Think About the Link
This year the Think About the Link campaign teamed up with actor Ernie Hudson to share the message of the importance of the HPV vaccine to prevent at least six types of cancer. The human papillomavirus causes almost all cervical cancers and is also linked to vaginal, vulvar, penile, anal and oropharyngeal (back of throat) cancers. The HPV vaccine can protect against the virus to Stop Cancer Before It Starts!® Mr. Hudson is best known for his role in the 1984 cult classic Ghostbusters, but he is also a cancer survivor. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1998 and rectal cancer in 2011. In both cases, screening caught his cancer early and increased his likelihood of successful treatment. Mr. Hudson is now cancer-free and is spreading the word on the importance of getting the HPV vaccine to prevent cancer.
“It’s important to me that people know this issue is serious, but prevention is possible.” —Ernie Hudson