Revision Assignment - Closers

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Princesleah Aguilera WRIT 3330 19 March 2018 Dr. Amy Clements Revision Assignment #3 – Closers Summary of Chapter Trimble’s “Closers,” chapter from Writing with Style begins with the metaphor of a student writing a conclusion to a capital-punishment and an internal mental fight between what the student thinks and what their conscience and common sense believe. Trimble explains and emphasizes the importance of writing the conclusion/closer with the common thought that a writer holds on to when debating on whether or not they should write a conclusion is the fact that the reader will mostly remember the ending the most out of the entire reading. He continues to explain the writer’s usual thoughts when they’re writing their conclusions. They tend to freeze and think of the redundancy they’re imposing on the readers. As writers, we need to think of a way to keep the reader hooked until the very end, without making them feel uneducated. Trimble likes to think of this closer as half-summary, half-conclusion. The most important section to me was where Trimble lists the three imperatives which are, “(1) focus on your main point (which may be your final point); (2) gratify us with at least one last new twist or phrase to make your point memorable; and (3) end with emotional impact” (45). These imperatives help writers form a guideline to get the closing statement they want without screwing over the readers. He ends the section with an example of a student’s closing statements and how they managed to follow the advice of these writers and make it more of a possibility to engage the readers in a positive way. Paragraph: The paragraph I chose to edit and highlight for my closer’s piece was a concluding paragraph I wrote for my Intro to English Literature course last year. I always had issues with writing the beginning and the end of a paper although I had just defended my stance accurately throughout it. This conclusion was no different, needing more of the “half-summary” section, but still teaching a valuable lesson to the readers. Although the audience was my professor who had probably read the book a million times, I still wanted it to be universal for students who had only read it once because it was an assignment. Because this was an opinion-based paper, I was able to put more of my emotion into the paper, but now feel that it could have been better without it.

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