Statement of Goals and Choices

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(1) What, specifically, is this artifact trying to accomplish? What work does, or might, this piece do in response to your original wicked problem? For whom? In what contexts? And for what ends and purposes? The artifact is attempting to address the gap of diversity in literature. We see that within the St. Edward’s University curriculum, there isn’t a full course on diverse literature that offers a full scope of underrepresented communities. Our original wicked problem was dealing with inclusivity in the media, and with this course we are able to address the problems and inform students of the gap in the industry. This allows future students to work with minority communities, read their stories, and study the rhetoric changes over the age groups as well. We are planning for the course to take place at the university level because of the comparative lack of liberty in primary English courses provided by the state through elementary, middle, and high school.

(2) What specific rhetorical, material, methodological, and technological choices did your team make in service of accomplishing the goal(s) articulated above? Catalog, as well, choices that you might not have consciously made—those constraints that were made for you when you because your particular prototype was advanced, materials accessible to your team, and technologies your team could and could not manage. Our team made the choices of forming a schedule and making reading material heavier than normal. We realized that the course was beginning to sound more like a literature class than a WRIT course, so we decided to put more of an emphasis on the differing rhetorical styles and how these gaps affect the industry. We crafted a syllabus, a course schedule, a proposal, and a presentation. Each document highlights the plan in different ways, connecting it to the WRIT program. Because we realized how hard it would be to read all the books we wanted to include in such a short amount of time, we had to cut some books as well as change some course schedules so the end of the semester wasn’t so packed with reading. We were also able to speak to professors teaching similar courses or who were willing to approve the course and possibly teach it. These resources made the course easier to plan as well. Overall, we only really had to use document and presentation softwares which were fairly easy on all our parts. Google Drive was definitely our best friend as a group. (3) How did the various choices listed above allow you to accomplish things that other sets or combinations of choices would not have?

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Statement of Goals and Choices by princesleah_a - Issuu