Trailer November 2020

Page 8


Woolworths completes $12M facility upgrade Supermarket company, Woolworths, has

before to service our North Queensland

and recover from the challenges of a global

strengthened its supply chain resilience in

stores year-round and in the unfortunate

pandemic and a one in 500 year flood.

Far North Queensland.

event of a natural disaster.”

This is what happens when we create an

Woolworths has upgraded its Townsville

The DC services 39 Woolworths

environment which allows private enterprise

Regional Distribution Centre (DC) following

supermarkets spanning from Sarina

to expand and invest in Townsville.”

the completion of a $12 million expansion.

to Weipa – delivering fresh fruit and

Queensland builder Spaceframe commenced

The DC is double the original footprint at

vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, and groceries

works in December 2019 and employed

10,416 square metres. The company has

from hundreds of suppliers, who have

around 170 workers throughout

also hired an additional 30 team members

generously supported better local range

construction. Following completion,

to boost capacity and service local stores in

availability for North Queensland customers.

Woolworths has extended its lease with

Townsville and Far North Queensland.

“In the lead-up to a natural disaster such

property owner Centuria.

The expanded site can reportedly hold an

as a tropical cyclone, supermarket shelves

Jesse Curtis, Fund Manager for Centuria

additional 435 fresh food and essential

can be stripped bare as residents prepare

Industrial REIT, which owns the DC, said:

product lines.

for impact, and flooding events can see our

“Centuria’s improved facility now provides

“This is a big moment for our local team

region cut off from the rest of the state,”

a cold storage area about the same size as

in Townsville and the broader North

said Townsville Mayor, Jenny Hill.

three tennis courts and the dry-store area

Queensland community,” said Woolworths

“The investment made by Woolworths to

is the equivalent of almost three-and-a-

Group General Manager for Queensland

expand its Townsville distribution centre

half Olympic swimming pools. Centuria’s

Supply Chain, Dale Acton.

means they have more stock available locally

development team spent six months

“Townsville has faced tough times in recent

to replenish stores when needed, which is

overseeing the expansion of this key

years, and we wanted to do our bit to

great news for the community when they’re

distribution centre and we are excited its

aid the economic recovery after the 2019

in recovery mode.”


“Woolworths is an extremely important

officially opened”. The upgrade of the distribution centre

“This project has injected $12 million of

part of our community, employing more

followed a commitment from Woolworths

fresh investment into the region, created 30

than 1,000 people in the Herbert electorate

in February 2019 to invest $20 million

new permanent jobs and will deliver a more

alone,” said Federal Member for Herbert,

in the Townsville store and supply chain

resilient supply chain network for our North

Phillip Thompson.

network. Woolworths delivered a full

Queensland customers.

“Projects like this expansion – and the 30

renewal of its Fairfield Central supermarket

“With the extra space and equipment

new jobs that it brings – are a massive vote

in March 2019 after it had been badly

upgrades, we’re better placed than ever

of confidence in our region as we grow

damaged by the floods.

Far North Queensland’s supply chain benefits from distribution centre upgrades.


Trailer Magazine NOVEMBER 20

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