Platzen op der Welt, mä mäin Häerz schléit am Ablack fir Venedeg, net wéinst de romantesche Gondele mä fir di Leit déi sech en ausgeglachene Rhythmus ugëeegent hunn a wéinst senger enormer kultureller Diversitéit.

Could you introduce yourself and tell us how your company evolved from the start-up till now? My adventure with upholstery began by coincidence in 1988 in Poland, where I gained my education. I came to Luxembourg in 1991, and I took a job as an upholstererdecorator and furniture designer in the company, which today I am an owner of. Initially the company was called: Polster&Möbel Restoration and the main domain was the renovation of furniture and minor window decoration (curtains and shutters). Today our offer is much broader, we expanded to: car upholstery, carpet coverings, leather renovation. Currently I employ a few people, all my staff are craftsmen and passionate about their profession. I am not the ‘office type’ of a guy and I am not shy of getting my hands dirty. Yet my most important task in the company is to guide and advice clients and above all the quality control of our services. I want to continue to offer high quality professional service to our clients.

Which place in Luxembourg would need, in your opinion, a bit of a ‘face lift’ of their furniture, and what would you propose as a change? Many places in Luxembourg could be subjected to a ‘facelift’ in my opinion. My preferences go for vivid colours therefore I find over usage of gray overwhelming at times. I favour natural materials and I am a big fan of recycling.

What is your main source of inspiration and what do you do when you completely lack of inspiration? Ideas and inspiration arise through various moments, and often during sleepless nights. An example of which, could be my last autumn exhibition at Luxexpo, which came together only 3 days before the event. I often try to observe people, talk to them, work with them. Sometimes, it happens that I have a hole in my head, in that case I try to focus on something else to gain energy for a new project. It can prove difficult, at times, as running a relatively new company, absorbs a lot of time and energy.

You work a lot with natural materials and traditional methods that are mostly very demanding and time consuming. Why do you think it is important to pursue this way of working and preserve this type of craftsmanship? We always try to restore our furniture to it’s original condition. In the old days natural materials were used exclusively, because they are more durable and environmentally friendly. If it comes to recent furniture, we use synthetic equivalence, which are required in public places. Most often those materials are noneflammable and easy to clean. For some time now, I have been introducing a Black Oak to Luxembourgish market. It is a timber which is extracted from peat bogs, marshes and gravel pits . We use it for flooring production, and veneers which are used to decorate furniture, walls, etc. This is a 100% natural material, without dyes, and sourced not from living trees. The estimated age of the timber is between 800 and 8.000 years. That is impressive! What is your favourite place in Luxembourg and abroad? In Luxembourg my favourite place is the Mosel area, where I also live. And in Europe - my home land - Poland. I generally like to travel and visit different places, and those travels contribute to my inspirations.

Stellt Iech wann ech gelift fir an erzielt ons iwwert d’Evolutioun vun ärem Betrib vu start up bis haut. Mäin Abenteuer mat der Polsterei huet 1988 a Polen zoufälleg ugefang wou ech meng Educatioun erwuerb hunn. Ech koum 1991 op Lëtzebuerg a krut engAarbecht als Polsterer - Dekorateur a Miwwel Designer am Betrib dee mir Haut gehéiert. Deemools huet de Betrib Polster&Möbel Restauration geheescht an di hapt Beschäftegung wor d’Renovatioun vu Miwwel an e bësse Fënster Dekoratioun (Rideauen a Storen). Haut ass ons Palette vill méi grouss, mir bidden och Auto Sattlerei, Buedem Beleeg a Lieder Restauratioun. Momentan stellen Ech e puer Leit an, all Handwierker mat enger Leidenschaft fir hire Beruff. Perséinlech sinn ech net den ‘Büros Typ’ an ech fäerten net mir d’Hänn knaschteg ze maachen. Meng wichtegsten Aufgab ass et awer meng Clientèle fachmännesch ze begleeden, ze beroden an zemools d’Qualitéits Kontroll vun eise Servicer ze sécheren. Ech wëll menger Clientèle weiderhin héichwäerteg professionell a qualitéits Service leeschten. Wat ass är hapt Inspiratiouns Quell a wat maacht Dir falls Dir emol guer keng Inspiratioun hutt? Inspiratioun an Iddien entstinn an ënnerschiddleche Momenter, oft wann een Nuets net schlofe kann. E gutt Beispill wier mäi Stand op der leschter Hierscht Foire am Lux Expo wou mir d’Iddi eréischt 3 Deeg virun der Veranstaltung koum. Ech probéieren oft d’Leit ze beobachten, mat hinne schwätzen a mat hinne ze schaffen. Vun Zäit zu Zäit kennt et scho vir dat ech e Lach am Kapp hunn, mä da probéieren Ech mech op aner Saachen ze riichte fir nees Energie fir e neie Projet ze kréien.

Welch Platze bräichten Ärer Meenung no e klenge ‘Facelift’ wat d’Miwwel ugeet a wat géift Dir als Léisung virschloen? Vill Platze kéinten e ‘Facelift’ gebrauchen. Meng Preferenz ass nun ebe fir lieweg Faarwen an ech fannen di iwwer Notzung vu gro e puer mol iwwerwältegen. Ech bevirzéien och natierlech Materialien a sinn e grousse Fan vu Recycling. Dir Schafft vill mat natierleche Materialien an op traditionell Aart a Weis déi meeschtens ustrengend ass a vill Zäit erfuerdert. Firwat denkt Dir dat et wichteg ass dësen Aarbechtswee ze bedreiwen an des Zort Handwierk ze erhalen? Mir leeë vill Wäert drop e Miwwel no sengen original Angaben ze restauréieren. Deemools goufen natierlech Materialien emfangraich benotzt well se bestänneg an ëmweltfrëndlech sinn. Elo, wann et sech em e rezente Miwwel handelt benotze Mir e synthetescht Material wat gläichwäerteg ass well dat ebe fir ëffentlech Platzen erfuerdert ass. Meeschtens sinn dës Materialien net brennbar oder méi einfach ze wäschen. Zenter enger Zäitchen hunn ech Mooreiche op de Lëtzebuerger Maart bruecht. Et handelt sech em Stämm déi aus Tormoore, Sümpfen a Kiesgruben gebuerge ginn. Mir benotzen et als Buedem Beleeg a Furnéieren déi benotzt gi fir Miwwel ze décoreieren, Wänn, etc. Et ass en 100% natierlecht Material ouni Faarfstoffer a gëtt net vu liewege Beem gewonnen. Den Alter vun de Stämm gëtt op 800 bis 8.000 Joer geschätzt. Dat ass beandrockend! Wat ass är liiblings Plaatz zu Lëtzebuerg an am Ausland? Zu Lëtzebuerg wier dat d’ Miseler Géigend wou ech och liewen. An Europa... mäin Heemecht Land - Polen. Am grousse Ganze reesen ech gär a besiche verschidde Platzen. Dës Reesen droen och zu menger Inspiratioun bäi.



• 1 slice of salmon trout fillet (600-700gr) • 100gr wild garlic pesto • salt and pepper • 200gr raw diced celery and carrots

• 1 Tranche Lachsfrell Filet (600-700gr) • 100gr Heckeknuewelek Pesto • Peffer a Salz • 200gr Réi Wuerzelen an Zelleri a kleng Kübe geschnidden



• 1dl ‘Ourdaller’ Sunflower oil • 0,5dl Spring herb vinegar • white pepper and salt

• 1dl ‘Ourdaller’ Sonneblummen Ueleg • 0,5dl Fréijors Kraider infuséierten Esseg • wäisse Peffer a Salz



Marinate the finely diced vegetables for 2 hours. Cut the salmon trout into fine carpaccio type slices and dress the plates while the vegetables are marinating or as one could say ‘cold cooking’.

Di Kleng Kübe Geméis 2 Stonne marinéiere loossen. Während dëser ‘cuisson froide’ d’ Lachsffrell an dënn Tranchë schneiden (wei Carpaccio) an optelleren.

Drizzle the marinade as well as pesto over the salmon and vegetables and season with salt and pepper. Both our recipes can be accompanied with a Luxembourgish Moselle white wine: Riesling cuvée Prestige 2013 Domaine Ley-Schartz (Ahn)

D’ Lachsfrell an d’ Geméis mat Marinade an Heckeknuewelek Pesto badigeonéieren a Peffer a Salz dobäi. Ons zwee Rezepter kënne mat engem Wäisse Wäi vun der Musel genoss ginn: Riesling Cuvée Prestige 2013 Domaine Ley-Schartz (Ahn)

• 4 150gr slices of pork (Baltes Haff, Stegen) • 2,5 dl sunflower oil ‘Ourdaller’ • 20 leafs of wild garlic (april and may) - wash and dry • 5gr salt • chopped rosemary and white pepper Blend 2dl of oil, the 20 leafs of wild garlic and 5gr of salt until smooth. Put into a closed jar and refrigerate.

Marinate the slices of meat in 0,5dl of oil, chopped rosemary and white pepper. Leave to rest for 1 hour. Now heat the ‘GOS’ cooking plate (by g design) or alternatively use a barbecue and cook the meat 4 minutes on each side. Meanwhile you can prepare the accompanying vegetables of your choice. Present the meat on the plate with a finishing touch of pesto on and around the rack of pork and season with a dash of salt. We recommend roast potatoes and a green salad to accompany the pork rack. Enjoy!

• 4 150gr Tranchë Schwéngsrack (Baltes Haff, Stegen) • 2,5dl ‘Ourdaller’ Sonneblummen Ueleg • 20 Blieder Heckeknuewelek (Bärlauch) (Abrëll - Mäi) Wäschen a dréchnen • 5gr Salz • wäisse Peffer a gehackte Romarin 2dl Ueleg, di 20 Blieder Heckeknuewelek a 5gr Salz mixe bis eng schéi Purée entsteet. Fëllt dës Mëschung an e geschlossene Behälter a setzt en an de Frigidaire.

D’Fleesch an 0,5dl Ueleg, Peffer a gehackte Romarin marinéieren an 1 Stonn raschte loossen. ‘D’ GOS‘ Kachplacke (vum g design) hëtzen, oder Dir kënnt de Barbeque benotzen. D’Fleesch 4 Minutten op all Säit broden. An der Tëschenzait d’ Tellere mat enger Garnitur aus Saisonsgeméis äerer Wiel präparéieren. D’ Schwéngsrack dobäi leeën, de Pesto iwwert d’ Fleesch a ronderëm verdeelen a mat e bësse Salz affinéieren. Mir empfiele gebrode Gromperen an eng gréng Zalot mat dësem Geriicht. Gudden Appetit!

ACCOUNTING AND TAX EXPERTISE BUSINESS CONSULTING HUMAN RESOURCES PAYROLL SERVICES 19, rue de Bitbourg L-1273 Luxembourg T 24 521-1 F 24 521 234 www.gtf.lu

Depuis plus qu’un siècle et en quatrième génération, notre domaine est producteur

Depuis plus qu’un siècle et

de vins d’une qualité

à la hauteur de toute attente.

en quatrième génération, notre domaine est producteur de vins d’une qualité à la hauteur de toute attente.

4, an der Borreg • L-5149 Ehnen • G.-D. de Luxembourg Tél.: (+352) 76 02 42 • Fax: (+352) 76 90 40 www.kohll.lu • domaine@kohll.lu

1 23 44

4 29

46 69

30 54

71 77

13 35 63 72


18 36 64 73


20 38 65 75


66 76


Ben&Pepper carvalho architects Denicheuse.com DieterleGlas Debauchery Duckzone Enshadow Form Society g design GR-INK Julie Conrad Design Studio Lea Schroeder nocte leves Norbert Brakonier D’Polster Fabrik PRETTY FOREST Silk&Burg stayconcrete Studio delle Alpi vanHenry interiors & colours Villeroy & Boch

Anatoli Berglind Clothing Bülow jewellery Créations Zim Nat ladybird My Image Patrice Parisotto Queen of Brussels Redwood by G Retrovolver Sentinel City Sophi(e)stication Yileste

CreaManu Mamie et Moi Nuvola Baby Party in a Box POPUP studio zora&li shop

100% luxembourg Autisme Luxembourg Avocado.lu Les Bâtards Gourmands The Belgian Brewery Brasserie Simon Cakebox Caves Berna Caves Beissel Caves Ley-Schartz CIGL Pétange Distillerie Diedenacker Eppelpress Farin’UP the Foodtruck Chocolaterie Génaveh Domaine viticole Kohll-Leuck Livraison.lu LigueHMC Manoir Kasselslay Produkter vum Séi Tudorsgeeschter

1535˚C Babbelschoul Chambre de Commerce Culture.lu / Plurio.net Dogwalker.lu Fab Lab Luxembourg Gery Oth The Impactory LaLa La photo Luxinnovation Nubs qip home Studio Mick Yourshop.lu Youth Hostels

éditions guy binsfeld Kremart édition Maison Moderne éditions Saint Paul éditions Schortgen Zoom éditions

Aromatherapy Luxembourg Brain Training Bubble Butz Pure Balance Spa Anywhere Anytime

21, Avenue de la Liberté L-1931 Luxembourg T. (+352) 26 19 61 94 hello@benandpepper.com www.benandpepper.com

34, rue Large L-4204 Esch/Alzette T. (+352) 26 176 405 T. (+352) 26 176 455 www.carvalhoarchitects.com

29, rue de Luxembourg L-4391 Pontpierre boutique@denicheuse.com T. (+352) 26 55 11 15 F. (+352) 26 17 65 44 www.denicheuse.com


119, rue de Hollerich L-1741 Luxembourg T. (+352) 691 632 969 info@martindieterle.com www.martindieterle.com

28a, rue des Romains L-8041 Strassen T. (+352) 621 392 167 anders@duckzone.lu www.duckzone.lu

52, rue de la Gare L-5540 Remich T. (+352) 621 380 740 alinalavrinenko@gmail.com

36, rue des Celtes L-6615 Wasserbillig T. (+352) 691 788 864 jota@formsociety.com www.formsociety.com

1 z.i. Zare L-4384 Ehlerange T. (+352) 621 300 185 gilles@gdesign.lu www.gdesign.lu

3, um Haff L-7650 Heffingen T. (+352) 26 87 04 89 info@gr-ink.eu www.gr-ink.eu

26, montée d’Ernzen L-7636 Ernzen T. (+352) 691 620 720 julieconrad.design@gmail.com www.julieconrad.lu

19, rue Jules Wilhelm L-3675 Kayl T. (+352) 691 631 709 lea-schroeder@hotmail.com

225, route de Thionville L-5885 Howald T. (+352) 691 282 785 contact@nocte-leves.lu www.nocte-leves.lu


D’Polster F a b r i k

20, place du Parc L-2313 Luxembourg T. (+352) 27 36 54 43 nbr@nbr.lu www.nbr.lu

3, Millewee L-6850 Manternach T. (+352) 71 07 06 d.polsterfabrik@gmail.com www.polsterei.lu

155, rue de Belvaux L-4026 Esch/Alzette T. (352) 621 662 967 info@prettyforest.com www.prettyforest.com

46, rue Michel Rodange L-7248 Bereldange T. (+44) (0)7736069673 (London studio) marie@silkandburg.lu www.silkandburg.com

rue des Chaux L-5324 Contern T. (+352) 35 88 11 - 277 F. ( +352) 35 8811 - 276 info@stayconcrete.com www.stayconcrete.com

26, rue Michel Rodange L-2430 Luxembourg T. (+352) 27 11 60 16 info@studiodellealpi.com www.studiodellealpi.com

Buttik/shop: Petrusstrasse 19 D-54292 Trier T. (+49) 651 979 033 40 (DE) T. (+352) 661 979 033 (LU) mail@vanhenry.eu www.vanhenry.eu

330, rue de Rollingergrund L-2441 Luxembourg T. (+352) 46 82 1 - 343 outlet.lux@villeroy-boch.com www.villeroy-boch.lu

70, rue du Bois L-8019 Strassen T. (+352) 691 661 744 info@anatoli.lu www.anatoli.lu www.anatoli.bigcartel.com

16 rue de l’Horizon L-5960 Itzig T. (+352) 621 430 926 berglindom@gmail.com www.berglind.lu

21, Avenue de la Liberté L-1931 Luxembourg T. (+352) 691 119 050 contact@stinebulow.com www.stinebulow.com

17, am Bongert L-5413 Canach T. (+352) 621 181 232 contact@nataliezimmer.lu www.nataliezimmer.lu

39, rue Nicolas Mersch L-5861 Fentange T. (+352) 691 840 750 ladybirdshop@gmx.com www.is.gd/ladybird

9, Brillwee L-8274 Kehlen (+352) 661 305 153 mylene@my-image.lu www.my-image.lu

info@patriceparisotto.com www.patriceparisotto.com

18 rue de Mersch L-8181 Kopstal T. (+352) 691 823 808 contact@queenofbrussels.com www.queenofbrussels.com

redwood.vn@gmail.com Redwood by G is on Facebook

Sophi(e) s t i c a t i o n by DeWalQue Sophie

11c, Place du Théâtre L-2613 Luxembourg T. (+352) 26 48 05 21 F. ( +352) 26 48 05 22 info@retrovolver.com www.retrovolver.com

139, rue de Mersch L-7432 Gosseldange T. (+352) 661 128 460 contact@sentinelcity.com www.sentinelcity.com

6B, rue de Luxembourg L-5752 Frisange T. (+352) 691 677 068 sophietication@gmail.com www.sophietication.wix.com /sophiestication

63, rue Gromscheed L-1670 Senningerberg T. (+352) 621 797 394 info@yileste.com www.yileste.com


26, rue Charles de Gaulle L-4459 Soleuvre T. (+352) 691 790 570 chiamanug@yahoo.de

5, In den Kreuzwiesen L-7319 Steinsel T. (+352) 621 360 356 partyinabox.lu@gmail.com www.partyinabox.lu

140, Avenue du X Septembre L-2550 Luxembourg T. (+352) 621 794 481 info@mamieetmoi.com www.mamieetmoi.com

5, rue Pierre Hentges L-1726 Luxembourg T. (+352) 621 753 333 hi@nuvolababy.com www.nuvolababy.com

T. (+352) 661 791 906 studio@popupstudio.eu www.popupstudio.lu

14, Brementrausch L-3317 Bergem T. (+352) 691 362 594 info@zora-li.lu www.zora-li.lu


23, Route de Trèves L-6793 Grevenmacher T. (+352) 26 72 95 45 F. (+352) 75 88 82 info@genoss.lu www.100-luxembourg.lu

1, rue Jos Seyler L-8521 Beckerich T. (+352) 26 62 33 - 42 administration@autisme.lu www.autisme.lu

Z.I. Bombicht | B.P. 54 L-6905 Niederanven T. (+352) 45 29 65-1 kristina@avocado.lu www.avocado.lu

T. (+352) 661 177 841 batards_gourmands@yahoo.com www.batardsgourmands.wix. com/batardsgourmands

14-16, rue Michel Rodange L-2430 Luxembourg T. (+352) 691 995 349 contact@thebelgianbrewery.com www.thebelgianbrewery.com

14, rue Joseph Simon L-9550 Wiltz T. (+352) 95 80 15 1 info@brasseriesimon.lu www.brasseriesimon.lu

CAVES BEISSEL viticulture biologique

30, rue de Clausen L-1342 Luxembourg T. (+352) 691 59 45 17 info@cakebox.lu www.cakebox.lu

9, rue de la Résistance L-5401 Ahn T. (+352) 691 879 771 info@cavesberna.lu www.cavesberna.lu

49, rue de Stadtbredimus L-5408 Bous T. (+352) 621 226 633 gabyjoe@pt.lu

4, rue Aly Duhr L-5401 Ahn T. (+352) 76 00 74 F. (+352) 26 74 77 46 caves.ley.schartz@pt.lu www.privatwenzer.info

4, rue Pierre Gregoire L-4702 Pétange T. (+352) 23 65 17 33 F. (+352) 23 65 20 03 info@cigpetange.lu www.cigpetange.lu

9a, rue Puert L-5433 Niederdonven T. (+352) 26 74 71 08 duhrcam@pt.lu www.diedenacker.lu

12a, Beforterstrooss L-9365 Eppeldorf T. (+352) 691 836 185 friederes@eppelpress.lu www.eppelpress.lu

Moulins de kleinbettingen 8, rue du moulin L-8380 Kleinbettingen T. (+352) 39 84 44 1 mkmoulin@mkmoulin.lu www.mkmoulin.lu www.farinup.com

T. (+352) 621 359 059 hello@foodtruck.lu www.foodtruck.lu

52a, rue de Koerich L-8437 Steinfort T. (+352) 27 62 16 17 F. (+352) 27 62 16 18 genaveh@genaveh.org www.chocolaterie-genaveh.com

4, an der Borreg L-5419 Ehnen T. (+352) 76 02 42 domaine@kohll.lu www.kohll.lu

14, rue Mont Royal L-8255 Mamer (+ 352) 691 313 096 tom@livraison.lu www.livraison.lu

Maison 21 L-9769 Roder T. (+352) 95 84 71 contact@kasselslay.lu www.kasselslay.lu

Maison du Parc Naturel 15, rue de Lultzhausen L-9650 Esch-sur-Sûre T. (+352) 89 93 31 - 1 F. (+352) 89 95 20 info@naturpark-sure.lu www.naturpark-sure.lu www.vumsei.lu

82, route d’Arlon L-8311 Capellen T. (+352) 30 92 32 - 1 F. (+352) 30 51 01 info@ligue-hmc.lu www.ligue-hmc.lu

8, rue Tudor L-6582 Rosport T. (+352) 691 74 25 70 georges.schiltz@tudorsgeeschter.lu www.tudorsgeeschter.lu

70, route d’Esch L-1470 Luxembourg T. (+352) 621 41 67 67 moien@babbelschoul.lu www.babbelschoul.lu

7, rue Alcide de Gasperi L-2981 Luxembourg T. (+352) 42 39 39 - 1 chamcom@cc.lu www.cc.lu

Place d’Armes | B.P. 267 L-1220 Luxembourg T. (+352) 46 49 46 F. (+352) 46 07 01 ask@culture.lu | www.culture.lu info@plurio.net | www.plurio.net

9a, Blvd. du Prince Henri L-1724 Luxembourg T. (+352) 621 491 400 info@dogwalker.lu www.dogwalker.lu

Technoport SA 9, Ave. des Hauts-Fourneaux L-4362 Esch/Alzette (+352) 54 55 80 438 fablablux@technoport.lu www.fablablux.org

8, rue de Holzem L-8232 Mamer (+352) 621 146 426 geryoth@yahoo.com www.gery-oth.lu

29, Blvd G-D Charlotte L-1331 Luxembourg T. (+352) 691 771 745 hello@theimpactory.com www.theimpactory.com

63, rue Kiem L-5337 Moutfort (+352) 691 46 20 21 lalalaphoto@gmail.com www.lalalaphoto.eu

7, rue Alcide de Gasperi L-1615 Luxembourg-Kirchberg T. (+352) 43 62 63 1 info@luxinnovation.lu www.luxinnovation.lu

info@nubs.lu www.nubs.lu

T. (+352) 621 311 467 viviane.bumb@qiphome.com www.qiphome.lu

.l u


g ww. ot ery h -

115, rue Emile Mark L-4620 Differdange T. (+352) 58 77 1 - 1535 tania.brugnoni@differdange.lu www.1535.lu

36, rue de Weiler L-3328 Crauthem caroline@studiomick.com www.studiomick.com

14, Place du parc Logo ÉDITIONS SAINT-PAUL L-2313 Luxembourg

T. (+352) 49 68 68 - 1 editions@binsfeld.lu www.editionsguybinsfeld.lu


T. (+352) 49 93 275 F. (+352) 49 93 580 editions@editions.lu www.editions.lu


5, rue François Faber L-1509 Luxembourg T. (+352) 621 710 929 kontakt@kremart.lu www.kremart.lu

10, rue des Gaulois Luxembourg-Bonnevoie B.P. 728 L-2017 Luxembourg T. (+352) 29 66 18 - 1 F. (+352) 26 18 74 77 office@maisonmoderne.lu www.maisonmoderne.lu

108, rue de l’Alzette L-4010 Esch-sur-Alzette B.P. 367 L-4004 Esch-sur-Alzette T. (+352) 54 64 87 F. (+352) 53 05 34 editions@schortgen.lu www.editions-schortgen.lu

1535°C - Bat. 01 115a, rue Emile Mark L-4620 Differdange (+352) 621 27 02 92 info@zoomeditions.com www.zoomeditions.com


2, rue Christophe Plantin

L-2339 Luxembourg ALTERNATIVES (CMYK)

info@yourshop.lu www.yourshop.lu

2, rue du Fort Olisy L-2261 Luxembourg T. (+352) 26 27 66 200 F. (+352) 26 27 66 242 info@youthhostels.lu www.youthhostels.lu

neurofeedback-luxembourg.com Optimize Your Brain, Improve Your Life!

9, um Schloos L-6830 Berbourg T. (+352) 621 392 776 aromalux@pt.lu www.aromalux.lu

17, rue Jean-Pierre Bausch L-4023 Esch/Alzette T. (+352) 691 870 018 altwies@gmail.com www.neurofeedback-luxembourg.com

1, rue Jacques Santer L-6139 Junglinster (+352) 691 92 40 59 www.purebalance.lu

370, route de Longwy L-1940 Luxembourg T. (+352) 621 647 637 info@spaanywhereanytime.lu www.spaanywhereanytime.lu

We kindly invite all producers, designers and service providers, registered within the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to become a member of ‘lët’z go local ASBL’ . Our yearly membership fee is €65. Lët’z go local ASBL organises a ‘local market’ at least once a year. Participation to our markets is exclusively reserved for our members and subject to availability. To receive a list with our current market participation rates, contact us.

102, rue du Faubourg L-3641 Kayl T. (+352) 621 304 578 bubble.butz@icloud.com bubble butz is on Facebook

crédit photo : Marc Theis

D’Aktualitéit op Däitsch oder op Franséisch.

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LËT’Z GO LOCAL MAGAZINE Issue 02 | Spring/ummer 2014 Published by lët’z go local ASBL

DESIGN / LAYOUT Pretty Forest design + illustration PHOTOGRAPHY Karolina Szatna (unless stated otherwise) TRANSLATIONS Benoît Schmit PRINTED BY Imprimerie Heintz, Petange Printed on PEFC certified paper.

THANK YOU The 2014 Spring edition of the lët’z go local market has been made possible by: Ville de Luxembourg Our 2014 partners: l’Essentiel Good Idea Silicon Luxembourg

CONTACT WRITE TO lët’z go local ASBL 21, Avenue de la Liberté L-1931 Luxembourg or letzgolocal@gmail.com FIND US ONLINE www.letzgolocal.lu www.facebook.com/letzgolocal

Musée national d’histoire et d’art Luxembourg

Marché-aux-Poissons L-2345 Luxembourg www.mnha.lu

T +352 47 93 30-1 Heures d’ouverture: mardi-dimanche 10h-18h

16.05- 13.07.2014

CITY MAG Life in the capital Cultural agenda

URG O B M E X U L F ION. T O P I Y T R I C C S E B H U T REE S F A U O Y * OFFERS vdl.lu e. ail: citymag@ agazine for fre urg. 47 96-41 14. Em d receive the m y of Luxembo an ch g ur Du d bo m an Phone: (+352) Gr xe e l address in Lu addresses in th ur professiona * Valid for the muters: use yo m co er rd bo Cross-

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