Letzgolocal magazine autumn winter 2014

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Anne Faber, Food Creative

Dem Anne säin neit Buch “Anne’s Kitchen: Barcelona, Istanbul, Berlin” ab den 22ten Oktober op englesch an op däitsch erhältlech. www.anneskitchen.lu

Let’s admit it, everyone’s a foodie these days! It’s become the latest hipster tag: people instagram their meals, boast about their food on Facebook, drink craft beer, nibble on kale chips and flock to the newest artisan coffee shop in town. But to me, Luxembourgers are true foodies at heart. In a more natural and rooted kind of way, Luxembourgers have always embraced good quality food. Whenever I come home, I am amazed by the quality and variety of our local produce. You can buy excellent honey, flour, wine, tea, dairy products and meat – all labelled ‘Made in Luxembourg’. Despite Luxembourg’s focus on revenue streams from the financial sector, food production is still growing strong in our country. Younger generations are taking over their longstanding family businesses, using tried and tested production methods while revamping their image and even coming up with new products, like Luxembourgish whisky (p.10). Others are taking inspiration from abroad to launch new food businesses that are slowly revolutionizing Luxembourg’s food scene. Take ‘The Food Truck‘, which is popping up in different locations across the country to serve mobile streetfood (p.24), or Go Gusto, tapping into the health-conscious market with their cold-pressed juices (p.14). What I find so fascinating is that in Luxembourg, we have the opportunity to get to know the people behind these businesses. And lët’z go local encourages this, by giving producers and locals a friendly platform to meet, interact and inspire each other. Already in its third edition, the lët’z go local market proves that local products and initiatives are growing strong, and are here to stay. For this issue, Linda Bos and Karolina Szatna have asked me what Luxembourg would taste like if it were a flavour. For me, it would be the homely taste of freshly baked ‘Quetschentaart‘ (open plum tart).

Komm mer ginn et zou, haut zu daags ass jiddereen en Foodie! Et ass de leschten Hipster Tag: D’ Leit instagrammen hir Moolzechten, téinen op Facebook iwwert hiert Iessen, drénken artisanale Béier, knabbere Kabes Chipsen a stréimen an de neisten artisanale Coffee Shop an der Stad. Mee fir mech sinn d’Lëtzebuerger häerzensecht Foodien. D’Lëtzebuerger hunn nach ëmmer, op eng méi natierlech a verwuerzelt Aart a Weis gutt qualitéits Ernährung ze schätze gewosst. Wann ëmmer ech Heem komme sinn ech nees erstaunt iwwert d’ Qualitéit a Villfältegkeet vun onse lokale Produkter. Et kann een excellenten Hunneg, Miel, Wäin, Téi, Mëllech Produkter a Fleesch hei kafen - all mam Stempel ‘Made in Luxembourg’. Trotz dem Fokus op Revenuesquellen aus dem finanzielle Secteur ass d‘Liewensmëttel Produktioun zu Lëtzebuerg nach ëmmer staark um Wuessen. Déi jonk Generatiounen iwwerhuelen hir laangjäreg Familljebetriber a notzen aalbewäert Produktiouns Methode während se de Profil moderniséieren an esouguer nei Produkter entwéckelen, esou wéi Lëtzebuerger Whisky zum Beispill (p.10). Anerer fannen Inspiratioun am Ausland fir hei mat hirem Betrib déi Lëtzebuerger Iessensszene lues ze revolutionnéieren. Ewéi de ‘The Food Truck’ deen op verschidde Platzen am Land opdaucht fir mobile Streetfood ze zerwéieren (p.24) oder Go Gusto déi mat hire Kal-gepresste Jus’en de gesondheetlechbewosste Maart uginn (p.14). Wat ech besonnesch faszinant fannen ass dat een hei zu Lëtzebuerg d’Geleeënheet huet och d’Leit hannert dëse Betriber kennen ze léieren. An lët’z go Local fiedert dat andeems se eng schéi Plattform schaaft wou Produzenten a lokal Leit sech treffe kënnen interagéieren an sech géigesäiteg inspiréieren. Mëttlerweil an der drëtter Editioun, beweist Lët’z go Local dat lokal Produkter an Initiativë staark wuessen, a wäerte bestoe bleiwen. Fir dës Editioun hunn d’Linda Bos an d’Karolina Szatna mech gefrot wéi Lëtzebuerg da géif schmaache wann et e ‘Goût’ wier. Fir mech wier et den heemleche Goût vun enger frëscher hausmaacher Quetschentaart. 1


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rvices produits et se Labélisez vos bourgeoise ! m d’origine luxe Dans un monde globalisé, l’information sur l’origine d’un produit ou d’une offre de services devient un élément déterminant des choix en matière de consommation. Affichez l’origine de votre savoir faire. Demandez le label Made in Luxembourg ! +352 42 39 39 - 310 label@cc.lu www.made-in-luxembourg.lu Une initiative de la Chambre de Commerce et de la Chambre des Métiers



xxxxx 24/25 May 2014

24/25 May 2014 DE LOKALE MAART @ Grand-Théâtre

14/15 June 2014 lët’z go local goes ‘Marché de Créateurs’ @ MUDAM


xxxxx 1 September 2014

26 June 2014 lët’z go local Awards @ 1535º C

14/15 June 2014 lët’z go local goes Braderie @ Luxembourg city





Cakebox adds sweet flair to Clausen Could you introduce yourself and your company to us? My name is Nelly Pereira and I am the founder of Cakebox, an American inspired pastry shop, specialized in customized cakes. How has your company evolved from the start and what obstacles have you come across during that journey? At first Cakebox was a hobby. I used to create novelty cakes for my family and friends and very soon I realized how Cakebox could evolve in a company. There were quite a few obstacles in the way, like every entrepreneur faces those once in a while, but the two biggest were the legal administration and the financing. I can tell you that I had more than 100 times the opportunity to quit… but I didn’t, nor did the vision of Cakebox fade away! While Cakebox was changing from a project to a company, I had the chance to learn through the difficulties and be ready for the upcoming journey. I’m simply thankful of having learned so much during the set-up time, even if it wasn’t easy.

NAME Nelly Pereira

AGE 30



START OF PROJECT 2012, opening of the shop: 2014


How and when was it when your love for cakes started and and it all came together? How do you resist the temptation working with delicious components on daily basis? Baking in itself started at a very young age. My mother baked amazing deserts and that became my legacy. Somehow through the years, I wanted to explore more the world of sugar-art and that’s how everything started. How do I resist? Honestly? … I don’t. I’m not saying that I’m eating cake all day long but you can’t just do this job if you don’t love cakes… that’s just impossible. If you would be hosting us for dinner, what would your signature dish be? Desert… of course! I would serve you a red berries tiramisu with white chocolate sprinkles. If Luxembourg would be a flavour, how would it taste like? I guess Luxembourg would taste like a ‘tutti frutti’ bowl: colourful and refreshing.

Indian food, Aperolspritz


Kéint Dir Iech an äre Betrib virstellen? Mäi Numm ass Nelly Pereira an ech sinn de Grënner vu Cakebox, en America inspiréierte Buttek spezialiséiert an eenzegaarteg Kuchen. Wei huet äre Betrib sech säit dem Ufank entwéckelt a wat fir Hürden hutt dir op ärem Wee missen iwwerwannen? Am Ufank wor Cakebox en Hobby. Ech hunn neiarteg Kuche fir Frënn a Famill geschaaft an hunn da ganz geschwënn erkannt dat et sech kéint an e Betrib verwandelen. Et gouf eng sëllechen Hürden ewéi all Entrepreneur se wäert begéine mee déi gréisste woren di legal administrativ an d’Finanzéierung. Ech kann Iech soen dat ech 100 mol hätt kéinten opginn... mee ech hunn net, an d’Visioun vu Cakebox ass och ni verschwonnen. Während Cakebox sech aus dem Projet zum Betrib verwandelt huet konnt ech duerch dës Hürde léieren a mech op meng bevirstoend Rees virbereeden. Ech sinn einfach frou an der virbereedungs Phase esou vill geleiert ze hunn, och wann et net einfach wor.


Wei a wéini ass är Léift fir Kuchen entstan a wéi ass dat ganzt zustane komm? Wéi iwwerkomm Dir d’ Versuchung wann Dir all Dag mat esou leckere Komponente schafft? D’Backen un sech huet ganz fréi ugefang. Meng Mamm huet fantastesch Dessert’en gebak an ech hunn dat geierft. Ech hunn iwwert d’Joer einfach wollten d’Welt vun der ZockerKonscht erfuerschen, an dat ass ewéi alles ugefang huet. Wei ech se iwwerkommen? Éierlech? ...guer net. Ech soen elo net dat ech de ganzen Dag Kuch iessen, mee et kann een déi Aarbecht net maache wann ee Kuch net gär huet... Dat ass einfach onméiglech. Wat wier d’Geriicht vun ärer Wiel wann dir ons op d’Moolzecht géift alueden? Dessert natierlech; en roud Bieren Tiramisu mat wäisse Schockela Streiselen. Wa Lëtzebuerg e ‘Goût’ wier, wéi géing et schmaachen? Ech huelen un Lëtzebuerg géif ewéi eng Schossel “Tutti Frutti” schmaachen. Faarweg an erfrëschend.


LOCAL SPIRIT Distillerie Diedenacker Could you introduce yourself and your company to us? We are Camille Duhr and Mariette Merges, both Luxembourgers with our daughters Sarah and Leonie. Camille grew up with his parents and grandparents family business. From a young age he was thrilled about farming, winemaking and arboriculture until he took over the farm and distillery with Mariette. Mariette is working at the farm full time since 2002 and mainly deals with the promotion and marketing of the spirits and liquors as well as managing the office. How has your company evolved from the start and what obstacles have you come across during that journey? In the beginning “an Déidenakesch” was only a farm with a little winemaking and a small distillery. The distillery was then modified bit by bit. The biggest obstacle in our opinion was the fact that spirits have a bit of a negative connotation. We only use high- quality fruit in our distillery where everything is done by hand and the fruit processed without the addition of essences, flavor enhancers or sugar. Thereby we want to achieve that Luxembourgish spirit is considered as a delicacy. This means you take a sip and let it gently flow down your throat while enjoying. Also the new look contributes to make our product more popular amongst the younger generation.

NAME Distillerie Diedenacker / Camille & Mariette Duhr-Merges


177 years (since 1837) / 44 years





FAVORITE FOOD Luxembourgish steak with sauce pinot noir & for the moment an apple mojito


How and when was it when you have been introduced to distillation processes? Can you tell us a little bit more about the first Luxembourgish whisky? Since I was a kid I watched my father at the distillery and later helped with the work and with the tasting. My father always tried new distillations that wouldn’t exist in this form in Luxembourg like our Calvadonven or a pumpkin spirit for example. This is when I thought to myself, why isn’t there a Luxembourgish whisky? We have the grain (Rye), well we have to buy the malt abroad but therefor we have fresh source water in front of the door. The first whiskey was distilled in 2005 with great success and commercialised in 2010 after 5 years aging in our barrels If you would be hosting us for dinner, what would your signature dish be? An apple Mojito to begin with, then a nice piece of luxembourgish beef in a prune sauce reduced with Pinot Noir liquor, and a glass of luxembourgish Pinot Noir. For desert a Tresterparfait and Tresterfoam followed by a Vieux Marc en barrique for digestif.

If Luxembourg would be a flavour, how would it taste like? A perfect blend of a soft Mirabelle, sweet honey, tangy prune, lively cherry, strong Marc and spicy grain exactly like the multiplicity of the nationalities and the countries of origin of the people in Luxembourg.


Kéint Dir Iech an äre Betrib virstellen? Mir, de Camille Duhr an d‘Mariette Merges, allen 2 Lëtzebuerger an eis Meedercher Sarah a Leonie. De Camille ass am Betrib vu sengen Elteren a Grousselteren opgewuess. Vu klengem un, huet hie sech fir d’Landwirtschaft, de Wäin- an Uebstbau begeeschtert an huet dunn am Joer 2000 de Baurebetrib an d’Brennerei zesumme mam Mariette iwwerholl. D’Mariette ass vun 2002 un haaptberufflech dobäi a këmmert sech haaptsächlech ëm d’Vermaarte vun den Drëppen a Liqueuren an de Bürosberäich. Wei huet äre Betrib sech säit dem Ufank entwéckelt a wat fir Hürden hutt dir op ärem Wee missen iwwerwannen? Am Ufank war “an Déidenakesch” just e landwirtschaftleche Betrib mat e bësse Wäibau a Brennerei. No an no ass dunn d’Brennerei méi ausgebaut ginn. De gréissten Obstakel ass an eisen Aen, datt d’Drëppen des ëfteren als negativ duergestallt ginn. An eiser Brennerei, wou nach alles an Handaarbecht erleedegt gëtt, gebrauche mir just héichwäertegt Uebst; verschafft an eisen Drëppen a Liqueuren déi fräi sinn vun Essenzen, Aromaen an Zocker. Doduerch wëlle mir erreechen, datt eng lëtzebuerger Drëpp als Genossmëttel betruecht gëtt. Dat heescht eng Schlupp an de Mond huelen a lues a lues den Hals erof lafe loossen a genéissen. Och den neie Look dréit dozou bäi fir déi Jonk un en ale Produit erun ze féieren. Wei a wéini sidd Dir fir d’éischt mam Wäibau agefouert ginn? Kënnt Dir ons eppes klenges iwwer Lëtzebuerger Whisky erzielen? Ech hu vu klengem un mengem Papp an der Brennerei nogekuckt a spéider och matgeschafft a probéiert. Mäi Papp huet schonn ëmmer nei Bränn ausgeschafft déi et sou zu Lëtzebuerg nach net gi sinn, wéi z.B. de Calvadonven oder eng Kürbisdrëpp. Do hunn ech mir geduecht firwat gëtt et dann zu Lëtzebuerg kee Whisky. Et gëtt Kar (Roggen, Rye), d’Malz muss een zwar am Ausland kafen a Quellewaasser hu mir bei der Hausdier. Deen éischten ass 2005 gebrannt ginn a mat groussem Succès 2010 no 5 Joer Lagerzäit an den Handel komm. Wat wier d’Geriicht vun ärer Wiel wann dir ons op d’Moolzecht géift alueden? En Äppel Mojito fir unzefänken, duerno e gutt Stéck lëtzebuerger Rëndfleesch an enger Quetschenzooss reduzéiert mat roudem Pinot Noir Liqueur, als Wäin e lëtzebuerger Pinot Noir, fir Dessert en Tresterparfait mat Drauwenzalot an Tresterschaum, als Digestif e Vieux Marc en barrique. Wa Lëtzebuerg e ‘Goût’ wier, wéi géing et schmaachen? E perfekte Mélange aus enger doucer Mirabelle, séissem Hunneg, herber Quetsch, sprëtzeger Kiischt, kräftegem Marc a würzegem Kar, genee sou wéi de Mélange vun Nationalitéiten aus de verschiddenen Ursprongslänner hei zu Lëtzebuerg.


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UNDER PRESSURE Go Gusto introduces cold-pressed juices Could you introduce yourself and your company to us? My name is Vesela Savova Drews, I am a certified Diet and Nutrition advisor. My love for heathy and tasty food and drinks led me to create Go Gusto - Luxembourg’s first coldpressed juice company. Go Gusto offers juice detox boxes with nutritious & delicious raw juices. We are passionately devoted to increase the well-being of our customers by making healthy and tasty cold-pressed juices more accessible. By using only fresh, BIO or locally sourced vegetables and fruits, specifically chosen for their nutritional benefit, we offer juices that will make your body say “Thank You”. >

NAME Vesela & Elliot


29 / 28

NATIONALITY Bulgarian / Bristish



FAVORITE FOOD Marinated vegetables grilled on a wood BBQ, while sipping a cold-pressed spicy lemonade (lemons, coconut water, honey, cayenne pepper). Yes, we are still in a holiday mood! :) 15

How has your company evolved from the start and what obstacles have you come across during that journey? Our original idea was to open a health food bar, specialising in juices and offering vegan specialities. During our research phase we realised that Luxembourg is ready for a business purely web-based, as in other countries. Our love for juices let us to discover the cold-press production method. Coldpressed juice retains more nutrients as fruits and vegetables are not shredded with blades, which exposes the produce to heat that destroys nutritious enzymes, and air that speeds up oxidation. We are now offering the purest and healthiest juice out there. As much as Luxembourg is making effort to improve this, starting a business in Luxembourg is much more difficult that in other countries. The administrative process is very slow and painful and can really be a hindrance for potential entrepreneurs. How and when was it when your love for quality food started and it all came together? Your concept is quiet unique, how was it welcomed in Luxembourg? My journey to a healthy lifestyle started about three years ago. I started with a conscious choice of the foods I was consuming and began reading about the nutritional values and properties of different foods. I was surprised to find out how food can really make or break us. The thing I was mostly shocked about was how I used to not pay attention to the food I was eating, and most importantly that I never really thought about what happens in my body AFTER I ate certain foods. I decided to complete my course to become a certified Diet and Nutrition Advisor. It was then that I discovered the health benefits of juicing. Juicing has transformed my life in the way I look and feel, and has made me even more conscious about my daily food choices. I was delighted with the warm feedback we have received since we created Go Gusto, there is nothing that makes me more happy than the sincere praise of our customers. Juicing is still quite new in Europe, but I see that people are becoming more aware and informed about food, and more open to try new things. We are overwhelmed and grateful for all the love and positive feedback we are getting. If you would be hosting us for dinner, what would your signature dish be? A delicious raw, vegan carrot cake. If Luxembourg would be a flavour, how would it taste like? Like chocolate - sweet and comforting.


Kéint Dir Iech an äre Betrib virstellen? Mäi Numm ass Vesela Savova Drews an ech sinn e qualifizéierten Ernährungs Beroder. Et ass duerch meng Léift fir gesond a schmackhaft Ernährung dat Go Gusto entstanen ass - Go Gusto ass den éischte kal gepresste Friichte Jus Betrib zu Lëtzebuerg. Go Gusto bidd detox Jus Päck mat nahrhaften a schmackhafte réi Jus’en. Mir si leidenschaftlech gewidmet d’Wuelfille vun onse Client’en ze steigeren andeems mir gesond a schmackhaft kal-gepresste Jus’en méi accessibel maachen. Andeems mir nëmme Bio oder lokal Geméiss a Friichte fir hire Nährwert benotzen, schaafe mer Jus’en wou äre Kierper wäert “Merci” soen. Wei huet äre Betrib sech säit dem Ufank entwéckelt a wat fir Hürden hutt dir op ärem Wee missen iwwerwannen? Ons éischt Iddi wor et eng health food Bar ze eröffnen déi Jus a Vegan Spezialitéiten ubitt. Während onse Recherchen hu mer dann erkannt dat Lëtzebuerg bereet ass fir e reng Web baséierte Business, wei et och an anere Länner de Fall ass. Duerch ons Léift fir Jus hu mir d’kal-press produktiouns Method entdeckt. Kal gepresste Jus enthält méi Nährstoffer well d’ Friichten a Geméis net vu Kléngen zerschreddert gi woubäi Hëtzt entsteet déi di nahrhaft Enzymer zerstéiert a Loft déi d’Oxidatioun verschnellert. Mir bidde bei wäitem de pursten a gesondste Jus un. Esou vill drun geschafft gëtt fir et ze änneren ass et ewell fill méi schwéier zu Lëtzebuerg e Betrib ze grënnen ewéi an anere Länner. Déi Administrativ Prozeduren si ganz lues an dat ka fir munche potentiellen Entrepreneur eng Behënnerung duerstellen.

Wei a wéini ass är Léift fir qualitéits Ernährung entstan a wéi ass dat ganzt zustane komm? Äert Konzept ass zimlech eenzegaarteg, wéi ass et zu Lëtzebuerg begréisst ginn? Meng Rees an e gesonde Liewensstil huet virun ongeféier 3 Joer ugefang. Ech hunn domat ugefang mäin Iesse bewosst ze wielen an hu vill iwwer de Nährwaert an Eegenschafte vu verschiddene Liewensmëttel gelies. Ech wor iwwerrascht ze entdecke wéi Ernährung ons mécht oder brécht. Wat mech am meeschte geschockt huet wor wéi wéineg ech opgepasst hunn wat ech Iessen an zemools dat ech mir ni Gedanke gemaach hunn wat mat mengem Kierper geschitt NODEEMS ech verschidde Liewensmëttel giess hunn. Ech hunn entscheed mäin Léiergang ze vervollstännegen an e qualifizéierten Ernährung Beroder ze ginn. Dunn hunn ech di gesondheetlech Virdeeler vum Jus entdeckt. Jus’en hunn mäi Liewe verännert am dem Sënn wei ech ausgesinn a mech fillen an ausserdeem sinn ech elo nach méi bewosst iwwer meng deeglech Ernährungs Wiel. Ech wor erfreet iwwert de gudde Feedback dee mir krute säit mir Go Gusto gegrënnt hunn an et gëtt näischt méi schéines ewéi opriichtege Luef vun onse Client’en. Ons Method Jus ze maachen ass zimlech nei an Europa, mee ech mierken dat d’Leit sech hirer Ernährung ëmmer méi bewosst sinn, sech informéieren an ëmmer méi oppe fir nei Saachen ze schmaachen. Mir si beandrockt an dankbar fir d’Léift an de positive Feedback dee mir kréien. Wat wier d’Geriicht vun ärer Wiel wann dir ons op d’Moolzecht géift alueden. En herrleche réie vegane Muerte Kuch. Wa Lëtzebuerg e ‘Goût’ wier, wéi géing et schmaachen? Ewéi Schokla - Séiss a berouegend


ENG GUTT DRAUF Domaine Viticole Kohll-Leuck Could you introduce yourself and your company to us? We represent the 4th generation of our traditional winemaking company since 2011. Our family business started sales of bottled wine in the 1950’s and we sell it under the name of Kohll-Leuck since the 1970’s. The historical winery was adapted and modernised. We are brothers in law and we have different educations. Luc is a Viticulture technician and Claude is an Analyst Programmer. This way we do have complementary approaches that are beneficial for the quality of our wine. It is important for us to have a product that we can identify with and is tasty for our customers. We love to work with nature and of course the diversity of the job. We make sure there is absolute transparency in our production as everything is done inhouse and thus we can inform our clients in detail. The name Kohll-Leuck stands for the best wine quality from the Moselle region.

NAME Luc Kohll & Claude Scheuren Domaine viticole Kohll-Leuck


60 years (at least)




START OF PROJECT the 4th Generation: since 2011


“Hameschmier” with Riesling wine


How has your company evolved from the start and what obstacles have you come across during that journey? Our business grew from tradition. Our biggest challenge is to get the most out of our vineyards each year. We have a slight climatic disadvantage as our vineyard is situated to the north. So it is very important to keep our ‘know-how’ up to date and to have the latest state of the art technology for our installations. In the future it will be a challenge to market our wines as well as we did so far. There are a lot of ‘nouveau monde’ wines emerging on the luxembourgish market. As a small business we are grateful that the ’lët’z go local’ initiative exists. How and when have you been introduced to winemaking? What differentiates Kohll-Leuck from other wines produced in the region? Luc was born in a winemaker family and raised in the family business. As for Claude it was when he met his wife that he got first introduced to winemaking. He was able to help with the grape harvest and his father in law infected him with his fascination for winemaking. He then went for a training in Trier and now works full-time (as a career changer) in the family business. There’s a clear line within our wine range and they are the ambassadors of our ‘Terroir’. At every stage of the winemaking there are 2 generations passionately involved (from working the soil to making the labels). And all of this you can taste in our products.

If you would be hosting us for dinner, what would your signature dish be? A ‘Mozzarella-Avocado-Mango-Rucola-Salad’ with an orange dressing. Wine suggestion: Pinot gris Kelterberg ‘Charta Privatwënzer’ (Charter group of the Independent Winegrowers of Luxembourg wine), Kohll-Leuck. If Luxemburg would be a flavour, how would it taste like? Luxembourg would taste like our Riesling: mineral, with a lot of fruit and a hint of exotic.

Kéint Dir Iech an äre Betrib virstellen? Mir representéiere säit 2011 déi 4. Generatioun vun eisem traditionelle Wënzerbetrib. An de 50er Joren huet de Familljebetrib ugefangen, de Wäin a Fläschen ze verkafen. Säit der Mëtt vun de 70er Jore gëtt ënnert dem Numm Kohll-Leuck verkaaft. Déi historesch Kellerei zu Éinen gouf ëmgebaut a moderniséiert. Mir si Schwoeren, an hunn verschidden Ausbildungen. De Luc ass “Weinbautechniker” an de Claude ass “Analyste, Programmeur”. Sou sinn ons Approchë komplementar a kommen der Qualitéit vum Wäin zegutt. Wichteg ass eis, dass mir e Produit hunn, mat deem mir ons identifizéiere kënnen a deen eise Cliente schmaacht. Freed mécht eis d’Aarbecht mat der Natur an déi Villfältegkeet vun eisem Beruff. Mir suergen an eiser Produktioun fir eng absolut Transparenz, a well mir alles aus enger Hand maachen, kënne mir de Client genau renseignéieren. Op der lëtzebuerger Musel steet de Numm Kohll-Leuck fir bescht Wäinqualitéit. > 19

Wei huet äre Betrib sech säit dem Ufank entwéckelt a wat fir Hürden hutt dir op ärem Wee missen iwwerwannen? De Betrib ass aus der Traditioun gewuess. Eis gréissten Erausfuerderung ass et all Joer, dat bescht aus eise Wéngerten erauszehuelen. Als nërdlech Wäibaugebitt si mir klimatesch liicht benodeelegt. Dofir ass et wichteg eise “Know How” à jour ze halen an dat eis Installatiounen um leschte Stand vun der Technik sinn. An Zukunft wäert et en Challenge sinn, eis Wäiner weiderhin sou gutt ze vermaarten. An leschter Zäit si vill Wäiner aus dem “nouveau-monde”zu Lëtzebuerg ze fannen. Dofir si mir als kleng Entreprise frou, dass et déi flott Initiativ “lët’z go local” gëtt. Wei a wéini sidd Dir fir d’éischt mam Wäibau agefouert ginn? Wat mécht Kohll-Leuk anescht vun anere Wäiner déi an der Géigend produzéiert ginn? De Luc ass als Wënzerjong gebuer, an am Familljebetrib opgewuess. De Claude ass eréischt sou richteg mam Wäin a Kontakt komm, wéi hien seng Fra kenne geléiert hunn. An der Drauwelies huet hien an der Kellerei hëllefen däerfen. Säi Schwéierpapp huet en mat senger Faszinatioun fir de Wäibau ugestach. Dunn huet de Claude eng Formatioun zu Tréier gemaach. Zënter 2007 schaffen hien haaptberufflech (als “Quereinsteiger”) am Familljebetrib. Eis Wäiner hunn eng kloer Linn, a sinn Ambassadeur vun eisem Terroir. Bei eis sin 2 Generatioune bei all Etapp vum Wäinmaache mat Passioun dobäi (vun de Buedembeaarbechtung bis bei den Etiquettage). Dat spigelt sech an eise Produiten zeréck. Wat wier d’Geriicht vun ärer Wiel wann dir ons op d’Moolzecht géift alueden. Eng “Mozzarella-Avocado-Mango-Rucola-Zalot” mat enger Orangenvinaigrette. Wäinempfehlung: Pinot gris Kelterberg Charta Privatwënzer (Kohll-Leuck). Wa Lëtzebuerg e ‘Goût’ wier, wéi géing et schmaachen? Lëtzebuerg géing esou schmaachen, wéi eise Riesling: Mineralesch, mat vill Fruucht an engem Hauch vun Exotik.


THE TERRA FAMILY Growing food and building a community TERRA is an agroecological centre based on the Eicherfeld, conceived in March 2014 by Pit Reichert, Marko Anyfandakis and Sophie Pixius. Within weeks, it transformed from an on-paper concept into a lush permaculture site located in a traditional orchard, with multi-cultured veggie beds, herb and shrub spaces, and lush flowerbeds. Currently the Eicherfeld feeds about 300 people in an around the city of Luxembourg with sustainably grown produce from its own soils. Marko, Pit and Sophie had not only quality food in mind while working on TERRA, but they also wanted to build sustainable and resilient distribution channels on a local level that creates flourishing communities and ecosystems, according to the permaculture principles of Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share. This new concept that underlies the project, was very well received in Luxembourg, spreading rapidly mouth to mouth, from the circles of the Transition Movement and social media, to people living close to the Eicherfeld. We met a number of TERRA members during the weekly pick-up @ Bouneweger Stuff. It truly was a versatile crowd, but with one thing in common; all care and want to know where their food comes from and under which conditions it has been grown. It was also clear that they want to support local agriculture and help to make the world a more sustainable place. We asked them what they plan to cook with the veggies they got today.


TERRA ass en agroecologeschen Zentrum um Eecherfeld deen et vu Mäerz 2014 un gëtt säit de Marko Anyfandakis an d’Sophie Pixius et geschafen hunn. Banne Wochen huet et sech vun engem Konzept um Pabeier zu engem üppegem Permacultur Site verwandelt dee sech an engem traditionelle Gaart mat multi kultivéierte Geméisbeeten, Platz fir Kraider a Streech esou wéi üppeg Blummebeeter befënnt. Am Ablack fiddert d’Eecherfeld ëm déi 300 Leit bannen a baussen der Stad mat nohalteg ugebaute Produkter aus eegenem Buedem. De Marco, Pit an d’Sophie wore net nëmmen op schmackhaft qualitéits Ernährung aus wou se TERRA gegrënnt hunn, mee wollten nohalteg a flexibel Distributiouns Weeër schafen déi bléiend Gemeinschaften an Ökosystemer no de Prinzipe vun der Permacultur, Äerd Schutz, Fleeg vun de Leit a gerecht deele harmonéieren. Dëst neit Konzept dat TERRA ënnerläit gouf ganz gutt zu Lëtzebuerg begréisst, huet sech schnell vu Mond zu Mond verstreet, vu Leit aus de Kreesser vum Transitiouns Mouvement a Sozial Medien bis zu de Leit déi no beim Eecherfeld liewen. Mir sinn enger sëllechen TERRA Matglieder während hirem wöchentlechen Ofhuelen an der Bouneweger Stuff begéint. Et wor eng richteg villsäiteg Meng mat engem Zesummenhang; all woren se sech bewosst wou hir Liewensmëttel hier kommen an ënnert wat fir Bedingungen et erzeegt gouf. Et wor och kloer dat se lokal Wirtschaft ënnerstëtzen an enger nohalteger Welt zoudroe wëllen. Mir hunn d’Chance genotzt se ze froe wat se da mat hirem Geméis wëlles hunn.

Tiago is a member from day one and eager to discover veggies he didn’t eat yet before. Den Tiago dee säit dem éischten Dag e Matglied wor ass äifreg Geméis ze fannen dat hie ni virdru geschmaacht huet.

Lautaro picked up his veggies by bike. He will turn the chinese cabbage into ‘Kimchi’. De Lautaro huet säi Geméis mam Vëlo ofgeholl. Hie wäert säi Chinesesche Kabes a ‘Kimchi’ verwandelen.

Saturday 27 September 10:00 - 12:00 Pick-up day @ Bouneweger Stuff.

Michaela is doing her third pick-up Today. She plans to make a plum cake, roast celery and a soup. D’Michaela hellt haut fir d’drëtt Geméis of. Si plangt e Friichtekuch, geréischtert Zellerie an Zopp ze maachen.

Christian has been part of the Terra family from the very first beginnning. He likes the fact that one is able to visit the TERRA field. De Christian dee vum Ufang un e Matglied ass fënnt et groussaarteg dat hien d’Méiglechkeet huet d’Feld och ze besichen.

When Bernard and Jessica discover veggies they have not prepared before, they search the net for inspiration and recepies. Wann de Bernard an d’Jessica Geméis fanne wat se nach ni virdru gekacht hunn sichen se Inspiratioun a Rezepter um Internet.

Today was the first pick-up for Joanna. She’ll turn a part of her veggies into juice. Haut wor di éischte Kéier dat d’Joanna Geméis ofgeholl huet. Si wäert Jus draus maachen.


TASTY LUXEMBURGERS made by the Food Truck Could you introduce yourself and your company to us? My name is Kim Conrardy, I’m the initiator of The Food Truck Company. The company has been created in june 2013 and since then we’re hitting the streets of Luxembourg-City with our authentic american Food Truck. We are the first company in Luxembourg offering this kind of service. We only use local products for our fresh burgers and bagels. How has your company evolved from the start and what obstacles have you come across during that journey? After launching the truck, we also started a shop-in-shop, called The Foodie’s, located inside Trombar (Rives de Clausen). We had some very exciting events, we learned a lot. I think that the hardest part is to handle the negative and positive comments from our customers, my partners as well as the team. We made many changes in order to adapt our service to our daily locations and to the events.

NAME Kim Conrardy

AGE 32

NATIONALITY Luxembourgish



FAVORITE FOOD&DRINK Taco from Mexicue in NYC and Starbuck’s latte macchiato with vanilla

How and when was it when your love for quality food started and it all came together? Your concept is quiet unique, how was it welcomed in Luxembourg? Latest when raising a child, you start to think about what to get at the supermarket/local shops. It is your choice to inform yourself about the products that you put in your trolley. When starting the Truck it was clear from the beginning that we would only use local products and to analyze our sources. I want to know where our items come from and how they are treated during production. The impact of the Truck was much bigger than we imagined. Many medias were interested in our concept and customers are still coming from every edge of the country to visit us. If you would be hosting us for dinner, what would your signature dish be? Our signature dish is the ‘Dude Burger’, people are crazy about this one. It is the biggest burger on the menu, composed of: Burger bun, pure beef paddy, homemade burger sauce, bacon, cheddar cheese, egg and onions. You can get this one as a triple version... on request only. If Luxembourg would be a flavor, how would it taste like? For me it would be like our “LuxemBurger”, which is the traditional dish “Judd mat Gaardebounen” revisited as a burger. That’s also how I imagine the country: traditional with a modern touch.


Wat wier d’Geriicht vun ärer Wiel wann dir ons op d’Moolzecht géift alueden. Onse Klassiker, den Dude Burger. D’Leit si geckeg dono. Et ass de gréisste Burger um Menu a besteet aus Burger Brout, pur Rëndfleesch, hausgemaachter Burger Zooss, Speck, Cheddar Kéis, Ee an Ënnen. Et kritt een dat och als dräifach Versioun... awer nëmmen op Ufro. Wa Lëtzebuerg e ‘Goût’ wier, wéi géing et schmaachen? Fir mech wier dat ewéi onse ‘LuxemBurger’ onst National Geriicht als Burger erëmerfonnt. Esou gesinn ech och Lëtzebuerg: Traditionell mat engem hauch vu modern.

Kéint Dir Iech an äre Betrib virstellen? Mäi Numm ass Kim Conrardy, ech sinn den Initiator vun The Food Truck Company. De Betrib ass am Juni 2013 geschafe ginn a zënter hier si mir mat onsem authenteschen amerikaneschen Food Truck op de Stroossen vun der Stad. Mir sinn den éischte Betrib zu Lëtzebuerg deen dës Zort u Service ubitt. Mir benotze nëmme lokal Produkter fir ons frësch Burger’en a Bagels. Wei huet äre Betrib sech säit dem Ufank entwéckelt a wat fir Hürden hutt dir op ärem Wee missen iwwerwannen? Nodeems mir den Truck lancéiert hunn, hu mir nach e shopin-shop gestart dee The Foodie’s geheescht huet an an der Trombar wor (Rives de Clausen). Mir haten e puer spannend Evenementer a hu villes geléiert. Ech denken de schwéiersten Deel wor et mat de positiven a negative Kommentare vun onse Client’en, Partner an Team eenz ze ginn. Mir hu vill Verännerunge gemaach fir onse Service un deegleg Platzen an Evenementer unzepassen. Wei a wéini ass är Léift fir qualitéits Ernährung entstan a wéi ass dat ganzt zustane komm? Äert Konzept ass zimlech eenzegaarteg, wéi ass et zu Lëtzebuerg begréisst ginn? Spéitstens wann een e Kand opzitt fänkt een un sech Gedanken ze maachen iwwert wat een am Supermarché soll kafen. Et ass d’Wiel sech ze informéieren wat een esou an de Caddie mécht. Wou ech den Truck ugefang hunn wor et vu fir era kloer dat mir nëmme lokal Produkter verwennen an ons Quellen analyséiere wëllen. Ech well wëssen wou eis Artikelen hier kommen a wei se während de Produktioun behandelt ginn. Den Impakt vum Truck wor méi grouss ewéi ech mir virgestallt hat. Vill Medie woren un onsem Konzept interesséiert an d’Clientèle kënnt nach ëmmer vun alle Säite vum Land fir ons. 26

Blau = PMS 801U Gelb = PMS 108U Rot = PMS 032U Schrift = 75% Noir

Waldorfschoul Lëtzebuerg

Blau = 43% Gelb = 17 Rot = 63% Schrift = 7

MINDFUL AUTUMN APPETIZERS In the kitchen with Linda from Orla Collective Orla Collective is an online magazine & community based in Luxembourg. It is a place for inspiration and exchange to happen, happily involving people who are interested in more mindfulness and compelling things to be shared: DIY, eco-friendly inspiration, local people and businesses, healthy tips and of course, an abundance of yummy recipes. At Orla, we truly believe that food brings people together and can be used to share love and connect and inspire people to cook with the seasons! www.orlacollective.com

Den Orla Kollektiv ass en online Magazin & Gemeinschaft aus Lëtzebuerg. Et ass eng Platz fir Inspiratioun an Austausch a bedeelegt gäre Leit déi sech fir méi Bewosstheet interesséieren an och gären deelen: DIY, Öko-frëndlech Inspiratioun, lokal Leit a Betriber, gesond Tipps a natierlech eng sëlleche lecker Rezepter. Bei Orla si mir iwwerzeegt dat Iessen d’Leit verbënnt a benotzt ka gi fir Léift a Connectiounen ze deelen, an och d’Leit ze inspiréiere mat de Joereszäiten ze kachen! www.orlacollective.com

Linda Dieschbourg is one of the initiators of Orla Collective and active as a graphic designer and illustrator under the name ‘DISH’. We asked her to come up with a recepy using fresh ingredients straight out of TERRA’s garden (p.22). She prepared us a trio of tasty vegan and gluten-free appetizers.

D’Linda Dieschbourg ass eent vun de Grënner vum Orla Kollektiv an ass och als Graphiker an Illustrateur an hirem Studio ‘DISH’ aktiv. Mir hunn et gefrot ons e Rezept mat frëschen Ingredienter aus dem TERRA Gaart (p.22) ze ginn a Si huet ons en Trio vu lecker vegan a Gluten-fräien Entréeë gemaach.

A soup with apple? This might sound strange, but don’t get it wrong, this is a really tasty, warming soup that’s just perfect for the season.

There’s more to pumpkin than soup. Give these mouth watering croquettes a try! These little spicy bites bring the best flavours out of this seasonal vegetable.

This is our take into the ultimate and most popular kale recipe. These kale chips taste so good they might make you forget about greasy potato chips!

Eng Zopp mat Apel? Dat kéint komesch klénge mee iert Iech net, dat ass eng richteg schmackhaft häerzhaft Zopp, einfach perfekt fir dës Joereszäit.

Kürbis huet esou vill méi ze bidden ewéi Zopp. Probéiert emol dës lecker Krocketten! Dës kleng wierzeg Häppercher erhiewen di beschte Geschmaacher aus dësem Saisons Geméiss.

Dat ass ons Versioun vun engem äusserst populäre Kabes Rezept. Dës Kabes Chipse schmaachen esou gutt dat Dir di fetteg Grompere Chipsen (vläicht) vergiesse wäert!





• 4 tbsp butter or margarine • 1 large sweet onion, finely chopped • 1 large potato, peeled and chopped • 2 medium apples, peeled, cored, and chopped • 4 medium parsnips, peeled and chopped • 4 cups veggie broth • 1/8 tsp ground clove • 1/8 tsp nutmeg • 1/2 cup soy or oat cream • salt and pepper, to taste • chopped spring onion • chilli flakes

• 4 cups diced pumpkin • 1 tsp coconut oil • 1/2 cup kale torn into bite sized pieces • 1 small red onion • 1 tbsp coconut flour • 2 tbsp ground flaxseed • 1 tbsp chia seeds • 1 tbsp sesame seeds • salt and pepper to taste • 1/2 tsp cumin powder • 1/2 tsp ground turmeric • 1 tsp chilli powder or half a fresh chilli, chopped very finely

• 3/4 cup cashews, soaked in water for 1 hour and drained • 1 bunch kale, washed and dried, cut into chip sized pieces • 1/2 red bell pepper, stem and seeds removed, chopped into large pieces • 1 clove garlic, peeled • 1 tablespoon soy sauce • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1/3 cup nutritional yeast •1 lemon, peeled, cut into wedges, and de-seeded as much as possible.

PREPARATION 1. Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium-low heat. Add onions and saute until softened but not browned, about 8 minutes. 2. Add potato, apples and parsnips; stir in veggie broth and spices. Increase heat to bring soup to a boil, then reduce back to medium low and simmer, covered, until vegetables and apples are very soft, about 30 minutes. 3. Puree in batches, or using an immersion blender. Stir in cream and season well with salt and pepper. 4. Serve it in little containers such as small jars or tiny bowls. Top with spring onion and chilli flakes. Enjoy!


PREPARATION 1. Pre-heat oven to 200ºC 2. Heat coconut oil in a large pan, and cook kale and onion till wilted, for about 5 minutes. 3. Coat pumpkin with a bit of oil and bake it for 45-60 minutes or until tender. 4. When cool, process or blend pumpkin until smooth, then gently mix in coconut flour, flaxseed, chia seeds and sesame seeds. Stir in salt, pepper, chilli, cumin and turmeric 5. Cradle a tablespoon sized amount of pumpkin mix in your palm, then press in a few pieces of kale 6. Use a little bit more mix to cover the kale, and continue to make croquettes until finished 7. Bake for 15 minutes on an oven tray until firm. 8. Serve on a plate with a little bowl of dip in the middle. We recommend mirabelle chutney! spring onion and chilli flakes.

PREPARATION 1. Preheat oven to 70°. Line several baking sheets with parchment paper. 2. Add the cashews, red pepper, garlic, soy sauce, oil, and nutritional yeast to a food processor. Scoop the flesh from the lemon and add this to the food processor as well. Blend until smooth. 3. In a large bowl, combine kale and cashew paste, making sure kale is evenly coated. Place kale pieces on baking sheets allowing space between each piece so they do not touch or overlap. This will take more than one batch, so reserve any remaining kale and refrigerate, covered, until first batch has finished baking. 4. Bake kale until crisp and completely dry, it should take about 1 hour. Check kale periodically. Chips will be ready when crunchy and stiff and topping doesn’t feel chewy or moist.




• 4 Iessläffel Botter oder Margarine • 1 Grouss séiss Ënn, fein gehackt • 1 grouss Gromper, geschielt an a kleng Stécker geschnidden • 2 mëttel Äppel, geschielt, entkaert, an a kleng Stécker geschnidden • 4 mëttel Pastinaken, geschielt an a kleng Stécker geschnidden • 4 Tasen, Geméis Bouillon • 1/8 Kaffisläffel Nelken • 1/8 Kaffisläffel Muskat Noss • 1/2 Taass Soja oder Huewer Crème • Salz a Peffer fir oofzeschmaachen • Lauchzwiwel, gehackt • Chilli Floken

• 4 Tase gewierfelte Kürbis • 1 Kaffisläffel Kokosnoss Ueleg • 1/2 Taass Kabes, a kleng Stécker gerappt • 1 kleng roud Ënn • 1 Iessläffel Kokosnoss Miel • 2 Iessläffel gemuele Leinsamen • 1 Iessläffel Chia Kären • 1 Iessläffel Sesam Kären • Salz a Peffer fir oofzeschmaachen • 1/2 Kaffisläffel Kreizkümmel Polver • 1/2 Kaffisläffel Kurkuma Polver • 1 Kaffisläffel Chilli Polver oder en halven ganz reng gehackte Chilli

• 3/4 Taass Kaschu Nëss, 1 Stonn am Waasser zappe loossen dann entwässeren. • E Bouquet Kabes, gewäsch a gedréchent, a Chipse Gréisst Stécker geschnidden. • 1/2 Roude Paprika, Still a Kären entfernt, a grouss Stécker gehackt. • 1 Zéif Knuewelek, geschielt • 1 Iessläffel Soja Zooss • 2 Iessläffel Oliven Ueleg • 1/3 Taass Ernährungs Hief • 1 Zitroun, geschielt a Stécker geschnidden an esou gutt ewéi méiglech entkäert.

ESOU GETT ET GEMAACH ESOU GETT ET GEMAACH 1. De Botter an engem groussen Dëppen op mëttel Hëtzt schmëlze loossen. Ënne bäiginn a réischtere bis se mëll si mee net brong ginn, ongeféier 8 Minutten. 2. D’ Gromperen, Äppel a Pastinake bäiginn; gitt de Bouillon an d’ Gewürzer dozou. 3. D’Hëtzt erhéije bis d’Zopp kacht an nees op mëttel bis déif reduzéieren a mat engem Deckel simmere loosse bis d’Geméis an d’Äppel mëll sinn, ongeféier 30 Minutten. 4. Servéiert a klenge Schosselen. Mat Lauchzwiwel a Chilli garnéieren an zerwéieren. Genéisst!

1. Den Uewen op 200ºC hëtzen 2. De Kokosnoss Ueleg an enger grousser Pan erhëtzen, de Kabes an Ënn ongeféier 5 Minutte kache bis e verwielecht ass. 3. De Kürbis mat e bëssi Ueleg bestraichen a 45-60 Minutte bake bis en zaart ass. 4. Wann e bis ofgekillt ass de Kürbis am Mixer püréiere bis e geschmeideg gëtt a lues d’ Kokosnoss Miel, Leinsamen, Chia Kären a Sesam Kären dozou mixen. Salz, Peffer, Chilli, Kreizkümmel a Kurkuma aréieren. 5. Eng Noss (Kaffisläffel) vum Kürbismix an d’Hand huelen an op e puer Stécker Kabes drécken. 6. Elo nach e bëssi vum Mix benotze fir déi aner Säit vum Kabes ze bedecken, a weider Krockette maache bis kee Mix méi do ass. 7. 15 Minutten am Uewen op enger Tablette bake bis se fest sinn. 8. Op engem Teller mat enger klenger Schossel mat Zooss zerwéieren. Mir empfiele Mirabellen Chutney!

ESOU GETT ET GEMAACH 1. Den Uewen op 70ºC hëtzen. Back Pabeier op e puer Tabletten ausleeën. 2. Kaschu Nëss, roude Paprika, Knuewelek, Soja Zooss, Ueleg an Hief an e Mixer ginn. D’Fruucht Fleesch vun der Zitroun dobäi ginn. Püréiere bis et geschmeideg ass. 1. De Kabes an d’Kaschu Paste an enger grousser Schossel mixe bis de Kabes gläichméisseg bestrach ass. D’Stécker Kabes op de Back Pabeier leeën a genuch Platz dotescht loossen dat se sech net upaken oder iwerlappen. Dir wäert dat an e puer Ronne musse baken, also leet de Rescht vum Kabes an de Frigidaire bis déi éischt Ronn fäerdeg ass. 4. D’Chipse bake bis se knuspereg a komplett gedréchent sinn, dat misst em eng Stonn daueren. Vun Zäit zu Zäit no de Chipse kucken. Se si prett wann se knuspereg, fest sinn an de Belag net méi zéi oder fiicht ass.


1 27 50

7 34

52 74

14 35


36 61

76 90

15 40



85 93


100 79 46 18 65


4 23

29 19 54

30 101

75 45 44 99


43 73

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63 83



89 97

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Ben&Pepper carvalho architects Defijob (Jailbird) Duckzone Eclairage Rolf Schmitt Enshadow E/UND Form Society g design GR-INK Julie Conrad Design Studio Lea Schroeder nocte leves Norbert Brakonier Nosybob D’Polster Fabrik PRETTY FOREST Silk&Burg stayconcrete Studio delle Alpi vanHenry interiors & colours Villeroy & Boch

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Anatoli Atelier Verraille Beads in Lux Berglind Clothing Bülow jewellery bySiebenaler Créations Zim Nat ladybird My Image Patrice Parisotto Queen of Brussels Redwood by G Retrovolver Sell it like soap Sentinel City Yileste

39 40 41 42 43 44 45

CreaManu Mamie et Moi Nuvola Baby Party in a Box POPUP studio Sophi(e)stication zora&li shop

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

100% luxembourg Autisme Luxembourg Avocado.lu Les Bâtards Gourmands The Belgian Brewery Brasserie Simon Cakebox Caves Berna Caves Beissel Caves Ley-Schartz Distillerie Diedenacker Eppelpress Farin’UP the Food Truck Chocolaterie Génaveh Go Gusto Domaine viticole Kohll-Leuck Letzebuerger Stad Brauerei Livraison.lu LigueHMC Manoir Kasselslay Produkter vum Séi Seabiscuit Terra Tudorsgeeschter

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

1535˚C Babbelschoul Chambre de Commerce Culture.lu / Plurio.net Denicheuse.com Dogwalker.lu Fab Lab Luxembourg Gery Oth ikri8 Art atelier The Impactory jess photography LaLa La photo Luxinnovation LUXWEDDING Nubs Studio Mick Your Bartender Yourshop.lu Youth Hostels

90 91 92 93 94 95 96

éditions guy binsfeld Janette Magazine Kremart édition Maison Moderne éditions Saint Paul éditions Schortgen Zoom éditions

97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105

A fleur de peau Brain Training Bubble Butz Essential Factory Lili’s Bubble Dreams Minéraux Guy Breyer Orla Collective Pure Balance Spa Anywhere Anytime


21, Avenue de la Liberté L-1931 Luxembourg T. (+352) 26 19 61 94 hello@benandpepper.com www.benandpepper.com

115 A, rue Emile Mark L-4620 Differdange T. (+352) 26 62 21-1 www.carvalhoarchitects.com Eclairage! Rolf Schmitt ! S.àr.l. !

Maison 26, L-6666 Givenich T. (+352) 74 94 94 / (+352) 74 04 60 303 F. (+352) 74 07 08 defijob@apgiv.etat.lu www.jailbird.lu




28a, rue des Romains L-8041 Strassen T. (+352) 621 392 167 anders@duckzone.lu www.duckzone.lu

zone artisanale! Gehaansräich! L-6187 Gonderange! tél:789888

52, rue de la Gare L-5540 Remich T. (+352) 621 380 740 alinalavrinenko@gmail.com

T. (+352) 621 693 224 tiziana.nardini@me.com www.pinterest.com/eundluxembourg

36, rue des Celtes L-6615 Wasserbillig T. (+352) 691 788 864 jota@formsociety.com www.formsociety.com

1 z.i. Zare L-4384 Ehlerange T. (+352) 621 300 185 gilles@gdesign.lu www.gdesign.lu

3, um Haff L-7650 Heffingen T. (+352) 26 87 04 89 info@gr-ink.eu www.gr-ink.eu

26, montée d’Ernzen L-7636 Ernzen T. (+352) 691 620 720 julieconrad.design@gmail.com www.julieconrad.lu

19, rue Jules Wilhelm L-3675 Kayl T. (+352) 691 631 709 lea-schroeder@hotmail.com


225, route de Thionville L-5885 Howald T. (+352) 691 282 785 contact@nocte-leves.lu www.nocte-leves.lu


20, place du Parc L-2313 Luxembourg T. (+352) 27 36 54 43 nbr@nbr.lu www.nbr.lu

42-44, Avenue de la Gare L-1610 Luxembourg T. (+352) 621 542 705 www.nosybob.com

D’Polster F a b r i k

3, Millewee, L-6850 Manternach T. (+352) 71 07 06 d.polsterfabrik@gmail.com www.polsterei.lu

155, rue de Belvaux L-4026 Esch/Alzette T. (352) 621 662 967 info@prettyforest.com www.prettyforest.com

46, rue Michel Rodange, L-7248 Bereldange T. (+44) (0)7736069673 (London studio) marie@silkandburg.lu www.silkandburg.com

rue des Chaux L-5324 Contern T. (+352) 35 88 11 - 277 F. ( +352) 35 8811 - 276 info@stayconcrete.com www.stayconcrete.com

26, rue Michel Rodange L-2430 Luxembourg T. (+352) 27 11 60 16 info@studiodellealpi.com www.studiodellealpi.com

Buttik/shop: Petrusstrasse 19 D-54292 Trier T. (+49) 651 979 033 40 (DE) T. (+352) 661 979 033 (LU) mail@vanhenry.eu www.vanhenry.eu

330, rue de Rollingergrund L-2441 Luxembourg T. (+352) 46 82 1 - 343 outlet.lux@villeroy-boch.com www.villeroy-boch.lu



70, rue du Bois L-8019 Strassen T. (+352) 691 661 744 info@anatoli.lu www.anatoli.lu www.anatoli.bigcartel.com

26, rue Rénert L-4992 Sanem T. (+352) 59 32 19 atelier@verraille.lu www.verraille.lu

T. (+352) 621 377 491 info@beadsinlux.com www.beadsinlux.com

16 rue de l’Horizon L-5960 Itzig T. (+352) 621 430 926 berglindom@gmail.com www.berglind.lu

21, Avenue de la Liberté L-1931 Luxembourg T. (+352) 691 119 050 contact@stinebulow.com www.stinebulow.com

T. (+352) 691 68 55 59 info@bysiebenaler.com bysiebenaler.com

17, am Bongert L-5413 Canach T. (+352) 621 181 232 contact@nataliezimmer.lu www.nataliezimmer.lu

39, rue Nicolas Mersch L-5861 Fentange T. (+352) 691 840 750 ladybirdshop@gmx.com www.is.gd/ladybird

9, Brillwee L-8274 Kehlen (+352) 661 305 153 mylene@my-image.lu www.my-image.lu

info@patriceparisotto.com www.patriceparisotto.com

18 rue de Mersch L-8181 Kopstal T. (+352) 691 823 808 contact@queenofbrussels.com www.queenofbrussels.com

T. (+352) 691 262 669 redwood.vn@gmail.com www.redwood-by-g.com

11c, Place du Théâtre L-2613 Luxembourg T. (+352) 26 48 05 21 F. ( +352) 26 48 05 22 info@retrovolver.com www.retrovolver.com

21, Avenue de la Liberté L-1931 Luxembourg T. (+352) 621 214 761 hello@sellitlikesoap.com www.sellitlikesoap.com

139, rue de Mersch L-7432 Gosseldange T. (+352) 661 128 460 contact@sentinelcity.com www.sentinelcity.com

63, rue Gromscheed L-1670 Senningerberg T. (+352) 621 797 394 info@yileste.com www.yileste.com


26, rue Charles de Gaulle L-4459 Soleuvre T. (+352) 691 790 570 chiamanug@yahoo.de

140, Avenue du X Septembre L-2550 Luxembourg T. (+352) 621 794 481 info@mamieetmoi.com www.mamieetmoi.com

5, rue Pierre Hentges L-1726 Luxembourg T. (+352) 621 753 333 hi@nuvolababy.com www.nuvolababy.com

5, In den Kreuzwiesen L-7319 Steinsel T. (+352) 621 360 356 partyinabox.lu@gmail.com www.partyinabox.lu

Sophi(e) s t i c a t i o n by DeWalQue Sophie

T. (+352) 661 791 906 studio@popupstudio.eu www.popupstudio.lu

6B, rue de Luxembourg L-5752 Frisange T. (+352) 691 677 Â 068 sophietication@gmail.com www.sophietication.wix.com /sophiestication

14, Brementrausch L-3317 Bergem T. (+352) 691 362 594 info@zora-li.lu www.zora-li.lu



23, Route de Trèves L-6793 Grevenmacher T. (+352) 26 72 95 45 F. (+352) 75 88 82 info@genoss.lu www.100-luxembourg.lu

1, rue Jos Seyler L-8521 Beckerich T. (+352) 26 62 33 - 42 administration@autisme.lu www.autisme.lu

Z.I. Bombicht | B.P. 54 L-6905 Niederanven T. (+352) 45 29 65-1 kristina@avocado.lu www.avocado.lu

T. (+352) 661 177 841 batards_gourmands@yahoo.com www.batardsgourmands.wix.com/ batardsgourmands

14-16, rue Michel Rodange L-2430 Luxembourg T. (+352) 691 995 349 contact@thebelgianbrewery.com www.thebelgianbrewery.com

14, rue Joseph Simon L-9550 Wiltz T. (+352) 95 80 15 1 info@brasseriesimon.lu www.brasseriesimon.lu

CAVES BEISSEL viticulture biologique

30, rue de Clausen L-1342 Luxembourg T. (+352) 691 59 45 17 info@cakebox.lu www.cakebox.lu

9, rue de la RĂŠsistance L-5401 Ahn T. (+352) 691 879 771 info@cavesberna.lu www.cavesberna.lu

49, rue de Stadtbredimus L-5408 Bous T. (+352) 621 226 633 gabyjoe@pt.lu

4, rue Aly Duhr, L-5401 Ahn T. (+352) 76 00 74 F. (+352) 26 74 77 46 caves.ley.schartz@pt.lu www.privatwenzer.info

9a, rue Puert L-5433 Niederdonven T. (+352) 26 74 71 08 duhrcam@pt.lu www.diedenacker.lu

12a, Beforterstrooss L-9365 Eppeldorf T. (+352) 691 836 185 friederes@eppelpress.lu www.eppelpress.lu

T. (+352) 621 359 059 hello@foodtruck.lu www.foodtruck.lu

52a, rue de Koerich, L-8437 Steinfort T. (+352) 27 62 16 17 F. (+352) 27 62 16 18 genaveh@genaveh.org www.chocolaterie-genaveh.com

Moulins de kleinbettingen 8, rue du moulin, L-8380 Kleinbettingen T. (+352) 39 84 44 1 mkmoulin@mkmoulin.lu www.mkmoulin.lu www.farinup.com



info@gogusto.lu www.gogusto.lu

4, an der Borreg L-5419 Ehnen T. (+352) 76 02 42 domaine@kohll.lu www.kohll.lu

Letzebuerger Stad Brauerei 10, Rives de Clausen, L-2165 Luxembourg T. (+352) 42 22 22 info@clausel.lu www.clausel.lu

14, rue Mont Royal L-8255 Mamer (+ 352) 691 313 096 tom@livraison.lu www.livraison.lu

82, route d’Arlon, L-8311 Capellen T. (+352) 30 92 32 - 1 F. (+352) 30 51 01 info@ligue-hmc.lu www.ligue-hmc.lu

Maison 21 L-9769 Roder T. (+352) 95 84 71 contact@kasselslay.lu www.kasselslay.lu

contact@seabiscuit.lu www.seabiscuit.lu

Rue Eicherfeld L-1462 Luxembourg Postal address 10B, rue de Bourgonge L-1272 Luxembourg info@terra-coop.lu www.terra-coop.lu

Maison du Parc Naturel 15, rue de Lultzhausen L-9650 Esch-sur-Sûre T. (+352) 89 93 31 - 1 F. (+352) 89 95 20 info@naturpark-sure.lu www.naturpark-sure.lu www.vumsei.lu

8, rue Tudor L-6582 Rosport T. (+352) 691 74 25 70 georges.schiltz@tudorsgeeschter.lu www.tudorsgeeschter.lu


115, rue Emile Mark L-4620 Differdange T. (+352) 58 77 1 - 1535 tania.brugnoni@differdange.lu www.1535.lu

70, route d’Esch L-1470 Luxembourg T. (+352) 621 41 67 67 moien@babbelschoul.lu www.babbelschoul.lu

Place d’Armes | B.P. 267 L-1220 Luxembourg T. (+352) 46 49 46 F. (+352) 46 07 01 ask@culture.lu | www.culture.lu info@plurio.net | www.plurio.net

29, rue de Luxembourg L-4391 Pontpierre boutique@denicheuse.com T. (+352) 26 55 11 15 F. (+352) 26 17 65 44 www.denicheuse.com

Technoport SA 9, Ave. des Hauts-Fourneaux L-4362 Esch/Alzette T. (+352) 54 55 80 438 fablablux@technoport.lu www.technoport.lu/fablab

8, rue de Holzem L-8232 Mamer T. (+352) 621 146 426 geryoth@yahoo.com www.gery-oth.lu

T. (+352) 621 359 148 info@ikri8.com www.ikri8.com

29, Blvd G-D Charlotte L-1331 Luxembourg T. (+352) 691 771 745 hello@theimpactory.com www.theimpactory.com

16, rue du Cimetière L-8286 Kehlen T. (+352) 621 228 600 hello@jess.lu www.jess.lu

63, rue Kiem L-5337 Moutfort T. (+352) 691 46 20 21 lalalaphoto@gmail.com www.lalalaphoto.eu

7, rue Alcide de Gasperi L-1615 Luxembourg-Kirchberg T. (+352) 43 62 63 1 info@luxinnovation.lu www.luxinnovation.lu

T. (+352) 621 674 502 info@luxwedding.lu www.luxwedding.lu

info@nubs.lu www.nubs.lu

7, rue Alcide de Gasperi L-2981 Luxembourg T. (+352) 42 39 39 - 1 C70M50Y70K60 chamcom@cc.lu C40M0Y100K0 www.cc.lu

.l u


g ww. ot ery h -

9a, Blvd. du Prince Henri L-1724 Luxembourg x T. (+352) 621 491 400 info@dogwalker.lu 10x www.dogwalker.lu 2x 3x 1/2x


Weddings, Corporate Events, Private Parties and other special Events

36, rue de Weiler L-3328 Crauthem caroline@studiomick.com www.studiomick.com

info@yourbartender.lu www.yourbartender.lu

info@yourshop.lu www.yourshop.lu

2, rue du Fort Olisy L-2261 Luxembourg T. (+352) 26 27 66 200 F. (+352) 26 27 66 242 info@youthhostels.lu www.youthhostels.lu

14, Place du parc, L-2313 Luxembourg T. (+352) 49 68 68 - 1 editions@binsfeld.lu www.editionsguybinsfeld.lu

18, rue de l’Aciérie, L-1112 Luxembourg T. (+352) 26 48 03 69 Logo ÉDITIONS SAINT-PAUL F. (+352) 26 48 10 79 abonnement@janette.lu www.janette.lu LOGO CMYK

108, rue de l’Alzette L-4010 Esch-sur-Alzette B.P. 367 L-4004 Esch-sur-Alzette T. (+352) 54 64 87 F. (+352) 53 05 34 editions@schortgen.lu www.editions-schortgen.lu

1535°C - Bat. 01 115a, rue Emile Mark L-4620 Differdange T. (+352) 621 27 02 92 info@zoomeditions.com www.zoomeditions.com


2, rue Christophe Plantin L-2339 Luxembourg T. (+352) ALTERNATIVES (CMYK) 49 93 275 F. (+352) 49 93 580 editions@editions.lu www.editions.lu


5, rue François Faber L-1509 Luxembourg T. (+352) 621 710 929 kontakt@kremart.lu www.kremart.lu

10, rue des Gaulois Luxembourg-Bonnevoie B.P. 728, L-2017 Luxembourg T. (+352) 29 66 18 - 1 F. (+352) 26 18 74 77 office@maisonmoderne.lu www.maisonmoderne.lu


neurofeedback-luxembourg.com Optimize Your Brain, Improve Your Life!

3, rue de Hollerich L-1741 Luxembourg T. (+352) 691 67 86 37 afleurdepeau@gms.lu www.afleurdepeau.lu

9, um Schloos, L-6830 Berbourg T. (+352) 621 392 776 contact@essentialfactory.com www.essentialfactory.com

17, rue Jean-Pierre Bausch L-4023 Esch/Alzette T. (+352) 691 870 018 altwies@gmail.com www.neurofeedback-luxembourg.com

102, rue du Faubourg L-3641 Kayl T. (+352) 621 304 578 bubble.butz@icloud.com bubble butz is on Facebook

hello@orlacollective.com www.orlacollective.com

1, rue Jacques Santer L-6139 Junglinster (+352) 691 92 40 59 www.purebalance.lu

Minéraux | Mineralien

GUY BREYER 370, route de Longwy L-1940 Luxembourg T. (+352) 621 647 637 info@spaanywhereanytime.lu www.spaanywhereanytime.lu


T. (+352) 621 647 637 | 48 44 65 guy.breyer@internet.lu www.morgenstern.co

5, rue Marcel Schintgen L-4889 Lamadelaine T. (+352) 691 910 096 lilianaetfritz@hotmail.com www.bubble-dreams.com

We kindly invite all producers, designers and service providers, registered within the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to become a member of ‘lët’z go local ASBL’ . Our yearly membership fee is €65.

Mir géife gär all Produzenten, Designer a Service Ubidder déi zu Lëtzebuerg ugemellt sinn häerzlech alueden e Member vu ‘lët’z go local ASBL’ ze ginn. Eng jäerlech Mitgliedschaft kascht €65.

Lët’z go local ASBL organises a ‘local market’ at least once a year. Participation to our markets is exclusively reserved for our members and subject to availability. To receive a list with our current market participation rates, contact us.

Lët’z go local ASBL organiséiert wéinstens ee mol d’Joer e Maart. D’Partizipatioun um Maart ass exklusiv fir Memberen reservéiert a gëllt jee no Verfügbarkeet vun de Platzen. Kontaktéiert ons falls Dir gär eng Präislëscht vun den aktuellen Tariffer hätt.

ACCOUNTING AND TAX EXPERTISE BUSINESS CONSULTING HUMAN RESOURCES PAYROLL SERVICES 19, rue de Bitbourg L-1273 Luxembourg T 24 521-1 F 24 521 234 www.gtf.lu

Depuis plus qu’un siècle et en quatrième génération, notre domaine est producteur

Depuis plus qu’un siècle et

de vins d’une qualité

à la hauteur de toute attente.

en quatrième génération, notre domaine est producteur de vins d’une qualité à la hauteur de toute attente.

4, an der Borreg • L-5419 Ehnen • G.-D. de Luxembourg Tél.: (+352) 76 02 42 • Fax: (+352) 76 90 40 www.kohll.lu • domaine@kohll.lu

LËT’Z GO LOCAL MAGAZINE Issue 03 Autumn | Winter 2014 Published by lët’z go local ASBL

DESIGN / LAYOUT PRETTY FOREST design + illustration PHOTOGRAPHY Karolina Szatna p.4/5 Karolina Szatna | Anna Rulecka ILLUSTRATIONS p.30/31 Linda Dieschbourg / DISH TRANSLATIONS Benoît Schmit PRINTED BY Imprimerie Heintz, Petange Printed on PEFC certified paper.

THANK YOU The 2014 Autumn edition of the lët’z go local market has been made possible by:

Our 2014 partners: l’Essentiel Good Idea Silicon Luxembourg

CONTACT WRITE TO lët’z go local ASBL 21, Avenue de la Liberté L-1931 Luxembourg or letzgolocal@gmail.com FIND US ONLINE www.letzgolocal.lu www.facebook.com/letzgolocal


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