Good practices for HDD project management Maxibor has established a leading presence in the Australian horizontal directional drilling market through its innovative design, skilled staff, a large fleet of well-maintained rigs, a network of valued suppliers, contractors and broader industry connect plus a strong focus on safety, environment and quality.
verarching this platform is a strong project management process which is applied across the full lifecycle of the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) projects it undertakes. “Applying good practices to the management of HDD projects is essential from when the project information becoming available through to close out meetings,” says Maxibor CEO Rodney O’Meley. “Getting it right from whoa to go is a big part of the success of Maxibor and is reflected in the respectful relationships we have been able to widely build across the trenchless industry and broader infrastructure sector.” So, what are the key elements of good practice project management in the HDD world? They are really no different to those in other parts of project land. However, it is important to have the experience to identify and understand the key matters you need to manage. The vision to identify and realise opportunities will also help optimise project outcomes for all stakeholders. The key areas of good practice project management on HDD projects include:
Geotechnical data Ground conditions are a high-risk area for HDD projects. The ability to interpret geotechnical reports, proximity of bore sampling to designed bore hole alignment and rock strength testing methods used are just some of factors which need to be considered before design and delivery commences. 42 TRENCHLESS AUSTRALASIA SEPTEMBER 2021
Design Most value can be added here. A good design engineer who can understand the relevance of geotechnical data and trenchless calculations is an essential part of the project team. Extensive in-field delivery experience on challenging complex HDD projects is even more valuable. Stephen Loneragan of HDD Engineering ably fits this description and has been a big part in helping successfully deliver HDD projects across the globe. “Understanding client’s needs, technical information and resources to be used to deliver the project are essential to developing and communicating a design and construction methodology which minimises risk and optimises value,” says Mr Loneragan. “By combining extensive field experience to design and engineering at the early project development phase, it has the ability to greatly improve constructability, which ultimately provides lowest cost and importantly, lowest risk outcome for clients.” Commercials The key areas of contractual focus include ensuring the scope reflects what has been
priced, time limits and liquidated and other damages are reasonable and causes of delay and latent conditions are either allowed for in the price as risk or will be allowed causes for time and/or cost variations. Maxibor prepares a contracts departures schedule for each project which facilitates early conversation and a smoother project management process. Risk and opportunity management Maxibor has developed a comprehensive risk and opportunity register which covers the safety, environment, quality and HDD design and delivery risks. The register of risks and opportunities is considered for each project and those more relevant to the project are actively managed. Safety and environment The inclusion of HSEQ personnel in the project management process is essential from the start to the finish. Significant productivity gains can be achieved on the delivery of projects through having people safe, the environment protected, and plant and equipment well maintained and safely operated.